How to Smoke a Brisket on a Gas Grill, How to Smoke a Brisket without a Smoker, Smoke Brisket Recipe

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[Music] hey good morning folks that's right brisket it's 4:00 a.m. friend of mine asked me hey can you cook a brisket for my family they're coming over for dinner so here I am 4:00 a.m. got a 12-hour project ahead of us got like a 12 pound brisket here from Costco it's a prime piece of meat looks good she did well it's one she bought it and so I'm gonna go ahead and carve that up and we got some salt and pepper and some apple cider vinegar and some stuff we're gonna throw on it we're gonna smoke this thing on my propane barbeque grill that's right I don't even have a smoker but we're gonna do this on my grill I'll show you how I do it will come out fabulous I've got Applewood and maple wood so that's like Mapple no that's yam apple we're gonna do a little Mapple wood smoke on this on this brisket we're gonna have maple on one side apple on the other side indirect heat oh it's going to be fabulous stay tuned so okay folks here we have this brisket on this side we have the marbling side and there's this big piece of fat here and we want to go ahead and trim this off and we don't want to make a huge pocket here but on this particular side there's always this little fat side we're going to go ahead and trim off most of it but we want to leave some of it I don't want to make a pocket but you don't want to leave this huge piece of fat here because nobody's gonna want to plate into that so what we try to do it's going to be a little bit concave but you don't want to go much more farther than that so this is the easy easy part see how we still got this little bit of fat here now some of the fat is great you know its flavor its its juiciness its it's delectable 'ti actually did I just say that anyway so that's about as far as I want to go there is a little pocket of fat there but we're gonna leave the rest of it this marbling looks fantastic on this side okay now we have this side we've got a deal with all this this is a huge amount of fat and what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and cut this down in this particular side we're going to get to about a core rich we want to leave a quarter inch of fat on this particular side okay so we're just going to keep trimming this now in a lot of cases this particular piece right here and I went a little too far but this is usually a huge flat butt so we're going to go ahead and take and that's not the end of the world folks we're just going to keep slicing off a little bit it looks like they've trimmed this pretty well already then we're just going to slice off and just keep slicing it and so we think it's about a quarter inch and because we don't want any huge pieces of fat so let's go ahead and just keep trimming this so we take off all the excess this particular piece of meat it's been cut pretty well you've trimmed it up pretty well so now here's another thing when you do a brisket this is majorly important I don't know if you can see this grained the muscle here on this particular flat section of it this particular piece of meat is made up of three muscles in this particular section here the grain goes this way there's a couple of things you need to didn't understand is in order to get a nice tender piece of meat when you cut it you need to cut cross grain okay so when this is done now when it's done it's gonna be dark brown black so we need to know that this is know some people will go actually cut this off and make a flat section here so they know that's where they need to cut what I'm going to do is just do this I'm gonna make two cuts just like that you see that that's gonna tell me this is the way I need to cut okay so you need to do that you need to know you need to cut across the grain however this section it's actually another two pieces two muscles I see a little more fat I want to take off here but this is actually you know there are two muscles over here that kind of lay on top of each other and when we get down to this section here we start cutting it when we get to this spot you'll see I'll show you later we are actually going to turn it 90 degrees and start cutting it this way but in any case that's it we've got it trimmed up well enough we're going to go ahead and get the seasoned okay folks let's season this to me now salt is your friend and you can use any kind of salt you want kosher ionized I'm using coarse sea salt and be liberal about it in fact I'm gonna go to this side because I don't have time to waste here we got to get this on the grill so you want to salt liberally do not be afraid of that this is a huge piece of meat it's gonna cook for 10 11 12 hours and the salt not only gives it flavor but it penetrates into the meat and it does some I've been told that it actually tenderizes the meat and being that it's a brisket you know it's a tough piece of meat so we're going to go ahead and liberally put some salt on here next thing is pepper black pepper I've got a coarse black pepper here that I'm going to use we're going to cover this liberally black pepper is your friend folks so we're gonna go ahead and cover this liberally with black pepper so you can see we have a lot of salt a lot of pepper and now you can use any kind of rubs you want I would stay away from sugars sugars because we go ahead and cook this for you know 10 12 10 hours give or take the sugars will burn so make sure if you use a rub and it kind of rubs you bi do make sure they don't have a lot of sugar or any sugar so I'm using an emerald rub here there is no sugar in this emerald rub there's just a lot garlic in and seasonings and things and I'm going to liberally cover this I also have a little bit of cowboy rub which is a unusual mix now I'm just going to sprinkle a little bit of cowboy rub on there and we're gonna leave that being patted down now that's literally covered you can see that right all right emerald we're gonna do your side the other side here with your stuff too anyway there we go it's covered you see that boom ready to go on the grill now I'm gonna let the sit for about an hour I pulled this out of the refrigerator trim the fat seasoned it let's let it sit for about an hour it's going on the grill okay folks here's the magic here's how you're gonna smoke this brisket on your propane barbeque grill are you ready here's how you get smoked tinfoil I got two layers I'm gonna go ahead and take my wood chips that have been soaking for about 45 minutes we're gonna put them in this tin foil flatten them out a little bit okay gonna make a nice little patty at it I have two layers of tin folks I found that when I use one layer it's a little too thin unless you get the heavy duty which I don't have - him standard Reynolds Wrap let me go ahead and pull this up make a little patty out of it it's Apple what it's maple wood it's Mapple I'm gonna go ahead and turn this over I'm gonna poke some holes in it with my for a little breather holes there we go because I want this we don't want it to flame up if it starts on fire we have a problem we want to keep a nice clear smoke we don't want a bunch of white ashy smoke nothing it does have to be perfect just you know whatever there we go we got some holes this will smoke right through and we're gonna set this I'll show you how I set this so I'm going to go ahead and put my tin foil packet there I'm gonna put another one over here put the holes up and that back burner I'm gonna kick it up just a little bit I want to maintain around 250 and what's gonna happen is the fat burner is gonna start these wood chips on fire now I have a side burner over here one thing you can do if you want to do it a little quicker you can go ahead and heat those packets up on the side burner get them smoking and then put them in and but I've got plenty of time for today and this is what I'm gonna do I've got my grates I don't know if you see it I kind of like you know switch them up a little bit put one in the center and one left to right because the the briskets gonna lay here the heat is all back here and the briskets gonna lay here and drip down and so it's all indirect heat if you understand what I'm doing okay folks I've got the brisket on the grill I've got the flat over here just away from the heat got the tube no packets back they're smoking and they are starting to smoke you probably can't see it we don't want a heavy white smoke and it's very faint coming out of them but we're just getting started this is a huge long process ten hours the briskets there I've got the the larger portion here towards the heat we're gonna do that most of the day and we might rotate it later and we're gonna wrap it in a few hours now I think like four or five hours I'll wrap it but in any case this is the way we get started it's right at 250 right now and we're gonna go ahead and let that sit for about three hours two and a half hours in this pack might have burned out that one's doing beautiful we're sitting just over 250 degrees the one packet on the right has kind of burned out this one over here still smoking nicely it's looking fantastic but we're gonna jumpstart this one here the flames underneath it or you need that nice and smoky I'm going to throw that in on the right-hand side another packet kind of fizzled out on me and there we go you can see that one's starting to smoke real nice okay we're in a few minutes we're going to throw that inside and continue grilling alright I've got that pack in over there it's still smoking nicely I'm going to give this a few more minutes and then we're a start spraying or down with our secret mixture okay folks here we go I throw it another pack on there that's a little smokier than I want it to be but here we go it looks it's looking great I have a little mixture here 50% water 50% apple cider vinegar we're going to spray this down over on this side it's gonna get a little more dried out on this particular flat side so we definitely want to soak it down I might rotate it we'll see it's been three hours now for the next three hours or so I'm going to go ahead and do this about every 45 minutes sohcahtoa this apple cider vinegar I don't want this bark getting too too dark to choose done especially you know this side here normally a lot of guys cut this right off I left it on but we'll do some burnt ends out of that we're gonna get this nice and wet yet might give it a little spin here yes now apple cider vinegar you just want to soak it up you want to get it wet obviously the big thick portion here it's gotta take the breadth of the heat my heat is all over here and that's why I have it this way I might angle it a little bit more just pull it away slightly this thinner end is obviously gonna cook faster the flat end do we call that and so we're just gonna let this roll a little bit like 250 when I drop it down a hair but the smokes looking good I don't like too much heavy white smoke but it's looking good check out it about a half hour so five and a half hours in it looks fantastic reading just over 250 degrees which is great if we're going to spray it down again here push this side over here if you can see what I'm doing here but look apple cider vinegar water I'm gonna let it go a half hour lit for and then we're gonna wrap it fantastic look at that take a look at that what do you think oh that smell good oh my we're using this Applewood Maplewood we're calling it maple no Mapple try to tuck it it's a little narrower [Applause] something like that to get a good seal on it a lot of people use tin foil I'll put your friend of mine says this is the way to go with the butcher paper so I'm gonna give it a try my first rhyme with the butcher paper then we'll wrap this baby up as long as this stays down this won't burn if we don't have direct heat on it this is gonna seal in all the moisture as much as possible Oh feel super soft anyway very tender get this right back on the grill and well there we have it okay we're gonna go about another three hours I'm gonna start checking temperature and with my thermometer and see what we have internal I'm gonna let it sit for a little bit in this paper before I check it and do a little temperature read we want it to be about 203 over 200 and I think we got a ways to go yet that's the big the big portion of it that's gonna be the slowest to heat up looks like we're at 275 or I'm sorry 175 go into the over here where it's a little thinner once again it's not not climbing so I might have to kick up the heat a little bit I met cooking at 250 right now I've got a couple more hours to go probably yeah let's try in the center here yeah and see where we're at there and that quickly you can see how it's dropping actually yeah it's climbing now but yeah we still have a 25 degrees to go I'm going to kick the heat up a little bit we're going to get this up to about 275 and let her go and I'm going to go ahead and spin this around I'm going to go ahead and check temperature on this side this side is closer to the heat I don't expect it to be much different but we'll see it's getting near that 175 again at 175 now and there there we stand so yeah it's the same temperature okay there's the final product it's been sitting for about 45 minutes I use the knife right side up that might help when you cut it you got to cut across the grain I don't know if you know I think I told you earlier I made a couple slices so I knew which way the grain went I'm gonna take these pieces here on the end I'm gonna make some bird tips out of [Music] this over here very low flat it's going to be a little bit drier because it's so thin a lot of that off before they cook it I left it [Music] [Music] and there's good man go ahead grab that piece we're gonna cut this piece off here for birthday huh does it yeah okay Kenny Kenny's in this section here [Music] [Music] [Music] you've got a big party over today you can hear people talk so there we go that's all cut up we're gonna get it on a tree and service I'm gonna chop these pieces over here and make some birth dens out of them Kosan saw something [Music] you
Channel: Flame Thrower Grill
Views: 79,745
Rating: 4.6222911 out of 5
Keywords: How to Smoke a Brisket on a Gas Grill, How to Smoke a Brisket without a Smoker, how to smoke a brisket on a grill, how to smoke a brisket on a bbq grill, how to smoke a brisket on a bbq, how to smoke a brisket on a propane grill, how to cook a beef brisket on a propane grill, smoked brisket on propane grill, smoked brisket preparation, smoke a brisket on a grill, smoking a brisket on a grill, smoked brisket on bbq, smoked brisket on bbq grill, smoked brisket on a gas grill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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