Successfully Re-Attracting Your Ex

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and topic in this news that is going to be successfully reacting your ex get a lot of questions about that today although it's like most of the videos I got today are all guys that are either have got their ex back or in the process of attracting her back and so he says hi Corey thank you and I'd like to share with you over the weekend I got out of friendzone with the same girl who was commenting on my facebook mainly as a result of your coaching between watching your videos reading your book and a phone coaching session I had with you I knew exactly how to act good job you paid attention you changed your approach and you succeeded this girl I happened to be at the same event with over the weekend I walked past her a few times on Friday but did not stop to say hello I just smirked and kept walking on Saturdays she put herself into my orbit it's amazing how they do it when they like you that's what they do when they don't like you they don't give a [ __ ] they won't call you they won't reach out to you and they'll completely ignore you he says I was sitting watching a musician perform and noticed her on the other side of the room it was the first interaction we had in four to five weeks since I got the let's just be friends speech the next thing I knew she moved to the middle of the room closer to me and sat down with her girlfriends it's like a [ __ ] magnet it's just so [ __ ] cool how that works he says at a certain point we acknowledged each other's presence she looked over and then we smiled and waved exactly how you describe psychic like that her girlfriends left and at the end of the show I started talking to her we spent the rest of the night dancing and making out I saw her the next day kissed her again while saying goodbye I got a text last night that was the first phone correspondence I've gotten from her in four to five weeks I didn't answer yet he says I put all if I put all the details of how I behaved and interacted with her based on your coaching suggestions this email would be way too long I understood that when she got back in touch with me she knew was under my terms as a lover and not a friend that's important you always want to act like her lover would act not like her friend would act that's where a lot of guys that get put in a friend zone they go into being too nice and that's what got him stuck in friendzone in the first place and then that will just simply confirm to her that yeah you're weak and I made the right decision by not by breaking up with you he says I confirmed as much by kissing and touching her early and acting as if she was my lover and she went along with everything I didn't seek her approval and I didn't fall for her test I didn't chase her and I let her do 80% of the talking I didn't talk about her our future together very smart because when you talk about your future you what will happen is you'll end up actually lowering the chances of her being in it he says not to mention I had backup girls I've been approaching throughout the weekend who I was planning to try and hook up with later in the evening something I never would have done before very very smart a guy who's successful women knows that he can go anywhere and run into women and meet them and actually actually the women that you that really need luck because when 97% that dudes out there don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing chicks realize that Wow grass really isn't that greener on the other side he said I noticed a very hot girl walking around by herself and I was probably the only guy that approached her and openly expressed interest in her see most women most super ultimate ultra hot ten smoking hot nines and tens women don't get approached that much by guys and when they do the guys are total douche bags he says actually the girl I reconnected with saw that very attractive come up to me and flirt with me and something I'm sure had an impact yeah because when a girl you like sees and it didn't work out or she ditched you and she sees you with a girl that's better-looking in her it caused her to pause and think maybe I didn't do maybe it wasn't so smart to thump this guy and so that's the way you handle I says well done so I was like well awesome good for you for applying what I teach and getting the results because here's what you did you had plenty of options with other women you didn't chase this girl you didn't call her you didn't text or you didn't pursue her because at the end of the day when a woman pushes you too far she has to know that you'll walk and never [ __ ] look back and it doesn't mean 100 percent of them are going to come back it all depends upon where their true level of interest was sometimes you go out with a girl and she won't treat you right and you'll just walk away you'll never hear from her again because you really didn't do it for it you can't take that [ __ ] personally it's just the way it is it's a numbers game and the idea is that everyone that comes into your life you treat the same because some girls you're going to get and some girls are not but if you have an abundance mentality and you interact with all women the same and you treat all women the same and you're constantly meeting and dating other women what happens is it puts you in an abundance mentality and the great thing about it is when it rains it pours and so if you're you're in a non hungry state you're not fearful of losing any particular woman you're not attached to any one particular woman because you're taking advantage of the opportunities as they present themselves in the present moment because you're not worried about the past because at the other day you can't do anything with the past you can't do any about the future because it's not here yet and so when you have an abundance mentality wherever you go when you when you see a really smokin hot girl because here's what I've learned over the years in my own personal life and by coaching thousands of guys over the years is that the universe when you're open to it when you're open to a relationship when you're open to meeting women and hooking up with women and you know what you want and you've taken a time to write down your criteria of what you want the perfect woman what happened is usually the girl the right girl that you want by law of attraction she'll usually show up and be within five to 10 feet of you that's what's so cool that's why you don't really have to go and chase or go looking for it you'll go to the grocery store and boom a girl walk right by Rach walk right by you or walk right in front of you or she'll be walking towards you it'll just be so easy to just say what's up how are you and start talking to or strike up a conversation and just say you're [ __ ] absolutely gorgeous I want you what are you free to get together for a drink and you make a date right then and there in the spot now it doesn't mean that every girl you go out with and you do that with that after talking to her for 20 minutes or having a drink with her for an hour - or maybe some tiser zat a cool place you might find that she's totally boring as hell even though she's [ __ ] totally smoking hot physically and she's a total 10 the idea is that what I want you to have is I want you have the total package I want you to have a girl that takes your [ __ ] breath away physically but also a girl that you actually like hanging out with and you actually have fun with something that you find interesting somebody that because when you meet somebody that's perfect for you it'll be effortless it'll be easy to be with them you'll be completing each other senses you'll have a lot of the same things in common you'll be working to to get her as she'll be working to get you because there's mutual reciprocated interest in there and too many guys spend too much time interacting with women that they don't really have a chance with or women that they don't really like but they're into her physically and so it's a lot you end up putting out a lot of effort to make those relationships and those interactions work as opposed to being patient and having a non attached and non emotionally attached mindset when it comes to these women because chicks will come into your band they're literally just show up like said the right girl when you've done the things I've said you've taken the time to write down what it is that you want they'll usually show up and it'll be five to ten feet away from you whether and you'll just bump into them it'll be very easy it won't be like you'll see them on the other side of the room sometimes it is and you can walk up to them and approach them but I'm lazy ass and I go about my life and I don't go looking to pick up women I don't go out looking to meet women they just show up and when I start talking to them it's amazing how the common thread is like we're either lived in the same place we live in the same city where we ate at the same restaurants or maybe we know some of the same people or we hung out some of the same places or I like to run and she's also a runner and she likes to run or I like to workout she likes to work out I eat really healthy she likes to eat really healthy it's just really amazing and so when you're sitting here you're talking about growing you're starting to find out things about her it's no accident that that happened that's the beauty of it so if you have a question that you want to ask me or there's a topic you want me to cover in a future video newsletter go to my website click the contact me tab which is going to be the left inside your screen send me one to two paragraphs max detailing your questions your situation your challenges and you just got to give me several days to get back to you with a response because I got a shitload of emails from the internet and I get a lot on from my paying phone coaching customers as well and I got to focus on the paying customers first but be patient and I will get back to you and if you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is the book of paid phone coaching session you can do that by going to my website click the products tab which is going to be the top of your screen and just follow the instructions if you want to get a digital version of my Kindle eBook you don't have to have a Kindle device to read it on my website underneath the email signup box there is a box it'll have a link that will take you to the Amazon Kindle download page for my book now once you get there there'll be a but on the right-hand side click that button and download one of their free ereader apps for your Android smartphone your iPhone your Android tablet your iPad your Mac your PC whatever device you got that you want to read my book on download the app it's free takes a matter of seconds to download install it and once you got it install it only takes a few more seconds to complete the purchase of my book and to install it any of you ring it in no time and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 389,889
Rating: 4.8276105 out of 5
Keywords: Successfully, ReAttracting, Your, Ex
Id: ZsQPbCf1uW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2012
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