Poor Man’s Burnt Ends

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alright guys today I am going to show you how I make burnt ends and I have posted pictures of my burnt ends on my Facebook page and different people said hey how do you do that how do you make those so I'm gonna just show you the process what I got here is 2 chuck roasts about whatever size you like the marbling in there is really good this has some kind of harder fat deposits in there that I could go in and carve out but I just leave them in there because once they render down just for those hard fat deposits don't always render well you're just gonna have to cut them out later but rather than ruin the whole piece of meat I'm just gonna leave it in there while I cook it but that is the that's kind of process just basically open up a couple of Chuck roasts and throw in a pan and I'm gonna start just like I did the other day on my hamburgers I've got the killings salt and pepper and we're gonna get a good really liberal dosing of salt and pepper on here and sometimes that's all people do is just salt and pepper I'm adding this barbecue sweet grub I found this at h-e-b as well basically any other flavor you want to add in it's okay there's no wrong way some people claim that's anything other than that is sacrilegious I'm gonna add that in because I like it I've done a bourbon rub before I think that I find the Bourbons a little bit too overpowering for this particular application but gonna turn those over same thing now this has this rose I let you sit out about an hour so you'll notice I think I said that on my hamburgers to an hour for beef I have watched guys and they say an hour for beef is okay pork chicken not so much but an hour out for beef gonna be okay what it does is it lets that piece of meat come to room temperature so you're not sitting here trying to cook just a stone-cold piece of meat so I've got these things seasoned up I've got the smoker started they're gonna stay here for another 15-20 minutes and then we're gonna put them on so I'll check back back to you guys all right here we are at the Traeger it has been warming up going for 275 his order is our 10th and so any smoker you have that you can maintain it to sending by listen you can do this in the oven at 275 you're just not going to have that smoky flavor but if you can maintain a 275 temperature that's what we're going for so we're basically gonna put these on the grate right on it for five about five hours I'm going for a 165 internal temp and I've done this enough now that at five hours I just pull it off and wrap them so we're gonna put them on right now and in about five hours we'll come back and do a little bit more bugs it's like that we're about to smoke up some burnt ends seen about five hours all right guys it's been about five hours since I put those on and see I've already checked that other one tip that off a little bit and I'm gonna do is I checked it with the thermometer right there there's that 175 so I probably couldn't pull this off in about four hours but nonetheless important thing is we're now going to wrap this up they got that nice the time and the smokers to get that nice crust on there I'm just gonna go ahead wrap this up and I have switched over to butcher paper I used to wrap with aluminum foil but I have switched over to loop through a butcher paper I like that it kind of soaks up some of that moisture because to me a burn burn in is that nice sticky chewy thing right so just a nice tight wrap make sure those seal does you know the flaps get down on the bottom and we're gonna stick it right back in there for another five hour hour and a half I'll come out and check it again we're going for about 195 this time for a finished temp and then we're gonna let it rest we're gonna do some other things but right now we got about another hour and a half and that's where I had the process so I'll see you here your hasn't and I'm going to see you in a little bit all right guys so I went ahead and put that back in the smoker like said for about an hour and a half a Texas probably closer to two hours the butcher paper is going to take a little longer to get up to that 195 then aluminum foil you know obviously metal paper but I really like the finish that this paper puts on it I've already done the first one but I brought that out of the smoker and I literally let it just sit in the paper for 20 minutes let it rest right on the paper you see there all those juices that are coming out so I like the paper kind of soak some of that up so we're just gonna bring out right there nice roast and what I'm gonna do is just cut this into 1-inch cubes and I know this is the part and there's some of those videos on Facebook where I'll just automatically like magically turn into cubes but I'm not a big fan of those so I'm just showing you get a big enough knife and you can knock this out pretty quick so there you go nice beefy meaty so this is all just going to go over into the pan all right then set this over here out of the way because then we're gonna do we're just going to come in I'm just gonna use some sweet baby Ray's probably about they say a cup I do about a until it feels like I can pretty much cover that and then just two or three big tablespoons of brown sugar and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna toss cover all that up now I'm going to finish this up what I'm going to do is I'm going to toss this all up til that's good and covered and then I'm gonna go stick it back in the smoker for another hour so I'll get this finished up get it back on the smoker and we'll see you in a bit all right everybody so here we are these are my version of burnt ends a poor man's burnt ends if you will so it's a chuck roast it has been smoked for gosh when I put on an 11 it's seven now so it's about an eight hour process the way I do it and I'm gonna season it up smoke it for about four to five hours going to wrap it boil a boil we'll probably go about an hour the butcher paper is going to go an hour and a half to two hours depending on what your preference is then you're gonna put some barbecue sauce and some brown sugar on it you're gonna smoke it open for another hour and then what I did was after that hour I went out and I just did another quick just small dab of barbecue sauce and brown sugar mix it up and went about another 15 20 minute smoke pulled it off and this is what you're seeing right now so this is my version of burnt ends and I will give all of the ingredients and kind of a rundown in the description when this gets posted but if you like what you see I'll do some more next time and we'll see you next time
Channel: Team Admin
Views: 71,337
Rating: 4.8837209 out of 5
Keywords: hhct, houstonshomeconnectionteam, lakehouston, realestate, videos, houstonstrong, cooking, meat, traeger, traeger grill
Id: pNTlbYE3oI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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