Creating Clean Professional Twitch Panels in Photoshop

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[Music] you know what is going on guys it's your voice that so here bring it's a video here today rig eyes a photoshopped aura on a creature very uncool well almost like bordered twitch panels or cleaning board or switch panel some like that if you guys have no idea what to trails aren't and of course right below the twitch screen is the gameplay or some fronts gameplay yeah and right below is all the information that you guys would like to see like their Twitter socials donate subscribe merge all that kind of stuff I want you guys how to make these really cool 3d esque like bordered versions of it I think it looks really cool really dope actually this when I kind of show you guys on how I create it which i think is pretty fun so are we really working on is your this really quick little sort of border to it and then just kind of getting the composition to look as good as possible the inside background like the whole greeting thing the background gradient picture whatever it can all be replaced of course as well so you can keep it nice and original to your style or the background doesn't have to be forehead just chose fortnight for the sake of the video here today they can be whatever gameplay you guys choose something can be whatever kind of cool design you might find out cool texture noise whatever you guys want to be I think it's a very clean professional look to it I think you can make your twitch page itself just look really really nice I want show you guys how to do it and of course choice on a video equals a secret down below which will most likely be these panels here for you guys go ahead and download the fix and do whatever you guys want to do with yourselves and with that being said let's jump right into this video and that's it let's go alright guys so to get this thing going right here right now I'm I start off with the actual dimension size of the panels and for me personally I go to file new and I go ahead and put on a 600 by 150 300 resolution right here so this is my sort of base to go with I'm gonna press create for a second it's gonna open this up in this canvas size now this canvas size is kind of I would say in the realm of being a very default canvas size at first you'd like to have more of a sleeker skinnier look so so for me I would go ahead and press C on my keyboard which is the crop tool correct rank and you can take the top side of this and just kind of dragging this down a bit more to give the of a more of a sleek panel and also even move the right-hand side more towards our right if you don't want to have so much of that long space that you might not really personally need and then you just press this little check mark up here it'll refix that document size to get wherever you want right so also to mention by the way people have been doing a lot of these sort of like taking a few panels that are important to them whether it's like merch maybe it's them subscribing to YouTube because I want to build into the social media maybe the donate button itself are larger thumbnails or larger city panels rank so what I mean by that is they were usually sometimes have I use a crop tool they would have panels a little some like this right a little more wider more square right and they kind of have like let's just say if it was a merge thing and crap gonna I got a draw um pray for me right we're just gonna do this right and then ooh yeah great right that's a shirt they have another shirt over here notice or over here big boy that's it's like you know purchase or buy now or some like bad and they can have like their merch or the logo up here right those panels as well seems like for a few guys on a copy of the same sort of like tutorial you're gonna see in a few seconds here um like the whole you know the whole process at least you guys need a better idea of getting these bigger sort of rectangles as well for more important stuff putting that out there I'm gonna just kind of go with what I was gonna go with before which is me kind of going with this likes a little sleeker slowly little box to kind of work with and I'm gonna say to myself this is what I want and I'm pretty satisfied and okay with this and let's just go ahead and get this thing going so so 200 by 150 fix it with a crop tool with ever size you personally need and then if you guys want to see the signs that I have right here right now I can save it so it's 508 by 120 is my current size that I'm on right now to get like after the I fix it with a 650 right or 600 right so there you guys go very quick installation of how panels can work it is actually one size one size only and I also suggest now the people like moving around sort of that way of making more bigger panels of the important ones in their case right so let's go in start with a box I'm gonna go in just take this rectangle tool right here which is are you on the keyboard by the way I can just go ahead and still they just kind of like highlight the box very very quickly I'm not gonna kind of try to measure it and like Matt I try to like make sure it's matching both sides I'm gonna go ahead right when I make that simple little box we're gonna press ctrl T on my keyboard and then I can just go ahead and say hey let's just snap it to all these corners it's a way easier way more satisfying and sort of like really mistake lists you really can't make that mistake okay once you've done it like this you can go ahead and just cha press Enter or just ugly press the check mark and now we can see why why we use a rectangle tool is we're gonna be using these stroke options so if your stroke is not an able which is this one right here the box right afterward stroke if your fill is on for some reason which is probably like a black tournament like that right you just simply just click on this little box right here and take this little red slash box you soak it you select that and then you take your stroke box and you can just make it whatever color you guys wish to I'm gonna make it this gray for now if you guys want the same grade that I'm using it is 4 d 5 4 5 a and this might not really matter for you because the color might be getting changed like I said for the border is M but using like a greeting overlay so let's go that's gonna be your main color source so it is really matter where this color is I can press ok when I've done this I can go ahead and take my stroke to the right of the stroke color is a stroke I guess you'd say the stroke size correct if you guys go to Windows properties as well there's a pedal table for this for me personally make sure you guys your box are showing on the inside so this first box is saying is inner the second box here your Center and the last box here is the outside so that's where the stroke was gonna be like put so make sure you guys put it on the first line which is the inside and the you guys are just take this little boxer here I'm gonna type in 8 just like so and I think it's a pretty good number to start off with at any point this tutorial you guys can change the actual size of your borders which makes it really simple and cool and even move them if you guys want to take your crop tool right all you would have to do which is refix this rectangle because it's a vector as well and it'll keep that size so that makes it super super simple for you guys to mess around with sizing and stuff like that as well ok so let's just make this a back background okay I'm gonna go ahead just double click on this rectangle and I already already saved a style for this so I'm gonna go and just kind of run through it for you guys so you can see it really quickly this is three different things it's a bevel and emboss inner glow and a gradient overlay very very simple things right you can see how really nice and clean sharp it honestly looks on its own I'm gonna go ahead just double click on this and run through it really quickly so it's bevel and emboss the depth is at 5:42 I'm gonna put it's 550 for the sake of keeping it nice and even I like well zeros and twos ok size that to soften is at 0 we're gonna have our angle at 86 our aptitude at 32 and our highlight mode and our bowl shadow mode are on screen and multiply right and also by default these colors here are white on the top and black on the bottom I personally made them a little more gray or tones because if you guys have this pure white here right you can see how it looks a bit a little bit too lawsy a little bit too modified it away doesn't look kind of clean or or or like kind of smooth in that way so I first went with a great which is basically all hex cones just kind of spam the number for like six times you guys look at this nice little grain and on the bottom here besides being pure black we have sort of like a to spam down right so this kind of makes it less sort of aggressive I just made it like this right you can see this is how it will usually would be if you want this kind of look to it even if you want to choose a highlight close for an actual color itself people like to do that as well I would suggest if you guys want to do that absolutely go ahead go for it but I wanted the gray tone you can mess around this little more have fun with it this actually looks pretty dope I'm night online dia oof right I mean that that kind of super freakin clean so played out with it if you guys want to make it look like this this is hex code zero F and a whole bunch of other zeros at the end and then the multiply was on black so I mean if you guys I keep that was a pretty good one too but for me I'm gonna go with what I had before which was nice little gray tones for this inner glow right oops let me turn that off inner glow OOP Mevlana boss there we go right gray tones so we have the integral here which is simply on linear dodge add write the color is a nice or blue the hex code is eight d c8 F F now for this one here is just a nice little sort of like I would say a kind of like encapsulating and kind of it gives it a nice little glow and I saw sort of contour and almost like makes the Lions like a little more sharp because we have a simple to size pixel one stroke sort of thing going on here uh-huh excuse me hmm going on here looks pretty freaking dope and without it kind of looks a little too flat in my opinion so if you guys want to go with this I would suggest you guys go with this as well and for the gradient overlay like I said before this is where your cousin two coming in from mine was not on a hundred percent opacity that's why I gave you guys the original color but if you guys want to keep it on a 100 percent opacity basis the gradient would have to change right so blend mode normal on the gradient overlay opacity 100 cent and the gradient wanders like that really quickly and I have a black on the side on make this a little more blue and a little bit lighter so I'm gonna say let's go like with this okay I'm gonna say this rate here is pretty accurate and good so hex code three two three six 3d I'm gonna press ok and on the right hand side is gonna be four three five zero five e so if you guys take those head coach put them in you guys are good to go and my mid point here just moved from the middle to a little bit more towards the right hand side so location is about 62% very simple right you guys will type that in I can press ok I am press ok again and if once you guys are done with your later style by the way if you guys want to save it like I personally didn't how you so let me do before if you double come this layer just type in a new style or click on new style press ok you can name whatever the heck you guys want to name it and under your Styles which is right above the blending options is a homebody different styles you guys and go ahead and save and just really quickly when you're doing another panel whether you're a designer doing it for a client you can do this very very quickly makes it really really easy right so like I was saying before as well if you would actually select on the rectangle and press the you and your keyboard you can bring up your options again you can also open up your properties table again if you guys want to at any point measure out the actual size of the border you guys can let's say if it was too much you guys gonna like lower down to 7 you can absolutely do that right but I'm gonna keep mine on 8 just for the sake knowing make sure you guys know it's very easy to do that also scaling it same thing before using the crop tool it does the same exact thing then free transform and afterwards you don't have to worry about anything like that but ok I'm gonna also tell you guys really quickly with a black background right if you guys were to filter noise add noise a lot of people have been doing this as well on one noise percentage right one of my percentage on the adenoids Gras dodging for their distribution and monochromatic which is gonna get rid of all that red and yellows and blues ramp you wanna select that it makes a black and white egg press okay and yeah it's just kind of look at it looks like a really cool clean crisp look to it I know a lot of people like cuz I would say not designers but Schumer's themselves are kind of going with this route right here where they kind of have a Twitter icon just very simple text and kind of go in with this route looks super super clean but I kind of want to make it a little more my kind of style which is like something like this so I'm gonna go ahead and get with this thing going okay so I'm gonna go with a simple pictures of background a gradient and the word of whatever the social panel is right so I'm gonna go in just I've been Twitter for my instance and I go and just put this VA on 0 I'm gonna make my thought I'm using right now is Gotham black I'm gonna go with like what 9 let's go with 9 like a little more bigger okay so I want Twitter on the right-hand side I'm more hugging the right-hand side okay I'm gonna make a duplicate of this text ctrl J on my keyboard move it up change this to a nice ol subtext I like to go with follow me for Twitter for donates I say tips are appreciated for Instagram I say check me out or for YouTube I say check out more content so kind of think of these really cool little sort of ways you can and can express what they're gonna click on or maybe like a little like a nudge say hey click on this because of this reason subtext cries right so I'm gonna go ahead and just type in follow me for updates right and now I'm gonna go ahead and just make this amount a lot smaller than the other ones or the text itself the major text and I want this to be like let's just say - right I'll take the VA split right here which is on the characters table if you guys don't have the character table enabled go to windows character very simple right you can take the VA Swit it puts the spacing between each letters and kind of gives them of course more space so you'll hear that is it okay anyway VA you just take this breath okay that was kind of weird actually um those like someone I guess like their key I have no it was okay anyway but the VA spacing here was uh saying before is the amount of space in between each letters so the guys are going who's kind of zoom this out right or Susan that zoom it out but if my scroll wheel kind of move it up right you guys will give you more numbers I'm gonna go with like a good ol like 280 is pretty good all right I'm gonna Center this I'm gonna go ahead and move these two things downloaded or more to Center them in a sort of like not for the word Twitter but both of them I want them to be centered not just the word Twitter I want these both lines of text to be in the center which makes the Twitter word itself be a little more further down there would usually be right so once you're done with this I'm gonna go to this really nice little old pack of Milan I personally like to use for social media stuff right gonna go like this put a little Twitter icon right here okay so very very simple stuff I just add the text out of the I kind of whatever the actual social media or the tab is all about if it's a merge link you can just type in like t-shirt PNG icon as I'd like to do a lot of times I'll type in donate me to type-in donate PNG icon I like to just go with that route I always get something I want and that's what you guys do as well right so under the Twitter icon here I'm gonna go ahead and make a new layer just like so I'm just like the layer right below it and I'm gonna put a new layer just like so it'll make a layer right below the word Twitter okay I'm gonna take the retro marquee tool I'm gonna take this as drag this give myself a pretty good amount of space right after that I centered this so I'm saying this amount of space is pretty good for me he gives me this breathing room as well for the text itself I'm gonna go ahead and right click fill contents color and make it black press ok press ok again and then I can right click deselect on the actual canvas itself to deselect or ctrl D to go ahead and deselect as well and I'll take my opacity just lower it by 5 which will be 95 and then I'll press Enter and all that good stuff so you have a 95 percent opacity at this little sort of like little Simba little box for these social medias and they call this social box right just to say it okay I'll just make sure this is also centered between now this line here and this line here not this right in this right anyone also make sure the Twitter icon itself is centered in the box which I believe everything is I'm looking pretty good so sort of little last parts for me is I'm gonna go to type in fortnight I already did I'm so smart right and I put up this little picture here for a second so right about this background right I'm gonna press control V coz there's copied and pasted on my canvas whatever you call it my clipboard there you go all right I'm gonna take this picture now I think the picture itself is pretty cool I mean even like keeping it the same color would be pretty cool but I like to go with like matching and like giving color context for people who don't like want to see something immediately they go hey I'm following on Twitter I want to look for anything Twitter I want to look for Twitter's branding so that's why I keep it in color is LA as a very strong suit sometimes it keeps people from like wasting their time and kind of like giving like giving up on it like if I just say I look for it I don't see whatever like right you want people to be like oh there it is I got it whatever right so I'm gonna go ahead after put my picture in I'm gonna go into my adjustments go to my gradient map I'm gonna click on my gradient map right here I'm gonna go to my priest seconds already have a nice little blue that I want to use and for this here I'm gonna move this a little bit more towards the right loops move my midpoint little bit towards our right before I do okay I'm gonna say okay so on the far left side here oops on the far left side here I have a pure black and on the far right side I have hex code three zero six seven eight seven right for the size little blue I might change this so I might want to say like some of the more like higher tone like this for the highlights so three four eight zero ac press ok and I'm midpoint here besides being in the middle I moved it more towards the right-hand side so that will they way the white tech can be seen a little more easier because the dark side we more in favor right press okay right and I don't have it on reverse if you guys see I don't reversible like that round I don't I have her first turned off and once I have this is looking pretty cool I'm gonna make another new layer right above the gradient map I'm gonna take my marquee tool once again I'm gonna simply make myself I get to pixel wide it doesn't have to be exactly too innocent before three whatever right it's a nice little skinny color of blue so I'm gonna go ahead and just time to take the color of the Twitter icon press ok and then I'm gonna go ahead and fill it in with that exact color I should probably just I'm like this right right click fill once you dads in that marquee tool selection color you select actually the the little bird press ok press ok again I can right click deselect it now I want to put this actually above the social box as well so this little line it'll be right above the social box and this right here it's kind of another indicator a very quick little sort of color coded indicated that this is what Twitter is if it was YouTube would be red right of course I'm like that and it feels like donate can be like green or something like that right kind of like money and I'm gonna go ahead and do one more little thing I like to do is I'm gonna go ahead and take another new layer right above this little box I'm gonna call this little indicator I'd suck at spelling box so hopefully that's not right I will seem pen tool we'll see the comment section tell me what the pencil here right I'm gonna go ahead and make a nice little sort of I like kind of guess to the middle is and guess with like the top I gotta say just a very simple little guess of where the middle would be right I'm gonna say this is sort of like click up here follow this one little line right here and click on the bottom right here and once I've done that I'll take my brush right so I'm gonna press B on my keyboard just like so you see my brush has now changed I'm gonna go ahead and right click on the brush and change my size at 2 and my hardest to 100% right and then what this is going to have us do actually I'm not gonna go at it with one brush sighs okay there you go now I was gonna say if your pencil by the way is that gone for a quick second it's okay it just it just it's still there trust me so bring on your pencil once again unless unless you personally write just so you guys know can't right click I give the option for a stroke path when you right click with your pen tool and you guys are gonna drop down the tools and go to brush and press okay so before I press okay really quickly once you press okay it'll say the exact color of what is in foreground color and as the exact size of the brush so if you guys are going with two would be a little more thicker if you guys went with you can't go below one but one it'll be more thinner right so when I press ok once I have brush selected just like so on a new layer whoops on a new layer right right click delete the path now to get rid of it so it's the same color as this blue as this right here so I just will quickly like drive this out you can see it's the same as that color right but I want it to be a little more I guess you would say a little more brighter I'm gonna go with so I'm gonna go with a color overlay take my blue and make sure though the saturation is pretty high and I'm also gonna go ahead and go to outer glow here and I'm not go ahead just make sure this is gonna give me a nice sort of like glow as well with a blue okay I'll say so I'm like this like a like a three size zero spread a linear dodge add blend mode I'm gonna put our normal as well but linear die that is pretty good for now as well because of the dark background right Harper sent opacity press okay and I'm also going to take my eraser or the soft brush eraser which means zero hardness right and get myself a nice little sore like almost a flare look all right so if I were to zoom out now you'll be able to see that I sort of flare I like to put the flare on the far right side of this so below the box right here and then all the way on the right side as well so like that right and then we got ourselves a very nice clean looking at what I also like to do is I'd like to take the follow me the subtext by the way and take the opacity and just lower this down quite a bit because I want to be like a secondary thing you look at Ryan so follow me for updates I'll have it on like 40% Oh past or some like that right so now we're pretty much done and then you guys are good ago I mean this is literally the same as I think for the for the for Twitter one in my actual personal example I went with the gray I won't blue for this one because why the heck not right so I hope you guys enjoy today's video here today I think it was pretty cool I hope that you guys will hopefully use it only cool stuff like I said before if you guys were to want to size it and make a little more bigger or whatever you'll take your actual crop tool you just crop it like so right the background itself and then you take this little rectangle this is a vector and the press ctrl T and then just kind of move this so that angle needs to be you can take this move this kind of stuff to have Twitter be here if wants to be like a merge thing right so it's very very quick and very easy if you guys go with this path and using the Twitter Austin you're using the rectangle tool as like your sort of basis for your stroke and all that stuff like that so with that being said I hope you guys enjoy one more time of course to like some video use a see down below to most likely be some really cool panels for you guys to download and go ahead with so of course fast you guys hit that the faster comes out um with that being said one more time I like to say what that being said is anything and name I love you guys if you guys have not subscribed already make sure guys go and subscribe check out some other videos Oleg it's tough also follow me on Twitter HQ checking myself I for any premades of package those five bucks as well much love I love you guys I'll tell you guys that her sister HQ out done a Kiki spot do not forget the keep smile and stay positive and stay free compare up to guys later
Channel: Seso
Views: 105,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seso, sesohq, free design templates, how to create clean designs, pannels, panels, clean twitch panels, professional twitch panels, twitch panel dimensions, creating awesome twitch panels, clean quick twitch panels, free twitch graphics, free twitch panels, twitch panels, twitch overlay, twitch package, twitch panel template free, graphic design career, customize your twitch channel, how to edit twitch channel panels,, panel psd
Id: AXlyP7uDI50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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