How to Order Food at a Restaurant in English - Basic English Phrases

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Oh a great tie everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about how to eat at a restaurant for today's lesson I'm going to talk about how to make reservations I'm going to talk about ordering at the restaurant asking questions making complaints and getting the bill so today's goal is to go through the flow of visiting a restaurant there's a lot to do so I hope that there's a lot of stuff that we can review as well I see we're loading our youtube and facebook chats right now so as you join please send us a message please like and share the video so that other people can find it as always do we have free stuff available for everyone in the link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook you can get free pdf vocabulary and phrase files from this link I'll show you the food-related one a bit later today so please check out this link for your free stuff as always this week great it looks like the chats are ready hi everybody in YouTube chat Bruno and soul blues little angel one menage à choux hello everybody welcome thanks for coming and Facebook I see a few people on Facebook Giovanni Oswaldo sank on hermana may be great okay nice so we're going to start in just a moment we'll give people a little more time to join today's lesson as I said today's lesson is about eating at a restaurant eating at a restaurant so as you join please do send a message in the chat so that we can see you and in the meantime while we wait I too will share the video and then we'll begin it's about let's see four minutes passed we're a little bit maybe too late is Facebook okay okay sounds good then great so I think everything is working awesome yes great okay there's Facebook for a while I wasn't seeing comments they're awesome great Kannan Chuang and yeah well lac take laid-back hello ah konichiwa his laid-back that's may be good for our Japanese okay um good good okay yeah now I see Facebook awesome good though okay so if you're just joining as I said today's lesson is on eating at a restaurant eating at a restaurant I am going to begin today's lesson over here with some reservation related phrases so when I say reservation I'm gonna focus for this lesson on making a phone reservation to begin your trip to a restaurant and I want to focus in this part on prepositions so prepositions remember are those short little words like of 2 4 5 and so on those are prepositions I'm going to focus on those and on a couple small pronunciation points that I hope can help you make your reservations more smoothly so let's begin ok first the first step in making a reservation calling to make a reservation yes I know there are internet reservations but sometimes it's still easier just to call and make the reservation ok so first I'd like to make a reservation I'd like to make a reservation first point for today's lesson is in this sentence I'd like to make a reservation my point right here is this I'd I'd I apostrophe D this is the reduced form of I would I'd like to make a reservation I would like is what this means I'd so first point here I'd like next point here is this - sometimes learners forget this - I'd like to I'd like to make up reservation so as I said I want to focus on these little connecting words a lot in this lesson I'd like to make a reservation so a mistake I often hear is learners forget to pronounce this it's not I like that's a totally different grammar pattern but I'd like I'd like I'd like to make a reservation please keep in mind reservation reservation is different from appointment reservation is different from appointment we use reservation for hotels and restaurants appointment is a word we use for like hair salons or for the doctor's office a dentist's office an appointment we use restaurant sorry reservation for restaurants okay Arturo hey there assess make a reservation or a booking you can use booking I'd like to make a booking I suppose but booking I feel like is used more in travel we also use the verb to book so I'll add it here to book do book or to make a reservations we can use that yes but we tend to use book a little more often when we're reporting this to someone else you could use like I'd like to book a table here perhaps but I use book personally more when I'm talking to my friends about the reservation like I booked this restaurant or I booked a table at this restaurant so yes to book something means to make a reservation you can use that but the pattern changes a little bit so I wanted to focus on this one for today but yes you can use that ok good Diego says I'd like to make a reservation for two yes great so we're going to move on to the next part beef here B here is the staff person the restaurant staff person on phone so we've said I'd like to make a reservation hello I'd like to make a reservation staff says okay for what day and time you might hear date as well that's possible but here he preposition is for for for what day you might also hear like what day are you thinking about what day are you thinking about or what day do you have in mind what day do you have in mind so there are a couple of different patterns I think this one is very general okay for what day and time so your response then here needs to include the date and the time and it's a good idea to include the number of people so for people for Saturday the 17th at 6 p.m. for people for Saturday the 17th at 6 p.m. so again I want to focus on prepositions in this sentence first 4 people 4 so we're putting 4 before the date and time here's my date and time Saturday the 17th 17th means the 17th of this month so it's very common to drop the month when you're making a reservation so this is probably not like Saturday the 17th of December it's understood it's the 17th of this month also we're using the here before the date so if it were the 10th for example like for the 10th at 6 p.m. for the 12th for the 2nd so include your article here your definite article the before your date before your time then include your preposition for time at 6:00 p.m. not in not on at 6:00 p.m. we use at to mark a specific point in time so again this reads for people for Saturday the 17th at 6:00 p.m. there are three components we are connecting those with prepositions and an article here so you can try to send along another date in the chat I will try to check it out I'll try to check that out nice one Oh Weiss wrote three people for Friday the fourth at 12 p.m. perfect very nice very nice send a few more examples so include floor and at before your date for your time that's a key point for today okay while I wait for your for your examples I want to mention sometimes the restaurant cannot take this reservation sometimes this rest of the restaurant is busy on this date or this time so in those cases the response from the staff is sorry we're full at 6:00 sorry we're full so two points here first this we're we're this is the contracted form of I'm sorry we are we are so the staff person will not say we are full or maybe they will it's not likely they'll say sorry we're full full full F ull full means all seats all tables in the restaurant are full it means they're occupied someone has reserved someone has booked that seat already you cannot use that seat sorry we're full at 6:00 so we see this preposition again here at 6:00 that shows us this specific time 6:00 is full so you can respond with a substitute time or an alternative time how about 7:00 how about 7:00 here how about is a suggestion pattern how about seven okay finally let's say it's okay seven is okay the restaurant is not full seven is fine seven is fine or seven is okay you'll hear something like that then can I have your name and phone number can I have your name and phone number so seven is fine can I have your name and phone number here can I have means please give me please give me your name and phone number please tell me your name and phone number so in my case I would say my name is Alicia my phone number is one two three four five six seven eight nine zero okay there are some other examples coming in shock Oh said I'd like to make a reservation for Thursday the 14th at 7 p.m. perfect oh that's today isn't it good ok nice other ones Mohammed on Facebook five people for Friday the 6th at 12 p.m. perfect very nice could I pronounce there yes there th ey dari their their practicum YouTube said sorry we're full at 6 p.m. yes exactly sorry were full at 6 p.m. you can include p.m. here nice see 8 is fine ah always on YouTube row 8 is fine can I have your address address remember address is the place you live the restaurant does not need your address the restaurant should only should ask only for your name and phone number just your name and phone number there's no reason I can imagine why a restaurant would ask for your address okay um let's see Jorge on facebook says could I have your phone number or must you say can no you may here could as well could concerns a little bit more polite could I have your phone number please yes you will here could as well okay junior a junior a long time to see thanks for joining the chat great okay can I repeat that please which part which parts we can come back to some of this but for now I'm going to take a quick break so this is the first part of today's lesson making the reservation I chose for today's break to focus on over here to focus on this PDF that we have from the link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook this is the dining PDF cheat sheet you can download this and you can save this to like your iPhone your iPad your computer wherever so today we're talking about food on the first page of this are some key phrases here is a phrase for claiming your reservation I have a reservation at 9 so when you arrive at the restaurant after we've just talked about making the reservation I have a reservation at 9 right here is how you claim your reservation then we're going to talk today about some of these other phrases this one right here sorry this one right here do you have a table for two do you have a table for two this is an expression that you can use if you don't have a reservation and you just walk into the restaurant this right here do you have a table for two do you have a table for four four people two people that is the expression we use to walk in to a restaurant with no reservation so these are very helpful basic phrases I'm going to talk about some of these in today's lesson and some new ones too but if you would like to get this I'll show this again later in some other points there's a lot if you'd like to pick this up and some other PDFs we have a lot more about other topics like singing this one singing but I'm focusing on food today please check the link below the video on YouTube in the description or check the link above the video if you're watching on Facebook if you're watching on Instagram check YouTube or Facebook please to find the link okay good so as I said today we're talking about eating at restaurants I started this lesson by looking at how to make a reservation for the second part of today's lesson I'm going to talk about like asking questions how to ask questions about the menu so you've come to the restaurant you've claimed your reservation I have a reservation at 7:00 for four people for example so part two today will be this so if you're just joining please make sure to send some example sentences in the chat and I'll try to check them of course we really appreciate it if you like and share the video too so other learners can find it ok onward asking about the menu I've prepared a couple questions here to help you ask details about the menu I know there are many people that have specific food needs like there are some things you can eat or you cannot eat so we're going to cover that today first point I want to review I know many of you know this expression but I want to review two things if you arrived at the restaurant and you want a recommendation how do you ask for them there are two common patterns first do you have any recommendations so do not forget this s many learners forget this s do you have any any recommendations and we use any here because we use any when we're asking information questions not some don't use some do you have any recommendations use the plural form there or another common pattern here same exact meaning is what do you recommend what do you recommend so notice here there's no s at the end of this no recommends because recommend in this pattern is used as a verb recommendation here is used as a noun in this pattern so these two sentences have the same purpose the same meaning but they have different grammatical structures so please choose one of these do you have any recommendations what do you recommend one of those two is okay don't mix the two second then if you need to ask about the ingredients so the ingredients means the things a dish is made with so the contents of the dish what's inside the food to ask about that and maybe there are some others you can send in the chat if you have other like food needs ways to ask about that is this vegan for example is this vegetarian where is this is the dish so how do you use this expression let's imagine you're at the restaurant looking at the menu and the waiter or waitress comes to your table you point at the thing on the menu and say is this vegan is this vegan I pointed at beef is this vegan so no this is beef in this case I'm actually pointing at beef but this is not vegan so is this vegan no is this vegetarian know what else is others a salad here - is this vegetarian so maybe I don't know if there meat in this salad is this vegetarian point at something and ask this question is this vegan is this vegetarian a second point here notice the pronunciation is different between these two words but they are spelled similarly the eg and VG here vegan vegan and vegetarian so the e sound changes vegan and vegetarian so remember vegetarian has the same pronunciation as vegetable vegetable vegan takes a special pronounciation okay yes someone else has another one Abdul wrote is this kosher is this kosher yes great is this kosher that's exactly correct we can use the same one is this dish vegan perfect good I am vegetarian good yeah great South I know many viewers have different food needs so vegetarian vegan kosher is all very important I think ok on to this next one I know this is something that's of course popular among some people but also very important for others gluten-free is the last one here is this gluten-free gluten-free so this is a common question to ask regarding bread products bread related products gluten-free okay what do you call people who eat meat well we can say carnivore carnivore person who eats meat or a person who eats meat and vegetables is an omnivore as well so omnivore or a carnivore I'll write that here so a vegetarian you can say I'm vegetarian actually yeah let's make a vocabulary list here this is a good one thanks for your question so if you eat meat you are a carnivore carnivore carnivore your Spanish speakers out there may be recognized this carne as in like carne I think relating to meat so carnivore is the English word for a meat eater and omnivore is a person or a creature that eats everything so Omni here Omni means everything maybe you know the word omniscient omnipresent Omni means briefing all things everywhere so meat fish plants everything great omnivore vegetarian vegetables one more pescetarian oops pescetarian pescetarian for maybe french speakers Pesce Pesce like Pescatore relates to fish a pescetarian is someone who eats fish so many people don't eat like red meat but they eat fish that's called a pescetarian pescetarian so maybe you are pescetarian good ok let's move along x go on quick so onward next point ordering let's go to maybe the most important point of the meal ordering your food so I have two patterns here I want to keep it simple two patterns first can I have the food item please can I have the food item please so again we're looking at the menu here we see something we like hmm can I have that salad please or can I have the seafood please can I have the chicken please so use the here because you're asking for a specific item this thing right here that your restaurant has on the menu I want this one that's why we use the if you just say can I have chicken please it's like which chicken maybe there are a few other chicken dishes on the menu or maybe it's not so clear to the server exactly which dish you mean so use the food item or the menu item name in this pattern can I have the chicken burger please can I have the veggie burger please so use that before the food item to make your request sound more natural okay pratik on the in the YouTube chat says can I have up order please careful if you are ready you lift at the menu and you're ready to order say can I order please not can I have order can i order we use 10 I have plus this item for an object we want to receive can I have this thing please can I order is asking is this behavior okay can i order so please be careful there thanks for that point okay can I have the roast beef please perfect can I have a important point can I've this I have we do not reduce this I have can I've is well is not used can I have the roast beef please can I have some spicy food please so don't reduce this I this will not reduce too bad and I have can I have when you make a request can I have how do you say serviette the in English I don't know I don't know I don't know I would recommend you check a dictionary for that one okay good can I have some Indian food please good can I have a glass of water perfect great great so a shoes so shallow got our next one here can I have or can I get when you're ordering drinks this is my second pattern can I get up for example glass glass singular noun your singular noun of water in this case can I get a burger please or can I get sandwich please so this is a more casual way to make your order can I have something please can I get get is a kind of rougher way slightly rougher way more casual way to make your request I feel I would use can I get more in like a fast food situation I go to like McDonald's working something like that can I get the chicken sandwich I would use it there so there I use this pattern the food item please you can use this part with can I get it's okay to mix those there so can I get sounds a little rougher but when you order drinks keep in mind there are drinks that are uncountable nouns we cannot use like one wine two wines three wines we have to use a counter word glass of wine bottle of wine someone wrote can I get a bottle of Malbec yeah nice choice I like Malbecs that's delicious okay so to do that can I get or can I have a bottle of the Malbec please for wine can I have a bottle of that Chardonnay please same thing for beer can I have a pint of the Stout please that is my favorite can I have a pint of the Vice please so use the same request pattern and use your counter words before your uncountable nouns here this is how we do it okay can I use could yes you can so could I have something something guests great can I get a couple of drinks a couple of drinks Fabiano can I get a couple of drinks couple is too so make sure drink takes the S the plural form can I get a couple of drinks can I say let me get an ice cream please I would say can I get an ice cream can I get an ice cream please don't forget your and there cuz ice cream starts with the vowel sound okay I'll finish today's lesson over here and then I'll show you this one more time making requests during the meal these are very simple these are very simple patterns I made when you need to ask for something during the meal can we or can I do something so again we're using this can I get can I have pattern yes you can use could as well it's going to sound a little more polite so can we have the dessert menu can we have the dessert menu also no dessert pronunciation of dessert make sure desert desert so not desert desert but desert desert can we have the dessert menu can we see the wine list so can I have a fork a knife a spoon a napkin please so you'll see all of these sentences all of these requests follow that same pattern can we have can I have this noun please so we're also using the the to refer to this restaurants dessert menu this restaurants wine list the wine list the dessert menu okay finally complaining that's done if you have a problem at the restaurant these are two ways that you can address this first okay I have to go quickly first let's say you receive your food and it's not correct you're like I ordered chicken but this is beef so to explain that you use this isn't what I ordered this isn't what I ordered the past tense this is not what I ordered this is not the food I ordered here I ordered chicken or I ordered salad this isn't what I ordered if the food is not correctly cooked use this isn't cooked this isn't cooked for example you order beef and it's totally raw very strange situation ever but if it's not cooked correctly this isn't cooked or if it's cooked too much this is over cooked this is over okay so those are a couple ways to make a complaint all right lastly then good I see lots of people sending sentences this isn't what I ordered nice can I use could could you bring the menu yes many of you are asking can I use good can I use good the answer is yes yes yes could I have the menu please could I have the wine list please yes the answer is yes go ahead use good last thing to finish your meal when you have eaten you're ready to go this sentence right here is how to request your check same exact pattern this is a key point for today can I have the check please can I have the check please or could I have the check please you may hear people use bill - can I have the bill please I prefer check I think maybe British English speakers might use bill more commonly but either it's fine so please use that to finish your meal can I have the check please and then you're done great so we'll end there cuz I'm late ok I have to finish someone says I'm starving now oh I hope it's not too late I hope you can go eat so I hope that these expressions helped you in making reservations ordering asking questions and so on this is the flow of visiting a restaurant so I hope that it's useful for you the next time you visit a restaurant if you missed it make sure to download your FREE Dining cheat sheet which I showed you earlier on the back our restaurant vocabulary words as well as menu items so please download this if you are interested in getting some vocabulary that you can use to talk about the menu at a restaurant please check this out you can get this from the link below the video on YouTube or above the video on Facebook so check this out for sure we'll finish today's lesson but we'll be back next week of course as always so please join us next week I'm very excited for next week's lesson next week it's hard to see on the screen but the next week's next week's live stream is phrases to use when giving a presentation so lots of you I know are practicing or working on English for career opportunities so next week I'm going to focus on presentation phrases it's going to be a bit different from a previous live stream on a similar topic so please join us next Wednesday February 20th 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to talk about presentation of phrases I'm excited about this one so I hope that this was a useful lesson for you don't forget to grab your free stuff and thank you so much for sending all of your example sentences in the chat and your questions fantastic if you have other questions please send those in the chat I will check those as well so thank you for liking the video thank you for sharing the video and I hope that you enjoy the rest of your week we will see you again soon bye bye
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 194,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, order food, restaurant, eating at a restaurant, ordering food in english, restaurant in english, food in english, talk about food, basic english phrases
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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