How To Ask Questions in English - Present - Past & Future - English Grammar

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hey student watch this video and learn how to ask questions in english in the present in the past and in the future coming up [Music] hey friends teacher breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english hey instagram thank you so much for watching for participating thank you for watching if you're watching live thanks for joining i know that for some people it is very late for others not so much and if you're watching the replay that is awesome thank you so much i hope you enjoyed this lesson my friends now let's dive into the content because today i have a lot of stuff to share with you guys okay and if you are on instagram and you want to see uh these lights that i have prepared for this lesson come to youtube because on youtube i can show you these lives with the explanations that i'm gonna be sharing with you guys tonight now if you are here watching live let me know in the chat where you are watching this from okay if you are from brazil if you are from spain argentina uruguay and if you are my baby sardine let me know here that you are my baby my baby sardine anyway my friends asking questions in english you know why is study questions this is something that students sometimes ask me when i am giving explanations about asking questions when i am telling them about the importance of asking questions in english and you see it is so important because it will help you become more confident the next time you have to speak to someone in english and if you think about it conversations will flow more easily if you know how to ask questions in english and one thing that happens to students and i've done this several times with many different students from all different levels every time i look at them and say ask me a question ask me an interesting question they don't know how they go back to very basic questions very simple questions they don't have the imagination now disclaimer everybody has imagination everybody can use their imagination but you need practice if you never practice asking questions the next time you are in a conversation in english it is going to be difficult for you to think of how to ask questions students are often so worried about talking and speaking and answering things in english but they never realize the importance of knowing how to ask questions because you are going to feel more confident if you know what to ask the questions in a conversation will help you get the conversation going okay because if you are feeling a little lost if you want to guide the conversation it'll be easier for you to do that if you know how to ask questions in english okay so here uh this is not just a grammar lesson this is a speaking strategy if you want to become a better english speaker you've got to step up the game and learn how to ask interesting questions and i'm gonna show you how okay teacher i don't know i don't know how to ask questions i don't have anyone to practice with you know i'm alone i study by myself i have no idea what questions to ask what do i do well my friends to be able to do this practice if you are alone if you are studying alone you need to have a clear context in mind and what is a context i agree with you it may be very difficult to think of questions that you can ask in a conversation if you don't know what conversation to talk about if you have no subject in mind if you have no context in mind so to be able to do this kind of practice to sit down and write down questions i'll be giving you some recommendations the first thing you need to think of is the topic what are you interested in what conversation subjects are you interested in and i have several videos here on my channel where i give you recommendations about speaking practice speaking alone how to practice english speaking alone but here if you want to be able to ask better questions in english you need to do this you need the first thing you need to do is i need to sit down i need to think of what conversation subjects what topics maybe not necessarily a conversation subject but what topics you want to talk about and based on the subject based on the topic you have chosen it'll be easier for you to ask a question to to make questions to think of what kind of things you can ask connected to that conversation to connect it to that topic that you have chosen and this is very important so here sit down make a list choose make a list of five topics 10 topics it's okay because you're not going to do it all today you can divide and slowly practice all right so choose five to ten ideas of things you can talk about then choose one so you made a list of topics oh okay i'm gonna talk about i would like to talk about so let's be uh a realistic here i would like to talk about this this this and that i am interested in this this and that now you choose one topic from the list and you are going to practice writing down five to ten questions because that way you will be practicing grammar in a contextualized way there's a real context there is a real necessity there is a conversation subject here there is a there is a topic for you to talk about and that's the idea here to prepare you for the real world because i want you to be able to feel confident asking interesting questions to people in english in conversations when having lunch when getting to know foreigners native speakers or non-native speakers or in a job interview being able to ask questions about your future position that's what i want you to do okay susanna you are in boston i know right it's beautiful beautiful beautiful i hope you enjoy boston enjoy the weather it's probably cold already right now moving on oh my god where am i yes okay now here when you practice writing down the questions you will be able to answer your own questions so here you will be able to practice many different aspects of the language you will be practicing grammar in context not just sitting down to do exercises no no there's a real purpose here a situation when you can actually talk to people and ask those questions so you will be practicing grammar in context you will be practicing vocabulary but teacher how how am i going to be practicing vocabulary when you sit down to create your questions you may not know a verb you may not know an adjective or a noun so you will need to look up some words that's when i tell you that translation may be necessary as i always tell you guys i do not approve of translation but in this case you are creating a question and you don't know one single word to finish your question then you can google that word it is necessary so in that situation you will be studying vocabulary you will be practicing your writing skills because you can do this by writing you can create your questions by writing actually i urge you to do that write down the questions because when you write you practice different aspects of your memory you practice your physical memory so write down the questions you are thinking of okay as i said choose one topic and write down five to ten questions okay the next the next thing speaking yes you can also practice speaking how well you created five questions or maybe you couldn't it's okay maybe you created three questions now you can practice answering those questions and you can record your voice answering those questions because after that you can listen to yourself so look at this powerful combination of exercises first to think of a situation a topic something you are interested in then you create five to ten questions and you will be studying grammar that way and here i'll be giving you a lesson about present past and future to help you with this structure to remind you and review the structure of of asking questions in english then you will be practicing vocabulary because there may be a word you don't know that you will need to look up that you will need to find out you will also practice writing you will be writing those questions you will be thinking about how to organize your question and finally you will speak you will practice answering your questions the questions that you created and more importantly the questions excuse me the questions you created about the subject you are interested in the thing you want to talk about the subject that you want to be able to express your opinion you want to be able to explain imagine yourself talking to people about that subject how awesome is that going to be when you feel more confident talking about that topic talking about the things you enjoy your favorite movies or talking about the weather and the environment and interesting subjects that will make you feel inspired that's my goal it's much more than simply doing an english exercise it's something that will help you speak english in the real world talking to real people okay now that being said i need water i always drink water one day i was making a live lesson and i i didn't have water near me i started coughing not cool my friends now questions in the simple present i will talk about questions in the present questions in the past and questions in the future this is not a very basic lesson okay that's not it at all i'll be giving some basic explanations but it's not a basic lesson so if you want a complete simple present video a complete simple past video a complete future video i have them on my channel there are many playlists here okay this is more practical to help you talk to help you ask questions to help you review important content so that you can communicate more easily and get inspired by choosing interesting subjects you want to talk about okay now in general there are two types of questions closed-ended and open-ended what's the difference closed-ended questions are questions that are yes or no do you like sports yes no do you speak foreign languages yes no did you watch a movie last weekend yes no are you going to travel next year no i don't know so these are simple questions because it requires it requires a yes or no answer okay of course i can continue my answer like are you going to travel next year priscilla no well i don't know i don't know what it's going to be like next year so this part is not really the answer this part is additional i am in a conversation so i say no and then i want to explain i want to give more information that is common but the question itself was are you going to travel next year yes or no i didn't ask where i didn't ask when i didn't ask how i just want to know yes or no are you going to travel next year i don't know now open-ended questions are more interesting actually these are the questions i want you guys to study to prepare for okay and why is that and this is interesting because when i'm talking to advanced students when i talk to uh intermediate students whenever i ask them ask me a question fast come on give me your best they asked me yes no questions teacher do you like sports do you live in brazil because they don't practice asking questions so the open-ended questions are the real world questions are the questions that you are going to need when talking to people in english of course you are going to use yes no questions of course absolutely you are but open-ended questions are gonna help you step up the game have more ideas of what to say it'll help you continue the conversation make the conversation more interesting imagine a conversation where you only ask yes no questions okay are you from here yes um do you like the food yeah do you live here uh no um do you need help um no are you going home yes are you enjoying the party yeah imagine a conversation like this where's the what the when who how long these are important things and they are only going to happen in open-ended questions when you actually ask more information you ask for more information this is what's going to happen when you are in a conversation with someone they are going to ask more and more and more questions they may start with yes and no but after a while they will ask you for more okay now checking the structure okay um open closed ended sorry simple present okay let's talk about simple present now if you're going to ask a closed-ended question in the simple present you have two options of structure here do and does because it's simple present then you have the sub this is the sequence okay and for people in my email list yes if you are in my email list you're beautiful tomorrow tomorrow or wednesday no today's is monday today is monday so tomorrow or wednesday morning i will be sending a pdf file with all of these explanations you're welcome but only tomorrow if you are um in my email list okay now i have two options of structure in the present for uh i put clothes that ended in both but the second one is open ended close at end the yes and no questions do and does then after that the subject he she it you the doctor the house the apartment the government the city then the verb and action do like study drink buy sell whatever verb you need and then a compliment anything what is a compliment any uh group of word a small a a short group of words two three four five words or just one to complete the idea of your question it can be another verb it's possible it can be a pronoun it's possible as long as it makes sense and i'll be showing you some examples the second option of close attended question uh is be plus subject plus complement verb to be in this case m is r because i am talking about simple present then my subject john the party the students the dog the church a subject then a compliment anything that will complete the idea of the question okay if i ask you do you like and i stop do you like finish finish up do you like vegetables so vegetables will complete the idea of the question because if i stop at like the person would be like do i like sucker so you have to finish compliment okay now looking at examples do this here on on youtube it's colorful there are different colors so you get to see the the the different parts of the question so here we have do plus does do or does excuse me plus subject plus verb plus complement so as you see the colors you will see the positions so that you can understand more easily so here i'm using an example of question with do what's the difference between do and does the difference is in the pronoun you will use do with you we they and i and thus will be used with he she it or any word that represents a pronoun in the third person of the singular the house the game the doctor singular he she it not we you they i then you use thus okay so do you like reading books in english so here in the pink the pink word is do so i start with do then the yellow word is the the subject in this case i used to you do you then the orange word is like the verb do you like then the blue part is what i need maybe i need a verb maybe i need a noun maybe i don't need a now i just need another verb i could use do you like running do you like to run it's possible so this is the sequence you have to follow but these are simple yes no questions now an example with dus does james so does the pink word does i start with does simple present remember then james the subject and then like i wanted to use like but i could use another another word here does james like reading books in english does your cousin remember your email address so your cousin he or she so here i'm not using he or she or john or peter i'm using cousin does your cousin remember your email address do children children plural of child so i cannot use does because children is a plural word do children have enough time to have fun well i think so maybe not maybe yes the second kind of question is with verb to be now if you follow this light and you see the colors the pink color the yellow color and the blue color you will see here that i don't have the orange color giving me another verb because i only use verb to be now disclaimer i'm not talking about present continuous i'm just talking about simple present in a future video i can talk about asking questions in the present continuous okay now here my pink will be verb to be i'm asking a question so verb to be will come first are is or m if i'm talking about myself am i then the yellow the person the subject are you are they is she is james is peter are your friends i forgot to put friends in yellow but friends should have been in yellow are your friends from jamaica are you peter's sister is sandra here so that's the style of the question and as you're watching this lesson i really hope you can pause the video maybe not right now maybe right now you will keep going but use this lesson as many times as possible yesterday no this morning excuse me this morning i was studying italian and i had to watch a video a video like this one you know a grammar video and i paused many times i took notes i created my examples because this kind of video is for you to use to study okay so that's the goal so here i know i'm going a little fast but you will be able to pause take a look at the colors i believe the colors are going to help you organize your questions when you practice okay now the second kind of question the open-ended questions the questions that are more interesting because they require more information they will require more details w8 why did i put w8 in white now we have a new color we have white okay w8 do does then i follow the sequence it's the same sequence but the difference is now i am including w8 and this w8 represents what where when how how often who whose why which many of them okay so looking at the examples what i have to start with w8 because it's an open-ended question what do you like to do on the weekends or here on weekends i missed the letter s okay so letter s missing on the slide don't be sad what do you like to do on weekends where does jane buy his shoes because i love james shoes and they're so beautiful where so where does he buy his shoes i need to know i need to know tell me james who who does your cousin live with or work with when do your children go on vacation so you see the sequence and here your children in the example in the last example of w8 plus do does uh your should have been in yellow your children okay when do your children go on vacation the next one verb to be you see again i have to put the w8 the white w8 over there on this light at the beginning and then verb to be however i'm not going to use b who be your best friend no i have to conjugate b m is r remember i'm talking about simple present here when is your birthday my birthday is on september 13th best month of the year spring it's beautiful not too hot not too cold just simply the best [Music] i'm simply the best why is sandra here so there is a common confusion here uh when using when making questions in english with verb to be and asking questions with do and does okay the most common confusion is to use verb to be for everything okay and that doesn't work all right that doesn't really work so you cannot use verb to be to ask all kinds of questions so i believe that by looking at this um at this slide with the the colors you will be able to better understand when you use verb to be and when you use do does okay so if you pay attention here to the simple present explanation when i use simple present verb to be in the simple present not present continuous it's not possible for me to have another verb the questions with verb to be are more limited okay basically when i i'm not saying this is a rule but in most situations when i ask questions in the simple present with verb to be they will be usually connected to feelings very easy pieces of information nouns i'm confirming things are you okay are you okay oh when is your birthday where are you from uh why are you so angry so you see these are the kinds of questions i usually ask when using verb to be because here it's not possible for me to use another verb if i want to do that i don't need verb to be i need to ask a question with do and us do you enjoy this kind of lesson do you watch the news every day do your friends come to visit you you know here i should have asked in the simple past but do your friends like to visit you on the weekends so if i need another verb then i can't use verb to be if i if my idea is to ask something about eating drinking buying doing verb to be is not the verb for you and with this uh combination of colors you can see that the questions with verb to be are more limited because verb to be has one specific meaning one specific translation therefore i will be very limited when when it comes to making question asking questions with verb to be when i'm using let's see another verb okay um uh like if i want to know where you are from i can't use like because like the translation is wrong i like sports i like countries i like music but i like from where are you like from it doesn't doesn't work okay now if you are enjoying this lesson my friends make sure to hit the like button it's nice when you do that um anyway and hey people remember you if you are on instagram if you want to check these lights check my channel on youtube anyway moving on now i want to talk to you guys about simple past yes as i said this is going to be a lesson where i show you how to organize your questions but if you want to turn this exercise this video into a practical exercise a practical speaking exercise you need to do what i told you at the beginning of this video you have to follow my recommendation and think of subjects of topics and based on the topics you will use this grammar lesson to ask questions connected to the subjects that you chose from your list okay now in the simple past you will need did okay now here you need did or you can use verb to be verb to be in the past is we have two options was or were okay i don't have any other options so was or were so here let's start with did if you follow the colors again the sequence is very similar very very similar the only difference is that now i'm not going to use do i'm not going to use does i use did because did is what's going to show me this is a question in the simple past form in the simple past tense if i use do in a simple past question it may be difficult for the listener to understand what i'm saying if you use a compliment a time expression like yesterday or last week or two weeks ago the person may understand but at the beginning he or she may be a little confused okay so here the sequence pink did i start with dead this is a yes or no question did then my yellow the pronoun the subject did you enjoy the verb did you enjoy the movie last night ah did you like the movie last night i don't know have you watched a movie did you watch a movie last night did you enjoy the movie last night did james tell you the news so here i follow the same sequence did then the subject james then the verb tell then the rest of the sentence because if i stop at d james tell did james tell the news did james tell you his secret did our cousin come here last weekend did the kids i forgot to remove his leap i have two verbs here disclaimer if you're only listening if you're not watching have i should have deleted have and included sleep did the kids sleep well last night so here the verb should have been sleep okay did the kids sleep well last night so i followed the same sequence okay now i can also ask questions with verb to be in the simple past just keep in mind that if i ask questions with verb to be in the simple past they are more limited they are very specific questions i don't have so many options as i said the same thing that happens in the present will happen in the past i'll be able to ask questions about adjectives i'll be able to use some nouns and here again i'm confirming yes oh no were you tired last night were you were you home this morning oh okay were you late for work yesterday so were you late late adjective were you late yesterday were you hungry this afternoon the questions are more limited okay so here if i follow the colors same thing i use verb to be was or were what's the difference i he she it was we you they were okay that's the difference the meaning the translation is the same okay then my subject he she it the dog the car the news the game the people then the compliment anything that will be necessary to complete the idea of the question i wanna ask okay so were you upset this morning were you okay were you okay this morning no i wasn't okay ah but teacher do i change the verb you are changing verb to be why you are not changing the other verbs in the simple past when i am excuse me when i am asking questions i do not change the verb in the question okay the verb stays the same in the base form because i'm using did if i am using verb to be if i if i want to ask a question with verb to be then i change verb to be i change into the past form any other verb will not have that case well with the exception of can can in the past could this is a conversation for another video and i have channels where uh and i have videos where i talk about can and could and other modal verbs so here if i'm asking questions with did the verb stays in the base form no changes nothing happens but if i am asking a question with verb to be verb to be changes were or was okay now if i want to ask open-ended questions if you see the color again white pink yellow orange and blue i follow the very same sequence what did you do last night so what is the white color i start with the w8 then i move on and i follow the same sequence did then you in yellow then the verb in orange then last night in blue last night completes the idea okay where did james buy his new shirt james very elegant so i want to know where he bought his his shirt where did james buy his new shirt who did your cousin want to see when did your children go to canada so here i start with the w8 and i follow the same sequence if i want to do that with verb to be i can i followed the sequence again w 8 what where when how which whose how long then i use verb to be then the subject and then the complement if necessary when was the party why were the kids angry okay so i follow the sequence if you wanna uh if you want a recommendation then easy i said there is a typing mistake okay now ah yes if you want to study and i hope you study after watching this lesson open a word file okay and then you can try to do this use the colors that i am showing you here if you are a visual learner this is great open a word file and follow the sequence i am giving you maybe you have to change the white color because a word it's white so everything is going to be white you can change to black you can change the color but follow the sequence that i'm giving you here and that will help you organize your questions many english learners do not know how to organize their questions in english so this is a good kind of practice to help you in real life conversations okay now moving on now we can talk about future because the future my friends is right over there questions in the future and here i'm going to be showing you two kinds of future will and be plus going to and why is that unfortunately many basic students only learn will will and will however in real life conversations students don't learn that will is not so common will is popular will is used but not for every kind of conversation not not not necessarily for every kind of conversation but for every situation depending on the kind of future question you want to ask you cannot use will and if you want to learn the difference between will and people is going to i have lessons here on my channel where i teach when to use will and when to use b plus going to okay so that is important when to use will and when to use b plus going to now here i'm going to show you the structure how to organize the question because it is a little bit different that's why i need to show you but when it comes to future if you don't know that study you don't only use will you need you must you have to you've got to use other kinds of future be plus going to present continuous and so many other kinds of future because there are more okay but if you learn b plus going to you're good to go okay now will if you follow the colors again will in pink subject in yellow verb i'm not talking about wood because i'm talking about future specifically future okay wood is used in different situations and that's not the goal here but if you follow the sequence of questions the same way uh you you you follow the sequence to ask questions with will will be the same thing with wood okay so if you want to ask questions with wood just change will for wood in this slide that i'm showing on youtube you're not on youtube so you can't see it but here on youtube i am showing a slide with different colors so instead of writing will you can write would and you would be asking a question with would but the translation is different the situation is different it's not future okay now will pink then subject john maria the game the sport the teacher the foundation the organization the subject okay verb any verb you want not verb to be well verb to be that's possible it's possible uh and complement okay now why did i correct myself and say verb to inside verb to be because it's possible now here the game changes okay when i wanna use will to ask future questions i can use will to ask anything i can use any verb okay be go do not can't study like okay when i say everything don't consider modal verbs okay well the words are different they're special so no okay now here will subject and verb here in the verb part i can use verb to be because few verb to be in the future will be will be will be i will be you will be the game will be the teacher will be the doctor will be okay plus compliment because if i only say the doctor will be we'll be what we'll be late we'll be happy we'll be angry the doctor will be what but here i'm making an affirmative sentence of course so i use will will the teacher be late why well she's not here will she be late well she's probably late um will the student come to see me i don't know i just want to know so you see how it's difficult to ask questions when i don't have a subject even myself as a teacher if i'm not thinking of a subject it is difficult to create examples so it is much easier to have a situation in mind a conversation in mind so what i'm doing here in this lesson tonight is to show you how to organize your question now if you want to turn this exercise into a speaking exercise not necessarily a speaking exercise but a practice that will help you become a better english speaker you need to bring reality okay you need to bring subjects conversation ideas because then it'll be easier for you to ask questions then it'll be easier for you to organize your questions and practice them okay now let's take a look at will so here will you tell them the news so will then yellow you the person the subject the verb i i decided to use tell will you tell them the news will you tell my friends the news the other kind of future the other kind of future is verb to be plus going to and another verb now be in this case when i'm using the second kind of future needs to be conjugated so b is m r so is mr you will have to analyze which subject you are talking about then the subject well as i said going to and the verb and the complement so this is a little bit longer because i have b subject going to so is james going to be late i used the tricky example here i said is james going to be late why am i saying b again because i said is james y b it's a different verb to be because it's the verb that i need to make my sentence be late be on time be happy be okay is james going to be okay he had an accident is he going to be okay so sometimes you need to repeat the verb because it's a different purpose it's doing a different job in the question okay are you going to visit me next month are you going to visit me next month so our verb to be you subject going to mandatory visit verb action visit me compliment me is compliment because if i only say are you going to visit are you going to visit the kids are you going to visit the doctor are you going to visit who who are you going to visit so i need to complete the question and this is a yes no question remember that okay for sure um baby sardine you need to use going to in your questions okay monica no the meaning is different when using will and going to they describe future but they are used in slightly different situations okay i do have a video here on my channel where i explain the difference between will and b-plus going to actually i have one video talking about will and another video talking about b-plus going to okay are you in the academy i don't know if you are i don't remember i i'm not sure but if you are part of the academy my my english course my online program there are modules where i talk about uh the different futures okay people's going to and the future will okay all right moving on with questions and here if you pay attention i keep following the same sequence the same sequence i showed you before the only difference is that now i have the white color the w8 question and the colors are intentional because i'm showing you where the words go i'm showing you how to organize the questions because this is a common problem students have they ask very confusing questions because they confuse the positions so again if you use this video to study which i highly encourage you to do open a word file and follow these colors and create your questions this will help you especially if you are a visual learner if you are a visual learner this is wow a delight okay so what will you do next weekend is this question correct in terms of structure yes i'm following the sequence correctly however when it comes to the real world a native speaker would not use will to ask this question they would probably ask what are you going to do this weekend or what are you doing this weekend two possibilities could i use will of course you could use will but it's just not common again i do have a lesson here where i explain explain when you have to use will and when you have to use b plus going to or present continuous it is a very good video well these are very good videos for you to watch and you should definitely watch them and here i also um okay the next kind of future w8 verb to be verb to be am is are subject john peter mary the doctor the school the government the city going to plus verb plus compliment okay so what will you tell them or what are you going to tell them when will you be home when are you going to visit your parents why will peter quit his job why is peter going to quit his job so you see if you analyze the differences you will understand where to put the words you need and here i'm showing you wait questions so this is the sequence you have to follow but as i said at the beginning of this lesson it is difficult to ask questions to practice asking questions if you don't have a clear subject in mind so if you want to successfully ask questions in english think about conversations okay so i want to talk about the weather all right the weather that's an interesting subject think about five questions you can ask about the weather okay i want to talk about cars i like cars cars are amazing i love cars well think about five to ten questions you can ask your friend you can ask people about cars oh but i don't know this word oh i don't know that word that's when you study vocabulary in this situation it is okay if you need to check the word and translate oh i want to know how to say this word in english now disclaimer do not google do not search the translation for a long sentence that is bad what i'm saying here is if you don't know a verb in english then you have to find out you don't have a choice but if you google an entire sentence in english then we have a problem then it's pure translation what i'm doing here with this lesson is to make you think to make you work to make you create a structure organize your question and as you keep practicing this it'll be easier for you to do that in conversations and if you follow my recommendation the recommendation i have just repeated you will understand that if you want to do this to become a better speaker you need to think of subjects of topics you want to talk about otherwise it'll be difficult to ask questions okay now guys i saw that someone says oh why your is why the word your is in white well it's because it was a typing mistake okay if you see some obvious mistakes here like oh you put two verbs together it's probably as i said i when i see the mistakes i say them okay uh there's probably a typing mistake other than that my friends i want you to participate in the comments write down three questions okay but think of a subject i put if you post if you participate in the comments you can put the subject first okay oh i'm gonna talk about games then you ask three questions about games oh i wanna talk about music then i'm gonna ask three questions about music oh i wanna talk about uh house renovation or house decoration three questions about house decoration oh i wanna i wanna talk about the history of my country three questions about the history of your country oh i wanna talk about nails my pink nails three questions about nails so you see subjects guys subjects oh but nails nobody talks about nails they do it depends on the people you talk to okay i i talk to my students about nails why not i love getting my nails done okay so think about a subject and post your three questions in the comments okay other than that my friends i'll see you tomorrow and if you enjoy this lesson it'll really help me if you can share this lesson with your friends okay if you are on instagram you can tag your friend i will leave this video available on igtv so tag your friend tell them this is an important lesson if you enjoyed this lesson share this lesson with your friends and participating and participate in the comments okay thank you so much and i'll see you i don't know i'll see you soon bye bye well let me say bye to instagram bye bye guys and bye bye my friends and i'll see you very soon bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 5,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, english class, english fluency, how to achieve fluency, fluency in english, fluency strategies, how to become a fluent speaker, strategies fluent speakers follow, english tips, english grammar, grammar in english, asking questions in english, how to ask questions in english, questions in the simple present, simple past questions
Id: JUrGwBqsaqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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