How To NOT SUCK When You Start Morrowind

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[Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls 3 morrowind my name is camel and today i've got a little special treat for you i see a lot of comments people i just speak to in person on stream a lot of people say this they tried borrowing they played it for 5 minutes 10 minutes you know up to an hour and just couldn't get into it they kept getting killed by mud crabs they kept missing stuff like that and if you've watched my channel before i'm sure you know morrowind is one of if not my favorite game of all time so i would love for more people to get into it just so they can experience the vast wealth the treasure chest of good elder scrolls content that morrowind is so i'm doing my part i'm gonna hold your hand through the beginning of the game so you can get a kind of foothold in vardenfell this is going to be how not to be a noob when you start morrowind basically how to set your character up and in the starting area satanine where you can find a bunch of things that will really help you make your character a bit more durable and uh offensive there's tons of cool things hidden away in satanine where you start the game so i'm going to show you all the tips and tricks that i've learned over the years so that you can start morrowind get a good start and hopefully get a feel for it and get into it rather than being deterred by its you know now 20 year old kind of game mechanics so i am going to be playing this live while we record this i also don't want to edit this video too much and that is just so that you can follow along without like you know huge cuts of five minutes missing way like hang on where is he where did he go where'd he come from how to get to that place stuff like that so it'll be a pretty minimally edited video so with that said let's start a new game all right here we are we're going to make our character uh let's go with camel well not even last night's storm could wake you i heard them say we've reached morrowind i'm sure they'll let us go also worth mentioning this is almost completely unmodded i'm using open morrowind openmw this is where you'll get off the only reason i'm using that is because it's let's be do ui scaling i play on a 4k screen and normally you can't scale the ui within morrowind itself so the ui on screen like the text on the screen is literally unreadable when it's when it's on a 4k screen so i do have open morrowind for the ui scaling thing but apart from that everything you're seeing is vanilla all right we're just gonna follow this chap off the ship see if we can get in front of him yes so just make your way off the ship i mean yes this is where they want you head down to the dock and i'll show you to the center thank you you'll finally arrive but our record don't show from where um okay now pick whatever race you want i go with nord because they have a immunity to frost they have a 50 resistance to shock and the best heavy armor chess piece in the game gives you 100 resistance to fire so while there are other races with resistances like the dark elves should have other resistance to 575 which is great but once you get the heavy armor piece that gives you 100 resistance that just makes the dark elf resist fire special completely asinine so if you're not sure what race you want to play click on them have a look at their specials what they're immune to what they're weak to and also look at the skill bonuses although that's not super important so nord because that's what i look like in real life this guy hello you know let's go with a female character because i always play the same male character oh my god that's a female character good god all right let's go back to mail great i'm sure you'll fit right in follow me up to the office and they'll finish your release let's go oh also if you hear a bunch of this in the background because i'm literally playing on a keyboard right now actually openmw does allow for controller play but i'm not going to do that ah yes we've been expecting you you'll have to be recorded before you're officially released there are a few ways we can do this and the choice is yours okay now we have to make some very important choices right now so you can click any of these but click the bottom one fill out form yourself create custom class this way we just get to choose which attributes are our major attributes and which skills are our major and minor skills uh okay so the title of this class is going to be youtuber specialization combat sure okay now the favorite attribute the attributes are important so let's take a look at them strength affects your starting health how much you can carry your maximum fatigue and how much damage you do in melee strength is very important intelligence determines your maximum amount of magicka very important if you want to be a spellcaster willpower affects your ability to resist magic and your maximum fatigue again willpower is more of a spellcaster thing agility affects your ability to dodge and hit targets in melee as well as your maximum fatigue so agility will determine how much you do that annoying air swinging that everyone complains about at the start of the game the higher your agility the higher the chance that you're going to hit the enemy speed it just determines how fast you can move endurance affects your starting health your health gain per level and your maximum fatigue to me endurance is important every time you level up you gain in health 10 of your endurance stat so if your endurance is at 100 when you level up you'll gain 10 health and that's the most health you can gain per level because 100 is as high as you can get insurance or any other attribute personality affects your ability to deal with other characters and how much they like you this is good for speech checks and battery and stuff like that and luck honestly i have no idea what luck actually does but its description is just affects every action you do in a small way well i don't want a small way i want a big way so we're going to go with strength and endurance strength i want to carry stuff i want to deal damage endurance i want to max out my endurance attribute to 100 as soon as possible so that every time i level up i'll be getting maximum health increases per level so major skills and minor skills the only difference between major and minor is a starting skill boost the minor skills get a smaller starting boost major skills get a bigger one and the skills that you don't pick as either of these get no boost and the only way to level up in morrowind is to increase major skills and minor skills if you level up skills that aren't a major skill or a minor skill you're not going to level up so it's important here that you choose skills in the major minor skills that you're actually going to use like enchanting i'm never going to use that speed i'm not going to use that axe i'm not going to use that medium armor not going to use a blunt weapon probably not going to use it so what will we use i'm going to use security that's lock picking security so you 100 put that on sneak 100 put that on let's see mercantile 100 every character is going to be trading with with npcs right same with speechcraft you're going to be speaking to people regardless of what your playstyle is like and we'll go with like armor now the reason i put these ones in the major skills while these are skills that i will be using and leveling up throughout my playthrough they're not skills i'm going to be using as often as the ones i'm going to put over here which would be long blade block heavy armor athletics and acrobatics where's acrobatics there it is i've gone with security sneak mercantile speech craft armor longblade block heavy armor athletics and acrobatics these are all things that i will be using throughout my playthrough therefore they will be leveling up as i play the game so that's what i'm going to go with skills i'm actually going to use very good the letter that proceeded you mentioned you were born under a certain sign and what would that be i always go with the lady because it fortifies your personality by 25 points which is huge and it also fortifies your endurance by 25 points so when you pick endurance as a major attribute and you pick the later you start with an insurance of 85 which is huge you only need 15 more endurance points to max out endurance uh some of the other ones like oh 100 weeks is to fire oh and you can restore two points of health for 30 seconds like boohoo that is like one percent of the power of the lady you can have a look around but again i've i've played marwin so much i honestly think ladies the best choice interesting now before i stamp these papers make sure this information is correct here you can just change anything if you want to your your name your race your class your sign all that stuff so we can see that we're actually starting with endurance of 85 which is huge um yep cool cool cool everything looks fine and dandy okay show your papers to the captain when you exit to get your release fee so what we need to do is pick up this piece of paper take and then we have the inventory menu where we can see in our inventory here lovely now before we hand over the papers we can actually steal things and not get a bounty for it or really in trouble for it um so what we can do we can abuse this like this is worth 650 gold so what we can do is grab it go to the inventory instantly and then drop it on the grounds they run over don't do that again okay no problem he walks away and we can pick it up now we have it so we're gonna steal uh a ton of stuff before we leave the census in excise office i'll drop this on the ground for now because we're going to steal these books which i think are worth 50 gold each yes they are there's four there's 200 gold sitting on that shelf so do the same thing as soon as you click take go to inventory you've made your last mistake thief sorry you've stolen for the last time i just repeat this okay well now i missed one of the books but uh we got the books on the ground this candlestick is worth 12 gold like you really need to click take and open inventory like basically the same time what else is in here that we can steal [Music] candlestick candlestick ink well it really depends how seriously you want to take this like you can steal these uh vases for 14 gold a piece so you there went do it again [Music] all right so this one we can take this one we can take and that one we can take there's another one over here all right now we're gonna leave this room so we can pick up everything we stole and then dropped on the ground without getting busted nice okay so we're exiting this room with like 800 golds worth of stuff so yeah now the door's closed we can sneak we don't even need to sneak honestly because they can't see us let's go downstairs first now in here we're gonna look through the sacks any okay that's got a basket no picture no now these are all alchemical ingredients so scuttle is worth 10 gold a piece take that drama root same thing 10 gold what's this grave dust no drama root yes uh five golds okay uh in my opinion basically anything worth over five gold and it doesn't weigh a bunch is worth taking at the start of the game uh so hack or low leaf is worth 30 gold a piece thank you very much now let's go upstairs to this room here we can find this dagger our first weapon there is a note uh did we take that yeah whatever let's take it some bread but it's not worth picking up now all these silverware all this silverware stuff take all that there's our first lock pick so this ball's worth 21 gold that's that's fantastic fork six plates flynn we also have these baskets five gold for those and same with that we also have okay these plates are worthless that candlestick's pretty crap mazdi will take that we'll take this book thank you that's worth 40 40 gold silverware bowl silverware pitcher now let's go into our inventory and equip the lockpick pull it out the same way we pull out a weapon and unlock this 31 gold sure thank you all right we've done everything we need to in this room let's head outside come over to this barrel and grab fargoth ring it's not called fargoth engraved ring of healing but it belongs to fargloth now this is gonna be a bit slow but 100 worth it once we enter this room we're going to come over here let's come over here everything we took from the other room we're gonna drop on the ground and the reason for that is we're about to steal a whole bunch of stuff so i'll see you in a second when i drop all this stuff okay so now i've dropped everything that we have picked up like literally all i have is the clothes i started with and the note that i need to give to this this bloke now this is actually great his positioning is fantastic right now because on this bookshelf we have the warehouse key this will be the key to us getting thousands of gold so we're going to do the same thing we did before we pick it up and instantly open the inventory like that grab the warehouse key plop it onto the ground like so he says don't do that you go no problem he walks away and then the warehouse key is right there we're not going to pick it up right now because there's more stuff i want to take off this shelf using again the exact same technique we've been using so i'm just going to take the silverware plates and i'm going to take the mazdi i'm going to take the sujama and then i will also take these candlesticks off the table kind of problematic because he's so close to me now like um like if i take something i don't have time to go into my inventory basically yeah yeah see so you do want to make sure there's some distance if you can uh do anything about that the candlesticks you've made your last mistake actually that's true that is the last thing you'll be stealing unless this lantern's worth 10 gold for lantern i will take the lancet oh oh oh okay whatever uh we need to speak to this guy um then we just ask him about everything um click everything you can read through all the dialogue if you want to okay cool so now we are free to go out into the world but before we go outside we have to make sure to pick up all this stuff that we've stolen and no nothing else if we grab something we haven't already stolen and put it on the ground and got in trouble for then he's going to run over and steal everything out oh i didn't take this to drama that's annoying it's not the end of the world have i picked anything up okay oh that's speed okay he's way too close to me there come on got it all right now we can start picking everything up just pick up all this stuff we dropped earlier morrowind's item dropping system um is very handy everything just goes in a pile basically warehouse key that is the most important one the warehouse key all right now we can go outside so we've got all this stuff all this stuff which is worth something uh that's the warehouse before we do anything we're gonna save it this is the first time we can save save one cool now we're gonna head over here because this is where the merchant lives the merchant of satanin what is this about outlander inside the trade house we're gonna speak to a real best values in town barter now this top thing is everything is my inventory and the bottom one is his inventory down in the bottom right you'll also see seller gold so he has 800 gold so if we try and sell him stuff that's worth more than 800 gold it's not gonna work that should be fine we can hang on to let's try and sell everything but the limewear platter first just because it's worth so much okay so let's start selling all the stuff we picked up in there to him like we don't need silver plates and pictures and stuff so you don't have to arm an eye like oh i might keep that though it's literally not going to do anything for you though you can use candlesticks and lanterns as light sources the same way you use a torch uh this book there's just some random book we picked up these books get rid of you the flynn the mazdi and the tsujama we don't need those get rid of that get rid of the alchemy ingredients we grab let's get rid of that um we can keep the dagger but there's not really much point in keeping the dagger so we'll sell the dagger the reason there's not much so how much 453 yeah sure there we go we just made 453 golds under sun and sky outlander we greet you so now we're going to go outside and head to the warehouse so this is the building we came out of and right across from it is the warehouse saturn in census and excise warehouse now the lock level is 45 which means we cannot lockpick it um at this at our security skill level and there's also a million people watching but we have the warehouse key so inside we go now all these crates and there's crates upstairs to are full of armor and weapons and other things um the only thing you need to be careful of is this guy he walks from here up and like he does a little patrol so you just have to make sure that he's not going to cause an issue so while he's upstairs i was just sneaking if you look over the bottom left you can see the little sneak symbol if the sneak symbol appears it means you are actually undetected so in here there's 16 bottles we don't want 16 bottles so he's about to go oh no keep moving he should head up those stairs very soon and then we can start pillaging all this uh if you want to it can be worth saving it just in case he catches you it's more beneficial to just load a save to where you need to be rather than going oh no i just lost a whole bunch of stuff all right so he's gone so we're gonna go back into sneak mode to make sure no one's watching i'm gonna steal anything valuable like you imperial steel graves imperial steel helmet imperial steel right pauldron all fantastic things imperial broadsword thank you very much oh moon sugar we're actually going to take the moon sugar now in morrowind if you have moon sugar in your inventory most traders will just say i won't trade with you because you have moon sugar or skooma however any khajiit npc that is a trader and buys alchemical ingredients they will buy moon sugar and skooma there's two such npcs in balmora which is the next town we're gonna go to so we can actually collect all this moon sugar and make like thousands of gold when we get to baltimore all right so we're just going to empty these more moon sugar cool oh 20 heckler leaf they're worth 30 gold a piece what's that 600 gold more armor weapons this is just full of like alchemical ingredients we'll just check grab all the ones that have a value of more than five i think the guard's coming back so i'm gonna stop yeah oh my god that was close i'm listening can you be leaving instead i just want to get out of his like um little radius for npc to play interactions so he walks away otherwise he'll just stand still at faces what are you doing get off the stairs brother okay while he's around there there is something you can technically do but it's kind of difficult if you make this npc look this way you can get over here get on top of this table nah she's facing the wrong way there's a hundred gold on the table if you can make her face the other way and then sneak while the guy's not here you can grab 100 gold it's kind of it's really annoying to do and kind of like 100 gold is great but it's not worth the potential you know 10 minutes of around to get it come on why is he stuck there what are you doing speak freely friend come on i'm gonna see if this works we exit the building and enter the building yeah there we go i'm a little reset i'm listening stop stop listening and he's upstairs okay this barrel we went through that barrel this crates this okay so now we head upstairs quickly this one has more armor in it this one has more moon sugar in it this one has more moon sugar in it alchemy ingredients worth five that's worth five as well oh they're worth 10 each we'll grab those as 20 gold 20 gold 10 gold 10 gold what's this barrel this barrel's got 250 arrows they're worth one gold each this has three gold i'll take that ah enchanted hours they're worth five each and there's 30 of them okay perfect thank you grab the soul gem skooma we'll take that pillows we do not need pillows pillows are heavy and worth absolutely nothing salt rice don't need that uh scuttle 10 gold each there's five of them thank you it's all right snow we can also take the lanterns for 10 golder pop but that's real finicky and all right cool we've taken everything we need to from here and we haven't been caught so we can leave the building now that we're out let's have a look at our inventory and see what we've got okay we've got a shield two tower shields which is great um the next thing i was going to suggest is buy a shield because you want to start increasing your block skill which just happens passively when you get attacked greaves we got some nordic fur boots we'll put those on now do we have we have a steel right pauldron and a steel left pauldron cool a new helmet uh we have a steel right gauntlet and i think that's and we'll use this sword this broad sword cool it's not the most handsome thing ever but for a level one character this is pretty hot this is some hot content it's about to get even hotter though [Music] so before we start running around i would suggest that you jump everywhere you can this will increase your acrobatic skill so literally just mash the jump button as you walk around vardenfell gonna go back to the traitor and just dump the sun it's gonna turn the voices down that's too loud for me okay i'm gonna go back to the trader and just sell him oh he won't actually okay sorry before we go to the trader we need to you can do this anywhere really let's come over here we're gonna dump our moon sugar and dump our skooma am i doing this that so we can continue trading with the trader here in satanine because otherwise he would just say i won't trade with you because you have secured moonshine in your inventory now those will stay there um we can pick those up when we head to balmoral so now back to the trader and we're just going to sell him all the bits and pieces that we got out of the crates that we don't actually want because at this point in the game this early on carat capacity is as low as it's ever going to be so you do have to be a little bit conscious of that before you go wandering out and about so he's only got 347 gold left we're currently sitting at 314 worth of stuff we're trying to sell him 340. okay that's too much too much 351 349 all right 347 perfect that's exactly how much money he has so we can do that now if we walk outside we can wait for 24 hours and his gold should be replenished yep so he's got 800 gold again cool so let's sell him this platter and we'll sell him the rest of the stuff that we got that we don't want okay that's too much the scuttle was too much that's so at this point basically things you want to keep a lockpicks goals like gems you probably won't encounter any gems and just things like artifacts or things that you're going to actually use for your character so as you can see we're running with a pretty like bare bones inventory here there we go so we've got almost one and a half thousand gold so far we've like been in like three buildings so now from here what we're going to do is go north there's a few bits and pieces that i think you will really enjoy so literally just head like you're due north out of satanin follow these little bridges and stuff and we're going to encounter heel the guy that goes why i ha and falls out of the sky he has some valuable items on him he also has an enchanted sword on him and the clothing for hell which is of course you know it's got the highest drip rating of any any item in morrowind so we should fill out the sky any second now you can actually see him usually there he is [Music] all right so iron spark sword fantastic we actually need that enchanted sword for something we'll do in a minute so take all his stuff take his gold he scrolls the vicari in flight and of course you can take his journal too now we can put the robe on if you like the rope doesn't count as a chess piece you can wear uh chest armor queers and a rope and a shirt and pants and greaves you can stack things on top of each other a lot in morrowind and of course the clothing for home like i feel like we kind of have to wear that let me just get my bearings real quick so you fell from the sky we are currently just north of saturnine okay so now that we're at where tahil fell down i'm going to use him as a reference point for this so we're facing north like this he's basically facing north his body i'm going to turn around and head over to this swampy bit we did walk past this i didn't want to come over here on the way to tar heel in case people got a little bit discombobulated so see that log up against the rocks there's actually a dagger an enchanted dagger in there you can grab and even if you don't want to use it you can sell it there it is oh and some gold too 25 gold 25 so 50 gold and a dagger worth it's only worth seven but if you want to use daggers here's a nice enchanted tag you can get right at stuff game there we go now these little glowy boys here not the little unglowing ones but the glowing dragon's tail sometimes have these which are worth 23 gold each something to keep in mind if you you know really want to milk everything around you for every penny it's worth so we'll take that now we're just gonna head back to tahil whose corpse will be just here um i'm actually just going to wait 24 hours just so it's daytime to make it a bit more easy for you guys to follow there we go okay so we're at tahil we're gonna head this way which is towards the coast so it's south east another tip while you will air swing a lot i would suggest fighting everything you run across um this is the easiest stuff it's going to get and also you can increase your weapon skill and armor skill while you're at it so here's the classic excuse me the classic morrowind air swinging that uh turns a lot of people off it will get better the higher your attributes get and the higher your skill gets uh you also have a higher chance of hitting the more full your stamina bar is another thing i did was i set the difficulty to the easiest one if you're if you want to get into morrowind and you're actually struggling with it i would just put it to the easiest thing possible make it make it fun for yourself don't make yourself suffer um okay so now we're gonna follow the coast north so on the map we're heading this way up the coast what we're actually about to get an artifact the mentor's ring but we will need that spark sword or the dagger we just need an enchanted weapon because we're going into a tomb right here which is full of ghosts now ghosts are immune to normal weapon types so we're going to equip our iron spark sword that we got off tar heels corpse and in we go i'm going to save it just in case something goes wrong just call it save 3. we'll come back and loot everything in here once we deal with the the threat at hand be this ghost it's gonna yeah i got knocked down there because my fatigue my stamina bar was empty come on now anytime today okay i'm gonna walk out of here because i did didn't do something i should have done i'm gonna come out here oh acrobatic skill increase thank you okay so now that we're outside i'm gonna i'm gonna uh wait until healed so now our stamina is full our health is full now we should hit more frequently and by more frequently i mean at all oh yeah went up oh there's a hit one more hit yeah there we go ghost dealt with he's got nothing on him that's fine i think there's a skeleton or a bonelord behind this next door i can't remember but he should go down pretty easily skeleton oh oh absolutely punishing me with that spear there we go okay dealt with it doesn't help that i don't have um any chest armor okay so all the threats in here are dealt with the most important thing we're gonna come over here that's trapped when a container is trapped it means when you open it it will like poison you damage your health shock you burn you freeze you something like that so it might be worth waiting until healed oh okay this will happen if you have the tribunal dlc installed it's part of the quest you keep getting attacked by dark brotherhood assassins not part unintentional part of the video but they do have look at that a carved ebony dart 2 000 gold they do have some very valuable stuff on them so we're going to take everything he has also this is great light armor if you want to use light armor so we're going to take everything he's got anyway in a rest until healed so that when we open this trap thing we don't die okay so it's a flame effect okay it only did that much damage no problem inside we have the mentors ring an artifact worth 8 000 goals which gives constant effects fortify intelligence 10 points and fortify willpower 10 points not very useful for this character and this builds but if you're going to use be like a caster this is very very helpful or if you're like me you just collect every unique item in the game pick it up uh we have a key and his ashes the key unlocks this which from memory has a common ring in it or nothing okay cool cool so now we can go through the tomb and see if there's anything valuable we got a potion a scroll even if you don't want to use the scroll like that's worth 151 gold that's that's very nice to have uh petty soldier i'm sure what's this not worth it i don't think any of the urns in this place have anything in them apart from bone mold take that scroll cool i'm gonna put the mentos ring on just for some extra stats oh it's raining i'm just going to keep waiting till daytime 6 a.m gonna stop raining all right it's not gonna stop raining but i think you guys can handle the rain so we're gonna keep heading north satanin is that way we're gonna keep heading north because there's a few more bits and bobs we can grab uh before we head to balmora with basically no risk involved now there isn't really a path that's kind of a bit hard to get around but it's nothing you can't handle so we're going to come up these rocks here because there is a stump with a sack in it that has 100 gold i don't remember exactly where but it's somewhere within 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet 10 feet i don't know it's somewhere here right there i think you can actually access that from the ground hang on let's just kill the smudge crab come on there we go my crab down can we get to that yeah okay so if we look in this stump there's a cloth sack and in it is 100 gold thank you appreciate it now just up here there is a shipwreck we're going to go into the shipwreck and again from memory it has a bunch of moon sugar in it and i think there's a chest with three diamonds as well i don't think there's anything in these logs is there nope okay so let's have a little rummage through these barrels sometimes they have items that you might want silver long sword that is very nice i don't think there's anything in the water so this is the shipwreck we're gonna go into the captain's quarters or whatever it's called and there's nothing of value in here okay cool let's leave the capitals quarters now there might be a slaughter fish in the water in this ship i don't remember but if there is that shouldn't really be an issue just a warning also another thing morrowind is quite a dark game i've turned up the brightness of the game so you can actually see throughout the game you can get items that give you constant night eye effect which increases the brightness um but we don't have any of those this early on in the game so moon sugar we're going to take the moon sugar from the crate i'm going to go down to the lower level where there is a small chest with three diamonds which are worth 250 gold each that's 750 gold right there it's barrel ashyam waiting on that ash statues oh six house house smugglers but uh they weigh four and they're worth ten it's not really worth it skeleton has some gold thank you and an empty jug we don't want that to be looking this expensive amulet 30 gold that's pretty nice common belt don't want those um and that's everything we need to do from this ship probably just picked up like a thousand-ish gold worth of stuff from this little little journey to the ship here so now we're gonna head back towards satanine you can keep exploring and stuff but this is like super low risk high reward kind of stuff don't forget we're still level one this is a level one character so we're gonna head back the way we came basically all the way down the coast [Music] nice this is why we're jumping everywhere the higher your acrobatics skill gets the further you jump so you can do like once it's at 100 you can do these like god jumps you know where you leap like 30 feet in one jump um and once you start getting towards that like the game gets really fun you're in like god mode not that the game isn't fun it gets more fun come on mud crab there we go didn't quite get him there we go now okay the tomb we were in before is just there tahil the guy that fell out of the sky that we walk from is over that way now we want to go this way this is like towards satanin roughly but down here we can find a dead guy on the dead guy he has a bunch of gold which you can actually hand in for a quest but the reward for the quest is like half the amount of gold here we go to kwama forager we're going to kill him uh we can okay let's kill the rat first there we go this is why we want to fight everything so we increase our weapons skill faster now we can fight the script scripts in neutral they won't attack you however they do have a paralyzed ability that they can use on you so you kind of want to make sure especially level one that you're not fighting a bunch of other things when you fight a script because if they do that and paralyze you and you have you know three mud crabs attacking you as well that can cause an issue and you probably die there we go script down i don't think script gel oh it's worth ten okay that's nice the reason i'm not looting rats and mud crabs is because they're meets with one it's really not worth picking up here we go this guy on him we can find 200 gold you can also find the tax record which you need for the quest uh which you can do if you like i personally don't think i'll be doing it just because the gold's like you get half the gold you hand over 200 and it gives you 100 or something like that check this 24 gold cool so we want to head this way so we're gonna head to satanin so i'm gonna go this way we'll kill these mud crabs on the way though and there it is satanine kill this spot crap as well while we're at it [Music] down you go boys there we go all right now of course if you see that and go oh my god i want to go over to the like i don't know what's on that island like right now i want to go and explore that island i'm not sure what's over there um you do you boo but uh for this we're gonna head back to satanin as there's a few other things i want to show you or plenty of things i want to show you actually okay so we're back in satanin how's our inventory wait we've got heaps of space the city's lighthouse we're gonna come over to the lighthouse walk up this little wooden deck thing now before we go inside in okay in this log right here there is a silver goblet you want to drop down on top of it so you can reach the stuff in it you're going to sneak if you can't reach it 25 gold a silverware cup cool come out a snake so we're not crouching now there is another log where is it this log in the swamp just behind the lighthouse again lighthouse is right there we're gonna have to like kind of run and jump onto it and land on top and inside there is an enchanted iron shard axe if you want to use an axe this is a a great starting point there we go we got the axe we'll see if this has the 24 gold boy and he does cool now we're gonna go inside the lighthouse now there's a bunch of stuff you could steal if you can get her to face the right way but anyway we're not here for that we're gonna go upstairs where we'll go into crouch mode we'll grab this which is worth 30 gold some grief and there is a book worth 300 gold and will also increase one of our skills unarmored skill thank you take we'll have a look at these barrels nothing in that one nothing in that one we can take the lantern because it's worth three uh 10 gold sorry um and there's nothing else we need from the lighthouse so we'll get down that way now there's a few quests here you can do um i won't show you that you know just add 20 minutes to the video for not much kind of meta secret stuff uh what am i doing okay we're going to go back to the trader before we go in i'm also going to wait 24 hours just to guarantee that his merchant gold stock has replenished i offer the best values in town oh of course we're carrying moon sugar we have to come out and drop the moon sugar down with the rest of our moon sugar yeah plop that on the ground please uh do we have any skimmer no we don't have any skimmer cool again we're gonna go pick up that moon sugar and the skooma before we head to balmora because we can sell it as soon as we get there so we're going to barter with him now we're just going to i'm actually going to oh hang on okay it's always worth doing this just before you start selling stuff go to inventory and make sure everything you want to use or could potentially use you put on your character before you start getting rid of it so i think i'll keep the silver long sword but i'm also going to keep the spark sword in case we need to fight any more ghosts at any point i offer the best values which won't happen in this video but it's something to keep in mind for your playthrough so now we can just sell all this random at least random knickknacks that book 300 gold don't forget of course uh depending on your mercantile skill your personality and how much the npc likes you will determine how much stuff if they really hate you and all your skills are low and your attribute your personality attributes low you're not going to get as much gold as you could out of it of course the more they like you the more you'll sell things for now these dark brotherhood armor pieces are a bit of an issue because they're worth so much like if we sell it like three of them to him it's gonna max it out so instead we're gonna hold on to those for now get rid of the helm the silver dagger we can get rid of that um these dark brotherhood pieces don't weigh much but they are worth a lot so we can hang on to those until we get to balmoral where there's many like you know the 20 merchants or something script jelly we'll get rid of those uh the dagger i don't need the dagger we can hang on to the ebony dart as well again it's worth 2 000 gold and it weighs 0.4 so hanging on to that is no problem at all can we get rid of this hakko leaf yes we can get rid of the axe we just got out of the log keep the journal of tahil because tahil is an easter egg we can sell the scrolls we got out of the tomb as well but i'm gonna hold on to those because they weigh almost nothing we can carry that across to balmoral later and get rid of the soul gem i don't want that for now now you can if you want it like it's 765 gold at the moment you can click the plus take it up to 770 um and then offer it to him he'll either reject it or accept it you can keep spamming offer and eventually they usually accept it um or you can go minus i don't know why you go to minus so let's go there we increased it by 15 gold so you see he refused but just spam that there you go done uh that should be increasing our mercantile skill when whenever we interact with a vendor a trader and sell stuff to them or buy stuff from them that will increase our mercantile skill okay so the last major thing we're going to do is head over towards the silt strider i'm also going to save it the most important well not the most but one of the most important things i could tell you to do for morrowind is save often save often the game is brutal just had to reset the recording there no problem okay so we're going to head towards well we're actually not going to head towards the still strike we're going to head behind this illustrator there's the still straighter there's satanin and behind them is this little kind of swampy bit where there's a cave with a few bandits who are slavers um there's nothing super crazy in here i think there's some moon sugar and we can get a few more bits of armor bits and pieces and freeze some slaves so let's go inside now there'll be a dude right here this will be the probably the biggest uh combat challenge we've faced so far this cave come on die bro there we go she is down so we get the slave key that will let us free the slaves and open slave gates and stuff she doesn't really have anything of like that sure that's worth 10 but it weighs eight that's that's a bad value-to-weight ratio so we're just gonna leave here um let's see whatever doesn't matter which way we go right now we just want to clear it out we want to kill everyone in here this guy's a caster so be careful he can do some serious damage holy dooley ah yeah okay he just absolutely cooked me okay now obviously given how much trouble this is giving me right now you don't have to do this there's nothing super important in this cave um you could probably milk like 500 gold out of it um if you're not feeling up to this which apparently i'm not even up to then just don't just forget about it gonna try him again there we go got him got him now because i got him uh i'm going to go back outside and wait until healed or actually i should be able to heal just here no enemies nearby what about here yeah until healed oh oh bad timing bad timing another dark brotherhood assassin that is genuinely bad timing oh that's right it's all right we got him as well good god okay now we're gonna there we go now we're healed we're gonna save it because we've just dealt with a lot of annoying stuff head into the cave again totally avoid this cave if you think it's just too silly which it probably is too silly but i'm a little bit too stubborn and he doesn't even have anything worth taking on him brilliant then there's you throwing throwing stars at me oh gotcha what do you have okay she has an apprentices probe lots of probes do okay so remember that urn from earlier that was trapped well the same way you use the lockpick to unlock something you can use a probe to untrap a container so we're gonna take that it's very handy thank you we'll take your throwing stars and that's all we're gonna take from you we'll come back to that in a second i'm actually gonna walk back to the start of the dungeon so from the start of the dungeon now that we've cleared out all the enemies i'm gonna turn left up here there might be another enemy here i can't remember no okay so this is where all the slaves are being kept we picked up the key off of corpse earlier no we didn't oh my god there it is there's the key now we can free the slaves open that we talk to the slaves and say go free unlock the braces there you go you are free good friend you are free summoned by another you are free questions again lovely okay we free the slaves we took their shackles off we've opened the door they can do as they like nice acrobatic skill is going up okay so now we're gonna head down to where that wizard really uh showed me who was boss okay in these crates look a scroll 73 gold 23 gold uh what that weighs 20 okay we're not gonna take that oh we could take that actually like we've still got heaps of uh carry away to play with here's another slave key we don't need it but pick it up why not some armor television bug mask 100 gold thank you take that and we'll take that and that barrel has nothing now from memory there's something back here in the water have to be conscious of our health oh sorry our breath our breath bar uh there's a gold on the ground and a saber if we look up we can swim up and there's a rusted chest that's dangerous oh exclusive restore speed 175 gold two gold we'll pick it up for now we'll probably end up dropping the summer because it's uh weight to value ratio is like the worst ever iron warhammer weighs 32 it's worth 40 golds not good okay but that little trip just got us like 200 gold or something it's gonna swim back up to where the mage was and head this way now we have more crates to rummage through there is a nice kite and helmet another exclusive potion 175 gold i'm gonna take the grief that's 30 gold so drama the soul gems we're going to take the gold of course uh was there any oh we already took stuff from her body what's in the chest a steel stuff weight of eight worth 28 again we'll probably drop that moon sugar thank you very much what's in here 10 gold one gold more moon sugar brilliant anything in here worth taking uh literally no okay so we're gonna take all this gold off the top of the crate as well nothing in there oh common shoes expensive shoes and skooma 500 gold a bottle by the way so that's a thousand gold with a skimmer right there nothing there now there is actually a little secret area in this cave through here so we have the key we can open the gates from memory there's a rat through here but that's not gonna cause like that's not a um and a real troublesome obstacle again just come through here there's something down here we can see looks like a skull and a potion take that 35 gold for that potion not bad okay that sounds like a rat to me you use this little stone path to to get out of the water here kind of looks like an ebony vein but it's not oh oh he's in the water oh why is my unarmored skill keep going up i'm sure there's like one part of my character that's unarmored at the moment but what about all the parts that are armored anyway up we go what else is in here what is this uh net leather pauldron and some gold and nothing else of notes okay and what's this that's leather right pauldron okay we'll take that and a torch if you want a torch there's a torch is there anything down here nope and this will here we go this takes us back to where the slaves were like back at the start ish the mage guy was down there slaves are there and we entered the dungeon here and now we're done with the dungeon so let's exit uh maybe picked up like 2 000 between like one thousand two thousand i mean the skimmer alone was worth a thousand so how's that inventory doing okay we can now leave satan in you can also go through everyone's houses and stuff and sneak and lock pick their doors open and rummage around see if there's anything valuable but um that's totally up to you if you want to do that so now we can come we're going to head to baltimore now so we're going to pick up our moon sugar and our skooma that we dropped on the ground earlier so that we could trade with the satanine merchant and now we're going to head over to the siltstrada the fast travel of morrowind speak to you and then we go travel and we want to click balmora we need to go there for the main quest we can you know join the fighter skill the mages guild the thieves guild all that stuff all here in beautiful balmora [Music] so the first thing we're going to do is get rid of our skooma and our moon sugar because if we have those in our inventory other traders won't trade with us as i said before any khajiit npc who is a merchant and buys alchemical uh like potions and ingredients they will buy moonshine and skimmer so this trader right here see he didn't say i won't trade with you he's a sheet he likes me and sugar and skooma so he's got to sell a gold of 600 so we're going to sell him moon sugar uh it's worth 50 each so if we go to 12 okay he doesn't like as much so we're only getting like 28 gold per moon sugar or something i just want to give him all the moon sugar we can until he maxes out his his merchant gold there we go three gold off we'll kick it up to 600 there we go nice you wish to speak now another beautiful thing about morrowind is that items are owned by an npc so if you steal this guy's pot and try to sell it to him he knows it's his pot but if you steal his pot and go to the trader next door and sell it to them it's not their pot so they don't care and they'll buy it things don't get marked as stolen unless you're interacting with the npc you stole it from so with that in mind we can actually walk over here and look at all this he can't see us when we're around the corner therefore we can literally just steal all this stuff now our carry weight is getting pretty full so you might want to keep an eye on that but look at this helmet nordic iron helm yes please okay we don't have much carry weight space left got 10 left take these throwing stars uh that's got a lock of 75 so we can't really do anything with that yet anyway something to keep in mind while you're playing morrowind is going into people's people's houses and shops and stealing all their stuff is a legitimate thing and one of my favorite things to do okay i don't know if i can help you but uh i'll try so let's trade with this guy because he's got to sell a gold at 1500 so now we can sell some of this dark brotherhood armor stuff we will get rid of that hammer because it weighs a ton actually no no i want that silver long so don't i so when you sell stuff to a vendor you basically want to sell the stuff that has the lowest weight to value ratio first so things that are worth the least but weigh a lot get rid of those first because if you max out the seller gold um you've benefited the most from emptying those items opposed to like selling him a diamond that weighs nothing but will you know cost his entire seller gold dump a bunch of this stuff just keep selling sell steal tanto get rid of that don't know that kite and helmet don't want that kite and gloves them on that cutting gloves again don't want that now we're only we only have like 36 gold to play with before we max max about so from that there we go nice actually while we're in this guy's shop let's just head downstairs and steal that book which is worth 50 gold nothing crazy but you do want to make sure you're not in the line of sight of any npcs when you do this stuff um again i've just done this a million times so i know where to stand lock level 50. so we can't open that small chest 25 gold cool wealth beyond measure what i'm gonna do is put on the armor that i want iron right pauldron we have a steel portrait that's almost twice as good so we don't want that now we hit what the hell was that so if we head into the what is that we head into the mages guild here uh that's where the second kijiti alchemist is so we can sell the skooma and the moon sugar to her come down here and just to the right there she is azira we bought it with her we can sell her our remaining moon sugar uh she only has a sell gold of 800 we're already at 545 so what i will do so we can do this in two transactions hopefully oh we've got four skooma golly gosh okay she buys skooma for 300 so we're gonna sell her to skooma and what like three moon sugar okay six moon sugar wonderful and we'll take that up to 800 to max around lovely and then we're going to wait for 24 hours which will replenish her merchant gold sell her the two skooma and six moon sugar there we go oh why is it different this time oh she might like us a bit more now okay take it up to 800 max that out thank you and we'll wait 24 hours again so we can get rid of all of our moon sugar and all of our skooma don't want to be logging that stuff around there we go now i will sell some of these things that i don't want that she will buy because she's an alchemist rising four so that's a levitation store speed these restore potions are handy to keep because you will get diseases in morrowind which will ruin attributes so if you're almost maxed out at carrying stuff and you get something that uh reduces your strength you're gonna be stuck in place so you do want something that can restore strength so you can get out of there anyway something just keep in mind so we're at 3 29 so we're going to take it up to 350 see if that works there we go cool so we've been playing for about 80 minutes that's how long this recording is so far uh we're still level one but we have what 6759 gold now there is a like i can go into any npc's house and show you where all the cool stuff is but i think that will give you a very nice little starting point how to get in tomorrow wins how morrowind kind of works how to get your character a bit buff up oh actually there's one thing i want to show you before we end this that's lockpicks lockpicks you will find occasionally out and about you use them all the time lock doors lock chests and such um so we want to come back to the silt strider here in balmoral because we can actually buy some lock picks and probes from an npc just in there so here's the silt strider right in front of the silt strider is the corner club the council club sorry come into the council club we want to head all the way downstairs outland down here and this npc here sells lockpicks and probes go ahead we want to barter with her we want to buy all her lockpicks she's got 10 apprentice lockpicks five journeyman's lockpicks and 10 apprentices probes and 10 journeyman probes as well and then we make yep done cool so now we have a very healthy supply it's very easy to run out of lockpicks in the first like 10 or so levels of the game which can be really frustrating when you you know plunder through a dungeon and you get to a chest at the end but it's locked and you don't have a lockpick and you can't get the stuff out of it that can be really annoying so it's really handy to know where you can get lockpicks which is right there very easy um it's also handy knowing oh jesus it's also handy knowing where you can sell skumbra and moon sugar because that stuff's pretty valuable but most npcs won't buy it now there's one more thing that i think i should show you and that would be creeper so we're going to head to the major skill back to the major skill back to the sheet we sold the skooma too because right in front of her is the major skill teleportation master this isn't really a beginner thing but knowing this throughout the game is very very handy so each major skill has one of these uh teleportation masters and we can click travel and they can teleport us to any of the other major skills now for this we want to go to caldera once we're in the caldera major skills we just want to go downstairs and head outside haven't i heard of you once we're outside hang on this is horrendous there we go once we're outside we're going to come over to this house here with like a bunch of chimneys this is i think it's called gorak mata you know what it's called oracle yes inside there's a bunch of orcs but upstairs upstairs is creeper creeper he's a scamp now creeper here is actually barbus like clavicus viles barbus this is actually him when we speak to him and we barter with him he has a seller gold of 5 000 which is one of the highest in the game there are some npcs with higher um but they're later on in dlc's and stuff and and the merchant mud crab but that guy's a pain to get to so we can sell him any booze and we can sell weapons and armor to him so stuff like the dark brotherhood armor this is a very handy way to get rid of that high value stuff without having to like exit wait 24 hours and do that like five times sell all our unwanted even this ebony dart we can get rid of now he also buys things at face value so even so look we're at 4788 and we haven't even sold it to uh greaves offer that to you thank you i'm gonna wait 24 hours just so i can get rid of the greaves barter and i'll sell the graves to you he doesn't buy stuff like uh miscellaneous items and uh alchemy ingredients and clothes does he buy clothes no it doesn't buy clothes anyway there we go 200 gold and now i mean after doing that we're at 11k gold don't forget we are still level one we're still a level one character we got 11k gold in the first what 80 90 minutes of the game uh so now we've got some weapons we've got some enchanted weapons we've got an artifact ring we got some bits and pieces of armor hopefully this video helped you get a better start for your for your character i know morrowind can be hard um and it is hard but i think knowing some of the bits and pieces i showed you in this video should help you a lot and kind of give you a little kickstart to the game and will hopefully allow you to get into the game enjoy the game a bit more um just as an example of there's stuff everywhere in morrowind this car i don't know what this cast is called i don't i don't even know if there's a quest where you come to this castle i'm sure there is but if we head upstairs there should be some crates and in the crates look at this full steel armor thank you i'll take those sure yep we'll get the gold too oh look 250 arrows sure i'll take those and just like that like in a few seconds of just wandering around and looking in some stuff we have almost a full set of steel armor finally got the steel queerest we got a steel helm gauntlet right pauldron okay we got two right pauldrons that's kind of annoying what's this shield i have the tower shield oh it's gone where'd my shields go the hell oh well that way i mean what i did the video after 90 seconds ago two minutes ago and now look at this her steel killing machine so yeah look everywhere sneak around don't get caught stealing stuff and you will have a lot of fun there's stuff everywhere in morrow and morrowind is full to the brim of cool stuff so oopsy daisy so i would like to thank you very much for watching i hope this helped you out even if you played morrow in a bunch i hope you learned some new stuff like just some hidden bits and pieces lying around there's tons of stuff in morrowind i know where so much of it is if you want me to continue i can make a part two because there's a whole bunch of stuff in balmoral that is definitely worth getting um but this is i've been recording for 90 minutes though now sorry i don't know how long these kind of things are meant to go but uh thanks for standing in the way appreciate it anyway guys let me know what you think um let me know if it helped you out let me know if it helped you out and now you're in tomorrow end when previously you couldn't get into it and i will see you very shortly in the next video i'll see you soon guys [Music] you
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 115,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, scrolls V, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, eso, tes, online, lore, canon, tales, locations, who, truth, quest, curiosities, kill, mystery, character, explained, god, eye, theory, chim, start, ultimate, level 1, secret, items, seyda, neen, how, not, guide, balmora, vivec, build, pro, gold, bloodmoon, tribunal
Id: f94i2u9tptU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 9sec (4329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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