Learn English With Music - Here is How

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hey student watch this video and learn English with music and I'm gonna show you how coming up hey friends theater breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English first of all thank you so much for joining me in another English lesson I really appreciate when you guys join when you participate so make sure to subscribe you know for a Monday to Friday I have many different kinds of English lessons other than that tonight I'm gonna show you how you can learn English with music thanks for the people who are joining me on Instagram I was late because of you guys I'm having some problems with the light so as you can see there's something shiny here on Instagram and I I don't know what happened tonight but here I am let's dive into the content learn English with music okay now before I move on to the lesson I have a free ebook and a telegram group the link is in the description of this video make sure to check it out lots of cool stuff there and in this free ebook I teach you five different strategies to help you talk to native speakers or know native speakers and understand them so I'll be sharing with you five strategies in this ebook now to the lesson first thing you need to know there is absolutely nothing wrong with your listening okay so if you think that every time you listen to music in English you don't understand that there is a problem with you or that your listening skills are not on point I need to tell you this don't worry this happens to humans okay so if you are a human being well there's a good chance this is going to happen to you because listening to songs is difficult it can be challenging to listen to music in English okay so not understanding all the words in the lyrics of a song is completely normal okay it is natural singers sing too fast the instruments are very noisy and consequently it may difficult to catch all the words you know I love listening to music but even in my own language in my native language when I am listening to music there are certain songs that I can't make out everything they are singing okay so it is natural the tips I'm gonna give you here are to help you throughout your journey they are designed to give you some ideas of what you can do but they are not necessarily gonna make you understand all the songs 100% even I can't do it I have a really really good listening skill but doesn't mean I can understand everything in a song because that's not the purpose of a song okay song is about entertaining people and there are many instruments at the same time it is very noisy so that's not the goal okay moving on what kind of songs teacher what kind of songs should I listen to improve my listening skills to improve pronunciation to learn more vocabulary what songs do you recommend well if you want to learn English with music I recommend that you listen to is low ballads okay what are this songs there is low songs not too fast okay so it's low ballots you know the romantic songs they have to be slow okay so listening shows low ballots songs that are not extremely fast they don't have to be romantic okay but not fast songs because if you do listen to very fast songs you'll be wasting your time because you won't be able to enjoy the lyrics and work on your listening skills because the songs are being sung too fast so I don't recommend so for example let's say I don't want I don't think I yesterday a post yesterday was the Sunday yes um I posted welcome to the jungle welcome to the jungle no no no that's not the song for you because the guy starts screaming in the middle of the song songs that are not very clear okay that's not good songs that are definitely nice uh oh my god how do I say that a Broadway Broadway songs okay songs that people sing at Broadway shows really nice because usually singers at Broadway they really pronounce words more correctly okay depending on the show of course there are many really nice shows that you can follow and you can check the songs there are many pop songs that you can definitely work on there will be moments when the songs can get a little difficult but pop songs may be nice all their songs let's say I love Frank Sinatra okay Frank Sinatra Michael Michael Buble Michael Buble I think that's how you pronounce his name Buble Michael Buble sings beautifully okay he sings very clearly so that's my preference okay but I I think it all comes down to speed someone asking me what kind of songs well as I said I'm not gonna give you names of songs okay that doesn't make much sense what I can tell you for sure ease is lower song songs that are too difficult Bruno Mars depends okay it depends I like that song today I don't feel like doing anything I just wanna lay my bad okay that's not so fast but then that Ahram there is another song that he sings that it's too fast and too remember now I I don't listen to to to Bruno Mars too much but there are some songs he sings that are too fast okay J's on Mars I think it's the same last name Mars I think it's Mars I'm not sure very nice songs he really has he has a lot of messages in his songs okay so Jason Mars would be nice very nice for you to listen to depending on the it depends on your taste gets because if I give you some options of singers I may not I may not describe the kind of music you enjoy and music is so personal but I guess that think about think about the songs you enjoy and as long as they are not too fast you should be fine John Mayer I like that song I can remember I listened to this song every day but if you give me the moonlight I think it's moonlight I think it's more light fred mercury he sings very clearly not all songs not all songs I would recommend listening to slower songs from the Queen you know Queen the band very very nice but it depends okay it depends on taste I see many people are mentioning names but it all comes down to your preference okay you have to be very mindful of that all right so listening choose low song someone set Coldplay it depends on the song from Coldplay but they have some really nice songs that can help you understand that are not so complicated so you can give it a go but just think is he singing too fast not good is he rapping yo wouldn't vote badal No okay that's not the Sun for you to listen because it is guys anything with rap that unless you want okay big disclaimer you want it you got it okay if you want to listen to that then yes okay then you should go for it listen to the song you want but rap is not really the kind of song you want to practice to listen to practice your English to study but if you enjoy that's a completely different story go for it okay so any song that has a lot of rap a lot of rap songs have a lot of bad grammar and a lot of swear words so if you're trying to improve your communication skills this kind of songs may not be ideal for you maybe out of curiosity so that it can learn some street language that may be cool but personally I never enjoyed street language not for me I've never been interested in learning that kind of English language that's not my thing okay now that being said if you enjoy yo go for it that's not anything I remember when I was very young I was a teacher already and I had this issue then he was a teenager and he really liked this yo language and he everytime he he he got in class he was like yo teacher was shot and I was like hey how are ya weirdo but he was happy he enjoyed it ok so if you enjoy the kind of music go for it but be aware that that may not be the best style for you to practice English so his lure songs that's why I get back to the romantic style because usually romantic songs they have correct grammar ok not all of them I know not all of them they they they are easier to understand so it's easier to to learn from those songs ok M&N no as I said it's rap I just said that eminent is rap guys as I said is if you enjoy go for it but for learning English for practicing this songs may have a lot of mistakes a lot of grammar mistakes I don't recommend that ok very well Rihanna Rihanna has some her latest songs are not so easy but the newest song the the oldest I mean the oldest songs are better ok the old songs from Rihanna may be better for you to practice but not all of them ok now guys as I said if your purpose is to learn English to improve your English to learn a little bit more to learn something new from the song and compliment your study routine then you have to listen you have to read and you have to repeat ok so if you're thinking about learning English while you're running and listening to music that's not what this lesson is about ok if you really want to dedicate some of your time some of your study time to listen to music and learn and improve your English then you you need the lyrics okay you need to see the lyrics and as you listen you have to follow the lyrics okay look at the words as they are pronouncing because you will see that some parts may be not so easy to understand but then as you see the lyrics you start to recognize you start to catch some words that are being sung so in that aspect that's how you were going to study a song okay you will need the lyrics you need a pencil or a paper I don't know maybe you're a piece of paper or maybe you're you're you're on your phone but as you as you're listening to the song and following the lyrics start underlining you know the words and sentences that get your attention that you don't know or that you're just curious about maybe it's a part of the song it's a verse of the song that you really feel connected that touched your heart but you have no idea what it means you know it touched you you know you know it was something that made you feel good and you don't understand what it is you know my dad he loves to listen to he loves listening to music and there was this song from I do remember he was his very famous guy from the UK I don't remember his name there's a movie about him and my dad was listening to this song and when we told him the lyrics he was like oh really that's what I'm listening to unfortunately we killed the magic for him because the lyrics you know it was not really nice but sometimes the song speaks to you and you don't really understand what the song is saying so these are the parts where you have to focus and underline so that you can understand okay now one key point here there is a difference between understanding and translating just because you get the translation of the words doesn't mean you will be able to understand what the singer is trying to sing in his song they story he's trying to tell I always tell my students that music a song is like a story that you're telling the listeners okay so maybe the intentional the intention of the of the singer was to say something but it translated incorrectly and now you are getting a completely different thing or a very confusing translation so when I say steady underline the sentences that you don't know I'm telling you to focus on understanding in English okay and hey before I move on if you are here on YouTube make sure to hit the like button that really helps the channel if you are enjoying the lesson and if possible share this lesson with your friends when you share you help the channel grow you help spread the information it means a lot to me people on Instagram you're awesome sending hearts and you know stuff thank you very much now moving on check the meaning of the words now how you're gonna do this you're gonna use an online dictionary there's no other way you can also type the word plus the symbol plus and then the word meaning and Google should give you the sources of websites dictionaries with explanation instead of translation okay so try to focus on understanding what the words mean in English because if you just translate them they may not help you understand what the word means okay I remember when I was a basic student long time ago I I started this awful habit of translating songs and I was really proud of myself I was just a student and then I went to school and I I started talking to my teacher and I said look I'm translating the songs and he was like stop this right now this is a terrible habit that will make you addicted to translation don't do it try to understand what the song is telling you you don't need to understand everything but don't focus on the words focus on the master don't translate every single word that it's not gonna help you okay so thank God he helped me out and he showed me that he was not a good idea okay now there are many websites and I have videos here on my channel where I talk about web sites you can use to study English through music so check them I have other videos here on my channel people on Instagram I have a YouTube channel by the way did you know that now there is a particular website which I like very much which is genius.com in this website you go and you type I think I have here you go and you type the name of the song and they will give you many results ok I think you will have to to go and see what you prefer ok and then they will show you the lyrics and after and there are some parts of the lyrics that you can click on and you will see some explanations about those parts they will explain what the singer might be trying to say just keep in mind that this website is a website where people like you and me can contribute and share what we believe the song is saying ok so it's not that the singer came here and explain oh in this part of the song I wanted to say this no this is open to the to the public where people can add their interpretations but many of them are very accurate and very interesting so you go and you type the name of the song you want to understand more about and then as you see the lyrics you can click and you see some explanations as here I typed a payphone from maroon 5 and when I'm reading the lyrics here on the on the slide on YouTube I clicked on up on the first verse on the first part of the song and there is a short explanation here to describe what is happening in that part of the of the verse of the song ok now this is just to spike your imagination to give you ideas of what you can do doesn't mean that this is the exact translation no just remember that song music is art so when writers write songs when they compose songs they are using metaphors they are describing personal experiences maybe ok so when you see these contributions that people made online describing what the the excuse me what the song is describing keep that in mind that it's an interpretation I can have a different interpretation when I was reading through the the notes there were some things that I agreed with and I was like wow that's great I agree and there were others that I didn't agree 100% I somewhat agreed but I didn't feel the same way but this will inspire you to think about the song in a different way without translating too much okay I think this is a much more positive way to study through music and understand definitions explanations maybe see check the story of the song okay I this is much better than just translating you will be much more productive if you do it that way okay there is a song that I really like I always use this song with my students I use payphone which is which I really like payphone he uses a lot of simple past and he is really describing something that happened to him in the song and if you watch the video clip of the song you know the official video of the song you will see that it's it's like there he's telling a story a crazy story but he is Kate Perry there's a song from her what is the song the one that got away very nice song the one that got away is a really really nice song well since today is the day of rock sweet child of mine very nice song sweet child of mine really really tells a story Hotel California come on guys amazing story in Hotel California Google this song and you will see so much information about Hotel California amazing a lot of rock songs will tell we will have a lot of story behind the lyrics so make sure to check them out ok so understanding the story behind the song is nice so this site I shared with you guys genius.com will have the participation of ordinary people like you and me who will share interpretations so this is a much more productive way ok there are other songs that you can that you can use but when you sit down to study focus on interpreting the song what is the message that the song is giving you there's that song from Coldplay which is called I think it's the scientist and if you google the story of this song I think it's the scientist let me see here cuz I confused the names I asked came up come up to me to tell you I'm sorry and the the guy who who who wrote the song I ever got his name I think is Chris Chris Chris something Chris Martin Chris Martin and he wrote this song for his wife his ex-wife who had just lost her father I think I am if I'm not confusing the songs okay I'm not very good and there is an intention behind it there's a there's a story behind I'm not saying all songs have a story behind the lyrics but spend some time doing that it's it's a very creative way to learn more to learn more about English but I also learn more about your favorite band about your favorite singers okay about your favorite songs and when I was young when I was a teenager and I was studying in English I loved Spice Girls and I when I read the lyrics I felt so emotional and I was like yeah if you wanna be my lover yeah yeah right I don't even know how to sing the songs okay because I liked to sing incorrectly when I learned English then it was not so fun anymore but I like to listen to their songs okay and and sing along singing along is so interesting if you like to sing okay oh I always confused and sink and sink and Backstreet Boys but I really like that song I want it that way I don't know who sang that one I want it that way tell me why a Backstreet Boys okay I wasn't wrong so really nice Backstreet Boys actually have very nice songs that are not so difficult to to listen to okay follow the lyrics it'll be easier to understand very nice band not everybody may like this but it's a very very interesting very interesting band what is his name I forgot the guy oh my god he has red hair his friends with Taylor Swift he wrote photograph what's the name of that guy ed Sheeran ed Sheeran ed Sheeran very nice guy too you may not understand all of his songs all of the words that's not the point okay I'm just showing you that I don't have I have my phone but my phone is right here so I was gonna open my Spotify and see what songs I listened to but then oh there's a very nice singer her name is cuz I don't remember the name of people door number 3 let's see I don't know if I mean if I am pronouncing her name correctly ok but Sara Bareilles she is very nice I like her pronunciation very very much is very clear and her lyrics in general are correct ok the grammar is very interesting her songs are very poetic okay very very poetic so I recommend if you are into this kind of music definitely go for it some of her songs are a little sad I focus on the on the upbeat ones more exciting ones but they are all telling I story ok they are all telling something so it is nice guys even Taylor Swift may have some interesting songs for students to study because if you pay attention to to Taylor Swift she also has some very interesting stories in her songs no matter whether you like pop or not ok ok guys I know that some people are really like rock'n'roll yeah cool no problem but here focusing solely on the quality of the lyrics okay not all of her songs are interesting but there are some songs that really tell some interesting stories that song I think it's called filling 22 it's it's interesting the lyrics the sequence and you are able to tell I story okay cuz here you're feeling 22 she's celebrating 22 years old and the fun the excitement the phase of being a young person 22 years old so much going on so that's what I am trying to show you guys the stories that you can learn from the song maroon 5 true they do this very well today not so much they changed a lot their style but if you pay attention to that song Sunday morning from maroon 5 he's also telling his story Sunday morning ring is falling steal some covers share some skin clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable so he's giving a sequence then maybe all I need in darkness she is all I see so he's it's a very romantic story that that he is describing in the song okay Justin Bieber has some interesting songs not all of them I think if you wanna know the one of my favorites I really like what do you mean what do you mean pursuing a girl but when you're not your head yes but you wanna say no this is really cool like you may you may have a little like a Justin Bieber but no look at the lyrics that's what I invite you to do in in what do you mean he says but you wanna say no okay when you nod your head when you nod your head yes but you want to say no what do you mean what are you trying to say you are saying yes but you want to say no your head says yes but your heart says no so there are some very very good songs that that you that you can use okay let's see I say a little prayer for you oh my god this is old songs but very very good I always recommend going back to the classics okay there are some very nice songs I personally don't like you too okay I can't give you any recommendation of you too because I don't like them I'm sorry alright I believe the only song I I like is the beautiful day and I had to sync beautiful day at a wedding and it killed me because it was really hard to sing that song beautiful day and that's always not made for women to sing first first and foremost but the I was the only one who spoke English in the band so I had to sing it's a beautiful day for my voice not cool I didn't like it but they they insisted so I sang it okay Madonna is nice there are some songs that are very interesting like a virgin very nice song you should you should pay attention to the lyrics let me check the lyrics here it is there guys all the songs I'm telling you they describe a story there's a plot I'm personally a very auditory person so what happens to auditory people don't I cannot listen to songs that have really bad lyrics okay I need to I need to I need to imagine a story it there's got to be a story for me to to like a song okay if there's no story then it kills and here for example in Madonna like a virgin this is my interpretation okay but she is describing her first time experience you know like a virgin so she's describing the anticipation the feeling um I was beat incomplete I was tired I was sad but you made me feel shiny and new people we love so she she is using metaphors to describe that she was feeling in love like a ver touched for the very touch it for the very first time so she's using the same feeling that maybe a virgin may feel to describe the feeling of being in love okay so it all comes down to the interpretation so this is a very nice song for you to think of this story okay another good song that tells a very nice story is what goes around comes around what is his name it's Justin Justin Timberlake what goes around comes around this is a very nice expression in English and if you listen to the song and you start reading the lyrics you will understand that what you do comes back to you maybe not now but at some point your actions will cause reactions that's how the universe works okay so what do you do oh I love missing dependent from me Oh amazing and I like miss independent because it uses a lot of simple present because she walks like a boss she talks like a bus many cure nails sent a pedicure oh it's a very nice thing to describe personality there are some mistakes and miss independent from neo I wouldn't say mistakes but in in straight language you may see some mistakes being accepted okay because it's a strict language think about your language there are some mistakes that people may see is like okay it's cool we can make this mistake because it's a song songs usually have a little bit of freedom it gives the listener the singer more freedom to create okay so for example we in incorrect grammar we learned that we have to say she doesn't like but in a song you may hear she don't like because it's a song now is it okay to do that no it's not okay someone asked me what's your favorite band for me it's hard to pick a favorite band I don't I would say I would say Coldplay but I don't know my room five Coldplay I but I can't say exactly if the if they are my favorite I like songs in general okay let's see a New York New York start spreading the news and I think it's this is the song I'm leaving today I wanna be a part of it New York New York so he's describing the feeling of being New York and the little bit of the city the magic of the city if you have ever if you have been to New York you will see that it's an incredible place it's magical it's where magic magic happens and he says I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps and that's New York and never sleeps and and if I can make it there I can make it anywhere so these are so there are such symbolic things that we learn about New York if you can make it there you can make it anywhere so what does that mean if you survive in New York if you are successful in New York you can be successful anywhere you go so there are key sentences key verses you don't need to understand all the songs all the lyrics you know all the words so the phrases all the verses but the key points okay so in New York New York if I can make it there I can make it anywhere I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep the never sleeps these are all characteristics of New York City Michael Jackson he's a little difficult but his songs are amazing really nice songs especially a few songs he made there is a very nice song it's it's it's more recent I think the name of the song is This Is It this is it he I'm alive this is a very nice very nice song here I stand I'm the light of the world I feel grand God this love I can feel and I know as for sure it is real so he's talking about a very positive feeling that he's feeling great he's the light in the world unfortunately he passed away before he could make this beautiful concert called the disease it show he was gonna travel around the world just seeing the disease it show so there are many things Beatles beutel's hair I also have they have great songs that you can learn from so very very nice let's see my favorites from the Beatles I don't I don't remember words very well it's they they have some very nice songs I can't remember now the names I always confuse them yesterday you can it's nice because yesterday you can learn a little bit of simple pass you can see a little bit of some simple past letti b is also very good let's see what else that I like there is one that I always sing let me see I don't I don't want to say then they incorrect name Yellow Submarine okay I love this song Yellow Submarine I just wanted to confirm that they were from the Beatles because I wasn't sure so there aren't and you see you can use a little bit of old and a little bit of new modern bands old bands they are all very very nice you don't need to to listen to only old songs ok shouldn't sometimes think oh she's only gonna use old songs and I change these lights here she's only gonna use old songs that's bad no you don't need to use only old songs you can use really modern songs too to learn English to improve your English but what I want to focus here is think about the experiences of the main message of the song don't focus so much on translating the words that's not very helpful okay all of these names that I have mentioned myself thank you so much for the donation really appreciate it I do think I sang since I was a child I sing in church then I got tired of singing in church I sing at weddings and now I don't sing anymore I think of the shower have ever been to the US as I have been to the US I a few times so let's see what else of music that I can recommend that I really really enjoy yeah these are primarily the biggest names that I have for you guys that I really think as I said Jesu Mars he has really beautiful songs really beautiful messages there is wedding probes excuse me Jesu Mars I don't know if it's Mars if I'm mispronouncing the name I apologize love someone from Jesu Mars it's very beautiful look for the good very nice I think it's a new song let's see yes these are primarily the guys as you can see I'm running away like some people asking me here how about Beyonce no if you wanna learn English if you wanna sing like single lady go for it but if you want to study English that may be a little bit difficult okay to choose steady alright so the answer may be hard she sings too fast she uses a lot of bad grammar amazing guys if you love for Beyonce keep listening to her she's incredible but may not be the best person for you to listen to study and improve your English okay maybe I didn't have any funny moments tonight because I had so much trouble to go online I was almost not going online because I have I have a lightning no lighting settings problem but I was able to join very well my friends so the main message here is focus on quality don't focus on translating and if you really want improve your English with music you can but you have to do the work and this is a it's a compliment okay it is a compliment don't spend all your time using songs to learn English there are other things you need to do it's a great way to study but don't focus don't spend all your time on songs okay on music in it whenever you sit down to study make sure that you really check the lyrics check the meaning of the words in English and look up this website I told you genius calm they there are many people as I said it's open people contribute and give their opinion describing the the lyrics what they think what's happening with these what they think what they believe the song means other than that my friends if you enjoyed this lesson all I ask you guys to do is share this lesson with your friends hit the like button if you haven't already subscribed because from Monday to Friday have many different lessons for you guys other than that have a lovely night and I will see you tomorrow for an odd English lesson thank you all bye bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 6,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, vocabulary, learn english with music, music in english, how to learn english with music, how to learn with songs in english, english with music, study english with music, music in english tips, how to learn english
Id: 6gy024NqUy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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