Improve Your Morrowind Quality of Life with These 4 Artifacts

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one of the best ways to ensure that you have a fulfilling adventure in vardenfell is by limiting the amount of possible frustrating circumstances that you could find yourself in so much in the spirit of our every player needs video today we are showcasing four artifacts that will take your morrowind quality of life to the next level that being said the final item is way overpowered so don't get that one too early unless you like playing your game on easy mode let's get into it so we're starting on the quest to improve our morrowind quality of life and for that first step let's head over to nisis from of course ye olde faithful starting grounds of balmora i feel like it's just the most central location like in balmora come on everybody's in melbourne so we're going to head to aldrune and then from aldrune we will head over to nissis and once we're in nissis we're going to take a look at the old silt strider give him a little pet here good boy good boy and then we're gonna head um over to phallus ancestral tomb but first what the hell is this guy doing what are you doing hey knob stole my pants okay oh well uh that's that's not in this video look out for the pants video coming up uh later we'll come back to that guy wow i totally forgot that was a thing real quick but anyways with the naked man in the river not distracting us anymore you're gonna head directly south from the silt strider here to this little road and then from this road we're gonna head straight up the river keeping fort darius over there uh at our immediate left and then just beyond this rope here we are going to find falas ancestral tomb which is here there we go and oh my god just saying the name darius triggered like every horrible memory i ever had of playing league of legends and being demolished by that character so hopefully i'm not the only one who had to suffer through all of that but anyways here we are in phallus ancestral tomb let's start clearing it out got a scamp here thankfully our sword of white woe is putting in the ice hydronic got this frosty the snowman over here and we are actually pretty tanky believe it or not don't know how that spell missed it kind of like literally just teleported through us all right he's down let's head in here earn ooh there's nothing in here got a locked door level 10. we're not interested in that we're heading downstairs continuing our murder spree of the daedra oh we don't have enough charge i wonder if i can if i can rest in here i actually can wow i'm surprised there's not any other enemies all right well with that out of the way we're going to come up to the urn which is labeled d bryant but let's open up the urn and sure enough there it is din stagner's ring value 12 000 constant effect resist fire 30 resist frost 30 and resist shock 30 so how is this going to improve our quality of life well it is going to improve our quality of life by making us incredibly tanky and super resistant against any spell casters mages people with elemental damage on any of their weapons any atronachs that we run against this is just honestly one of the strongest items that you can get in the game for tanking and if you're a nord you already have those elemental resistances built in this is pretty much going to make you impervious to any enemies that you come across so definitely going to make your time in morrowind much much easier um because let's be honest the real people dealing damage out in this game are mages or people with really enchanted elemental weapons so there we go an incredible way to start off with dynmer's ring the mysterious mysterious artifact that not even jagram bagarn knows anything about and he and he wrote he literally wrote a book on artifacts so if he doesn't know no one's gonna know all right now let's get back up here uh can i yes i can okay i had to get a little get a little creative with our movement there but next we are i come up here and then i always forget that my guy glitched through the dock and won't go back up so hold on now we can talk to him okay but now we're gonna go back to aldrune and then we're gonna head to the mages guild because we're going to go to caldera and not visit the creeper he hasn't seen us in a while i actually haven't seen the creeper in a in my videos in a little bit he's probably he's probably like what why why has coffee forsaken me what is this guy he's forgotten all about me i'm sorry barnabas you know we'll we'll see you soon but anyways let's head over to caldera go ahead stranger and then once in caldera we're going to go right across the street from gorak manor and visit varric germain the trader not to be mixed up with saint germain which is a fantastic lick or an awesome character from castlevania so here here but varric here not only does he have some fantastic duds look at this guy he's styling he looks like he's about to walk out at like coachella or something i've never watched anything from coachella i'm not hip i don't know what they look like but anyways oh you'll have to get rid of that moon sugar oh i keep forgetting i have that on me you know it's sugar use that's uh making me forget that i have it on me right all right all right jermaine the drugs are out of my pocket and on your floor in front of the guard so now we're both implicated but at least it's out of my inventory which for some reason means you're going to do business with me now so let's ask him again to barter and here we are looking for something that you should get honestly right when you start i recommend this item especially for new players if you find yourself having a tough time in some early dungeons or early caves maybe running into some tough enemies on some quests and are just dying a lot or having to run away from fights this particular item is going to make your life a lot easier and it's super to get you can buy it right away at level one when you start and this is going to be the ring of a version value 63 cast when used and it is going to give you invisibility for 10 seconds on self so what this is going to do when you put it on and use it is going to give you a way to immediately de-aggro yourself from any enemies that are following you and to get out of a hairy situation that you find yourself in and the greatest thing about the ring of aversion is that it is an enchanted item so you can restore the charge just by resting just by waiting allowing some hours to pass to refill it when you've used up all the charges that you have and boom there you go you don't have to buy potions of invisibility you just have to wear this ring and rest every now and then oh max sale let's no no you're only getting what i uh what the value is or okay maybe a little more what okay this guy doesn't like me he heard me talking about his duds he's not he's not into coachella uh apparently all right all right all right i'll give him double i'll give him double come on jeez just fine just buy it to let me buy the ring oh my god 200. what is happening right now okay hold on what is my disposition with this guy all right we'll buy the ring and it's 11. what have i done to this man let me bribe him maybe maybe they'll let me buy the ring all right so maybe it's not 63 uh gold let's try let's try it again 75 okay we'll just be in this for 175 gold that was really strange i've never had that happen before okay well for giving me such a hard time let me show you how this ring works actually let me give you a live demonstration so here we go ring of aversion is now equipped we're going to come over here to our magic items we're going to select it by clicking on it here clicking r to ready it as our spell all right actually before you read the ring you do have to start the fight but just remember click that r pull the ring up so here we go three two one what do you want death resist the rest this is what you get for disrespecting me he has a massive amber oh my god all right that he he drives a tough bargain man he drives a tough bargain but uh here we go we're cornered we're getting attacked by the guard and three two avert look at that baby scot-free and ladies and gentlemen that is how you get away with murder all right oh [ __ ] okay maybe you can't get too far but uh uh the the the point stands look at this [Music] oh my god we got the whole freaking goof troop they brought the dogs in oh my god all right who had the kill streak okay three two one let's get out of this boom isn't this thing great let me tell you you wanna have a good time tomorrow just go ahead and grab yourself uh one of these one hour later all right well now that the uh blood and money has been washed off of our hands um and i say money because well all i did was end up paying the guards how much does a life cost to marwyn apparently a thousand and forty gold in case you were wondering pretty cheap actually uh if you ask me but what do i know okay let's let's move on here we're gonna move to first vivec for the next item that we are going for well actually next two items that we're going for uh cutting down on travel costs being efficient now and then once here we are going to travel to hala uwad and then from hala awad we're going to head to narmak and then from narmak we're going to head to ko make it quick all right now once we are in cull and you can also just take the silk striders to get here for some reason the boat was on my mind um we're actually gonna stay here at the docks and what we're first to do is step out onto this boat and if you have your draw distance high enough you can see just barely over there the shining of a campfire and that is going to be where our item is so let's hop in the water and start swimming and oh god of course so otter fish every time we're going like five feet come on then there's three after us all right well with that out of the way let's put this away and head towards that camp fire uh and this is actually an unmarked island so it doesn't have a name so just know that you need to go to the docks and then head northwest from coal and then once here you will see a bedroll but that's not the item the item is actually this right here this is the pilgrims lantern and what this is is oh hey look we got a little key under it too and the key the key actually goes to this chest right over here but first let's talk about the pilgrims laner so let's pull up our inventory click on over and you'll see the pilgrims lantern right here in the middle weight one value 100 why is this random lantern on an island actually worth a hundred gold well let's equip it and talk about it so why what makes it worth that much and just for starters the first thing is because this lantern has a lifespan of one second here let me check 999 million 999 thousand 999 seconds which equates to about 32 years so if you lit this lantern when morrowind came out you would still have a decade of burn time left on it so you you grab this lantern you never have to worry about torches or candlesticks or anything again just don't jump in the water with it uh let me so actually let me unequip it here but another fun little fact about this is that it has actually double the shine radius of any other light source in the game so it's gonna illuminate more of the dungeons and be incredibly helpful especially if you are using any high contrast mods that you know increase the darkness uh in in your underground caves or areas or or honestly anywhere where you would want night eye so this is just going to save you that spell save you from buying torches or worrying about picking up torches etc etc pretty cool item and you know nice and easy to get right off the docks there in call but now we're going to go somewhere a little more interesting for a big you know grand finale here of course in classic coffee fashion so let me pull up our maps and we're essentially going right over here and i'll give you a little bit of a more accurate look when we get there but first we're just going to head out along this road and essentially we're just gonna make our way down to the coast and then head east along it trying not to die uh along the way which is sometimes harder than you think it would be in this game so we swam along the coast east here and then once we make it to this derelict ship we actually want to start heading inland so let's head up from the ship i wonder if there's more pillows on that one eh probably not i would wager not many people are just you know mass importing pillows like terrain so once we've done that there's a little break in the mountains once we've come up from the boat and we can actually head into where we need to go right down here which is ebar dodd and let me give you a look here on the map at where we are and let's head inside so what is in here exactly well i don't want to ruin it immediately but it is something that you will definitely want if you are any kind of heavy armored player although every single player in the game can benefit from it immensely and there's a mage so let's rush we got a greater bone walker down to the bottom so we got to kill this person quick hoping those are summons they are not summons okay there we go they're down did she summon the bone walker ooh there's a day drop too okay hold on she did summon the bonewalker because it disappeared so let's let's head down take the daydroth out god i forget i forget how tough these guys are they're freaking made of nails he's got that shield on come on man you know what he looks like he kind of looks like the spinosaurus from like the og jurassic park but without the spines like look at that head that's like the exact same kind of head that that dinosaur had oh god no i'm staggered i'm staggered don't kill me don't kill me oh well oh yeah you better run [Music] showed him i think he's uh i think he's having a moment you know what i'll just leave him be yeah he's he's having a conniption come on ooh that almost looked like a paralyzed spell of some kind okay that went well let's see what elante has the belt of orcs strengths fortify attribute that's not too great but we'll take it uh but let's grab her key and some potions let's go ahead and grab her potions now when she's dealt with let's uh head into the gate here which we unlocked with the plain key so you do need to grab that unless you have a lock picking spell of some sort now i'm going to come down here and head right and then things are about to get hairy so let's grab a quick save let me make sure my ring of aversion's on and look at this is where it's going to come in handy we got two draymore lords we got a golden saint all right come here my pretties come here come in come in the water with me yes come come let me show you the way see this is this is how you play morrowind think smarter don't work harder that's totally how the saying goes but we're gonna basically just leash these fools way far away because you know i'm assuming someone you're doing this at a lower level maybe you just don't want to fight them right now i'm not going to ring of a version swim under our little thing so now that i've ring of aversion to weigh we can come up because they are stuck on the geometry and not following us and now we can loot to our hearts content now this is where you are going to need your unlock spell so be sure that you have a level 70 unlocked spell if you don't know how to do that watch my in game in 15 minutes guide i'll talk about how to get one there it's quite simple but come up here we're gonna unlock the door once we have the door unlocked and opened boom that right there is what we came for but that is just the icing on the cake let's take a quick look around as this is the corpse of a grand warrior here we have a daedric battle axe 50 000 gold face of inspiration 13 000 gold daedric shield 34 000 gold and then a whole bunch of ancient silver daggers oh and a ghost let me just get rid of that guy real quick i'm going to hit levitate we're going to fly up here and then this at the top is not dish decoration this is ilidon's ward value 200 000 restore health 50 to 100 points for one second on self but let's take a look at this incredible item so you can see here that not only is this a absolutely magnificent badass looking shield this is also a 50 to 100 point heal on demand that you can reuse recharge all the time so just to show the power of this uh we are at 65 we need 95 to be full gonna click it full health and look at that still literally at full charge so ellington sword you can just spam this sucker i'm just clicking it like crazy not even losing charge look at that this item is one of the best items in the game and is literally the best shield in the game for heavy armored it has the highest armor rating of any shield so if again if you're playing a tank player this is a must have when you're in the very very late game i don't recommend getting this too early because it does kind of break the game with immediate on-the-spot healing all the time but if you're just looking for a nice casual play through or you're already in the game and the game is broken anyways ellen's ward is one of the best items that you can have in morrowind and is certainly going to improve your quality of life when playing the game so to close here let's recap what morrowind looks like for us now well we don't have to worry about getting in a fight that we don't want to avoid with the ring of aversion again very easy to get early only 63 gold in caldera we don't have to worry about light sources because we have the pilgrims lantern we'll no longer have to worry about things like night eye or buying torches or more candle sticks as long as we don't jump in the water and break it and then additionally we don't have to worry about getting killed right off the bat with any elemental spells we have 30 resistances now and if we're a nord we're pretty much impenetrable and on top of that we have eledance ward the literal best shield in the game with the highest armor rating and a repeatable 50 to 100 point heal for one second so if this hasn't improved your quality of life in marwin i don't know what will so all that you have left to do now is of course hit that subscribe button and then go get these items for yourself and try them out thank you so much for watching i will catch you on the next one you
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 85,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind guide, morrowind artifact guide, eleidons ward, pilgrims lantern, denstagmers ring, how to get eleidons ward, how to get pilgrims lantern, how to get denstagmers ring, morrowind 2022, openmw
Id: L5atN6YLdfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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