English for Everyone - Business English Conversation Lessons

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morning greetings dialogue 1 good morning Paul hi good morning you're so early today yes traffic wasn't much today so I made it to the office earlier I see how long does it take you to reach the office every day well about an hour or so Wow that's quite a long journey do you drive a car no I take the public bus it's safer you're right but I get up a little late that gives me no other option but to travel by scooter well both have advantages and disadvantages dialogue to hi Jane how are you doing this morning I'm alright thanks just a little tired you worked overtime last night yeah I got home at about 2:00 oh you're really a workaholic well if there's anything I can do for you let me know thanks I really appreciate that saying goodbye dialogue 1 well I think it is time to call it a day me too I'm beat what time do you want to meet tomorrow morning is 7:30 okay oh no too early what about 8:30 it is great for me okay see you then dialogue to come on Cindy let's go it's 5:30 you're terribly late oh I'm nearly ready I've got to finish this report for tomorrow's meeting how long will you finish it about 15 minutes but I had better head off I'm meeting my husband for dinner is he coming to pick you up no we'll meet at the restaurant I've got to go now enjoy your evening Thanks goodbye having lunched together dialogue 1 it's time for lunch let's go okay I'm hungry where do you want to go for lunch I'm bored of the canteen how about going out for lunch okay but where shall we have lunch let's go to the food stall there's a good one just around the corner everything looks tempting that sounds good I'd love to try okay let's go dialogue to hey John do you have the number for that restaurant on the street corner yes hold on a second here it is eight eight eight nine six one two five four great thanks are you ordering takeout food yes do you want something I've got no idea what do you want to have hamburger with beef and fruit juice um could you pick me up a chicken salad sandwich and a large Diet Coke no problem but do you have any cash on you I don't think I have enough yes here you are okay shopping together dialogue 1 how about going shopping this weekend if you're free okay is there anything that you want to buy nothing in particular I just haven't gone shopping for a long time me neither where shall we go what about going to women's streets there are a lot of clothes stores there okay I haven't been there before when do you want to go Saturday then we can rest on Sunday where do you want to meet up how about at the Dongdaemun subway station it's near to the women's street all right see you then dialogue to Peter do you have any plans after finishing work I shall go shopping I need a lot of things to furnish our new house but I don't know where to go can you give me some advice sure what kinds of things do you need well I need kitchen utensils bathroom accessories cleaning and laundry accessories things like that then I suggest you going to Kmart or Walmart they are very large discount department stores the prices are very good and you can find everything you need for the kitchen and bathroom that's great when do the stores close about 10 p.m. why don't we go together okay let's go working overtime dialogue 1 we have to work overtime today why don't we leave it for tomorrow today is the deadline let's get it done even if we have to stay up all night I'm game do you often work overtime yes really don't you'd get very tired after a while I've been accustomed to it oh by the way do we get overtime pay of course it's 1.5 times for workday overtime and two times for weekends dialogue to Mary can you work late this afternoon why I don't understand I hate to do this to you but I have to ask you to put in some more overtime did I make any mistakes no just some extra work does it have to be done this afternoon mr. Fairbanks I've already made plans well I would have preferred to do it today but if you've already made plans we can do it tomorrow I'd appreciate that sir how long do you think you'll need me to stay about two hours and you can take some time off some other day later covering for somebody dialogue 1 could you cover for me on Friday what's up John sister's getting married this weekend aren't you scheduled to be on call yes but my mother-in-law will come this Friday I have to go to the station to pick her up you are so busy this week all right I will cover for you on Friday dialogue to can you cover me for a while I think so well where are you going I'm going to the post will you come back this afternoon yes I'll come back as soon as possible okay don't worry I'll take care of the business for you answering the telephone a log one may I speak to mr. John I'm sorry mr. John is at a meeting now who is this speaking please Peter how long will the meeting take about two hours may I give him a message please tell him Peter called okay no problem I'll ask him to call you as soon as he comes back that's great thank you bye bye dialogue to hello can I speak to Lisa hold on please I'll ask her to receive the call I'm sorry she's out at the moment I see may I leave her a message then sure what's your name and number Mike my number is eight five nine two three one zero six and what's the message tell her I have something urgent for her and please ask her to call me back as soon as possible yes I will passing on the message dialogue 1 hey Mike what's up somebody called you five minutes ago who was that let me see well bill is there anything urgent I don't know he said he would call you later I see thank you not at all dialogue to there was a phone call for you when you were out for lunch oh is it mr. Jung yes What did he say he said he was in Beijing anything else well he wanted you to give him a call as soon as possible what's his number well five six seven eight four four five five thank you very much welcoming newcomers dialogue 1 good morning Sally good morning mr. Robin I'd like you to meet our new colleague Andy nice to meet you Andy me too Sally Andy is a newcomer so I hope you would help her as far as you can of course well Andy if there's anything I can do for you let me know thank you very much I'm new to the working world and would appreciate your help that's all right I'll try my best dialogue to hi here my name is Ted you're new around here yes my name is Eric welcome aboard this is your seat some office supplies have been prepared Thanks you are so thoughtful here's your computer if there are any problems with the computer you can contact shaly the network administrator how can I contact him this is the contact information for the entire staff Shelly's extension number is on the list as well as mine okay thanks the printer copier fax and water dispenser are over there is there anything else I can do for you not at the moment thank you asking for help dialogue 1 may I bother you mr. Li I want to ask you a question what can I do for you I'm translating a Chinese letter to French and there are a few sentences I don't know how to translate could you kindly give me some advice let me see well they are also a bit difficult for me when do you need it if time allowed I think I need to consult a dictionary to make sure I hope I could complete it by the end of the day the boss said he needed urgently no problem I will give you the answers in an hour dialogue to Hisle do you have a free moment sure what's up would you come with me to supply I've got to pick up a load of stuff and I'm afraid I can't carry it all okay let me just grab my coat thanks I appreciate the hand I'd have to make two or three trips on my own don't mention it I'm glad to help asking for opinions dialogue 1 Roger I'd like to hear your opinion about my design before I hand it in well it was good overall but I think you need to make some small changes what should I do how do you like changing the color to light blue it maybe looks more justified good idea I'm going to do it at once good luck just speak with more confidence in yourself dialogue to excuse me mr. black what do you think about my project I'm very sorry Kelly I think you'll have to redo it redo it why it's not very good but I really don't see the value in doing this entire project over from scratch it would take a lot of work that's certainly true but that's what this job is all about Kelly there's no doubt that this project is unacceptable I agree but I think that we can handle the problem by making a few major changes I'd appreciate it if you would give me a chance all right Kelly I'll give you until this afternoon at 2 o'clock to produce a satisfactory piece of work otherwise you'll have to redo it teamwork dialogue 1 My dear colleague we have a new project to do how many people will be charged in this project the four of us are supposed to be working as a team on this project great I like the teamwork all of us can make the most of ourselves in that way new ideas will explode yes I agree with you definitely that is why I prefer it to working independently what's the first step as usual we will have a small meeting to allocate tasks but Lucie and Jane are absent now is it possible to have the meeting at 2 o'clock this afternoon ok I will inform them dialogue to how is your new work fairly well how do you like your new colleagues they are all pretty easygoing good you should get along with others friendly and work together in teams yes it is a friendly place to work in addition they all consider me as little sister and always help me on the work I'm so happy to hear what you say I will try my best to complete my first task successfully good luck thank you panel discussion dialogue 1 good morning everyone the main thing I want to discuss today is how to solve the problem of redundancy what are your opinions I think the best course of action would be to reorganize the company and streamline the workforce but the problem with the solution is that it would make a strong impact only by this way can employees perform efficiently and enthusiastically and thus make our company prosper how do you deal with those who will be laid off we could provide them with a fair compensation package you do have a point I suggest we put this issue on the vote I go along with that all those in favor raise your hand dialogue to good afternoon everyone sorry about the short notice what will we talk about I was just informed that the board has accepted the project we applied for I'm getting the milestones revised right now and I need to know who's available for the project team which kind of person do we need we need an experienced reporting analyst John is our best choice for this type of project when can he join in the team I'll offload some of his current responsibilities so he can start almost right away fine since we are under tighter time restraints I'll need someone to assist me with workflow management who do you think is the suitable one Phillip is my choice he is just finishing another major task falling into conflict dialogue 1 Linda I just can't stand Mary anymore please tell me what's happening between you and her perhaps I can give you some advice I've only been on the job for a few days and she is so hard on me Oh what do you think about it she wants me to be perfect but I need time anything else she's always criticizing me it's not fair I'll talk with her dialogue to I'm really fed up with Helen why hasn't the management fired her yet the management couldn't fire someone just because they gossip it's not only that she spread rumors but she also tries to start problems among other employees you will always have such co-workers why am i down on my luck you shouldn't be so negative you only say that because you don't have to work with her everybody has his strengths and weaknesses so has Helen I hope to have a perfect coworker to work together claiming apologies dialogue 1 Lucy why did you do that what's wrong you uploaded my essay on the internet without my consent I think it is so good that more people should read it but it is not my intent I really don't understand why you did it just depending on your own feeling I think you would have the same feeling as me don't you think you should apologize to me okay I would like to say sorry to you I hope you won't make the same mistake next time it gives me a lesson this time I will remember that dialogue to Mary did you take my camera yes you were answering the phone just now so I took it without interrupting you but you should tell me after I hang up I forgot it's not an excuse I have looked for it for a long time what you did caused me trouble I was not intentional you must apologize for that I'm sorry please forgive me colleagues promotion dialogue 1 I'm so happy to hear about your promotion congratulations thank you what are your responsibilities with this new position I'm in charge of the marketing department so I should call you marketing manager from now on you are kidding again to be honest this promotion came as quite a surprise you are efficient you deserve it dialogue to have you heard the news that Robin will be promoted to general manager there is some gossip about this most people believe he will surely get the position yes as a competent section manager he has shown the potential of managing the whole company I also think you are a prospective boss really I feel flattered nothing is impossible just try your best and have confidence in yourself colleagues leaving dialogue 1 Mary I've heard you want to quit yes I handed in my letter of resignation yesterday could I ask why you want to quit I've already been here for too long I think it's time to move on where do you want to go I will go to X company have all the formalities been attended to yes I will get to work there tomorrow please still stay in touch with us I will dialogue to Philip I will tell you some earth-shattering news what bill was fired you are pulling my leg it is the truth when did that happen I don't know exactly I found out today that's really rockin news yes why do you think he got fired he is friendly alright but I don't think he is very competent colleagues suffering from illness dialogue 1 you don't sound very good I've just got a sore throat are you okay fine it is too dry in Beijing drinking more water that will be good for you yes but I don't like pure water then let's have some green tea good idea Thanks dialogue to you don't look well what's wrong with you I have a pain in my insides I wonder if I ate something bad yesterday do you lose stomach yes do you need taking some medicine I just have a kind of medicine special for diarrhea it is efficacious I would appreciate for that take a seat and have a rest I'll get you the medicine and some hot water colleagues birthday dialogue 1 I remember today is Sofia's birthday today is April 10th yes it's Sofia's birthday I paid all my attention to the preparations for the meeting recently and forgot to buy a gift for her totally is it good to send her flowers we could ask the flower shop to send us and we'll get soon great Sofia likes Lily I will give the flower shop a call which color does she prefer maybe white dialogue to Lisa happy birthday Thanks this is the latest intensive eye cream it is a gift for you I'm too happy to say any word to you you're welcome now I'm using it it focuses skin's energies on repairing of eye area wrinkles the eye area wrinkles are really big problems I am also looking for a suitable product you could try this one okay thank you very much colleagues wedding dialogue 1 why didn't you come to work yesterday I got the marriage certificate yesterday what a surprise it is congratulations thank you so you are married man yes you'll never see a bachelor in the office anymore when do you plan to hold the wedding ceremony this October will it be held in Beijing yes I hope you will attend at that time I'll come for sure dialogue to congratulations thanks a lot for attending our wedding ceremony you are the most beautiful bride really I'm so happy to hear that as Chinese people say a woman has the most beautiful face during her wedding ceremony it's certainly true I'm sure you will be more beautiful in your wedding ceremony I hope so I'm delighted to see you are so happy may fortune smile upon you in your new life together it is nice of you I'm moved declining love dialogue 1 Helen do you have a few minutes now what's up if you don't mind I'd like to ask you a question just go ahead as you know I'm single could you be my girlfriend it's exceedingly sudden and unexpected thank you for your love however I have no plan for that kind of thing forgive me for my venture please it doesn't matter we are still friends aren't we of course dialogue to Lucy I'd like to talk something with you what's the matter why are you prunes and prism today I don't know how to express myself it's not your style speak out directly I hope you can be my girlfriend John are you kidding me it's not April Fool's Day I'm not kidding I'm serious I consider you as my good friends at all times so I know what you mean don't I have any chance I think we'd better be friends borrowing dialogue 1 Susan could I bother you some minutes sure what's the matter I want to buy a house with a mortgage I've heard about that I must pay 30% of the purchase price for that house firstly then pay the monthly installment is that what we call down payment yes but I don't have enough money I want to borrow some from you and I will give you in this November how much do you want 20,000 un okay I will give it to you tomorrow after drawing from the bank I really don't know how to thank you just my pleasure dialogue to Philip could I borrow your car what's wrong with yours I was just about to leave but I found there was no petrol in the car okay where will you go I will go to be company to send some materials to Jessica fortunately you found that beforehand otherwise it is trouble to know on the way yes where did you park to your car on the left side of the underground parking garage a black car what's the plate number J n one two three four reporting work dialogue 1 excuse me may I come in yes please mr. John this is the project plan you asked me to make okay you did it rapidly thank you could you introduce me the main parts of the plan of course the plan includes three parts the first part is the background of the project the second part is the steps and the last part is the expected result good I got the main points of it do you have any suggestions after I read it in detail I will tell you my opinion okay I will alter it according to your opinion please wait for my call dialogue to mr. Paul do you have time now yes do you remember the agent we met last time sure what's wrong we had a long meeting this Monday he has agreed to the items of the draft agreement we apply that's good the agent does he seem reliable to you yes I think so he's got a lot of experience okay when is your next meeting with him we're meeting him this Wednesday just to sort out some final details fine let me know what happens of course make everything clearly and then we will decide the time of the signing ceremony I see accepting assigns work dialogue 1 good morning this is the first day for you to work here I hope you'll like your job good morning miss Lucy I'm a newcomer and I've got a lot need learn from you you'll spend most of this week to be familiar with all the work in the office would you please tell me what is the particular work to me the main duty is to keep the file in order is there anything else I should do yes you are responsible for answering the calls then transferring or taking messages okay if you have any questions you can ask me at any time dialogue to Linda I have something important to discuss with you what's up do you know we will have products analyzing meeting tomorrow yes I know Mary is making preparations for that don't bring it up Mary is too careless to arrange someone to take minutes do you have any idea you need to leave your job at hand you will take meeting minutes tomorrow which is the top priority okay what need i prepare nothing special I advise you to bring the recorder pen in case of emergencies being praised dialogue 1 Jacque you really did a good job this time you flatter me it was really a challenge to me but you did it and did it well thank you for saying so your project made much profit for the company if not having the support from you I couldn't have got the achievement the board decided to give you a bonus I would appreciate that dialogue to mr. Smith how about your visit my visit has proved to be a fruitful one great I think half of the credit should go to you you are exaggerating you work with high efficiency never did I expect you to finish it in such a short time I'm really glad to hear these I will recommend you as the office director I will treasure the opportunity I'm sure you will do better than the current director explaining faults dialogue 1 Lucey how is the construction work of a supermarket going I'm afraid there will be a delay of two weeks what's holding things up the supplier didn't provide the construction materials we need on time can I ask who is in charge of the matter I'm sorry it's my fault since these things happen what have you done to change the situation I put in advertisement on the newspaper and found a new supplier when will it be handled next Monday dialogue to did anybody receive a printer last week yes I got it and I signed the delivery note where is the delivery note in my drawer don't you know that's the only proof the Accounts Department has that the goods were delivered I didn't realize I should have given it to them as soon as it arrived I'm terribly sorry you've had a searching high and low ever since the invoice arrived the trouble is that I don't know anything about these documents and I thought it was just a receipt making proposals dialogue 1 excuse me manager what's up Phillip I have a proposal to increase our sales do you have any particular plan we should increase our expenditure on advertising through advertisements we can make our products well known to everyone I see what you mean the conditions at present make worthwhile the expense of advertising so I suggest allowing advertisement department a subsidy of 10000 UN for strengthening our publicity good idea could you write down your proposal to a report sure dialog - in my opinion we are going to have a problem about the budget how is the problem according to the factory it will cost about 30 percent more than initially projected it is said that we underestimated the cost but if sales go as well as they should that's still well within our profit margin what do you mean in other word proceeds from the sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order I see we only need a budget increase for the first order exactly we must report it to the financial officer because all budget decisions must be approved by him asking for resignation dialogue 1 excuse me may I come in yes please I've made a tough decision mr. Phillip here is my resignation could you tell me why you made this decision I've been trying but I don't think I'm up to this job are you certain yes it is my decision after deep consideration okay good luck thank you dialog - mr. Paul I'm sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment but I've decided to study abroad which University will you go the Cambridge University that is a university with prestige and I believe you will get a lot I think so it is really a good chance for me absolutely when will you leave I will go in August because the new semester will begin in September well before you leave deliver your works to Jane yes I will tell her how to do okay applying for job transfer dialogue 1 may I come in mr. Brown all right come in please I want to talk with you about my job what's wrong I want to leave the personnel department do you think I could put in for a transfer which department do you want marketing department why do you want to do this there is no room for the kinds of career growth I would like to have I want my work to be recognized and rewarded okay I will think about it dialogue to Paul I always like to get to the point and I'm not going to beat around the bush yes please frankly speaking I'm not very pleased with my job now really why do you think like that I found that the colleagues of mine were not easy to work with and what I do seem so boring have you been doing your best yes so I want to work somewhere else I mean a different sort of job I think I understand how you feel I'm glad you told me I will try to fit you in somewhere else being fired dialogue 1 Betty could you come in I'd like to have a word with you what's up well it's hard to say but I'm sorry to tell you that our company decided to fire you what fire me concerning your work performance during this year the board is not satisfied with your work attitude in what respect if you don't mind telling me your work attitude is not active and the results seemed to be frustrating could you give me another chance I'm sorry it's all been decided dialogue to manager did you call me yes I'd like to talk with you what's the problem I'm afraid you are the problem what do you mean you are fired why your work doesn't meet the quality that we require for our employees additionally you don't work well with the other employees if it is that important to you I'll make a point of getting along with them it's too late we are downsizing our workforce I don't think that's fair asking for leave dialogue 1 excuse me manager I wonder if it is possible for me to ask a half day off tomorrow what's the matter I must have driving tests tomorrow have you passed the written exam yes I passed it last month well the driving test will be tomorrow morning or afternoon it should be tomorrow morning we will have a regular meeting next morning I suppose you will have to have that test so we will put the meeting off to tomorrow afternoon try not to be late all right thanks a lot good luck dialogue to Susan do you have a minute yes what's up I had a call just now my mum is in hospital I'd like to ask one week off to take care of her I'm sorry to hear that is that serious I don't know the doctor asked her to be in hospital and have more checkups don't worry it may be a routine medical examination I hope so I'm impatient to go back take it easy I will arrange someone to take over your job you are so considerate wish your mother would get well soon asking for annual leave dialogue 1 Susan I like to apply for my vacation in your opinion which period is available you should feel the absence request first and the personnel department will notice you oh I see have you got any idea where you would like to go in your vacation I'm thinking of taking a trip to your nun which is a city I have always wanted to see yes it is fantastic to get a break in this kind of place I went there last year how do you plan for your vacation this year I haven't decided where to go maybe I will choose Sonia you must like the beach yes I like lying on a beach and being lazy this seems attractive dialogue to I'd like to talk to you about my vacation hunter I'm just going to draw up the holiday rotation this year so go ahead and tell me what you want well I'm planning to have three weeks leave in January and I want to use my vacation days for this year going abroad I suppose yes I want to go back to China to see my parents why did you choose January because we celebrate the Spring Festival in January this year and it's our tradition to have a family reunion then all right I'll do my best to meet your request that's very kind of you hunter thank you very much no problem asking for promotion dialogue 1 good morning Paul good morning anything I can do for you I have been working as an accountant assistant for a year I'd like to ask for a chance of promotion what's in your mind I suppose I could work as a staff accountant in our company why do you have this opinion in fact I have been doing the job of accountant since last April and I put everything in order okay I will give you this chance congratulations thanks a lot I will make the best effort dialogue to excuse me sir yes what's wrong it is my request for promotion which position would you like to be I'd like to be a project manager could you give me some reasons in accordance with the rules of our company if someone takes the position of projects manager assistant for three years and makes prominent contribution he will be promoted to project manager I have been as the assistant for three years and the ex theater project I tagged on has completed successfully you are right actually the Board of Directors have discussed about your promotion your application will be approved soon thank you don't mention it that is the result of your effort congratulations asking for pay raise dialogue 1 mr. Brown is it convenient for you to talk with me yes come in and sit down I wonder to know your opinion about my work in these two years I have been paying attention to your performance since last year and I'm impressed you have done a perfect job and your project made much profit for the company based on the annual evaluation should I ask for a pay raise sure I will inform the general manager about this with your application but I've already submitted it to the personnel department okay I estimate that your monthly gross salary will increase by $1,000 that will be good dialogue to manager it is my annual summing report well have you attained permanent status yes I obtained permanent status last month I wonder whether I will qualify for a raise or not in accordance with established practice the salary will be raised about 30% after probational employees get permanent status but I didn't find the race of my salary that is the problem made by the personnel department you should ask them I see I appreciate your help that's all right asking for retroactive pay dialogue 1 manager I wonder why my salary is deducted this month I demand a retroactive pay because you neglect your duty would you explain it clearly our notice of criticism about your department is circulated do you know yes but it is not my responsibility but everyone in your department should take responsibility for that there are no such regulations in the management rules of our company we have the right to decide the pay of our employees it's unfair you should protect the legal rights and interests of the employees the employees must submit to our decision you dialogue to manager you promised to pay overtime but we still haven't got it due to the influence of global economic recession and productive depression of our coal company our products don't sell well it has nothing to do with us you should keep your promise I know it is not reasonable to work overtime without extra pay but in fact my salary has remained the same for one year even when our company was operating well but it's not proper to complain to the president at this time I don't want to be so considerate if you don't take it seriously I shall resign please take your time maybe things will change for the better I look forward to a reply as soon as possible inquiring about bonus dialogue 1 Jessica do you have a moment yes what's on your mind I'd like to inquire about my bonus this year please I'm a bit upset about this year's bonus I was really expecting a little more are there any problems with my work no it is nothing related with your work our company was negatively impacted by the financial crisis we've all had to cut back will there be any improvement next year I'm hoping next year's going to be better dialogue to marry I want to check my bonus this month with you okay look at here there's no mistake why my bonus is less than last month's your bonus is deducted this month I can't see why my bonus is deducted this month our sales profits decreased a bit this month that's why we get less the bonus is so less that I don't know how to live this month it is the rules of our company I have no measures contacting clients dialogue 1 hello is that mr. black yes please it is Jack from Indian ironworks I'm sorry you are we met in Shanghai International Exhibition last month you told me you expected to get the brochure of our products yes that rings a bell is it convenient for you to tell me your email address okay please write it down it's cey se T at hotmail.com dialogue to hello is that ABC investment consultant Company Limited yes it is it is the sales manager from X telecommunications company what can I do for you do you always dial international distance calls or domestic distance calls yes we have favorable terms recently that could help you save telephone fare how can I know the details about that you can visit our website there is detailed introduction about that ok if necessary I will contact you meeting new customers dialogue 1 how do you do how do you do are you mr. black from a company yes I am and you must be Peter yes I represent our company to meet you and give you an introduction about our products well let's start we'll start with an orientation video it runs about 20 minutes anything else we have some reports to show you the background information dialogue to nice to meet you mr. Brown you are here's my business card I'm Jack the new sales manager of the Le company glad to meet you here is mine it's mr. Lille your predecessor yes I have heard a lot about you from him so I've been looking forward to meeting you I cooperated with mr. Leo well and I hope we'll cooperate better I hope so if you have anything about our business just give me a call ordering products dialogue 1 good morning mr. John glad to meet you Lily I'm really glad that you can meet with me today to discuss the details of the order we need those items urgently I thought if I met with you face-to-face it would expedite the process which model do you want to order and how many we want to order s 44 500 sets okay do you know our quoted price the price you quoted me is $100 per set that's correct we'll arrange delivery immediately perfect dialogue to hello welcome to our corporation hello thanks for your invitation could we go to the showroom and I will show you around we have all kinds of products displayed there great our company is a big business in office facilities you may choose whatever you like I like to order some new filing cabinets and desk units this time how many do you want 50 units totally okay still be paid by the price negotiated done bargaining dialogue 1 here is our price sheet on a CIF basis may I go over the sheet right now sure take your time I think your prices are much too high you know that the cost of production has been skyrocketing in recent years honestly speaking we've consulted the prices from other companies we only ask that your prices be comparable to others well we can consider making some concessions in our prices how much do you mean then to get the business done we can reduce our prices by 5% I see I will call my home office and see what they say dialogue to I believe you've got our price list are you interested in our products your products are good but the price is high I think our price is very favorable you can hardly get such an attractive price from other suppliers it would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price what's your proposal can you give me a rough idea the reduction is at least 10 percent 10 percent is impossible that leaves us almost no profit but the order is a large one you could get profit the reduction is 8 percent at most if that's the case I'll have to go somewhere else discussing payments dialogue 1 let's start out to discuss the question of payment terms when we deal with a new customer we insist on payment by LC to open an LC we'll add to the cost of our products however as you know payment by LC is the safest method you are the new customer of ours so can you be a bit more flexible and bend the rule a little sorry I'm afraid not well if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier we will open an LC as for your request I'll phone our company to see what they say when will you let me know your answer tomorrow afternoon dialogue to we are satisfied with your products however what are the terms of your payment the terms are flexible what are they cash option and offering financing is the advance payment necessary yes it is the advance payment is 20% before delivery how about cash option the balance due should be paid after you got the goods with the cash option do you mean only cash or will you take other forms of payments we also accept a certified check or a direct bank remittance handling complaints dialogue 1 I want to talk to your manager I'm the manager please have a seat and tell me what the matter is I have a complaint to make go ahead please I bought a mobile phone here yesterday but I found the keypad wasn't flexible after I went home can I take a look at the mobile phone please sure look it doesn't work at all do you take the invoice with you yes here you are okay I'll change another one for you is it okay all right dialogue to I've come to ask you about my dress I haven't got it yet may I look at your invoice here it is I'll have a check I'm sorry it isn't ready yet but it was supposed to be ready last week and I have been waiting for the delivery for days I'm terribly sorry we're very busy at present so we get a little bit behind that's your problem you ought to do something to speed up I understand how you feel I will ask them to run the dress up for you I'm sure it will be ready tomorrow all right that's only what you can do making claims dialogue 1 the goods you sent us did not meet our specifications so we have to file a claim against you please don't be so angry could you tell me the reason most of the goods were underweight we've already checked all the goods carefully before delivery and it shouldn't happen in addition we feel that there were too many defective items I promise I will investigate these problems please let us know the result of the investigation and the solutions to the problems yes we will entertain a claim if there are adequate evidences look forward to your reply soon you will dialogue to James we've received your Notice of Claim that's why I came to discuss the matter with you in person the present case is too serious to be overlooked so we feel we have to file a claim on you let's examine the details first you complained that about 30 percent of the goods were found damaged yes upon its arrival at our port they were immediately examined carefully we were very surprised to find that 60 cases of goods were damaged before I left I checked up on the condition of the shipment and found nothing in our record indicating any damage did you find any other reasons it is estimated that careless handling while being loaded on to the ship caused the damage we suggest that the total value of the parcel should be reduced by 30% in that you should give us an allowance well we shall send you a letter confirming that while I appreciate your attitude towards this case and hope everything will be smooth in the future business making a revisit dialogue 1 hello is that Miss Wang yes who is that this is customer service from Cee mobile phone company what's wrong last month you bought a cell phone in our company we want to make a revisit okay go ahead please are you satisfied with our products yes how would you rate our products its full-fledged and easy to use thank you for your supporting to our products it's my pleasure dialogue to hello mr. Wang we just drop in to see how things are going with your machine so far so well our products are easier to operate than our competitors right in fact it is but I think it is a little expensive why don't you think it in this way it's more expensive but much better value for money if there is in disposition what should I do if anything is wrong with your machine please don't hesitate to call us okay this is the introduction of our new products if you need them please call us I will after sales service dialogue 1 hello is that se service center for customers yes what can I do for you I can't find the drivers for my cell phone what should I do could you tell me which type your cell phone is okay W 600ex you can download the corresponding drivers from our website or I will send you an email the website can't be opened so please send an email to me please tell me your email address ABC at yahoo.com dot CN ok I will send it at once please check it thank you you're welcome anything else I can do for you nothing dialogue to hello this is client service center hello I just find the air conditioner doesn't work what should I do may I have your name and your present address I'm Robert at room 1 103 number 25 Jones Boulevard I will contact our nearest agent and they will send someone round immediately to check the problem ok by the way when did you buy it half a year ago it is still under warranty so it's free for repairing I hope the maintenance man will come soon ok picking up clients dialogue 1 excuse me are you Susan from Eastern Electronics yes I am I'm just waiting for you I'm Wang hua the secretary for the manager mr. Li nice to meet you nice to meet you too welcome to China mr. Li asked me to meet you and show you to your hotel thank you very much is it your luggage yes let me take it for you Thanks I can handle it dialogue to Susan Here I am I'm so glad to meet you in Beijing so am i thank you for picking me up how was your flight was it comfortable it was quite good but it was awfully long we've booked a western-style room for you you will have a good rest later it's so nice of you you must be hungry shall we get something to eat first great I'm keen to have the delicious Chinese food hope you will be satisfied with our arrangement visiting dialogue 1 we are proud and honored to have every guest to visit our company thank you very much I hope you can get a picture of what our business is through my introduction okay our company was established in 1890 we specialized in manufacturing genes and exporting them to all over the world the first product was named by the founders name could I ask what the turnover was last year sure it's about ten million dollars last year and our business is still growing steadily your company really has strengths log2 it's me who will lead you to visit our company today first of all I want to extend my warmest welcome to all of you on behalf of the company thank you this is our office block we have all the administrative departments here what's that building opposite us that's the warehouse where the larger items of instruments are stored if I order an apparatus how long would I wait for the delivery made to our company sorry I'm afraid you have to ask the sales manager okay we will visit the assembly shop next this way please receiving customers dialogue 1 good morning can I help you good morning is this sunshine computer limited yes it is I have an appointment with the sales manager at 10 o'clock may I have your name please fill up Wang I'm from the GL trading company let me see oh yes mr. Wong please take a seat and wait a moment I'll tell the manager's secretary she will come down soon dialogue to hello does your company deal with exhibition yes who would you want to meet I want to know the basic information of the company it is the brochure of our company there is the company's introduction in the brochure besides you can log on to our website the URL is also in the brochure ok I also want to make an appointment with your sales manager when do you want to see him the day after tomorrow no problem visiting clients dialogue 1 mr. white I'm so happy to visit you welcome to our company and it's an honor to meet you here we originally planned to visit you last week but we heard you went to London on business yes I'm sorry I just came back yesterday does everything go well yes it surely does basing on the consensus we've reached last meeting we made this planning map and bring it to you by the way okay I will give it to the development department and they will contact you we will wait for your reply dialogue to good morning good morning mr. Smith I haven't seen you for a long while how are you fine thanks and you busy as usual I want to meet Mr Wong and I have something important to talk about unfortunately he was away this morning do you know when he will come back he won't be back till 13:30 I can't wait that long I should make an appointment in events you can try to reach him by phone seeing of clients dialogue 1 excuse me is mr. Brown in yes come in please have you packed up your things mr. brown wait for five minutes more don't worry I will wait for you in the hall okay five minutes later everything is in order okay I will see you off to the airport it's very kind of you to come to see me off it's my pleasure dialogue to they begin to register it's time to leave thank you for seeing me off at the airport you on um it's my pleasure I miss you I will to thank you for everything you've done for me during my stay in Shanghai you're welcome I hope you can come again to our next exhibition I hope so too goodbye young Yin goodbye mr. wolf I wish you a very pleasant journey home
Channel: Basic English Speaking
Views: 450,602
Rating: 4.8601012 out of 5
Keywords: business english, business english conversation, business english course, english for business communication, learn business english, business english lessons, english for business, english lessons, english conversation, english for everyone, englishforeveryone, english business, Business English Conversation Lessons, basicenglishspeaking, english for conversation
Id: 54RlZhMjiUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 8sec (4268 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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