Texas Style Brisket

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hey guys it's matt with meat church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen tonight i'm going to show you guys how to make what texas barbecue is all about brisket we're going to be smoking this brisket on a mill scale 94 gallon offset smoker but as usual i'm teaching you guys time and temperature so you can replicate this on whatever type of smoker you have stick around [Music] so this is the video you came to this channel for texas barbecue is all about brisket and there's no better place to learn it i mean we're taking a 44 farms brisket out of cameron texas we're going to season it with my craft barbecue seasoning made in fort worth texas we're going to smoke it on a handmade smoker out of lockhart texas with post oak which is crazy texan and heck i'm even going to do it on a texas flag cutting board cooked by a texan so we're super excited about this we're going to make this really simple we've already trimmed this full packer brisket i said it was 44 farms i'm not actually going to show you how to trim it in this video just to keep the length down but i've got a video on the meat church channel that shows you how we got to this point so we're going to start right here and we're just going to jump into seasoning it then i'm going to tell you how to cook it and we're going to get going but listen it's night time here at my house my whole family's in bed and we're going to do this the right way we're going to all niter it low and slow on this thing i'm going to be tired come tomorrow but i don't want to take any shortcuts when it comes to what texas barbecue is all about and i'm going to do it right so hope you guys enjoy it my seasoning process is simple two parts holy cow to one part holy gospel but you guys season with whatever you like texas barbecue is known to be salt and pepper typically but i'll tell you a lot of barbecue joints in central texas add a little something else so that's what we're doing but our holy cow is mostly salt and pepper with a little bit of garlic i'm going to season the meat side first and then i'm going to flip it over and repeat the process on the other side i'm not applying any sort of binder you're welcome to do that some folks use mustard oils this brisket is you know nice and wet and i'm gonna i'm just gonna jump in and start seasoning it of course i'm gonna season the sides knock my drink over let's just get after it i season about a foot to 18 inches high to keep my seasoning application nice and even so i'm going kind of moderate with the holy cow just going to pat it in a little again make sure you get the sides and then i'm going to come back across that with the holy gospel if you don't have a favorite rub that you use feel free to go with a 50 50 salt and pepper that'll make a great brisket but this is a proven combination particularly out of the texas competition barbecue scene so that's why we're doing it so i just went lighter with the holy gospel now if i had all the time in the world i'd let that sit 15 or 20 minutes but since we're making a video i'm gonna go ahead and flip it and get on the other side and not to skip ahead but i cook fat up that's the traditional texas way so that's why we season the meat side first but there's no right or wrong way if you prefer to cook meat up you're welcome to do that that makes a fine brisket it's very prevalent in competition but what i'm showing you today is what i'm calling a traditional texas brisket this is what you would find at a barbecue joint in texas so we're staying true to tradition with what we're doing today so again just use whatever seasoning combinations you like but this is a good one i can promise you all right i'm going to kind of pat it in but we are going to uh let this adhere for 20-ish minutes or so until uh the seasoning has sweat out so uh the meat will start to kind of pull the moi you'll the seasoning will start to pull the moisture out and it'll start to look kind of wet so we're going to let it adhere this is also something you could do the night before you could trim it up season it and have it in your fridge but you know we're just doing it straight through here for the video so i'm going to i'm going to check on my fire and let this sit and we'll come back and check on in about 20 minutes all right guys this seasoning is adhered and this brisket's just begging to be smoked so let's go cooking a brisket is not that hard i know a lot of people are intimidated by it but tonight i'm going to show you guys a two-step process we're going to put this brisket in the pit low and then tomorrow morning we're going to wrap it when it's somewhere around 160 570 degrees when the bark looks right we're going to bump the temp up to about 250 degrees and we're going to cook it until this brisket is probed tender right here and it's that simple a lot of ways to skin a cat when it comes to cooking a brisket if y'all followed me for a while you know my online recipe has been to cook a brisket at 275 degrees well that's a method that i run with when i need to get it cooked during the day in like 9 to 10 hours but i'm going to smoke this brisket overnight so i'm going to go low tonight we're going to cook this at 225 degrees or so and it's okay if you vary from that just a little bit if you cook hotter then it's going to cook quicker but i'm going to baby this thing overnight so we're running a post-oak fire we're going to set this brisket in the pit and i'm going to put the point in towards the firebox i'm actually going to trim and season another brisket and we're going to cook two at the same time because like i say if you're going to fire your pit up let's make it worthwhile and feed a bunch of people but we're going to try to stretch this out to the morning time and take my kids to school in the morning and wrap it sometime around that time probably just when the sun comes up so you all stick around we'll check in on this thing we'll see y'all in a little bit so i tell people don't be intimidated by running a fire this is actually super relaxing this fire is running good right now uh good temperature you know the firebox and the doors about big temperature changes and then the stack is where i kind of fine tune things this pit loves to run kind of sitting right here but as you can see we're running a pretty clean fire here right now which is a key to good barbecue you don't want the thick white smoke so if i want to make small adjustments i kind of mess with it here if the temp gets too low i'm going to open the door give it a bunch of oxygen and some small pieces to kick the fire up pretty quick but this is going to be a calm relaxing night for me about to send my crew to get some sleep and i'm going to sit here enjoy some beer in a an unusually cool texas evening so we'll see y'all well good morning y'all it's been a long but relaxing fun night i would say needless to say i've switched to monster left the miller light at some point overnight but the mill scale has run great it's uh it's been rocking 225 all night it's time to wrap i've just tempt the briskets i'll show you that they're temping just above 165 so the time doesn't really matter you're looking for visual cues in the right internal temperature and now we're going to wrap in unwaxed butcher paper and you probably see this a lot and wonder why people do this but we're going to kind of just give it a little spritz here with cider vinegar that makes the paper more pliable easier to deal with i'll show you the briskets here looking super good but here in the flat in a couple spots we're like 167. so you're going to be looking for that color that's what's most important in the temperature not so much worried about the time i know it was just over seven hours or so maybe close to eight i don't remember exactly what time we put them on it was it was kind of fairly late last night but i've got our 18 inch paper here overlapped i might have went a little heavy with the cider vinegar that's okay it's going to work out so i've got the two pieces overlapped here there's a lot of ways to do this to be honest with you the important thing is that it's wrapped tight of course it's windy as soon as we start shooting that's all right that's why we like cooking outside is what it is i like to keep it nice and tight bam and there we go so we're still fat side up we've been fat side up the entire cook i sold y'all earlier that's kind of the traditional texas way we're going back in the pit i'm gonna wrap this other one i'm gonna bump the fire up to 250 degrees now if you wanted to serve this for supper then keep it low just keep it running low and bump it up later again don't get so hung up in the temperature adjust the temperature to your life and when you want the food we want this for you know a lunch today so we're going to bump the temp up to 250 and this should finish in somewhere between three to four hours every brisket's different probably closer to four but we'll monitor it we'll check the temperature right here in the flat right through the paper as the day goes on and we'll keep you all posted all right guys let's check in on the brisket as you can see paper is completely wet this has naturally occurred i know there's a big fat of people putting tallow on their briskets i don't think it's necessary tallow is just going to make your bark wet and that's not going to go into the meat anyway so and i told you you could just kind of poke through the paper i've got a couple spots i've been checking we're 180ish so we're going to keep rolling here for just a little bit hopefully we're you know we're no more 45 minutes or an hour away it'd be time to rest it and then we'll go to eat been rolling this brisket since last night i've been temping them so i know they're close to being done and hey i'm still wearing the same clothes so smells great what i do with the brisket i've showed you we've been temping it right here which by the way i know i'm good because i just checked it i'm right on 203 i actually like to squeeze the brisket but if you know if you're only cooking one a month or something like that i don't expect you to know how that feels but this brisket's done and as i pick it up with this insulated glove it's flexible like i know it i know it's done so we need to rest it now so let me give you a little tip on resting if you're only if you're going to eat this in about an hour you can rest at an ambient temperature it's nice weather in texas so i can leave it out here and just let it sit for 45 minutes to an hour if you need to hold your meat for longer than an hour then i'd drop it in a dry cooler and you can hold it for a really long time but setting this thing at about an hour it's going to drop down to be right at the temperature we want to eat it so i'm going to let this rest i'm actually going to pull the other one out and then we're going to get to eat all right guys this is what it's all about all that hard work you put in running that fire all night half the day it's time to unwrap this baby i've let this rest about 45 minutes it actually needs to rest a little longer it's still pretty warm but given how long we've cooked and the fact that this was for lunch it's a little late lunch now we don't want to wait any longer we're uh we're opening this up we're going to eat [Applause] [Music] she's a beaut pour a little for this juice on here that's a little much but oh well i don't want to waste that put on an old cowhide there sorry about that you're already mad that i'm cooking your cousin so be good all right she looks really good that's that's really really tender first thing i'm gonna do with my slicer is you actually normally separate the flat in the point so we'll make pretty pretty good little incision right here slice i should say oh yeah she's juicy and i always say you should never squeeze you know your briskets i'm just barely going to do it just just to show you the juice that you know came out of this low and slow cook on the mill scale you know don't squeeze too much because just robbing yourself of a of a juicy bite but on the flat side you know you want to go kind of number two pencil size slices [Music] i know y'all hear the camera clicking there i've been a model with my meat most of my life so i'm used to it man that is tender now on the point the grain actually runs a different direction so you should spin that you actually slice this this direction let me just show you here normally you go a little larger more wide slices in the point it's fattier and wider slices help keep it together there you go there man that looks super good look at that so we know it's cooked right can't wait too much longer just pops right apart more tender than your mother's love that's why i love a fat up brisket [Music] perfectly rendered fat with that holy cow and holy gospel on the fat in the post oak smoke that bite is tough to beat you can cook a meat up brisket and that's fine but i actually prefer this man that's just so tough to beat pure texas right there ain't mad at it i appreciate you guys sticking with us it was a long cook but it was fun i'm tired but i can sleep tonight but hey if you guys like what we're doing please like and subscribe to our channel hope to see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 590,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, brisket, texas brisket, mill scale, franklin pit, 44 farms, waxahachie, cooking show
Id: Mgy7ou8bFRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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