How To Make Smoked Brisket Made Easy for Beginners

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[Music] today I'm gonna show you guys how to make an excellent brisket this is very easy for beginners we're gonna do it right here today on the doll father's BBQ YouTube channel so you loved eating smoked brisket right but you're kind of new to the barbecue game and your kana may be intimidated don't be I'm gonna show you today how to make an excellent brisket from your beginners out there so let's get into it there are a lot of fantastic rubs out there that you can buy at your grocery stores or at your local barbecue shops or whatever and I want to encourage you to definitely get out there and try as many as you can and find out what you like best but for today's purposes and we're keeping it nice and simple for the beginner we're gonna do a Central Texas style rub which consists of just straight salt and pepper but before we put this rub together guys hey why don't you drop a comment down there and let me know what are the favorite ropes that you like to use on brisket maybe there's something out there I haven't tried before and maybe we can try it out all right guys so as we said we're gonna put this rub together and we are starting off with kosher salt and the way that I do my Central Texas rub is I'll start off with a four to one ratio and that's going to be four parts of pepper to one part Sun so we're gonna get our one part salt put in here and so this is going to be one tablespoon of kosher salt and then I've got coarse ground black pepper here so we're going to put in 4 tablespoons of coarse ground black pepper and that pretty much is our rug for the day you leave this kind of tossed that around mix it up and now you have a good central Texas style rub you can on our brisket alright so we're gonna go and get our binder put on and all you want to do is just apply a little bit of mustard there so we just got a little strip of mustard we're just gonna rub it all over this brisket get it nicely coated all over and so now we're gonna go ahead and apply our rub you just want to sprinkle high so that should get a good even coating all over the brisket and then you want to Pat it in never rub your brisket guys just to add it in we're gonna get a good even footing all over now that we got this side coated when I rub we're gonna flip it over and do the same thing on the other side all right we're gonna be using our pellet smoke for today I get a lot of requests about you know clicking on the pellet smoker a lot of beginners out there are using you know various pellet smokers and have a lot of inquiries and so that's what we're aiming to do today is show you guys have a smoke that's central texas-style brisket on a pellet smoker should be very simple and easy but before we get this thing put on let's talk about this first site because we already know we're not gonna get the same exact flavor if we were using a stick burner you know when I run my my LSG off set so how are we gonna try and get as much smoke into this thing well we're gonna use a smoke tube so if you guys haven't used a smoke tube before I would say that's probably a good accessory to purchase for your your pellet smoker you'll basically just fill it up with your pellets you'll light it let it burn let it burn until the flame goes out on its own and at that point it's just gonna produce a lot of good solid smoke for you so I would strongly urge you to pick up a smoke tube and put that in your pellet smoker when you put your brisket on or any BBQ if you want that added additional smoke flavor so we're gonna go ahead and get this thing going we're gonna roll it to 25 for the first couple of hours of this cook because again we're trying to get as much smoke into this meat as we possibly can on the front end of this good so let's get this brisket put on the yoader alright let's do it alright guys so hey we're at the Yoder we got this thing started up but I wanted to make sure I mentioned to you when you're starting up your your Yoder you want to make sure that you have plenty of pellets today we're going to be smoking with Post Oak there's plenty of choices out there you can go with Hickory you can go with Post Oak you can go with pecan miski apple alder there's tons of different pellets out there so you find the pellet and you like the best for whatever protein you're cooking today we're gonna be using Post Oak so we got our hopper full of Post Oak pellets we've got our smoke tube in and it's smoking away and now let's get this brisket on the pit okay [Music] alright guys we got the brisket here you'll notice this is meat side here fat side on this side and we're gonna put it fat side down we're going fat side down because the heat source from this pellet smokers at the bottom you have your deflector plate down here just gonna radiate heat up you want that fat between your meat and your heat source just to protect your meat so it doesn't dry out also I happen to know that the right side of my Yoder is gonna burn a little bit hotter than the left side so I put my moist part this is the point I'll put the point facing towards this side of the pit as I put it on we've got it right there in the center and we're now good to go we can close this thing up and we can smoke it away [Music] [Music] all right guys so hey we just got our brisket put on our Yoder Wyatt 640 it's smoking away with the Post Oak pellets everything is gravy now what do we do well tell you what what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back in two hours we're running this at 225 right now and we have a smoke pellet tube in there so that we can get maximum smoke right now so we don't want to cook this thing at a higher temperature right now so we're going to 25 you can know 200 if you want but 225 seems to be a good number for me so what we're gonna do is let this thing smoke away we're gonna smoke for two hours and we'll come back and check it at that point okay first check point again guys two hours see them [Music] all right you can see we're coming along here guys we're just checking to make sure that I rub is set on our brisket we're not quite set there we're going to take our fingernail and just cut it rub and you can kind of see that rub is still kind of moving around a little bit so we're not quite there yet but that's okay it's just two hours into the cook we're just getting that smoke flavor in so we're just you know two hours into it and you got that smoke sitting into the brisket right now and we're all good we're we've been cooking at 225 and now we're gonna go ahead and raise our temperature up to 250 degrees for the next portion of this cook we're gonna come back again in two hours we're gonna check our brisket again at the to ever the two hour mark which would be four hours total cooking time you know I'm expecting that our brisket our rub will be set by then and then we can kind of pay attention to our next steps and making sure that we keep our brisket nice and moist throughout the cooking process again we're at the two-hour mark or our love is not quite set yet we're gonna raise our temperature up from 225 to 250 and we'll be back in two hours all right before we open up the grill I just want to bring a couple of things to your attention that you want to think of before you open the grill because you want to do things rather quickly okay so what we're gonna be looking for number one is gonna be the color of our brisket if we're where the color needs to be perfect if not we're gonna get it keep rolling if the color is where we need it to be will do a temperature check a temperature check is basically just because we want to see if we're somewhere around that 150 160 range maybe 165 that's when the thermal stall kicks in if you don't know about thermal spa there's plenty of articles out there for thermal stall I'll put a link down below so you can check that out but it'll be time for us to decide if we're gonna push through and leave this brisket completely unwrapped or if we're gonna wrap it to push it through the thermal spa secondly our third we probably want to make sure we have our spritz together and what I have here is just a good little sprayer you can spritz with which you like typically people likely use apple cider vinegar and apple juice a one to one ratio today I'm using just straight water I don't happen having the apple juice on hand Kovach my team is keeping me at the house right now so I'm not gonna venture out to go kidding you so we're just gonna use straight water which I do very often there's nothing wrong with it so feel free to use water to spritz your brisket if you like and you'll know that you need to spritz that brisket if you open it up in the brisket is looking rather dry in places you want to go ahead and spritz it also if it's actually looking at very wet and coolly like there's a lot of pooled juices on your brisket then you want to take some aluminum foil crumple it up to make a little ball and set it under your brisket so that the juices will run off of the brisket okay now last how are we gonna handle these the brisket the briskets gonna be hot so how do we handle it well my man alfredo Infante sent me over these magnets of gloves and basically these are the Magnus chef gloves guys so they have a little magnetic clip on the gloves that allow it to stop together and stay together and you can you know put your fingers and put your hands in here and and just like that you got the gloves on and you want to go take them off you just put it together there and they come right off very very ingenious little invention of gloves so I'll put the information down below so you guys can go check that out but we're gonna be using our Magnus chef's gloves to handle this hot brisket so for our check here we're right on it so let's go ahead and check this brisket and see what we need to do to it all right guys let's go all right as you guys can see the brisket is looking pretty good [Music] it's kind of good color to it we're a little a little kind of red there you can see here and a little dry we got a little bit of pool in here on the back in not too concerned about that everything is looking pretty good so we're gonna spread soon and again we're spritzing with just water here so spritz it all over this brisket not quite happy with the color so we're gonna keep it going here and that's gonna do it we'll close it up all right so hey we're not quite where we want this brisket to be just yet but again we're only four hours into this cook we just want to hit moisturize it with a little spritz of water on it just now and we're just gonna let it keep going now so we're probably gonna check back here in the next hour so that'll be a five hour point this is a smaller brisket so I'm anticipating that it's gonna be cooking a little faster than say a big you know 14 15 pound brisket after we've trimmed this one this one is uh is is roughly down to about an eight and a half nine pounds so it's a rather smaller brisket so again we're gonna check back in in one hour guys all right guys so we're at the five and a half hour mark we will take a look and everything is looking really good on this brisket got a little bit of moisture here there's pooling the color looks good so we're gonna go ahead and get this brisket wrapped okay guys so we got our brisket off here this is the fat cap side and this is the inside and so what we're going to do is we're gonna put this in our paper we're gonna put it meat side down and we're gonna make sure that when we finish this wrap that this is gonna remain tain meat down fat cap up so just like that we've got this brisket wrapped again we've got a fat cap up the meat side it's going to be down and we're gonna place it back on our smoker alright so we just got our risk they're rafting we just gotta quit back on and we would have had dropped it because we already got the color that we're looking for that brisket measured out to be about 168 degrees which is right there at the thermal stall so I know that we're good to go with going ahead and wrap and now if you decide you don't want to wrap your brisket you want to just cook it on the smoker the whole time go for it it's gonna take a little bit longer you're probably gonna add a couple maybe three hours to your cook time but hey if you got nothing but time and you're willing to do it go for it it's it's a great brisket just as well but we're gonna wrap it and we wrapped it in our butcher paper because I like to have a little bit more of a affirm this to my bark aluminum foil does a great job but you pretty much lose the hard bark that you're looking for that at least I'm looking for because I like a little crunchy or bark so we did with a head wrapped in butcher paper we got it back on and we've now raised our temperature to 275 degrees we're gonna come back but we're gonna start probing for tenderness here probably in about two to two and a half hours so we're gonna come back to two and a half hours we'll start probing the meat just to see how it feels because at this point we're now looking for temperature the meats already edible I mean it's already passed that temperature that is edible but it's not going to be as tender as we want so we're going to go for tenderness now so I'll meet you back here at the yoader here in about two to two-and-a-half hours alright guys so roughly we're about seven and a half hours into this cook and we're ready to start checking our tenderness so I'm gonna show you how we're gonna do that right now okay I'm gonna be using my thermapen to do this but you can use whatever thermometer you using but basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna insert in the side of the brisket here and I'm gonna push in and I'm just kind of poking around to kind of feel how this brisket feels you want it to be to where it feels like a hot knife point in butter this is not feeling too bad but it's not all the way there so I'm going back here towards the point [Music] and again it feels pretty good but it's still not as tender as I want it to be just as a side note I don't know if you guys can see this but the temperature is at 190 point five right now so I know we still got a little ways to go so we're gonna close this grill back up and let it keep going and we'll check back here in about another Howard all right so we just kind of risk it off of the yoader why a 640 pellet smoker we hit the tenders that we were looking for it took abruptly about two hours or so and we've got it off we let it rest we let that temperature drop down to about 150 degrees and now it's gonna be time to go ahead and slice up this brisket so let's go ahead and get this out of the butcher paper and let's get this brisket slice all right guys we're gonna go ahead get this Brisky cut I'm gonna be using a the tori locks 12 inch this is a scalloped slicing knife and so that's what we're gonna be using to slice this brisket list so let's get this brisket sliced up okay so when I get ready to slice up this brisket you notice I've got the flat ends gonna be right here my points gonna be right here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slice this brisket right down the middle which is gonna be closer to where the points gonna start so we're gonna get the cut right there and then I'm gonna take this point as you can see here we're gonna put it facedown on the board now I'm gonna turn my flat around first give you a look at that that's what our cut is looking like so far but we're now gonna start slicing from this end [Music] now whenever you're gonna get rid of this pause slicing for a minute take this meat cut slide put it right down on your board and that'll help it to stop from oxidizing once you make that initial cut and I'm doing that so we can talk about this brisket that we have here so as you can see here I did cut this a little on the thick side but you can see how that thing folds over and it's just ready to fall apart for us so we'll go ahead and give it a little slice there and that's what we got guys so we'll go ahead and give this a little taste excellent brisket very very tender the fat rendered out of this brisket just like you wanted it to so well tell you what again for you guys are beginners at this I'm gonna go ahead and finish showing you how to slice up the rest of this brisket and we wrap this up [Music] [Applause] and then basically all the way across so that's how you're gonna slice up your flat okay guys so now here we have left is our point and the way you're gonna slice that is you will not continue to slice like this because the grain runs the opposite direction so you'll actually turn it 90 degrees now the way that I'd be mine is I'll start here and I'll just basically circular that cut across and the reason I do that is because everybody that gets a piece of this point will get some of the bark so I'll start here you just work my way all the way across here and that's basically the way I cut it up then you can just have your little pieces here [Music] and as you can see every piece of that has some of the bark to it alright alright so hopefully this guy's hopefully this helps you and I hope that you found some value in this video in these applications and techniques that I use if you have men please give me a thumbs up for the channel and definitely subscribe and it's become part of the dark path be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook because I'll tell you when I post a lot of stuff behind the scenes on my Instagram page and my facebook so a lot of the cooks that I do that don't make it on YouTube you'll probably see a lot of that stuff on the Instagram paper so definitely follow me on Instagram to Facebook I'll put a link up there so you go check out a playlist and see some more of the content that I put on this channel so it's been fun hanging out with you guys but I gotta go so tell you what I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] alright so you love smoked brisket but you're not quite sure how to make it [Music] alright so you love smoked brisket but you're not quite sure how to make it yourself well tell you what today I'm gonna show you how to make the most I'm gonna show you some basic principles to smoking 8 excellent I'm gonna show you some basic principles to smoking Europe I'll do four parts of pepper as I spoke it's all over the freakin dead woman so again to our mark our our set our elbow [Music] the spires just don't want to quit birds just disrespectful
Channel: The Dawgfatha's BBQ
Views: 1,876,689
Rating: 4.9389882 out of 5
Keywords: TheDawgfathasBBQ, LonestarGrillz, MGrills, WeberKettle, BacklineSmokers, Backline, Fabrication, Yoder, brisket recipe, Smoked Brisket Made Easy for Beginners, beef brisket, smoked brisket, how to smoke a brisket, texas brisket, texas style brisket, pellet smoker, pellet grill, fiesta, Yoder Smokers, we cook, cook with me, smoked chicken, smoked turkey, withme, bbq brisket, red butcher paper brisket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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