The Art Of Re-Attraction

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be the art of re-attraction well I've got an email here from a viewer who broke up this girlfriend of I think was two years and initially he did all the begging of pleading that obviously got him nowhere then he started to back off a little bit and he continued to fumble the football and then found my work and was able to successfully turn things around and re attract his ex so he goes into violent a bunch of the principles but at the end of the day he was able to do enough things right and wrong that he was able to get her back so I have a quote that I wrote on this topic I'm going to go through his email and the quote says the worst thing you can do if you get dumped by a lover is to grovel chase pursue plead beg and try to get them to change their mind acting this way is demeaning disrespectful to yourself and communicates that you do not value what you have to offer when a former lover has unilaterally changed the terms of your relationship to terms that are not acceptable to you the best response is to communicate that you are not interested in their terms then walk away and never look back and tell them to contact you if they ever change their mind since it was their idea to end the relationship it must be their idea to rekindle things they also must show that they are willing to come to you on your terms if they ever get in touch with you in the future so let's go through his email he says hey coach after reading your book a few times and applying most of your techniques you are a legend dude I appreciate that but really I'm just another [ __ ] guy the only thing that separates me from you or anybody else in this world is I just tend to apply better success principles on a more consistent basis than most people do that's why I get the results that I do so therefore if you just apply these things that I teach you'll get the same results in your own life I'm not better than anybody else I'm just another [ __ ] guy I'm just an average-looking dude doing the best I can with what I got he says after my girlfriend of two years broke up with me I did the standard begging trying to change her mind etc I realized how futile this was quite quickly and left her to her own devices she called me a few days later and asked if I wanted to come over for dinner so I told her this was probably wasn't the best idea I would have been like sure I would've gone over hung out had fun and hooked up but he didn't know my book back then he says I called her a few days later and asked her out for coffee he says I know lunch dates are for friends we talked for a while but things got too emotionally both ended up in tears and went our separate ways remember whatever you make a woman feel when you when she is with you is what she's going to associate with you and so instead of hanging out having fun and hooking up you hung out and he had a miserable time and there obviously was no oking up because you both went your separate ways mm not good he says I contacted her a few days later and asked her out again and she said she wasn't sure so I told her to get back to me as she changed her mind she contacted me two days later asking me about the name of a track I told her and she said she would call in a few days I buckled after a week and called her then proceeded to stay on the phone for an hour without organizing a date again idiocy in my part so I didn't call her again phone is for setting dates period not for dithering and hesitating and chasing your tail like a dog it was at this point that I discovered your work and all of the mistakes became clear I read your book a few times and watched a load of your videos along with reading the way of the superior man that's why David data I highly recommend that book for every man and every woman to read and the power of now which that's an accurate totally book great book as well he says from this point on I had a better idea of what to do which was nothing so I waited for her to get in touch then I reestablished my goals got a new job got new clothes etc he focused on becoming the best version of himself that he could be that's what every man should always 24/7 be doing be focused on being your best even when you're sleeping that means getting a full eight hours of sleep seven eight hours of sleep at least your body needs rest as well I received a birthday text from her saying I hope you're having a good birthday maybe we can meet up for a coffee in a few days with my birthday being on Valentine's Day I thought it best not to respond ya later [ __ ] wonder you're busy you're busy celebrating with people who care about you and who want you in their life not somebody who blew you off and broke up with you the next day she phoned me sounding really worried and started apologizing for not coming out on my birthday shows her trashy levels creeping back up I said it was okay and asked her what day she was free and arranged to go out the following Wednesday unfortunately I decided to meet her for coffee again but this time I had a game plan dude what's with the coffee dates come on man seriously I met her and we had a coffee but then suggested going for some food during the meal she brought up the relationship and how I've been doing since the break-up I told her about studying the psychological differences between men and women how I realized the reverse polarity of our relationship towards the end had caused problems she said she was amazed by the transformation in me and I agreed that the breakup had been a good thing as it helped both of us grow after food I suggested we go for a drink at a nearby cocktail bar okay so your redeem you started out with coffee then you slowly transitioned into an evening he says we stayed there talked and ordering more food we ended up sitting on a sofa and we made some sex jokes about being single I said I wasn't looking to have a relationship that labels just complicate things that we should have some fun at which point we started making out hang out have fun hook up sounds like the hooking up is starting to happen so let's see we went back to her place and she started to get cold feet about it remember sex has to be the man's fault I said I just wanted to have some fun but she said she wasn't sure she could have sex without her feelings for me coming back I'm not going to complain if you find me irresistible and you're on top of me in a few minutes going oh Cory owe me deals Oh oh my god I told that she was thinking about it too much remember I did a video a few days ago where I was talking about hi and I talked about in my book how women tend to take little things and they blow him up these big things it's a man's job to take the big things and shrink it back down to little things which is what he's doing successfully here she said she still wasn't sure so I told her look I'm not going to push you in anything and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable if this isn't what you want then I'll go home she was nearly in tears by this point and she clutched my hand so he's built basically willing to say all right I'm gonna leave that she grabs his hand so I put my arm around her and kissed her on the forehead and she started kissing me on the neck and things went from there remember this is part of being indifferent and being unattached you want her but you're okay with not having her as well she wants to feel your strength to resist her and let her go I left the next morning after more sex and cuddles and told her to keep in touch now I will wait and just pursue my goals not her now you're [ __ ] talking good job thanks for the great advice it's been invaluable even if I did bend the rules a bit I'm still learning more which I will apply better if she contacts me again well I like to state of mind that you're in hang out have fun and hook up it's that simple wait to hear from Chris remember she's the one who unilaterally ended your relationship therefore it's got to be her idea to rekindle things and if you let her do all of the calling testing and pursuing she will talk you into becoming her boyfriend once again and eventually into becoming her husband if that's what you are looking for and what she is looking for so even though it wasn't perfect he still did a pretty damn good job of turning things around and getting back to the simple thing of hanging out having fun and hook it up and reforming that emotional bond and since you let her contact you it's her idea if it's her idea she will be the one to talk you into becoming her boyfriend again which is obviously is what you want so a good job a tree attracting her so if you like to get my home personally the quickest way is a book a paid phone Skype or email coaching session you can choose any of those options by going on my website clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and just follow the instructions for booking whichever option works best for you and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 126,097
Rating: 4.9096556 out of 5
Id: STPdcZByQk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2015
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