Best Study Routine For Busy People

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hey student watch this video and learn the best study routine if you are a very busy person coming up [Music] hey friends teacher prix is here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english first of all thank you so much for watching this lesson i hope you enjoy it i hope you have a good time and learn something new if it's your first time around here well my friend thank you so much i hope you subscribe because from monday to friday i have many different kinds of english lessons to help you become a better and more confident english speaker now let's dive into the content best study routine for busy people so i'm gonna try to make this video as fast as possible uh as short as possible to help you with ideas that you can implement in your study routine okay because whether you are busy or not if you want to become a fluent english speaker who can understand and talk to people in english you need a routine you need to get to work you need to do the job you know you need to do the work so here i'm going to give you some interesting recommendations i believe the best ones that will help you maximize your time and get the results you want okay now why learn about this why learn these strategies well guys busy people can become fluent english speakers just because you don't have a lot of time you know doesn't mean you can't learn english as a matter of fact i have seen many different people achieve english fluency achieve conversational english with very very little time being busy having a job having a family having a baby having to go to school and study having to study master's degree and so many other things so what i have to tell you here is don't let your busy schedule your busy life stop you from achieving your dreams from achieving your fluency goals okay so this is a lesson that you must watch if you want to become a fluent speaker and if you are very busy okay now first thing be real okay so let's be extremely realistic here okay the first thing you are going to analyze if you want to implement these strategies i'm going to share with you is how much time are we talking about i know you're busy but at some point you need to sit down and think okay how much time do i actually have okay is it 30 minutes every day is it 10 minutes every day is it one hour every week how much time do you actually have now another thing thinking about your schedule thinking about your life is there any activity that you can spend less time on so that you can allocate that time to english guys i know you have your hobbies you have your interests they have the things you like to do in your free time so is there any possibility that you can borrow some time from those activities and dedicate them to english okay i'm not saying that you should stop doing everything you like just analyze okay is there something you do too much and maybe you can reduce a little so that you can have a little more time to english okay now do i spend much time watching tv what is my weekend like is your weekend completely full because sometimes you don't have time from monday to friday but how about saturday and sunday oh but studying on saturday and unsigned on sunday well how much do you want to be fluent you know how much do you desire that how important is english in your life how is your life going to be when you finally achieve english fluency these are important questions okay and how much time i am willing what is that supposed to mean how much time i will feel comfortable i accept dedicating to english that is very important too and you have to be honest with yourself because sometimes you don't want to stop doing the things you do you don't want to stop watching the movies you watch you don't have much time so how much time do you accept dedicating to english because then based on these honest answers you will be able to benefit from the tips that i'm going to give okay so that's a very important step don't skip this step if you wanna get better results by following my tips here in this video you have to follow this first okay now moving on is there a magic number you know uh for me to follow the the perfect amount of hours that i need to dedicate to english well guys for the purpose of this lesson the minimum the minimum minimum minimum is one hour okay so if you don't have one hour then i i recommend you analyze your schedule get back to your routine and analyze it more carefully because you've got to have one hour a week to make available for the recommendations i'm gonna give you to make available for english for english in your life so one hour just one hour a week okay that's all i'm asking and you'll be able to start implementing the tips i'm gonna share okay now that being said is one hour enough guys one hour is better than nothing one hour is better than not studying at all you know with my students inside the academy i always tell them whenever they they send me an email or a question saying teacher i'm busy i'm feeling a little lost what what do you think i should do i do all of that that i just told you about let's be realistic let's analyze your schedule and then i tell them well if you have two hours a week that's better than nothing if you have one hour that's better than nothing so take a deep breath calm down and now let's see what you can do in this one hour every week so i always tell them to respect their schedule and also celebrate the small victories so if you can get started with one hour a week consistently that is already a victory you are winning you are establishing a habit so if you can get started with one hour that is great i am proud of you keep it up and then in the future maybe you can increase but not right now the focus is getting started and becoming consistent with this one hour okay now moving on i got a message you know let me mute this make sure to hit the like button and share and important many people are not subscribed to my channel yet you know so make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any of my weekly lessons notifications and when you subscribe you become exclusive with me you know you become part of this beautiful community of english learners we are 150 000 people from all over the world watching english lessons and working on achieving english fluency and i want you to be part of this so make sure to subscribe now don't do this if you have one hour focusing on activities that are too long is wrong okay so if you have only one hour don't focus on an activity that is one hour long okay so that is not going to work for you so you've got to focus on short activities you're busy dude you have one hour a week so watching a one-hour documentary show to improve your english is not gonna work out you have one hour get down to business be realistic be down to earth and focus on short exercises short activities and i'm gonna clarify what a short activity is considering you have one hour okay now for example always have two skills in mind when sitting down to study so you have one hour this is the day to study so you are going to combine different skills reading and writing reading and speaking listening and speaking listening and writing vocabulary and speaking vocabulary and listening vocabulary and writing grammar and speaking grammar and writing so always combine at least two skills okay never just listen never just write like crazy no combine different skills you are going to be more productive if you do that even if you have one hour i study every week and i don't have much time to study english but i always combine all these skills not all in one day but i always try to combine different skills so that i can maximize my time okay now but teacher i'm alone how am i gonna practice speaking duh guys not having a partner or a teacher does not mean you cannot practice english speaking as a matter of fact this is the reason why so many students do not improve their speaking because they never practice they keep thinking of the perfect day when they finally when they finally have someone to talk to when they will finally have a teacher or a friend to talk to but that day doesn't come so they don't do anything about it you have to practice english speaking even if you are alone and that is going to help you better understand the things you study and help you build up the habit of speaking in english that is important okay so here getting back to the one hour study uh routine you are going to divide your one hour into blocks of 20 minutes so 20 40 60 20 20 20. three blocks okay in each block you are going to combine different skills as i mentioned earlier okay so always include writing listening and speaking even if it's just a little reading is also important and you can follow the recommendations i gave here you know reading please writing grammar proves writing and grammar plus speaking in my academy for example i gave a challenge to my babies where they had to combine grammar and speaking so they studied a little grammar and then they had to use it they had to talk about something they have to practice alone it is an online program so they have to combine both activities so you can do the same too even if you are busy okay so if you have one hour divide uh your time into three blocks of 20 and make sure to set a timer okay put a timer that will help you stay on top of the time you spend okay that is very important because if you just start studying you may not see the time pass by okay but if you set a timer if you set an alarm 20 minutes are over move on next activity i will finish this next week i have to spend time on other activities as well okay but i'm having so much fun doing this so keep it up if you're having fun if you're feeling good about that activity stay okay but on another day and another week try to follow the 20-minute practice because you're busy you need to explore different activities okay that is very important so if today you are having fun okay that's fine i like when my students have fun and i want you to have fun on your study practice but don't do that all the time okay you have to study other activities it's important okay now each week this is super important take notes pay attention pause this video take a screenshot each week you should focus on a specific conversation subject that's like the the theme of the week something you are interested in something you want to learn more about something you want to talk about that is the subject of the week and based on that subject you are going to study articles read practice reading practice listening practice writing study vocabulary about that subject study grammar that will help you and i have many videos here on my channel where i talk about that okay if you only have one hour this is important if you only have one hour a week it's important to spend some time reviewing but i know you are busy so if you are super be super busy and you have only one hour so once a month you are going to review the three previous weeks okay so you it for three weeks then week number four will be review time if you have more time to study then i recommend you you review every week okay so if you have more than one hour review every week if you only have one hour a week review every three weeks so you finished week number three week number four will be review time okay so these are two parts of the puzzle that are very important don't just go crazy now i'm gonna read about bananas i'm gonna write about apples i'm gonna listen about cars and i'm gonna watch a grammar lesson about verb to be awesome no combine the things combine the information that's how you maximize your time and have a better experience when studying so listen about the same thing you read study vocabulary about the things you read and listen study grammar that will help you talk about that subject okay so these are better ways to maximize your time okay now guys that is all for today make sure to subscribe and if you want to receive more cool information get my free ebook and get other kinds of notifications and updates check my my descriptions for more information enjoy my email list other than that share like subscribe i'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 1,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to learn a language, time management, best routine for busy people, best english study routine, study routine for busy people, english study routine for busy people, learn english for busy people, english for busy people, can busy people achieve english fluency, acheive english fluency, fluency, english fluency, learn english, teacher prix, english lessons, lessons in english, improve your english vocabulary, english vocabulary, english tips
Id: O9RPM-FuoyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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