30 Random Twitch TIPS & TRICKS Small Streamers SHOULD DO!

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it is way too easy for a twitch streamer to feel  a loss that is normal that is part of the process   basically you've been streaming for a bit and  now things are starting to feel stagnant now   you know that you need to spice things up but  you don't necessarily know how that's why i   wanted to make this video or maybe more in the  future where i just throw a bunch of ideas at   you and hopefully you will find a couple of tips  that might help you bring some freshness to your   live streams if you want to watch me try some  of those ideas you can do so over at twitch.tv   get level i'm excited for this one but right  before we start a quick message from our sponsor   hey you are you looking for emotes then  you need to check out owns emote maker   check this out in a couple of clicks i create  one character and then own generates the rest all you got to do is go to own3d.gg/gaellevel  hover over sub emote in badges and click emote   maker so try it out that is own3d.gg/gaellevel  okay so when i was writing down the bullet   points for this video i thought okay maybe i  should do it a step by step you know when you   start a stream usually you're on your starting  student screen and then you're gonna go to your   intermission screen and then to the game scene and  then you're gonna end the stream right no ending   screens so let's talk about the starting soon  screen your starting zoom screen is your intro   but the thing is you need to grab the attention  now i know a couple of streamers are against the   starting student screen to be honest i've mostly  heard of partners people who already have you know   200 viewers just sitting in their twitch chat at  all times so when they go live they already have   200 people to talk to so if that's your situation  go ahead skip the starting student screen and go   right into your intermission screen because people  are already there it will make your vods actually   uh easily accessible as soon as someone clicks on  your vod they will access the content now if you   don't have 200 people just sitting in your chat  at all times uh do a starting student screen it   will actually give people time to reach your chat  to get their notifications on discord it will also   give you time to make sure that everything is  cool everything looks good and you will be able   to post on social media that you're going live  to make sure that most of your followers or even   new people who haven't been following yet actually  see that you're alive okay now for the people that   actually show early what do you do to grab their  attention the most basic thing that you can do   is play some music that is level one okay let's  go by levels level one play some music that is   distracting and if the music is good people will  actually sit through it and they'll enjoy it right   make sure starting soon screen is not longer than  10 minutes though obviously from there the shorter   the better so level one is playing music level two  will be having an animated screen cheap and easy   way to do that is to grab like some graphics from  some stock footage website from free stock footage   website and overlay it maybe chroma key it on top  of your normal static overlay if you don't have   an animated overlay or you can get yourself some  animated overlays over at gumroad.com/gaellevel   some of them are free the rest is super affordable  we're talking from 99 cents to $10 max for now you   know what let's skip the whole levels thing play  a clip compilation of your channel it will hype   people up and it will show them how fun the  channel actually can be so it will make them   want to stick around you can combine a high  energy clip compilation with some hype music   and it will be awesome some people will play an  actual intro they will make an intro with some   voice over like it was a trailer for the channel  and stuff like this is really cool the thing is   you're not gonna make like different intros and  if you have the same intro every stream then it's   gonna get stagnant what i would suggest you to do  is actually every three months uh gather a bunch   of your twitch clips and make a compilation  and that will be your your intro basically   and you can swap them out okay additional bonus  for the starting zoom screen is displaying the   chat i always make sure my chat is visible when  people type stuff they like to see themselves on   the screen it's it's great now extra extra bonus  you can go to speechchat.com i believe it is   and have tts on this is another thing that keeps  people very entertaining when you're starting your   stream so everything they have in chat they will  actually hear it with tts speech chat also gives   every user a different personality so the voice  may vary and it's kind of funny all right now   with all the tips i just give your stream is  already pretty entertaining and very attention   grabbing and we haven't even started yet so from  starting soon you will switch to intermission   this is where your webcam will be full screen  and you will communicate with chat now if you   have a dead chat because i know i'm going to get  well there's no one in my channel how can i be   you can't wait for chat to be entertaining you for  you to be entered it doesn't work like that you   have to be entertaining first and then that will  prompt people to actually talk in your chat okay   so when you switch from starting soon to  your intermission this is where you have   the opportunity to actually hype it up basically  you have to sell the stream this is where you   introduce yourself think of it like a tv show  like a game show okay it starts hey ladies and   gentlemen now the price is right with your host  Alex Alex Trebek is it this is him that does that   i don't know but anyways you go hey what's up  y'all i hope you guys are super hyped for today   this is what's going to happen so little tips here  you have to talk you can talk about your previous   stream so hey last stream we got 10 dubs that was  amazing our last last stream was horrible we only   lost i lost my ranking blah blah blah because i  know you guys play ranked games and stuff like   that anyways so talk about what happened if there  was like a weird troll or if there was something   cool that happened you got a bunch of gifted subs  you can talk about that and basically hype hype it   up hype it up now you can talk about what's going  to happen this stream okay you could be like hey   this stream we're going to try to top ourselves  we're going to go for 15 dubs by the way if you   don't know what dubs is w's wins winning games i'm  talking like battle royale standpoint so basically   you build anticipation by explaining what your  plan for today is now it is live stream um you   are going to deviate from the plan at some point  but it's cool to have something in mind you know   little bullet points we're gonna play this game  we're gonna try to get this achievement or this   amount of wins in the game and then we're gonna be  doing a giveaway at the end of this stream again   all of this hype all of this talking it doesn't  need to involve chat if your chat is dead i still   want you to do this because it's great exercise  and if someone is lurking in your chat that will   make them want to talk because you're providing  the entertainment already now what else can you   talk about you can talk about like recent  achievements uh reach like recent milestones   hey we just got a hundred thousand subs on youtube  that's really awesome i plan on celebrating it by   doing a huge live stream over there on youtube  and giving away a bunch of games like i'm gonna   give away one game every five minutes this this is  actually gonna happen by the way so this is what i   would talk about during my intro even if my chat  was completely dead now if your chat is not dead   they're gonna bring up some stuff that you  can also talk about this part is really good   if you already have a community because this  is the part where you create a certain bond   with your community with your viewers believe it  or not when you're playing a game especially if   it's a competitive game it often feels for the  viewer like you are busy like they're bothering   you by talking to you in chat i know it's not the  case but as a viewer it still happens to me too   so take the time to talk in the beginning of  every stream it's a good way to practice and   it's a good way to create this relationship with  your viewers alright let's switch to the video   game scene now the easy button of getting regulars  not only followers viewers but also regulars is   to play viewer games if possible play games that  actually involves chat that people can participate   of course moderate it make sure that you don't  get trolled or anything like that but the more   interactive the game the more excited people will  be about it in the you know the more people will   stay and watch the whole stream because they play  a direct part into the stream they interact with   this stream of course i shouldn't have to say  that but talk keep on talking talk all the time   do not stop talking ever what are you building uh  a port hub only when you're on a break or you're   drinking water those are the only times where  it's allowed for you to not speak if you feel   like you're focused in your game and you haven't  been speaking for 10 seconds because you're trying   to achieve something tell chad sorry guys i'm very  focused right now i'll be with you in a couple   seconds sorry guys i'm not reading chat right now  i'm in this very intense gunfight sorry guys uh um   playing this card game and it's getting very this  is still you talking so you're still talking but   make sure that you acknowledge chat no matter what  you do if you're playing with friends it's cool to   blah blah blah with your friends this does not  really count as talk it it's good entertainment   especially if you're having a fun conversation  with your friends viewers like seeing that but   you need to acknowledge the viewers you need to  acknowledge that you are broadcasting from time   to time look over at the camera say stuff to the  camera even if no one is in chat again did you see   that chat even if no one is in chat stay stub wow  that was crazy chat and then you continue talking   with your friends anyone who's lurking will feel  like you acknowledge that you are a broadcaster   that you are currently trying to entertain them if  you're just speaking with your friends not looking   at chat it takes you five minutes to to answer hi  it just feels like we're bothering you as a viewer   anyone who shows up watches the stream sees that  you don't acknowledge the chat it feels like we're   spying on you it is obviously more entertaining  than someone who's alone and not speaking and   boring but making sure you play the role of a  host of your own show because that's what your   stream is it is your own show that is what is the  most important if you have a hard time looking at   the camera and you only look at yourself in obs  or just look at chat put some googly eyes on   your camera i know a friend who does that and she  looks at the camera all the time and it's amazing   it's basic human psychology that if i look at you  in the eyes it's just it feels better we create a   certain bond that i wouldn't create with you if  i was to look at the site and talk to you right   another thing that you can do is actually add  live captions to your stream it makes your stream   way more accessible and and like this is advice  for me too because i always forget to turn it on   but it makes it more accessible for people  who have hearing problems but also people   who are at work who are not supposed to be  watching your stream and there's a lot of them   maybe they cannot have access to audio because  they're busy doing something else and they just   want to lurk if you have captions it actually  allows those people to stay in your stream giving   you more viewers i will try to link the caption  video i made a whole video on how to install that   and it's like available on mobile also and people  can turn it off if they don't want it so check it   out it's on my channel i'll try to put a card i'll  try to put a link anyways if you don't want to use   a webcam you need to use something you can't have  a stream that is just game like you can't have a   stream that is gameplay but the amount of people  that watches those streams is very very very very   small so you're shooting yourself in the leg if  you don't have at least something to make people   feel like there's a certain presence you can have  a cat cam if you have a pet put the camera on your   pet okay make sure they stay there uh if you  don't have a bed you can have something called   bongo cat which is the bongo cat except it takes  the input from your mouse and also your keyboard   so when you actually type stuff the bongo cat will  actually type it too of course you can use like   some v tuber stuff there's face rig there's v-roid  studios there's a bunch of look it up okay you can   you can be a v tuber if you don't want your face  to be on camera a couple of widgets that you can   use to make your twitch a little more interactive  and have you know cool stuff on screen you can use   pixel chat dot tv they have the now playing so you  can have like a cool player that will tell people   hey this is the song that's currently playing  i believe it connects with spotify and other   services uh there's also cap on where you can  have like in an animated stream pet that basically   shows up in a corner somewhere and can say hi  to people it can tell them what song is playing   it can do a bunch of stuff so it's you know little  decoration stuff that might make your stream   kind of stand out another tip those are really  not in order another tip is when you're talking uh   and we're going back to the whole level stuff when  you're talking while you're playing the video game   a lot of twitch gurus or or just other streamers  will tell you talk about the game i think i   believe that it is important that you learn how to  do that if you if you have a hard time talking in   general while you're live streaming it's important  that you learn how to vocalize your thoughts   okay in real time so this would be level one  yes we're back to level stuff this would be   level one okay talk about what's going on what  you're about to do in game and what you think   is going on in game this is a cool way of getting  yourself used to just talking non-stop really but   believe it or not this is not interesting to  watch it it's cool because you're talking so   it's more interesting than if you weren't talking  but the next level is to find relatable subjects   to talk about okay i care more about what you  ate this morning as a you know fellow human being   then what rank you are in the game you're playing  or what rank you're trying to get in the game   you're playing no one cares about your gameplay  if you're a small streamer most of the time okay   don't quote me on that don't add me but but  relatable subjects such as food um movie tv music   is just universal because anyone who's lurking in  chat can jump in and give their opinion those are   opinion you talk about taste everyone wants to  share their own personal taste whereas oh i'm   grabbing the shotgun now oh wow i wonder where  the enemy is is less entertaining than talking   about pop culture in general so the easy button  of what can i talk about that will make chat talk   back to me is talk about what's the most recent  good movie you watch or horrible movie you watch   or just whatever you just watch okay what are  you currently watching how can you compare it   to something else and then bring the subject to  something else and then oh i didn't like that   director but even though that director made this  movie and this movie was pretty good but just   because of that specific actor that specific actor  has been taking on a bunch of crappy roles lately   there you go you have a three-hour conversation  going on without chat and also with chat if chat   is there of course it's better because they  have their input and you can comment on that   but you can talk about those stuff without chat  also it still makes your stream entertaining to   watch so anyone who's doing the dishes while they  have your stream in the background or or you know   they have it as a podcast while they work or study  it makes your stream entertaining it makes your   stream lurkable it makes you stream watchable  and it makes your stream you know interactive   okay another quick random tip is to actually  play ads right now twitch has been rolling out   free rolls that are like 30 seconds long and  it's super annoying there's a lot of people who   raid you and will get an ad because they rated  you uh sometimes if your stream is bugging you   can be like hey refresh if you have an issue  with the stream and then they refresh and they   get a 30 second ad so you want to play at  least a what is it 30 seconds one minute ad   every 20 minutes every 30 minutes look it up look  up look up how it how much time you need okay but   you actually want to play those ads in order  to avoid pre-rolls but that is your decision   i don't personally do it because i don't want the  responsibility of the bad user experience to fall   in my hands i don't think that's fair i'm mad at  twitch for giving me that option another thing   that i see a lot of successful streamer have been  doing lately is putting something interactive for   chat to actually do while they're on the break  for example there is this website wos.gg which is   words on stream you just connect it to your twitch  channel you add a link as a browser source and   your chat can play a game all by themselves  automatically you don't have to do anything   and it's you know one of those world scramble  games there's also one called guard tick on   stream so it's gos.gg i haven't tried that one yet  but apparently it has to do with it's basically   pictionary there's a drawing and chad has to guess  what is being drawn so those are small games that   some people stream them full time basically that  is the point of i've done that i've streamed   words on stream for three hours and it was amazing  but those are games that don't even require   your input at all and since there's a point system  chat can get pretty competitive and before you   know it they they stuck through your whole uh five  minute break all right i don't want the video to   be too long so i'm to give you one more tip and  then you know in the future if you would like   to see more videos like that where i just give you  random tips let me know so the last tip is for the   ending screen and you probably know that you know  when i make my overlays over at gumball.com level   i include an ending screen right for people who  want to put like a credit scene and say bye and   all of that but i actually don't advise you  using it you should always raid or host at the   end of your stream it is the greatest opportunity  that you have to network and and you know spread   around your influence on the twitch website try to  rate or host uh smaller streamers because it will   make their day so it's like it's amazing but also  they will be grateful and hopefully they'll check   you out if they don't that's completely fine you  know but you know be nice be nice if you have an   ending screen the problem is that people will  click away people will close your stream and   then they will leave and then when you finally  host after the ending screen if you do host   you will have a lower number of viewers so why  not end with a bang hype everyone up mid game and   then just announce hey we're gonna raid here's the  raid message i like to personally tell my chat hey   put a bunch of hearts in the chat and then when we  raid you put a bunch of hearts in their chat don't   talk for too long just end it as fast as possible  tell them thank you tell them you love them and   then boom raid just to make sure that everyone is  super hyped i tend to do my giveaways right before   i raid so i know everyone is at the max of their  hype spamming chat and everything and then i read   i also let them know hey you guys are ambassadors  for my stream if i raid and you're being obnoxious   in the other person's stream i will ban you  from my stream so be careful of who you raid   with a bonus bonus tip is if you're looking to  make animated gaming logos you can get 15 off   of placeit.net by using my link in the description  and again if you're looking for some cool overlays   that's going to be at gumroad.com/gaellevel don't  forget to follow me on twitch join my discord   and i will see you guys next time go  out there make me proud Gael Level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 31,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, donating to streamers, tips for small streamers, tips for small twitch streamers, tips for small live streamers, tips for twitch streaming, tips for twitch beginners, tips for twitch affiliates, tips for twitch growth, tips for new streamers, tips for new twitch streamers, tips for live streaming, tips for live streaming on twitch, small streamer tips
Id: UtLbhhmJTJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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