10 Brisket Fundamentals by Barbecue Champion Harry Soo How-to SlapYoDaddyBBQ.com competition texas

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a faulty television BBQ welcome to my channel where I teach you how to master barbecue so you can spread barbecue love today's episode with your the teach you guys how to cook it backyard brisket hot and fast in about 4 hours without about half a dozen videos already on how to cook brisket and most of it covers advanced techniques such as using rejections using different rubs and different marks but today I'm going to go back to basics because one of my YouTube viewers said Harry you've taught us all these advanced techniques but you haven't even thought of the basics so I'm a big believer following the great Michael Jordan that if you want to play a great basketball game you have to focus on fundamentals and in cooking barbecue we just need to make sure that everyone who is watching my channel understand some of the fundamentals so today is a kind of a beginner fundamentals class so for all of you at that pitmasters out there you can kind of fast forward to the next video but this video is especially dedicated from my heart to yours to teach all of the beginner newbies who never cooked brisket maybe cook brisket a couple of times we show you guys some of the basic techniques and tips from a grand champion pitmaster all right brisket the fundamental number one is your meat so this is the brisket Packer it comes from the pectoral muscle of a cow on the chest there's the left and right brisket first things first so go to the store buy yourself a brisket buy the best one you can find this is a prime from a restaurant Depot you can find Prime's in Costco there are essentially three grades of beef that is common they're actually about eight but the common ones that you see in the store are primary choice and select so go ahead and go and buy the best brisket you can find usually the primes are better some other high-end choices like Angus are also excellent and very very good go watch my video on how to pick meat but I'm just gonna cover the basics on just brisket so pick a good brisket pick a good size I like brisket see a little bit bigger this is about 13 pounder so they go from about anywhere from 12 all the way to 20 pounds my contest favorite is around 18 pounds my backyard brisket that I'm showing you today is about ham about 1314 pounder these are great for cooking at home and you're cooking hard and fast it's really a short cook so you don't have to kind of slave over your pit for 14 hours once you pick the brisket you want to make sure that it's nice and marbled it doesn't have any cuts on it the fat cabbies in tech here and we're gonna show you guys how to trim it so that's number one next thing is equipment right for this part I'm I talk about equipment throughout the entire cook what you need is a nice cutting board here like this so it's big enough to handle your brisket you need a sharp knife this is a boning knife from Fortuner and you need a knife sharpener this is what I bring on a road with me because it allows me to have a sharpen my knife really rapidly and it's like this before you begin trimming your brisket the other tip you want to show you is that this cutting board is kind of slippery so that's not good so one quick quick method is to put a piece of paper towel on the cutting board like so speed some water on it all right so after you wet the the napkins put a buddhist cutting back on two minutes all right the next fundamental is how to trim your meat brisket what you want to do for a comment fast backyard cook is to basically make sure that the extra fat that's on the surface of the meat it's that simple make sure you toss away the perch and this is a lot of pathogens here toxic stuff get rid of this never wash your meat down always cut it down paper towels once you get the meat into the kitchen sink and you turn the water on the splash of the water will cancel all the packages all away your sink next thing you're not single faucet will be contaminated then you touch the faucet and next you know the entire kitchen is contaminated so I'll leave a link in the comment section below to show you the scientific article about why you don't wash your meat you just paddock driving so now this is a packer Chris good looks pretty good on both sides it's C prime from that's time people and i3p always make sure that this box of clothes are intact I want a fat cap to be basically intact looking at the thickness of the fat cap here and if it's really really thick I like to trim it up to take it down about a half-inch like so since this is the backyard and fast brisket then I can trim me competition style I plenty of competition videos on how to cook competition how to trim how to eject how to run but this one is gonna be a straightforward fundamentals class because once you master the fundamentals rest of your cook well I can be get better I'm a big fan of going back to basics when I train for contests I always go back to fundamentals to make sure that I've got all the pieces nailed down so here's a trim on this side that's all I'm gonna do just take off a little bit of fat caps it's not so sleek on this side what we want to do is make sure that we get all the fat covering off here like so dissimilar student in the fact so you kind of shave it off of it so your hand on the brisket make a little bowl and to shave you okay any part that has the fat basically will not allow the rock to touch the protein we're not gonna get a mammal reaction to get any kind of flavor and I want to make sure we get all of the little fat off so so you can tell that already this is a grass-fed like corn finish brisket because I'm trimming I can tell the fat is really really white and most cattle in America finished on green primary corn and soybeans and stuff and grass fed by corn finish so the last 16 weeks of the cow's life they will put in a feed block if you dug and then you don't get a meatball kinda nice and tasty and with marbling in flavor that's how you tell because the fat is kind of white white so if you buy a grass-fed grass-finished cow or steer the fat is a little bit yellow so it's another three hour debate as to which one's better I have tasted both the grass-fed grass-finished grass-fed grain finished but I still prefer the grain finished all the last 16 weeks or four months of his life it's basically seven great so that's good this is more stuff that you need know but what can I say I'm just trying to teach you everything I know and I'll let you get on your game because remember when Harry UPPS is game he's gonna be okay alright so this is the boring part where I'm a tree trimming all of the fat off so you know I'm gonna fast-forward to this party so now that the trim is almost done let me quickly run you through a little bit of whiskey of anatomy this is a flat of the brisket which is the muscle that means running this way this is the point where the burden comes from since this is going to be a better brisket I'm not going to treatment of the competition style so we're just gonna cook it whole so that the truth is actually done so pretty straightforward fundamental trim on a sort of a backyard brisket it's a view of the backyard trim completed and we just trimmed off the fat and the silver skin there's a pile of trimmings here and people always ask me Harry what do you do with these trimmings you toss them most of the time I toss them but if you really want to make like sausage this is a great filler for sausage so you would collect enough of this and throw in a freezer once you get enough you can basically grind it with some brisket trimmings and put some of the fat in here and make some great beef sausages you one of my future videos I'll go ahead makes the sausage and show you guys how it's done it's a great way to repurpose any additional pieces and scraps that you get from all these brisket trimmings I trim a lot of brisket at home and you know for my classes and so on so sometimes I do leave these briskets trimmings I saved them up and I'll look once I have enough I'll go through a process to make a batch of B sausages so when I get to that point I'm gonna shoot a video of how i repurpose some of the leftover brisket trimmings all right fundamental number four is your seasoning so typically I would use my cap and she'd be proper for this exercise here we're gonna do a simple backyard hot and fast brisket so I'm just gonna show you the basics back to fundamentals you don't need to buy any rub just go get yourself some good kosher salt some coarse black pepper and then I highly recommend this little black dog trick I'm gonna show you even four back yarders even if you're cooking for yourself at home always add a little bit of celery seed to your rub you know traditionally people do neither make sure not salt pepper but I tell ya you know just follow my advice I just add the third component here it's a little bit of this it'll make a huge difference in the flavor also in the appearance and look of your brisket so show you the Black Dog trick that I use just a tad of celery seed actually helps if and create a fantastic smoke ring on your backyard brisket cook so we're gonna mix up the products here you typically want to go I like to go heavier pepper so I know that folks like Franklin and all and other people in Texas you like to go half-and-half mixture so I like to go a little bit more so maybe about one and a half times pepper versus salt so okay so that's the portion that I like about a little bit more hyper than the actual rub want a ball one heaping cup of a mixture of black pepper and salt and then about a quarter cup of celery seed like so so now we've got a basic barbecue rub ready to go you can apply the rub using your hands or you can put it in a shaker bottle so I'll use the shaker bottles because so you want to get a really very medium heavy coating of the nice medium heavy coating until the meat beneath becomes opaque and you cannot see it anymore so that one cup off of almost 60/40 pepper and salt more pepper and salt plus a quarter cup of the celery seed is the kind of a really basic backyard rub and you can make will give you absolutely fabulous is that I'm putting on quite heavily this coating now if you want it to stick better you can apply a schmear schmear is nothing more than any kind of liquid that you put on something la people like to put mustard sprinkle some Worcestershire on the meat to make it wet before you put the product on so it sticks better but what we gonna let it sit for awhile so you don't have to do that save yourself some money find kind by mustard and wish to share because this wrap was it I like to let my wrap see it because of the salt ions very small little tender penetrate the meat a little bit you can actually do this ahead of time a couple hours is good and let it get all happy more more up here about every square inch and then people ask me Harry you season the other side where the fat cap is actually it's not necessary but some people like it because when they raft in the butcher paper or foil some of the seasoning that's on the fat cap will render into the shoe and we kind of have that defect as you to dip the brisket let's slice so there's always three our argument in anything I teach you so just take you to greatness salt ha pun intended right so just probably enough of the rap so and Pat it down let it sit and get happy happy happy okay I saw flip it over and I've decided that today my mold is such that I want to season the other side cuz I have a lot of rub here and what I've tried to do is put a rub on and I say well it'll be a rub so you don't use all of it and then once I put the brisket onto the spit hot and fast we're gonna get some more rub on top to make sure that we completely coat it before we start cooking the brisket in the pit the next fundamental is your fuel so when you cook barbecue and brisket you need a good source of fuel the fuse gotta provide smoke flavor and heat so heat is BTU which is British thermal unit that's a measure of heat is the amount of heat needed to raise water by one degree things one gallon for one degree so I use jealous devil so use any charcoal you like I like this charcoal because it burns clean hot no ash provides a great smoke flavor and smoke ring so after the field next fundamental is your pit so I have many kinds of pits in my backyard it's everywhere for the days cook we're gonna do it on a komodo groom so Kumada grills are very popular the common brand out there is Big Green Egg the Primo the commodity oh I have one by Meteor and this works really fine and really well this works really well and it's got basically the same kind of design and we show you guys how we set up the pit so the next thing you need next fundamental is wood so these are chunks of Hickory and chunks of Apple always put the wood at the bottom of the pit before you put on the charcoal because you want the wood to smolder at the bottom pit never throw wood on top I I don't know how many say these houses are times to my people and to my students because a lot of people come to my class they kind of learn how to cook from the internet and from books a lot of the information out there is wrong so my information is based on science so in the future episode I'll kind of give you a 15 minute video on exactly why but for now just trust me the wood goes under not on top all right so we're gonna load some the charcoal now notice how the wood is I got our chocolate mini started and the coals are lit so the Komodo is starting up the first thing we want to do is put back the baffle here so and put the grate so it's B so on degrees when you set up your pit you always want to make sure that the top is open and the lid and put your gauge with a a model type of cooker you need an accurate temperature gauge this one is pretty good that came stuck with my unit here this is the mediocre motto you see what I do is in order for you to ramp up I'll remove those late here and cook it without the lid for a little bit and then let the temperature ramp up I want to get it to cut and fast so I need to get it to about 400 degrees she's pretty hot so let it wrap up we watch the gauge carefully we don't want to overshoot so usually once it gets to be about the like about 250 275 I would stop putting my lid back on because on a Kamado the temperatures tend to shoot up really fast you can quite easily go to five six hundred degrees and then by the time it takes too long to cool down so ramp up slowly if you can once you hit past 300 go ahead and throttle it down and then it's kind of got a little damper effect you kind of like you know like a little wave it'll settle down so right now the that is unfold so that's how I started and when I'm done when you go side the temperature you go back to about probably like this about this Koree inch is about 250 275 you move it up about 300 and a little bit more open is about 400 so we'll tune the intake valve to adjust for the proper temperature and I always leave the top so if you need to move the vent and so a couple of fundamental guidelines about pits right so pits needs to breathe through the intake so between the intake and exhaust typically the control is about 70 percent from the top because as hot air comes out it creates a vacuum it sucks oxygen in through the event here so when you want to control the temperature simply shoot to bring them down a lot of times is a lot easier to shut off the exhaust and that removes the vacuum and the temperature goes down your mileage will vary that's how it is now steady 400 degrees Fahrenheit or for those of you who are watching my video from countries they use the metric system where 200 degrees centigrade so once you get up to temp on like a Quemado as a safety precaution you always want to close the intake before we open the lid sometimes you think to burp a little bit burping is not a problem but it's one make sure that you guys have a whale to see if to be caution sometimes he burps and then you might get some kind of a flasher heat when you open the lid not that close the bottom there's no more chance safety tip here so show you guys some tips on putting the backyard brisket on cooking hot and fast what I like to try to do is I like to put a couple of chunks of wood here okay so before I put it brisket on so that the brisket will have a kind of a dome shape so when I cook it the liquid will drain off so I get gonna get beautiful Barton you don't have to do this optional but this is one of my black belt 6.i that I want to teach you so that all of the liquid will turn off when you cook the brisket with nothing in a fabulous you know crust what I try to do is also put a little bit of a rub at the end fell off you know the seasoning process here so save a little bit of rough with this proportion here running nice and smoky peppery and salty which is great flavors ready to cook for the next couple hours and I will spray some water and get going super delicious one of the fundamental things that you need to learn how to do when you want to barbecue is how to control temperatures in your pit and we are cooking hot and fast here so I want it to be a 200 degrees centigrade or 4 degrees Fahrenheit so what I do is I tune the top vent open like so this is about half open and on I tuned the bottom vent like so so I open or close the bottom vent accordingly right to adjust to get me to about 200 degrees centigrade or 400 degrees Fahrenheit since I'm cooking hot and fast between tuning the top versus the bottom I always prefer to have the top wide open if I can because of a phenomena called drafting so barbecue is accomplished by having hot air flow over your meat so you cannot accomplish good barbecue like so when your meat your air stagnant because the air flow is needed to bathe the meat with smoke and conduct it hot hair so here's a tip when you tune your pit for the right temperature like I'm shooting for 400 I want to try to leave this more open and then this less open so if I want to tune it I can close this a little bit more open this a little bit more and I can do my bit this way to maintain a steady 400 degrees for my hot and fast cook this is the first phase once I get the brisket to have a nice crust I'm gonna wrap it in which a paper possibly even foil to render the collagen so this is how you do a tuna on your pig to make sure that you adjust the exhaust adjust the intake to achieve the temperature that you want all right the important to keep spraying the next fundamental technique skill you need to have is to learn how to spray biscuits and this will allow you to get a nice press and bark so disgusting oh my see now it's been about three hours here and the brisket is ready because when you touch the crust it doesn't fall apart anymore class is beautiful very dark and set we need to wrap now so that we can tenderize the meat and we can wrap it in both foil and with your paper all right the next time the mental technique that we're gonna cover is how to read your brisket it's got a nice barking like so also gonna use foil you can use one of the other inside some people like with your papers some people like you need to cook it longer so that the collagen becomes gelatin and the connective tissue will render to make it nice and tender at this point in time you can always put it back in your pit at the same temperature I like a lower temperature at this point about say 275 perhaps 300 degrees the highest that we go at these points of our 325 but you can go even lower if you like good 225 you can put it back in a pit but running this in a pit this point forward kind of just wastes feel I prefer to just put it in my oven that way you know I don't have to keep putting feel my pit save some money in the process really not to check for the tenderness of the meat so like I said we can use a thermal pan or if the read thermometer but since this is a fundamentals class and he teach you guys the fundamentals on how to teach check for tenderness you hit this bamboo skewer and you poke it and he feels like peanut butter so here's a job peanut butter and I like Skippy biscuits you feel like so used a peanut butter as the guy and testing I always tell people go 90 percent feel and then 10 percent temperature right so this is done so you look at temperature now nine point six so again don't rely on a time a pen rely on a bamboo skewer go get yourself a jar of Skippy peanut butter and tell everybody the hairy zoo comes lapidary barbecue showed you some black belt tricks on how to get the perfect tenderness on your brisket one biscuit is done is very important to stop any kind of residual cooking so from the hole that you made earlier just because this is threw it to the paper wrapped it this time alright here you have it so risk it allowed to cool you probably mean rested about I don't know it's a hot day today's hundred reasons so Carol and I would rest it probably maybe like an hour you'll find that the brisket actually tastes better we need risks so I try not to serve a brisket that lets come off the pit but I know it's an idea of a party the family is really impatient they want to kind of devour the brisket so that's okay so here you have it brisket all ready to go we let it cool down and cut up the slices and show you how it looks on the inside well so I'm cutting mine from the slide slice on the patty in my from the real nice smoke ring on this side tender holding over same here with the point flat nice and tender nice bark tender see that beautifully tender right maltiness here's the patties here and then the point here you go oh no absolute biscuit using the fundamentals and ten different techniques I hope you found this video useful and please like and subscribe and there's plenty more videos coming I'm gonna be doing more what I call fundamental series videos because I think I've done a lot of black belt at dance stuff and people telling me that hey Harry you've gone a little bit too far too deep so I'm gonna back up a little bit go by and retrace my steps and then teach you guys some other basics I think we did a basic pork we did a pork with butcher paper wrap we did a risk it now in just the fundamentals nothing special just go ahead just great biscuit here and we'll continue to make the series of videos we'll bring you up to speed because we teach you how to master barbeque so that you can spare barbecue love so that's what it's really all about so my heart to yours to the next video [Music]
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 1,830,675
Rating: 4.9009733 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, brisket, how-to, butcher paper, brisket prime, prime grade, best brisket, hot fast brisket, bbq, barbecue, beef, how to, grilling, dinner, texas, grill, how to make, barbeque, trim, harry soo, troy cooks, competition brisket, weber smokey mountain, weber
Id: kzWWpvJEpck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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