Kansas City Brisket Burnt Ends

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hey everybody I'm chef Tom with a tbq comm and this is Kansas City brisket burn ins today we're going to be smoking up one of the most iconic foods from Kansas City its brisket burn ins and this might just be my favorite barbecue food now we're gonna keep it pretty classic we're gonna use some Kansas City flavors we're gonna take some liberties of course but more importantly we're going to walk you through the entire process teach you exactly what it takes to come out with those juicy succulent burn ins every single time all right so what we're starting with today is a 15 and a half pound USDA choice MasterChef brisket a whole pack of brisket from Creek stone forms and this stuff is about as good as it gets their choice level meat is on a prime level for pretty much everyone else so unless you've got an incredibly cool hook-up chances are you're gonna need to start with a whole packer brisket in order to make burn ins and the reason for that is because there are two muscles in the brisket there's the point that sits on top you can actually see that meat right here kind of comes around about here sits on the top while the flat sits underneath and the flat is where we get our slices from the point is where we get our burnt ends and it's kind of difficult to find this on its own so we're gonna separate it out from the whole brisket so first thing I'm gonna do is just cut off the side here so that we can get a look at where our fat and our meat are got a lot of fat right on top of this and that's all right actually this is going to show us exactly where that line is so this is the flat here it kind of tapers off this is the point up here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start at the top end of the point we're gonna work our way down trim off the fat from the top of the point and as we work our way down we'll find where those two muscles meet and peel them apart now most of this fat I'm gonna save this to make sausage with later this goes great in your grind there's no meat in the middle of that it's just good fat great for sausage making not so great for trying to eat off the top of your burnt ends now why would we be taking all the fat off of the top of our point me well that's because all of the fat that matters is the intramuscular fat that runs through the center of the meat strands and that's these strands right here that intramuscular fat that's the fat that melts down to give you nice juicy burn ends a lot of this surface fat the soft stuff at least would melt down as well but it doesn't really add anything to the burn ins themselves it just kind of drips off creating smoke which is fine but one thing that you have when you have fat on the surface is a barrier in between the smoke and the meat so if we can expose this meat then we can get all of our seasoning on here and all the smoke we want onto our burn ends alright so we've cleaned up the top there and where this muscle is pretty apparent right here on top of the flat meat so what we're gonna do now is just make a tiny little incision here and if I look right through there you can see a different meat underneath that's the flat that's how thin this end of the point muscle is but that's right where we're gonna start to peel things back so we're just gonna follow this line there's a vein of fat in between the two muscles but what you're gonna see as we start separating this is there's these little strands these little white strands that are gonna go vertical that's just all that's holding it together here so we're gonna make nice gentle cuts I'll take my glove off here to get a better grip but what we're looking at is those nice little strands we want those to come apart so we get the knife right under the edge there and then what I like to do is just let all of the weight do the work so I'll pick this guy up short little cuts cutting through those strands separating the two muscles now this stuff here at the end is going to be so thin don't even worry about if you lose it you could go right through it and trim it off later because it's literally just a tiny thin strap or a little bit of meat there so now here's a nice little mistake I made that'll help you guys anytime we're teaching the class on this and we're showing people how to do this I always tell them just stay in the white if you get too far south you're gonna run into some red right that's a little bit of meat so make an adjustment and go back north same thing if you get into the point meat just make an adjustment just know that if you're staying in the white you're in the right spot to be so I'm really just rolling this muscle back now as we continue to make those small cuts to separate the two muscles and it's probably 20 degrees outside so my hand is completely numb at this point not my prettiest work but we're gonna get the job done now there's a little bit of a tricky part here at the end because this muscle wall it sits on top it also wraps around the end so you don't want to just go straight off the end or you're going to cut off part of the point muscle so you've got to just continue to follow that fat line as it turns down and if we flip this over you can see where that fat line is going to run so we'll just follow that boom one last big scary cut and it's done alright so here we have the point muscle isolated from the whole Packer brisket in the flat we just need to do a little bit more trimming on this like I said super thin down here we can go ahead and just kind of trim the end of that off and that can go into our scrap pile for grind and then we've got some big chunks of fat that we need to take care of so here's one right here this was kind of the wedge sitting in between the flat and the point as you can see no meat on the inside of that so again we're just taking all the hard fat off the surface so that we can expose the meat to the seasoning and the smoke while we rely on the intramuscular fat to keep our burnings nice and juicy alright so this is what it looks like all cleaned up you kind of got this thinner skirt out here and there's usually sort of a mound of meat on the back in order this one's a little bit thinner than a lot but in order to really make this cook evenly usually what I like to do is go ahead and butterfly that mound out so that this will cook in the same amount of time as the other end so in order to do that just take our knife we come in there on the horizontal we're not going to cut all the way through to the end just far enough to press that out so it's kind of all on the same level and the great thing here is when you go to slice into your cubes we've just got one level of cubes to worry about with bark on all sides so now that we got the point trimmed out we're gonna get into seasoning now for seasoning I like to do some special stuff for burn ins it's not necessarily the same way I'd treat it as the flat and you kind of have that luxury when you separate the two over the years burnin to become such a phenomenon that people are really thinking about now how do I want my burn ins to turn out not just how what are we gonna do with these scraps these burnt edges of the brisket that they used to put up on the counter when they were trimming out the sandwiches but how can i really make this as good as possible so when we're thinking about flavor on our burn ins what I really like to think about is first salt of course you got to have salt on a big piece of beef a little bit of sweetness and sweetness really helps the carmelization on the outside and gives you that nice bark and then I like to get a little bit creative today we're gonna add some coffee I really like to do something with a little bit of spice as well on our burnt ends so we'll probably be adding a little bit of hot sauce later on during the cook but for now we're gonna focus on just the dry rubs we've got Plowboys bovine bold classic Kansas City Plowboys has made a name for themselves in Kansas City because their BBQ is fantastic and this bovine bolt is exactly what you want to put on your burn ins on top of that we're going with the Cattlemen's grill smoky Chipotle it adds coffee and it adds big chunks of that sugar which are gonna create great bark and great color on the outside but before we get to the dry rubs we need a little bit of binder so we're gonna use some big Rick's jalapeno honey mustard again just putting a little bit of sugar on the surface helps with some caramel is Asian but more than anything this is just to get the rub to stick to the meat so we're starting off with that bovine bold this is a finer seasoning so it's going to go down first with the coarser seasoning on top just kind of press that into the binder into the meat until it starts to really look like it's attached you see some wet spots on the surface and then you can go right in there with the smoky Chipotle so you see that coffee in there you see those big chunks of sugar and then we get just a little bit of heat out of that chipotle chili this is where we can be a little bit creative there's all kinds of great rubs out there and these small batch rubs are so fantastic because they're made just a little bit at a time to keep the ingredients as fresh as possible once again just down with the finer seasoning first love that bovine a little bit of celery in there a little bit of sweet a little bit of salt awakens the umami and then that earthy coffee crust on top of that beautiful today we're gonna be smoking on the yoader smokers ys6 40s pellet grill we're running cherry and pecan pellets at 250 degrees as you can see we've already got one on here it's been on for about half an hour already already starting to see those moisture pockets form which is fantastic I'm gonna throw this second guy right next to him here now one more thing we're gonna do before we walk away so I'm gonna light up an amazing smoke tube filled with the same pellets that we're smoking with just to really pump that smoke flavor into the meat today we're gonna try to get these done in about 8 hours or less and when you're trying to cook quicker than a normal pace say you could do this at 225 200 let it go all day long but when you're trying to go faster this is gonna help you set the bark in record time so we're gonna slide this just here on the left-hand side to light it up with the torch so we'll just let that burn out on its own it only takes about 30 seconds maybe a minute until it burns out starts producing that really nice smoke well guys it's been about three hours that our burnt ends have been smoking away on the cooker I want to give you a peek and see what they look like we're not really ready to do anything with them yet but they just looks so great right now I want you to take a look look at that moisture pockets all over the place darkening up getting some really great Brown oh man the bark right there these things are looking good but we're just gonna let them ride continue to darken up that bark before we wrap these up to finish them up in foil well we're about four and a half hours into the cook now we're gonna take a peek one more time and this time we're gonna pull these off and wrap them up look at that that is just beautiful great color on the outside of those man these are getting flexible certainly not done but that's what we're gonna do here in the wraps we're gonna wrap these up braise them off for a bit to finish him all right so we're gonna go down on the foil here we're gonna add just a little bit extra liquid to make sure that everything stays nice and juicy I'm gonna go with just a splash of beef stock here and then a little bit of added flavor and a little added heat with some flavor okay no this is a smoky red chili hot sauce but you could add just about anything you like here if you like beer in there add some beer when I add a juice or something you have that option as well you also have the option to not wrap these at all it'll definitely change the texture you'll have a much crustier outside when I'm cooking these separated from the flat I really like to go ahead and wrap them because it ensures that they're still gonna be juicy they're not gonna be totally dried out by the time they're tender we'll do this one more time here a little bit of beef stock a little bit of hot sauce and that stuff's gonna work its way around the point muscle as it braises inside this foil so back on the grill now I'm going to kick this grill up to 300 degrees just to expedite this process well the thickest part of the point is now temping at about 2:05 so we're gonna check on our tenderness essentially what we're looking for here is for there to be very little resistance when we probe the point I mean it should feel like going into butter and we are there like that is just completely butter perfect oh man that is a thing of beauty so this is where your brisket point becomes burnt ends from here we're going to cube up the point meat toss in a little bit of sauce and put it back on the grill for that sauce to tack up and for the outside to get just the right texture so this should be a pretty easy process here but you're gonna want a nice sharp knife because this is going to be so tender at this point that you don't want to have to try and tear this thing apart and just look at the layers of fat that have begun to melt in there giving it that really springy texture all right so good big bite size chunks maybe two bite-sized chunks I can't resist go ahead and try a little bit now Oh ma'am just melts in your mouth and it's amazing the seasonings on that I don't taste any single one of them that's become a really great blend this doesn't taste like coffee on brisket it tastes earthy but it's got a slight sweetness to it just the right amount of salt so our burnt ends going back to the pan where they'll be finished so now that we got those cubed before they go back onto the pit we're gonna hit them with a little bit of barbecue sauce we've got the smoke on wheels Kansas City bootleg so this is a great Kansas City barbecue sauce with a really unique twist it's got some bourbon infused into it as well as some Cola but a red tomato based sauce nonetheless not going super heavy on the sauce we want to add just a little bit of sweetness to the outside just enough to coat our burnt ends all right we're almost there we in fact we're really close these just need to go back on the grill to kind of tack that sauce up it's pretty hot start and attack up on its own but we want a really great texture on the outside of our burnt ends so back onto the grill at this point what we did it Vernon's in under eight hours it's been about seven to seven and a half now these guys have been on for about 20 minutes since we cubed him up and they're ready to come off how beautiful is that well let's give him a try all right let's check this out I mean that is just ideal see how it's just barely holding together all of that fat and connective tissues broken-down lint its juices into the burn in but man what a bark that's about all you can ask for out of a burn in just melts in your mouth that's sweet but not too sweet definitely getting some of that back-end heat now and really great crunch from the bark I mean I don't think that barbeque gets any better than this in Kansas City certainly does it best thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out ATB be calm for all of the products featured in today's video if you enjoy the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments so there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comments section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to 80 bbc.com slash the sauce all things BBQ where BBQ legends are made go chiefs
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 170,573
Rating: 4.9343748 out of 5
Keywords: atbbq, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, barbecue, bbq, brisket, burnt ends, Kansas City, bbq sauce, barbecue sauce, smoking, smoked, Yoder Smokers, YS640, YS640s, pellet grill, grill, grilling, cooking, recipe, how to, party food, football, Plowboys BBQ, Smoke on Wheels, Cattleman's Grill, coffee, beef, The Sauce, Chef Tom
Id: PdxvUDR8wDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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