The Gold Coast - Oblivion - Curating Curious Curiosities

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[Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls for oblivion my name is camel and more importantly welcome back to the curating curious curiosity series for a long awaited new episode in this video today i will be curating to you the curious curiosities that can be found within the region of cyrodiil known as the gold coast now before we get curating timestamps for each of the curiosities in this video can be found down in the description and in the comments now down there are also links to all of my other curating curious curiosities videos via the playlist link along with all of my social media links so be sure to check them all out after this video and definitely come drop into my twitch streams where we actually streamed the entire creative process behind this video so if you want to come hang out watch some games or watch some behind the scenes stuff highly recommend clicking the link to twitch in the description and finally be sure to check out my merch store for hot products like this camel elder scrolls blanket that will keep you warm while also looking stylish and mummifying you in arcane lore there are plenty of unique items on the merch store to suit your needs once and lasts while also helping support the channel at the same time it's win-win but for now let us move to the more aurum realms of cyrodiil the gold coast also known as the strident coast is the second smallest region of cyrodiil its banner is comprised of an interlocking pattern with arrows and small diamond frills presented in earthen colours to the north east it shares regional borders with the clovian highlands and the west wheeled to the east to the north one may find hammerfell home of the red guard with provincial separation marked by the brana river across which hot winds blow similarly to the south east rests the jungle kingdom of the wood elves valenwood separated from the imperial homeland by the strid river and to the southwest off of the glimmering shores of the gold coast lies the obesian sea a wet wilderness steeped in folk tales of aquatic wonders magical marine mysteries and sanguineous stories of swashbuckling scurvy scamps such as those of velexane the gemora pirate king of the obesian check the link above if you want to get your hands on his booty booty meaning treasure of course now the gold coast is host to many mysteries and long forgotten secrets which is no surprise given its salubrious weather favorable locality and easily accessible harbour to the north the auspiciously arid highlands descend suddenly to the coastline at a problematical pitch making traversing this section of the region a risky endeavor towards the gold coast's capital city anvil the mountainous elevation slopes more pleasantly down to the sea line rendering it a much more common point of access to the obesian sea the gold road casts north east passing kovach at the border of the county there are a few paved or even bare passages that accompany the gold road within the gold coast making exploration of this torrid terrain an exciting and venturesome expedition visually the region has been blessed by the summer gods guilt and glowing with the apricity of magnus's kiss which warmly washes over all who walk these lands the gilded fields flow sweepingly across the divine rolling knolls and east-eat activities estaval zephyrs play pleasant sucerating tunes to kynareth through the wilderness brushing across the golden summer grasses and through the branches of tall custodian cedars this warm and pleasing place one instinctively likes interestingly the gold coast does not get its name from the sandy pallid saffron shores at the water's edge but instead from the endless seas of auriate veld found covering the entirety of the gold coast undoubtedly one of the region's most recognizable traits many small and vibrant shrubs assist in the ground coverage which along with the grasses are overshadowed by large oak pine and other burgeoning evergreens this balmy atmosphere combined with beautiful long sunny days has led to the gold coast being a flourishing garden ripe with a massive array of alchemically viable and valuable plants here one may find aloe vera arrow roots bergamots fennel both red and yellow flax both red and yellow ginseng goldenrod lady's mantle lily of the valley mandrake milk thistle morning glory known root sacred lotus saint john's wort tiger lily and water hyacinth while this does provide a cornucopia of ingredients to alchemists rather strangely not a single fungus of any variety can be found within this region i can only assume that all the spaces were filled and there just wasn't mushroom left now the climate that made way for this estable flora to flourish has provided a perfect home for a healthy array of fauna as well as butterflies flit eludically about the aurum bosques resting fleetingly to sip deep on cloying nectar dragonflies dart busily writing warm windfall whisks and buzz about their buggish business hawks gulls and wood raptors saw proudly across the basking blue sky wings spread in glide clams clutter the sandy seabed congregated into clusters forming pearl picking platters slaughterfish squirm voraciously through the barrel brine seeking a snack to snap their grotesque and gaping razored moors upon mud crabs scuttle off what the salted sands mouth parts foaming while sifting through flotsam awaiting the next novice adventurer to pinch mints and butcher fawn dough and stag boundingly frolic among the auriferous fields evading thanked predator and imperial forester lone wolves snarl through speciously peaceful paddocks prowling pussy-footed on their predacious padded pores bore sprockel and oink through thistle thickets with snort and rumbled snuffle as they forage for acorn and truffle and mountain lions slink astride bold blonde buffs skulking stealthily betwixt sun-soaked swards now while the flora and fauna are rich so too is the gold coast's character scars monuments and shadows of its long history pepper than our pequent pastures rock rot riddled forts built of dynasties long past crown horizontal hilltops like salt stained cockle shells on a thoracion sea king's crown ruined cities rest as forlorn echoes of the ayleid empire the buried bleached and broken stones serve as few nebrial evocations of an elven age annihilated by the needy elysian crusade which was set to eradicate driven by the bloodlust of the blazing sinistral gauntlet of pelinal whitestrake ayliad welds hum in forgotten corners emitting a sickly green arcane energy for brave sorceress to harness way shrines to the nine divines mulder meditatively in prayerful groves and stand silently on studious tours tombstones and runestones lurch from the soil like kabbalistic limestone warts on a witch's musty nose now the gold coast was supposedly once ruled by the cyrodilic bird people then by the heartland elves the ayleid who were overthrown by the needs who were conquered by the cryonords and after much conflict and war over the millennials it is now of course populated and ruled by the imperials this ruthless past has left many mysteries and secrets tucked away in the gilded grasses and aurum woods as our eyes lay claim upon the wilderness before us our imagination is bolstered igniting with visions of the wonders to be uncovered so with that golden introduction let us set foot into this glimmering geological gem and take a look at the curious curiosities that can be found within the gold coast for our first curiosity we will be heading to the city of anvil where there is something that has bothered me for years if you have ever been to the seaside city of anvil no doubt you have stopped and looked and admired the mermaid statue or at the very least you've seen it in passing now as someone who has experienced a fair bit of what the elder scrolls has to offer i've always wondered why i'd never seen nor even heard about a mermaid within the lore apart from this statue which raises the question of what is this mermaid statue doing here within a city well it turns out that the mermaids within the elder scrolls universe are much the same as mermaids are in real life they are a myth a legend just folklore and while you might think you've seen a mermaid or heard about a mermaid i can assure you you probably haven't as there are a few creatures that do exist within the elder scrolls universe that could be confused as a mermaid some people think the mamma the cl's are mermaids but they do in fact have two legs and they basically look like a normal elf with a really weird skin tone there are of course neriums which are water spirits and they do very much exist within the elder scrolls universe but you know they have legs and they definitely aren't mermaids there is the medusa from the elder scrolls arena and the lamia which are both feminine snake-like people again they do look mermaid-ish but they aren't mermaids i have seen a lot of people online confusing these creatures that we just mentioned as mermaids so i thought it was important to clarify that point that they are in fact different now with that said and out of the way there are a few obscure references to mermaids within the elder scrolls lore as there is a ship named the merry mermaid there is also a tavern called the screaming mermaid and there is a fountain within the shivering isles which is comprised of mermaids but apart from that there aren't any reported sightings of mermaids there is however one very important tale that we'll get to in a minute or so firstly however there is something else very curious the mermaid of anvil this statue is said to have been standing well before any foundational stone was laid for the city of anvil itself there aren't even any records of who built it it has quite simply just always been here so with that it is believed that the mermaid was built as a depiction of a deity as that deity appeared to some ancient civilization which of course raises the question which civilization the birdmen of cyrodiil which we're not even sure if they actually existed the ayleids perhaps perhaps it was the maimer the cl's could it have been the sload or even the dreg sadly no one knows also the size and scale scale get it over shadows most statues within cereal that do actually represent deities so this mysterious mermaid sure meant a lot to someone a long long time ago now if we want to get into which deity i would put my money on it being a zero and this mermaid figure is simply how azira chose to appear before some ancient race as the mermaid looks somewhat similar to how azura appears within the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall although this resemblance might be due to the outfits or lack thereof her black dress does kind of look like a tail but then again daedric princess can take whatever form they like so azura or any of the daedra could have appeared to an early civilization looking like a mermaid but that is of course speculation although based on good reasoning as you don't just build some giant statue in the shape of a creature that doesn't exist for no reason i am very interested to hear who you think this statue represents or even what it represents and who built it don't forget it was built here well before anvil was built very strange indeed so now let's move on to the most interesting part of this if we look at the mermaid statue it sure looks like a mermaid right well if we inspect the tail of the mermaid statue closer we will notice that it's not actually a fishtail at all if we look at the gap that runs up the middle of the mermaid's tail well it's the same as a seal tail or a similar creature where over millions of years a land dwelling mammal has gone back into the ocean and evolution has slowly turned its hind feet into a more tail-like shape better for swimming that is why seals have the gap up the middle of their tail because they're technically two feet the point to that of course is that it's the same tail that the quote unquote mermaid has but if it's a seal tail and not a fishtail then it's not a mermaid at all now as far as i'm aware seals the animals do not exist within the elder scrolls universe although hawkers do of course but the seal part is interesting and important because in celtic mythology there is a creature known as a selkie which is a mystical woman who can transform from humanoid to seal or anything in between now this is interesting because it would seem that the statue the mermaid of anvil is not a mermaid at all but instead she is a selkie and it sure took some digging but i did find one reference to this within the lore so the again mermaid of anvil has many names the brine maiden the leggy lass the salty serenader the stone seductress and the selkie of west scary before anyone gets confused a scary is a small rocky island the kind of thing a mermaid would sit on and this location west scary is actually not mentioned anywhere within the elder scrolls law apart from this reference so who knows where that is west i guess now the only place that the words selkie west scary and seals are mentioned in all of the elder scrolls is in a small paragraph on page 353 of the elder scrolls for oblivion official game guide where it has a map of anvil and marked where the mermaid of anvil statue is is the number 31 and the entry for number 31 says and i quote statue the selkie of west scary the seal maid's lover stole the selkie's seal skin hoping to keep her from leaving him for the sea but the lover's wife had secretly cut the skin in two leaving one part so the selkie might find it the selkie donned her partial skin and discovered herself neither seal nor maid but half seal half-made she fled the land but is said to guide lost mariners to land in the dense fogs of the gold coast so here we have her referenced as a selkie which she is due to her tale and it also references seals which are not referenced anywhere else within the elder scrolls universe so while much mystery still shrouds her statue we can in fact truthfully proclaim that she is in fact not a mermaid at all but a selkie so the next time you're in town be sure to visit this mythical statue whip out your phone and take a selkie with her for this next curiosity we will be heading to the city of anvil and down to its bustling port the harbour is filled with life as ships come and go from all around tamriel sails drink away their sea legs traders hustle and bustle about the wooden docks workers lug cargo and luggage to and from the creaking galleons citizens partaking leisurely hobbies and basque in the pleasant safety of anvil's marvellous marina conversations about whether or not one has heard of the high elves ring out in the distance as the township goes about its day but below all of this quotidian activity something lurks beneath our noses and the water's surface if we head to the northernmost pier of anvil's docks resting at the feet of the wooden support beams caked in old silt and sand is an old waterlogged chest it is unlocked and within it we can find the scoffable random leveled loots of one gold and a silver tankard at first i thought how could a chest accidentally end up here but after seeing its contents i am inclined to believe it was willingly thrown overboard it could have even served as a ship's trash can and they just lobbed it over the side of the ship it is of course also possible that it fell off of a ship although i would imagine if this is the case it must have gone unnoticed as it would have been very easy to retrieve the awful quality of the loot within it could also indicate that someone swam down here and took all the good stuff and left what we find here to close this disappointing find i'm trying to think of a funny trash related joke but honestly all the ones i've come up with just like this chest and its contents they're all rubbish for our next curiosity we have the trivial trove of the obesian we can find this on the southern facing side of a tiny island just to the south of the anvil lighthouse here resting on the soothing sandia toll is a weathered wooden chest battered by rain hail and sand stained and cracked by salt and sun waterlogged and warped by the ebb and flow of the tides it is not locked and within it we can find more drab random leveled loot it would seem some kind of homewares bandit has struck again leaving only eight gold pieces and another silver glass just to add to the collection for our dining table which is weird because a glass is called a glass because it's made of you guessed it glass not silver now unlike the loot there is actually one thing i find rather interesting here and that is that the positioning of the chest while at face value it seems remote and well hidden it actually faces the mouth of the harbour so every single boat canoe swimmer trade ship galleon and naval war galley has full view of this chest as they come and go from anvil's port so my wonder is why has no one spotted this chest on their way past and thought oh i'll go and check out that chest in eight seconds when we dock it seems a bit odd maybe there's some kind of local folk tale about it being cursed or maybe once again all the good stuff has been plundered although taking all the good stuff and leaving ate gold that also seems a bit strange it's a mystery to obscure and wrought with plot holes for me to debunk or in this case d trunk next we have fort such the old city which while it is a marked location has a rather interesting story to tell it can be found right here on the map at the fort such map marker funny bats now in the final release of the elder scrolls for oblivion fought such is just that a run-down ruined fort a simple dungeon but in the law from previous games such was one of the great cities of cyrodiil much like shaden hall or anvil or skin grad or you know one of the other cities however this great state city did not make its way into the final version of the game even more intriguingly however is that such was actually a fully fleshed out great city during the game's development as we can see in this screenshot here from 2005's e3 demo of oblivion we can see the city of such in the top left corner of the map we can also see it here in the demo versions main menu in which the background pans across the map of the province where we can once again see the city of such why it was removed from the final version of the game is unknown but such is referenced as a city in a few journal entries found throughout the game as it would appear that they simply weren't changed after the city of such was downgraded to a meager fort interestingly while the fort of such looks small and menial there are many large ruins in the surrounding area suggesting that such was once much larger perhaps to give the sentiment that such was once a great city that has since been lost and forgotten to time and conflict also rather curiously outside of fort such there are tufts of a very green grass that can not be found anywhere else within the gold coast region it also kind of looks like it could make up a series of symbols from above perhaps letters but if this is the case my keen eye and keen mind are unable to pry the truth from them all in all a strange fort left as a skeleton of something much greater it would have been nice to see the city of such at its height but alas we can't have it all such is the way of life for this next one we'll be heading to the far western edge of the gulf coast just above the peninsula which cradles the strid river which of course separates cyridil from hammerfell to the north west on the map we'll need to come right here where my character is currently located just to the northwest of varys camp here we will find beautiful highlands dotted with mossy boulders and swaying seas of gilded grasses at the base of a large boulder we will find this which at first glance doesn't seem to be anything too interesting at all but there is indeed a chest hidden in the thick foliage once again oblivion loves its chests that you can't see luckily this one is unlocked and is untarnished by the homeworks highwaymen however its contents are equally as insulting as inside this chest we can find one gold not some gold not a pile of gold or even a handful of gold but a gold a single solitary septum it's almost worse than no loots but i must admit it's slightly better than another glass or bowl so let's take our single gold piece and be on our way in search of something that's actually of high interest and no i don't mean a mortgage as for now we will be heading to our next curiosity which is a wonderful watery enigma for this salty sojourn we will need to head west of anvil where off of the coastline we will spot a rather proud island once we make our way atop this from the northern tip we'll need to face due west and dive into the cool tropical waters of the obesian sea once we are fully submerged we must swim like a stone down into the blue abyss at the bottom at the sandy sea bed we will spot a large boulder and a small rock close together but parted by a gap between them something gleaming in the murky haze this is where we can find our next curiosity the legendary helmet of finn gleam on the map it can be found right here where my character is currently located as we can see it's just to the west of the small islands both of which are due west of anvil here we can find a true treasure of the elder scrolls for oblivion the besotted skeleton of some poor soul long dead with bones picked clean by the sea creatures many moons ago sitting next to the skull of this lost adventurer is unique helmets finn gleam one of the most hidden unique items in the game so much so that we covered it in the video linked above showing the most hidden unique items in oblivion how strange now while thin gleam actually has worse stats than its standard glass helmet counterpart its enchantment does some very heavy lifting for the item's overall usability as it provides a constant effect of detect life night eye and water breathing all rather useful enchantments to have at the ready but all of those magical effects couldn't save this poor forgotten fool no one knows who this person was where they came from or how they died and the helmet finn gleam is of equal mystery it is not named in any book uttered from any mouth nor mentioned in any other elder scrolls game it's a truly unknown and secret item previously long lost to the monstrously deep and all-consuming salted more of the obesian sea because of these informational parameters or lack thereof our imagination reels with fanciful tales and can all butts actually pinpoint what happens here we do know one thing though whoever this was did not drown as the helmet that they were wearing when they died provides a constant water breathing effect so they couldn't have drowned maybe they were an adventurer exploring the ocean floor and was swarmed by slaughterfish or some other diabolical aquatic beast maybe they were a heroic sailor and killed in some epic naval battle falling overboard and sinking to the still sea bottom swallowed and forgotten or an interesting theory that i have is that finn gleam has an enchantment on it that only when it's wearer dies it gains an enchantment that would have saved its wearer so someone who wore finn gleam died and the thing that would have saved them would have been detect life so it took that on the next person who found it and picked it up would have been saved if they had a night eye effect so when they died fingley took on that effect and now this person when they found finn gleam needed water breathing so when they drowned in the waters here finn gleam took on that effect that is pure head canon and totally not what's happening but it's a pretty cool theory so whoever this was their life's deeds travesties achievements and accolades washed away by this fathomed grave for this next curiosity we must head to the western edge of the gold coast and to the now ruined ancient ayleid city of gallus malatar before falling into ruin galas malatar was the westernmost outpost of the entire ayleid empire in line with some in bankurai located in northern hammerfell once we arrive here we'll need to tear our wandered gaze away from the stunning fossil of what once was and head due north stepping from the golden shores and slipping into the obesian sea once more the landmass quickly falls beneath our feet and as we plunge below into the cool water a sunken alien watchtower will reveal itself on the map this can be found right here where my character is currently located to the north west of the galas malatar map marker which is off its mark funnily enough as we are actually directly north of the actual physical city any which way once we arrive at this submerged remnant of that which once stood strong and proud we can actually spot something that sticks out against the bold architectural motif this is an alien cask potentially a vault for treasures time and the sea have not been kind to the mechanisms which sealed this chest tight rust gunk and grime have taken their claim over the ancient alien intricacies within on top of this the chest has a hard lock level making reaping the fruits within an even more testing exercise once we do manage to prick back the archaic pins and forcefully rip back the water laden lid inside we will find what the ayleids left behind a scroll of damage fatigue two petty soul gems a flawed ruby and a flawed topaz no doubt the work of random level loot but probably the best we can find within the gold coast but i have a question think if you will of this tower once standing tall and proud at the height of its purpose and then someone put a chest on top of it a secret stash perhaps the thing is it would have been in such an inaccessible place mayhaps this was from a time when the ayleids freely harnessed the power of levitation as they were arcanely erudite and such feats were likely common in their culture sadly the answers to these questions have been washed away by time and salt now this rests as only a drowned shrug on our shoulders for our next curiosity we have the ghost galleon grave which can be found in a small cove at the mouth of the breanna river on the map it can be found here where my character is currently located to the west of malacath's shrine as we approach from the south we'll make our way over a small wooden bridge that shifts beneath our feet as its rotten foundations warp and groan at the end of this small pier is a rather tall spit of sand and rock that seems to have been the demise of this galleon which now rests half submerged and shipwrecked on the lapping shores this vessel remains nameless as no information of its past or origins can be found the impact of whatever failed this begone boat was of a massive scale as multiple fatal fractures dot the hull like a pox glass windows are shattered whole plank panels have been ranked from the body and flung afar support beams cracked and snapped like twigs beneath a giant's foot the masts are splinted torn and twain their iron-holding bands ripped wrenched and bent moulds and algae stained the timber sickly virid green and barnacles cling to their wooden forever home the ship is in such a sorry state that it cannot even be entered as its doorways and passages have been ruined beyond traversable recognition if we plunge our heads down below the water surface we can see that the anchor was not even dropped so the boat must have been moving at the time of its demise making the likelihood of it crashing and becoming shipwrecked more likely however saying being attacked by pirates or something of the swords although with that said this could have been a pirate ship so who knows honestly anything to do with the obesian sea is hard to pinpoint given its thriving and lively mysteries one thing i have noticed though is that there are absolutely no traces of the crew there isn't one skeleton one journal nothing maybe they survived or maybe they were harvested by something more dire than we dared dream or simply picked to pieces by the mud crab and slaughter fish of the area among all of this desolate history there is some sign of activity after the ships shattering however as on the small island of fine white sand by the wreck we can find some crates barrels and two chests they could have been carried off by a surviving crew or plundered by scavengers well after one of the chests sits pried open revealing the mega loot within consisting of a silver urn and a silver tankid both are rather lackluster in value and will only yield a sorry handful of septums at markets the second chest remains closed but unlocked inside we can find a small sum of gold i'm not sure if this ship carried nothing of value or these are the crumbs left behind after another party reaped the wealth of the wreckage all we really do know is that we really don't know anything about what happened here much like the ship i haven't got a crew as to what happened here innocent navigational mistake treacherous seas or an attack by some ocean faring legend that would make us landlubbers shake in our boots for now though unlike this ship we are going to set sail once again on our quest for the curiosities within the gold coast for this next curiosity we have the homeware highwayman's hold it can be found right here on the map where my character is currently located just to the south east of galas aegea here we will find ourselves stepping across a gentle aggressive slope green and golden shrubs and grasses sprout from its surface large lichen-caked boulders litter the area like a divine game of marbles that has been abandoned up against the largest of the stones beside a red flax plant and next to long waving fingers of chromatic swards there is a wooden chest lingering obscured to the average eye by a wonderful dancing cloak of chartreuse foliage inside this chest we can find random leveled loot that drives yet another dagger into our explorer's heart we've been struck by the homeware's highwayman yet again leaving atrocious loots as all we have here is a silver goblet worth a measly three gold pieces such lack of luck is cast upon few in tamriel but alas here we are with no treasure but yet another item to fill our dining room for this next one we will need to head to the western highlands of the gulf coast here we will find a boulder-filled meadow with thick thickets masking crags of leg snapping depth it's a dangerous trot to be sure between two large turf-topped rock shelves there lies a secret nestled in an occult nook disguised from all prying eyes sheltered beneath a bushel of aurum grass is yet another wooden chest and i will be very cross if it contains more silverware with a brave face and our hearts steadied for despondency we lift the lid to discover that oh the homewares highwayman has in fact not touched this stash it would seem that this chest was even too obscured for his or her devilish eyes as inside we can find two iron arrows and the sum of six golds i'd like to consider these projectiles as metaphorical arrows to the knees of the homewares high women who knows perhaps they used to be an adventurer like you but who placed this chest here we can never really say i have no doubt however if they ever try and find this chest again they will not be able to it is so hidden that it's harder to find than information on the elder scrolls vi for our next curiosity we have a rather interesting one for this we will need to head to anvil castle seat of countess milona umbrenox once here we are going to be sneaking our way onto a very secret little spot the royal balcony only accessible through the two locked doors of the private quarters and the royal quarters once here amid a charming myriad of rather palatially placed paraphernalia of leisurely delights we may just spot something petite resting upon the wooden table top this is a base ring of restoration which at face value may not seem all that interesting hell it's not even a unique item so why are we here you ask well curiously the other squirrels for oblivion has very few guaranteed enchanted item locations out in the wilderness there are plenty of magical pieces that can be haggled from merchants or given as quest rewards or gathered from the corpses of mighty foes but magical items that just sit out in the open well there are only five or so of them in the entire game and this is one of them its enchantment fortifies restoration by six points and again it's nothing stunning from a spell casters perspective but from the eyes of a curator of the curious like myself this ring is spellbinding being one of only a small handful of guaranteed enchanted items out in the open world in the entirety of this massive game the others we will of course cover in videos when we talk about their respective regional locations and of course finn gleam is one of the items i'm talking about so we have already covered one of them now while we are up here there is also a chest that can be found resting against the north westernmost wall it will be unlocked and inside our random leveled loot luck has bolstered somewhat as inside we can find a portion of the sea which will provide water breathing for 45 seconds which seems ever so fitting as we're in a castle next to a massive seaport so that is finally a breath of fresh air when it comes to the loot that we've been finding throughout the gold coast all in all a cool hidden little balcony holding some loot and a wonderfully rare item the base ring of restoration and especially once we take into consideration its class of guaranteed open world enchanted item i think we should call it the based ring of restoration for our next curiosity we will need to head to a small stone gateway that can be found along the gold road on the north westernmost corner on the map it is right here where my character is currently located directly to the south of lord dradz estate so here we will spot a rather uninspiring stone gate marking the southern point of a dirt pathway well just beyond the eastern point of the gateway there is a bushel of dry golden grasses against the fieldstone masked by fronds we can actually find yet another chest a chest that better contain some damn good loot it does have a hard lock which could very well indicate that the quality of the loot within it is pretty good unfortunately we have been struck once again by that damned homewares highwayman as inside we can find a silver glass while we were hoping to kit out our character instead we will be kidding out our kitchen cupboards even more darn it let's get out of here before i break the glass and stick shards of it into my neck for this next one we will be heading more to the center of the gold coast region and into the rolling effulgent fields on the map we'll need to come right here where my character is currently located just to the south west of gotshore inn here next to the gold road we'll see a massive turf crowned boulder you will not believe what is concealed within the oscillating overgrowth there is indeed a chest but but there is something else here i have had to disable the grass so that we can actually see it but there is in fact a book resting here just next to the wooden trunk it is a book titled myth or menace written by an anonymous author and it is essentially conjecture as to the existence of the modern thieves guild little did the author know that yes they do in fact exist perhaps the book was written by the thieves guild themselves to create an air of dubiousness and uncertainty around the existence of the thieves guild but with the book aside literally i know you were wondering what amazing treasure could be buried within this chest and look given our track record let's not get our hopes up eh luckily it is unlocked and inside we can find what seven gold oh and yet another fatal strike to our wonder for treasure a strike driven by the notorious homeware's high women wounding our spirit with a silver pitcher perhaps because this book is here with the chest the home wears highwayman was part of the thieves guild or maybe wanted to be leaving stashes of stolen items all around the wilderness hoping to gain some attention from the elusive guild when in fact all they have gained is my burning hatred for this next curiosity we have something rather strange for this we'll need to come right here on the map where my character is currently located just to the south east of anvil city here we have a high bluff of the lands where as it traces towards the coast the land rises and as i was exploring this vast lands something caught my eye a strange monolithic structure i thought it might have been an ancient tree stump but upon closer inspection we can see that it is actually a rock weirdly though it's much darker and doesn't match the surrounding stone of the area it also appears to be volcanic and jagged and has a form that once again does not match anything else we see within the gold coast to me it seemed to be one of the igneous rocks that we can find within the plains of oblivion so i went deep i checked within the construction set for oblivion and it is in fact an asset a stone that is used in the deadlands mehrunes dagon's plane of oblivion the plane of oblivion that we experience within you guessed it the elder scrolls for oblivion what's curious is that yes while there is an oblivion gate that spawns here my character hasn't progressed through the main quest line at all so the oblivion crisis has not begun yet so there should be no sign of anything oblivion related at all within tamriel this is very strange as it suggests that this point this pillar here is somehow tethered to the deadlands mehrunes dagon's plane of oblivion it is a piece of oblivion in tamriel before the oblivion crisis this is a very perplexing occurrence and making it even more odd is this giant rock next to the pillar as if we inspect the southern facing side of it we can see some weird texture on the ground right at the edge of the boulder it's nothing too obvious or alarming but it does look kind of out of place well if we clip through the big rock we can actually see that the ground beneath it is cracked and flame riddled it is the ground from oblivion this monolith appears to be some kind of active link to the deadlines maybe the mythic dawn cult has begun creating anchor points across cyrodiil before the invasion begins i am not entirely sure of how we can explain this as i've never really seen anything like it before i wouldn't quite consider it a pillar of the lore community but i would consider it a pillar of the law confucity for this next one we will be heading into the north eastern section of the gold coast region among rolling aurum hills rest to massive stones accompanied by sparse bosque and bushels on the map we'll need to come right here where my character is currently located found just to the north of gotshaw inn and to the west of kovach here we will find something that provided a great challenge in spotting next to a moss caked rock there is a gathering of stout trees and burrowed between them veiled in veld is another chest this one is unlocked and inside we may find a crystal ball three gold pieces and a lockpick which makes this chest one of the best in the entire region now i don't know if you would call the crystal ball homewares but for the sake of our sanity let's say that it's not and that this chest is actually untouched by the hands of the homeware's high women this find is honestly nothing special however given the loot context of the gold coast so far this really is something to behold now finally we have what i hope to be a very satisfying conclusion to the homeware's highwayman for this we'll need to come down to the south eastern corner of the gold coast region on the map it can be found right here where my character is currently standing just to the south east of troll candle camp upon our arrival we'll notice a rather odd piece of land that is flat and open with no grasses growing at the center is some kind of square but we'll get back to this in a minute as just the north of this open area we can walk up a very small hill and into a little crag we're hiding in the grass in the back corner is a chest within it we can find nine gold pieces seeming to be untouched by the homewares highwaymen now along with this just to the east of the flat grounds we can jump down a little ledge where once again hiding in the grass is another chest it will be unlocked and within it we can find three gold pieces and a silver glass our mighty foe strikes again but i have a crackpot theory that i like to believe to make myself feel better about all this trash treasure that we've been finding so back to the open ground where the weird square is this square within the game files is actually called a fire pit but what's interesting is that it's square and made of stone now this type of fire pit you find inside buildings and not out in the open normally in the wilderness you'd find a campfire with a circle of little stones around it and most certainly not what we find here to me this suggests that this wasn't a campground once this was in fact a house that was destroyed many ages ago as this stone fire pit is all that remains and even it is in a sorry state now given the proximity of the two chests just near this spot it tells me that someone who liked chests lived here and who likes chests more than the home wears high women my head cannon is that the homeless highwayman once lived here gathering homewares and bric-a-brac stealing it from all across cyrodiil to hide it all around the gold coast for whatever reason and some brave hero who was sick of their bullnetch dung came and burned their house down to cinders with them inside or maybe it was something less vengeful like the home where's hyruman was drunk on the elation of all their crafty work and dozed off with their fire pit raging and died in their sleep as their house burnt down around them these are all of course just random pieces of head cannon but it does seem fitting and just that this would have been the outcome of the homewares higher omen and i hope that like me you like that theory so thank you very much for watching i've been camel and i do hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed this episode of curating curious curiosities for the beautiful region of cereal the gold coast if you did enjoy this video and you would like to see more videos of this type please consider subscribing it helps me know that people are interested in this kind of content and it will result in more of it in the long run and if you do enjoy these ccc videos please feel free to check out the playlist link in the description this will lead you directly to the curating curious curiosities videos i've already done and if you did learn something new in this video please leave a like i'd appreciate it greatly if you have any theories backstories or explanations for any of these curiosities please leave a detailed explanation of what your thoughts are in the form of a comment down below i'm very interested in hearing about your conclusions to some of these ever so strange and curious finds within the gold coast the community's collective mind power will be much greater than mine alone so hopefully together we can come up with all the backstories for these curious curiosities now down there in the description you can find links to all of my social media be sure to follow me on instagram twitter and jump over onto twitch and come hang out along with all of that of course be sure to check out my brand new and aforementioned merch store with a ton of widely ranged pieces and if you'd like to become one of my heroic 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Channel: Camelworks
Views: 139,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, news, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, gaming, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, mystery, theory, detective, forest, lake, 10, tiny, details, Oblivion, gold, coast, finn, gleam, beach, water, magic, grass, sun, rare, epic
Id: kJuYKCgnqaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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