Pork Belly Burnt Ends

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hey guys it's Matt Pittman with meet Church coming to you from my outdoor kitchen and today I'm going to teach you guys one of my favorites pork belly burns [Music] what we've got here today is a 12 pound skinless pork belly that I got from prairie fresh it's a really beautiful piece of meat this is a big pork belly this will make a ton of food most people eat you know three or four bites so this will go a long way and it would cost you normally probably bout 35 bucks or so you could actually cook this a couple of different ways some people choose to cook this thing whole much like a brisket and then when it's nice and tender they'll cube it up they'll put some sauce on it and they'll put it back in their pit and have pork belly burnt ends what I prefer to do is actually cut it up while it's raw so that I can season all sides of this belly get caramelize ation on the entire thing it's easiest to cut a pork belly when it's nice and cold this just came out of the fridge I'm gonna take my boning knife and I'm gonna make a couple slices here next I'm going to take these strips that we've cut and I'm gonna cut them into 1-inch cubes now that we've got these babies cut into 1-inch cubes it's time to put some seasoning on them and I'm gonna go with the gospel our all-purpose seasoning it's a great southwestern flavor it pairs great with pork and it's beautiful so you're gonna go pretty liberal with this and we're gonna toss these cubes to try to get a nice pretty heavy application on all sides so now we've got a nice heavy application on here I'm gonna let these sit for about 15 minutes let that seasoning it here and then we're gonna put them on smoker it's been about 15 minutes and as you can see here the seasoning is really adhered this is pulling the moisture out of the meat that's what this liquid is for at this point I'm comfortable to put it on the pit what I like to do is use one of these baking or cooling grids to put the pork belly pieces on that way you can put all of your meat on one or two of these grids open up your cooker put it in close it keep it at timp that'll keep you from having to put 4050 individual pieces of meat in your cooker and lose all that heat and just make a big mess now when you go to place this on the cooking grid my preference is fat up you can cook it meat up if you'd like I like the way this fat glistens and and the seasoning adheres and melds as the fats rendering I think just makes a better bite but you can put it on here however you'd like alright now that our grid is full it's time to get to cooking so today's cooks gonna be at 275° you're probably looking at total cook time of about two and a half hours or so we're looking for these to be probe tinder I'm gonna cook these on the trigger iron would 650 you can use any smoker you want running at that temperature trigger makes amazing pork belly with this grid we're just in one time nice and easy if you've got a second rack put it underneath close it we've barely lost any temperature now we're gonna come back in like an hour hour and a half or so and check on these we might spritz them a little bit depending how they're looking and keep monitoring them and be good to go our pork belly's been cooking about an hour and a half or so so I'm gonna check it see how it looks and probably spritz it and they look super pretty already gorgeous color from the gospel I'm gonna hit them with a little bit of solder vinegar spritz I'm gonna keep checking these every 30 minutes or so until their probe tender with our thermapen all right guys so we've been cooking for just over two hours whoo pork belly looks real good visually it looks amazing now I'm gonna take an instant-read thermometer this is my third pin in k4 and I just want to feel it without looking at the number it's probe tender so I know they're ready if you're looking for a number on the thermometer you're gonna look for about 200 degrees or so I mean these are just like pushed right through there completely tender so it's time to pull these off this awesome so I've made you guys a sauce today that's my favorite barbecue sauce cut with honey to thin it out add a little sweetness and then I'm gonna hit it with cherry habanero rib candy so we're gonna have cherry habanero pork belly burnt ends today so you can use your kind of favorite sauce whatever you want to make gonna go ahead and just dump these right in the pan we're gonna use a little 1/2 steam pan here to sauce these capture all this sauce and we're gonna put it back in the pit in just second I'll put the recipe for my sauce mixture down below in the comments but what we did today was two-to-one meet Mitch whomp sauce one part here of the Burleson South Texas guajillo honey and then again I mentioned we use Texas pepper jelly rib candy I like the apple cherry habanero so I'd go about a third of this bottle but you just use this to your taste you know mix it in try if you want it hotter put more in it now the goal here is to just coat these cubes so and it looks good think of just dipping it tot this is this is the effect I want man that looks good on all of these but I'm gonna pour it in and just kind of toss them around I'm not looking to have a whole bunch of excess sauce in the pan right I don't want an inch of sauce I just want these cubes coated in this sauce and I can tell you these are gonna be epic just toss them around a couple times and you see they're just nice and coated just like that now what we're going to do is we're going to open the trigger back up same temperature 275 we're gonna throw these back on uncovered like this and we're gonna let these caramelize for 3045 minutes just to kind of your liking okay same temperature I'm gonna come back in 30 minutes and it's gonna be time to eat whoo tell me those don't just look sexy pull them off the trigger they're on that for about 30 minutes let the sauce stack up and they look ready to eat so we like to pair them with our cowboy candy jalapenos I'll put the recipe down in the comments for that if that's your thing I can't wait much longer so we're gonna eat this can be like barbecue and dessert all in one oh yeah not mad about it apple cherry habanero pork belly remember this was only half the belly so for 35 bucks you could have fed an army this is a great appetizer whether it be for a backyard BBQ party whatever you're having especially paired with this cowboy candy jalapenos if you guys liked this video subscribe to the channel we've got lots more cooking videos coming for you guys [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 349,937
Rating: 4.9542894 out of 5
Keywords: pork belly, pork belly burnt ends, traeger, traeger grills, bbq, meat church
Id: omEpZI18OtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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