Top 7 Things Every English Learner Must Master - English Fluency

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watch this video and learn seven top things every english learner must master coming up [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey friends teacher prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english first and foremost thank you so much for watching this lesson if it's your first time here consider subscribing because every week i bring different kinds of english lessons to help you become a better and more confident english speaker so let's cut to the chase and start with number one grammar well some of you may be a little traumatized by grammar lessons and feel a little worried about studying too much grammar and completely avoiding grammar but if you want to achieve better results improve your speaking skills you should definitely master grammar but when i say master be very careful i'm not saying i'm not talking about perfection fluency is communication not perfection we all make mistakes perhaps you watch grammar lessons and that's great it's a great start i have many videos here on my channel but what do you do after that in some cases students don't even spend time working on lessons on grammar lessons they passively work on grammar by reading articles in english listening to podcasts or watching movies and even though that these are great activities you should spend some time your undivided attention to grammar and work on grammar but i'm not talking about simply hitting the books and doing grammar exercises no i'm talking about spending quality time with grammar working on verb conjugations that students often confuse and this leads me to number two they are really connected creating realistic sentences realistic examples whenever you sit down to watch a grammar lesson you should do something about that grammar lesson or maybe a vocabulary lesson by creating realistic examples and what do i mean by realistic in some cases students do grammar exercises or vocabulary exercises from books and the examples they read the the phrases they create in many cases are not really connected with something real and real in what aspect with their life something realistic that happens to them or a life event or an experience and the best way for you to use grammar to learn english remember vocabulary and really understand grammar lessons in general is by connecting that grammar point or vocabulary you learn with something that happened in your life or something you are interested in if you want to achieve english fluency improve your speaking skills your comprehension in general it's time to create more realistic sentences and what do i mean by sentences phrases in general in conversations we are always making phrases one after the other and it's interesting that students don't spend so much time on that in addition you should also focus on asking questions in conversations we are either giving information making affirmative sentences or asking for information making questions so in your practice if you want to master english and become a more confident english speaker you should create realistic sentences and in conversations we also ask questions we don't simply make phrases affirmative and negative we ask questions as well we want to know about people around us so it's very important that you spend some time working on creating realistic examples here on my channel i have many grammar lessons vocabulary lessons and i'm always asking you guys to post examples and one thing that i always tell you is well create something connected with your life in my academy for example in my online program i'm always telling my babies my students my sardines create something that is connected with your life that's how you learn it's easier to learn that way number three connecting the dots the virtuous circle of fluency i've talked about that here on my channel if you're not familiar with the virtual circle of fluency make sure to watch other lessons here from my channel and you will understand but basically what students fail to do is to connect the activities they are doing and i believe that if you want to become a fluent english speaker improve your comprehension your speaking your vocabulary whenever you sit down to study or better to plan your study routine for the week you should include all the activities you shouldn't stand to focus on one particular kind of activity and ignore the others some shouldn't focus too much on vocabulary others focus too much on grammar and that is not healthy either when i talk about grammar i mean a healthy amount of grammar or some students spend too much time on listening but they never take action and combine the different skills so what i want you to think about the next time you sit down to study is well how can i connect my grammar lesson with something i can watch you know to listen something i can read and the vocabulary i'm going to study and speaking practice even if you are alone you should include some kind of speaking exercise so that's the kind of mentality you need to develop this week i'm going to study a vocabulary lesson about money oh wonderful okay so can you watch something about money but not teaching vocabulary can you read something about money but that is not teaching money vocabulary when i say lesson i mean here i am a teacher teaching you okay idioms about happiness let's change the subject let's talk about happiness and then you learn those idioms about happiness well how about watching something that talks about happiness but not necessarily teaching you idioms about happiness so you see what i'm saying or maybe read something about happiness that is not necessarily teaching you idioms about happiness that way you are following the virtual circle of fluency and connecting the dots and remember don't over compensate it's about balance you do a little about this one little about that and that's how you build up your english excuse number four pronounce and this is a little connected with number one grammar tenses but it students tend to confuse pronouns a lot me mai his her it's our theirs ours and that can confuse listeners okay the person listening to you may be a little confused so i strongly recommend you spend some time working on pronouns but here's the catch you're not just going to sit down and do a grammar exercise you can it's possible you can do that if you want to but don't stop there and then i'm getting back to point number two create realistic sentences you need to master this art of creating realistic sentences and here's my tip whenever you sit down to study pronouns look at people around you family members colleagues friends talk about them that way you will be working on pronouns in a more realistic way create examples talking about their lives things that have happened i am sure you have stories to tell and that's how you're going to work on pronouns and it'll be easier for your brain to make associations because you will be giving identity to the pronoun exercises you do so when you're talking about a man it's not just any man it's a colleague from work and you're talking about his car or his experience abroad you're giving a life to the examples you create and that is very very powerful and hey if you're enjoying this lesson make sure to hit the like button and if possible share this lesson with your friends anyway point number five mindset you need to master your mindset because fluency is an emotional state fluency is attitude i'm pretty sure that you have already come across someone that feels very confident about their english they don't necessarily speak well but man they feel good they feel confident fluency is emotion fluency is attitude and it's important on your journey to work on the two aspects of the language in my academy i work on brain emotions and language strategies i like to combine both and why you could spend years studying english going to the best schools having the best teachers traveling abroad and yet your english would be stuck in the same place if you don't work on your mind nothing changes you could be learning more and more and more vocabulary but whenever there's a conversation you freeze why because there's work to be done in the mind working on your emotions building up the confidence these are important steps and sometimes the students tend to ignore working on their emotions working on handling their anxiety their fear building up confidence and these are very important characteristics if you want to be able to talk to anyone anywhere anytime in my academy i give my students exercises to work on emotions on the brain to help them unlock the mind so it is important that you try to find some activities that will help you boost your confidence and your emotions so that you feel better about yourself and as a result about your english and that is not just about english guys that is about life when you feel better things flow more easily number six you need to master the art of paraphrasing students tend to panic tend to be consumed by the the urge of knowing more and more vocabulary and learning more words when in reality they should be working on the art of paraphrasing if you're not familiar with paraphrasing i have videos here on my channel where i give more details about it but in a nutshell paraphrasing is the art of explaining what you don't know i know crazy right but yes in real life conversations in many situations you're not gonna have a phone available for you so that you can quickly check what a word means or maybe you will have the phone but you won't have the time because conversations happen fast you don't have time to stop the person and say look i need a moment i need to find a word i don't know so chill wait a second that's not how it works so a fluent speaker understands this works on the art of explaining things without the exact words and this is a skill you can improve you're not born with that you learn to do it and if you want to get better at paraphrasing here's a tip you start by explaining words you know and that are very simple house sugar music pen pencil eraser water the sun you start with simple words and try to explain them in english with time take another step try to explain more difficult words then you start thinking of more difficult words maybe some phrases maybe some expressions that's how you build up your ability to talk to anyone anywhere anytime when i say this on my channel i'm teacher pricks and i'm gonna help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english people think i'm crazy people think i'm a lunatic i'm not i'm talking about paraphrasing when you learn that you don't need all the words to communicate when you learn that you don't need all the phrasal verbs in the world to communicate it gets easier however you need to build this skill you need to build up the paraphrasing skill that's a very important asset that you need to have in your favor we're never going to know all the words that's not possible we're no native speakers we have limitations and we need to find ways to work around the limitations we have and finally number seven pronunciation you need to master pronunciation but remember when i say master i don't mean perfection because fluency is communication not perfection however as i just said before we are non-native speakers we're never going to be perfect but as non-native speakers we constantly need to improve our english and pronunciation is a very important part of the fluency game in conversations if you want to be better understood by people in english pronunciation and intonation will play a very important role i was talking to my sister a few days ago and she told me she was having a meeting with foreigners international people foreigners and it was very difficult for her to understand some people were they native speakers no they were non-native speakers and she told me the problem was they were speaking too fast and with the wrong pronunciation and that made it difficult for her to understand whenever an american person or european person from an english-speaking country started speaking then she had no problems at all so you see guys whether you go to a meeting you know at work or travel abroad it is important to speak at a normal pace and clearly because fluency is not about speaking fast and if in your native language you speak too fast you need to learn to control that and speak more slowly and really pronounce the words clearly and that is practice you're not going to be perfect at it but you will get better and you will need to constantly review pronunciation you don't need to master the phonetic symbols and know everything about pronunciation unless you want to be a teacher but in general you should spend some time working on pronunciation learning the sounds of words reading aloud practicing shadowing i have videos here on my channel i explain how to do that because that will make you a better english speaker as a whole if you enjoyed this video make sure to share it with your friends other than that i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 3,309
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Keywords: fluency, english fluency, top things you must know about english fluency, how to master your english, 7 things to do to be a fluent speaker, english lesson, learn english, teacher prix, fluency tips, fluency in english, english learner, speak english, speak english fluently
Id: jo2Ms_ldzWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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