PRO TIPS to Customize your TWITCH Channel

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hey guys Gael Level here and today we're going  to be diving deep into how to properly customize   your twitch channel like a professional i'm  not just going to show you where to put like   your banner your profile picture and stuff like  that i will but not just that i'm also going to   try my best to give you all the tips and tricks in  order to optimize all of those things we're going   to be diving into the psychology of some of those  placement those choices and everything i hope you   guys are excited because we are about to uncover a  bunch of secrets now a big disclaimer here is that   i give my advice based on trends and tendencies so  if i tell you hey people tend to like this color   more or this thing and this it's all general  psychology tricks it doesn't mean that if you   don't do that your channel will fail obviously i  i wish i didn't have to explain how advice works   but you know all advice is good not all advice is  for you so if it doesn't apply to your situation   or you don't want to follow a specific one that's  completely fine you don't have to dm me about it   anyways by the end of the video  the goal is for you to know exactly   why everything on your channel is the way they  are every decision will serve a specific purpose   all right so before we dive into this  let's get a word from our sponsor   this portion of the video is sponsored  by owned owned is your one stop shop for   customizing your live stream they have a wide  variety of customizable products from your logo   your banner your offline image your animated  overlays your sub emotes your loyalty points   subscriber badges everything from start to finish  now what i love the most is their emote maker i   haven't seen that anywhere else and i think it's  pretty revolutionary so if i go here and i select   adult male as a character i can go ahead and  customize it and it will generate emotes for me and now if i click generate emote i already have  everything that i need love emote gg emote high   emote high p mode etc and the cool thing the  even cooler thing is that this is a character id   that was generated if i want i can copy this  character id and any time that i want to come back   i don't have to recreate a character that looks  like me anymore i can just put in the character   id and then do whatever i want to do they also  provide gaming mascots in an avatar maker but i'll   let you guys figure that out all you have to do is  go to own dot gg slash get level that's o w n 3 d   dot gg slash get level so here we are on twitch  i'm going to be using my bots channel and then   my main channel as a comparison from a channel  that is empty that you don't really stream that   much on or that doesn't have uh some of the things  and then my main channel you know to show you hey   this is a full channel there's a bunch of vods and  stuff like that okay so if we come here the first   thing that we'll see is the home page now there's  a bunch of little tabs on everyone's profile so   when you go to their channel while they're offline  this is what you will see okay so on the top of   course the banner now if you don't have a custom  banner like i do it will probably either be empty   or it will just say your name repeatedly they have  that little texture thing so it's pretty cool so   first of all how do you change the banner or how  do you pick which banner actually appears so i'm   gonna click on my face here top right so that's  your profile and then we're gonna go to creator   dashboard i'm actually gonna open that on a new  tab and then we'll go to preferences and then   channel it's very intuitive okay so if we scroll  down a little bit until we start seeing images   we'll see that this is where you can change the  profile picture and this is where you can change   the profile banner now this is actually a banner  that is uh part of the core overlay pack that i   just released on so you can  grab that if you if if you really want it your   your channel could be looking like that anyways  so as you can see here i can pick the generated   background click save and then if i refresh here  i'll just get this would doesn't look too good   but there's a thing here on the right side which  is where the accent color would be if you had   a customized banner the lettering the texturing  of the words actually applies to this so this is a   more uniform look technically but if you actually  have a custom image you save it and then boom you   refresh you will see that it stays a solid and  it cuts here so for example on this banner um   you can see it cuts here and it's not the perfect  color this color in that color doesn't match so   we can figure out how to make it match or we can  blend a little bit of this into that so from the   accent color to the banner what i like to do is um  blend it a little bit and i'll show you that on my   main channel so this is my main channel i  went with something that was mostly blurry   i actually have my logo behind it but i know that  twitch actually shows it everything like that   so what i have it so the setup that i have right  now basically only shows my social media at the   bottom if you can't see the logo that's fine  because on mobile you'll be able to see the logo   and also see the social media and since everything  here is kind of that blurry technically it's   my face and my logo in the background i actually  added a little gradient at the bottom of my banner   in order to make it blend in a little bit better  without that it would be just cut like that so   that's that's your first tip here in order to if  you don't like the way this goes down like that   you can just put a gradient in your graphic design  if you're doing it in photoshop you can just add   a gradient okay so let's go down to the profile  picture now when it comes to the profile picture   uh you want to upload it i show you where this  is where you would upload it here's my advice if   you have a specific color scheme in that case we  have you know this blue round thing or in my case   i know that my color scheme is that like cyan  to purple so my whole profile picture you know   matches the colors it's we're still on branding  even if it's just a profile picture first of all   you will always get more clicks and more attention  by posting a picture of your face then you will   posting any type of graphics there's no graphic  design out there that will be more captivating   than your own face believe it or not it's just  a basic psychology trick it works for thumbnails   it works for profile pictures people are more  drawn to faces than they are or anything else now   secondly if you're gonna put a picture of yourself  i've seen people put pictures of them from you   know from head to toes this is actually pretty  small it is hard to distinguish your face and your   specific features if you put a picture that has  too much in it i've seen people post pictures them   with their wives and stuff like it's too much try  to put a picture of your face and make sure that   in that tiny little profile picture that we see on  twitch we can distinguish all we can distinguish   all of your features and we can recognize you if  i see you on stream and i see your profile picture   there is a correlation if you're far away you're  you're out skiing you think it's a great picture   of you but it could be anyone else so you kind  of failed your branding if you just you could   have put anything else and it would have been  the same basically now the extra tip here for   example in this overlay pack i included an avatar  template basically so this you can slap it on top   of your the picture of your face and it will give  you that little ring around your face so it makes   it again part of the branding you know if you  don't have access to anything like that or you   make your own graphics you could probably add a  filter that correlates with the colors of your   branding making you're like we're gonna i'm gonna  say the word branding a lot in this video because   i want everything to look as part of the same  ecosystem you know when people see a certain   graphic type mixed with a certain combination  of colors they need to think of you this is what   branding is all right let's scroll down a little  bit more okay let's talk about the accent color   now the accent color you can actually do something  about it for example in that case i know that this   doesn't really match my actual background  color i'm going with the color that that we   see the most you know that takes the most space  here and it's gonna be something around here or   the gray but i want the color to be precise  right i'm going to go here and i'm going to   scroll down and as you can see here you can pick  the color you know you can eyeball it or whatever   but if i really want to have a specific color  from my branding you know you want to pick a   hex code now how do you pick a hex code  from your design so you're just gonna go   oh you're gonna go on google and type online color  picker okay so google gives you this but it's not   much help let's go to image color picker boom boom  boom okay that's pretty cool so what we can do now   is actually upload an image here so let's find  our banner and now we can pick a specific color   now we either want it to be like this or the gray  here if we pick the gray it will match perfectly   here but the color picker as you can see well the  accent color sorry also shows up behind your vods   and because of that i advise you to go with  the brightest the most vibrant color of your   color scheme hopefully you have one even if  it's white go with white so that when people   hover over your vods let's test my channel here  as you can see i have that color that is here   there it is and it's part of my color scheme so  it matches if i had that a dark gray it wouldn't   be that visible especially on dark on dart mode  okay so let's go here and actually let's pick   this blue for example and here they give me the  color code so i'm going to ctrl c to copy it   and i'm going to control v paste it make sure you  don't have double hashtags double hashtags double   pound signs what is this oh there's a nine missing  boom and now we have this shade of blue okay and   now this makes a little bit more sense that being  said since there's a lot of gradients any of the   shades in here would really make it work but there  you go and if i really wanted this to blend in i   could just add a gradient just like i did in this  channel or i could add like a diagonal gradient   since it's only gonna be um bottom right anyways  okay let's move on already so in the home page as   you can see here this is completely empty because  this is not my real channel this is my bot's   channel and uh i don't stream on this channel if  you do stream you will have a little bit of recent   broadcast suggested and there as you can see here  in my main channel boom boom boom and it's going   to automatically take the recently streamed  categories and show them here i mostly stream   just chatting so just chatting is the only thing  you'll see here but if you string if you stream   cod and fall guys and among us they will all  appear in here so if this is empty and you don't   want it to be empty uh you better get to streaming  basically okay now another little secret is this   part right here so suggested streamers and you can  see running men's is live there's Viking trash and   all of that so how to get people in there well you  actually have to add people to your auto host list   now do not panic because if you don't want people  to be in your auto host list you don't want to   auto host people you actually do not have to have  you don't need to have auto host on you just need   to have people in there so i believe in the same  thing here streamer shelf there we go in streamer   shelf you can pick auto host list you can edit it  will bring it to a page where you can just search   people to host and then you just add them right  actually i'm gonna show you that it works so i'm   gonna go and um and do that let me add myself  okay so if i added myself to my auto host list   here right underneath streamer shelf you'll  find auto hosting and you can see that it's off   on my channel so i'm not gonna auto host but i  added myself to my streamer shelf so let's go   here home and refresh and now i am one of  the suggested streamers of my boss account   clap and the rest of course you just have  to stream okay let's move on to the about me   section all right the about me section is this  one where you are presented with a little bit   of a description that you can edit right here so  it's under profile settings and it's called bio in   my bot's case it's not a real channel so i have to  just repeat that but in my real accounts case if i   click on about hi i'm Gael i'm 29 i mostly stream  just chatting in indie games i have a youtube   channel focused on helping new small streamers  find get level on youtube here's why this is not   an optimal description in my case the way i handle  my stream and my relationship with my own stream   it's fine for me but if it were to be optimal and  if i were to criticize myself i would say that i   do not say anything interesting i say my age i  say my name that's good information i let people   know what to expect on the stream that's good  information but then i just talk about my youtube   channel why did i do that because well youtube is  my main job you know that's why i did that but if   youtube is not your main job what you should do  is basically give little details about yourself   that make you stand out most people in here will  just you know say their name some of them will   not even say their age and then they'll just talk  about the video games the thing here is that we're   on twitch we know you like video games we know  you like streaming we know all of that so a lot   of people will try to fill this part with words  that are like i really enjoy streaming my goal   is to um stream and make a bunch of followers and  all of that and and this is not what you should   be putting well this is not just what you should  be putting in there what you should be putting   is something like hi i'm Gael i'm 29 i'm also  stream just chatting in indie games if you enjoy   loud screaming sassy but educational content you  found the right place i am a professional graphic   designer i've done photography vfx video editing  filmmaking in general and on this channel i plan   to share my knowledge with you all so stop by say  hi that's a description that is more interesting   than hey guys Gael 29 i love to play fortnite  i enjoy streaming video games is my passion   now when it comes to the the most basic things  that what is interesting anything really what   are your passions in life what are you really  passionate about even stuff like hey i love i love   watching horror movies that's interesting that's  more interesting than just saying you like games   because we're on twitch and everyone likes games  pretty much anyways on the right you will see   uh social media and this is something that you can  customize right here so social links social link   here is the text that you want to put and then the  link do not copy paste the same link do not put   https column slash don't put that here  please don't you can just simply type the name of   the social media platform in case someone doesn't  recognize the icon if they recognize the icon you   don't even need the word i've seen people not even  have the words and they're completely fine because   we know what those icons are like and if someone  doesn't recognize like the instagram icon do you   really want them to follow you on instagram  probably not i'm just being mean for no reason   anyways um for your website it will actually put  just a little link thing in my case get   level here for the overlays uh it just puts a link  so if i were to remove the words people wouldn't   know exactly what that link is all right and in  this case for my boss account it looks like that   now when it comes to the panels okay there's like  a whole psychology when it comes to panels here i hope you're ready i really really hope you're  ready all right it's really not that complex but   the biggest question people asked me when  twitch switched up their um whole design   layout is do we still need an about me panel even  though we have a description here my answer is   yes because the about me panel is such  an important part of your twitch channel   especially when you're offline and someone clicks  on your link and they want to read more about you   that two little sentences two or three sentences  should not cover everything you have to say this   is the part where you get to really sell your  stream to strangers ultimately you know you   get to share your personality your passions  and what people can expect if you can if you   can get your humor to shine through that little  paragraph that's gonna be the about me section   absolutely this is your time a lot of  people actually end up clicking on your link   while you are offline most people will not catch  your link live so it's so important to give them   something that makes them feel a certain bond with  you after reading it and make them want to follow   while you're offline have you ever gotten follows  while you were offline a lot of people do so you   might be one of those people if you have a decent  presentation so anyways yes get in about me in my   case i have i usually do the three paragraph rule  it's not a rule you can do whatever you want but   it's usually like basic information uh first  paragraph uh what to expect plus um passions   in the second paragraph and then a little  wholesome little message and an invitation   to chat with you what i could consider like  real rules things that people usually dislike   is saying anything negative about yourself this is  the part where you're supposed to sell yourself so   if you say anything negative about yourself people  are gonna believe you even if you're saying it as   a joke i see so many people say hi i'm very bad  at games this is not good you don't sell yourself   by saying hi i'm very bad at it no one wants to  watch you if you're already talking down talking   yourself and it's not because you're bad at  games it's because you are down talking yourself   it means you're not displaying any any confidence  when you say negative things about yourself which   most likely means that your content is going to be  bad and it you know it doesn't need to be true but   you need to just mess up your about me to make  people believe that your content is trash so   that's one thing so don't say anything even  remotely negative if there is something   negative that you want to people know about  because i've seen a couple of parents say that oh   if it's noisy it's because i have kids and  blah blah and they they present it in a way   that sounds so bad that it feels like it's going  to be chaos and noise all the time when you know   it's not true a cool way of doing it is saying  this negative thing and present it as a positive   instead of saying i am so sorry if you hear a lot  of noise it's because my kids are in the back say   that hey i have two beautiful kids and from time  to time we might be blessed with their presence   or from time to time they might show up and say hi  we might be lucky enough you might be lucky enough   to catch a glimpse of them from time to time that  is switching the words around in order to make it   sound like a good thing all right that's the  about me panel okay a second rule is the order   believe it or not there is a hierarchy when it  comes to how you should be displaying your panel   you see this right there this might look good even  though there's no text underneath the about me but   the order is completely wrong the first thing  that you need to know is that do not try to   make like it's cool to be creative but it's kind  of in vain if you're trying to make your design   match a certain layout you are not in control  of twitch's layout whatsoever like not at all   because look at that i have this panel here if i  collapse it boom now it's four by four you know   now it's a four panel line but if i go to chat  i'm gonna have the chat on the right and it's   gonna collapse and people can collapse the chat if  they want so twitch is a responsive website that's   how any modern website works so don't try to make  a layout and be like oh it's supposed to be three   in line no it's not supposed to be if you really  don't want to have any trouble with that like a   good way to do it for me at least is just square  panels square panels no matter how many are in   one line it always look okay you know because  i've seen people with big panels small panels   that's gonna get you in trouble like you're  you're asking for trouble at this point so   so a good technique for example for the about  me is to put the text inside of the image   it's annoying every time you have to update  it for example i'm about to be 30 now   and this says i'm i'm a 29 year old but  that's fine i have photoshop i can just   and then update it anyways so the order what is  the order now most people and i say most emphasis   on most i know there's a couple of people in chat  that are already getting ready to type most people   will read your panels and everything else that  they are presented visually from top to bottom   from left to right okay most people i know like  if you if you're in one of those countries where   like i get it you know this is this is people  are not reading manga all the time anyways top   to bottom left to right so that means that top  left is most likely going to be the most important   panel is the first panel people people are  going to see that means that any panel that you   present top left has to be the most important  panel according to you so if i go on a twitch   channel for the first time and the person happens  to be online and i come here and i see instagram   back in my mind i'm thinking instagram must be  important maybe it's an instagram influencer or   i'm just thinking oh this is a mess where do  i go to actually get more information because   that's why i scrolled down on the in the first  place meaning that the most important panel   is the about me panel people are scrolling down  because they want to learn more and guess what   if they don't get enough information out of  the little description here they don't care   about your instagram they don't care about your  youtube your website your merch your donate button   maybe your schedule the schedule is kind  of like one of those things that i let   like i let i let it slide for the schedule but  scheduling about me are pretty much the the most   important thing if you don't have a schedule  duh just put the about me okay so that's it   for the order now for the look of your panels i  think you kind of get the point it has the match   the branding we have some gradients of blue we  have a a bright blue circle and then we have   gray as one of the background colors boom  bright blue circle gray background color   bright blue circle gray background color  with the profile picture everything is on   brand okay one last thing that i want to say  about the panels is the goals i've seen people say   put goals and and someone told me that a twitch  guru told them to put that when you're putting   up goals like oh my goal is to reach 100 followers  and then 500 followers personally i hate it i hate   it so much because displaying like it's important  to have goals goals are a good thing for you   you the content creator who's fighting to reach  those goals those are cool but i want you to   keep them on a little notepad near your desk  okay i hope this nothing actually shows there   on a notepad and then celebrate when you reach  them but when it comes to presenting those goals   to people as like as your storefront pretty much  it's not a great thing let's take an example   amazon or netflix let's go with netflix because it  more has it has to do more with multimedia netflix   goal is to make more money imagine if you went  to netflix front page and the first thing that   you said that you saw was our goal maybe passed  the trillion dollar this this year i think they   make 30 30 million billion i don't remember two  billions anyways imagine if that was the front   page of netflix do you feel like you would you  would be more interested you would do you feel   like you would want to contribute to that instead  of showing you the shows and getting you excited   for the actual content they tell you about all the  numbers our goal is to beat the competition screw   hbo no no no they'll be like hi welcome to netflix  look at all the amazing things that you have   so as far as publicly your public goals are  those are your public goals your goals are to   provide quality entertainment in order to keep  people not bored at home your goals are to create   a certain bond with your viewers and treat them  like family your goals are to make sure that you   are there for them after they've had a long day  at work and they just want to relax and they won't   have you they want to laugh they want to have fun  those are your goals your goals are not taking my   tiny numbers and making them bigger my because  it it it's almost disrespectful to those people   you know those are those are people those numbers  you're listing proudly on your twitch channel   those are people those are people and some of them  call you a friend some of you want to be friends   with you so it's it's almost disrespectful  to blatantly tell them on your front page my   goal is to just make those numbers go up it's  very diminishing it's very demeaning it's very   so yeah my personal advice don't show your goals  like that unless you're putting hey my goal is   provide quality entertainment and to provide a  safe space where you can just chill relax have fun   with like-minded people and then all the numbers  you keep them in your notepad okay okay uh what   else what else what else what else now let's talk  about you know uniformity uniformity obviously   you know if you have to go with branding if you  are partnered with another company or something   like that um i would actually advise you using  your graphic and putting their logo inside of   your graphics in order to not completely mess  up the branding but you can still you know you   can still keep it keep it tight you can still use  their own uh logo if you have to let's talk about   extensions now extensions is something that you  can find where can you find extensions again oh   it's right there so extensions are a thing i've  seen people use the suggestion box extension   don't use it don't use the suggestion box it's  not a bad thing if you do but it's pretty much   useless i've been doing stream reviews for well  what was that episode 74 or something like that   so i've been doing stream review for the past  year and i've never seen someone actually have   suggestions in their suggestion box it's like a  kind of a rookie rookie mistake to just fill your   whole panels with extensions because you don't  have a bunch of panels to put in there in the   first time in the first place the problem with  extensions is that they are all over the place   they look all different it kind of messes up the  whole custom feel that you can have on your twitch   channel so get rid of your um suggestion box  first of all and do not put too many extensions   i've seen people use extensions with panels  where you have to click on the extension to   unveil the things and then you put a link it's  not clickable don't just put normal images just   normal images um something i didn't i actually  didn't mention is how to actually edit the panels   how to edit the panel is by clicking here you  go to your about me page and if you are logged   in with the same account if the profile picture  that you see here you know is the same profile   picture that you see here congratulations  you're logged in with your the right account   and you can click edit panels now there are two  types of panels there are extension panels and   then image panels you're gonna click on the plus  to add a new panel and it's gonna ask you to make   a choice so we're gonna go with text or image  panel okay oh that's that's good because that   actually brings us to another point that i had  let's type this because this asks you for a panel   title so the first thing you're gonna do is add  a panel title uh but then you know do not crap my   if you're getting overlays from me  do not crop them i'll i will be mad you will realize something very fairly quickly  should be at the bottom oops actually click the   wrong thing boom here it says about but the  panel also says about so why would you have   something that says about in a crappy you know  twitch ui looking font when you have this cool   graphics that says about so what you can do  is actually delete it it is not obligatory to   actually put a title so you can just click that  click submit to save it and click edit panel   and boom it's gone and this just looks fine we  know this is an about me panel because it says   it says on it you know the graphic says about  don't need to add an extra thing when it comes   to the size twitch will recommend a certain size  it will tell you that it's scaled to 300 and oops   it will scale to 320. what i do is 640 when i'm  designing them when it comes to the width and   then the height it can be whatever you want uh if  you want to move things for example i think i have   for example my about me i said about me was  the most important i can just click here   whoop and let it go boom i just switched it and  then oh about it's the first one sorry about the   weird automatic pia but this that's how it is okay  okay so we did banner profile picture panels i   talked a lot about the panels there is a schedule  tab but to be fair i feel like not a lot of people   look at it but it's a possibility if you go to you  know channel preferences boom boom boom you should   find somewhere there it is stream schedule so you  can add a specific stream it will ask you when you   want to put it how long the stream is going to  last um which day which category you're going to   stream on you can even prepare your stream title  if you have to so that's a pretty cool thing   the time zone is localized so viewers will see it  in their own time zone so they will know exactly   how many how much time and when you stream for  them okay i'm not gonna add in games i think you   figured that out then there's videos one  thing to know is that you can customize   your i don't have any videos on this channel oh  crap you can actually customize your thumbnails   for your videos you will have to go to to what is  called the video producer so if you click on your   profile here and you click video producer there  is a possibility for you to actually add a bunch   of thumbnails to your past broadcast as if it were  a youtube channel now it's i i get it um viewers   don't necessarily expect that out of you but it's  a cool thing oh i forgot to say something about   the panels the donation panel right there  now there's a lot of new streamers who are   super afraid of coming out like greedy they  don't want people to think that they are greedy   so they're like i don't want donations  now here's the here's the thing   donations are very much part of the twitch  experience okay it's something that viewers   are used to and it's something that viewers expect  you to have on your channel if you're starting a   brand new twitch and you're like i want to  take the high horse and not have donation   panel congratulations you have one less alert  interactive button than other people that have it   basically if you go to um if you go to my  channel for example there is one single button   in here that has a direct immediate impact on my  stream while i'm live and it's the donate button   if i take that away there's nothing people can  click here that will prompt an alert or anything   like that i should have it for merch but i um  my main merch is on redbubble so anyways if you   really really really really really really really  really really do not want donations what i advise   you to do is set up something called tiltify  with streamlabs look it up and it allows you   to have alerts for people donating but they are  donating directly to charity the money doesn't   you don't get to touch the money at all so if you  really want to take the the high horse that's what   i advise you to do keep your donation alert  let people have the ability to send money and   support you and if you don't want the money that's  fine just transfer it directly through a tiltify   to a charity all right let me show you how  you can customize your um your videos your   vods okay so this is the dashboard for my main  channel for the guy level channel okay so here   my freaking stream title oh my god oh  those are not safe for work okay so   for example this one it's a celebration  quinceanera let's say i don't like this   i can click here so this is video producer by  the way click on your name click video producer   and click edit twitch will actually generate  a bunch of automatically generated thumbnails   and you can just pick one i actually prefer this  one because it's more expressive and you can pick   one but you can also upload a custom thumbnail  the only thing that's annoying with twitch is   that max thumbnail size it has to be 720p so you  can click here find an image that is that size   max and then upload it there and then click save  changes and then you will have it you can do that   with highlights too um and and yeah as you can see  here i have a custom thumbnail for this video for   this uh highlight let's go to the chat tab that  we're on my bots account now and the chat tab is   how to see like what the stream pretty much like  the stream page while someone is offline that's   where you can see the offline image there was  a bunch of people running around saying hey you   don't need an offline image anymore since because  of the twitch update what are you saying what are   the offline images right there why would you not  have an offline image anyways so this is where   you would have the the offline image again this is  from the core overlay pack   and as you can see here it's not customized  because you're supposed to customize it this   is just an example but for example you can display  currently offline i actually advise you to say to   put the words offline at least the word offline so  that people who are not familiar with twitch can   understand what is going on sometimes people click  on your link and they're not familiar with twitch   and they expect you to see content immediately  and expect you to be live so if they come here   and nothing is happening it's cool to have it say  offline instead of just saying your name and your   logo and all of that obviously we're keeping um  that graphic design tight the branding is tight   and on the left here for example you could add  your social media and stuff like that if you're   gonna add social media on your offline image  i've seen people make that mistake all the time   you can put a handle for example if you have the  same handle on a bunch of social media platforms   you put the handle you know at your name and then  you can just put the icons of those social media   platforms you don't need to type out twitter  and instagram we know we know that being said   if you're showing me an icon you need to show me  a handle even if it's obvious show me a handle   at least one and if if it's the same for all of  them yes if it's not the same for all of them   you have to do it like on this overlay like  right there in my case it would be at level_photo   here would be just gael level here would be  gael.level those are three different handles   for three different platforms i say that  because i've seen people just put a handle   and then put a bunch of social media icons which  is not wrong and then they put discord and i'm   like unless you're a discord partner your discord  link probably isn't your handle right if i type   submission my vip in my chat okay that was a  bad example but anyways my discord for example   is a bunch of lowercase and and uppercase stuff  and it's uh it's a mess your discord server is   probably the same so don't just throw in something  that is that people are not gonna memorize do not   put the whole discord link people are not gonna  memorize this the gibberish of your discord you   don't need to put it on the offline screen you'll  need to put it on gra on your graphics okay you   can put it here where it's immediately clickable  the thing with those social media platforms   is that your handle might be memorable people can  just go on those platforms go to the research and   then boom boom boom they find you but with your  discord no one's going to be looking at your   image and then typing on this side and it's case  sensitive come on come on just make it clickable   and here or somewhere in here for example all  right okay uh what else for the offline image this   is not exactly how it would show on your screen  if you go to someone's stream for example now   that i'm logged in with my bots account if i go to  chat you'll see a bunch of stuff that are overlaid   on top of the offline image i think okay first  of all yeah broadcaster okay a mature audience and that's twitch for you that is twitch okay there you go so to the right as you can  see you guys can't escape my stream titles um   to the right as you can see there is this  thing overlaid on top of it with the most   most recent videos that means that if you have  streamed at least once and you're creating   graphics for your offline image top right you  might you should definitely not be putting any   information you know some people would like to put  their schedule in the offline image but you know   you put it top right not visible if you put it all  the way to the bottom there is that black gradient   there that might hide it yeah this is not part of  the offline image this is a gradient from twitch   if they put it top left same thing so be  very aware of everything that will be showing   on your screen when you're making the offline  image as you can see all of my information is here   apparently offline and then three of my social  media platforms and again you know still on brand   same colors blah blah blah normal stuff okay what  else talking about the stream titles i see a lot   i know that you know a new streamer will take  inspiration from other streamers that they see   and it will be something the most basic stuff  like hey cod game cod games with the boys like   ah um be creative be creative literally putting  anything else any random sentence like that that   doesn't necessarily even describe the stream at  all is more enticing for the viewer to click on   then multiplayer or or grinding the ranks and  you know that basic streamer stuff show your   creativity in your title in order to get people  to actually click on it if it's not the thumbnail   then the title will get people to click um let  me give you an extra tip that i use from time to   time and this might not always work but there you  go has something called cool fancy   text generator and here you can type your stream  title my go-to for stream titles is lyrics from   funny songs for example this one i'm a feminine  eminem a slim shady lady that is the song by bo   burnham a comedian that also makes music there  are other people like Gmcfosho there's john lajoie   there's so many lyrics that are just funny  you know witty puns wordplay that you can use   let's put speakers so loud aliens aliens know  where earth is and in here it actually formats   your text now depending on the device the people  are on it will not necessarily be visible okay   they might get just you know a little square  to say that oh unknown character but if they do   then you just successfully put something  that catches the eye when people are just   scrolling down random channels and they  see your stream title and we should get a   button for edit stream info and boom maybe  that wasn't the best of the best one too   that was probably not the best one too  to pick but there you go now people are   gonna ask you what the heck is your title for  example um let's pick a better one this one   there you go speakers so loud aliens know where  earth is catchy you can also type lenny face and you'll find so many little things that  you can put in your title to make them stand   out another thing that you could do  is use actual emojis that you can just copy and paste in your title the power of google you can literally copy  paste those and they will show up in your title boom there's colors that's also eye catchy try  not to put too many information like you know   english pc this type of serv of server this so  that when people are actually scrolling down   they actually get to see the first few  words are the most important so those are   where you need to catch the attention you can put  all the information at like the rest of the stream   if you're gonna put commands in your title put  them at the rest of the title and uh oh my god i   this is 55 minutes so this those are the basics of  really really going through every single decision   that you're gonna make in order to customize your  twitch channel for it to be optimal in order to   allow people to see it in the best light  possible so that they follow you they really want   to watch your next stream since my videos are  not scripted i probably forgot a bunch of them   so please do let me know if i forgot or if there's  any information any additional information that   you would like to know that i kind of glossed over  on this video or that i didn't talk about at all   let me know in the comment section below for the  overlay pack as you can see you can get those   at i have other videos  that will tell you how to make them yourself   or websites that can provide you with custom  graphics and allow you to customize them   to your liking is one of  them there's also place it i also talked about   adobe spark those are a website where you can go  and make pretty much your own overlays without   knowing anything about graphic design at all so  check the links in the description if you also   want to know about you know what camera do i use  the lights and stuff like that what microphone   i'm currently using and stuff like that i also  have links for that in the description i have   a whole list of all of my gear in the description  now i briefly mentioned that i have a show called   stream review that happens every friday at  8 00 pm cest that is paris time where you   can show up on time join the queue and then i  go through the queue and i go check people's   streams and i give them advice on how to imp  improve if need be or just give them compliments   if there's no if there's nothing to criticize but  that's it for me i'm kind of tired now because   i've been talking for almost an hour now and uh  i will see you guys next time join the discord if   you have any more questions about streaming  go out there make me proud Gael Level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 78,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, customize twitch channel 2020, customize twitch channel, customize twitch stream, customize twitch, customize twitch panels, twitch channel template, customize twitch profile, customize twitch layout, twitch page setup, twitch banner, twitch panels, twitch graphics pack, setup twitch page, pro twitch setup, pro twitch streamer, drlupo, stream like a pro
Id: lUbjQFbnPfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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