Brisket Burnt Ends

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hey guys welcome back it's Matt here in the meet Church live-fire kitchen in walks a chi Texas so today I thought I'd show you guys brisket burnt ends when I teach brisket I normally go through and show how to cook a full packer as well as making burnt ends and I'll be honest Vernon's maybe the best button barbecue for me they resonate with students more than just about anything I teach people always want to go out and try it and and once you do try it you probably will do this additional trim step to do it the next time you cook a brisket has been my experience so anyway a little bit about burnt ends they come from Kansas City you know originated years ago and you know I say Texas barbecue is king but I'm not mad about a Kansas City burn in so what I thought I'd do today I just show you guys how to take a whole packer brisket that this is actually trimmed and ready to cook but I like to go one step further in my trim to actually get maximum burnt ends [Music] so brisket is comprised of a flat and the point the burn ends come from the point as you can see on this brisket you can only see a little bit of it so I want to peel some of this flat back to expose more of the point so that I can apply seasoning to it to build bark and make more burnt ends I use an analogy I kind of liken a brisket to an Oreo cookie with to offset wafers so the point being the bottom chocolate wafer this fat in the middle being the cream and the flat on top being the other way from there kind of offset what I'm gonna do is try to remove some of the screen peel back that layer so that we can see the point meat a little bit better and it's really easy you just fall to see the fat line here in between the two muscles and you can really see it on the other side you can see the fat line continues on in between the flat and the point so with my knife I'm just gonna make an incision in this fat and I'm gonna do the same thing over here just kind of follow this fat line just a little bit so that I can basically grab this and just start to kind of fillet it back and there's a few ways to do this you know I find it's a little bit of trial and error it really only takes you about one time of doing this to get it right so now that I've got this flat this is all flat meat in my hand and you see the fat underneath it I'm just filleting it back because all I'm doing and there's varying ways to do this some people like two completely separate this flattened point I like the way it cooks keeping it together so I'm not going to go that far you do get to choose how far back you come on this you see these muscles come this far back I could I could trim all the way back to here I'm not gonna go quite that far I just want to you know just expose a little bit at this point me or quite a bit of the point meeting there we go so you really start to see them come apart so you see all that fat in there and you can start to see the point meat underneath so all I have left to do is I need to shave this fat out of here so I want to again expose the point meat so just taking my knife flat along the point I'm carving out this fat so I can start to expose it and like I said that's so that we can apply seasoning and start to build bark on this if we hadn't taken this step it obviously would have been covered by fat and this flat so I want this to be seasoned and exposed in the smoker that's just all fat right there there's one little last shave here this is just all fat I'm pulling off you don't have to be perfect you don't have to get it all you can leave a little bit I just want to get those big hard pieces out one more little piece here and I'm gonna call it good okay so now you can see that I've totally exposed that point meat and I've got about another inch here that was about the end of the road there so that's pretty good job exposing most of it so now I can hit that with seasoning and when I go to cook this brisket whether I meet up or fat up this point will be out here on its own nice beautiful bark on it and in the cook process I can actually cut it off when it's done and make my burnt ends out of it all right so we've got this trimmed now we need to season it and put it on I'm gonna choose to cook this one meat up you don't have to but that's just for demonstration purposes so I can really illustrate the two different muscles so given that I'm gonna season on the fat side first and I'm not gonna go through you know how to cook the brisket in this video we've already got a video on our channel for that and recipes on meat Church comm but I am applying my beef seasoning our holy cow which is a great choice for a Texas brisket or you can use whatever seasoning you like and then one thing that's been very successful for us it's coming back across that with my holy gospel this did us right this year at the Houston Rodeo where we final and brisket so no reason to change that and I'm not gonna sit here and let this sit here just for this video I'm going to just Pat it on flip over and show you the other side plus you can see not that much gonna fall off of it flip it over and I'm going to reap eat that exact process so if I had to guess this is probably two-to-one holy cow - holy gospel lift that up you want to be sure to season all sides get messy with it and then come back across that again with our holy gospel I like to season up high get a nice even application season all the sides okay so I'm going to at least let that it here and sweat out for you know 15 minutes I'd love to give it 30 if you've got that much time and we're gonna go put this on our pit we're gonna cook our brisket at 275 you can cook it whatever temperature you like but the recipes we have on meat church calm run at 275 so that's we're gonna put this on at and we're basically gonna cook this brisket until it's done and what's gonna happen when the briskets done I'm gonna lift this flat up and I'm gonna actually cut the point off and we're gonna make our burnt ends out of this like I said earlier you could choose to separate and cook them separately if you want to I like the way they cook connected together so it's just my preference but either way works today we're only focused on the point meat and making the burnt ends out of here to me that's the best part of the brisket you can give this to your neighbors and keep this for yourself so let's get this on the pit all right so we have our pit rolling at 275 degrees for this cook and again I'm not focused on how to cook the brisket I'm only focused on the point meat to bake burnt ends so however you cook your brisket you know this is probably gonna be about a 1011 hour cook based on the size of this brisket you know it's probably around 11 12 pounds cooking at 275 what I'm looking for is for the point meat to be at least 195 degrees internal temperature if not 200 preferably not too much further and so I'll cook this until the briskets done and when the briskets done I'll lift this this flat up and I'll just take a knife and I'll cut that point off and I'll take that out and that's actually where we'll make our burnt ends so we're gonna let that brisket go come back and check on it Mixon burn-in alright guys so over here on the stick burner we've got a brisket that we had trimmed the exact same way as we just showed you and we chose to cook this one meat up you don't have to do that I did it for illustration purposes so that you could see the flat here and you could see the point here so this briskets done and what we're gonna do at this point is we're going to take it over to the cutting board we're gonna lift this flat up and we're going to remove the point and make that into burnt ends you could have even separated the muscles before the cook I like to cook it together but it's just whatever you guys want to do all right so we've got this cooked brisket like I said you got the flat you got the point we want to go ahead and lift the flat up get underneath there and cut this point away I'm going to set the flat aside to wrap that up put it in your cooler let it rest for another hour so because again for the burnt ends we're just going to work solely with the point meat so this wasn't wasn't real huge but what you want to do is you want to cut it into 1x1 cubes so I just make one inch strips or so that's got epic bark on that end and so you see the benefit of removing that fat again between the flat and the point so that we could apply seasoning to the point and build this bark on top of it so now we've got bark on a couple sides and we're gonna again cut these into about 1x1 cubes or so if it's too hot you can let it rest just a little bit so that you can handle it okay and look at that bark so I've got a pan here of you know from another brisket where I made some more so we'd have quite a few just gonna pile them all together and just this is a half size steam pans what I find works best for me so again a Kansas City burn in it has got a little bit of sweet and a little bit of kick so I want to apply some more seasoning to it I'm gonna use our holy gospel you can use your favorite rub this one works really well on beef and it has a little bit of sweetness to it so I think it works great for burnt ends I'm gonna apply it here and just kind of toss the cubes around my goal here is to just kind of toss all sides coat all the sides a little bit get seasoning on all the sides here nice application run away on dog we'll be happy about that one all right that's pretty good now it's time to sauce so I used meet Mitch sauce my thought is you want to make a real Kansas City burn in and let's use a Kansas City sauce meet Mitch makes a really good one you can use your favorite sauce so the goal here is to just coat all the sides okay it's not to leave you know a half inch or inch of sauce in your pan you just want to put enough sauce in here so when you toss these that you're just gonna get a little bit on all those sides so all these sides don't have anything on them you want seasoning and you want sauce toss them around nicely and from here it's real easy we're gonna go back on the pit for about an hour what we're trying to do is we want the fat and the point meat here to continue to render and we want to caramelize this sauce on the outside so you can see they're not too much sauce not a bunch of excess just enough to coat the cubes we're gonna throw them back in the pit and in an hour we'll be eating good okay we're gonna put these burn ins on the off set I'm cooking it about 275 degrees no magic to it you can be 225 250 275 any cooker you like got these on the stick burner they'll take 45 minutes to an hour you can check them about halfway through the cooking them a toss if you like but otherwise you don't have to do a lot make sure they're uncovered if you cover this with foil that sauce will kind of run off of it you'll steam them so this is uncovered 275 for me about an hour see y'all soon okay guys so we've been cooking for almost an hour I looked at these one time during the cook you don't worry about internal temperature anything like that we're just looking for the sauce to caramelize around those burnt ends which it has here so you can still see they're a little bit wet super juicy these things are going to be epic I can't wait much longer so we're gonna head over to the board and eat [Music] alright guys so I've let these rest just long enough to cool off they don't have to have any power long rest like a like a brisket or anything like that but these babies look awesome telling you this might be one of the best bites in barbecue pretty hard to argue it's a man they look good so not too hard to make little additional trim required but I think worth it so you should try these let us know what you think and I think you might just be hooked to where you trim every brisket like that I'm gonna give these a shot they just melt in your mouth my fat continued to render a little bit of sweet a little bit of kick from the meat niche womp sauce holy gospel seasoning I love it I see the guys like this subscribe to our Channel we've actually got a twist on these coming up pretty soon here where we're gonna do a little something extra with them so stay tuned
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 428,705
Rating: 4.9222898 out of 5
Keywords: bbq, brisket, burnt ends, brisket burnt ends
Id: vNtnBdtw3Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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