Brisket Burnt Ends | Smoked Beef Brisket and Burnt Ends on Ole Hickory

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dukesinbad 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

so this guy lives in Oklahomo right?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wsgy111 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm going to show you how I make brisket burnt ends now the burnt ends come from that fatty point into the brisket it's got all that marbling in it and as it melts gonna make those burnt ends tasting awesome that's what gives them so much juice so much flavor now when you're cooking burnt ends if you can source just the point that's great but I always have trouble finding it so I'm cooking a whole brisket today I've got the flat end and the point we're gonna season that flat we're gonna cook it make some great eating food but I'm really concentrating on these burnt ends today I want to show you how I turn them into that awesome brisket burnt in it's the best part of that point they're gonna be great let's get to cooking so for these burnt ends I'm starting with the whole 18 pound packer brisket now we want to get a lot of the fat off and get this thing trimmed up there's a lot of drop on brisket but you don't want to throw any of this fat or extra meat we're taking off cuz it's great to grind or turn into hamburgers the first thing I'm gonna do is kind of cut a line down right beside where that thick vein of fat is we're gonna separate that off the top of the brisket it kind of connects the flat part and the point once you get it open you can see where the point starts and we're just going to start carving out the flat we're gonna cut it down and separate it all the way right up under to flat that lets us work with just the point in and the points covered in fat when you flip it over you're gonna see a lot of the thick fat and we want to cut all this off and want to expose the meat there's so much marbling in it that we don't need the excess fat for flavor is this gonna melt from the inside and lend us some juice to that brisket once we get the point all cleaned up just want to remove any connective tissue that's on it any of that see new it's ready to go now for the flat portion of this brisket I'm just cutting the fat off the bottom to a quarter-inch and taking a little bit of the fat off the top I'm not getting real aggressive here I just want to clean it up a little so it makes some nice even slices so now that we've got the brisket trim this is what we have we've got the flat separated out its shape it's gonna make some awesome slices down it but then we've got our point and this is what we're concentrating today for our burnt ends see we've took the fat off of it you can still see that marbling through it and we're gonna be able to cook this whole get some bark and some smoke on the outside and then we're going to cube it up later on into those Arn is the first thing we're going to do is get our seasoning on it and brisket needs a ton of salt and a ton of pepper so that my AP rub works perfect here hey if you just want to use salt and pepper go ahead that makes a great brisket too but I'm giving it a good dose of AP to start front side and back side and while I'm here I'm gonna go ahead and season this flat you can see we still have a quarter inch of fat on the bottom of that flat that's perfect I like a little bit of fat on the bottom of each slice that looks good let's get it flipped over a little bit of that salt and pepper garlic AP run right on top of this flour hey now we need some barbecue flavors on this brisket I'm going with my D barbecue rub you can use your favorite rub whatever you like flats gonna get the same treatment a little barbecue rub on bottom flip it over a little rub on top it's gonna make some good bark on this brisket the last thing that I add to my brisket it's a little texture a little bit of pop and some salt some extra coarse ground pepper and that's my steak rub and you don't have to put it on bottom it's just going on top it'll cook down into the meat it's gonna create a crust a good bark on top all right we're gonna let the briskets hang out here on the cutting board let these rubs work on those flavors getting into the meat we're gonna fire up our smoker I'm cooking on my Old Hickory today but you can cook on any pitch you want let's get them fired up to get my old hickory Fit going I'm just starting with the chimney full of charcoal use a couple whacks starter cubes to get the fire going after about 20 minutes those coals are good and hot we're gonna add them to the firebox of the Old Hickory pit slide it back in and just let the temperature come up to about 250 we're gonna put the meat on them we'll add some wood so just shut the door let the temps climb if you're cooking on any other pit just hold it steady at 250 degrees all right I got the whole hickory fired up it's up to about 250 actually it crept just a little bit over that's okay it'll have anything on it I'll get it opened up here to get a rack out we're gonna be ready to put these briskets on first we're gonna put our point on you want to make sure whatever you're putting brisket on the grate that you place it exactly like you want it to cook because that's the way it's gonna start forming I've got it spread nice shaped up it's kind of flat that's the even cook that I want it to get same thing goes for the flat in here make sure it's straight it's laying flat on the rack now we're ready to close it up and get it in some smoke now is when you want to add your wood to the fire we're just gonna put a couple chunks of pecan right in the firebox gonna make some good smoke force we'll replace it as it burns out get the door closed so now we got the meat on the pit we got some wood on the fire we just want to let those briskets hang out in that smoke 250 degrees we're just looking for color at this point we want that good mahogany color on the outside to make that bark then I'll show you what we're gonna do this burn is to get them turned into the best thing you've ever ate on the brisket just stick around alright our point and our flats been on for about four hours and you can see this is the color I was talking about I want to get that mahogany look that dark this is plenty of bark on the outside of that brisket color is just right this is when we want to get them rat we really want to get them tender not worried about putting more smoke on it so I'm gonna grab the point here we're gonna go over to the cutting board so I've got a half pan here on my cutting board and this point fits in it just perfect and what we're gonna do is we're gonna add just a little bit more moisture to this pan and I've just got some regular beef broth just the kind that comes out of a can we just want to pour a little bit in the bottom we're still gonna catch all this juice that's gonna render out of the point but I want it to mix and fortify with some of that beef stock flavor it's gonna be great when we're cooking these burnt ends down we're gonna mix a little sauce with it that's what we're gonna toss at the very end you just want to take a piece of foil cover the pan now let's go right back on the pit in the same spot now I'm gonna grab this flat so for the flat I'm not really worried about catching the juice today I'm making a bit just a good flat to eat I've got it laid here on my butcher paper I'm gonna flip it bark down at first we're gonna bring the paper around it I'm just double wrapping it in this butcher paper but I want must seem to be on the bottom and that's why I kind of flip it Bart down first bring the paper up around it tuck it in the best you can so we've got the flat wrapped up I can get a probe right in the center of it and watch it we're gonna get it back on the pit I know it still got four or five more hours to cook we just want to get the pit closed and hold those temp steady at 250 so I got the flat setting right back in the same place the lid on the Old Hickory Locker down let it reach stabilize and we're just going to watch them I'll stick a probe in in here in about a hour so see where we're at but the points what we're worried about today and I'm going to take it up to about two hundred ten twelve degrees it's got a lot of fat in it it's got a really render down it goes a lot higher than that flat needs to that's how we're gonna make these Bernie ends melt in your mouth you're gonna love them stick around alright our briskets been on for about seven and a half hours and I want to get the point out at this point and check it out so we're gonna take the fall off here and I'm just going to use my thermapen I'm really not worried about what the internal temp is I'm checking for real softness and you can see it's running about two ten to eleven steady ticking up this is where you want it but what the most important part is that feel there should be no resistance in this point in we've taken it up rendered all that fat we've got all these good drippings in the pan we're not gonna throw those out let's go it's gonna make our burning sauce so what I want to do is carefully lift the point out of the pan wear some gloves because it is hot and we're gonna lay it here on the cutting board then with the drippings I want to get the fat off of it so I've got a fat separator and this is just a container that lets us draw off the bottom we can pour our liquid in the top give it a few minutes to settle out and you'll see the fat will kind of rise to the top that lets us take the fat off so now we're gonna work on the point and I want you to see it still has that beautiful color that we have when we put it in the pan we've just rendered it down you see the bark on it some of the rub the seasonings they've made this awesome outside and I know it's gonna taste great but it turned it into burnt ends we need to cube it up and so I'm just gonna start on the end use a sharp knife and you just want to cut it into cubes first it's going into strips and it's super soft that's what you want to see now we're gonna take our ends and we're just going to start cubing it we've got our strips cut I'm gonna kind of keep it together just go slow because it's still super high and we're cutting it into burnt ends sized pieces and these cubes are what we're gonna toss in our sauce and get back on the smoker and you know they're gonna be good so now I'm just separating the fat from our liquid that looks about right to me and I'm gonna pour in just a little bit of barbecue sauce that's what's one really glaze these burnt ends I probably got quarter cup that's about olives in that bottle I'm just gonna kind of mix it around incorporate it with the drippings that cooked out at that point so we're just tossing each one of these burning in cubes in our sauce mixture here and we're just lining them back up in the pan we're gonna stick them back on the cooker just for a few minutes tighten that bark up and we only need 15 20 more minutes tops to set these burnt ends because you can see they're super soft I mean there's just packed with cheese packed with flavor all that fats rendered in them so all I'm gonna do is just drizzle the tops just a little bit more sauce right on the bark side and we'll use our brush it's kind of moisten it we're just gonna glaze each one of those just a little bit on the bark they're not covered in barbecue sauce just the tops now we're ready to take our pan of Boerne ends back to the cooker I'm gonna need about 10-15 minutes tops and these burnt ends are gonna be ready so I put the burnt ends back into glaze and the flats ready to come off I want to show you out what it looks like let's get it out of this butcher paper we've got one awesome brisket flat that's what I'm talking about I'm gonna show you how I'd cut this up you're gonna serve it you just want to get a good brisket knife check that out I mean if that ain't perfect I don't know what is start getting into some good pieces right in here I mean look at that folds over separates like it's supposed to comes right apart got a little fat on bottom that's okay hmm that's textbook brisket right there it's awesome seasonings are great on the outsides Gooden beefy got a little bit of fat on bottom I'm gonna go ahead and slice the rest of it up here and that's it right there perfectly cooked flat see that smoke ring in it got a lot of moisture still left in that meat talked about some good eating a little bit of fat left on bottom that's what I want to see hey this plat is awesome but I'm more excited about these burnt ends they're gonna be done in just a second all right 15 minutes and it doesn't take long you can see that sauce is already set on top of those burnt ends they're looking great and I'm just gonna get them out here on the pan put them on the cutting board I usually just give them one last little mix around in the sauce you want it to be sticky juicy saucy that's what burnt ends are supposed to be supersoft melt in your mouth almost texture you shouldn't have to work too hard to chew one of these burnt ends and that's why it's the best part of the brisket it's just all cooked down you've got all that flavor that's in the point from that fat renders down through it the rubs the seasoning the smoke hey now that's what I call a pile of burnt ends and you know they're good I can't wait to try one but real quick before I try one let's talk about what we did now I started with that whole packer brisket and I trimmed it down separated the flat and the point so I was really just concentrating on making burnt ends we seasoned that point up the AP rub barbecue rub got a little bit of that steak and chop all over the top of it got it in some smoke yeah we had that flat there - we're gonna eat that later on but we're really wanting to watch that point get it rendered and then get it tinder that's what it's all about and that's what we did it took about seven and a half hours and then we glazed them for fifteen minutes we put them in a pan with a little beef broth halfway through covered it up that's what broke them down and then we cubed them when they got really good and soft attempts was over about 210 degrees and I've got one right here with my name on it I can't wait to try it look how soft that is I mean that's exactly how I want to burn into taste it's got all that great beefy flavor and the rub and the smoke and we've got it sweetened up with a little bit of a sauce mix back with those meat juices that cooked out I mean it is on time I'm going in for another one oh that needs a little bit of these red onions put a little spicy pickles and jalapenos on there that sweet fire it is super easy to turn one of these brisket points into these mouth water and burnt ends hey if y'all are firing up the grill this Labor Day weekend go ahead and give this recipe a try you can pick up that whole brisket trim it's nothing to it and get it on your pit running about 250 degrees till it gets tender thanks for checking out our video today if you want to find out we're putting out more videos just subscribe to our Channel it'll let you know we got new stuff coming out you can also send those comments and questions to Facebook or Twitter we love those we'll see y'all next time heck yeah go get one I got to put a jalapeno some this pickled onion that's what I'm talking about don't that look awesome how to make some happy judges right there
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 4,813,602
Rating: 4.8988848 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, brisket burnt ends, burnt ends bbq, burnt ends recipe, bbq burnt ends, making burnt ends, brisket burnt ends recipe, smoked beef brisket, beef burnt ends
Id: FVOh8430oCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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