How to Make: Tea Cakes

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hi welcome to crystal for you two today I'm going to be doing an old-time favorite and a lot of people have asked me about it so I'm going to do it today and that is tea cakes this recipe is very very old school it's the cross between a cookie and a cake and back in the day when you wanted something sweet but yet you didn't want to go as far as to make a cake this is what you use now a lot of there's a lot of false beliefs out here one of them just came from my daughter she asked me well what are you doing tea cakes do you serve it with tea no you don't you use this when you want something sweet because it's fast it's in a hurry you can get it done and it's very very good and tasty so let's get started with the ingredients that we're going to need to make this cross between a cookie and a cake we're going to need flour baking powder salt is the dry ingredients and sugar that's your dry ingredients and we're going to mix together our dry ingredients and then we're going to need softened butter eggs milk this is whole milk and you should use vanilla flavor but I'm using lemon flavor with this and you can use any kind of flavor that you like because that's the kind of flavor that I really have to taste so I had a taste for something lemony so that's what I want to do and I'm going to do a couple of what I'm going to do at least one variation of this tea cake of way that you can serve this tea cake and I'll show you that at the end now you don't see measurements but you will see measurements at the bottom of the video and the reason why you don't see them now is because I'm making a larger batch so the batch that you would probably make will be a lot smaller we're going to put this in a 375-degree oven and we're going to cook it for roughly 10 to 12 minutes so that's a short period of time so I'm going to take all of these ingredients go to my mixer and I'll meet you at the mixer I'm at the mixer and I'm going to go ahead and start my mixer only thing I have it is my butter and you have to cream together the butter the sugar and the adds so while I'm doing that I'm going to take the bacon powder and put it into my flour and I'm going to take the salt and put it into my flour as well and I'm just going to fork stir that in and that's just so I don't have to do it later on I already have this already mixed into my flour nuggets and I'll put the ingredients at the bottom while I have this fork I'm going to blend my eggs a little bit okay just to kind of get them partially mixed up now I'm going to add my sugar to my butter now taste them even when you're making a cake the better way to do that so you can get a real good cake good tasting cake there's always blend not unless the recipe says otherwise blend together your butter or cream together you have butter your sugar and then your eggs and it's in that water so it's about a first then you add the sugar and then you add the okay now while that is screaming then I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to add and I've slightly bigger do this and then go ahead and add these eggs just like we've beaten to this mixture as well and that's a little bit at a time I back in the day they didn't have mixtures they did all this by hand so I mean thanks thank God for mixers now if we don't have to do it by hand but they did a big stack together and then I'm going to just making sure that that's kind of well blended together we're going to go ahead and add my mix and I remember this is not a cake okay this is going to be a cookie so the way I expect once I blend it together my cakes to look cookies a little bit different or cross between a cake and a cookie I just added the milk to l'addition s whole milk I'm going to have the ingredients like I said at the end of the the video tutorial and I use them in flavor so that was just my lemon flavor that I just went ahead and I mix in now I'm going to get this off of the wall worried about it I was going to get my spatula but it's ok I can do it with the spoon now I'm going to add the flour that already has my bacon powder and my salt already in it I'm adding a little bit at a time but this is going to ball up so it will have the look you know of kind of what you would expect your cookie dough really look like and like I told you you want to use this much ingredients I'm using a lot of ingredients because I'm making a lot of it yours is going to be half as much so whatever it is that you saw me do yours is going to be half that and I can pretty much tell you how post it at the end what the serving amount would be so if you still would say say fences and serving amount would be twenty and you don't want the chin then of course you would just cut the amount of ingredients let's list it cut it in handy but this is a good cookie this is a nice data really make it on it's raining outside here in Virginia so it's not too much else that you can do and plus I'm doing this as a dessert for my because we're celebrating 4th of July today I'm sorry Labor Day today and tomorrow I'm sorry not for watching the fourth of July not Labor Day by daughters in the pit shaking out here but Memorial Day you got it right that time ok we're celebrating that today I'm tomorrow now I have a screen for this little which stops the the residue from the flower from going up but I'm not using this tune-up whatever the flower down little bitty Maximus banana stop it for one minute take it up but you see how much that's kind of like getting like a ball and I just want to put it off just so that I don't get so much flower flare and every time I use this mix all I have to do is put the guard on and I just refuse to do that all right get it all in and that's what my dog bill so you see me using my hand if I had my guard my guard would be cutting it out so me clamping something on and I believe you do that but anyway now you see that this has kind of bottled up similar to your cookie dough so this is it the only thing else I'm going to do is swipe it down bring it to the ball and then I'm gonna put it together business mixed together it's already blended it does not take a lot of blending for this like I told you back in the day they did it by hand and now I'm going to do it just a little bit of help from my KitchenAid so I'm going to stop this okay I'm going to scrape all of that down let's see if I can reach my spatula I'm gonna scrape this down into a ball and then I'm going to show you how to make this but that's how it should look just like you see mine looking okay let's stick enough for me to ball together which I'm going to show you that that part of it as well just want to clean out my mixer just a little bit okay that's fine okay now I'll meet you back at the table so we can put them together and bake them off be right back okay now we're back and I'm getting ready to roll this out or I'm going to show you how I do it okay and how they did it back in the day but you can use a rolling pin to roll this out which I'm not going to use and you can use cookie cutters okay in order to make the shape of your actual tea cake not going to use that either because that's not the way that I learned it now I really didn't learn to put parchment paper down on on your baking sheet but because this is not a non-stick baking sheet if you have a nonstick pan don't need the parchment paper if you don't have it which this is not a nonstick pan that I'm going to go ahead and use the parchment paper down on my baking sheet now this is the way I learned it I'm an old school cook this is the way they're not going to do it if you prefer to use the cookie cutter and you prefer to use the rolling pin then by all means go ahead that's fine but this is the way that I learned okay and this is the way that I've always done it and it's a whole lot easier for me and anybody who has a old-school person in their family and they've been doing these tea cakes for a long time I guarantee you this is probably what did she she or he whichever one it is does it okay so I'm going to I have some flour down on my cutting board and I have flour on my hand now I'm going to take this and I'm going to just Pat it out and I'm petting it out instead of rolling it out now rolling it out would be the way that some of you people would prefer or you guys would prefer and that's fine I mean do it whichever way you want to do it that's fine but I'm going to do it the way that I learned it and the way that's most easier for me and this is my family just eating it and I've been cooking with my hands for my family for a long time so not spitting stop now now what I'm going to do is to take and I learned it using a glass because the blast is about the same size the rim of the glass is about the same size as the biscuit cutter would actually be so I'm going to cut these out or just see how I'm doing it and this is about a little bit bigger I would say then or a little bit thicker then 1/4 of the inch okay now once I do that shake them put them down my baking sheet and remember I'm going to put these in the oven and I'm going to allow these to cook off in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes and that's at 375 degrees okay so and they're similar to how you would do if you were going to make biscuits it's no different all of them not gonna be like you know the identical same size pulse that depends on whether or not all your cuts come out even okay so then I'll take my dough and I'll to it blend it back out like I said you can use your rolling pin I don't knock that okay I didn't use I didn't learn it with no rolling pin some people even have rolling pin in their house you know especially a new beginner cooks they don't have that so you can take what you have you can improvise you can take what you have and still get the job done okay so then you'll take this and I'll put that down now I'm going to put this dough over here to the side because I'm going to mix that go with some more dough and I'm going to take my flour that I had leftover and just spread it out and as you need more flour then you can go ahead and get more flour okay if you find it is sticking to your hands then that means that you do need a little bit more flour because the last thing you want to do is stick to your hands and you have mess okay and just spread it out and keep on doing this now I'm making a big batch so it's going to be a minute for me but I just want to show you this first pan well I was in a hurry to get into the pan so we just go ahead and put it there and when that stuff into the on the glass room put some more flour on your glass room if that's what you're going to use okay if you're going to use your cookie cutter or whatever go ahead and do it that way now if you're presenting this to somebody that you're trying to impress them the cookie cutter would be fantastic I'm not trying to do that this is just my family so the way I'm doing it is fine so I'm going to finish out these I'm going to make another pan finish out these continue to do until I get all of them done and what I'm going to do is to come back and show you what they actually look like so we're going to put them in a 375-degree oven for roughly 10 to 12 minutes and then we'll be back once I get all of the finished I'll be back be right back okay now we're back and all the tea cakes are done and here's what they should look like they should not be a dark color on top okay it should be a very very light yellow color on top and you can tell that around say around the lines of it the outside lines of it the back will be darker and around the outside rim of it it'll be darker but it should be very very light on top like I said between ten and twelve minutes that's it now you can eat this tea cake by itself because that's the way it was designed to be just to eat it by itself and like I told you it's a cross between a cookie and cake so that's the kind of taste you're going to get relatively like a dough cake but I'm going to go a little bit further with it today and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a tea cake and I have some whipped cream here which I hadn't opened it up and sip it fit and strawberries I sliced up these fresh strawberries and what I did in order to get a little bit of a syrup to your strawberries all you need to do a little bit of sugar so to these strawberries I added a tablespoon of sugar and that allowed me to get my syrup to the strawberries and I needed the syrup for the dish that I'm going to do now so I'm going to take on top of one of these tea cakes I'm going to put these fresh strawberries down on top and because this is a cross between a cookie and a cake you do have a little bit of crunch so to eliminate that a little bit of crunch if you choose to do that you can just go ahead and put some of the juices from the strawberries down on it and then I'm going to add a little bit of the whipped cream here and then I'm going to take and put another layer another on top of that I'm going to add some more strawberries on top of the second one okay I'm going to put a little bit more of the juices and that's just to soften up that tea cake okay and then I'm going to add a little bit more of the whipped cream and I'm going to stay away from this I'm not going to eat it one of the kids will definitely eat this then I'm going to add a couple more strawberries on top and put just a little bit of the juices from the strawberries okay that's a nice dessert for my end let me get it right this time Memorial Day okay it's nice if you want to just fancy up that kiti cake and serve it and any one of your dinners that is a very nice and light dessert for you okay people have been asking me about making tea cakes so I went ahead and made them today I want to thank you for the sales on my book my book is doing fantastic I really want to thank all of you guys that bought it and if you have not checked out my website yet go over to WWF cook for you to net again ww you got Chris cook for you because it's more than just the book there you'll get a lot of kitchen items there and I'm going to be uploading some more in the next couple of days that I have not put on that website check it out check out my book glad to have your board and as always thank you for watching crystal for you too bye you
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 368,252
Rating: 4.8640871 out of 5
Keywords: Tea cakes, cookies, cakes, baking, toppings, desserts
Id: A_NA_Ql9Swk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2016
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