Shivering Isles - Easter Eggs & Secrets - Oblivion

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[Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls for oblivion my name is camel but more excitingly however welcome back to the shivering isles probably the most commonly favored expansion slash dlc to ever grace the elder scrolls series as today we will be taking a look at all of the easter eggs secrets references hidden curiosities and random pieces of trivia within the shivering aisles there is plenty of it now if this kind of stuff does interest you you know you're an interesting person into interesting content be sure to check out my other elder scrolls videos and easter egg videos that i've already done you can find links to them down in the description via the playlist link or you can just rummage around on my channel until you find something you like now down there in the description you can also find all of my social media links be sure to follow me on instagram and twitter for some incredibly mediocre content and of course be sure to check out my merch store with over 100 items carefully designed for lovers of the elder scrolls like this camel elder scroll blanket designed by yours truly it keeps you warm up to date with lore and smothers you and drip while you watch these videos now i would also like to give a massive thank you to everyone who helped me with this video as i streamed the entire process behind making this production over on twitch not only did you all provide vast knowledge you also helped me in not going insane while i trudged around through the realm of madness the shivering isles so be sure to head over to twitch follow me and come say hi when we do a live stream i'd love to see you there but for now let's get into the puzzlingly preposterous and dazzlingly deranged rabbit hole that is the shivering isles now to get this video started i'm going to reveal to you a series of occult secrets hidden on the mad god himself shiogorath we actually discovered these easter eggs live on stream so prepare to bear witness to these newly discovered cryptic kaleidoscopic easter eggs so she'll growth's regalia that being the item in game that he wears his clothing it is iconic and stands out amongst all other apparel designs within the elder scrolls iv oblivion but did you know that it holds many secrets that have been hidden away right before our eyes this entire time as woven into the psychedelic patterns that scatter ludically across his regal clothing there is a grand gallery of symbology referencing aspects and themes of the shivering isles along with some other bits and bobs that maybe you can shed some more light on what i'm saying is this crazy random pattern isn't random at all but secretly comprised of specific imagery related to the mad gods realm and other mythological references so let's take a look shall we first off there is what appears to be a rather dark and rust-hued hole on his lower back which kind of looks like a stab wound i did trudge through the law and could find no reference to the mad god ever being stabbed in the back so who really knows what this strange bloodied anomaly is on his back but along with this we will see his belt buckle it is a mask portraying a rather strange beastie likeness to me it kind of looks like merak the first dragonborn but it's probably not i mean why would merak be on sugara's pants anyway the knee on his left trouser leg appears to be the head of a hunger a daedric creature that wanders the realm of the shivering isles as we can see his lower leg protrudes from the gaping more of this potential hunger head now the upper section of his left sleeve is the head of a dragon with its mouth open from which shiogorath's arm extends interestingly the lower section of this same sleeve is the head of a snake now whether this has a meaning or is just meant to look really cool i don't know i did actually try and contact all of the artists that worked on the shivering aisles as so i could ask them questions about these discoveries but sadly none of them responded so we'll just have to take a wild stab in the dark just like on shiokarat's back and try and figure out what all this stuff means for ourselves now while there are plenty more things to see here it is rather difficult to make them out in game so what we've done is actually extracted the 2d texture files from his clothing and i have highlighted all of the notable components which we'll take a look at now down here we can see an aclocasia fruit which is a common plant found throughout the shivering isles over here we have a mud crab which is rather odd as they don't actually appear at all within the dlc now the pattern on the collar reveals a giant avian or draconic face with the rest of the pattern seeming to be the rest of its body moving to the section which makes up the back of his clothing we can see that stab wound or whatever it is but next to this is a face which when split down the middle reveals two sides of the shivering aisles mania and dementia represented by the facial expression of each half and of course the thematic background behind each side of the head as well above this we can find a crystal of order the same crystals that are associated with gigalag and his arrival within the shivering isles next we have what i believe to be a rising phoenix which there isn't a good explanation for however it could simply symbolize the cycle of shiograth and jigalag and their never ending death and rebirth one overtaking the other across the cycles of millennia now below this we can find the side profile of the head of a gnarl which are of course the walking tree type creatures that can be found creaking around the various bosques and rooted dens of the isles now just to the right of this is a small pillar of the towering blue mushroom trees that can be found dotted all around the isles as well why this image is so small i don't know the clothing was probably so crowded already that there simply wasn't mushroom left below this is a tiny little figure of an elytra which are of course the big buggish creatures that you'll see lumbering about the place over here we have what appears to be the head of a wolf or perhaps some other fanged and furry creature none of which really makes sense as there are no such creatures of this description that reside within the shivering isles so perhaps we're just barking up the wrong tree below this we can see three fish which again is strange as there are no fish within the shivering isles and while they do look like slaughterfish what is even more interesting is that they seem to have been modelled off of the slaughterfish design from the elder scrolls to daggerfall why this decision was made i don't know but it's very strange and i can say for sure that something fishy is going on here now just below these daggerfall slaughterfish is what can only be described as a horseshoe crab which seems somewhat random however the grummite shields from the shivering isles dlc are actually this exact same horseshoe crab shape so this would be what we're seeing here now above this there is what i can only describe as an oriental styled dragon's head spewing a breath full of flames now again why there is a dragon here on sheogorath's clothing i have no good reason for it other than it looks cool this might be some super meta reference to elder scrolls mythology or perhaps even real life mythology i don't know but let's move on before this begins to drag on now on the other extracted texture file we have yet another platter of images to discover firstly at the top there appears to be some kind of colossal bird with a huge toucan like beak eating a serpent who unsurprisingly does not look too happy about it i am unsure as to what this is supposed to represent if anything as there are no snakes or two cans within the shivering aisles however two cans do remind me of fruit loops and there are plenty of fruit loops walking around the shivering isles so it could be a reference to that just below this is the face of a ballywog ballywog's are the little salamander looking dudes that accompany the grummites to the right of this is what i believe to be a sideshot of a ram's head not a clue what this is supposed to represent again if anything and next to this we have something equally as bewildering as we have what appears to be an open and fanged mouth with a nice long serpentine tongue viciously lashing out towards us frankly it looks more like a biker tattoo from the 70s than a relevant reference to anything on the shivering isles now below this we can see a trio of jellyfish again i can think of no good reason for this to be here which you know kind of stings next to these jellyfish is the head of some monstrous creature that remains unidentified i think it may be a depiction of a shambles or a daydreaf or something i simply cannot put my finger on it might be a depiction of molag bal as we see him in the elder scrolls for oblivion and that will make more sense potentially in a second as to the left of this we can find the rearing and enraged anterior of an elytra or a land dreg it's hard to say which if either electro would make more sense because they are actually in the shivering isles as land drag are not however if this is a land drag that would make the depiction of molag bal make more sense as the dreg originally were the masters of a place called league otherwise known as the adjacent place and molag bal is known as the chief of the dregs so if this is depicting the drag and molag bal this might be referencing lig and if that is the case i haven't the slightest clue why it's on sheer growth's clothing now to the left of this we have yet another depiction of a phoenix which holds the same potential meaning as the first one finally all the way over here we have the same side profile of a null that we saw earlier and with that that concludes all of the weird images that i could find hidden within shia gross clothing and i am very much looking forward to hearing why you think some of these seemingly random images are on here i would also love to know if you saw anything that i missed overall i think at least that it's a super cool easter egg or even a series of easter eggs that have been tucked away and hiding right before our eyes this entire time but now that the easter egg iron is almost too hot let's cool off a little bit with a very simple one as within the bliss half of the new shield city we can find a cozy tavern called the choozy beggar the name of this inn is a little play on words and kind of flipping the comments saying beggars can't be choosers well it turns out in the realm of madness that in fact beggars can be choosers as we see here with the choosy beggar now as i'm sure you know shiograth the prince of madness has his right hand man haskill just as any prince should their relationship is interesting as shiogroth follows his insane whims while haskell keeps everything in order so to speak behind the scenes while there is one line of dialogue that hit me right in the nostalgia this one in fact dr haskell if you need more information he's got more brains than a brain pie this line of conversation is actually a reference to a british historical sitcom called black adder a show i watched all too much in my teenage years during episode 3 of season 3 when black adam walks into the room prince george says to his guests this is the fellow to ask my butler terribly clever smarter than a brain pie now along with the very similar dialogue about brain pie the relationship between prince shiogorath and his assistant haskill is eerily similar to that of prince george and his butler black hatter as in season 3 of the show prince george is a charmingly crazy kind of idiot buffoon character while his butler blackadder is essentially the brains behind making sure everything remains in working order just like haskill does for shiogorav so a lovely reference it's just a shame that baldrick didn't make an appearance ah yes now if we head to the town of split found at the center of mania we will find a township comprised of npcs that have been split into their mania aspects and their dementia aspect now if we complete the quest here called the great divide in favor of the mania side of the town we can go and find the khajiit named jazidzo and talk to him if we then select the dialogue option of doubles he will say this so i said wreck them you killed him great work well this is actually a reference to the 1996 comedy film titled black sheep in which the character mike donnelly can be overheard saying the punchline to an old joke and i quote so i said rectum you killed him good work it's a strange easter egg in fact it barely fits in at all you could even call it a black sheep now down at the gates of the crucible district within the new shield city we can find a little wood elf man named bowl wing now bollwing speaks in absolute gibberish and no one can understand him i'll telecrack the findu i will you territed it which to be frank is quite fitting for a realm of madness however if we have completed the shivering isle's main quest line and have ourselves become shiogorath the prince of madness well guess what suddenly if we speak to bowling we can understand this muttering fool perfectly why does everyone in this city look at me like i'm speaking gibberish you you can bless you my lord i should have known that you of all people would be able to understand me it's a sweet little detail and easily missed by an idol god but something you will now know forever all throughout the shivering isles we may run across these fear-inducing giant insectoid creatures known as elytra well with these big bugs in mind we can also find a book within the plain of oblivion called analytra's life now the name of this book is actually a reference to the 1998 animated children's film called a bug's life with elytra of course being the dlc's version of a bug the creature the book and the reference are just adding to the swarm of bugs that bgs puts into their games and i ain't talking about the six-legged kind now if we find ourselves within the besotten streets of crucible we may find an imperial woman who goes by the name of kaldana monreas she is a known skooma addict and is itching for it more than a khajiit on his honeymoon if we speak to her she will ask us for some of the good stuff you've got some school mail right buddy pal to share come on pass the skoomer already and we can in fact give it to her give it here give it here take this as payment upon doing so our disposition with her will be maxed out at a hundred and ever so weirdly if we attempt to persuade her she will begin cheering now this animation is actually reused from the crowd from the arena in the imperial city however no other character in the game has code to trigger a cheering animation based on a certain disposition level so kaldana monterey is here is unique in this regard why this piece of script has been added well that's only something a mad god would know the truth behind but given she is the first character to cheer based on disposition she's ahead of the curve and you know you could even call her a cheer leader although i'm unsure as to what team should fit in with maybe the hunchbacks of hammerfell or something anyway the moral to the story drugs sometimes make people happy so happy they'll start cheering but they do also make you look like that you have been melted so keep that in mind kids stay away from skooma ah now on the dilapidated and stained metal rooftops of the crucible side of the new shield city we can find a pair of scruffy shoes and a scroll of remote manipulation which is of course telekinesis seems normal you know as everyone keeps their shoes on the roof however this is actually a subtle nod to a scottish video games tv show called consolevania where in episode 5 of season 2 rabb reviews the elder scrolls 4 oblivion and claims that one of his favorite pastimes is to use telekinesis to place pairs of shoes on people's roofs which is of course exactly what we can find here and while these shoes are called scruffy shoes in game if we do want to get you know technical about shoes they're actually high tops they're really high tops you know because they're on the roof you know they're high on the on the top sorry that was the um sound of my soul leaving my body ah no matter there are two more souls here all around the shivering isles we can run across gramites and scalians both of which might look somewhat familiar if you've played fallout 3 and for good reason as both of these enemies appear to have drawn significant influence from the creature from the 1954 movie the creature from the black lagoon which was an amphibious looking humanoid monster who of course heavily influenced the design for the milo kings in bethesda game studios next game after oblivion that being fallout 3 but back to the grummites and scalian if we take a look at the concept art for the dlc we can see they're a creature from the black lagoon dna even more prevalently so when it comes to bethesda game studios carrying across multiple games this froggish creature design it's really good to see that they were quite committed to it ah yes cutter now a self-harm warning for this next one so the smith that we can find in the crucible section of the new sheath city is a bosma woman named carter who received this title from her affinity with cutting and not just her enemies as when we speak with her we will discover that she has a passion for anything related to bleeding and pain even self-inflicted they call me cutter i will cut your throat if you visit that other smith my lord has a real edge i'd like to cut myself on even the other inhabitants of the city will reference cutter's crimson habits what can you possibly see in her she spends more time cutting herself than swinging a hammer also within her workshop we can find a table splattered with blood of course suggesting that she has been living up to her namesake and cutting herself so as we know cutter is named so because she cuts herself this name cutter also likely comes from the fact that in urban slang for better or worse someone who cuts themselves may be referred to as a cutter now i would grab her by the shoulders and say cut it out but who knows how she'd interpret that i'd like to cut myself ah yes a morrowind reference so in the game files for the shivering isles dlc there is an item called the heirloom ring which can't actually be found or acquired within the game now at face value it is a rather uninteresting cut item but its editor id is s e fargoth ring which will sound very familiar to anyone who played the elder scrolls iii morrowind in which there was a wood elf npc named fargoth who had lost his ring until the player character returned it to him now in morrowind fargoth's ring has an enchantment that restores five points of health on cell for one second and in oblivion this heirloom ring aka fargoth's ring has a similar enchantment of fortify health by five points clearly this heirloom ring in oblivion codenamed fargoth ring is a nod to the item of the same name from morrowinds and the fact that the heirloom ring can't actually be found within the game might be a further reference as in morrowind fargoth had of course lost his ring aka he couldn't get his hands on it just as we can't get our hands on it here in the elder scrolls for oblivion oh back to the roofs within the crucible sector of the new shioth city if we make our way up onto the rooftops to lap as a bird we will find something strange as on top of brethor's house we will spot a collection of feathers with a few scattered little bones along with these items we can see that there is a potion of feather and a knife suggesting that someone caught a bird ripped it apart and created this potion of feather from the butchered and plucked remains of an avian creature now i'm no alchemist but i do know that zero percent of the alchemical ingredients that make a potion of feather actually come from a bird so whoever managed to pull this off is a prodigy of potions i just wish that they were able to give us the recipe although given that it's never been pulled off before it must be a very complicated process and would likely just fly over our heads now if you do feel like destroying something beautiful i'd suggest walking through crucible at night time where on top of sickly bernice's tap house we will actually find some of the npcs that live within crucible punching each other in the head while the others cheer them on standard friday night practices but it turns out this group of npcs is actually in a little gang called the duelists who come and fight in hand-to-hand combat for fun it's a kind of strange side but you know this is the realm of a mad god after all but as i'm sure you figured out this is actually a reference to the 1999 movie fight club in which fight club members meet up at night and fist fight for fun and furthering the connection if we look behind the bar we will find the liturgy of the duelists where we can see all of the rules one of which is speak not of the duelists referencing of course the famous rule of fight club which is to not talk about fight club now if i were personally to join the duelists or fight club i would literally fight with a club and become the arena champion gaining a rather fond fan for this next one we have a many pronged easter egg as within the bliss section of the new shioth city we can find the house of an argonian named big head who might sound familiar to anyone who played the elder scrolls 3 morrowind but we'll get to that a little later within this house we can see that big head has some kind of obsession with forks of all shapes and sizes there are hundreds of forks stored in cupboards held behind glass display cases adorning the walls covering table tops and just shoved into any place they'll fit personally i think that this habit of his is a little bit forked up it's like he doesn't know the difference between right and prong now when we speak to big head he will send us out on a mission to go and locate the daedric artifact known as the fork of heripalation the fork the precious precious fork you will find it bring the fork once we go and retrieve it and return it to him he will be very thankful and offered to train us in one of three skills those being blade sneak and alchemy now if we choose the sneak skill he will say this the secret to sneaking is not to be seen empty rooms empty tombs sneak in the dark though the blind man can see you now the beginning of this line the secret to sneaking is not to be seen is a reference to how to not be seen which is a famous sketch from the monty python's flying circus who of course for a comedy group who made pretty out there comedy which of course fits perfectly into the shivering isles along with this however if we choose the blades option big head will say this big head knows a secret about blades point them out never in blade is out kill the grandpa nitch now this does seem like a rather strange thing to say but in fact this line is a reference to the elder scrolls three morrowinds where big head actually made an appearance during shigeru's stage request during which we the player character must obtain the fork of heripalation from bighead himself once we have it we then need to kill a specific bullnetch with it a bullnetch that big head called grandpa netch so it is a throwback to the big old granddaddy netch grandpa netch now interestingly big heads forked up obsession with fawkes bleeds all the way into his game scripting as if the fork of heripalation is removed from bighead's inventory once the quest is over big head will then attack characters with a fork in their inventory along with this big head will try to steal the pewter fork in rendal gerara's pockets this will almost always end with big head getting caught and being killed by the guards just goes to show no matter how harmless an addiction seems it will always lead you to trouble in the end and you'll get absolutely forked up in the bliss sector of the new shia city the local smith is an alzber man named dumag groebonk if we commission an amber sword from him he delivers this rather familiar sounding piece of dialogue mama always said you can tell a lot about a man by the sword he carries this line is a reference to the 1994 film forrest gump in which forrest gump says my mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes where are they going where they've been so there's a nice little nod to forrest gump it's just a shame that dumag grobonk didn't have a box of chocolates for us next we have an item that can be found within the game files but was never actually implemented into the final version that is because the scripting behind it is actually incomplete but we'll bark up this tree anyway and take a look so these are the ghost dog gauntlets when you equip them it will summon a ghost dog and allow you to cast three new spells ghost hound attack ghost hound heal and ghost hound stay sadly as soon as you leave the inventory menu the summoned ghost dog is banished to the nether realm and will disappear after a fraction of a second this will happen every single time therefore i can't actually show you what these spells taught by the gauntlets do because none of the code works but i can summon one of these ghost dogs with console commands and this is the little fella an ectoplasmic canine companion that you were meant to be able to summon and command with these ghost dog gauntlets sadly bethesda just buried this bone in the game files and it was never finished or seen by the player nevertheless unlike a horse armor dlc i actually think these gauntlets would have been a pretty cool idea oh yes now within the ranks of the golden saints and the dark seduces the females are the superior members of the race with males being second-class citizens which is you know stomp on me mummy interestingly there is also an easily missed visual cue for rank within the golden saints and dark seduces as standard golden saint helmets look like this but if there is a pink jewel set in their helmet it means they are a captain similarly standard dark seducer helmets look like this whereas dark seducer captains have helmets that look like this they have a silver etching and are bejeweled with bluish green gems beyond this however there is actually a higher rank of dark's juices known as the dark seducer royal guard who have a golden etched helmet it's a nice little detail that is easily missed by most players but regardless of their rank sign me up to the daedric mummy matriarchy now at one point towards the beginning of the shivering isle's main campaign the mother of the gatekeeper ralmina veronin will be crying before her child and then run away because her tears can actually harm him when she does so she will drop her handkerchief on the ground which doesn't seem particularly notable but if we take a very close look at it we will notice there is a twisted and rather familiar looking face interestingly this face on her handkerchief is very similar to the face that can be found on the back of sheogorath's clothing that we saw earlier both are split down the middle and display exaggerated portrayals of contrasting mental states i.e mania and dementia the two sides of the shivering isles it's weird that they're almost identical and clearly cut from the same cloth but not actually identical anyway a very interesting detail that could be easily missed also just as a bonus big super sad incoming just before real mena varanen drops her handkerchief the gatekeeper puts out his arms to hug his mum and she rejects him because her tears would burn him there's something just so sad about seeing a hulking flesh atronach be emotionally denied comfort from its mother ironically she's actually gatekeeping affection from the gatekeeper now we have a rather long string of sheogorath related easter eggs so in the base game of oblivion if we take the offerings of lettuce yarn and a lesser soul gem to the shrine of shiogorath located in the north western section of blackwood on the border of elsewhere and cyrodiil interacting with the shrine will initiate shiograth stage request upon which the mad prince himself will begin talking to the player character another mortal tales to summon me and already i'm bored however if you have completed the shivering aisle's main questline and mantled sheogorath himself you've become shiogorath well if you've done this and then take the offerings to the shrine of shiograth within cyrodiil and interact with it haskill will actually talk in shiogara's place and deliver some funny dialogue for a mad god who prays to their own shrine praying to yourself my lord that's not a good sign or perhaps it is prince of madness and all that while i believe you should be attending to your duties it is of course your prerogative to spend time wherever you wish a pretty funny detail to be honest now keeping these offerings for shilgorath in mind those being lettuce yarn and alessa salgem well while exploring the vast nooks and crannies of the plain of oblivion the shivering isles we can actually find busts and shrines of shiogorath before them we will often find either lettuce yarn or a lesser souljam or a combination of said items of course making reference to the fact that these are the sacred charities required to commune with the mad god shiograth at his shrine in cyrodiil now building off of this even further if you can manage to see into the inventory of shiogorath the npc that we find in game which by the way is very difficult as he cannot be killed nor can he be pickpocketed although i managed to use a console command to clone him and then pickpocket the clone anyway if you do manage to see within his inventory we will notice that the only things he carries is lettuce and yarn of course two of the items that he and his followers consider to be sacred a very interesting detail especially considering that you can't actually see his inventory without the use of multiple console commands so it's pretty cool that mother devs put this in here and while we're on the topic of the mad prince shiogorath it is worth mentioning that he is actually the highest level npc in the entirety of the elder scrolls 4 oblivion along with its dlcs and all of its official plugins his character level is 254 which is about quintuple the maximum player character level of 50 and 204 levels above the high level npcs who sit at around level 50. apart from a few outliers who sit at a certain amount of levels above the player character's level regardless giogorath is many multiples higher in level than any other npc in the game and while we're here i mean of course shiogorath is one snappy dresser especially from what we learned earlier but you may have subconsciously noticed that he looks even more distinguished than any other npc in the game this is due to a physical attribute unique to his character model that being his beard as no other npcs in the elder scrolls for oblivion have beards also the player character does not have a beard option either making the mad god's appearance even more unique with his blessed beard and while we're talking about his sacred facial hair there's something else rather interesting as the lack of beards within the elder scrolls iv oblivion could be put down to the doings of shilgorath you really shouldn't have done that enjoy them as if we commit a crime in the presence of shiogorath he will punish us with death by a falling accompanied by a great view as he will teleport us high up into the sky above a location known as punishment point now here at punishment point we can find the corpse of robert wisniewski who had also been punished in the same way by shiogorath interestingly on his corpse we can find a letter titled death decree which reads shio gorath prince of madness lord of the never there sovereign of the shivering isles does on this day henceforth make this decree robert wisniewski citizen of the shivering isles resident of bliss and honored madman has broken the laws and covenants of the shivering isles and defended the austere personage of our lord through the following actions attempting the growth of a beard an action deemed unseemly in the eyes of our lord it is further decree that the actions of this citizen merit the strictest of punishments to be meted out at the earliest possible hour in a manner to be chosen according to the whims and fancies of our lord shiogorath so given that shiograth punishes those who attempt to grow a beard with death this could be the reason that no one alive in the elder scrolls 4 oblivion has a beard now interestingly this npc robert wisniewski is actually named after one of the developers from bethesda game studios who worked on the shivering isles dlc now why robert wisniewski was chosen to be killed for trying to grow a beard is unknown however i like to think that the real-life dev tried to grow a beard and the rest of the studio hated it so they punished him by death for it within the game this is of course pure speculation but i dare you to speculate something better ah yes depression alerts as within the crucible section of the new shield city we can find a very depressed imperial man named hiros clatumnas when we approach him he will have a mission for us in short he wants us to kill him i have a proposition for you best not to talk about it here have you seen those miserable souls on the hill of suicides do you think that kind of existence is any better than this no you must kill me he doesn't want to kill himself because he doesn't want to end up as a ghost wandering eternally on the hill of suicide at location the shivering isles so this is an easy enough request as we can simply wait till he's in a good position and talk to him again and well it's your lucky day what he will then fall to his death with all of the grace that oblivion's ragdoll physics can muster so here he lies finally at peace but what's truly interesting is once we take his key and get inside his house we will find that just inside the front door there is a blood-stained table littered with tools like shears and a sickle suggesting that harris was actually dabbling in self-harm along with this in the stairwell we can find a stool with a spool of rope of course pointing towards the idea that he was contemplating suicide which we know to be true as he literally asks us to kill him in this same stairwell there are also a series of chains and shackles hanging from the rafters the exact activity that would involve these well i cannot say but it's either very bad or very fun but given his depressed state i'd put money on the former now upstairs in his bedroom we will discover a writing table with scrunched up pieces of paper scattered all over the floor likely the remnants of his attempts at writing a suicide note poor fellow on top of his chest of drawers rests a small lock box within which we will find something very interesting firstly the ring of happiness which has an amazing enchantment it feathers for 70 points on self it produces light for 25 feet it also provides water walking and fortifies one's personality by 10 points certainly a ring that you know would make you happy they're pretty good enchantments now given harris's depressed state this ring name seems very ironic but it actually has a rather real and very deep meta meaning as inside this lock box we can also find hiros clatumnas's will within which we will find him talking about the ring of happiness and i quote all i really have is this queer little ring a wizard gave it to me once said i reminded him of his dead son i guess i resemble his dead son even more now anyway he said it would make me happy lift the weight of the world off of my shoulders or some such thing come to think of it it's the only time anyone has ever given me anything personally i think this thing is worthless just like me i tried it for a while the happiness ring but eventually i couldn't wear it anymore it made me feel odd not myself i didn't like feeling that way so i locked it away end quote so while you may not realize it i believe that this ring of happiness is actually a direct allusion to antidepressants just like the ring of happiness they are a potential cure a remedy for depression but oftentimes people who take antidepressants stop taking them off their own accord as they don't like the way it makes them feel and makes them feel unlike themselves just like this ring of happiness did to hirus now while shiogorath displays a wide range of emotions and states of mind there is one such instance in which he warns us to make certain that he does not become bored what is important is getting to zedelian quickly before i get bored oh you wouldn't like me when i'm bored this piece of dialogue might sound rather familiar and there is good reason this line you wouldn't like me when i'm bored is a direct homage to the hulk's famous line don't make me angry you wouldn't like me when i'm angry and to be frank i think that i would prefer to suffer the wrath of an angry hulk over suffering the wrath of aboard shiogorath because in law shield gorath is really really scary now there is a certain book that can occasionally be found throughout the shivering isles and it holds a secret message it is called the ravings of fenroi and one place that we can find it is inlet camp up in this shack on the wooden table within it we will see this passage here that reads just you wait and see good gods come and go but all lords eventually fall a god can wake up mortal now as touching as that piece of poetry is you might have noticed that not just the first word of each lion is capitalized but instead the first two words of each line if we take these capitalized letters j y g g a l a g they spell gigalag who is of course the daedric prince of order he was once so powerful that the other daedric princes cursed him to exist as the opposite of everything he stood for henceforth he became the mad god shiogorath but at the end of each era he is allowed to return to his normal form through the grey march which is of course exactly what is happening during the main questline of the shivering isles anyway his name hidden in here is an easily missed and cool little secret that was ironically written by a madman in the north eastern corner of the shivering isles we can find a little town called high cross here there is an argonian woman named runs in circles she will constantly ask the player for specific items you know give me shoes give me an apple blah blah go away please now if we act sanely and don't give her the items that she requests well she'll throw a little tantrum have a little meltdown and say this this is of course a reference to the 1975 film monty python and the holy grail in which the knights who say ni request things of king arthur just as runs in circles requests things of us also any defiance shown to the knights who say near results in the knights who say near saying just as runs in circles does here in oblivion although she is more annoying and very hard to film while she does laps around the town square but when you think about it at least she didn't ask us for a shrubbery now there are a lot of magical things in the shivering isles lots of crazy looking trees and mushrooms and such well we can find one rather magic tree and i'll show you just where as if we go into the house of mania's wing of shiogras palace we can find its master of merriment a bosma noble named thadon where at some points during the day we can find him in the halcyon conservatory merrily painting away making no mistakes at all only happy accidents but if we take a closer look at this piece of art it kind of looks like this tree has sprouted an arm and is smoking a joint it might be me imagining things but a tree participating in such activities is completely plausible within the shivering isles also thadon is completely off his rocker so him cooking up a psychedelic painting of a plant getting ripped ain't out of the question in the slightest now while we're on the topic of theodon prepare to see some moves busted and some shapes cut as after the completion of the quest addiction phaedon can be found in the halcyon conservatory in the house of mania during the morning and occasionally we will spot him basically just tripping out on felju he will be dancing a unique and ludicrous sequence of movements speaking about enjoying the chalice and other amusing oddities he really is unironically living in both bliss and mania in concept and in geography oh yes now within bliss we can find the local blacksmith it's a shop called the missing pauldron now the name of this smithy is actually an accurate nod to disgruntled morrowind fans who complained about the simplification of the armor system in the elder scrolls for oblivion as in the elder scrolls three morrowinds pauldrons that being the armor that goes on your shoulders were actually separate items you had to get a right pauldron and a left pauldron well then came oblivion and the pauldron slots had been given the cold shoulder and were removed all together which naturally led to leaked morrowind gamers getting in a huff about the dumbing down of character systems and customization so bgs placed this shop here the missing pauldron into the dlc as a sly nod to those who miss their pauldrons aka me bring them back todd bring them back then i can finally get rid of that chip on my shoulder and replace it with a daedric pauldron once again for this next one we will have to go over the hills and far away and make our way to a ruin called zythard within this long tedious and confusing dungeon we can find a hidden chest buried behind some rubble called the dark chest of wonders which is also something that all darks juices have anyway within this dark chest of wonders we can find this item ring of the ocean born which has the magical enchantments of water breathing and night eye now this whole thing is actually a reference to the finnish symphonic metal band nightwish who have a song titled the dark chest of wonders which is the opening track of their album titled once furthering the reference nightwish also released an album titled ocean born just as the ring in game is named now the ring of ocean born also bears a night eye enchantment nodding to the band's name night wish and the water breathing enchantment is a nod to the ocean-themed album all in all a fitting and well hidden easter egg and it's always good to know that some of the bgs devs are metal heads now towards the finalization of the main storyline of the shivering isles during the quest symbols of office we will find ourselves within a subterranean chamber called the grove of reflection a mystical glade ripe with verdant flora and a shimmering pool of water with a glowing arcane pillar rising from its center here we will end up fighting a shadow clone of ourselves who fights with a sword and shield now this all seems to be a reference to zelda the ocarina of time within which you enter the water temple and fight a shadow clone of yourself just like here in oblivion furthering this the rather fittingly water-laden arena of the water temple has this tree at its center acting as the central pillar of the area well this seems to have also been somewhat recreated here in oblivion with the water the central pillar and the surrounding trees also the name of the location the grove of reflection seems to have taken influence from the underlying motif running through the ocarina of time that being reflection so there's a really cool and once again easily missed easter egg but one that we can all now look back and reflect upon ah yes now get ready to be acquitted as in the bliss section of the new shield city we can find a retired red guard man named orenthal when we speak to him he will say a few curious things orenthal retired assassin now i live here only red guard here incidentally an interesting fact isn't it i do enjoy facts hello there have i mentioned that my left arm is actually one inch longer than my right never know when that might be important now interestingly this guy here is actually a nod to o.j simpson firstly although it is spelled differently he has the first name as oj that being orenthal secondly he states that he's a retired assassin referencing of course the famous case in which o.j simpson was tried and acquitted for the murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ronald goldman so in a sense o.j simpson would also be considered a retired assassin now during this case a blood-soaked glove didn't fit o.j simpson's hand supposedly the glove shrunk from blood seeping into the leather fibers thus explaining why o.j simpson's hand didn't fit inside the glove with this in mind orenthal here in the shivering isles mentions that he has one arm longer than the other and then cheekily says never know when that might be important nodding to the glove not fitting oj's hands leading to him being acquitted of course a glove not fitting is something that might happen when your arms are different sizes just as orinthol here in game has and along with all of this of course the devs made orenthal the in-game race that would look most similar to o.j simpson physically that being a red guard so all together we have a well hidden and very cheeky nod to the orange juice oj and speaking of orenthal's head does look like an orange now in the central north of mania we can find a road called the overlook road this name may be a reference to the 1980s psychological horror film the shining in which jack lives in the overlook hotel and slowly descends into insanity just as his predecessor did well this is also what happens to many of the inhabitants of the shivering isles although whether this is an intentional reference or a coincidence is unknown but i thought it was something that shouldn't be overlooked now the first township that we will run across after entering the shivering isles is a little hamlet called pass wall now while it might not be it is thought to be named after a spell from the first elder scrolls game arena in which there was a spell called pass wall which would allow you to literally remove a wall asset from the game which at both face value and also practically it's a pretty crazy spell rather interestingly the town of passport within the realm of madness no less has no walls as if someone came through with the very spell and removed all of the balls i'm not sure if this was an intentional reference either way i thought it was worth mentioning now during the quest rebuilding the gatekeeper ralmina verenim can be found in her laboratory at sasselm firing off painful magic to her naked and caged victims while she takes down notes as she writes a book based on pain well during this sequence she says this does this work more or less than last time please indicate on a scale of one to ten very interesting hard to hear over the screams i know but this is actually a reference to the 1987 fantasy movie the princess bride where prince humperdink's right hand man count rugen tortures the protagonist westley while doing so rugen says that he's writing a book on pain and after turning the machine on he asks wesley how does that make you feel and after wesley grunts he says interesting exactly like what we see here within the shivering isles also it's a classic movie if you haven't seen it now while exploring the dazzling realm that is the shivering isles we sometimes will come across tiny little bones and while these may easily be dismissed as the bones of some small creature or child there is actually a more titillating tale behind them as if we visit the museum of oddities within crucible and ask for a tour from una amina she will have this to tell us look closely and you'll see a tiny skull these pygmies used to live in the shivering aisles until they were all eaten by gramites so these tiny bones actually belonged to a petite little race of pygmies who unfortunately were all eaten by grummites who apparently just love small meals interestingly she has a little pygmy skull in the cabinet and if we place a regular skull next to the skull of a pygmy we can see the massive size difference so we know that the pygmies were many times smaller than the average humanoid races of the elder scrolls amazingly if we head into vithan keep we can actually find a statue of a gromite holding a full pygmy skeleton in its hands this is the only place within the known elder scrolls universe with a complete pygmy body it's ironic that it is being cradled by a statue of the very creature that ate them into extinction in the first place it might seem like a little thing but i think it's always interesting when you discover that there is a race within the elder scrolls that you didn't know existed so i think it's pretty cool even though it is a small find this next one is much more of a trivia point than anything but a big heavy one at that as during the quest ghosts of vithan if cloval drath is given the dagger of depletion the player will be immobilized until struck by that dagger now this is all well and good but there is a strange occurrence behind this event when you give him the dagger there is a ring called the ring of ghostly immobility added to your inventory that weighs 1 000 pounds this is what actually immobilizes the player it also does not show up in your inventory menus so you can't simply drop it but once struck by the dagger of depletion this ring is removed from the player's inventory i have dropped this ring on the ground here using console command so we can see it i didn't want to add it to my inventory as if i did i would be unable to remove it because it doesn't show up so yes it's an interesting piece of trivia but to me it's also really like a strange roundabout way of phrasing the character in place surely it would be simpler to write a script that immobilizes the character rather than writing a script that adds and removes a super heavy ring from the player's inventory just another one of the many crazy mysteries of the shivering isles and the dev team behind it now also during the ghosts of vithan quest we can encounter alfal's ghost she says seemingly random sequences of numbers mixed in between her lines of dialogue however a lot of these are actually strings of significant number chains one two three i need my arrows five seven eleven i can't get them 13 17 19. if i leave who will keep up the count 23 29 31. 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 all being prime numbers although technically one isn't a prime number we also have one six one i was the first to spot the invaders eight zero three i was on patrol when i saw their skirmishers marching toward vitharn three nine eight i rode back as fast as i could to tell count syrian of the danger eight seven four he went and hid nine eight nine one point six one one eight zero three three nine eight eight seven four nine eight nine is the golden ratio along with this we have three one four without any arrows i'm useless in this battle one five nine but if i leave to get them who will count two six five three point one four one five nine two six five is of course pi and lastly we have this two seven one you have arrows eight two eight now let the battle be joined one eight two why aren't you counting eight four five two point seven one eight two eight one eight two eight four five is of course e euler's number so while she may be a mad mathematically minded ghost she does you know have some deep important mathematical numbers rattling around in her brain and as smart as she is with numbers she was unable to count the number of orcs running at her and she died and while we're here with alphel's ghost we have another interesting tidbit to explore the ghostly arrows that she fires from her ghostly bow will sometimes miss their mark and stick into the ground from which we can actually recover them we can pick them up and if we look within our inventory these ghostly arrows are actually just called steel arrows and they have all the same stats they also share the same model but they have been given this ghostly blue texture making them a completely unique type of arrow within the elder scrolls for oblivion and they're actually the only kind of ghost arrows that the player character can acquire within the game so it most certainly makes them a collector's item that you can haunt your foes with now within the bliss sector of the new shiath city there is a bookshop called books of bliss run by one ultima woman called sonterre while obviously she loves books they aren't the only thing she likes to get stuck into as she is a strumpet in the most clinical definition of the word she sleeps with all of the men of the township if you play a male character she'll be very charming but if you play a female character she'll be very aggressive and tell you to back away from her men new around here well we can start off by getting one thing straight the men around here are mine you want fresh pickings go out and scrounge up some leftovers in a settlement or something so it seems she's not into women straight as an arrow apparently well with these illicit activities in mind if we go up into her bedroom and inspect the bed we will find chains bonds and shackles mounted to the walls now who's getting bound and who's doing the binding is left to the imagination but what's actually terrifying is the choice of bedside accessories you know something like a bottle of booze a summoned remora spell a carrot even these might be funny however instead we have a pair of calipers and shears now i don't know what's getting pinched by the calipers and i don't know what's getting snipped by the shears but by the nine divines i am not volunteering to find out sonte also has something humorous on a tombstone but we'll get to that at the end when we cover the whole graveyard if we take a look at the map of the shivering isles we can see that there is a mountain range called the jester's spine mountains that runs all the way down here near the bottom of which we can see that there is a landmark called the heretics horn and further down past the base of the spine we can find a dungeon called swamp gas hole now i don't know if it's just me but a heretic's horn and a swamp gas hole at the bottom of a spine well quite frankly i think that these sound like euphemisms can you think of a horn and a swamp gas hole that's near the bottom of a spine exactly it turns out that the mad god does have a twisted sense of humor now in crucible we can find the house of a high elf mage named marine everything seems normal until she mentions her uncle leo hello there i just finished a lovely conversation with uncle leo it seems he's not feeling well today lost an arm pretty strange okay well if we head on upstairs we can find this uncle leo who's actually a zombie i mean talk about rotten relatives now uncle leo here is actually a reference to uncle leo from the sitcom seinfeld in which jerry has a kind of bumbling annoying old uncle named leo interestingly uncle leo has since appeared within other elder scrolls titles like the elder scrolls online where he is a flesh atronach uncle leo is much smaller and less impressive here in oblivion but you know age will do that to you now penultimately for this next one we have a rather interesting little piece of trivia within knife point hollow we can find an imperial man named dice of matheria he seems like a pretty standard old man sitting in a chair as old men do but if we take a close look at his face there is something rather special as dice's eye color is actually unique to him it is not available in character creation nor is it used for any other npc and to be honest while his eye color is unique it's really underwhelming just like most unique items in oblivion and finally we're up to the last easter egg and what subject more fitting to end this video than death mass death the new shioth graveyard is a rather dynamic and involved easter egg as there are 28 npcs within the shivering isles that will get their own unique tombstone and unique epitaph if they are killed most of the tombstones are humorous references to aspects of the character's personality but before we go on a murdering spree to fill up the graveyard there are already eight tombstones in here from the get-go we'll read these first and then move on to the npcs that we'll be assassinating firstly is blaze set here lies blaze set faster than the wind dumber than a stump next we have endari remember andari one day she will rise and take her vengeance next we have heleny the death helleni the death she never heard it coming next is lob grow mogob lob grow mogob died we ate him and buried the bones here next is mean half tail may your spirit swim forever mean half-tail then we have renesta renesta lies here covered in glory and dirt then there is vien breninus vien berninis noble but poor and finally there is vil val teleram vil val teleram was thrown in this hole so those are kind of underwhelming to be honest but i thought we should cover them anyway but now let's move on to the npcs that will actually need to die during our gameplay firstly is adjuster a khajiit woman who is convinced that the end of the world is coming her tombstone reads in memory of adjuster the world hasn't come to an end only her next is amy bull fenrin a bratton man that crawls around in constant fear of being crushed by falling walls well his tombstone reads amiable fan fallen before the walls did next we have bishop a khajiit man who follows and wants to constantly pet and play with a dog that belongs to the racist orc ashna who hates cats and his tombstone reads in memory of bishop killed because he loved dogs next is big head an argonian man who has an obsession with collecting forks as we learned earlier and his tombstone reads in memory of big head completely forked haha they use the same joke i did 50 times next is bowl wing a bosma man that speaks in complete gibberish and his tombstone reads i think his name was bowlwing of course referencing the fact that no one could understand him next is brethor a bosma male who performs acts of petty thievery his tombstone reads in the end his last breath was stolen from him then we have caldana monreas an imperial woman who is extremely addicted to skooma her tombstone reads kaldana monreas's last words bring some skooma to my wake wanting a dose even in death apparently then we have the sweet cutter a bosma lady who performs self-harm for fun and her tombstone reads in memory of cutter she enjoyed every cut to the last and she enjoyed that one the most it cut her spirit free next is dumeg grobonk and osma blacksmith whose tombstone reads in honor of dumag grosbonk he made killing things fun again next is eeril an ultimate enchanter who offers to preserve you the player character in time and put you on display through some strange method of time magic well his tombstone reads he taught us to make the seconds count before we close our eyes next we have fimian a bosma beggar who is constantly asking for food and will never be full despite how much he eats his tombstone reads fimian died hungry or at least he thought he was next is glorol ross a bosma man who is constantly trying to sell sticks to everyone his tombstone reads in memory of glorolros sticks and stones broke his bones next is hyrus clatumnus a very depressed imperial man who feels like an outcast the guy we spoke of in depth earlier anyway his tombstone reads heroes cletumness never felt like he fit in anywhere well he fits in a coffin pretty nicely now next is mazzada a kajiti thief who supposedly lost all these things and is trying to steal them back his tombstone reads mazata found that which he did not seek the sharp end of a blade next is marine an ultima woman obsessed with finding out the latest gossip well her tombstone reads marine rests here with the knowledge that her death provides much gossip so that's good then we have orenthal a retired red guard assassin who remembers the numerical details of just about everything his tombstone reads numbers matter no more for orinthaul has found eternity then we have raven biter an argonian man who is overly jealous and super protective of his wife his tombstone reads in memory of raven biter he was one crazy son of a next we have rendell dr a dunmer man who can often be found in his house cooking up some of his favorite cuisine well his tombstone reads he's cooked his last meal imagine they put that on like ramsay's tombstone anyway next we have shir midish an argonian woman married to an overly protective husband that runs a tavern her tombstone reads beloved wife and loyal drinking companion then we have sickly bernice a breton woman who is a hypochondriac she's constantly scared of getting sick well her tombstone reads this time she was right oh and now we have sonte the strumpet an ultimate bookseller who sleeps with every man she can find her tombstone reads finally sondheim sleeps alone haha now we have feydil a bosma juggler who quite frankly sucks and her tombstone reads in memory of thadel a juggler beyond compare at least in her own mind next we have tiltsi arleth a dunmatrader who was essentially a hoarder her tombstone reads she couldn't take it with her referencing her a masked horde then we have tov the unrestful a nord man who is building a sky boat his tombstone reads in memory of tov the unrestful his works completed may he finally find rest then we have amino an imperial woman that runs the museum of oddities her tombstone reads in memory of una amina a true oddity ha then we have ushna grow shad bor gob an awk man scared of cats and a lover of dogs his tombstone reads he asked be buried with his beloved dog oh well then we have angora a bosma beggar who wants to leave the shivering isles as he claims that he's not crazy well his tombstone reads angora finally got out of the city she or gorath watch over his spirit then we have wide eye an argonian woman who often references her many children during dialogue well her tombstone reads in memory of wide eye may all her children prosper and may they and then we have the end of the video oh that's crazy so like i said it's a very involved and very interactive easter egg and seemingly a fitting one to finalize our mad journey through the shivering isles so i would love to hear from you and know what your favorite things covered in this video were i'd also love to know if you have any extra information to shed more light onto any of the easter eggs and secrets that we covered throughout this video the collective power of all of us will be much greater than just mine so i always appreciate your input i'd also love it if you came and followed me on twitch i haven't been doing it long so it's always good to see some new names in chat while we hang out play games make videos do whatever really just come say hi and of course be sure to follow me on instagram and twitter along with hitting up all of my other social media links down in the description please feel free to check out the merch store it's a great way to support the channel while also getting some epic loot at the same time and if you do want to support the channel in a more personal way you can become a patreon on patreon a member here on youtube or subscribe on twitch as i'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that i create for you to enjoy so your support is most genuinely appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel i've been camel and i will see you very shortly in the next video i'll see you there soon [Music] you
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 198,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, news, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, gaming, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, mystery, theory, detective, 10, tiny, details, expansion, daedric, gods, sheogorath, shivering, isles, madness, prince, oblivion, TES, IV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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