How to Describe Appearance in English

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hey student watch this video and learn how to describe your appearance in English coming up hey friends, Teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English as usual thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to teach you from Monday to Friday I have many different kinds of English lessons so make sure to subscribe so that you all are so that you always get the blah the notifications of my live videos anyway my friends let's dive into the content today I'm gonna talk about how you can describe appearance in English and before I start the content I have a free ebook where I teach you five different strategies to help you better understand and talk to native or non-native in English it's a very interesting book so to download it it's free all you gonna do is click in the link in the descriptions register your best email and after that you will get the email you will get the e-book and every week I'll be sending you a very nice lesson to your email okay now what do you look like yes today we're gonna talk about appearance it is a very very simple lesson sometimes English learners complicate they complicate English okay as they learn more structure more vocabulary they tend to complicate the basic okay so what I'm gonna show you here is that you need two structures here two sentences to describe your appearance I am if you're talking about yourself okay I am I have I am I have and that's it my friend remember when people want to when you are in a conversation describing your appearance you have to be more objective you know cut to the chase so you don't need to describe every single detail about you my friend unless it's part of the conversation okay you can also use my blahblah is are if you are describing someone else he is her blah blah is are or she has he has so you will need very very basic structure to describe your appearance in English okay now before I give you some examples we need to focus on some key words that will help you describe your appearance and the first thing I want to show you is the color of your eyes now there are many colors out there you know today people are getting very creative when it comes to appearance and let me check something here yes when it comes to appearance in English to the appearance of the eyes so you do not need to complicate the description of appearance okay so now eyes we have blue we have gray we have brown we have green we have hazel personally I have never have I ever seen someone with hazel eyes now I'm not sure brown eyes my eyes are brown so you see very basic English my eyes in the plural because I'm not a pirate I have two eyes so my eyes are blue no they are not blue my eyes are brown oh well do you have blue eyes let me know I can say I have brown eyes or I can say my eyes are brown if they want to talk about my sister my sister has brown eyes or her eyes are brown so you see very basic language to describe appearance in English we are here in the first part eyes wink hair did you know that my hair is not clean okay my hair looks dirty right now but it's not dirty but I'm trying to take care of my hair today I decided to apply this oil and I think I applied too much now it looks oily so I have to wash it tonight and I didn't have time to wash it before the lesson but it's not dirty I just I just applied a different oil and now it's oily well I don't like that but the the product says that it helps the hair grow because right now I'm not very happy with the size with the length of my hair so I'm trying to make it grow you know make it great again anyway my original hair is not straight this is not my real hair well it is my human my real hair ok that's my hair but my hair when I was a baby and the child and a teenager I had curly hair ok so my hair is curly now I have straight hair but it's chemically treated ok so straight wavy you know wavy hair curly hair honestly I don't think there are different kinds of hair but in most scenarios that's usually what we describe when it comes to hair straight wavy curly then you have the lengths short medium length long in my opinion my hair right now is short but when I tell my friends they say no Priscilla your hair is medium length but I'm like uh-uh it's freakin short tell me do you have long hair medium length hair or short hair tell me in the chat oh thank you Claudio my hair is very stylish today yeah it's it's it looks funny to me ok I'm not very happy about my hair as I told you I applied the oil and now it's it's I don't know it's it's funny but ok fine I'm trying my best to help my hair grow good so tell me about your hair and again you will use basic language I have curly hair I have wavy hair I have medium-length hair long hair and I will in a few slides I am going to explain what do you do when you have color and style so I'll be talking about that in a second okay now the next thing we have is the color okay so Claudio doesn't have hair Jessica are you my student's daughter let me know cuz then I can send you an email and tell you the name of the oil the oil is man I don't know how to say that in English actually oh my god I don't know how to say that in English oh it's a resemary it's a rosemary rosemary oil you know it's a kind of a plant but I I put too much that was my problem you know I think I got too excited and I put too much Rodriho can you fix that phrase I don't have any hair so I will talk about you guys to boys take it easy don't worry I'll be talking about your hair too so when you don't have any hair you can say I don't have any hair but usually you say you're bald okay I'm bald that's what you usually say I am bald okay I don't have any hair my god that would be a terrible thing for me Jesus so here we have the colors ginger do you have ginger hair I do not never had I think it's a very strong powerful color but not for me ah blonde hair hello not me either black hair my hair is not black it looks black but it's not my hair is brown but very dark brown okay now this is my hair is okay this oh yeah this part here is what we call highlights okay this is very common with the girls some boys do it too okay some boys like it too but this is very common with women all right but hey men can do it too they do it actually so if you see the next picture the second picture on the bottom you will see that it's brown but with blonde highlights that's what I have in my hair my hair is brown with blonde highlights you see the color here can you see so it's very common nowadays and then we have the gray hair well white hair we usually say it's gray hair okay but hmm occasionally it'll be all white not cool so what is your hair color okay so again simple language I have black hair I have blonde hair or my hair is black my hair is brown I have ginger hair does anybody have ginger hair let me know all right moving on come on my beautiful I can't say beautiful my handsome boys here on the channel I checked and it's interesting because I have to admit that my male haircut vocabulary is very poor to be very honest I started googling hair styles for men and I was surprised because there are many but because I'm not going really here I'm not necessarily describing a lot of styles I picked three things that are the most common besides the short okay I have short hair that's what usually that's what guys usually say I have short hair that's it but here if you look at the first guy flattop hair very common some boys love this style I don't but hey your hair your rules bald when you have no no hair it's gone okay and sometimes listen to the listen to me boys sometimes it's better if you shave it all off then having a little hair just do it go bald okay and then spiky hair this is very common with young guys okay not very cool either I'm very old-fashioned I prefer guys with very neat hair very short hair neat beautiful and that's it okay be careful guys don't get too excited about your hair so my boyfriend is not bald my friend has flattop hair I have spiky hair well maybe in the morning but no I don't all right facial hair still with the boys I was also very surprised to see that there are many different types of beard I was like what seriously guys I started checking websites that are specifically designed to men okay I believe that this is something remember when I say remember when I say bring English to your life I'm not a guy okay so to be very honest with you guys learning about facial hair is not interesting to me okay so I'm bringing you here things that are common to help you describe your facial hair however take a look check it out if you are a guy who really enjoys hi Silvia how are you if you are someone who enjoys your beard you know you always go to a barber shop Google these styles because there are so many different ways to describe your beard my friend and if you enjoy it do it just do it now we have the goatee don't like it then we had the mustache don't like it then we have the beard I accept it it's fine but for example this guy in the picture I don't like his beard it's too much it's it's it's it's too much ok I like guys with beard you know you can have a beard but you have to be to do your beard really really well you know this is just too much I can't I can't deal with that don't like sideburns so do you have like sideburns you know the guy's the rock and roll no guys if you like it it's fine you know so these are different kinds facial hair honestly for example this guy in the middle he's Superman he is very handsome very attractive but in my opinion with his mustache he looks awful he looks ugly he looks like oh my god I'd want to be with you I know it's weird but some women love it some women love guys with mustache now the other guy I think if he he he shaved it a little you know it would look better he would look more handsome it's just my personal opinion okay and I forgot to change the text here moving on hey if you're enjoying this lesson where I'm sharing about beard and hair and my oily hair hit the like button and share this lesson with your friends Silvia you love Elvis Presley I like him too as a musician as a singer I love him but the sideburns yeah not my thing you don't like sideburn yeah me neither I think this is very old fashioned it's yeah I don't like it either but one thing that I don't like either and I'm sorry boys if you have that is long hair I cannot have a boyfriend with long hair because I cannot accept that my boyfriend has a longer hair than mine because I I have a lot of problems growing my hair my hair is not very healthy because of the treatments I do and because of that my hair takes forever to grow so I cannot be with a guy that has more hair than I do period tell me about you do you prefer guys with short hair or long hair let me know here in the chat now moving on body okay body body body body now guys when you are describing your appearance if you are talking about yourself you can use whatever you want but when you are describing let me fix my hair but when you are describing someone else be very careful with the words you choose because you may offend the person who is listening okay now here I have a picture of the same woman in black and in the first picture she is a little overweight in the second picture she is slim and then in the third picture we have Taylor Swift and she is very thin what is the difference now overweight when I use overweight I'm saying the person is fat okay now can I use fat fat is considered impolite it's a little impolite when you describe someone as fat that's why overweight is a better option however don't be fooled if you describe someone and you're talking all John is so overweight that's not something very nice to say so whenever I'm teaching my students about appearance I always tell them when you describe someone's appearance don't mention if the person is fat or overweight only if extremely necessary this is not the kind of thing we say about other people again I can talk about myself but I cannot talk about other people be very careful about that okay now the difference between fat and overweight is that fat can be used can be seen as rude okay so be careful I can say that I am fat oh my god I'm fat but I cannot say someone else is fat unless it's your best friend it's someone you have intimacy okay with those so be careful overweight can offend people too alright so be careful when describing people's appearance if you are describing your own appearance fine but other people's appearance No okay now then we have here Taylor Swift she is very beautiful I think she is very beautiful but she is very thin now what's the difference between the second picture the middle picture slim and the next picture thin when I say someone is slim I'm saying the person is thin and attractive you know person has curves but beautiful curves so the person is thin in a beautiful way okay when we say someone is thin I'm not necessarily describing that person is attractive remember attractive beauty is very personal maybe for some people being thin is amazing okay but maybe for me it's not I don't have an exact word to describe a normal weight because what is normal weight see that that's the problem what is a normal weight I would say slim okay slim would be a good word to describe someone that is not fat not thin it's attractive it's a it's a good body shape okay so I have a slim body for example my case I'm not thin but I'm not fat I have a slim body alright so slim is when you are thin but it's an attractive kind of thin it's not a very it's not an ugly thing all right and I don't have a perfect body and you know I have my little fat my love handles but uh it's a normal weight I have a normal weight but I'm not thin all right now Priscilla if I say someone is thin am i offending the person no you're not you can say oh you are thin and now she's thin she's tall no problems you can't describe someone as thin just that if the person is not very thin you can say the person is slim okay Claudio you I would say slim would be a good option Silvia you are thin that is true you are thin I am slim and if I am NOT careful in this quarantine I will get fat I have to close my mouth and stop eating no I'm kidding I won't be fat so I would say slim okay Claudio this would be a good word to describe women that are good not bad there's also chubby but I would feel offended if someone said I was chubby really offended alrighty got it body type and remember never describe someone's body type unless it's extremely necessary if you're talking about yourself go for it no problems if you're talking about other people be mindful be careful you may offend the person okay now continue with the body medium height short tall I'm tall okay tall but some people they are not tall but they're not short they're medium height and some people are short okay I wouldn't use heavy to describe a woman for example unless you want to offend that woman or that man okay usually if you say someone is very heavy you could but it's not the best word to say it okay it's not the best word to describe I would say overweight fat would also be a good word just remember not to offend the person because you can you have to be careful with the words I'm actually and if I'm being very careful here because I don't like talking about body in videos like this because I don't want you to take the to have the wrong opinion to have the wrong idea I'm just teaching the English language here okay now whether you want to call someone fat or ugly doesn't matter to me you will have to find what you do with this information okay now as I said be very careful when describing other people in front of others because you may come off as rude depending on the words you use okay now special traits I don't have any special traits well I have the pimple freckles some very well I don't know if black people have it too but dark-skinned people but white people have a lot of freckles you know I don't it small dots like very small dots and lots of them sometimes on cheeks on the face sometimes on the arms okay this happens a lot with people with fair skin with light skin and so it's a very special characteristic in fact I think it's very beautiful you know it's a very special as I said a special trait beauty mark well I put the picture with the beauty mark here but not ever not you will not always have a beauty mark here you know in the upper lip area no not necessarily you could have a beauty mark in other parts of your body okay but this is very common many people have beauty marks now be careful because I'm talking about the beauty mark the delicate tiny thing here if it's very big then it's not a beauty mark okay sorry it's Leonardo you can use it to both okay for men and for women you can use slim for both okay I think when the the beauty mark is not really a beauty mark we call it oh my god how do we say it I forgot I mean I didn't forget I'm not sure yes it's a dark it's a dark mole okay so if you have a very big one and it's really big then it's not a beauty mark anymore it's a dark mole you know be careful go to a doctor see if everything's okay all right oh I think I changed my slide here and pimple okay so teenagers have problems with acne okay now what do you see there in this light is a very 1 1 pimple don't pop your pimples because they can grow and grow and grow then there will be a face on your pimple because your pimple will be so big so I hate when this happens usually on my PMS on my period I get a lot of pimples and because I have hormone problems hormone imbalance sometimes I get pimples on my neck or I get pimple on my chest or on my back sometimes on my leg but not many not many this is every time every day ever since I started having a better diet I don't have as many pimples anymore thank God okay now skin color another very very very delicate issue be very careful and be very respectful to this vocabulary remember I'm teaching you doesn't mean you can go crazy and use everything be mindful of the situation okay now you're watching the news you you you can see what's happening right now in the United States it's horrible there's so much racism around the world so be very careful when you're describing people's skin color when you're describing your color my friend be happy you can say whatever you want about yourself but when you're describing a friend skin color or describing maybe you're having a conversation about skin color in general be very careful with the language you use now why is that I have a story to tell a long time ago I had this student this private student and he was a businessman okay he travelled around the world and I don't know if this changes anything he he was white okay he had white skin and he was my private student and at that at the time I went to the company to teach him and we were having conversation you know about the United States and traveling and then he told me he made a friend but when he told me he made a friend he used a very bad word I it's it's such a bad word that I cannot use here on the channel but it starts with the letter N** you probably know this but there is a word in English to describe black people the color that is very racist and it starts with the letter N and this student started using this word with me to describe the friends he made all the my friends they were blah this collar blah and then I talked to the bla people and at some point I stopped this student and I said look you cannot use this word first because it's racist second you're white they will have this will get so much controversy it'll be so complicated for you so this is a terrible world a terrible word I don't know if you're using this by mistake but don't use it the student was not happy and I realized that I he knew where the word meant because he wanted to use the word the n-word he wanted to use it and he kept using the word and I felt extremely uncomfortable because I started to think oh my god when he travels abroad if he uses this n-word in the wrong place he could go to jail or he could get into trouble okay now how can you respectfully describe someone's skin if you have a black friend you have a black friend okay I think we we don't need to make a big deal out of this so when you're describing someone let's say well my best friend is black she's tall and thin she has dark green eyes and that's it you keep going my bread my bleh my excuse me my friend is black no problem saying that but you can't say like oh she's a black woman no okay and be careful with the way and intonation you use for example I have brown skin you know I'm not black I'm not white I'm Brown I have brown skin and sometimes in the United States people were very confused with my color you're like wow you're not you're not dark you're not like white what are you because in the summer I get really dark skin okay if I go to the beach and I I get tanned I get really dark my skin gets really dark and in my opinion that's really beautiful so I always confused people in the US because my skin color is a little different okay maybe here in the camera you don't really on the on the video you don't really see it but it is pretty different now I have black skin she's black or she's white she has white skin she has brown skin or I have brown skin I'm Brown it's fine there's no disrespect describing someone's skin color but this is not the conversation that I usually have when I'm describing a friend it's not necessary to me to describe the skin color does that make any difference that's what I want you to think about I want you to learn this in English that's good but when you're describing a friend does it really matter what color your friend is like does it really matter I have a friend he's amazing he's tall and beautiful I said it's good you don't need to give all the details but let's say I have a friend and she's black and her skin is so perfect now I could say that yeah I can say brunette to Leonardo I can say someone is brunette it's very similar to brown okay maybe a little lighter than brown but darker not white okay not white not black not necessarily brown I also say I'm brunette I can use the word brunette "I'm coffee and milk" in Brazil yes okay so maybe I have a friend let's put this into context maybe I have a very good friend and she has an incredibly beautiful black skin you know it's it's so beautiful I have I have a friend like this her skin was just shining and oh my God it was just so beautiful in this case if it's something very special about your friend then you can say okay but in a positive way oh my best friend she has a beautiful black skin she's very tall and slim she's a supermodel you know this is amazing so that's a that's the idea okay remember be careful with this this is good for you to know intonation is very important the way you describe but it's not always necessary to give so much emphasis on color but you can describe someone's color you can describe your color I have brown skin I'm tall I am slim it depends on whom you're talking okay all right now let's see okay now just a quick review here as I showed you what do you look like tell me about your appearance these are questions you may get okay so basic language I have I am or my I have long straight brown hair with blonde highlights I have big brown eyes my eyes are big I don't know maybe they're normal they're not big I have a big nose I do what am I gonna do and this in the description when you're describing your appearance this is something you can say wow I have a big nose or I have a crooked crooked nose you know crooked I have a crooked nose or I have a small nose if it's something very specific about you you can say so I have a big nose I always have my father has a big nose my brother has a big nose my mother doesn't my sister doesn't either my sister's nose is small so I have a big nose and I like it alright so basic language I have long straight brown hair I have big brown eyes I am slim and tall so you see verb to be and verb have I don't need anything else okay my sister is short she has long straight brown hair with blonde highlights she is a little overweight she has a small nose and a beautiful smile her eyes are brown so you see only basic language okay adjectives sequence size style color so size long style straight colorr Brown I have long well I have medium length yes I have medium length Straight oily hair so what I want you to do I want you to come here in the comments and practice this get all the descriptions I gave you here about eye color hair style type of hair you can describe your skin color it's no problem okay I'm not saying it's bad I'm just saying that you have to be careful with the way you describe a person in a conversation okay that's all I'm saying it's fine just be careful with the way you describe during a conversation maybe you have a good intention but the listener may not understand your intention and may misunderstand the explanation okay so it all comes down to the way you describe someone's skin color and appearance in general alright so come in the comments and describe I think my nose is big you don't know me in person the camera is helping me but my nose is big and I have big teeth big teeth good so come in the comments and participate and describe your appearance and your friend's appearance maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend or wife husband or your best friend or your boss and describe their appearance so that you can practice when you're talking about yourself and when you're talking about somebody else and if possible share this lesson with your friends it really supports the channel when you share you know by sharing you show that you care you are part of this you know so thank you so much and I will see you tomorrow for another English lesson bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 5,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, vocabulary lesson, learn english vocabulary, vocabulary, how to describe appearance in english, appearance in english, talk about appearance in english, describe your appearance, describe appearance in english, appearance vocabulary, physical appearance vocabulary, describing physical appearance in english
Id: EIrTB9C1U00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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