How to design custom STREAMING OVERLAYS in 2021 (With Download Files)

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by the end of this video i was showing you guys how to make this streaming overlay [Music] what is cracking everyone my name is matt kraken and i am a graphic designer and content creator that streams on twitch and today i'm going to be walking you guys through how to design an entire streaming overlay pack so check out the link in the description below to download the work files to either follow along or you can download the entire finished project right now if you wanted to in this tutorial i will be showing you guys how to design screens banners webcam borders and panels for you twitch streamers as well as showing you guys how to add your own logos and color scheme to this overlay oh and next week i will be showing you guys how to animate this entire overlay so don't forget to hit that subscribe button and don't forget to follow me over on twitch where you guys can watch it happen live all right so anyway today guys listen up we're gonna be designing a streaming overlay in affinity designer feel free to follow along and i'm going to be giving away the affinity designer work file one thing i did want to mention the reason i'm doing this in an affinity for those of you who do not know at the time that i'm making this affinity designer is fifty percent off and that's what we're gonna be using all of their entire suite is fifty percent off for 25 bucks you can purchase this software this is not sponsored or a paid advertising by any means i just fully support their product i think it's super solid and i think it's one of the better pieces of software you can use while creating streaming overlays but i figured i'd throw that out there since i'm using affinity and let you guys know that there is a sale right now even for 50 bucks this is a pretty stellar piece of software right let's get into it you guys ready i kind of got this idea in my head like i said i just want i want to i don't want to rush this but i want to do this quickly to show how easy it is to just quickly make your own streaming overlay that is kind of unique to you as well as like looks good you know what i mean right so let's get into it um i always start with my offline screen that's just how i start first things first let's make a background so i'm gonna take the square tool make a square i'm gonna we're gonna do a kind of a darker a darker theme right now if you watch any of my previous videos you'd know that like i never like to use a full black i never like to crush the blacks like zero zero zero zero zero zero zero i like to come up a little bit and put a little bit of gray into there kind of like that i don't know why it's that's just my personal preference i do the same thing with whites i don't use a full white so i want to give this kind of a a gamerish feel kind of a sleek look right all right so moving on what we're going to do is we're going to kind of want to make kind of this circle shape and we're going to make kind of a glow and i was looking at this minty color earlier we took our ellipse tool our circle tool which is right here keyboard shortcut m by the way and i'm gonna put it about halfway um i'm gonna kind of make it actually almost the full length at the bottom of the page there and i'm gonna bring it up about halfway and i know you're thinking that looks kind of lame what is that but over here in our layers we want to come down to fx and add a layer effect we're going to add gaussian blur and we're going to pump that up like almost all the way right okay now i know what you're thinking it still looks kind of lame let's bring it to like 20 right okay so now i'm actually going to bring this down and i am going to extend this almost all the way right there now it kind of looks like there's some light shining through all right so after we do that i kind of want to actually duplicate this so ctrl j on the keyboard i'm going to pop that bad boy up there and we're going to have a little bit of light coming through the top as well all right so we're gonna take our offline text we're just gonna bring it to the front and i actually for now i'm gonna make it white so real quick if you're looking for a text tool i'll just delete this to kind of show you guys keyboard shortcut t on the on the keyboard and you want to be you're going to want to be on artistic text tool so we're going to move we're going to use the move tool and we're going to center offline right here in the middle yeah so anyway this is how i start my offline screen i just take text right offline in the center and i actually know what font i'm going to use for this uh i'm going to use futura bold italic like i said i kind of want to give this streaming overlay a gamery kind of feel and this looked a little bit gamer-ish to me if you will i don't even know if that's a word but we're gonna say it gamer-ish right okay so what i'm actually gonna do is i'm gonna take the color of these glowy circle ellipses whatever you want to call them i'm going to take the color code from them the way i do that i click on the ellipse and up here in your color tab i'm going to double click on that and we're gonna control c for copy that color code and we're gonna actually go into layer effects for the offline and we're gonna do a gradient overlay i'm gonna click on this and i'm gonna make one of the colors if you're if your wheel looks like this you can change it right here if you want to put a hex code in you go to rgb hex sliders and right here you got a little hex code so i'm going to paste that hex code right there and then i'm actually going to do it again so it's all one solid color right but we're actually gonna change that so i'm gonna take one of the colors i'm gonna go to color wheel and i'm actually gonna make it a little bit darker just a little bit and then i'm gonna change the degree and you guys feel free to mess with your scales and your offsets i like it to be a little dramatic like that so boom there we go now we just added a nice color gradient to this offline the next thing i usually do in my streaming overlays is i take another text tool i make this one a little bit smaller so we'll try like we'll try like 80 and we'll make it white and we'll say stream is currently that's always a solid choice to say stream is currently and it looks weird when you use italic font with non-italic font so what i'm going to do is i'm going to match that and i am going to make it a bit smaller and i'm going to kind of center it right there i'm going to bring it up just a little bit looking good so far i want to add a little bit of a little bit of style to this it's got these really sharp edges right and stream is currently kind of looks weird i feel like it kind of needs something right so i'm going to take the rectangle tool over here and i'm going to draw a long line and i'm going to make it about that thick and you'll see what we're doing here in a second i kind of want to match this angle like that looks kind of cool but we can like blend it in now i i like that but i don't think i don't think i want to do that the original idea i had is actually something like this um i wanted to put it inside of the stream as currently so it's a little stands a little too tall alright now i'm actually going to change the color of this so another thing we can do this this bar looks kind of off because of the color now i want to do edit paste effects and now we have that gradient on there right so it looks kind of strange i like it better with the dark side over there and we can mess with the scale a little bit so we're gonna move move this line over a little bit and it's going to kind of follow through with that end kind of like that let's clean this up a little bit so actually we can mess with these ellipses a little bit because i think the top one could be a little bit in more and i'm actually going to drop the opacity on these two just a little bit they're at 20. i'm going to drop them like 16. there we go so looking pretty good there's little things you could do to your streaming overlay light right so like we got this bar in here and i kind of just want to see when you're designing stuff feel just like play around with things see what things look like so i kind of want to see what just like a really thin bar looks like up here that looks pretty cool actually i mean just something as simple as that i think that looks pretty cool so we'll keep that for now so one thing i'm actually noticing is like the top of this is lighter than the top of offline so i'm gonna reverse uh layer effects to match that so that kind of looks better right there it matches it a little bit more right all right so somebody in chat earlier mentioned something about a schedule every offline screen should have a schedule and your three most important social links or cues they're more of cues they're not really links because they're not clickable so what i always like to do is tell people to save the text don't write out the text people aren't going to type it out most likely if you're streaming on twitch and you show your offline screen and you have a discord a youtube and a twitter emblem there they're going to scroll down and just click on one of those so we're going to do the text tool again and we're going to do the schedule in white and we're going to do a little off-white you know in fact we'll use my white which is e-f-e-f-e-f hex code what i like to do is i just like to write the abbreviations of the days of the week i like to do tuesday wednesday now this might be a little bit long not all not everybody streams five six or even seven days a week if you do you can write it out differently so we'll say in this scenario we'll just do tuesday wednesday thursday so i got my tuesday wednesday thursday here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to center up wednesday to the center of the artboard you want to make sure that you are spreading things out evenly and it looks even i'll take wednesday and duplicate it and i'm just gonna kind of organize my layers as i'm going so we had four o'clock pm cst all right so what i like to do is i'll take my tuesday wednesday thursday and i'll make them a little bit bigger and the way i'm doing that is i'm selecting all three of them holding shift and dragging the top right to make them just a little bit bigger and i'm going to center those up now we're going to take our 4pm and throw it right under there all right now we're looking good so we got a schedule in there let's kind of bring the schedule together as kind of one entity right because we're it's kind of separate so we're gonna bring it right about there now i'm gonna add like a little i'm gonna kind of we got this theme going on with this line that's kind of italicized like the font so we're going to kind of go like that all right so but i'm going to make these white and the color coded for those were ef eff yep we just took our little rectangle tool slanted it a little bit to match the rest and we're actually going to make sure that is spaced and we're going to duplicate and we're going to bring one right over here now like i said if you're if your schedule's a little bit different you might find a different way to write this if that makes sense so yeah so that's looking pretty good all right wrapping up the rest of this overlay what do we got to add we got to add some social icons so what i like to do is use my icon pack which if you are in need of an icon pack here let me switch my screen real quick sorry about that so i have an assets tab right here in my affinity affinity designer that's a tongue twister by the way affinity designer if you guys want to download this same icon pack i will either a put it in the description of this video or if you're watching live exclamation point icon i believe there you go so you can have all these icons there's a little drop down menu here where you will find all these icons and i like to use font awesome icons you could also go to here we go font awesome go to the icons tab and you can download a bunch of free icons so that's another way to get icons as well but it's nice having him right here inside a designer so there's a little search bar right here and i'm gonna type in twitter because everyone uses twitter the twitter bird i'm gonna make it about yay big and i'm gonna center it another popular one is youtube we're gonna use youtube boom right there and we'll say i don't know instagram we'll use instagram for for our third one now you could use any of the any icons you want sometimes i use discord um tick tock if you want to use tick tock somebody in chat just said you can put all of them if you want i usually like to keep it to around three of them and i'm going to resize these make sure you hold shift when you're resizing an icon or else if you don't it's going to look squished this is what we don't want right here we don't want squished logos right so we want to keep them to their actual form so if you hold shift it'll scale evenly if you let go of shift it does not scale evenly so hold shift when you're dragging something all right so we got twitter youtube instagram here they're looking pretty good i want obviously we're not gonna keep them this gray color so i'm gonna put the youtube one in the middle i'm gonna kind of spread these out a little bit and i'm gonna try and do something to them to make them look a little bit more stylish [Music] we got these rectangles that are kind of italicized like our font right so let's kind of turn that a little bit and see what that looks like if we subtract it that looks better that looks more like the look and feel that we're going for so let's make that a little bit smaller and let's do the same thing with youtube and instagram make it a little bit smaller now one thing i like to do is once i'm finalized with everything it's kind of just make sure the spacing's good there's one last thing that i always like to try to your background i like to use this website called alright so in this website i like to maybe look for backgrounds see if there's anything that kind of matches our style i actually this is the exact background i used in my last video last year on how to create a streaming overlay let's go look at textures sometimes just adding a nice texture to your streaming overlay can can do a lot so some of these might be pretty cool i kind of dig this one so this is a premium one so you have to have a membership to download one like this but let's see what this looks like and we're gonna drop it right there and we're gonna bring it down just above our background and obviously it's too much too bright all that stuff we're gonna change it to let's try screen that's pretty good but once again too bright so we're going to drop our opacity to 15 and 15 is pretty good let's try 20 all right so this background is looking pretty cool i think it matches the style it's kind of you know kind of bold kind of sharp it's got a sharp look to it and i think we're going to run with this i think it looks good but there's one thing i want to do it's a little too sharp for me we want to give it kind of a bit of a blur so what we're going to do is we're going to layer effects i'm gonna click the gaussian blur box and i'm gonna bring it way up and then i'm gonna drop it down until i find what blur i'm happy with which is somewhere around let's just say six pixels and i'm happy with that i've given you guys enough room up here for logos um right so we have this we have that logo in this scenario i'm just going to use this m logo but i'm going to make it that teal color let's grab this effect we'll do copy and edit paste effects all right so now i showed you guys how to implement your logo in there change the colors if you need to in this scenario we're going to use this really nice teal color okay so moving on to duplicate is going to be the starting soon ending soon and be right back because we're literally just going to copy and paste this and all we're going to change is the offline and we're going to remove the schedule [Music] so chatting this is one where you want to add a little bit of flavor if you're a chatting streamer that is so what we're going to do is when i start with my chatting screen i'll start with my background so i'm just going to copy and paste the background also you want to think about how you want to display your chatting window do you want a chat box and your video like your camera or do you want no chat box do you want a vertical cam or a horizontal cam and a display capture what i see a lot of people doing and i kind of like the look a nice simple clean look people are going for is they're kind of adding this like little triangle kind of thing so let's make it this color right here so now what we want to do is we want to key we want to create an area for our camera so your camera is a 16 by 9 aspect ratio so we'll make a box that is 1280 by 720 and that is a 16 by 9 aspect ratio now this is a little bit big so we're going to hold shift and drag it down and we're going to put it right about there and we're gonna change the color to like a gray color just for a reference we're gonna name this cam we're gonna bring it all the way to the top of the layers and we're gonna bring it over just a little bit more just like that okay so what i want to do is i want to create a border around this kind of like a negative version the lines that are here if that makes sense if it doesn't follow along and it all makes sense we're keeping this gray bar here as kind of a reference so we want to use the same angle as our background here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit ctrl j and that's going to duplicate it and i'm going to call this top border and i'm going to make it really thin but i want to make sure i stay on that line and i'm going to change the color that dark color that we have right there and i'm going to make it thinner i'm going to make it pretty thin i'm going to go right about there now it doesn't need to be that long so i'm going to bring it to the end there and i'm actually going to select this and just in order to clean it up a little bit i'm going to hit v and i'm going to hit convert to curves i'm going to take our little node tool i'm gonna make this end a straight line so this end is the angle that we need and this end as a straight line and i'm actually going to bring it out just a tad okay now we need to make a bottom border so ctrl j to duplicate and we'll call it uh bottom border and we'll just bring it to the bottom of our camera so we can slide that over zoom in to make sure we're lined up nice and neat you want to keep that same angle and right here we want to match that okay perfect so now we need a left side so i'm going to duplicate the bottom and we're just going to hold shift and hover over the top right and you see this little arrow that's curved and flip it in a 90 degree angle now we slide that bad boy right at the end and we can bring this down and bring that down now we want to slide it in one and we wanted to grab our node tools and we want to make it a perfect square on both sides this side's angled we don't want that we want our node tool and we want to slide it down just like that now okay we got a black border there okay so now we need some teal or mint colored borders so once again we're gonna duplicate that top bar top border hit v and we're just going to kind of boop go like that i'm going to bring it to the end and we're going to make this one our mint color there we go now you can kind of see what's happening here we're just going to drag that to the end make it a little bit longer we'll fix that later ctrl j and we got our bottom zoom in to make sure you're lined up and we're going to go right to there okay now we need a side now we're gonna duplicate that and we're gonna call it right side okay and we're going to drag it over and change the color sweet now what we're going to do is we're going to take this and drag it in take this drag it in and now you kind of see the effect that we just did right there boom nice and easy now you have room for a chat box over here or whatever you want over on this side so let's make another rectangle and we'll put it yay big i like to keep the space even so sometimes what i'll do a little trick i'll take a rectangle tool and make it red and we'll bring this up top so we can see it now we have a bor or a guideline to where we can bring this border and now we have even spaces go ahead and delete that guide right there and this chat window is a little large we can match it up kind of something like that and we'll drop the opacity to like 50 percent what's cracking all right so now we got like a kind of a chat border and we'll do that at like 20 real quick here's a trick this is gray this is where our camera is going to go right so we want to change this blend mode because inside of your obs you want to put your camera back there so let's make this gray border or this gray box transparent so we're going to change it from normal to erase and now you can throw your camera back there and size it how however you want it let's add a little bit of text in there after we clean this up so okay so now we're nice and organized so we got our chat bar our camera bar not our bar our camera window and our chat border whatever you guys want to call it i don't know so now let's add some text so i'm going to take this starting text i'm just going to throw it in here uh and we're going to size it down and we're going to call this chat i'm gonna center that we're gonna do the same thing over here and we're gonna call this just chatting resize it just a little bit and we're going to change that to say chatting turn off the gradient overlay definitely don't want it to be yellow we want it to be this dark color there um let's line it up with this actually all right what do you guys think looking good feeling good just chatting obviously your camera's in here um so let's add some socials i always want to have our socials social reminders in as many places as we can so let's add them boom right down here under chat everyone's eyes are reading chat sometimes all right and that leaves you plenty of room to like add a logo or add like a rotator down here kind of how i have above me we got a rotator you can add it below your camera there's room to mess around with stuff you can even move these socials you know around if you wanted to um you can throw them over here change the color what not for now we're going to leave them right there and that's looking good so all of our screens are done and then we're going to move on we're gonna do the twitch banner really quick because twitch banners all we're really gonna do is we're gonna take our background our background layer we're going to paste it so now we have that that glow look and then we're gonna take our texture and we're gonna pop it in there but we need to make sure it is above our background like that and we can delete the text actually so i'm actually going to drop the opacity to this to like 10 on here and then remove this over here we're going to take this bottom bar and we're going to put it in there and then we're going to take our logo and we're just going to throw it on the left side that way and then also another thing you can do is to show half your logo you know what i mean because like i said there's not a lot of room on the twitch banners so we're gonna do something simple like that you could even add your socials on this side and do something like that and then now your screen or your like your channel trailers right here in the middle all right moving on to twitch panels twitch panels we want to keep the same kind of brand recognition here so let's move our panel down here and i'm only going to make one panel for now so what we're going to do we're going to take our background and this is the standard size of of most panels it's going to be actually width is going to actually be 320 pixels wide and we'll say about 100 pixels high this is your standard size of twitch panel so we got our background and obviously we're copying and pasting from a much bigger artboard so we're going to change some sizing up a little bit we're just going to make the rectangle the same size as this and we're going to delete one of these ellipses we're going to keep the top top ellipse and we're going to bring the size down dramatically so sometimes you may notice that when you add an effect to something and you change the size of it the effect looks different so the way you fix that is you click this little box right here called scale with object and what that'll do is i'll show you i'll actually delete this ellipse and we'll copy another ellipse right here and we'll hit ctrl v we'll paste it and what we want to do is we want to hit scale with object and when we bring it down it's going to scale the glow with the object so it's going to look just like it did when it was larger so we're good right about there now i want to take the texture as well and obviously the texture is going to be huge let me organize this real quick so the texture is going to be huge so let's bring it down to lock that aspect ratio bring it down to 300 and okay so actually hold on we want to do the same thing here we want to hit when we bring our texture in we want to hit the effects scale with object or else this gaussian blur is just going to be insanely blurry and we're not going to be able to see it so now let's change the size to 300 and there we go and now it's going to look exactly the same as it does on our backgrounds bring the opacity to 15 let's see it a little bit more all right now we're going to add we'll add a bar in here as well all right so now let's start with making twitter most streamers should have a twitter account so we're going to go back to our assets tab we're going to find our twitter logo and we're going to post it right here and let's take take our effect gradient copy it and paste it on to the twitter logo all right so now we just need some text in there so we're going to use our offline text here and we're going gonna paste it we're gonna make sure we are scaling with object and we're gonna bring this down and we're gonna change that to say twitter and we're gonna go just like that now that looks pretty cool but i kind of wanted to try something so let's take our rectangle tool and let's slant it kind of how we've been and then let's take our twitter and we're going to kind of do what we did with these social icons to this panel so what we're going to do is we're going to let's get our rectangle and change the color of it to that and now let's remove the gradient overlay on the twitter bird and we're going to make the twitter bird a little bit larger and select the rectangle and the twitter and we're going to come back up here and hit subtract and that looks pretty good i think it's a little off though so i'm gonna bring the bird a little bit that way and once again select the two and hit subtract so now we got our panel that matches really well with the rest of our design here all right so as far as the webcam border i had a couple different ideas and we make two different webcam borders one just really simple border that is for people that play with a green screen and then people that actually have a webcam border if that makes sense so moving on to the origin the first border what we're going to do is i'm going to actually duplicate this actually here's what we're going to do we're going to start with a border that isn't a border that is just technically for people who use green screens that don't need a full border so starting with that we're just going to take this line and we're going to make it a little bit bigger i'm going to bring this in and then make it a little bit bigger there we go okay so we got our basic rectangle what i want to do is i want to add an outer shadow to it adding a bit of an outer shadow works really well because it gives uh it pops off your background like i'm using a shadow right now around my border and without it it kind of looks like that kind of just doesn't blend well but with the shadow it fits really well and it pops off of the background and it gives a little bit of depth to your camera all right so let's change let's bump up the radius just a little bit change the angle on the gradient ever so slightly sorry now we're gonna blend that a little bit nicer and we're gonna what side do we want that kind of like that okay now we're going to duplicate that bar and we're going to bring one in and we're going to change the color hold on first we gotta get rid of the gradient overlay and we're gonna change the color to and off black let's make this a little bit thicker both of them like that okay now you are free to have some information in this panel down below so what we can do is we can add the logo inside of this little black bar here you know something like that you got your logo right here i mean you can play around with this and then you can have a rotating feed in here and it's simple as that simple as that so this would be your border for people who use green screens and now we're going to kind of duplicate that style just a little bit inside this webcam border and i want to actually bring along align the strike the stroke to the center and i want to also on this one add a outer shadow be careful with the outer shadows on the borders because and it starts to leak into your your camera if that makes sense on your camera side which is fine but try to be careful a little bit okay so what we're gonna do we want that we want this effect right here edit copy we want this gradient yup that's looking good right there so let's add a little bit of flair to this so i'm going to take a rectangle tool sorry take a rectangle tool like that and i'm going to put it right there right there i'm gonna tilt this just a little bit like that maybe not so much i'm gonna put it behind and put it behind the rectangle like that now we want to convert this to curves and find the node tool and bring this side in okay actually what we want to do is we want this side out like that that's what we want and then we're going to bring this down i'm going to do something like that maybe let's see actually let's do that let's do that now we're going to take that same shape and we're going to put one up top all right so that looks pretty cool one thing i like to do is i actually like to add these little bars and i'm gonna take this out of there i'm going to add a slight slight ever so slight outer shadow just slightly just like that and i'm going to take this and i'm going to drag it to the width of the border and then we're gonna go down okay and then we're gonna go boom duplicate one two three holding shift one two three duplicate again one two three and then sometimes that just adds a nice little effect so we're actually gonna duplicate that group and we're gonna bring one over here i'm gonna put it right about there so we'll group that then we'll group this one now we got our two different colors in there and that's looking pretty good all right so now we have a webcam border for those who use a camera like mine with your background and we have a webcam border for people who use green screens and you put a little bit of information in there well guys that is it for this video i hope you guys enjoyed i hope i was able to help and i hope it was very informative for you guys just one more reminder hit that sub button follow me over on twitch where i stream every wednesday thursday and sunday at eight o'clock a.m pacific standard time i would love to see you guys there hopping in the chat communicating let me know what you guys want to see and yeah until next time guys much love thank you so much take it easy peace you
Channel: Matt Kraken
Views: 4,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design tutorial, streaming overlay tutorial, streaming overlay template, stream design, affinity designer tutorial, twitch stream design, design stream overlay, twitch overlay tutorial, twitch overlay template, twitch designs, youtube streaming setup, stream setup, how to, how to design, how to design overlays for twitch, twitch, youtube, streaming, streamer, streaming on twitch
Id: g7-jGQZIOaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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