Morrowind: Bloodmoon - Easter Eggs & Secrets

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls 3 marwan's my name is camel and today we'll be taking a long overdue look at all of the Easter eggs and interesting secrets that can be found within morrowind's final expansion blood moon and that's right it's an expansion pack it predates DLC that's how ever do this video is and you did hear correctly there are gonna be a bunch of secrets in this fear that aren't strictly Easter eggs but I do believe you will find equally as interesting if not more so now time stamps for each secret and easter egg in this video can be found down in the description and in the comments now down there in the old description you can also find all of my social media links be sure to follow me on instagram and twitter and be sure to join our brand-new discord server with all that said and done let's get into a Blood Moon the first one is super weird and I have covered in my 10 most hidden unique items in morrowind you can check that out above if you so wish and I just revel it even got an endorsement from knotch the guy that invented Minecraft anyway for this first Easter Egg we'll need to have finished the Blood Moon expansions main quests it's quite a task but once all that good stuff is done and has been finished what now well what we'll need to do is make our way to the skull village here we will need to enter the Great Hall of scar village where we can find some locals mulling around like spices swilling in Mead as they bathe in the warmth of the Hoth thawing out from the chlorine cold winds outside but there is one decoration in here that stands out the centerpiece of the room the stuffed cliff racer hanging from the ceiling and it's the best kind of cliff racer a dead one now while that is interesting in itself there is something even more interesting as if we stare at it for too long we'll spy a sparkle in the mouth of the foul beast this is an item called the blue depths ring of viewing and it will only appear after the Blood Moon DLC main questline has been completed so this is all well and good but what is this thing and why does it have such a strange name and what does it actually do well once we pick it up we can find it in our inventory as we would expect but when we equip the Ring something very strange will happen list of options will pop up each labeled with a unique name referencing the different cutscenes that play throughout the Blood Moon expansions main questline at certain integral stages as you may expect clicking any of the options will play the relevant cutscene now you can do this as many times as you want and it will stay in your inventory for you to use whenever you so wish this is interesting cuz the kind of item that you'd traditionally only be able to find with console commands you know in a developer's room or a cutting floor something like that lingering in the dark guts of the game but to have something like this actually in game and obtainable is superb Lee unique now the name of the ring the blue devs ring of Ewing comes from Mark Nelson one of marwan's writers and quest designers he is username on the eldest girls forum and Twitter were blue dev stemming from his passionate following of the Duke Blue Devils basketball team mark Nelson was also the one responsible for implementing probably the most interesting easter egg in morrowind you can check that out in more Owen's Easter Egg video that's already done but for now the blue devs ring of viewing grab it stick your finger in it and have fun while you're doing ah yes in the region of the is in fear planes we can find a frozen Barrow called Bjorn inside we will find a number of free sags but along with them we'll also see something we saw repeated in the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim as an Easter Egg there is a skeleton hanging upside down its feet deeply encased within the icicle hanging from the ceiling sticking from the snowed grounds beneath him is an enchanted silver longsword cold icicle which thanks to its frost enchantment glows with a faint blue magical shimmer now this is of course a reference to Star Wars Episode five the Empire Strikes Back when Luke Skywalker was caught on Hoth and hung from the cabin ceiling by the wamba as a tasty snack for later on as he's not cold enough to eat yet he's still warm luke warm of course with this sword icicle taking the place of Luke's lightsaber which is blue just as the colour of the frost in Chapman on the silver bladers sadly this person didn't have telekinesis or the force and suffered an icy fate and when it came to life they quite literally got cold feet ah now while exploring the north eastern shores of the fel sod coast we can run across an ice bar called frost cell inside we will be met by a very small abode home to recling will also find a recling bore master but he's not worth talking about with me yapping away there's enough masters of boring people in one video now behind him we'll see there is a pan full of dust bristle backs and it's a mess some might even call it a pigsty now along with the bristle backs we can find two skeletons it would seem the recling have been feeding people to their beloved boars now one of the skeletons lies face down in the cold iced floor with a bloody note in hand it reads bargain jocks put the stash in feeel ice cave and Lucien has been notified I got my cut and I'm headed back to Somerset Isle I'll see you there one more thing do me a favor and forget your obsession with bristle back meats yeah it probably tastes like pork but it's not worth it those things are deadly and they creepy little writers are more vicious than they look now the note is meant to be signed by one Antoinette but it seems I have a mod that has forgotten that bits fun as we can see in the construction set this note is in fact signed by her which is very important so this here corpse I would assume is Barragan as he carries the items of a thief and it looks like he found Antoinette's note and didn't forget his love of bristle duck meat tried to get some and ended up quite ironically being their dinner instead of them being his anyway in the note it mentions feeel cave where more treasure is let's head there this can be found a ways way to the southwest in the ears in fear Plains quite near the tree stone once inside will be met by a skeleton and growl growls are these weird creatures that for some reason didn't make an appearance in the elderscrolls v Skyrim despite them being native creatures of sulston now we'll get back to the skeleton and later on but further into the cave we'll find some recling and then a long ice tunnel where we will eventually have to swim through an icy blue flame underwater cavern thing which is very strange but we will emerge into this open room with three fearsome growl and yes that's why they call they called fearsome growl for some reason and they're unique to this cave and they're actually weaker than their standard growl counterparts anyway at the back in the center of this little room we can find a chest with some gold and stacks of portions this must be the treasure that Antoinette spoke of in the note but if we open the chest there's nothing inside literally nothing this couldn't be all the treasure could it what's on the outside perhaps someone came and took it hmm well at first we are miffed if we take a look at the back wall we can see an arrow of sorts upon a closer inspection will see that this arrow is actually entirely comprised of diamonds so I sure hope we got some vegetarians in the house because there's a lot of carrot ear now we've followed the arrow down it just points to the grounds butts this lump of ice here is actually a hollowed-out ice rock inside of which we can find all of the treasure there are five diamonds there are six emeralds there are six pearls there are six rubies and there is a second bloody note just like the one we found in the other cave now this one reads Lucian here's the loot from the jeweler heist like my marker I figured that would get your attention the growl make great guards and I knew that you'd be able to slip past them I've paid off the crew and given the guild its cuts I'll see you in Seattle at the end we talked abouts the museum should be an easy hole Security's light and there's a broken window in the basement but we can talk more about that later signed John interesting now if we go back to the skeleton at the start of the cave I would assume that this is junks has on his corpse we can find the tools of a thief and if this was Lucien surely he would have taken the loot which was left for him which is still there also in Jax's hand we can find yet another diamonds now what's interesting about this series of notes the two people mentioned Antoinette and Lucien both of which are Dark Brotherhood members and characters in the Elder Scrolls for oblivion now they also weren't part of the Thieves Guild and they the only two thieves to have survived this so it would appear that they could have very well been on a contract to kill these two thieves as they work for of course the Dark Brotherhood also the in mentioned in the note in Serie Dell is likely the end of ill-omen wherein the Elder Scrolls for oblivion we meet Lucien for the first time so that's a really cool foreshadowing of adventures to come as blood moon was released about three years before the Elder Scrolls for Oblivion now I'm sure we've all heard of the east empire company no thanks to Skyrim but it was also in marwan's and in Blood Moon now the east empire company is a reference to the East India Company which was in English and later British joint stock company that ended up trading mainly with Queen China and seizing control of the Indian subcontinent much like how the east empire company here in the eldest girls has taken control of areas rather than simply trading with them as we see right here in the Elder Scrolls 3 marwan's blood moon expansion as they build and mine in the town of raven rock destroying local crypts and wildlife and raging the natives as they tarnish local traditions yeah sounds pretty similar to me now within the Thirsk meat hall found in the frozen heights of the fell south coast we can find a nord man called buff mob old loot naturally as he is a bard he carries a lute but if he happens to die under any non suspicious circumstances we get to rummage through his corpse where we'll see that his loot is actually one of three easter-egg lutes in the game it's not just any loot it's a phat loot now this phrase phat loot is used within gaming particularly MMORPGs and refers to really good loot drops you know you kind of get to the end of a dungeon you defeat the final boss there's a month of your award there's a chest something you work towards you'll finally kill that raid boss so on and so forth the really good loot you get is referred to fat loot so what we see here in the elder scrolls is quite literally a fat loot and we do see two other fat lutes in the elder scrolls 3 morrowind base game which i did cover in the easter egg video for that which again you can check out up above now in the motoring mountains we can find a small ice cave called lake inside we will find an ice tunnel sitting in which is a skeleton suggesting something hasn't gone quite right at the end of the tunnel we will find wolves and bears and the dead remains of people who try to settle this cabin as their home on the ground in the back corner of this room we can find a settlers journal next with skeleton entry 1 today we found the perfect place to claim as our new home it's an ice cave called Lake and seems to be used by local bears and wolves of some kind of den they should be easy enough to get rid of entry 2 we've done it the bears and wolves have been driven from the cave and we've already started making ourselves at home may our children's children enjoy the comfort of leg entry 3 one of those blasted bears got into the cave today we drove him out but he managed to make off without dinner it's a good thing I have my grandfather's enchanted ring to keep them at bay and given that's the end of the journal and it's found next to a skeleton I'm gonna say they didn't win the next fight with the bears and wolves now when we walk into this room the animals in here are alerted to our presence and they will attack us but you might have just seen something really weird that you weren't expecting one of the Bears when it is first alerted to your presence its first attack is a fireball that it shoots out of its mouth it only does this once and will only do it as soon as it knows you're there it's a bear that shoots a fireball out of its mouth I mean what what that's just quite frankly weird but there is an explanation for it as if you kill this bear that shoots the fireball out of its mouth on its corpse we can find the ring of wizards fire now this would be the ring that the guy who wrote the journal referred to now that guy that owned the ring was eaten by the Bears as we can even find and flesh inside the spare so this bear ate the dude ate the ring and now because the rings in its stomach has the ability to shoot fireballs during combat I mean a fire-breathing bear that's pretty cool and quite frankly belongs in a circus I mean we've all heard of polar bears but I've never heard of a solar bear this next one sure is weird and you really wouldn't know about unless I told you so here we are on PC if we hit the tilde key this will open up the console where we can enter a series of console commands to alter the game as we so please you know do things like turn on God modes spawn items into the game change the time of day so on and so forth now there is a command which is COC this stands for Center on cell now if we type COC and then we type a cell ID a cell being an area of the game world this will transport our player to whatever cell we typed in for example if we type COC Vivek Palace of vivec upon hitting enter the command will be executed and our player character will be transported to the palace of the Veck via this COC console commands all make sense cool now the Blood Moon expansion takes place on Soul style now if we go into the console and type COC soul steam you'd think that we'd be transported to the island of souls time but instead we are teleported to a completely blank dark black space where we will find ourselves inside a statue also we'll find ourselves literally inside the the marble bag of Molag Bal well a statue of bolo bar if we turn the clipping off we can fly it around and yeah it's just an empty space with nothing other than a statue of Molag Bal for company now this is pretty weird because blood moons main questline is based around her scene and the great hunt which quite frankly has nothing to do with marble so it is a true mystery while Salt's x cell ID transports us to this place it seems the Daedric Prince of domination dominates even the cell IDs in morrowind are now this one's pretty cool on the southeastern coast of salt I'm in the hearse tank forest just east of the igni River we can find the noir burial mound known as table hast barrow inside will find a number of skeletal pirates and at the back we can find their leader the skeleton pirate captain when we stab him in the eye ahoy captain and kill him that's so bad on his brittle plunderers bones we can find the unique sword known as si splitter along with the pirate captains que be sure to grab that as well as the pirate captains note which reads near the mighty Suns great stone and arch marks withered flesh and bone and at the base you'll know sweet luck if dig you will straight through the muck interesting now be sure to take this as we venture to unravel this clue to the northwest we can find the great Sun stone standing proudly in the gentle northern snowfall to the north of this as we push through the thick pine of the Hurston forest we'll find the arch of rock the note mentioned this is the valve brandy Ribeiro now instead of going inside the tomb what we want to do is be cheeky and go around the back we're in a depression along with my current mental state will also find a pile of muck now this is hiding something if we pick up all of the muck as the note suggested we do it will reveal the pirate's treasure chest which has a lock level of 100 luckily for us we have the key which we'll use to pry back the rusted pins and open it up inside we'll find a bountiful trove of gems and coin specifically 5000 gold 3 rubies 1 pearl for emeralds 3 diamonds 3 exquisite rings and 2 exquisite amulets and if I had to judge the quality of the loot out of pastry based Goods I'll definitely give it a pie that's right a pyrite god that's bad now on the eastern side of the islands we have the fell south coast right about in the middle we have the thirst meat hole just up the hill from the eastern shores of Lake Fielding it's exactly what you would expect it to be a made hole kind of oddly placed in the middle of nowhere making it to be fair a welcomed half to find for any weary travelers now to find what we're here for we'll need to head around to the back of the thirst mead hall pass the hut and smithy where we'll find a tree stump which is actually a hollow tree stump inside we will find an array of items the unique saw a shadow sting the unique ring the ring of Raven I the unique gloves treachery and deceit and five of the most powerful arrows in the game the ebony errors of slang which are also the most damaging weapons in the game but what is of great interest to us for this video anyway is this note a blood-stained note which reads s here is the equipment I told you about remember the weak deserve no mercy signed e now these two mysterious s and E characters who left such a treasure trove of unique items are never revealed and it turns out as time has revealed our fictional reoccurring characters in the Bethesda Game Studios games as in Fallout 3 outside of Megaton we can find a hollowed-out rock inside of which is a bunch of juicy loot and a hollow disc titled as requested s here's the stuff you wanted if anyone asks where you got it just say it was a gift from your grandma happy hunting signed e so it is signed - and by the same s and E we find here in marwan's and even beyond this in Fallout 4 outside the Museum of witchcraft we can find a hollowed-out rock with a bunch of thick boy loot and also unknowns s been too long sorry I missed you in Megaton looks like history repeats itself but as promised he is the gear i scrounged up all the best and stay safe for Commonwealth is its own kind of hell signed E so it all started here in Blood Moon and these reoccurring mysterious characters continue on throughout the bgs legacy it will be interesting to see if we can find this s and again in future titles now during or after the skull test of strength if we visit the Thirsk mead hall we'll find almost everyone dead arrows lined the walls corpses lined the floors everyone we once knew here is dead except for one sole survivor spend your snow song she will inform us that they were attacked by a creature known as the OOD afflict now this name food afflict means beasts fear as Beauty means beasts and freaked means fear in Norwegian now this mythical creature is rumored to live near Lake Fielding and sure enough at the lakes edge we can find its lair and again sure enough in here we will find the great mythical creature that you defeat the likes of which we see in the Elder Scrolls for oblivion but you'll have to watch this video here for more on that as we even see spend your snow song the woman who gave us the quest to kill the other fleet as she went on a quest of her own that did not end well but anyway more on that in that video so upon slaying this fell beast we must take its heart and while we're at it we can also find it carrying a unique one-handed blunt weapon known rather literally has the severed nord leg this thing won't give any other weapons a run for their money as its base stats are very low it seems they're suffering from a case of athletes foot but speaking of there is a cut enchantment in the game files for this weapon its ID is severed leg underscore en within the game's construction said that is it consists of a low magnitude frenzied humanoid and weakness to common disease effects on the target and it damages the personality of the user kinda reminds me of the weaponized hoe in Oblivion again reference the aforementioned video for more on that so anyway grab the leg grab the heart head back and finish the quest and all the rest upon doing so we will be rewarded with a unique Nordic long blade called clan bringer now this whole thing is one great big illusion nod and reference to the poetic epic Beowulf the hood effect parallels Grendel the true like creature that attacked hero to the meat hall from Beowulf and much like Grendel the monster the you that afflict was defeated by a hero from a foreign lands that hero being us in this case now the severed Nord leg that the unit afflict carries and uses is an allusion to the arm that Beowulf cuts off of Grendel also the mead hall that was attacked in morrowind first its original founder was a man named Rothman Rothman was the name of one of the sons of King Hrothgar from the epic Beowulf also the sword we are gifted upon completing the quest clan burger is an allusion to nailing which was a sword gifted to bailiff for defeating Grendel so yeah Wow a rather epic Easter egg in honor of a rather epic tale now upon locating the crashed Dwemer patchwork airship at the southern base of the motoring mountains we can find the journal of the dead captain next to his corpse well it's all very interesting we are more interested or specifically interested in entry 7 it's normal for a crew member to get edgy but the augury and finally went to bezerk I told him repeatedly before we left alt rune that an airship sails in the sky and not on the water he told me he understood but his fear of heights must have finally taken sway in a frenzied state he grabbed the wheel and almost forced us into the sea I had no choice but to run him through swims in swells was his name and a good crew member he was before this unfortunate incident I would have preferred a burial at sea but considering our current situation we had no choice but to toss his body overboard we aimed for the ocean but by that time the airship had drifted over Saul Stein alas I fear we missed and his corpse landed somewhere on the southeastern shore now interestingly if we explore the south eastern shores of Saul Stein we can actually find poor old swims in swells as Corpse broken and bent over a large jagged stone column sticking out of the coastline it looks like swim dunes ended up doing anything but that if he thought he was having a hard time on the ship well he got a really hard time on this rock now in the base game of Morrowind on a small island in the north eastern corner of the sheogorath regions upper archipelago we can find my eke Valaya on his own little islands this was his first appearance in any Elder Scrolls game anyway along with a bunch of strange topics we can talk to him about multiplayer my eke does not know this word you wish others would help you in your quest coward if you must search for the Argonian I'm leet or perhaps the big Nord Ralph the uber they will certainly wish to join you now this is funny and a little indirect jab from the desert those who wanted multiplayer in an Elder Scrolls main series game but he does mention a big Nord named Rolf the uber well on Sol steam deep within the is in fear planes we can find a big Nord called Rolf Longtooth while his name isn't exactly the same he does fit the description and he does have the same first name sadly he has no dialogue in regards to multiplayer but he may be a nod to the rolf that maiik the laia mentions on the northern shores of the motoring mountains region of Saltz time we can find an ice barrow called been Congo Rica in here we will find ice ice and more ice along with a bunch of random leveled foes now at the end of one of the cave systems we can find a dead Nord sorceress named Frieza she has been mostly buried in snow but if we clip through the grounds we can see there is a note here on her corpse we can find a short journal I've done it the enchantment is now complete the robe which I have named white Walker can turn the wearer into the very essence of snow kick me out of the majors guild will they now I'll show them all well it looks like Frieza here made herself a little too literally into snow anyway along with a journal on her corpse we can also find the unique enchanted robe named white Walker interestingly when we take it off of her corpse her eyes will open and we go back to the tunnel there's a very specifically suspicious part of her body sticking out of the snow anyway this rope white Walker has some really really really bad enchantments on it all of these are constant effects it chameleons on self by 50 points that's really good it does frost damage five to ten points on self that's not so good it gives you a weakness to frost five to ten points on self not good and it also drains health five to ten points on self not good now again all of those are constant effects so you will be constantly damaged and soon died after equipping the rope just as Frieza here did now this robe white Walker is an allusion to the white walkers from A Song of Ice and Fire series best known for its TV series Game of Thrones the first book in the series which was named a game of Thrones was released in 1996 nine years before blood moon was released in this as I'm sure we all know there are these frozen undead dude's called white walkers well we too are in an icy and frozen setting much like where the white walkers dwell and when we equip this robe in game white Walker thanks to the robes enchantments we metaphorically become a walking dead man just as the white walkers are literally in Game of Thrones as wearing the robe will kill us very soon and the white Walker robe is so ugly it's about as hard to look at as season eight of that show now in the skull village we can find an interesting assortment of characters one of which is an odd barbarian called last near who gives us a quest to find his son Tim vol who has fallen down the well now the quest itself is quite fun and has some twists and turns but where the gem of this interaction lies is in the two characters names and what happened to one of them last near gives us a quest about Tim vol who fell down a well this is in reference to the ye oldie time TV show lassie about a dog lassie and her human companions one of which was Timmy lassie would wolf wolf Wolffe to let the humans know something was wrong which has led to a modern trope of what's that Lassie Timmy fell down the well anyway despite that being in TV culture there isn't actually a single episode in which Timmy falls down a well although there is one episode which lassie falls down a well but for what we have here last sneer is a reference to the dog lassie as he alerts us to Tim Vall who of course is a reference to Timmy lassies owner who has of course fallen right into the trope and has fallen down a well although the truth of what happened here is much different now while in the imperial castle of fort frost moth we may just hear a rumor of a strange man dancing through the woods and sneaking into the castle at night to leave moon sugar as a gift for the children and spike all of the castles rations with the same elsewhere e'en narcotic before prancing off into the dark pine as he sings rhyme and poem a very obscure story indeed likely that of a local folktale but there has actually been a number of the castles residents becoming sick because of their rations being spiked and filled with moon sugar leading to even addictions within the castles ranks the most recent victim being Jailene the Imperial cult priest so this mystery must be solved as it's not so sweet and causing havoc around thought Frost moth well if we journey northeast and into the south eastern corner of the is in fear Plains where they meet the bordered Hills of the fell sub coast will spot a petite and rather quaint little cabin nestled lonely and picturesque into the wilderness the chimney bellowing puffing away a thick white smoke into the wintry air now as cute and wholesome as this is it's not too cute as next to the cottage is a ditch with a dead Khajiit in it fun fact there are actually no living kashi john sulston anyway this guy's name is minashi and he will be carrying moon sugar and an alchemy skill book which is actually no book at all but instead the song of uncles sweet share which will be quickly read as we'll hear it again soon hee hee ha Hodes the workshop people go my uncle's candy is so sweet it's such a yummy winter's tree when the sugar is warmed by the pale hath light the happiness spreads throughout the night hee hee ha ho to the workshop people go uncle's sweet sure his coming is to spread his candy and his chair it's better than trinkets games or toys so say all the little girls and boys hee hee ho ho to the workshop it will go candy candy he makes so much uncle sweet chair has a magic touch so it's back to the workshop in the snow with lovely lanterns all aglow hee hee ha ho hee hee hee oh now outside of the cabin we also have a nice red lantern glowing away in the snow and a nice Green Lantern glowing away in the snow giving a nice Christmas Eve vibe which is a vein that runs rich through this slab of polar stone now inside the cabin we will find an insane Nord alchemist called uncle sweet cher ranting and wrapping away lines from his nursery rhyme hee hee ha ho to the workshop he will go my uncle's candy is so sweet it's such a yummy winter's treat when the sugar is warmed by the pale hearth light the happiness spreads throughout the night hee hee ha ho to the workshop he will go uncle sweet share is coming here to spread his candy and his cheer it's better than trinkets games or toys so say all the little girls and boys hee hee ha ho to the workshop he will go candy candy he makes so much uncle sweets share has a magic touch so it's back to the workshop in the snow with lovely lanterns all aglow hee oh oh now it's likely that he's being driven mad by the constant consumption of moon sugar which as we can see he is actually cooking up as if there were a shortage of white stuff outside and he has replaced the snow with something no doubt he is the cause of the moon sugar esque goings-on in Fort frost moth he will also be wearing a unique white colobus 4 helm similar to one we might expect to see around Christmas now this bloke is a clear and did illusion to Santa Claus the similarities being obvious living in a cabin in the snow sneaking into people's houses and giving them gifts or moon sugar in this case having an assistant being jolly and rimy so on and so forth but originally this chap was meant to be much closer in relation to Santa Claus as he was originally a Breton character called grandfather Frost in Slavic cultures Santa Claus is known as dead res which translates literally to old man Frost or grandfather Frost just as this bloke here is called he was also meant to have a unique Columbian fur helmet but in red the Red Hat was never implemented on to grandfather Frost nor was it implemented on to uncle sweets but it can all still be found in the games files of course having a red furry hat like this makes him much more similar to Santa Claus just as we find him in nashi outside uncle sweet J's assistants grandfather frost had an assistant thought Singur who was a Bosma so he would have had grandfather frost with his assistant who was a tiny elf just as Santa Claus has elves helping him in his workshop in the snow single also carried the song of grandfather frost which is exactly the same as the song as uncle sweet year with the exception of the name being changed to grandfather frost so there's a wintery treat for you all be sure to grab all the moon sugar before departing this fear and loathing insults time scene ah yes this next one isn't so much of an easter egg as it's more of an uber secret that you need to know about in the elder scrolls 3 marwan's there are two whole sets of daedric armor one is worn by a debate fear who you'd have to kill to get his set the second complete set of daedric armor has to be painstakingly pieced together across morrowind and all of its expansion packs dungeons are plundered lands and quests and factions blah blah blah it will basically take you the whole game to complete a set of daedric armor now for whatever reason on top of castle cast eggs roof which we have to levitate to there is a small known as the tower of castle car stack in here we can find a single reclaim just standing guard it would seem but buried away in the back wedged into a tight little gap is where we can find the only discoverable Daedric right pauldron in the entire game now the only discoverable Daedric left pauldron is found in the tribunal expansion which we'll cover in that easter egg video but for now be sure to come here and collect this exceedingly rare piece of armor which has the highest rating of any shoulder piece in the game and is tucked away in such snowy secrecy in the frozen sea to the north of the skull village we can find an abandoned ship floating in the water next to it is a rotted barrel inside of which we can find a bunch of shoes which makes me think that this ship may have belonged to a necromancer as they were clearly someone who collected Souls anyway on the mast of this creaking vessel perched like a crown we can find a lantern now this isn't just any old iron light Chaka either this is a mysterious unique Lantern called the watchman's eye and it casts light in a radius of 42.5 feet which is more than double of any other Karia ball light source in the game for some reason it appears to have a particular affinity to the number-5 as it has a weight of five it's worth is 500 gold it's light stat is 512 and it lasts for 500 seconds that's if you are carrying it I would highly suggest not carrying it as a light source as it will expire after 500 seconds and therefore you destroy a unique item for 500 seconds of light and if you enter a body of water while carrying a lantern it will be instantly destroyed upon contact with the water so I would suggest you either store it in your house or use it in your house as a custom light source regardless it might seem simple but it's super interesting and rather hauntingly mysterious but while exploring the northern regions should definitely keep an eye out for it now during marwan's main questline if we is that the ghost gate after accepting the Dwemer artifact wraith guard from the tribunal poet warrior god Vivek before going and defeating dag of her if we visit the ghost gate and specifically the tower of dusk this rather average old imperial warrior named wolf will have randomly appeared now wolf will offer us an old man's lucky coin that he asks us to carry two dagger for him but interestingly when we accept this coin it will actually give us a new power called luck of the Emperor which upon use will fortify our luck attribute by 20 points for two minutes now once we leave the ghost gate after this interaction and wolf will simply and mysteriously vanish a very strange encounter indeed now if we go to the imperial capital on Fahd and fell the dragon port of urban heart and take a pious pilgrimage to the imperial chapels and hunt down the imperial cult priestess l'Italia of aryan and ask her about wolf and the old man's lucky coin she will explain that wolf is in fact a physical manifestation and aspect of Tiber Septim so it turns out we were visited and gifted by Tiber Septim himself now before we get to how this relates to Soul Stein just quickly if we kill wolf or pickpocket him he won't have anything of particular interest on him although he will be carrying a bunch of moon sugar quite clearly suggesting that Tiber Septim likes to dabble in the extra dimensional arts and walk on very very warm sands and wait now keeping all of this in mind once we completely build up the town of Raven Rock provided we chose to have a Smith built over the general trader well you guessed it we will have a blacksmith built in the town run by an imperial woman named Sabrina vite Elia who is none other than the very Smith that we chose to have in the town of raven rock anyway while there is no mention of wolf or any other reason to suspect that sabrina is anything special if we take a look at the shelf behind her where she keeps her dishes and bowls and cups on the lower shelf we can actually find a single coin this coin is exactly the same as the one that wolf gave us it's the old man's lucky coin now there are two of these in the game one is given to us by wolf and the other is unexplained idli here so it would seem that this imperial smith sabrina has also been visited by Tiber Septim himself or at least his physical aspect wolf just as we were it's definitely a super intriguing finds that would go unnoticed if we didn't go digging through her dirty dishes and one I'm sure passes most players by yes now with soul stomping Nordic in origin and aspect it draws a lot of inspiration from real-life Celtic and Norse of cultures and mythos and we can find many examples of this throughout the Blood Moon expansion which we're going to run through and then we'll get to the final Easter egg which is one thick boy so all throughout sulston we can find these naked barbarians called berserkers who are clearly a reflection of the real-life celtic clans of berserkers who would enter battle naked just as the berserkers here in Blood Moon do now the draugur in Blood Moon are shuffling hunched undead nodes to patrol and protect the tombs of the Dead they take their name and their traits from the drugger of the same name from norse mythology which were reanimated undead flesh blackened in decays skulking through tombs protecting their treasure in life now through undeath just as the Drogo here insults time to similarly the Spriggans we find around souls time appeared to be based off of the Hydra from Norse mythology which were a nymph etic forest spirit said to be incredible seductive and beautiful luring in foresters and hunters quite literally giving them hard wood in a similar vein all throughout soul stone particularly in caves barrows and and crusted hobbles we can find an enemy called the fleece Hank these are a type of which always Nord and always female their name fleece means fries in Danish and with hag being Haggard which their name literally means frost which or freeze which so don't cross them or you'll be given the cold shoulder now during the quest the patchwork airship that we picked up from a Louis Beauchamp in the ridore and capital of alder une on the mainland Vardhan fell will be sent into the northern frost fields of the motoring mountains region of salsa to enter Rothman's barrow and enter the eye of the great wolf well once we get to this location sure enough we can find the Barrow and its entrance but from the sky or seen from the local map the Barrow VI is actually quite literally the eye of a giant wolf formation made of ice and stone that surrounds the crypts now the wolf this formation represents was known as under Yaga whose name loosely translates to evil hunter in danish and norwegian which is fitting as he slew a great lord hero froth munde the one we spoke about of earlier in the Beowulf Easter Egg and at the end of a long quest line called the cursed captain that we pick up from Thor more grave on the western coast of sulston will be given key to a secret burial crypt known as Yi Lin who Barrow inside we can find mounds of treasure seas of booty troves of gems and artifacts together there is 10110 gold to start him and ebony queerest sand ebony longsword a glass helm a glass sword of frost three emeralds three diamonds three rubies of pearl an exquisite amulet and an exquisite ring along with an apothecary stash of exclusive potions now the name of this location Yi Lin who translates to golden hollow or golden hole in Danish rather fitting as this location is literally a hollow slash hole full of gold ah yes now we move on to the final Easter Egg our secret of blood burn I mean it's a bit of both to be honest this one's pretty thick now in the far western Bosque's of the is in fear planes we can find a barrow called Gilead the mumblings dwelling inside of which lives the man from which the hovel got its namesake an old warlock and seer named Ziggy Lea the mumbling he will ask us to recover his friend audit Fred white lip who was stolen by draugar and taken to Colby on Barrow found deep in the her stank forest now once we arrive at his barrel we'll find the drug and we'll scan the area for this missing woman but all we will find is her skull - be sure to grab that and once we bring it back to killya the mumbling surprisingly everything seems to be in order apparently odd ffred white lip has been long dead and was once a very powerful Seiran soothsayer and that apparently the skull speaks through gilja the mumbling now our only reward that's offered to us for retrieving his skull is to have our future foretold now if we have not finished the Blood Moon expansions main quests the future foretelling for us will be the time for the hunt is near you are both hunter and hunted referencing the final stages of the main questline for the expansion blood moon however if we have finished the Blood Moon expansions main quests well what's next hmm we'll wrap your soul around this one if we've completed the DLC we'll get this prophecy instead when the dragon dies the Empire dies where is the Lost dragon's blood the empire sire and from the womb of the void who shall stem the blood tide sound familiar that's because it's foretelling the events of the next Elder Scrolls game the Elder Scrolls for oblivion now this goes even further as well before the Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion's release these words muttered to us as a foreshadowing of our future remained a mystery but as the release date for the Elder Scrolls for oblivion approached a countdown appeared on the official elder scrolls websites we're on a number of splash screens the rest of odd Fred white lips prophecy was revealed when the dragon dies the Empire dies where is the Lost dragon's blood the empire saya and from the womb of the void who shall stem the blood tide so long as the blood of the Dragon Prince runs strong in her rulers for glory of the Empire shall extend in unbroken years his heart's blood bleeds in darkness for once the portals are opened who shall shut them upon the rising tide for Lord Dagon for ever reborn in blood and fire from the waters of oblivion find him and close shut the marble jaws of oblivion in this prophecy the dragon refers to the Septim emperors and their Dragonborn bloodline in this case Uriel Septim the seventh the dragon Prince being Tiber Septim and the Empire itself is referred to as herb the void is a synonym for oblivion of course and the blood tide refers to the date records coming out of the portals like a tired sweeping a shoreline the next line remarks the need to find the septum heir that being Martin Septim the lost heir again is Martin Septim telling us we need to find him to close the gates and the last line excluding the word marble are actually the very last words that Uriel Septim says in the oblivion trailer find him and close shut the jaws of oblivion and they are in fact the very last words ever spoken by Uriel Septim find the last of my blood and clothes shut the marble jaws of oblivion before he is assassinated before our very eyes so yeah all that professorial nonsense coming out of a mumbling Nord warlock in a dirt hole in a frozen corner of tamriel mouth pacing for a whispering old skull I mean geez Louise who would have believed it but it turns out it was foreshadowing three years into the future the prophecy of the Elder Scrolls for oblivion who would have known it's all a bit bananas but how's that for a bloody easter egg chaps anyway with that double Yoko we have now delved deep into all of the Easter eggs and notable secrets that I could find in the Elder Scrolls 3 marwan's final expansion blood moon I do hope you have thoroughly enjoyed this nostalgic visit to Marwin dancehall steam and I do hope you've learnt of something new within the game perhaps this has even created a spark to replay whatever this video may have done for you I hope you enjoyed it and if you know anyone who would be into this kind of stuff be sure to share with them that would bring me great pleasure if you did enjoy this video please leave a like and if you have anything to add or know of something I missed be sure to leave a comment links to my other Easter egg videos that I've already done can be found down in the description via the playlist link down there you may also find all of my social media links be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter along with joining our brand new discord server I very much enjoy seeing you there now if you would like to support the channel in a more personal way you can do so on patreon or join the channel right here on YouTube with a joint button as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most genuinely appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you very much for supporting my channel and I will see you very sure in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 255,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, news, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, gaming, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, mystery, theory, detective, forest, lake, witches, 10, tiny, details, bloodmoon, expansion, tribunal, solstheim, skaal, werewolf, daedric
Id: GfKUe2O_9fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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