FREE Twitch Alerts and Overlay for XBOX One/Series/PS4/PS5 Console Without OBS/SLOBS or Capture Card

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so you're streaming to twitch from an xbox or ps4 but you don't have a pc or capture card to be able to put overlays and alerts on your stream and you don't want to look generic well i've got you today make sure you stick around because i'm going to show you some popular extensions that twitch provides to you for free let's get started oh merch links in the description before we get into anything i just want to go and say thank you for everything that you do for my channel and if you're new here i'm cyrus and we make videos about how to improve your stream for your viewers as well as for you to make it as easy as possible for you to have growth and to be able to show your viewers everything you're able to do either in a game or in a just chatting setting make sure you check us out in our discord the link for that is in the description below we can answer any of those questions and we have some free stuff for you if you just join down there also i stream on twitch three days a week i would love for you to stop by and ask questions i always have an ask me anything type of stream so feel free to stop by and see if i can help you out and with that out of the way let's talk about how to make your stream better so you have an xbox ps4 and you don't want your stream to look as generic as someone that just hits broadcast from the twitch app and you want to have actually some overlays some chat some alerts and things on your stream that is coming to the viewer's side but you don't have anything to process that with well there are a couple of extensions that are already provided inside of twitch through and then another one that will allow you to be able to do this and you have no setup at all except for the initial part to be able to get all that set up before you actually hit start stream now you will need a pc to set this up ahead of time but once you have everything set up just hit start broadcast from your console and everything will be provided for you on your stream so i'm going to take you in there and show you the couple of extensions and maybe a couple things that we can do with them let's go and switch over so right now i've got you inside twitch i'm going to take you to where you can find these extensions some of you may have never even used extensions before so we're going to go to our profile by clicking our avatar and click on the creator dashboard and it's going to take us to where this is where you can do your stream info you can see your activity feed but this is also where you can find your extensions and activate them or customize them on the left hand side you'll see extensions and this will open up a new window there's two that i need you to search for you can simply type in overlay and get the one that is called overlay expert just click install and then go back to browse so you can grab the other one and we can configure them later the other one just type in alert or alerts and you're going to see free stream alerts on the right just go ahead and click install on that one once you've got that done go ahead and click over to my extensions and you're going to see all of the extensions that you have added to your channel now the ones that are on the left are installed but not active the ones that are on the right are the ones that are active on your channel for example i have ones that are in my panels that are specific twitch widgets as well as the prime subscription alert reminder which sits on top of my screen and then there are several that i've downloaded and kept here just so i could instantly find them if i need them so let's go ahead and go through the one that's pretty easy to set up and that is the free stream alerts if you're just looking for alerts you're not looking for an overlay this is a really good opportunity so if you want to activate it you click activate and you set as overlay and this will put it on your screen but we're going to go ahead and configure it by clicking the gear it's going to have authorized through twitch on the screen so make sure you do that once you do it'll take you to this page and it will say free themes you can install these without a premium license so we're just going to pick one i personally like the one that's the called the clean series i'm going to do install theme pack and then you'll be able to go to the configurator i don't know why they it's just a weird way to call it but we're going to go ahead and see what this looks like by opening a preview and you can see it's going to give us a green area right here we're not necessarily concerned about this but when we click follow sub resub we can go over there and see what it's going to look like on our stream right there it said jessica shum is now following and that's exactly how it'll look on your screen the green is going to be your game play and the follow will pop up on the screen now to be able to do any of these edits like if i wanted to change some things you can go in here and change the titles but if you want to do overrides in advanced settings you have to have a license to be able to edit them but for me like a follow i like to say [Music] is now a part of the darkness then i would hit save changes and now whenever somebody follows me it'll say exactly that even though it didn't i think i actually have to hit open preview again and then do follow and it should have updated to say that yes so diana 54 is now part of the darkness so you have a little bit of customization for what it's going to show on the screen through that but it should be pretty simple to get through you can add new variations and there's things for everything subscribe resubscribes donations hosts raids and sheers for some of you this is all you want something clean you don't have a webcam this is this is just fine you can't use this one in tandem with the other one the other one has its own alerts attached to it so if this is as far as you want to go again the link for this will be in the description or i'll at least um post something that'll bring you to this but uh this is really easy once you set it as your overlay you're done you have overlays or you have alerts for your stream the other one is the overlay expert again you can activate it as your overlay one you can't have two things in overlay one so again you either get one or the other but you do get alerts with the overlay expert you just get a little bit more so we're gonna click the configure you're gonna have to do a bunch of things to get everything set up here just follow the prompts and we're gonna see that there's a few things here we can choose from that are preset ready to go out of the box i personally like the orange carbon so i can either just click choose and then hit go and that'll be on the screen i can click customize but you can see they have a couple here for like overwatch this one's already kind of pre-laid out for overwatch and then rocket rumble but let's go ahead and click customize and see what we can do here so there is a new user walkthrough and i encourage you to go through it i'm not going to go too much into it but i will show you it can do a few things so in this bottom panel right here i kind of want it to show my name i can go under content text free form and then add a text group and this is where i'm able to put a few things i could put my twitter handle or my twitch handle and if i click that it'll put dark and cyrus right here when i click accept and now i can move that around i can say i want it to be centered and centered it'll put it there and i can change the text color from black to white i can find that right here black to white and now it says dark osiris right in the center of the screen real easy but if you if you saw you can choose any of these panels or just move it around you can see that there's a lot of things to choose from like recent followers your subscribers and let's let's just say i wanted to put my subscribers scrolling across the top i would go add a next add a new text group i would choose a recent subscribers and as you can see they're scrolling there i'm going to center it and center it and we're going to go ahead and change that over to white as well just so it's nice and clean and you see it's it's kind of weird to see uh where it is and if you want to edit that i think you can do text from position right here so if you wanted to move this up i'm not really sure how much i need to edit this but we can do it on the fly right here that moves it down let's go to negative 30. all right that moved it up and then from the right let's go uh let's go 50 maybe that'll pull it in almost let's go 75 and then from the left we'll go negative 75. as you can see it's kind of pulling it a little bit closer to being inside that box but it allows people to be able to see who are my subscribers coming across it says new content item all i have to do is choose this right here and then hit go and that'll pop up all my subscribers going across you have a lot of customization with this so use this as you will uh there is also some webcam frames so you can add let me hit accept and from here i can do add a new layer we can do content maybe it's background select you can upload your own images or you can choose by overlay you can see they do have some cam borders in here that you can choose and some things to choose here like here's a video inlay we can put this right here you can see that it actually has a camera so if you did have a camera and were able to put it in you're able to get a border that somewhat will line up with what you have so this is what you're able to do for your overlay you can go ahead and save this and then what you'll do is i think it's integrate and then put it into your twitch come over here hit accept activate as overlay and then you're done you have all of your stuff up on your screen i hope that was helpful just an easy way for you to add some alerts or an overlay to your stream especially coming from a console and not having that pc being able to add those graphics as well as the overlays with a program like obs or streamlabs obs if you enjoy this video make sure you drop a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and ring that bell for notifications so you don't miss a video just like this one remember i do stream three days on twitch so make sure to check me out over there and join the darkness discord down below we would love to be able to connect with you and be able to help you out as much as we can and we have a great community of streamers that just love to help each other and join each other's streams and just have fun i'm cyrus and welcome to the darkness we'll catch you next time you
Channel: Darkened Cyrus
Views: 247,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darkened cyrus, stream overlays for ps4, livestream with overlays, playstation 4 livestream with overlays, console streaming alerts, overlays, overlay expert, twitch overlay, how to stream on console, twitch alerts console, how to get overlays on your twitch stream, twitch, stream with overlays, how to add overlays to your console stream, console streaming, how to change scenes on console with overlay expert, stream alerts on console, how to get stream overlays on xbox
Id: 1z7ytVIdaWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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