Can You Speak English Fluently ALONE?

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hey student watch this video and learn if it's possible you know to speak English fluently alone coming up hey friends the HR breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English hey welcome welcome to my channel thank you so much for joining me if it's your first time here I just want to tell you that from Monday to Friday I am making live lessons and if you are here on Instagram come to youtube if you want to see these lives of the lesson I decided to share here and here so I hope you guys enjoy this really nice video I have prepared for you without further ado let's talk about the real business the thing you want to know can you speak fluently knee a little Papa can you speak English fluently alone all by yourself oh by myself don't wanna be yeah anyway guys the first thing I'm gonna tell you yes it is it is possible and I don't wanna I don't want to do a clickbait this is not a clickbait this is the real deal I'm gonna talk about this I'm gonna give you some strategies I'm gonna talk about some mistakes and some things you believe that you need to do or you need to have in order to speak English so make sure to pay attention and watch it unto the end and at the end of the lesson I'm gonna make a beautiful face and I want you guys to take a picture a print screen okay make a print screen and then tag me on Instagram make a story tag me there and I will repost your post okay so Eddie and at the end I'll make a pretty face my face is already pretty so all right so let's dive into the content I will talk about the e-book but I want to get down to business so if you want the e-book the link is in the description it's free it's nice go there but now business guys the first thing you need to know is our mind our brain our mind can do incredible fascinating things and I like to I like to mention I like to quote Napoleon Hill because he is a writer that really inspired me and really inspires me throughout my journey in everything that I do and he says that whatever the mind can create can conceive can create okay whatever the mind can conceive can create and believe it can achieve so whatever you create in your mind and I'm not talking about flying human beings fly me I'm talking about tangible things okay things that are that can happen all right so whatever you create in your mind and you can believe it's going to happen you can do it my friend so the short answer to the question the title of this video is yes you can but there's a catch you need to make your mind believe that it can do it otherwise you will never get there it doesn't matter you may have the best teachers in the world you may have all the sources all the materials all the lessons all the inspiring teachers but if you don't believe right here it's never gonna happen so the first thing you need to do is believe here believe that it's possible visualize yourself achieving fluency is speaking well and that is the first thing you have to do and this is completely completely disconnected to English okay so it has nothing to do with English now guys here in the on YouTube let me know if you're watching if it everything is okay all right I received a message on YouTube so just tell me if everything is okay on YouTube on Easter time everything checks out so let's move on now guys fluid see what is English fluency according to Oxford guys fluency is the quality they skill the quality of being able to speak and to write a language especially a foreign language easily and well well okay before you want to speak English fluently you need to understand what it is to be fluent okay and many times we watch youtubers we watch people on the internet we watch our favorite teachers we watch people we like speaking in English and we think we have to speak like them you don't have to speak like me I'm a teacher I take specializations I do many courses because I have to it's my job to achieve English fluency you don't need to talk like me you you need to speak well too right well you need to be able to communicate with people express your mind speak your mind to speak the things you enjoy the things you like okay this has nothing to do with perfection all right a little bit of my story when I was 15 years old I studied English if you if some people who know me who follow my my work I started studying when I was 12 but after 10 months is studying nothing was working out nothing was going well so I gave up you know I was miserable because nothing was working out for me so I quit when I turned 15 I decided to try again ending six months I was able to write well and speaking English very well the school was so surprised that they invited me to work there as an intern as a monetary school a teacher's assistant okay now one important thing if I compare my English from I don't wanna I don't want to review my age but if I compare my English from 15 years ago to my English today guys I'm much better because I'm working on improving my English I am a completely different person but it's not fair for me to compare my English when I was 15 and say no I was not good I was amazing six months talking in English writing in English I could understand so you need to analyze your reality okay and you need to be more realistic so in six months you can do a hell of a job you can achieve a very I was gonna say a very great but that's wrong you can achieve an amazing I'm so excited because you can cheat to achieve an amazing level but you need to be realistic okay of course that after 15 years is studying I've been okay let's be honest about the eight seventeen seventeen years is studying English of course I'm better of course I'm much better but when I was fifteen in six months I could talk and I could understand and that's what I want to show you that you can do and I'm not the only one I have had many students who achieved the same who didn't know anything zero but after six months we're talking about everything describing their favorite things describing their life talking about their job describing their plans having a conversation in English being understood and that's what I truly believe you can achieve in six months you can speak well and you can write well in English and have a conversation but teacher can I talk about anthropology in English in six months well it depends it's more specific do you like anthropology then I believe so hum so thank you so much for the donation have so made super chat and super chat are super donations thank you very much shout out to ha Bastogne thank you very much now as I was saying if you enjoy anthropology it is very specific so go for it you know one thing that I loved when I was 15 I love Egypt okay I love Egyptology I love her ki ology so when I was 16 yes 17 because that's when I started receiving money for the lessons okay when I was 17 I bought a book in English about Egypt because I liked Egypt I was interested in Egypt and that was difficult for me so I bought a book I read more about Egypt and I read in English I didn't have a computer okay so internet not so easy so I really had to buy a book about Egypt it took me more than a month to receive the book because I didn't buy it here i buy body and internationally I think it took two months I don't remember exactly but it took a long time so it was very specific so this is what happens after six months you achieve an amazing communication level you can talk you can understand but then it's time to make it better to sharpen and this is an ongoing process now is the time for you to explore the things you enjoy the things you care about okay moving on now if you want to speak fluently alone and I'll get to the alone part you need to feel and that's probably this part you need to learn to feel comfortable with speaking English I talk to so many people who do not feel comfortable about English about speaking they can read they can write they can listen how many of you feel that way you can read you can write you can listen but you feel uncomfortable about speaking now this happens here fluency is emotion is about how you feel about your English how you feel about yourself this happens fluency happens at a mental level it's your mind that needs to change toward the way you feel about English when I was 15 and I'm gonna share a little bit of my story I hope you enjoy I practiced speaking alone despite the fact that I had no one to correct me or to guide me or to tell me how Priscilla amazing job I had no one to do that for me but despite all that I practiced speaking alone and I didn't have a recorder I didn't have a phone to record myself all I remember was my father or my mother every now and then Priscilla what are you doing who are you talking to I like to myself English they thought I was crazy but I was not I was practicing I was a studying but what this process taught me was that I needed to be fluent here and to do that I had to teach my brain to accept English and accept the good the bad and the ugly unfortunately we just want the good fluency but we are a little resistant to the bad and the ugly the mistakes we make the fear that we are not gonna be able to express ourselves and consequently we get stuck and we get into this loop of never speaking and never achieving fluency because we don't train the mind and hey if you're enjoying this live video send me hearts here on Instagram thank you for the hearts and give me like give me share I'll give you an A I'm giving you a beat okay I'll stop that anyway moving on and hey if you are new here thanks for watching I hope this lesson is helpful to you make sure to subscribe because every Monday every Tuesday from Monday to Friday I have videos here on YouTube and I'm also on instagram if you want to check it out I'm always doing something on Instagram that I don't do here on YouTube okay now but who will correct my mistakes nature pricks you have no idea how many mistakes I make dude you have no idea how many mistakes I make of course that I make mistakes at a different level I make different mistakes from you from the mistakes you make but I do that I I make mistakes too now if you keep worrying about mistakes you will keep using your energy the wrong way this is this mind this is energy if you use your energy your beautiful energy thinking about oh my God my mistakes oh my god the preposition mistakes I make oh my god the conjugations I forget you will always feel afraid and your brain is very smart and it will it will use this against you and it'll try to stop you the more you think about what you don't have the last time you will spend doing something to change your current situation so the more time and the more energy you spend thinking about the teacher you don't have thinking about the speaking partner you don't have thinking about the mistakes you make the less time you will spend on working on what is really important on worrying on what really matters to you which is to speak okay you may never have the perfect scenario to learn English so if you know that already how are you gonna wait until you have that and someone says oh hire an English teacher well not many people can do that not everyone can do that and for many reason maybe it's not just money maybe it's emotional - some people are so afraid that they will be judged that they will be making mistakes that they don't hire a teacher because they are afraid as well so I don't think just hiring a teacher is the solution okay it is one if you can't afford that's great but you don't meet okay you can do this by yourself and when I say this I did this I know many people who do this I have friends who did this I talked to many people around who do it but they learn to respect their scenario okay they learn to respect what they can do at that time and you know it's interesting because I believe that just having a teacher doesn't mean you're gonna do it and how why do I say that well I just got in touch with a prospect and she I couldn't be her teacher because of time and schedule but she has been living in the US for quite some time now and despite having English lessons from Monday to Friday there she doesn't improve she is stuck and then I started getting giving her some recommendations on things she can do I think she can work on in order to improve her English and I'm not saying she's perfect because we talked about this like three weeks ago but I know that she has a better idea of what to do so remember you may have you may never have the perfect scenario to learn English are you gonna wait until you have all that because if the answer is you want to you prefer to wait then I'm sorry to break it to you but it's gonna take a while okay and it's a choice it's your choice now practice every day for success and when I say every day guys make sure to analyze your limitation your time your routine but I believe that if you respect your time the respect your schedule and organize your routine you will be able to include English in your life a little bit every day and that's my goal always remember that English is an important part of your life is an important part is an important aspect of your goals that you want to achieve one day so I think that's the the mentality I want you to have okay a little goes a long way so why not establish a daily or weekly you analyze your routine but a weekly or a daily speaking practice you know I have my line English program and this is something that I tell my students there to do I don't know if they do it I can't force them to do it but I always recommend I give them questions and say look have your your speaking practice every week because this is gonna help you educate your brain that you have to speak okay it's a personal choice and it's not always an easy one okay today was a studying Italian and that's exactly what I did I think I had a speaking practice for like 10 minutes 15 minutes and I was doing an exercise and I was answering really answering questions practicing my Italian practicing alone will help you will help your brain we will stimulate your brain and make you use what you study it's by speaking by trying to communicate that you will discover your limitations seeing things you don't know how to say things you don't know how to express and this will guide you on what you can study okay I think this is the productive thing you can do to help you understand the next step the next thing news you need to study and work on especially for people who study alone and have no one to tell them what to do in the academy for example my students know oh this is the last one this is the lesson shoe this is what you need to study here's the video for you to practice your listening listen to this native speaker they're listening exercises' their vocabulary so they know but if you are there outside finding things on the internet you don't know you don't have a plan start here start with simple things to do and I am sure they will make a great change in your results okay now speaking fluently does not require all the words in the book no you don't need to know all the words in the book you don't need to know all these structures in the English language I was gonna say lice I wrote lesson but its language you don't need to know all they structures in the English lessons I see so many students going crazy about present perfect continuous and past perfect and past perfect continuous or passive voice reported speech whoa take it easy take it easy like Sunday morning you don't need to know all of that there are important structures that I highly agree that you need to know but you don't need to know all of them and this gets many students stuck because they think they need to know it all and that's not how you work it works it's not how he works and the same goes to mistakes fluency has nothing to do with being able to speak correctly and not making any mistakes no because you're never gonna achieve that it means to speak and write well people will understand what to say doesn't mean they'll be perfect okay when I was in New York last year I was talking to a student of mine about this that sometimes we when I speak perfectly and use amazing advanced words but when we go to the real world that's not how he works because in many situations you will not talk to a native speaker so I caught myself in New York City talking to non-native speakers and they couldn't understand what I was saying because I was complicating things so I had to help them and make their lives easier and use easy language easy easy structure because I wanted to communicate I didn't want them to feel bad or misunderstand what I was saying okay so that's what I mean by fluency so if you worry too much by those structures you don't know or by the words because of the words you don't know that it's really not gonna be the key to your success okay now my friends if you don't do this and I have a list here people on Eastern I'm sorry you have to come to the YouTube but you can stay here in Seoul problems I'll talk about them if you don't do this you will not become a fluent speaker okay and hey I see that our likes but how about give more likes you know you make me happy when I see the like it's really me a few happy no but not only that YouTube understands that hey this video is nice so let's help Priscilla grow this channel so when you hit the like button you help me you help YouTube understand that this is a good lesson and it helps people okay now if you don't do this you don't become a fluent speaker you will not become let's use Future actually you will not become you may not I don't like to use wheel because I can't guarantee I can't predict the future but you may not there's a good chance okay guys you don't combine all these cues to learn English if you don't do that you may become fluent you could but your journey will take longer okay how about using all the structure all these cues in English reading writing listening vocabulary personally if you ask me when I am studying I don't like writing but I know it's important so every week I write in English I have a writing routine because I know it helps me it helps me memorize vocabulary it helps me use vocabulary I also practice reading all the books I read are in English because I know that reading is important and it'll help me understand and learn structure learn grammar more passively improve my vocabulary and connect English to my life so don't waste time is not only listening listening listening know if you want to become a speaker a fluent speaker you have to connect everything okay do a little bit of everything that's how it works okay pray up the next one actively listen no actively study what do I mean by this you guys are watching my lesson and I see the many of you are participating in the chat and sharing experiences this is amazing and it's good you're writing in English so this is good okay and I feel like it's it's a great way all right but during your study time when you finish the video and it's just you not me anymore not teacher pre-k's are not your favorite teachers whoever they are I imagine are many amazing teachers here on YouTube and on Instagram so after that what do you do do you really sit down to study and one thing that I did today and I was doing this in Italian because I always talked about this I wanted an episode of friends and I watched it last week I watched it four times then today was the day that I had to talk about it and this is the challenge for me okay this is difficult and I like it because it really challenges me so what I did was I watched the episode again and I started taking notes and writing down just the vocabulary but explanations okaying this part he talks to her about this Joey asks Monica bout this in Italian I wrote some key words that I watched in the video that I that I learned in that episode and I wrote I think two pages describing the episode organizing the ideas and after that I got my phone and I started recording I explained the episode and I saw my notes I didn't read my notes but I looked at my notes to help me to help me remember because there were some words that I didn't remember okay you don't learn everything 100% and this is that this is an example you don't need to do what I do this is an example of actively studying English or any language your study you really engage in the activity you really participate and that's what I want you to do okay I want you to really engage in the activity you do so I have many grammar lessons here many vocabulary lessons many listening tips so use them byah a notebook you know and take notes write down and some people tag me on Instagram you know and I feel so proud to see that they are taking notes they are writing down they are really actively studying start doing that it's amazing that you dedicate your time to me watch the lesson and participate but you need to do a little more after the video is over okay practice your English speaking as I mentioned on Instagram I'm always talking to people on Instagram I'm always talking to you guys when I make videos about speaking I have I downloaded an app and I record myself speaking every week and I will repeat this because it's important this helps you feel comfortable speaking it will not correct your mistakes I know I agree with you but it'll help you think of the words remember the words use the structure this is a great start and as I told you I've known many people who achieved fluency without any guidance just studying just listening watching actively studying practicing alone so you can do this to have a consistent routine if you don't have a consistent routine it doesn't matter how many times you try how many times you start if you lose your discipline if you don't have consistency you will not achieve fluency because you will start then you stop you start and then you stop if this happens to you very often I'm sorry but fluency will get further and further away because of your lack of consistency okay now you have to if you don't train if you don't teach if you don't train your mind to become fluent it's not gonna happen either and as I said I talked about I talked about the importance of teaching your mind to be fluent teaching your mind practicing and showing your mind that what fluency is okay now the final thing if you don't understand that fluency is not perfection that people make mistakes that you need to know how to correct yourself and you need to know how to correct people and that you don't need to be perfect all the time then it'll be hard because every time you make a mistake you will begin to judge yourself and that is not a very positive thing okay you don't want that to happen to you and I am a perfectionist I'm always trying to correct my mistakes and I know that I always need to remind myself because this is something that challenges me Priscilla you make mistakes it's okay fluency is communication fluency is not perfection fluency is communication fluency is not perfection so when you tag me when I make the beautiful face you can write this okay fluency is communication it's not perfection hmm very nice now guys what do you do now if you is almost over it's ending well not any I still have something to say you need to come up with a study routine okay because you need discipline and you need to follow a plan I have many videos on my channel where I give you suggestions and ideas of how to come up with a study plan I routine any routine if you don't have a routine that's not gonna happen it's not gonna work things are not gonna work out okay another thing follow channels that will help you and when I say that I know that it's not just my channel it's okay if you follow her you don't need to make you're gonna need to follow all I mention of course you don't you can follow other channels you don't need to follow many be careful exaggerating in the number of people you follow may not help you study okay I study Italian and I follow two teachers that's it I don't follow many people I follow Italian people not teachers Italian people that talk about other things but teachers too that's it okay I don't need more teachers I need two good teachers i watch their lessons and I'm good I'm fine but it's you your personal choice it's good you can follow as many teachers as you like there are incredible teachers on YouTube on facebook on Twitter on Instagram everywhere but follow channels that will help you they will give you guidance that will tell you how to organize your study plan they will give you listening tips they will give you speaking tips and more importantly channels that speak English that don't speak your language that speak English okay maybe you can purchase you can buy an online program that maybe you will not have speaking a teacher in this online program but you have lessons you will have guidance you will know what to study this really really helps people don't have time they're very busy they're always on the run always doing something so maybe an online course will guide you you will know exactly what to do what to stay so this may be good okay practice your speaking don't feel shy have a moment where you interact with yourself where you describe things make short presentations because that will stimulate your brain to remember the information you study and more importantly when whatever you practice whatever you study make sure to do that connecting with things you like with things you enjoy okay things that are part of your life as I said when I was 15 when I was 16 to 17 I bought a book about Egypt about Egyptology in English because I knew that it was there would be impossible for me to find a book about Egypt in my city I was in the hometown a small town I would never find a book about it Egypt even if I talked to the teacher in this school because then I started working there they didn't know anything about Egypt that was not really pyramids Pharaoh that's it The Mummy the movie I wanted more so I always try to find a way to connect English to the things I liked to the things I enjoyed and even to this day before the class I was doing yoga and I do yoga in English because I want to bring English to my life okay guys other than that now it's time time for me to make a pretty face a pretty woman okay okay so take a picture now pre-screen one two three looking at Instagram now anyway my friends thank you so much and I will see you tomorrow for another English lesson make sure to subscribe and share çf bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 19,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, english grammar, how to speak fluently in english, how to achieve english fluency, can i speak fluently in english, speak fluently in english alone, speak english alone, how to speak fluently alone, english fluency, fluent english speaker, learn to speak english
Id: sSfaq6_Edlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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