How to Smoke Brisket on a Weber Kettle Easy

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today I've got a treat for you today we're gonna do brisket on the Weber Kettle that's right brisket on the Weber cattle I get told a lot from a lot of people that they want to learn how to do brisket but they don't have an offset smoker you don't need one you can do it on a Weber cattle and so that's what I'm gonna show you guys how to do today right here on the dog laughter's BBQ YouTube channel that's right guys today we got us a twelve point six pound USDA prime brisket from our local Costco we're gonna go ahead and get this thing trimmed up we're gonna get it seasoned with some suckle Buster's SPG and some 18/36 beep rub and we're gonna get it on our web a kettle so let's get our Weber Kettle fired up and let's get this cook going let's get all right guys so we're here at the grill we got our regular standard kettle and what I'm gonna be using today to do this long cook is gonna be called a slowly sear so the way this thing works is you put your charcoal in and this side and you put your moisture or your water in on this side and that's how this thing works and it just gets placed down inside the grill just like this and I know you probably think what if we don't have a slowness here well that's why you probably have a couple of baskets like this they come with your weber kettle which you can stick over here on the side to your truck there and so the same principles that you see that i'm gonna do here as i set this thing up its gonna be the same for those little baskets except you won't have the water trough so you can actually water water pan or add a water pan in here or what have you but i'm gonna go ahead and eat this charcoal set up I've got a small chimney set up over here and we're gonna get that dumped in and let's get this thing lit up so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to add some hot water into my water trough here and this again is going to provide our moisture for our cooking chamber [Music] so today I'm gonna be using some being--being competition of charcoal feel free to use whatever charcoal you'd like but this is what I have and this invite to use and so what I do is I just act this charcoal in here and pretty much move it over to one side so our licked our coal that we've got burning down here is going to be dumped in right here and then you get it the snake method it's just basically going to burn across so let's get our little coal foot in here and we'll finish getting this grill it up and that's all this really gonna take it's not gonna take us a whole lot of charcoal to get this thing going but I'm just securing it over into this corner so we can burn across break them down whatever it can be broken down a little bit and what I'm gonna do is add my wood now today I'm using the hickory wood chunks because that's what I like you know I've got some one hand so I'm gonna use it so you feel free to use whatever wood you have but we're gonna put some hickory chunks in here [Music] pull this out of the way okay protip here guys when you're cooking like this it's always the easier cleanup if you take a pan and put it in here underneath where your brisket is gonna be so that'll help us clean up the grill a lot easier later so again Pro to do it if you feel like it if you don't don't so we're gonna put our cooking rocket alright guys so now that we got our charcoal alone got our wood on we're gonna get and get our lid on and this is gonna be what's gonna make this an indirect cooker when you put your lid on you want your vent holes to be opposite of your side where your your heat source or your charcoal and wood is so when we put this with this top on our grill we're gonna put it this way we've got our Vic holes away from it which makes that heat come up and across and out so that's how you get that indirect cooking method onto your brisket so we're gonna leave this top here we're going to let this thing come up to tip and we'll get this brisket on a few curious about the board that I'm using here I'm using a custom cutting boards our us brisket board this is what I use to trim my briskets on it's a big board they can hold a whole briskets got a trough on the end so it catches all the juices so we're good so I'm gonna go ahead and start working on getting this brisket trimmed you know if you guys have been around on the channel you know how I kind of trim my briskets but for those of you that don't if you take the time to look up in that corner torch the end of the video I'm gonna put a card up there just gonna link you to the video of how I trim my brisket so let me get this brisket trimmed and I'll bring you guys back in a minute [Music] alright guys as you can see we've got our brisket trimmed and now it's gonna be time to go ahead get this thing seasoned up and so for me today I'm gonna be using the rubs on this brisket that I haven't done on a brisket before so hey let's try it out so we're gonna be using suckle Buster's and we've got the SPG guys so we're gonna put some SPG on here that's gonna be our first coat [Music] and then our second coats going to be another sucker busters 1836 so we're gonna use sucker busters SPG and up sucker busters 1836 on this brisket today [Music] again you always want to make sure you press the rub in guys never ever rub it around because then you get uneven placement of your rub on your meat so we're just pressing it in and we'll flip it over and we'll get the fat cap side alright guys so hey we've got our brisket our rub we got the Weber cattle lit let's go and get this brisket on get this good going alright I'll meet you at the grill all right guys we're back at the grill as you can see again we got our little art goal on this side here that's gonna kind of sneak across our slowest here here we're gonna be putting our brisket on right here so let's get this brisket on so here we've got the brisket we've got fat cap up putting it right across our retaining pan here I'm cooking fat cap up because I'm expecting the heat to radiate across the top of the dome and across and out so my heat source is going to be coming more from the top here guys so you always want your fat cap to be between your meat and your heat source so that's why I'm cooking fat cap up so we got our brisket on we've got our water in our water trough we've got our charcoal and I went on we're gonna go ahead and get the lid on this thing and we're gonna let it roll [Music] all right gang hey we're in a two hour checkpoint right now so we're gonna take a look at this brisket we got rolling over here on the Weber Kettle what are we gonna look for well we're gonna look for to see hey how fast is this brisket cooking if it's cooking too slow it's gonna have kind of a really good raw look to it still if it's cooking too fast you're gonna see some color changes where on the edges it might look a little crispy and dry almost like it's trying to burn on us and we don't want that so we'll control our temperature where our dampers if that happens if we see some dryness on the edges of the brisket we're gonna go and address that with spritzing with water I'm not gonna use in the ACD or apple juice today we're just gonna use straight water also another thing you're gonna look for is you're gonna look for it pooling sometimes you have a brisket at a push-out moisture and the brisket might be sitting in such a way that you have a pooling where all that juices : where all those juices collect on top of the brisket well we don't want that we want those juices to run away so if that happens we'll take some foil or something to crumple it up and set that brisket to get that juice running to get those juices running off the brisket so let's take a look at this brisket let's see what we got going on right let's go okay so guys what I notice right away when I take the lid off here as I can see that we are cooking a little fast here on the edges here on this edge as well as here is this edge we're still looking a little raw here on this edge before we really get a good spritz on this thing I want to make sure my bark is set so I take my fingernail and scrape there and yeah some of the pepper is moving around but the rest of it looks pretty good so I'm gonna go ahead and spritz it lightly in the center and when we spritz it a little bit more on the edges there just to make sure we keep a good moisture going on and then what we're gonna do is we're actually going to take this brisket and we're gonna turn it around so we can get a good even click on it so now we got this brisket turned around guys and man we're gonna close it up and let it keep going because it seemed like it was cooking a little fast so I'm gonna close down the damper just a little bit more here and I'll bring you back in a while all right guys we're back and we're about four hours into this cook here we got this brisket rolling away on this Weber Kettle so we're gonna go ahead and take a look what are we gonna do at this point well at this point we're gonna go ahead and take a temperature check now remember that brisket and really any cuts of meat that you smoked they're gonna take on smoke flavor up until about 140 degrees and you're probably gonna have all the smoke flavor you can get into that meat at that point so we have to decide do we want to keep it going on the pit the way it is unwrapped the duals want to go ahead and wrap because we're gonna get into what's called the thermal stall so we're gonna actually wrap ours in butcher paper if we're at that point so we're gonna check the internal temperature if we're at 140 or so if we're looking good if the color is where I think we're good to go we'll go ahead and get it wrapped all right so let's get the lid off of this where we can let's take a look at this brisket alright guys so we got the lid off here on this on this Weber Kettle here we got our brisket and we can see a couple of things here okay the cedar we're still kind of wetting through here and we can see we got this pooling that this is the pooling that I was talking about before when I pulled the lid off before I knew this was gonna pull but I purposely didn't go ahead and put anything under it because I wanted you guys to see what it looks like when this happened so this is what happens and this is what I'm talking about when you say you're pooling now to prevent that from happening you get a good piece of aluminum foil like this and you basically prop it underneath your brisket to where the juices will run off into your catch pan down underneath so that's what I wanted to show you guys there I've got some good color here I like the darkness of the color here and around the edges here not too bad we're at that point that we could actually wrap it or we could let it keep going but before we do that we're gonna go ahead and take a temp check so I've got my trusty my trusty thermal pin we're gonna go ahead and take a look and we're at a hundred and seventy degrees guys one hundred and seventy degrees in four hours on this brisket that was through the point we're at a hundred and sixty seven degrees here in the flat 172 there at the tip of the flat so we're actually in the thermal small now guys so this is gonna be really slowing up from this point so this is where we're gonna decide do we want to wrap it or do we want to go ahead and let it keep going I'm okay with this color right here I'm okay with this color right here I know that this risk is not gonna get dark like I do when I do salt and pepper because we are doing a rub that's a little different so I think we're gonna go ahead and wrap this brisket so we're gonna get this wrapped in butcher paper and I'm going to show you how I do it alright guys so we're gonna go ahead and get to this brisket off and you need some good gloves that you can grab your brisket with and I'm gonna be using my Magnus chef's gloves here these are some really good gloves I'll leave a link down below obviously with all the stuff that I use in my videos I will put the links down below in the description box so be sure to take a look we're gonna grab this brisket off we're gonna drain the juice into our catch pan and we're gonna get it laughs okay so now we're all in the paper and you remember this is going to be our fat cap when we finish the wrap we want that fat cap to stay facing up [Music] that is how I wrap my brisket in the picture pecker we will pop it right back on alright guys so as you just saw we just got a brisket off we got it wrapped we got isn't our butcher paper and it's back on now one of the things that I wanted to point out right now is we argued we're in that thermal stall this is where your meat is trying to push out the last nugget some moisture basically your meat is sweating and it's trying to cool itself so it's fighting the temperatures which means you're gonna be sitting in this a range of 160 170 degrees for probably 2 3 possibly 4 hours so how do you combat that well Texas crutch you know about wrapping in aluminum foil or we're wrapping is what your paper as we're doing the other thing that I do that I think is key is I raise the pit temperature a little bit 2530 degrees I'm not really measuring it on my Weber cattle but I'm gonna add a little bit more charcoal to it so that we can kick up the temperatures that helps push you through that thermal stall and basically helps you get through this cook so you're not sitting out babysitting your pit forever today so so let's get some more charcoal on this thing let's get the pit temperature up and get the lid on all right let's do it [Music] [Music] all right so it's been about three hours since we got our brisket wrapped and put back on our Weber cattle now that puts us somewhere around seven hours until this cook total cook time and now it's time to break out our Dharma pen and start poking around now again we're not looking for temperatures guys we're actually checking for tenderness so we're gonna go in we're gonna slide into the side of this brisket go to the point we're gonna go to the flat and we're just trying to feel what the resistance is like if we have no resistance that's what we're looking for that's when we'll know that our brisket is done now the point is gonna cook faster than the flat so you know you're gonna expect that you're gonna feel no resistance throughout the point a lot faster than you will through the flat it's okay it's normal we'll just keep going let it keep cooking away on this Weber Kel until we get no resistance in both sides the point and the flat so let's get the top popped off and let's go see what our tenderness is looking all right let's do it all right guys so again we've got our own with hand again we're not looking for temperatures which I can't fool heart tenderness so I'm gonna go in right here through the side and I'm going to the point first and the point feels really good there is hardly any resistance whatsoever in the point so now I'm gonna go to the flat and the flight is still got a little ways to go I'm still feeling a little resistance especially kind of like in this area here I can still feel it kind of tug a little bit so we're not quite done so all we're gonna do is just leave the top back on it we're gonna let it continue to cook and let this flat break down so let's get the top back on all right guys we're at the eight hour mark and we're gonna go ahead and check our tenderness now we're into the point and there's no resistance whatsoever on the point we're now going into the flat and there is no resistance in the flag guys we're ready to pull this brisket off so we're gonna pull it off and let it rest [Music] all right guys our brisket has had time to rest now I rested it down to about 140 degrees so we're gonna go ahead and get it cut so let's get this brisket chocolate so as I like to do it just as I find where my point is gonna be starting here and I like to cut that brisket right down the middle here and so that's what we're gonna do turn that so you can kind of get a look-see and there we go so we're gonna put this facedown on the board so it doesn't oxidize while we're working with our flat and we're just gonna cut right along here to make some slices guys [Music] and there we go [Music] and there's our point guys so this is looking pretty decent so let's see if we can get a cut and taste it alright so remember guys hey if you enjoy barbecue entertainment videos make sure you check out a couple of these videos that I have linked right here and I'm gonna see you guys in the next video Cheers [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Dawgfatha's BBQ
Views: 369,081
Rating: 4.9275031 out of 5
Keywords: How to Smoke Brisket on a Weber Kettle, brisket smoked on a weber kettle, how to make smoked brisket on a weber charcoal grill easy, smoked brisket, how to smoke a brisket, how to smoke brisket, beef brisket, texas brisket, texas style brisket, weber charcoal grill, weber kettle grill, bbq brisket, sucklebusters rub, thedawgfathasbbq, best smoked brisket, brisket, how to make smoked brisket, smoked brisket on a weber kettle
Id: yIg9OWP0I_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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