How to Smoke a Brisket & Burnt Ends Start to Finish

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all right well it's for the one Siri there cotton or cooking brisket soul we're not in camel so we're cooking a brisket we got a huge brisket today I'm gonna show you just from start to finish from trimming to end how to do a brisket now I'm cooking this just for myself this is just for for myself so it'll be a little different than if it was a competition or if I'm cooking for you know eight hundred a thousand people I'm gonna trim it a little different not to take as much time if I'm a competition won't trim it down a lot more but I'm gonna trim it and cook it for us just just how I like to eat brisket so obviously you can do whatever you want but this is a prime brisket you really have three cuts of meat prime choice and select there's actually nine but for most people here either if you've got a prime which it is your best a choice which is a good grade you see it's myths and stuff or select with you you don't normally want to stay away from so so we got a big nice front brisket this sucker is 20 pounds 20 point oh one pounds so it's it's huge I normally run from about 12 20 pounds on the brisket so you look at this thing like how are you start so we want to take off you got a bunch of fat it's just just as hard fat that's not gonna render down you got two points on a brisket or two points two sides you got the point this big old thing and then the flat sits in a nobody get a little smaller flat like I said this is a big basket so we're just gonna start by we want to get some meat exposed and so down this side right here and eyebright to go a touch too much you don't loosen meat it kind of makes you sick the first time and then you get a little more used to it Robby's taking off that edge and no one exposed to me as you see down this side just trim this back a little bit to our meats meats exposed and we're getting ready now I'm gonna do burnt ends today too but sometimes you can split that and I'll show you to see where we separate Poynter fight and cook that to separate off the starter I'm not cooking is one whole breast because I want to show you how to do a whole brisket and then who'll break that after we're done cooking and then do some burn ants so all this stuff that's up top you want to kind of get a streamline because everything that hits smoke you're going to lose anyway you want that smoke if you got stuff that's sticking out is that smoke rose over your brisket it's gonna burn those hands and get them to done so we're all trim this fat cap we're gonna go about quarter Nance your shawl just expose a little bit of meat and get that fat down to work we render there's no sense in putting all your seasoning and getting all that great bark on it on a big old hunk of fat that you're gonna cut off and throw away anyway sure I'm gonna trim this whole top down a little bit flip it over this thing weighs almost as much as I do we're gonna flip it over and on this back side I'm just gonna take off this little bit of silver skin and a little bit of stuff that we're gonna take this little piece off right here there's you get a little hard fat that runs along that side so we're gonna trim that off and we're gonna take that down so I'm gonna plant the silver skin I don't feel like it's take forever there's not much just trim pretty good I'm gonna flip over and take off the hard fat on the back and I'll kind of show you what we're left with in just a minute all right so we put this big old brisket on the diet that is our plate of fat like I said it so make you sick there's 20 pound $20 worth a fab you can go but you don't lose it anyway like I said I'm trimming for myself today how I like it it's America you do whatever you want you say oh you should lift a little more fat here oh I shoulda trim there we can talk about that all day long but let's talk about the end of a brisket instead of right now sure that's why I like it I'm trimming that up I looked a little bit of fat like I said you leave more take up more whatever I'm gonna separate and I get it coverage back I'm gonna separate my point for my flat and you can see all that fat runs right there we're gonna pull out all off after we cook it now I could do it right now and cook them separate I'm going to smoke it together and then we're gonna peel that point off make burnt ends out of that and leave that flat we'll turn that up the backside just took that Silverstein off them it was pretty pretty trimmed up pretty nice anyway it's ready to go we're gonna get that on the smoker here a minute so there's a nice part about talked about getting ready to smoke before in the morning for 15 years or better I cooked on a smoked on old barrel we'd kind of fabricated and it's a whole different smoke when you're smoking for 1215 hour breast 18 our brisket tendon fires and now it's almost cheap I'm gonna go to wreck tag tell girl for about the last six years so use that a ton and you know I'm gonna throw that thing and go to bed for five six hours and let it do its thing so we're gonna just season that up now I'm gonna wash my hands real faster then we'll grab that season hold on all right somebody's got salt pepper and garlic here I mix we're gonna lay that down first get a good layer of that I've got to trim this off Mike said I'm making burn ants so we're alright so I just want to hit that with a nice layer salt pepper garlic I've tried to keep that kind of streamlined so that smoke rolls over it so they don't get a lot of burn off there here's a nice part with beef like this I don't need a binder I don't need mustard olive oil or anything on that someone let this sit for about an hour and that's so on give them sweat and good and it's so long felt that stuff stick to that meat sauce and get down there and so I don't do don't do that with my nice people that you know we're gonna have a pork or chicken oh that's not chicken poorly I see it all the time I'm gonna let that rest an hour dude you don't have a gut bomb instead of it meat sweats don't be that except for beat beats you can let that rest for a long time and be safe so hit that with pepper I'm gonna hit this backside with our little salt pepper and garlic concoction trying to get these hands good that's some help us build some bar get some good flavor but like you said I can let that rest oh it sit for an hour and then I'll throw that on the smoker I'm going to start this thing off I'm gonna start my smoke off at 2:30 I'm gonna smoke it the first about five six hours till it's got a good color I really not worried about temp to that first part I'm looking for good bark and good color and I'm gonna let that run I'm not gonna spray it touch it look at it for at least five hours and then about that five six hour mark when I wake up from my nap and then all what bringing it will ride but we'll show you that and look back on it two-fifty we'll turn it up and touch up with your applica yeah anyway try to get all man's there so there's a voice is and what seasoning is I have fat like you said I worry about that last as I get older I guess I don't know anyway I'm gonna put just a touch it talk to you of Montreal steak seasoning on that too you don't have to salt pepper garlic Shalini but I'm gonna put just a little bit of that on there to let that sit for an hour and then I'm putting it in the smoker at 2:30 and leaving it for five or six hours and I'll catch you then let that smoke troll and it's been in for six hours just a temple over should be good to go just left it alone we haven't spraying or anything just cook yeah that looks good got a good park on it should be I don't know 165 160 1:59 nine so that's unlike said I'm worried too much about temperature right now I just want to get the good smoke and get bark on that now we're all taking in rapid then coming back put it on a 250 and let it finish out so let's pull that in we'll show you how we drive it Chris things my butcher paper so it'll be a little tricky drought we'll get it somehow hey when you're up in tin full sometimes paper here here's the thing behind that it's American do drive whatever you want it cheered me you're smoking do whatever you want to do here here's why I do this with the British I want that to breathe and I want to finish that bark and what smoking and tempt you to come in and put a good bark on that's my wrap it with paper with ribs I wrap it in tin foil because I want my bath there and that tinsel is all cools all by then keep all those juices there and give it a little steam and a little bath and make it nice and tender where it's got so much fat and stuff on this brisket I really want to help that bark out and so I'm gonna wrap it in paper it's gonna breathe a little bit and get some heat to finish that bark off we should have good smoke I want a 232 starting go 250 the whole time 230 gives it a little more smoke so we're gonna try to double wrap this big old beast and see how it goes we want to put it back on the fat side up just how it is now so we're just don't grab that [Applause] you know I look like Santa Claus but I don't wrap away now we really go the other way like I said is this thing so big that I really can't tuck it under very good one your paper kind of and underneath she's got a little bear ear underneath that from your fire and it makes it easier to pick it up and put it on after everything eight time [Applause] this is where it might be big guy you use your belly a little bit about that thing in treated like a football we wrapped up I'm gonna throw that back on now 250 then I'm gonna leave that for five six out of till it gets done throw a probe in it we want internal temperature about 200 204 somewhere in there but really we want to just butter I'll put that probe into cichlids butter some go throw it back on at 250 leave it for five six hours upright checking about we're dumping a probe so we know and then we'll come back show you how to slice it how to finish that off we'll make burns and finish that off it'll be good alright we've got this big old brisket done that was a long smoke weird cannon chicken today - and you guys have probably heard of the stall if you're new if if you're an old dog you know what kind of stalls out for a couple hours I swear the longest all in my life just sitting there with it all that it seemed like it was there for five hours at the same temperature but anyway checked it at 198 was pretty good we were down to about 200 to 203 and it's nice and butter sort all under happen now we're gonna cut that in half and do burns and show you that point so it's been sitting for a half hour since I pulled it off the the smoker and somewhere around that mouth and then we'll slice into the show all right do it looks great it's been on for 16 hours which is it was a 20-pounder that took a long time but you don't want to rush it you know be patient through the stall I left my temperature there like Sabine cook 275 new hot we did 250 that second half looks great that is a big nice brisket we're gonna make some burnt ends right now I'm gonna split this in half that is nice so anyway we're gonna split that in half we're gonna take this point off and just said flat runs kind underneath and you have two muscles the other comes on top there's a fat line underneath it almost split it on that fat line this one doesn't have much it's a huge points perfect for burns which is what we wanted today not much was flat and only have much more flat we're gonna see if we can find this little fat line there and just separate these two more that feel good that is come on they're separate that that little fat there's her little fat separates and we're talking about gonna cut that out there's our flat that round down underneath it you see where the points toward that kind of fat look at our great smoke ring I mean are you kidding me dude that's why I round at 2:30 that first six hours for that small 300 250 275 whatever but being patient cooking that longer I mean you can see the juices just running out of that thing it is only nice so I'm going to take this flat and wrap it for about 30 minutes while I show you how to do the point for burns and then little flat in a minute - all right so a smoker brisket we're separated two points in the flat we're making burnt ends now that's why we smoke this thing we got a beautiful huge point here we're gonna take that the world make about inch inch-and-a-half cubes of that and then we'll show you how we're gonna do this so many soy starts slicing that slicing that down you can see that let me show you this right here that is just Tanner you see a good smoke ring here get that top you got a good smoke ring there and you just want to take these such a big ol brisket I'm gonna split that in half and then we're just don't make burns I'm gonna cut these in about an inch cube and so we're just won't take these little that's still hot you see the steam coming up we're gonna take those little cubes like that get some old cream good crust and we're on turning those into some beautiful burn ants when I'm cute this right here same way cute those up we're just going to do that in this whole piece we're just gonna take that shot at the time put these in there tray we're gonna throw those back on the smoker for a minute I'm gonna put we made some as you sauce the other day when we made her Philly they're not feelings we made french dips so we did our prime rib first and so I'm gonna dump a little that in the bottom I'll show you that we're looking out can't get a close-up on that when you get your good smoke ring there and then look at the juice get that little fat line that separates those two so I'm just gonna take that cut that into a burnin dome that is just just juicy nice fat when you don't like getting that one if you got too much fat like that right there you just cut that a little bit out if you want that leaves me still get fat from that's that's gonna be a nice nice Bernie in there tender and hot still I'll let it sit for about 30 minutes for a separator that's a fat burning it's kind of a big one okay but that's that's it you're showing separate all those into burnt ends I'm going to do the rest this and I'm going to show you our ties you and and stuff um just don't cube the rest SAP and we'll be right back alright so these things look awesome already we could just eat it were like Google better look at that plate of Burns that was a huge point and that's why I bought that big 20 pound because I wanted that point it didn't how much we're flat at all but we were really wanting burns tonight and so there they are they're awesome I'm gonna put a little bit of barbecue sauce like I said all the time it's America you do it however you want the phone to just drink the barbecue sauce I'll just drink the barbecue sauce so I'm just gonna lightly brush that because I want that flavor over for 16 hours to get good flavor I don't want to drown it in barbecue sauce what I do have is eyes you so we made yesterday when we made those French tips and you can see big lips barbecue look at those French dips I'm gonna dump a little as Prince does I do sauce well that's just a hundred percent homemade out of that prime rib I'm gonna get a nice little later that on the bottom and just get it just a quarter inch or so on the bottom of that that tree that's what make nice low rolls around a little bit and then we're just gonna brush a little barbecue sauce over the top right now we're gonna get them in there anyway I'm you saw the rolls around in that I do sauce you might even throw a touch more in there we're just gonna bring out that flavor I'm gonna burn in like you've never had rolls around on there get those all circulated up we're trying to enhance our flavor not ruin it will come this far we don't want it we don't want to ruin anything so there you go we're gonna take our brush now it's got a little sweet heat a little tangy stuff now I'm just some brush that its own color up my burnt ends and we're all thrown back on the smoke at 275 for about 30 minutes and we're doesn't let this sauce set get a nice little coating on these burns add a little bit more flavor and then we're gonna eat them like fat kids and it is gonna be worth all 16 hours we start at 4:00 this morning anyway all you little kids are probably bad you big dogs are still up watching cooking show us because you can't sleep so there you go okay so that's it up just cover the tops of those make sure I hit them all to this one give it some nice flavor and we're all gonna throw that back on and cook alright so we got our flat now cut that slice or brisket it's been sitting for about an hour still really warm you see her smoke ring there if you're coming on that home I just got a great great smoke ring it it's way juicy just turned out perfect we want a good-looking brisket so I'm gonna cut that now make sure you cut against the grain so we're gonna slice that against the grain so we're gonna kind of come on an angle and we're just gonna take this like that all the way against the grain about a quarter of an inch about a width of the pan so if you go to a barbecue place then cut it really thin really thick it's because they undercooked it or overcook it so if it's just right gotta be about the length of the pants we'll take this little end off and then we're just gonna slice through this and just roll right through that almost gives a burn in like I said we're just gonna go about pencil with you just go right right through their little bit of that outside barbacoa flake off as you cut that is fine like I said about a pencil with them a little thick on those two but it's late at night it's alright but we you don't be a Romani feature here damn it I'll do a little better job stable painful man so there you go get your band test that should be able to bend over your knife like that you see the great smoke ring we have right I should be able to hold that up and it doesn't fall apart no I mean that stays together but I should be able to pull it really easy like that we're that is pulls right apart I took the best part of my job rather wow that does not suck one more strike whoa that guy came anyway there you go I'm gonna go grab those burn ends off we'll pull it all together don't talk with your mouth full I'll see you in a minute all right we're finished man coming neighbor Jess you saw him before he's my official taste tester of the 2020 barbecue luck it's a championship whatever anyway dude it turned out gonna be sure to the fly great color these burnt ends now just when they're just money you see those boy a few of those on our plate like I said did that out here at the bottom little little little sauce on top money piece so anyway they're good I guess Tiffany good you don't have to lie oh yeah no it's great wait new brands if you fold out some starter finished that's great burns drenched up nice it's just a big nice brisket that made the two big dogs happy so keep watching this big bloods BBQ subscribe and let us know what you think
Channel: Big Luds BBQ
Views: 3,764
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Id: uu1r34hGg98
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Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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