How To Practice And Improve Your English Writing - 3 Tips

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Heys - then how are you watch this video and learn how to practice and improve your English writing and I'll be giving you three tips to help you out coming up [Music] hey friends Peter breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English first of all thank you it is Wednesday I imagine you had better things to do but you are here so thank you and hey you Instagram I'm here thank you for joining us for watching I am on YouTube and on YouTube you can see the slides so thanks for joining thanks for participating thanks for participating in the chat and sending messages I really enjoy the vibe I really enjoy when you guys participate and you post your questions I don't always get to answer your questions but I'm always thinking about okay maybe this question can become a video and that's what I do I am always looking at your questions in the chat or in the comments or you know direct messages on Instagram so I'm always thinking about you now my friends let's move on how to practice and improve your English your English writing three tips the tips are very nice and these are things I do and I'm gonna talk to you guys about before I give you the first thing before I start talking about the lesson I have a free ebook Instagram check my bio free ebook the link is in the description of this video make sure to download you will get this ebook where I give very nice and strategies to make sure to check it out now why-why-why picture pricks why should I write why is it important well let me give you some science okay cuz I'm a nerd according to a study done by researchers at UCLA and Princeton people who take notes by hand and I don't have a pencil with me maybe have a pen in my bag let's see cuz I have many things in my bag I have money have a wallet but no I don't have a ban all right people who write by hand are likely probably okay are likely to remember important information than people who only type notes so there's a good chance you will remember more than people who typed do you type a lot do you write a lot let me know in the chat okay now why is this important because I want to show you some science that proves that writing is relevant okay of course we want to speak English of course we want to be fluent but there are other things that you can do that will stimulate your brain to help you become a fluent speaker in hello we have a donation wow that is awesome thank you for viewing oh this means a lot to me when you make a super chat you help the channel you help me create more content more videos okay so thank you very much now that's why I'm showing you the science behind it because I need you to understand that writing is relevant so when you start writing my friend you will remember more information it'll be easier for you to remember I'm not saying that if you start writing right now tomorrow you will be perfect no this is a process okay another study cuz today I am on fire I like studies I started making the video tonight I feel hot now energy guys another study made by the Washington University of San Luis in 2012 and I'm reading this okay cuz I'm not gonna remember everything but they said that people who type notes on the computer they lose a lot of the information they forget a lot of the information in 24 hours so 24 hours after they typed the information they forget they tend to forget okay however people who write the winners people who really use their hands right they will remember they may remember the information one week later seven days later so look at that look at science telling you to start writing forget typing typing school and it's practical but start writing because you will remember information so when it should as many students ask me this Priscilla do you have a recommendation of an app so that I can study vocabulary and my favorite app is this that's my favorite app I'm sorry to do this is my favorite app because this works this helps your memory okay you're gonna write things and this will work on your physical memory science is showing that you will remember things okay now another benefit science shows that you will tend to speak more clearly as you improve your ability to write you will improve your ability to read compositions okay maybe you don't need to write compositions maybe that's not your English goal and that's okay no problems however when you practice writing you help your brain health okay your brain becomes sharp and it also expands your creativity because writing demands more requires more thinking more exercise you know it helps your ability to communicate more efficiently ganas thank you so much you guys are amazing he can - thank you so much for the donation I think it's he Carteret cuz it's abbreviated so our gummies thank you so much it means a lot to me now guys look at all the benefits that writing can bring to your English he makes you more creative it helps your brain you remember information for much longer than when you just type you communicate more efficiently I'm not saying you have to stop using your favorite apps type know everything is good okay everything can help you but start considering writing not many students like to do that okay now to tip number one have a journal and this thing that I showed you here two three this are my journals okay I have more these are my 2020 journals January January February March March April June June July next month at this month actually I need to get a new one what is this dinner journals okay and this is a very good way to start writing and it's easy to do and why is that of course I'm not gonna show you what I write because it's the journal it's personal but let's see if I can show you something here no it's very personal I can show what is the idea having a journal is a simple strategy why you don't need to write a lot you don't need to write long and long texts no no pressure you wanna start writing so if you start by having a journal this can really help you out wow that's a competition game all Faviana thank you so much again for the donation it means a lot to me thanks a lot guys you guys Rock I love you all now in this journal you are going to write about your life yes your life is the most important thing in this journal that's what you're going to do you were gonna write things that you are happy about grateful you know about your dreams about your feelings about your accomplishments things connected to your life and guys I don't write a lot okay I don't have time to write uh i i i am very great but I don't have a lonely stuff infinite things I'm grateful for of course I'm grateful but every day I read a little bit of camera I can show you a lot I read one page I don't need to read a lot okay and I write my to do you know not here I have another another notebook where I write my traduz okay so you will see that as time goes by you will do this more easily first it'll be a little difficult I'm not gonna lie okay I always tell my students to do that I always recommend my students to do that so in the beginning it is a challenge you have to oh my god I have to sit down and write but as you keep doing this this will become part of your day that you can't do without today I can't every day I have to write a little bit because it's helpful to me I feel good knowing about the things that I'm happy that my dreams writing about my dreams writing about these things that I am grateful for so this is a great exercise and when you do this you improve your structure your English grammar manage I love grammar okay I I think everything in balance of course in moderation but this is a wonderful way to practice grammar passively because you will need to write so you will start to think about the structures that are more challenging there are a little bit more difficult for you and in that way you will have a better idea of why you have to watch on YouTube my lessons you will you will see Wow I don't know how to make this raising the simple past okay so this is a good lesson for me to study so you will see that as time goes by you will learn a lot of structure because of this simple one page in your journal that you're right every day so this is something that you have to start doing guys it's a game changer okay and remember right because as I showed at the beginning of this lesson there is scientific proof that writing is much more efficient just typing words on your computer or typing words on your cell phone okay and guys thank you so much for all the love and all their hearts are giving me on Instagram MA and you guys come on the game is on on Instagram you're giving me a lot of Hearts so how about giving me likes you can do this hit the like button and if you are here for the first time I hope you are enjoying this lesson I hope you are enjoying the vibe subscribe because from Monday to Friday I have many different kinds of English lessons and if you have done all that share because sharing is caring now to tip number two use videos from YouTube now what do I mean I imagine that you guys watch my lessons like right now you're watching my lesson you are studying with me so what I recommend is when you are here you're watching you are practicing you're listening okay that is amazing and I want you to do that but you need to turn this moment into an active moment and as I said when you write things down you help your brain remember so let's suppose you watch a video a 10 minute video and after the video is over what can you do you can write about the video you can write down things that you learned in the video if you learned an expression maybe you if you are here on YouTube you can pause my video and you can see the examples that I wrote that I showed on these lights that I prepared right now you can try to create your examples be productive with the time you spend watching those videos on YouTube I feel so happy when followers on Instagram because on YouTube that's not possible so thank you Instagram I feel so happy when people on Instagram mention me in their stories and they have the notebook they have a screa print screen of my video and their writing that's very very good and it's really gonna help you improve so if you already do that congratulations you are being very productive and efficient with the time you spend on YouTube and when I say using the V when I mentioned using videos on Instagram you don't need to watch only my lessons you can watch other videos okay short videos maybe a three minute video a five minute video about things that you enjoy not necessarily just an English lesson okay I think you you have other interests you have other things you like to watch and learn more about so you can use the same strategy and again you don't need to write three four ten pages no you start small then small and go big okay so if it's difficult for you to write it's because you don't have the habit of writing in English so what you can do is you watch it my lesson and it's difficult for you to write so how about start with a short phrase what do you remember maybe two phrase maybe three phrases and you gradually build up your skill so if it's difficult for you to write don't be too ambitious start small maybe 50 words or 30 words 40 words and build up your writing skills okay and oh and hey stay until the end of the video because when the video is over I will make a pose and I will need to print scream you know take a print screen and mention me in the stories some people are doing it thank you very much but you have to mention me in this story so I will try to repost today some people mentioned mean.they stars but I couldn't repost I don't know why not so techie tech savvy as I thought it was anyway tip number three is similar to tip number one but now we are gonna focus on the people who like to read some people like to read but don't don't have this practice this habit of writing in English so if you are that person if you were always reading the news you know you you have this habit of reading the news in the morning on the internet or you have the head reading posters on on on the internet I don't know if you have this habit you can use that in your favor as well so after you read that text or that article or that page from a book write a short explanation here I wrote a summary okay an explanation summarizing the main points this is gonna be a very productive way to connect your moment of reading something you want remember it has to be something you want to read I don't want to force you to read Oh read the New York Times no he has something that it has to be something that you that you want that you you feel good about okay and after you have that moment write down write a short explanation and here I recommend the same strategy if writing is difficult for you then it is time to respect your limitation and write how am I gonna say this it writes short things okay then not a lot of information write a short summary maybe a paragraph okay be happy about writing a short paragraph in English it takes time its progress okay someone says here I read novels online that's good so after you read those novels write a short explanation about them bye I love stationery so I'm always buying stuff our teacher guys I like pencils pens erasers I like stationery things you know like I love that so I always write down things that I watch that I read that I'm in contact with so this is something that I recommend you to do and here one thing that you can do that is a plus is after you you read the text okay awesome then you did what I recommended you wrote it down you took some notes amazing congratulations you can take one more step remember you're watching my lessons because you want to become a fluent English speaker so how about practicing speaking about this thing you wrote so after you read the text or you watch the video you wrote down an explanation how about getting your phone and recording yourself oh it just wrote about an article that I read about dolphins dolphins are very nice creatures they're very friendly and they are very smart they can communicate with each other by sound are some things about a dolphins I like dolphins and that's it you don't need to speak a lot no pressure maybe two phrases maybe three phrases so this is how you combine all the English skills to make you a better speaker a better communicator okay now as I always always say all English skills aren't important no matter what your level is if you want to become a fluent speaker you need to start working on all the English skills sometimes we focus too much on speaking but then we ignore other excuse or sometimes we focus too much on listening to how do I have to listen I have to listen okay but how about reading how about working on vocabulary how about working on writing how about working a little bit on grammar because you need to learn some structures you don't need to go bananas go crazy no you don't need to do that but you need a little bit of structure too and by combining this skills properly you will be able to achieve incredible results it'll help you improve your memory as I said your comprehension your skill and above all it'll make you a more creative person and this is very important creativity will help you in every aspect of your life you know when you are with your friends when you are at work when you need to make difficult decisions imagination is key okay so it's it's very important now the grand finale time for the picture I'll make a pretty face I'll try no born this way anyways okay so I don't know how to make different faces so I always do like this no I won't i won't like this now for Instagram why am I doing this I don't know anyway my friends that is all for tonight thank you so so much for watching everybody if I can ask you one thing here on Instagram excuse me on YouTube please share when you share this lesson you really helped me but not just me you helped other English students understand the importance of writing in English so you are helping the world so thank you for sharing thank you for watching and I will see you tomorrow for another English lesson and thanks for the donation of Fabiano gummies thank you so much this really helps me work more here on my channel thank you and bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 3,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, how to practice english writing, how to improve english writing skills, english writing skills, improve writing in english, writing in english, how to practice writing in english, how to write in english
Id: ZDzE_wJjV60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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