How a PRO Twitch Streamer weekly planning is made!

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hi there guy level here full-time content creator professional procrastinator warrior at winging it i've been meaning to make a video about this for a while now but it's been kind of difficult because i basically built up a community of pure twitch streamers on this channel so everything i talk about has to do with being a full-time twitch streamer but i am not a full-time twitch streamer i'm a full-time youtuber so in this video i want to talk about planning and scheduling and i'm going to talk about all the nuances of maybe between full-time youtube and full-time twitch so take everything with a grain of salt i am not personally a full-time twitch streamer but i do feel like there's a lot of information that i need to communicate with you guys now the big obstacle when it comes to giving general advice about scheduling and planning is that most people still have a full-time daily job so not every advice will apply to you but i'm gonna do my best in order to talk about multiple situations that you might possibly be in this video is not scripted just like any of my other videos so i hope you guys are excited for the rest of the blah blah blah coming up after a message from our sponsor hey you are you looking for emotes then you need to check out owns emote maker check this out in a couple of clicks i create one character and then own generates the rest all you gotta do is go to own.gigi get level hover over sub emote in badges and click emote maker so try it out that is own 3d dot gg slash get level all right so as i said i'm a full time youtuber so i plan everything around youtube but i don't want this video to be like hey this is what get level does you need to do exactly that if anything i want this video to be a reminder for myself for things that i should be doing that i'm not really i am definitely not working at the highest of my potential so this video is going to be good for you it's going to be good for me too all right i believe the first step for any type of scheduling or planning is going to be the end goal you need to think about the end goal first of course you don't need anything to be defined we are talking about content creation here nothing is promised nothing is an exact science it's not math this is more like sociology and then sprinkle in a little bit of psychology into it actually pour the whole vase of psychology into it so i believe that the end goal that you are going to think about has to do with your current position if you are at your parents house still you're not gonna have the same goals as someone who recently lost their job and have two kids and a mortgage to pay it's not the same thing it's not the same thing but we can all agree here that if you're watching this video that's the goal is to be a content creator but it's it's not a destination it's a journey so so the goal could be to still have your full freedom while also making a living out of your passion for example that would require you to really think about how you would plan stuff because if you want to have full freedom for example one of my things is that i wanted to be able to travel whenever i wanted without having to ask anyone without having to go to my boss and be like hey boss can i take this day and then they're like no you know it's christmas we have a lot of customers you can't go on vacation i did not want that to happen so i planned everything around my freedom this is also why i do not have an exclusive contract with any sponsors i am still technically a free agent another goal that you might have if you're younger i guess is to prove to everyone around you that this could be a possible career like a real career and usually as soon as you start making a little bit more than minimum wage with your passion this will convince people for example if you're a competitive gamer your goal might be to be signed with like a team where you compete online offline while also being a content creator on the side for me personally i wanted to keep my freedom i wanted to not have to work every single day basically i wanted to be able to wake up in the morning and be like i don't feel today i'll work tomorrow and i wanted to create content that would allow me to expand whatever i was doing basically so that's it for the goal let's talk about actual scheduling and this time we need to take some concrete examples for example youtuber or more of a live streamer and for that we're gonna have to pull up a weekly calendar all right so that's just an image that i found on google one thing you can do is do this like an excel spreadsheet if you want to actually plan it and have it visible so you never lose track of what you're supposed to be doing but um but here i'm in photoshop and i'm just gonna write stuff down now before writing anything in your weekly plan you need to know what type of content are you currently making or what type of content that you want to make you need to have a good grasp on what you provide as a content creator and then from there you can fill out basically the holes of oh i should be doing this that i'm not doing right now or maybe i should use this in order to do that and expend a little bit more let's take live streaming for an example let's make a weekly plan for a live streamer now we can start with the big misconception okay we're gonna pick purple for twitch and let's say that uh you might think that streaming every single day as much as long as you can is the best plan in order to grow fast you might be going like this this this this this this not a good idea not a good idea if you want it to be sustainable in the long term someone who streams like this ever since they started is someone who's going to waste a lot of time when it comes to what i've witnessed personally those are usually the people who stream for three years and still have the exact same viewer account of course there's no rules you can do whatever you want and be extremely successful but this is just what i've witnessed something that's very very important to think about especially as a live streamer is your mental health i would recommend you taking saturdays and sundays off because i'm guessing if you have a friend circle that they have normal jobs where they are free on saturdays and sundays so if you have to take that time to actually hang out with your friends please please take it there's no grind worth giving up your social life completely now you're left with five days what do you do the five days let's talk about streaming okay so streaming you're sharing whatever game for now we're not going to go into specifics for now but let's say okay monday you stream of course if you're just starting i would recommend you stream at different times just to see where you have the most success or where you connect the most with people uh if you're streaming at a particular time and then 20 minutes into your stream everyone is telling you okay dude that was fun i'm going to bed now you're probably not streaming at the the optimal time zone that you should basically i would recommend streaming three times a week because that gives you tuesday and thursdays to do some actual actual good work that will allow you to have a better twitch experience overall so exactly at what time you should stream that's for you to figure out by testing and testing over and over again i know people who went from 20 viewers average to 100 viewers average just because they were like i'm gonna wake up early in stream now i understand if you have a nine to five that's probably not possible for you but i'm just saying okay now how long should you stream for usually people say that three hours is kind of like the minimum for an impactful stream for letting people uh find the time to find you on twitch for example and this applies for youtube streaming and all of the live streaming platforms too but we're focusing on twitch here three hours gives people who are randomly looking around twitch time to find you and uh talk to you and maybe get accustomed to you a little bit and follow you when you post that you're going live anywhere from discord instagram twitter uh most of the people will click on your link while you're offline if you only stream one hour for example by the time anyone sees it and clicks on it you're not gonna have a lot of traffic while you're live i would sometimes for certain people actually recommend you not stream more than three hours because of your energy a lot of people lose the energy over time first hour is dope second hour super energetic third hour okay the back is starting to hurt you're starting to develop a headache your voice is getting dry because you've been talking for the past two hours and i'm talking i'm talking like optimal super entertaining stream and then the fourth hour like you're you're pretty much drained and in five hours your drain that depends on the person of course someone's going to type xqc's name in my chat and tell me no excuse you can go 24 hours and are you xqc oh yes you're actually okay my bad then this doesn't apply to you but yeah contrary to popular belief if you haven't started streaming yet streaming is very exhausting having all the lights on and a camera on you can get you tensed it still happens to me so that's three times a day three hours that is nine hours of course you can stream more four hours great five hours great if you can keep up that energy and like the end of your stream it's not like super boring because you're half dead now streaming is pretty much half the battle when it comes to being a full-time livestream or trying to be a full-time live streamer now you have those two days and you might be wondering what do i do during those two days we'll get to that but one thing to keep in mind is that after you stream your stream is not done your stream is going to be the main source the main platform the main content that you produce and then you have to do all the little things on the side in order to bring traffic to that source so i'm going to suggest you have a twitter and a tick tock account if you don't want to have a tick tock account that's fine well that's not really fine but do what you got to do i i my experience with the community is that a lot of live streamers uh hate tik tok for some reason but yeah content creators who hate content platform it's kind of weird but let's say this is twitter let's put tick tock here and that's tick tock and the thing here is that you want to transform one content into multiple other contents and of course we're going to be talking about twitch clips we're going to talk about we're going to be talking about twitch vods so what we want is the twitch clips is that after streaming you hopefully have a bunch of twitch clips right you're going to have a vod of course activate the story pass broadcast you're gonna have a vod and you want to have content for that from that stream to be able to post on twitter not necessarily directly after the stream but you can store that you can definitely store that and what you want is to have as many clips as possible if you have a solid four hour five hour stream hopefully you can get a good 10 clips out of that now if you have a couple of viewers what you can do if you want to have a bunch of clips is remind them to take the clips if something funny happens if there's a glitch in the game if there's something unusual that happens if you get spooked anything not just good gameplay first of all i gotta go through everything if i want to explain this right no one cares about your gameplay that much okay sharing you winning at a battle royale game is not interesting anymore it may be it was when fortnite first came out but it's not as interesting as you might think of course if you clutch and you did something good clip it you know clip it use that but keep in mind that this is not the best way of representing your live stream because this thing you clipped it you're so proud of it because it doesn't happen often but you cracking jokes you playing pranks on your friends you laughing and having a good time that happens more often than you doing some godlike gameplay and that is way more interesting to see in a clip that you share on social media than anything else another tip i have is to create some folders i have a bunch of folders uh from i started doing this in 2020 and i have all those folders 2019 actually from different months i basically take the best clips of a particular month and i have that in a separate folder so whenever i want to share it whenever i want to use it and post it on any social media platform i can use that now here's the thing you don't need to use all 10 clips as i said you can create just a folder but you can use those as going live post for example people seem to struggle a lot when with their going live post you being like hey uh grinding with my friends and then just their twitch link is not sufficient it doesn't help you stand out it's not eye-catching it's not interesting you're just blending in you don't want to blend in you want to send out on top of that social media algorithms tend to favorize video content way more than any other content a platform such as facebook for example if you just post your twitch link it's gonna do everything it can to suppress it to not show it to anyone whereas if you post a video they tend to have 125 or something like that more likely to be like to get engagement so do yourself a favor post a clip but if you're doing this at every single stream you're getting 10 clips that is already 30 tiny videos per week 30. now whether you love tick tok or you hate it i would suggest the lazy form of creating content for that platform is to get those clips put them all through like a little platform such as a combo you can use crossclip from streamlabs you can use whatever you can use basically something that's going to take that clip and format it for a ticktock format so that portrait mode okay so whether you like the platform or you don't want to be you know scrolling by and liking stuff it doesn't matter create an account start posting so i'm going to write down the 10 clips and it is the lazy version okay you finish your stream you have 10 clips if you don't have anyone taking the clips you can also set up a keyboard shortcut to take timers you can put that in your twitch dashboard where you can just click to put a a timer like a time stamp basically where you can go back and then take your clips on your own you don't need people taking clips i don't want to see comments yeah but no one takes no one takes clips on my channel either i still have clips how if something really important happens during that stream you can highlight it and that will give you more long-form content for example if you want to go to instagram and post like igtvs or normal video posts last up to one minute or two minutes you can do that so on monday what you did was stream for a couple of hours and then saved 10 clips so you not only live streamed that day but you also spent some time with the community bonding with them hopefully getting new followers and getting to know more people but on top of that you also have solid concrete content that you can publish during the next days or even the same day i would advise you post like one clip somewhere every day straight up so after the stream once you saved all your clips pick your favorite stream pick your favorite clip and then post it on twitter or on instagram if that's your thing you can also post it on tick tock so that makes you make pretty much one post per day but you have 10 so you still have nine that you haven't touched yet so what can you do on tuesdays for example i would say on tuesdays what you can do is work on other stuff first of all we're gonna put youtube not just to create youtube videos but also to learn to learn about social media marketing to learn about high engagement posts and all the things that you can do to basically make you work smarter when it comes to advertising your live stream the goal is still to be a full-time live streamer but you can't neglect the platforms that have the most people on them basically so here you're gonna be mostly learning when you're starting out okay and i would suggest you learn about not only digital marketing but also video editing for example pick your favorite free video editing software it doesn't even have to be on desktop it can be on mobile i for example use something called in shot and i love this software sometimes it's easier for me to to edit on my phone than it is on my computer so if you're starting out definitely learn about video editing and practice if you just want to learn and you don't want to practice yet that's completely fine but as long as you're taking this time to really learn and also do some work on other social media for example if you're going to practice video editing you could use those clips in order to practice one cool practice to do is for example place some captions on your video some funny captions or integrate some memes into one of your favorite clips from the past day okay so you already posted one video on twitter and one on tick tock and since you have 10 clips you pick this your second favorite or maybe the favorite you can interchange them i don't care you can edit about five clips if you don't have a channel trailer for example you can work on that that day and of course you're still gonna have to post at least one on twitter and pretty much the exact same one if you want on tick tock of course if you want to add instagram to the lot if you're more of a facebook person you can interchange those platforms as much as you want although twitter is something that i definitely recommend something on twitter is that you need to definitely have an account that feels personal ish and public-ish but you need to have an account that doesn't feel like a spam account don't have your twitter account only retweet giveaways and retweet other people you need to tweet you need to tweet if you're thinking of something tweet about it make sure it's not too controversial or anything because twitter will eat you alive if you do that but think about your target audience and basically have a conversation as if you were having an open conversation with your target audience my target audience is streamers your target audience might be viewers who also play video games if it's a specific video game it's even easier go follow the hashtags like the trends the threads about the specific video games and then twitter on mobile at least we'll always show you like trending tweets about this specific topic and then you can interject you can talk about it you can share your passion with other people because that's what it's all about so now on tuesday you have five clips that are edited that should be like higher quality clips that so they will stand out more than for example the ones well the one that you posted on monday but if we overlap the time you will technically have enough clips that are all pretty much high quality and well edited in order to stand out compared to people who will just you know copy copy-paste the clip on a platform you can even do a recap of the stream if you want that additionally but that's a lot of work i can understand if you don't want to do that that's completely fine so that's tuesday you spent your time learning so you watch a couple tutorials on social media marketing how to get engagement posts maybe how to get more followers on those social media and how to connect with people maybe you watch my tutorials during that time that's completely fine and then i suggest video editing learning about video editing but also practicing but practice in a way to be efficient don't just try to do uh crazier and crazier techniques of video editing cut stuff and then put some captions i have tutorials on how to do that that's really really all you need you don't need to learn special effects your cool 2006 uh slow-mo montage of head shots and stuff like no one cares straight up no one cares right now because we've seen it we've seen it all i'd rather see a clip of you laughing with your friends and actually having a good time than you clutching the goal here is to really push your personality and the atmosphere that you have on your stream so on that second day you are smarter you are even smarter because you practice and on top of that you have content that you can post on whatever platform you choose to post on for the rest of the week you have five clips edited right now and again don't don't go wild when it comes to the clips don't try to edit a full 15 minute video no 30 seconds 15 seconds if you have to sometimes i edit stuff just so they can fit on my instagram story which is 15 seconds so let's call it a day i would suggest if you're really full time and if you you don't have a day job i would definitely suggest you do more than that but that's completely fine we're gonna do the rest on tuesday thursday sorry so wednesday you do the same thing except at the end of wednesday you also have 10 clips wow that is so many clips at this point we're never going to run out of content to post at least short form content right so once again you pick your favorite one and you post it raw you don't have to edit this one you can just pass it through once as i said combo or or um cross clip something that will reformat the clip for tick tock and then you just post that one so this one is less edited completely fine if you are like me i have a an app called caption that will add automatic captions so it's not the funny cool looking captions but it will caption everything it's really um important to think about accessibility when you're posting content so you don't limit your viewership now if everything went well on monday and tuesday you posted one clip to twitter in a second clip to twitter on tuesday right same clip on tick tock so that's four videos post it's two clips but two times twitter two times on tick tock hopefully you get a little bit of visibility maybe the first week you're not gonna see people come in your chat and tell you hey i came from tiktok or twitter but if any of those videos start getting some traction you will definitely get people coming in from tiktok coming in from twitter telling you hey i came from tik tok after your tik tok now let's talk about thursday now this is going to be kind of tricky because thursday i still want to put i want to put youtube again but but but but but it's going to be a different context of youtube if you're not interested at all in the thing that i'm about to say um you should definitely consider it at least in the future if you're starting out i can understand that this is definitely too much but i would like for you to consider creating content that is youtube exclusive right and when i say creating content that is youtube exclusive you will realize that i didn't tell you to post your clips to youtube you could you really could but the way that youtube is set up right now and the saturation that youtube has most likely your twitch clips raw or even edited with some stuff is is not necessarily gonna get the traction you want to actually blow up and have a sustainable channel on youtube you could especially with the arrival of youtube shorts so after you format them for tic tac you can also upload them as youtube shorts to your youtube you can do that straight from your phone you don't even no effort but i recommend you actually working on a youtube channel that will be on the long run pretty much self-sustainable in a way actually self-sustainable is not the good it's not the good wording that i mean basically this will be a source of income also as well as your twitch channel and and if you're blowing up on tick tock for example thanks to your clips your well-edited clips uh you might also get a source of income from that because if you go like if you grow a big following companies will reach out to you and they'll want to pay you to make specific tick tocks for them that's up to you to accept or not so here i want an actual channel that doesn't necessarily directly correlate with your content on twitch and there's there's different method to basically guarantee in a way in a way okay quote-unquote guarantee that it's gonna work and it's by applying proven methods okay my easiest advice for proven method that works is educational content but don't don't don't be scared when i say educational content you're not going to be a professor or a guru or whatever but for example my girlfriend started playing stardew valley and a lot of people gave her a bunch of tips and if she makes a video that is like hey 10 tips from my viewers on stardew valley or 10 tips 10 stardew valley tips this is stuff that people are constantly searching for so basically making content for the search bar and there's different ways of doing it i'm not going to get into it but basically creating content that you know a lot of people are looking for this all the time and in order to start you don't have to be professional at the game when apex came out i've seen channels literally word for word just explain to you what you would be doing on the tutorial level yeah things like hold right click in order to aim and those videos get 175 000 views because if you post it fast enough around the first week of of the game coming out people are looking that stuff up now if you're scared because your brain is going to be coming up with excuses there i know that your brain is going to be like yeah but i don't know much i'm not a professional at the game that i play look it up look it up find the reddit thread that give a bunch of tips on the video game that you play write it down make a video about it of course test it if you can provide footage it's even better hey remember you spent your tuesdays learning about video editing you got this don't do anything fancy no transitions no no fancy captions no meme integrations no sound effects just you speaking with decent audio and just jump cut everything that's what i do the video you're watching right now is literally this so that's the easy peasy method educational content about whatever that has you know a fan base that people are actually looking for it's pretty much guaranteed to work if you do it properly of course another method is to take a concept that already exists and apply it to your specific niche so niche here will probably be like a specific video game again um i watch a channel called defend the house and they came up with mythbusters for video games for popular fps games and i don't even play most of the games that they make those videos from and i still watch it because it's so entertaining so they'll go on reddit for example or i don't know where they get their questions but people will be like hey you can do this you can do that and they basically test it and they'll say hey myth busted or um plausible or it's true once again this works really well with when a game just came out but even if the game didn't come out recently as long as it has a fan base of people looking stuff up you will get suggested in their video feed at some point on youtube now whether it's purely entertaining or educational i guess like the whole mythbusters thing is kind of educational in a way too people will feel gratitude that's the that's the main feeling that people will have when they watch your videos meaning that they will be more inclined to clicking on your twitch especially if you announce that you stream on that channel people will come to your stream i followed so many streamers just because i saw them on youtube so on thursday take it easy if you're if you're starting i would take the time to plan this a little bit maybe come up with video ideas maybe look up do some research let's put that in i do some competitive research take a look at what other people are doing it's not a bad thing i'm not saying you should plagiarize but it's not a bad thing if you watch a bunch of tutorials or you watch a bunch of videos and then you just uh create your own video with your own sauce maybe people prefer hearing you explain stuff than anyone else now if you've done this a couple of weeks and you know you've done your research you started the channel you have one video maybe or you don't have a video maybe it's time to actually shoot your first video now the whole thing with creating content is shoot write edit wait should write editor no it's right shoot edit repeat i don't write anything but also i spend a lot of time developing my ability to record without writing anything and that brings us back to when i said to practice your video editing and what i mean by practice your video editing is not necessarily learning more effects more cool stuff it's really being efficient okay you know how to cut something you press c you click one part you click you click on the other part that you want to delete you press v you select it and then you press delete that deletes it you click on the middle part it becomes white and then you delete it boom okay cool you know how to do this this is your very first video that you're editing but there must be an easier way a faster way of doing it and this is where you're going to learn to add edit it's going to cut wherever you put the playhead and then you're going to put the playhead wherever else and then you're going to trim to the previous selection and that's two buttons that do all of the steps that i mentioned previously watch my video on on how i edit videos or video editing is is not hard i don't remember what i called it but anyways shoot edit and if you have some time on saturday this is where you can work on stuff like uh thumbnails if you don't have time saturday sunday that's completely fine especially like you know if you have a family you need to take care of and stuff like that you can take the whole day off but um we keep like very very small stuff here uh on sunday you can schedule posts if you want to uh some people will schedule their twitter post there's a bunch of you know easy twitter engagement bait posts that you can just all write in one day and then it covers you for a month or it covers you for a week at least now for instagram for example there's an app called later that you can also schedule your instagram posts instagram posts are basically the worst thing that you can do on instagram i i it's the least enjoyable experience uh stories are great i think reels are great but everything else is just horrible but you can schedule your post so you don't have to do them to think about them every day so of course uh here on friday ten clips again with time you're gonna learn that there's specific that there's specific times basically of the day where your clips get more views than others this is just time like there's no theory that's going to prepare you for that it's like you have to test everything you have to find your niche your target audience it all depends but if you don't start you'll never know so you better start and then um yeah that will allow you to know when to post or when's the best time to post maybe posting a clip as a going live post you know the previous clip of the previous date might help you get more views maybe that's the thing or maybe posting it as a standalone at a specific time maybe that might help you for example on twitter they might tell you hey you should use hashtags don't overdo it if you're posting about like an indie game or something like that tag the developers if you play a single game or if you have one game that you play a lot make sure you tweet about the game your thoughts about the game something happened in the game talk about it you know twitter i can't believe i'm saying that but twitter is basically the most human platform right now instagram is full of bots people will tell you to dm them i mean people the bots will tell you to dm them people will follow for follow people have bots on their accounts that is automatically liking so if you're getting engagement on instagram it's most of the time it's not a real engagement so no one is actually trying to connect with you whereas twitter is where you can actually have conversations and you can actually share your passions and people expect for your account to look like a human being is running it so if you're only retweeting going live going live going live going live going live and your going lives are not even interesting it's just your twitch link no clip attached to it there's no content attached to it and and yeah we're retweeting the giveaways it's it's trash it's it's trash it's a trash account that no one will want to follow because you wouldn't want to follow an account like that one thing that i'm realizing here is that if if i didn't know my audience better i would definitely fill this week way more but i'm also trying to take into account people who um who have full-time jobs right but please know that if i were to give you if i were to coach you personally which i don't do so don't ask me i would put way more stuff in there provided that you are you would be like a full-time content creator right so you don't have a nine-to-five you spent your whole days uh creating content and as a twitch streamer i think this is definitely pretty cool if you want to squeeze in an extra stream in there i won't blame you maybe on sunday maybe on saturday maybe it's a shorter stream or if you have like something specific hey on saturdays we play horror games and i have a heart rate monitor and uh i have spooky alerts that day i guess when it comes to monetizing this is something you probably heard me say a lot first of all let me finish this so i want you after three hours i want you to post one clip here one clip there so technically you post and then here too i guess uh you can also post the clip so right now you are posting you are creating 30 clips per week and you are posting one clip per day on two platforms which is basically 10 pieces of content almost everywhere without even counting the live stream of course if we're talking about the youtube channel uh this is where you might shoot edit but not post because that might take you a lot of time if you're starting off but the goal is to work on your workflow in order to be able to poop the content out very fast and one day especially on thursday you're not streaming um you're not bothering yourself by editing any clips this is where you just create tiny tiny pieces of content that can create an actual channel some people go the other route like rather than having a youtube channel they'd prefer having a podcast for example that they don't edit at all they just record it and then the next week they just post it the way it is that's completely fine but basically i think the lesson here is that this is a presence contest right you need to be all the time in people's faces this is how you get quote unquote popular right if the goal here is to sustain making a living with live streaming you definitely have to think about more stuff but i don't know if i have time to get into it but you definitely have to monetize your twitch channel effectively right there should be sub perks there should be donation perks there should be bit perks there should be widgets that encourage people to to give bits or donate maybe sound alerts and and stuff like that or or just visual alerts uh there should be giveaways just make sure you understand the rules about giveaways people you can't have people pay in order to participate in a giveaway keep that in mind you could have maybe you know i told you you could squeeze a sunday stream maybe it could be a sub-only stream if you already have a community don't do that if you're just starting okay don't do sub-only stream if you're just starting um but you can do movie night if you can use the twitch uh movie what is it called watch together the blah blah blah where you can watch amazon prime movies together you can do that on sundays for example but the major major major goal here for you to understand is that one thing needs to feed to feed the other all right let me get like a a yellow here one thing the main thing is twitch right and we want your twitter presence to bring more people to your twitch we want your tick tock presence to bring more people to your twitch don't even bother with the link with the what is it called link tree or whatever just put your twitch link in there if you're editing your videos you you know on tuesday you're editing your clips let people know hey i also stream on twitch or just put a little icon with your twitch handle in there so people don't let people have to guess that twitch is your main thing plaster it everywhere and by that i mean everywhere that you're posting content on a discoverable uh platform don't plaster it on everyone's discord that never works that straight up never ever works okay and then um the youtube the goal is to also bring people towards your twitch but on top of that this and some green this time if everything works well and you do it pretty well you develop a certain workflow this can make money okay this obviously it's your main thing it should be making most of the money and then this will also make money right now if you want to be extra and you want to add instagram but instagram is so hard to grow one i wouldn't advise it really especially if you're not if you're new to all of this don't like don't bother that much with instagram it's good to have one post pictures of yourself your setup and stuff like that but don't bother too much don't grind instagram you're you're most likely going to be wasting your time especially if you're the typical i'm a twitch streamer i play call of duty war zone don't do that don't do that now with time you will have those three sources of income now how can you have even more sources of income because i'm talking about you know sustainable sustainable long run career and everything you can have some affiliate you can have some affiliate links now what i suggest you do especially if you have a youtube is going to be super easy but create an amazon affiliate account okay you will see under every twitch stream people have a stack a stack a spec tab well they tell you whoa this is my computer this is the mic that i use they brag about it but you could you could also have that you could also have that and then some someone clicks on the link buys one of those products and you make a little cut from it the problem with affiliate links is that you're going to get contacted for example instagram maybe tick-tock you're going to get contacted by every company in their mama is telling you hey you should become a brand ambassador and blah blah don't accept don't accept think really really really hard on exactly what you want to be an affiliate with and that's it for example um if you have a bunch of streamers if you realize that you connected with a bunch of other streamers a good affiliation that you can have is something like owned or or nerd or die things that provide services to other streamers for example right but the truth is amazon is kind of universal someone will hear the sound of your mic if you have a good one and we'll ask you what mic is that and then you can send them your affiliate link if you have a cool looking camera that happens to me all the time people are like wow your camera is so so crisp what camera is that i just send them an affiliate link from my amazon of course this close to them hey this is an affiliate link so that's one thing you can play ads you can play ads on twitch as soon as you're affiliate actually and you'll be able to play ads on youtube if you get in the partner program a partner program is actually easier than most people might tell you especially if you do your research and you make content that people are looking for one single video might get you in the partner program if you're smart about it so on top of already having three sources of income uh congratulations you have even more now you have this and you have that there are specific types of video games humble bundle this is a company that sells video games basically uh through steam and everything else you can become like a humble partner so every time you're if you're playing a bunch of indie games and stuff like that you can be like hey you can get this game here's my humble affiliate link it's it's super easy to sign up for a lot of things you might hear about a bunch of very popular services like expressvpn nordvpn and you might want to immediately go ahead and subscribe to those and thinking oh wow i'm gonna put like i'm gonna have an affiliate link for a vpn the truth is how many people on in your chat are gonna want to have a vpn or be interested in that while they're there okay listen for the whole youtube thing we talked about coming up with a concept we talked about making content that people are looking for but there's something that i almost forgot to tell you about there is an easy hack it's not it's not that easy really but if you actually practice your video editing and you know your cinematography if you will you can start doing tech reviews on your channel if you start doing tech reviews and your attacking reviews look really good you will get contacted by a bunch of tech companies all right and if you get contacted by a bunch of tech tech companies they will send you tech for free in exchange for a review of course and most youtubers who start in the tech industry they do that okay i do i did that a lot of other people do that right and i get sent a lot of things most of my setup right now is stuff that i got for free now it's not that i can't avoid buying this stuff but they sent it to me so i don't need to be able to avoid anything and i can and i can have content because i have new products to review all the time right now i'm completely overwhelmed as you can see all of almost all of those elgato products i haven't even opened some of the boxes and i want to make videos about them i will make videos about them for example but while this is not directly a source of income product reviews might be very very helpful when it comes to acquiring more gear improving the quality of your content well the visible are audible quality if you're boring you're boring if you're boring with a 4k camera you're still boring and of course since you're gonna review all those tech products you can also have affiliate links related to the product so if your community is interested you can send a link but i think that will do it i think this is what i would advise a twitch streamer who's starting out who's trying to build something in order to become a career this is where i would start clips are the key pretty much clips highlights they are the key and also learning about video editing believe it or not video editing is really not hard you're making it hard on yourself if you know how to cut stuff and how to type text and then cut that text you know everything you need in order to be one of the best streamers considering your content is amazing yeah i think my schedule mostly looks like that there's a lot of youtube the truth is i'm always thinking about youtube videos even on you know tuesdays thursdays i don't adhere to a specific schedule which i should i really should but um right now it's monday while i'm recording this uh i'm gonna edit it on tuesday so i'm technically working on youtube post it on tuesday uh wednesday i'm going to be working on another youtube video i'm going to try to stream in between but like twitch is really not the thing where i keep a steady schedule also tic talk i don't keep a steady schedule i'm on twitter every single day i try to post every single day multiple posts actually i think i try to tweet about like three to four times a day um instagram stories at least i post you know four five up to ten per day and uh yeah i technically i am wasting a lot of time with instagram i shouldn't be grinding i'm not really grinding i genuinely enjoy posting stories but i should put more of that time into twitter and also tick tock that's me giving myself advice you didn't have to listen to that's me i'm going to watch this video while i'm editing and i'm going to be like wow you're right gil and i should stream way more often i should basically wake up early to do all of that stuff and then have some time to stream on the afternoon anyways i went on for a while now i don't know if i answered all the questions that you had if you have more questions you can definitely leave them in the comment section below but this is basically what i came up with for a twitch streamer as a weekly plan uh for someone who's trying to become a full-time content creator as i said before i kind of toned it down a little bit just to make sure that the work didn't feel too impressive and too intimidating so this is mostly for beginners if you want to be a veteran if you really want to do everything right and you definitely have the time to do everything i would definitely add way more i would add absolutely more work to this and and make sure that you utilize every single time slot that you have during those days but i feel like this is a good beginning anyways i'm tired of talking if you're looking for some dope overlays to make youtube channel look good you should go to get level this is where i keep them a lot of them are free and the rest is very affordable if you want to create like animated logos or animated starting zoom screen make them customizable where you can place your logo and everything go to there will be a link in the description that will give you 15 off so check it out if you like that little light that's behind me i made a video about it go check it out on my channel and i gotta thank you for watching i will see you guys next time go out there make me proud get level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 4,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, content creator, content schedule for social media, twitch content creator, Twitch content ideas, twitch weekly, twitch streamer plan, twitch business plan, twitch business model, Twitch streamer weekly planning, full time twitch streamer, full time content creator, becoming a full time content creator
Id: D-n3S9uIK-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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