How to Make Twitch Panels for FREE (w/ Template Download Link)

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hey guy level here and today we're going to be making twitch panels or maybe that's another excuse for me to introduce you to graphic design anyways i'm going to start by telling you where on the internet you can find some twitch panels super fast super easy by modifying a template designing your own getting some pre-made ones and then we're going to be using which is basically photoshop for free on the internet from a web browser to create uh let's say three designs all right and once we're done making them i'll make them available for free to you check the links in the description now the links won't be available forever but it doesn't matter since i'm going to show you how to make them yourself step by step alright i'm super excited about this video but i'm even more excited by today's sponsor and this video sponsor is solar stream solar stream is a membership service that provides you with a bunch of educational courses made by live streamers for live streamers it was made by the same people who created streamer square which is a big educational platform for live streamers already solar stream kicks off with 30 courses and the information in those courses was sourced from 50 plus well-established very successful streamers that you might know actually the courses cover multiple topics from streaming 101 to business and logistics monetization growth basically everything you need to know in order to build maintain and grow and to make the learning as fun as possible there are multiple types of media that you can learn from articles videos quizzes worksheets and more you can start your free membership today and have access to free information then check out the accelerated plan once you're ready to get serious of course they will continue to add more courses but i'll let you check it out and sign up today and launch your stream towards new horizons with solar stream all right let's imagine that you're just starting out and you want some twitch panels and you want to kind of customize them maybe you have some weird social media that you want to show boom first place i would go is another die they have a bunch of panels that are completely free that you can customize you can choose the colors you can type whatever you want into them you've probably seen this one a lot but nerdy has way more look at that let's scroll up look at here twitch panel maker literally right there on the website you can create your own panel text content boom i made a panel if i wanted to change the logo i can do that too if i want to change the color of course i can do that too i can even see what it looks like if i'm using light mode don't use light mode anyways that's nerd or die link in the description another resource for free but also paid twitch panels is level yes made by yours truly so every time you say zero plus that means it's free it's pay what you want so if you want to pay something you can pay something i don't mind taking that tip but you can also type in zero and get it for completely free and every time you see a pack for example this is free halloween pack boom this comes with a bunch of panels too can check the preview look at that this is halloween themed panels this one is called sneak and you can see a preview of the panels usually there's about 20 to 21 panels including a blank one that allows you to put whatever you want if you want to customize it so every single pack has a bunch of panels included so for that link will be you guessed it in the description all right let's talk about owned for example if you go to overlays and design in static you'll find panels now those are not free but there are so many so many so many so many plus right now they're having 50 sale plus they will include a psd panel that you can actually modify and type whatever you want in photoshop or any software that opens psd files you probably already heard of own because they frequently sponsor my videos but yeah you guessed it link will be in the description another cool website that allows you to modify it straight from the website before you download it is and the cool thing here you can not only make panels but you can also make overlays you can create whatever you want really it's a template website so if i type twitch panel for example i'll get a bunch of them but you can modify them easily this one is cute and you see the graphic here but it's also completely deconstructed so you can see whatever you want to put for example if i want to change this one and i want to put this one instead boom it's that easy and every single color can be changed it is really that simple you can change the font if you want to you can change the text make it say whatever you want and boom now this one is not free either but with the link in the description you're actually getting 15 off because your boy is affiliated with them so moral of the story is check out the links in the description now we can start creating them from scratch so you can see how much work it is when you're actually working from scratch so step one go to or photopia i like calling it photopia i'm gonna keep calling it photopia click on new project this is basically photoshop for free all right under dpi you want to put 300 so that's high quality you know and uh when it comes to the width and the height i get this question a lot what is the width what is the twitch tells you hey the width is going to be minimum um 320 or recommended all right and just to make sure that it looks as good as possible i usually double it so i go 640 for the width because when it comes to the height you can put whatever you want you can have one long panel so i usually start by making a square 640 by 640 and depending on the design that i'm going for i'm going to crop the height so 640 by 640 and i can click create boom so now i have a square and we're going to create something that is kind of super duper easy to do you're going to go to google images you're going to find a transparent png of a character that you play from the game and then you're gonna download that upload that to photopia and this is gonna be your banner of course make sure that you have the rights to use the images that you download from google images don't just take a random one definitely do not just take someone's artwork from like deviant art but yeah for example if you play apex legends you're probably a sweaty wraith main let's type wraith png and let's try to find a transparent one and if we can't find a transparent one we can just make it transparent then for example the ones that you see the preview already has the checkers those are not transparent you're being faked out it's only the ones that have a white background here and then when you click they turn into checkers like this one that is a transparent one all right always keep an eye on where you are downloading it from so the website is shown here i will not be responsible for any dmca claims this is high quality so we're gonna go with that one you're gonna right click it and click save image right so we have that downloaded and now we are just going to drag and drop it into photo p we're going to scale it in order to not mess it up we're going to hold shift right so it maintains the proportions we might want it on the left or on the right if you want it to the right you might want to flip it so right click flip horizontally just like this and there you go remember that we're gonna crop the height just to make sure that we have something that looks good that's not too bad i'm gonna move her with the arrows on my keyboard press c in order to bring up the crop menu and here we're gonna kind of visualize how we want the panel to be we're not going for a square panel here we're going with a rectangle kind of normal one kind of thin rectangle just like this and boom okay next step let's find something like a brush stroke on also google images brush stroke png if needed so here we're going to try to find a brush stroke that looks clear enough to have some text over it basically but we also want something that is kind of high quality for example this one is 320. we don't want that something like this actually looks really good like this nice so we're gonna right click and download it it's from png all so it is a website where you can download the png and the license is creative commons boom and we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna go back here except we're gonna click on the background just so that it puts the layer in between uh both of them even if i'm not even sure it's gonna do that so i'm gonna write i'm gonna just drag and drop it in here and it did that boom there you go we're gonna scale it in order for it to be a little visible behind the wraith here um it's a brush stroke so it doesn't have to be like high fidelity so you don't need to really hold shift uh this is nice so we were able to find a brushstroke that is not only png so transparent border transparent background i should say uh but on top of that it's pretty high quality this is great gonna do this that's nice okay so now wraith already has some sort of a color scheme because this is pretty much the part where you would choose what is your color scheme what are what are the colors you want to display that are part of your brand right here wraith already has that purple so we can stay with the purple or we can you know add an adjustment layer and make wraith have a different uh color i would go here in new adjustment layer let me close that down new adjustment layer i would go to hue and saturation and i would play around with the hue a little bit until i find something that i like maybe more bluish for example and just to make sure that um the hue and saturation only applies to the wraith i'm gonna place my cursor in in the middle between the wraith and the hue saturation i'm gonna hold alt and i'm gonna click and it didn't do what i wanted it to do i'm gonna go a little higher and then click there you go and as you can see there's an arrow here saying that basically it's only going to apply to all the pixels on the wraith okay from there you can technically just write your text and then you're good to go but uh if you want to change the color of the brush stroke you can add an effect so at the bottom here with the brush stroke selected you can click on effects go to color overlay and from there pick a color i suggest you pick a color from the wraith for example a darker one because you want your text to be visible just to stay on the color scheme click ok and now you're good click on t for the text tool and now you can type the name of your panel for example about i'm going to select that up top you're gonna see the color let's put that to white so it's really visible you can bump up the size and you can click a little higher from it in order to move it or you can just use the move tool top left you will see the font and um photopia already has a bunch of cool fonts that you can use let's try to find something that kind of resembles like a brush since we're in that theme all right this is a weird font but um i don't want to waste too much time so let's go with it uh this one is called dj gross now one thing i usually do just to make sure that my design stays consistent i will type out the biggest word that i know that i'm gonna use in my panels for example uh instagram and the reason i do this is to have an idea of how big i want the font to be because you want to keep the font size roughly the same you don't want to have different panels with different sizes all over the place so i would probably place this like this so that's my instagram panel but if i duplicate this by holding alt boom turning off the first one double clicking on the t and going about this might look you know very small but this is basically the correct size if you're gonna have a bunch of panels of course if you play multiple characters you can have more characters here you can change them and if you want to export them well if you want to you know decorate a little bit you can add a drop shadow by selecting the about for example you can click on effect about and then play around with the drop shadow that's the angle that's the opacity so you can really see it distance maybe less just like that boom you successfully made a twitch panel you can turn off the background and now you have a transparent image that you can export by clicking on file export as png save and then pick wherever you wanna save it type call this one one click save boom we have one let's go back and click new 640 by 640 300 dpi create all right so that's a new project let's create something that is more square all right let's go with a square basically and we're going to create something that i call clean and i'm going to show you how i can drag and drop certain um elements to make it match the branding so i'm going to do this and in order to keep the proportions to a square you hold shift hold shift boom you're going to create a square every time it doesn't have to be a square some people don't like the look because it's pretty much automatically going to make it feel big you can press ctrl alt t in order to transform hold shift again and make sure that it fills the frame all right and then from here let's pick like i like to go with dark backgrounds because anything that you're going to put is that's going to be bright is going to really pop out but that's a really cool effect right there and honestly the easy button for making something look clean is having like a very faded um even blurry sometimes background and having you know wide small text with a lot of room to breathe let me elaborate on that by basically showing you let's go to pixels for example which is a website actually not pixels let's go with pix here which is a website where you can download creative commons images or simply put copyright free images and we can literally find anything for example i can type futuristic and let's see what it comes up with we're going to have a bunch of architectural images we have space we have an eye let's find something with a decent amount of contrast or decent amount of details you know what let's go with this one i like this one of course you can download every size you want but we're basically working in 640 by 640 so it's not huge so i'm going to right click and click copy image here go back to photopia and i'm going to press ctrl v on my i was going to say controller on my keyboard boom ctrl alt t to transform so you can see it's huge here we're just going to place it roughly in the middle here boom press enter and we're lucky this is already black and white uh if it wasn't black and white you could press ctrl shift u to make it black and white uh and then on top of the layer list we're gonna lower the opacity like a lot all right so we have this we're going to add some text so click t and then type whatever text you want oh as you can see the text is actually bound to our shape layer basically to our square we actually don't want that let's drag and drop drop this in the bin and let's select the background and now let's select the text and now let's type okay so now we're free typing it's just easier to move stuff around when it's like that and i can type about all right it's underneath our layer so we're going to drag it up now it's visible we're going to double click to edit it and we should have character here there it is nice and from here you can change the size the tracking and even the font it's an alternative to the options that you have up here and now let's find something that is bold um very square very i don't know futuristic looking but still something simple we're going for something classy but in a futuristic way not necessarily a luxury brand away at the bottom here you can see a couple of character formats you can pick italic and this one i love to use because it's it just puts everything in full caps all right there's one called the furore i'm gonna pronounce that and this is great except we want to have the tracking be a little higher and remember my technique is to type a big word but let's say you don't have an instagram and you know the biggest word is going to be like comments can you tell that i do this a lot um you have to have the whole text selected and lower the size oh i didn't select everything it doesn't matter let's go back and select everything and now we can play around with the size all right so i'm going to click the move tool so the text is not selected anymore and i'm going to click on center horizontally oh i need to create a selection my bad press control a that basically click creates a selection around everything and then you can center horizontally center vertically all right so this is basically our panel but we're going to add one little thing that's going to make it look a little bit better we're going to go to google images again we're going to type lens flare or if you prefer you can directly type lens flare here since we know everything from this website is going to be copyright free i actually like this a lot so let's utilize this right click click copy image go here ctrl v and place it the way you want for now at least and we're going to go to on top of the layer list you're going to see normal here this is the blending mode we're going to find something around the lighter one so lighten screen color dodge light linear dodge dodge uh in a lighter color i like linear dodge because i think that's pretty cool we're going to press ctrl alt t to edit the transform i'm going to press ctrl minus to zoom out and here i want this to be a little straighter right okay so i rotate by being just outside the boundaries and i'm gonna drag it down and you know what like i wasn't going into this with a space theme but um i don't dislike it i don't dislike it uh press enter boom this is a pretty cool looking panel if you ask me that's nice now let's say that you don't want any words you want just a logo right because you can make the image clickable for example if you want to show your twitter you don't want it to say twitter you want it to just show the logo of twitter so we can go to google images twitter logo boom find a png one you click on it it becomes this you right click you click save as when it's png you can't really copy and then paste because it creates a background uh click save go here and then drag and drop right there remember to hold proportions you hold shift and in order to drag from the center you hold alt so we're going to do this we want twitter to be small just to keep it clean this is the clean look is really uh if everything is small and has a lot of space to breathe boom um so for this one i want a stroke effect so while this is selected i'm going to go to effects i'm going to add a stroke i'm going to select the color white boom okay let me bring that in the middle so you can really see what's going on it's just size of the stroke if you want it outside center or in or inside and then the type of color and the opacity of course we want this to be full uh just white and we want it to be centered just so it really goes with the shape we're gonna click okay and then under well on top here where it says opacity and fill we want to click here and lower the fill so just the stroke will be visible all right and maybe i want the twitter bird to be here and since this changes completely i'm going to select the layer underneath i'm going to hold ctrl boom so they're both selected and maybe i want twitter to be centered and that thing to be under it and there you go now if you're mixing panels of course you can also have a panel that is cropped and that has the text uh you know this could be like that also if you want the text to maybe bend i'm trying to show you just couple things but let me show you everything all of the time up top here you'll see something that says wrap warp not wrap warp and then you're gonna have to find uh the style you click here and it's an arc boom and then you play a little bit with the percentage the percentage wipes a little bit and you can place it maybe click ok and then place it right there and now you have a space you can go back by the way for the for the wrap warp why am i calling it your app double click here on the t click on wipe again and then i don't remember what was the issue but whatever boom click okay and i'll place it uh i believe that's the but is it armageddon we successfully recreated the armageddon poster if you want to get rid of this you can also get rid of this and boom this is your whole thing right we're improvising here okay i don't know what i'm doing i think that's a pretty cool looking panel if you ask me and uh if you go to paragraph and you click center here uh you can just replace it by whatever export it uh put anything you want export it and then when it comes to the logo the effects here you can you know make it visible here and then hold alt click on the stroke drag and drop it on for example discord right and then well you would do it on another icon and then turn down the fill like we did just to have the stroke around it so that could be it too that actually looks better although the warp is a little too much nice okay that's two let's create a third one let's go ahead and click new ctrl alt n uh i didn't look at the proportions they don't look right uh new they weren't right so 640x640 create this one is going to also be a rectangle and this one we're going to do a more traditional one if you will boom so let's uh pick the rectangle tool and let's create something like that boom boom boom all right nice let's pick the pen tool or press p i believe yeah it is p uh and let's click once on the corners right press m in order to drag like here so and then click here for example and this is not working the way i thought it would uh press ctrl z why is it why is it not showing i don't know my cursor is just normal i've never used the the pen tool on um in photo p and click on this once okay disappears if you click on it once anyways you put two points you delete the the one in the middle all right so let's do the same thing here i'm holding space in order to move create a point here create a point there and then click on that point boom there we go now we have you know half futuristic-ish looking this is the easy easy button for futuristic looking stuff um so this shape we're gonna add a stroke i showed you how how to do that you select it you go to effects you click stroke this time we want it to be on the inside just to make sure that we don't spill over inside boom we want it to be gray or if you want you can actually add a gradient to the stroke so fill type gradient boom let's go with this i click on the gradient it opens up this menu right there i'm going to make it dark gray to light gray we don't want it to be completely white to lighter gray let's say okay click okay when it comes to style we're gonna go click okay here too when it comes to style we're gonna go reflected all right i know it's not really visible but you have a little preview right there and we're gonna reverse it we want the darker parts to be outside when it comes to scale we want it to be large just like that all right boom let's click away and see what we created all right it's not that visible it's pretty good it's nice now we're going to create another rectangle we're going to create a long rectangle just like this okay this time we're going to double click on the little icon and pick a color since we're really going with the blue let's go with like maybe uh actually let's go with like a mint ish i like that color that's cool color and uh let's duplicate this so with the move tool selected i can hold alt and click and drag boom all right now i'm gonna press ctrl in order to select both of them i'm going to press ctrl alt t and then i'm going to rotate them i'm going to hold shift while rotating them just to have specific rotations like by 15 i believe otherwise i can just rotate the way i want it doesn't matter but it's i like i like picking specific rotations i'm gonna press v to make sure that i have the move tool selected and then i'm gonna move those right here to the corner i'm going to also hold alt while they're both selected drag and drop just like we did the first time boom okay so that's all cool now i'm gonna select all of them together press one up top hold shift press the one at the bottom they're all selected press control g to make a group okay and now i'm gonna place my cursor in the middle uh between the folder and the shape which is the background hold alt and click a little high and that doesn't work okay that's fine that's fine hold ctrl on your keyboard and click on the icon of the shape alright so that creates a boundary a selection if you will and then at the bottom here you want to create a mask add raster mask can't speak boom now this is basically bounded to the shape underneath it close this thing right there nice now this isn't anything too fancy but we're gonna go ahead and play with the blending mode so i'm gonna go there and i'm going to go linear dodge boom all right so it just gives me a tiny little effect when it comes to the corners since it's affected by what what's underneath it and if i don't like them and it's they're a little too bright i can also lower the opacity but we are affecting the group essentially okay nice so i'm going to select the shape here and i'm going to create a new layer so it creates it on top of it i'm going to select my uh brush tool or press b if you want okay i'm going to right click and i'm going to make it super big nice i want the hardness to be at zero so it's super soft big big big big big big big i'm gonna lower the opacity to something like five actually and i'm going to try to select that same color that mint color so i'm gonna click here and go to the mint color you can just eyeball that part all right and here we're going to create some sort of gradient i like to do it manually because it feels more organic right it feels more real okay so that's not bad uh we're gonna create our clipping mask so in between those two hold alt click on the one on top boom it's clipping to the one at the bottom you can lower the opacity if you don't like it if it's too bright or whatever i like to keep it slightly subtle and um this is this is not bad but i i feel like it's missing something maybe this should be like full uh let's use google images again or actually let's use pics here let's type uh grunge easy way to give texture to your graphic designs is to add like grungy textures like walls and floors and stuff like that i don't know why my internet is extra struggling not to make sure i wasn't i wasn't streaming by accident so you're gonna find stuff like um paper textures and all of that brushed metal texture is something you can use too but i'm looking you know for con concrete walls or floors something that will be abstract enough let me click on this one i like that let's right click copy image and let's control v here nice alright so will a clipping mask work here so i'm going to place my mouse in between those two click on the one up top it does work and as you can see it's only being applied to my stripes i can click on the blending mode and this time i want something darker maybe let's go to multiply and yes this is what we get and this looks uh pretty good so while this is selected i can go control up my coffee mug i can go ctrl l nice and i can play around with the values here so this is the darks and i can crush them in order to make them more visible and i can basically play with the contrast so this will be the light part so your color will appear a little bit more boom click okay and uh let's go with it i actually changed my mind when it comes to the stroke for the shape so i'm going to go to the effects here double click on stroke and i'm going to make it go outside instead of inside i think we have enough space here to make it appear and while i'm here in the layer style menu i'm going to add a bevel and emboss and that creates some sort of 3d lighting basically around it i don't know if you can see it it added this let me turn it off turn it back on we have lighting on the side and we have shadow on the other side actually want the angle to be a little different so we can play around with the angle you can see what it does gives it more depth and makes it look uh 3d in a way uh when it comes to depth here i'm going to bring that all the way up i'm going to change the screen mode for the highlights i want that to be linear dodge and i'm going to bring it down a lot we just want it to be barely visible the multiply is the shadow here we also want that to be barely visible although this has less impact on our image so we're going to keep it around 50 and that should be good actually i want this a little less boom just click away there you go not bad not bad at all what we can also do in order to add more detail to the background is we can also control v on the background on top of the shape layer and the gradient we can control v and we can move this around a little bit just to change the location and then here we can go for example um overlay could be one we could also use soft light or if we want just the light parts it would be too light let's go with multiply or color burn or linear burn actually i like linear burn because if we lower the fill we're gonna have a more interesting look so yeah that's super grungy we're gonna add the clipping mask we want that um arrow to point down too so boom i was holding alt and now that's a little more uh visible we can lower the fill even more if we want it to be less contrasty and finally with the top layer selected let's click on the t and just add our text and from there you can type whatever you want of course this font actually matches a little bit makes it a little grungy futuristic dystopia total recall maybe cyberpunk-ish more like quakish find another font just for the sake of it but we are working with very straight and straight lines in sharp corners so don't pick something that has a lot of curves all right this font is kind of cliche but i kind of like the spray paint uh crate look of it so click our move tool we can control alt t to make it bigger hold shift or we can double click on the t type our biggest words let's say commands and as long as this fits this is the right size basically you wouldn't want anything to go past this point your paragraph is centered and uh yeah holding shift and then the arrow keys to select stuff and of course for example you can get rid of those stripes if you want to add your um icons people love to put icons sometimes all right you can turn off the background and then you're ready to export it click file export as png this is number three i forgot to export the the third one uh the second one well this is the second one i'm actually going to add this one because i want it to be visible or am i turn off the stroke on this and back to fill the squared i'm actually going to match the color here because this isn't quite white so with this selected double click on the t go to the color here and then click on that light blue that it has click away that's not bad um it's blending here so what i want to do is have this squared be on top of it there you go now it matches a little bit better but you got to make sure that the letters are visible like that and let's go ahead and exploit this so file export as png this is going to be number two so this is what we made boom we have pretty kick-ass panel right there we have this pretty clean square you can put whatever picture you want in there and then donate which is more cliche i would say but it looks good and if you have your color scheme it's a good way of displaying it and we did that all for free in our browser which means you can do this from any computer in the world as long as it has internet you don't need photoshop this is completely free so talk about completely free i'm going to go ahead and export those but i'll almost mess that up cancel click file and i'm going to go to publish online as a psd click ok and this will create a specific link for that project meaning that i will give you that link and you can just open it it will be exactly like that with all the layers all you have to do is modify them and exploit them alright so that's the first one let's do that for the second one too and finally the third one and there you go all three of them have their custom links that i'm gonna save and i'll share to you where in the description all right so this was how to create some panels couple of different designs and and easy ways of making it of course i didn't do everything from scratch where you actually utilize a bunch of free images online but hey i think that's a great introduction to graphic design manipulating stuff that's already made until you can create them from scratch anyways if you have any questions or any other graphic design tutorials like that always related to twitch because you know this channel is very very much related to twitch leave them in the comment section below and i'll make sure to read them another huge thank you to solar stream make sure you check them out thank you so much for sponsoring this video i'm always happy to have sponsors that have to do with my core audience which is mostly live streamers one last time make sure you check out all the links in the description and also follow me on social media but as well as on twitch sometimes i make those things live on twitch so if you have any questions or if you just want to talk about content creation in general i'm on twitch okay that being said thank you so much for watching the video i will see you guys next time go out there make me proud yeah level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 2,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch panels, twitch panels photoshop template, twitch panels template, twitch panels tutorial, twitch panels free, twitch panels photoshop, how to make twitch panels, free twitch panels, how to create twitch panels, make twitch panels, make twitch panels free, make twitch panels online, twitch, twitch panel tutorial, twitch panel without photoshop, without photoshop, photopea, photopea tutorial, graphic design tutorials, twitch for beginners
Id: noRBa-cNSPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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