What to say at your job interview? English Phrases & Tips!

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dad oh right so welcome back to our live stream this week everybody thank you for joining us as always we're beginning today's episode today we're going to focus on job interviews we have a lot to talk about I planned a lot of things to discuss we're going to look at some sample questions of course and what those questions mean I tried to choose some questions that I thought would be kind of common questions but that maybe the meanings aren't always so clear for you so we're going to talk about that and I wanted to talk about some sample responses to those questions so that's what we're going to do today it's a lot of things to do so I want to start as quickly as possible I know that YouTube is up great hi YouTube hello everybody good morning good afternoon good evening from wherever you are I looked it up we have all kinds of different time zones joining at different times of day I suppose so welcome Facebook is up - great so as we wait just a couple minutes for everybody to join us I want to of course introduce something that's actually a connection to what we talked about last week last week for those of you who joined us we talked about like exchanging your contact information and how to do that politely um so I did actually usually I try to do something like on Twitter or Instagram to show kind of like how I use those points in my everyday life this week though I wanted to connect kind of this week's topic with last week's topic so as you'll see in a second here I actually I tweeted a poll a quick poll yesterday about how you choose to use social media how you exchange contact information with your work colleagues so this is what I think we'll see in just a second here the poll that I tweeted yesterday ready to go it's coming up okay good so I tweeted this yesterday asking um like essentially I said we talked last week about sharing your contact information like do you have facebook or do you have Twitter or Instagram or whatever but this week because we're talking about job interviews and lately like social media connections and your job can kind of raise some questions in the workplace I asked everyone on Twitter this question do you exchange social media contact info information with your work colleagues this was a key question that I raised so the results came in this morning I checked this morning actually here so 58% of you said you're close colleagues only you exchanged your contact information with 38% of you said absolutely not so this is from like I had like 40 people respond it was a very short poll but this is something to think about perhaps when you are looking for a job when you're having job interviews when you're going to meet people and talk about your work some people choose to be very careful about their social media presence so maybe this is one thing to think about today kind of in the background as we discuss okay so with that I want to get right into today's topic it looks like Facebook is up good morning let's see site though son hello someone from Vietnam Hong Sean hello and Joe hello someone from India yeah mooch son hello good okay and all right Harley hi I see you in YouTube welcome back a Francisco blur Juan from Brazil fantastic okay let's get into today's topic then there's a lot to talk about so today I'm going to talk about three things as I mentioned today we're going to talk about three primary or a couple of things one sample questions and then sample answers for that and then we're going to talk about sort of the end of an interview as well so I've broken it into really three parts that I want to look at so first I'm going to talk about the questions we do at the beginning of an interview second will be kind of some common questions in the middle of an interview and third we'll be questions to ask the interviewer yeah this part right here right here so this is the our kind of agenda for the day so first we're going to do this bit questions at the beginning of an interview this will be the first thing I want to talk about so good so and if you're just joining of course as always please make sure to like and share the video it is very helpful for us so I hope we can share a lot of really good information yeah please hit the like button on Facebook or on YouTube okay but let's begin with the first part so some typical questions that you get at the beginning of the interview I want to start with a very typical initial a very typical first interview question which is tell me a little bit about yourself tell me a little bit about yourself so this is a small question however this is a question that's inviting you to give kind of a general introduction so you should give a short history of yourself when you hear this question essentially so when you are answering this question depending on the place you are at in your career or in your life you should include in this in your answer to this question your studies what did you study maybe have you lived in different countries what languages do you speak maybe where have you worked in the past so you can use probably past tense and let's see present perfect tense to answer some of these questions so maybe share some key things some key points that you learned what are your interests what are your achievements so you would you should probably give a general summary of yourself in this question when they say this is this isn't really a question you'll see this is sort of a general statement that the interviewer makes tell me a little bit about yourself so that's the first one that's a very common one to begin I think interviews so that's the first one I want to talk about second another common question you might get in an interview near the beginning of the interview I have a couple paired here is how did you learn about the position or how did you hear about the position so how did you learn about or how did you hear about the position so sometimes an interviewer will ask you where you got the information about the job so did you find this from an advertisement on the Internet did you find it on the company's website or maybe you were introduced by someone in the company if you have a relationship with someone in the company you can explain that here so sometimes interviewers will ask how you found out about the position maybe their advertising in in different places and that can help the interviewer understand maybe your connection to the position or to maybe someone else in the company so you can just you can give a short answer to this like I saw the position I advertised on like ABC web site or I heard about the position through a friend who works at this company or I was referred so if someone like recommends you or refers you to a position you can mention that here too so this is how you found the job opening essentially how did you find that so these are common questions you might hear one of these in the beginning towards the beginning of an interview but I want to go on to maybe one of the most common questions one of the most common interview questions that might not be so clear the meaning of this question might not always be so clear but it is a very common one and it's a con it's a question that you may hear at job reviews or like it performance reviews - so this is an important question to know not only when you are hired for a job when you are applying for a job but also after you've been at that job for some time so this question and a please think about your answer for this this is going to be our first kind of chat response answer is the question is where do you see yourself in five years where do you see yourself in five years so the meaning of this question is what is your vision of yourself in five so here reviews the verb see where do you see yourself but it's in your mind what is your goal for yourself in five years so what do you imagine you will be doing in five years so this should be a professional a professional situation so what do you imagine your life will be like in five years so some things to think about when you answer this question in five years what do you want to have achieved so in the past five years what do you want to have achieved or what do you want to have learned and think about in five years what's going to be the next step for you what do you think is the next thing you want to work on so when you're answering this question though especially during the first interview you're applying for a job it's also important to think about this question from the company's side so of course you have your personal goals but you also need to think about how you can match the company as well so be thinking like okay how can I achieve my goals but also how do my goals meet the company's goals so think about what the company is working to achieve and what you are working to achieve and try to connect those think about how to connect those when you answer this question so think about how you can succeed but in doing so in doing your job at the company then how are you going to help the company so this is a really important question so think about how you can kind of plan to grow along with the company then too so this is a good one to to practice so I want to practice with this one to begin today so this is our first question some of you are already answering it that's amazing so imagine then in a job interview your interviewer asks where do you see yourself in five years so to answer this question here's one pattern of we can use I see myself plus I have the verb here in the progressive form so in five years what is the thing what is the or what is the activity you will be doing in the future the activity that will be in progress that will be continuing for you so for example I see myself teaching English in another country for example or I see myself Oh or I see myself studying in the UK for example or I see myself working on independent projects so imagine in five years what are you going to be doing and how can you explain that so if an interviewer asks you this I see myself what activity like so think of this professionally I see myself building my own company or starting my own company or I see myself I don't know developing a new product for example so please think of this in terms of your professional goals your workable so some of you like Denari says I can see myself living in a big house that's good that's fine for grammar but think about it for a job interview Deena hey Deena welcome back I saw you last week Deena has a great answer on YouTube I imagined myself in five years as I am an independent woman who has careful aha who has her own company or my own business nice very nice very nice so your professional goals just remember also though to like when you are making these statements for an interview think about how to show your goals match the company's goals to Sharlee says I see myself becoming the manage something of a field ah ok thanks I see myself becoming the manager a manager in my field nice ok great I see myself he day says I see myself teaching Japanese using English on the Internet oh very nice ok good norito says I see myself traveling around the world okay that's a nice maybe personal goal personal goals too so think about this for professional goals for a job interview yeah Harley says I see myself building my own car company ok great MB I see myself working as a me okay Oscar says I see myself teaching physics in a university in my home country fantastic you guys have really interesting goals on Facebook manna says says I see myself speaking English fluently and learning Spanish fantastic garrison hey I see myself working hard as a computer technician great um Minh on YouTube I see myself working as a tour guide great it was so fact I see myself working as something for the company but sorry I missed it oh good I see myself working very hard for the company okay that's a good one however if you want to use that answer if you're in a job interview if I'm here like I'm interviewing you and I say where do you see yourself in five years and you say I see myself working very hard at this company that's nice if you want to say that I think you should include specifically a goal for your time in the company okay so that's something to think about all right great answers to this first question but it's time to take a break and today we have an exciting break because we have something totally new for you guys it's time so we have a brand new cheat sheet and this is something that might be really useful for you as you apply for jobs and as you're trying to work on improving your English to apply for jobs we have a new TOEIC taking the TOEIC cheat sheet here so this is our special new cheat sheet that you can download for free from the website if you would like this it is free it is in the link below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook please check the links there so this is actually a guide for how to take the TOEIC test so what things can you think about that will help you succeed or help you improve when taking the TOEIC test so for example trying to answer the questions right away or trying to kind of like predict or get some previews of questions if you have extra time so this is a whole guide there are actually 10 points here about how to kind of change your strategy a little bit in taking the TOEIC test so for example I just mentioned like you know for years like marking the right answer immediately so like if you know the answer like just just go for it because you're not penalized in this case on the TOEIC test so if you are working to improve your English like for job interviews like we're talking about today or there's something else you would like to take the TOEIC for of course just just to challenge yourself as well this could be a good resource to help you as you work on improving that test score so please go download this you can get this this is Brandt this is a totally new one it's two pages it's a good one so please check it out you can find the link below the video if you're watching on YouTube and above the video if you're watching on Facebook so check out this new toad cheat sheet we'll talk about it again a little bit later okay so you can download this you go to the website from the link and you just sign in with your account log in with your account if you don't have an account you can make one really quickly like 15 seconds or so so please check that out it could be a really good resource for people taking the test all right great so let's get back to today's topic I am talking too much so let's get back to today's topic today we are talking about job interviews job interviews talking is goods as the producer so we're talking about job interviews if you just joined us of course please make sure to like and share the video I hope this can be really helpful for a lot of people but we're going to move on to some questions you might hear near the middle of an interview so in the beginning of today's lesson and if you missed it you can always watch this back later in the beginning of today's lesson I talked about the question how did you hear about this position or where did you hear about where did you learn about this position I want to move on to another question that's sort of related it could be related in some cases the question is why are you interested in working for our company why are you interested in work so in other words why did you choose this job to apply to like why do you want to work here so this is a question that you should probably have done some research to answer like when you answer this question it's a good idea to show that you understand or are at least interested in learning more about the company's goals so does the company have goals that match your professional goals so like you said you gave some great answers to that where do you see yourself in five years question think about your professional goals and the company's goals and maybe explain well they match really well or maybe you think you can learn a lot from the company and in learning from them you can help them as well or maybe you really admire that company's work and you want to work with them because you feel like you you have a nice like personal match with the companies like social policies for example so why are you interested in working for our company so I'm interested in working for your company because the company's goals match my professional goals and give some examples example a or example B for example okay so this is a question you might hear well maybe in the middle or maybe in the beginning of the interview why do you want to work here in other ways okay so I want to go on to another one or actually there's one more thing that I wanted to mention about this point though if you are interested in working for a company that has that you know has like good benefits maybe or good pay that's great congratulations but when you answer this question if you say I want to work at your company because I heard the pay is good that's typically not the best response to this question so maybe that's a good thing if perhaps the company has benefits that would be beneficial or good for your family maybe it's appropriate to mention that like as but as sort of like a side point perhaps typically it's not a good idea to focus on like or benefits as the first reason to be interested in working for a company okay so let's go on to the next question I want to talk about or the next maybe issue that an interviewer might ask you so a little challenging maybe this one is tell me about a time you encountered a problem at work how did you deal with it so this first part tell me about a time you encountered so encounter it sort of means like meet meet so in other words tell the interviewer about a problem you had at your job and how this how did you deal with it means how did you fix the problem so when the interviewer asks this question they're asking how do you solve problems so like what's an example of a problem you had in the past and how did you fix it so if for example like here like for example I could say I had a new project called ask Alicia where I needed to edit videos regularly but I didn't know all of the details of the software that the company used so I studied myself I studied with online tutorials I asked advice from my colleagues and then I gained more familiarity I became able to use the software and now I'm confident that I can do my my recycle take care of my responsibilities for example so give an example have have this in your head before the interview this is something to prepare so what's a problem that you had what's something that you struggled with maybe and how did you fix that issue so this is another one okay but the next one that I want to talk about is your neck your next question to consider this can be a tough one to answer Oh actually Luis in YouTube says what happens if I don't have any experience if you don't have any work experience like if you're a student for example you can use an example from University or perhaps if you are part of a social group or you're part of a club for example at your university you can describe an experience you had there so this if you're just starting out if you don't have work experience you can use experi from a different community group to answer this question so a good point thanks for that question okay but I want to move on to the next question for you guys to answer in the chat so this is it this is kind of tricky so the question from the interviewer is what do you consider your strengths and weaknesses so in other points or in other words what do you think you are good at your strengths and what do you think you are bad at so this part especially is difficult to talk about because you don't want to say in an interview really like I'm not very good at this I'm not very good at that but everybody has weaknesses so when you talk about this you should explain these are some kind of patterns you can use to explain these things so when you say like explain your strengths you can say I'm good at bla bla bla I'm good at like in my case like I'm pretty good at multitasking and I can handle many different projects at the same time when you talk about your weaknesses so things you are bad at or not so good at things you are weak with you can use this pattern sometimes it's difficult for me to verb so sometimes it's difficult for me to make plans or sometimes it's difficult for me to do a lot of research for it I don't know so something that's difficult for you to do you can explain here finally after you explain your what you're not so good at talk about how you fix this problem so in my case for example like sometimes I get like stuck like I want to I want to do things perfectly every time and then I take way too much time to research or like to fix small points so how do you fix this problem in other words so in my case I can say I have learned to ask my colleagues for advice or I have learned to set a time limit for myself when working on projects so I'm good at this I'm not so good at this and here is how I fix this problem that I have identified with myself so these are this is kind of a pattern we can use so think of for you then so the question here what do you consider your strengths and weaknesses what do you consider your strengths and weaknesses so like I said like I'm pretty I'm good at multitasking and I can handle many things at different times but like if I don't know that sometimes it's difficult for me to know the next step in the project and so I spend a lot of time to think about all the different steps take too much time sometimes so I've learned to avoid this by consulting or by talking with colleagues or with managers for example okay producer says so she has a funny example sometimes it's difficult for me to stay awake I've learned that a lot of caffeine helps great great very nice and simple example there good one good one thanks ice okay good so a lot of you are saying I'm good at building motors for example I'm good at fixing computers so but remember when the interviewer asks you this question you can't only say I'm good at I'm good at I'm good at its you need to explain like I am not so good at this other thing so what aren't you so good at sometimes it's difficult for me to memorize everything nice fun okay sometimes it's difficult for me to memorize everything absolutely so how have you learned to fix that lluís Wow nice one he has a paragraph I would say that I'm a perfectionist yeah that's it that's a common one I'm a perfectionist as that's so that's a weak that's a weakness because usually I'm trying or I'm looking to do everything in the best way and for that reason I waste a lot of time right right okay good so many people are explaining like they're good at something or they're not so good at something it's difficult remember when you explain what you're not so good at how do you fix it okay you says I'm good at learning new things but sometimes it's difficult for me to socialize with other people I have learned well I don't know well so okay so maybe if it's difficult for you to answer one of these questions maybe this is that's a good one to focus on how can you answer this question so please think of it okay mmm all right taking notes says Roberto on Facebook so maybe something you're good at doing all right so please think about it if you see one of these questions and you're like I don't know how to answer this maybe that's a good question for you to focus on all right I'm going to just go to my last question for the day if that's okay because time is running out quickly so the last question I want to talk about today is kind of maybe it could be confusing sometimes actually the question is is a question to you as the interviewee however it's a chance to ask the interview or something so the question here is often the last question in a job interview is do you have any questions for me so if I'm your interviewer I will maybe finish the interview I'll say do you have any questions for me this is your chance to show you research the company that you're thinking carefully about the job and that you want to know more so this this is gonna show maybe that you're taking initiative that you're really trying you you yourself are starting to investigate are starting to research the company and care about the job so this depending on how formal the interview is you can ask maybe some more general questions or sometimes they can be a little more casual like maybe you know the interviewer or maybe it's a company that's you know close to your family for example so the response might be a little bit different but I want to look at a few examples that you could use some very very general ones if you don't have any ideas these might give you some hints so one question you could ask in response so someone says do you have any questions for me you might want to ask a few things about working there so one example that you can use is could you tell me ah oh sorry I just realized in my notes I have extra I didn't finish somehow that's my mistake sorry music I left some half written text there so yes that's my bed my my bad means it was my mistake my bad it's a very casual expression anyway my bad but this is a answer and answer do you have any questions for me means could you tell me a little bit about the work environment here work environment so in other words this is a formal question meaning what is it like to work in your company so please tell me like alright what I was going to say is our employees like quite connected do people like spend a lot of time working together or ours is is the company very independent are many people kind of working separately so tell me a little bit about the work environment here maybe is there a lot of overtime work or what can I expect in other words about work environment another question that you can ask the interviewer is about the the actual work the actual projects the actual things that they're working on with a question like what kinds of projects are upcoming upcoming needs in the future next projects for the company or for the department what kinds of projects are upcoming for the company what kinds of projects are upcoming for the department so this is a question about the next thing the company is going to do you want to know the future what is the company thinking about what is the department thinking about in the future so this can show you want to know maybe how you might participate in those projects finally another good one to do that I've seen recommended many times is of kind of a very I think a very I don't know if if I were asked this question I think I would be I would be very interested anyway the question is if I were part of the team what project would I be working on so here you can see we've talked about it in live streams before if I were part of the team this is the future potential situation what project would I be working on this is a good question because one it helps you understand the work you would be starting with in the future if you get the job this is this would be the project you would do so that's one but two people say this is a good question because this gives the interviewer a chance to imagine you as part of the team so there are two parts to this question this is a good one for the interviewer and a good one for the interviewee so this is a nice general question to ask okay great so I hope that that was useful I know we only have 30 minutes it's not a long time to talk about all of these all the questions from job interviews but I hope that that was a nice overview a nice summary of some common questions and how you can answer them and of course you can google you can Google search a little bit for some more sample answers to those questions but we have to finish up for today unfortunately so thank you so much for joining us for this week oh yes I should say Pierre Medina high gear welcome back on the YouTube chat says what will be my salary that is a typically question to avoid at the end of the interview it's typically not such a good idea to directly ask that question many will just say it's it's for negotiation so typically it's hard to do okay that question but anyway we have to finish today's lesson unfortunately so I'll end here but we're going to of course be back again next week so this week was job interviews so kind of in a continuation in continuing sort of this theme of like you know goals and job interviews and working hard next week's topic we're going to talk about in English of course ways to stop procrastinating so if you don't know the word procrastinating means like putting things off or delaying your work delaying your activities so I want to talk about that topic specifically for like your studies your English Studies so how kind of some way that you can motivate yourself when learning English so we'll talk about some strategies for that so please join us next week that will be Wednesday January 23rd at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's New York City time I looked it up I think it's like 7:30 a.m. in India maybe and like for Peter no like 9:00 in maybe Vietnam and I think I think so and maybe midnight in Brazil I think I have to check I have to check there's a lot of different time zones so please join us next week we'll talk about some ways to help stop procrastinating so in other words to to Inc like motivate you as you work on your studies so that will be next week please check it out and of course you'll see in just a minute as we talked about earlier please check out this the new cheat sheet the TOEIC cheat sheets so we talked about job interviews today of course but this is I know many of you are working on tests so of course this is a TOEIC test cheat sheet so if you're taking to--if these could be some good strategies to help you with the TOEIC test but in general for testing in general these might give you some good hints so please check this this is the link the link for this is below the video if you're watching on youtube and above the video if you're watching on facebook so please go download this the lessons going to finish soon check this out this is great this is totally new so this is a good one for you and then of course as always thank you so much for joining for sending your questions for sending your example sentences thank you so much for liking the video and for sharing the video and for all your comments and everything it's great so I have to finish up today but I hope you enjoy the rest of your week enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you again next time bye bye you you
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 541,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishclass101.com, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, job interview, interview in english, interview questions, what to say at your job interview, answers at job interview, job, work, company
Id: WTAWi4lj6Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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