How To Be A Good Console Streamer On Twitch

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do you stream on your game console to twitch YouTube or mixer and you want to grow and stand out from the rest I got you covered in this video let's go hey it's me it's wild coming at you from my stream support playlist where I bring you the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow and improve your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and tick that bell so you know and my videos go live for you streaming on a console can be tough because you know you're limited by what the software allows you to do on the console and because of this it's hard to stand out amongst the masses thus affecting your growth not to worry I got your back of tips that are gonna help refine and prove and help you grow your console stream now I just want to make something clear this is for people that are broadcasting directly from their Xbox or Playstation 2 twitch YouTube and mixer or whatever platform out there that they're trying to get to this is not for people that are streaming from their console to a capture card to their PC and then out to streaming platforms that's a different video that will get in at another time tip number one is all about eliminating buffering pausing and skipping while somebody watches you stream and thus I highly recommend having a strong hardwire connection straight to your console there's a strong reason this is number one because think about it if your stream is skipping or pausing every two minutes come on no one's gonna stick around to watch you now if you have a newer Xbox or Playstation Pro or anything that's a new console release at the time of this video being released I understand hey the Wi-Fi cards inside the newer consoles they're actually pretty darn good but this is all about eliminating things that will affect your growth or people watching you and adding a hardwired connection actually really quite simple to do now there's a very valid reason why a lot of you probably stream off Wi-Fi it makes simple sense you're probably really far away from where your router or your switches and you can't really run cable but I still highly recommend figuring out a way to do it you know it's very easy to some cat cable or some Ethernet cable and run it through a wall or a ceiling to get to where you're going make it a nice little weekend project I will put a link in the description below because I've done this myself I've run cat cable all through my house and it's really easy to do and it only costs a couple bucks so I'll put a link in description below for all the ways that you can run it cleanly and efficiently through your home tip number two is all about having your Xbox Playstation 4 whatever console you're on having that profile fill it out that directs back into whatever streaming platform you're on a lot of you out there probably just skip right over your bio section because you think nobody's gonna check it out heck a lot of you probably didn't even know that there is a bio section for ps4 and Xbox and everything beyond that you have to realize this is a great way for you to reach other people that are playing games currently with you you would be surprised at how many followers you will get if you're a great gamer out there they will click in your profile they will see that you're streaming under twitch youtuber mixer and they may go to your channel thus you may gain a new viewer a new regular or a new sub and this is super easy to do just take a few moments and fill out your Biol make sure you put in there that you're a twitch streamer or a youtube streamer or a mixer streamer and put the actual name as the way it's spelled in your url this way people can find you and you will be pleasantly surprised at how many people you will gain this way and a special thank you for a viewer showing me this tip now just a really quick bro no on the profile one if you're a great gamer you're having fun and you're polite you're gonna get a lot of great people and that type of audience that comes to your channel from PlayStation Xbox and everything in between but if you're being a giant dick or an ass out there being toxic to other players just letting you know you're letting the windows open because people know how to find you and could cause trouble on your channel so make sure you know your etiquette before you do this tip number three is all about setting up a bot so that way you don't miss any events or notifications that happen in your channel one of the biggest problems with console streamers is they complain all the time that they don't have the bells and whistles of PC stream because you know they don't get alerts or notifications or overlays or graphics or anything like that but you know that's just what the art just bells and whistles but you can help close the gap by adding a bot to your channel that notifies you of actions that are happening in your channel or events like if you get a follower it'll still announce it within your chat if you get a sub or you get bits or hosts or raids by having a bot it'll still keep you notified and you may not have access to cool graphics or overlays like that but you can still make it a very personal connection by talking about it in your channel the minute you get a follower you can say thank you and praise them for things like that or if you get a host or a donation or bits you can talk about it and make a personal connection with that person it's not always just about having cool graphics that pop up all the time make that personal connection and your community will love it now there are a bunch of different box out there and this is for a different video at another time because I can go very in depth about this but if you're not sure where to start at the top three that I would recommend is check out stream elements look at nightbot and look at stream labs chat BOTS those are probably gonna be the top three for beginners out there they have more advanced ones but like I said that's a hole deep wormhole but I'm off to do videos on each one of those at a separate time if you guys are interested in me doing bot video tutorials or reviews or anything like that please let me know in the comments below and let me know which one you'd like me to start with so that way I can prioritize that for you all tip number four is all about playing with others online now if you've seen any of my other videos on how to grow on Twitch youtube and mixer I highly recommend playing with others online it's the quickest and best way to form a community that'll get you viewers regulars and subs but this tip is not really about that look streaming on a console is kind of its own unique beast you the streamer have to decide really quick and upfront what type of people you're going to allow into your party chat while you're streaming playing with others online doing dual streams or party groups is a great way to grow and form a community and it can be really fun for you the people in the group and the people watching you as long as people wait their turn to talk when others are finishing making sure nobody speaks on top of each other making sure he'll be speaks all at the same time so it sounds like a mishmash of things and making sure that nobody outshines the streamer cuz hey it's her or his stream after all the problem is nobody does this when I go to streams and they're grouping up or they're doing party chats dude I can't tell you how many times I've heard kids yelling and screaming way horrible background noise of people playing music that's feeding into the mic or people just generally having a bad attitude or even worse they're speaking on top of or over the streamers channel that's a huge no-no on all aspects look it's your channel you should be the center of attention you're the shining star it's okay to have others in there but make sure you lay down hard and fast rules the minute somebody comes into your channel and asks if it's okay to play with you I myself I lay down three rules before I accept any game invite and in fact I mute pretty much everybody in my channel but I let them know it's nothing personal it's just I want to keep my connection with the group channel on my twitch stream and everybody agrees with that so make sure you lay down some strong hard rules because you don't want to offend anybody tip number five is all about finding a quiet place to stream from it seems easy right but I can't tell you how many times this is overlooked for so many console streamers look if I come to your stream and all I hear is kids crying in the background I'm not gonna stick around if I come to your stream and I hear non-stop barking of dogs I'm checking out if I hear yelling screaming raging construction sounds going on constantly sorry it's annoying to hear and everybody's gonna leave so finding a quiet calm place to stream fun is kind of a key situation if you want to retain viewership on your stream now again a lot of you are limited from where you can stream from perhaps all you got is your bedroom and you can't do anything about your environment well the next tip is for you now a lot of you out there won't have the option of showing your camera which means your voice and your charisma is your best foot forward for capturing people's attention for viewership and since your voice is so important which means your audio super important which means you should invest in the right high quality microphone to make you sound aesthetically pleasing for all your viewers out there a nice high quality microphone eliminates background noise gives you nice bear tones and gives you crisp audio sounds which a lot of your viewers will appreciate whether they're streaming party games with you or you're streaming directly to your streaming platform on Twitch YouTube or mixer audio is always gonna be one of the key things now if you're a console streamer out there you're gonna have a plethora of different options to pick for for sound you can do straight microphone or you can do a headset with a boom on it I actually prefer the latter for you guys if you're gonna be a console streamer from your Xbox or Playstation I would recommend on getting some good headphones with a boom with a good mic on it cuz that way at least you'll get surround sound for playing games nuts can make you a little bit better so you know where all the game interaction sounds are coming from and having a good mic will help you out a lot I will put a link in the description below of a few that I will recommend out there but headsets and headphones I kind of have to break those up in different videos because there's a lot of in-depth information I can go in not just on dollar price but just on the quality itself so if there's one out there you guys like me to review again leave a comment below and I will see what I can do look streaming from your console is not an easy thing but people think when they stream from their console they can't compete with the big streamers out there and that is just straight-up BS you can I watch a lot of streamers out there that stream only from a ps4 or an Xbox and they do great you can do phenomenal things as long as you work grind and hustle it hard enough don't be depressed and just think is I don't have the fancy equipment like the big boys that I can't stand out do this work hard and you will achieve great things and trust me if you do a great chief things make sure you leave a comment below and let me know because I would love to congratulate you if you guys like this type of video and you want to see more from me make sure you leave a comment below and let me know what you need help with and if you like to keep up with me and all of my social aspects make sure you follow me on Twitter and Instagram and if you want to be a true bro Oribe out there make sure you go over to twitch and follow me a twitch dot TV slash wild for games or even hit that fun sub button I want to thank you all for taking a look at this video I will see you all next time coming up in the next stream support video coming real soon take care all peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 1,115,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Be A Good Console Streamer On Twitch, how to become a good twitch streamer on xbox, better console streamer on Twitch, becoming a better console streamer, how to be a good streamer, console streamer twitch, best console streaming tips, how to grow as a console streamer, how to be a good twitch streamer, how to be a successful twitch streamer, console streamers, how to start streaming on twitch ps4, how to be a streamer on twitch, how to stream on twitch ps5, wild4games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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