2 Ingredient Biscuits - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making a two-ingredient biscuit [Music] [Music] yeah this is probably one of the simplest videos that are simplest recipes that you're ever going to find for biscuits and how it works is you use self-rising flour which already has your leavening agents in it white lily unbleached self rising flour is what i use i know people have a lot of different opinions but i have always had really good results with white lily flour and i use the unbleached because it's a little healthier and you need a cup to a cup and a half of heavy cream and the cream replaces the milk and the butter are the shortening in a regular biscuit recipe because it already has the fat in it so you don't have to cut the fat in so this is a really good recipe for when you're in a hurry and you don't have time to cut that fat in and i'm going to show you why i say you're going to need between a cup and a cup and a half of heavy cream because that's a pretty big difference it's going to depend on how you measure your flour and how much air is in your flour i've got two bowls here this has two cups of flour that i just scooped out measured and dumped in there this one has two cups of sifted flour in it and i want to show you the difference in how much flour is actually in the bowl i've got the same bowl here we'll zero the scale and then we'll weigh these the sifted flour weighs 8.1 ounces the unsifted flower weighs 10.5 ounces that's more than 20 percent more so that's like almost like having an extra half a cup of flour in my bowl and a lot of things can affect how much air is in your flower not just whether or not you sift it um how long it was sitting on the store shelf can affect that how long it's been sitting in your pantry can affect it if you tacked your measuring cup when you were scooping it out or even mashing it down when you were leveling it and measuring it can affect how much air is in it now you don't have to buy a sifter because i know sifters can be kind of hard to find it's an old tool and you don't even have to sift your flour but it is going to change the texture of your biscuits this is just a little metal strainer and you can get these in all different sizes i use this one for everything but it works as a sifter too you just put your flour in it and tap it and it sifts it if i don't sift my flour if i'm in a hurry i'll take a fork or a whisk and just go through the flour to put a little air into it because the more air that your flour has in it the lighter and fluffier your biscuits are going to be now i'm guessing because this is literally a half cup less flour that a cup of the heavy cream is going to be more than enough for this much flour but you will have to adjust it when you make these biscuits and get the right consistency in your dough kind of open your flour up and make a well in the middle and pour your cream in and i'm not even going to put all this in and then you just want to like fold your flower you don't want to stir it real hard or real vigor vigorously because if you do that it's going to take all the air out of your flower whether you sifted it or not and like i said it's just up to you whether or not you do it it's how much time you have this is a good recipe for when you're in a hurry so you might not want to do it okay you can see my mixture is kind of starting to dry out and i don't want it this dry so i'm going to go ahead and add the rest of my cream you don't want it too wet because if it's too wet you'll never be able to roll your biscuits out and cut them that looks pretty good right there now if you're used to making biscuits um with where you cut in the fat and stuff a regular biscuit recipe this dough is gonna be about the same consistency you don't want it too wet and you don't want it too runny this at this point it should look like your regular biscuit though okay now you can do these different ways you can take a scooper and you can scoop these out or spoon and scoop them out just portion up a little bit like this and you can do drop biscuits just put it right on your pan or your cookie sheet or whatever you're going to do and cook them like that or you can roll them out i've had some questions about parchment paper and wax paper so i thought i would kind of go over the difference since this is sort of a beginner recipe wax paper you can see through it it is coated with wax and you would use this to cover your cabinets or your countertops with while you're rolling your biscuits out you might use it to roll out cookie dough you can also use it to wrap up sandwiches or food to keep it fresh long before there were sandwich bags there was wax paper and you would get your lunch rolled up in wax paper and wrapped that way and there are even some country markets and stuff that still wrap food in wax paper fast food places used to wrap everything in wax paper and they have a version of it now that they do some of the less expensive sandwiches in but this is not what you want to line your baking sheet with it will kind of keep if you're rolling dough out on your countertop it will kind of keep the dough from sticking to the wax paper and it will definitely protect your countertop it will protect it not only from getting dough stuck on it but it'll protect your countertop from stains this is parchment paper and parchment paper can be either brown or white but it is not coated with wax and this is suitable to put in the oven to line your baking sheets with and it will keep them clean and you can use it in place of aluminum foil it's much less expensive and a lot of people believe it's much healthier and you can cook just about anything on this you can put it in a 450 500 degree oven whatever we're going to roll these biscuits out or not roll them out we're actually going to press them out you don't really want to roll these you just want to put a little flour down and dump your dough out on this wax paper or on your countertop you do want it to be stiff i mean if your dough is really really soft and mushy to the point that it won't kind of hold its shape you probably need to add a little bit of flour and if you're using the self rising flour and the heavy cream you can adjust your dough until you get it exactly right and that's why i said it's a this is a good recipe for people who are learning how to cook learning how to make biscuits you can learn how to get that dough consistency right and you can see this holds its shape but it will certainly stick together it mashes when i mash it and all you want to do is just kind of mash it out to my i don't know i like mine about three quarters of an inch thick you can go a little bit thinner than that if you want to you definitely do not want to over mix this or any other biscuit recipe if you mix your biscuits too much what will happen is they will get very very tough very very hard and very very dry now if you want to bake these in your cast iron pan or an unlined cookie sheet it's a good idea to wipe just a little bit of oil in there you don't need too much because you do have flour on the bottom and that's going to help keep it from sticking and i'm going to do these a couple different ways because this is such a simple recipe i want to give you all some techniques so that it's worth watching the video if you put your biscuits in a pan like what i'm doing over here and that the sides are touching that's gonna make a much taller softer biscuit um if you want them more crisp on the outside then you want to put them on a cookie sheet spread them out about half an inch apart or i'm sorry spread them out about two inches apart and that will give you a more crisper biscuit but like this where the sides are touching they're going to be able to rise up higher and they're going to be a whole lot softer because the sides are all touching and it holds that moisture in now if you want a flaky biscuit what you're going to want to do is put a little bit of flour mash this out a little bit more and then you're going to want to fold it now don't get carried away because remember i said if you over work your biscuit dough it's going to be tough and that applies to this part too if you over mix it or if you over fold it it's going to make tough biscuits we'll add this stuff what we cut back up here on top sprinkle a little bit more flour and what this flour does and the folding it that's going to give you layers in your finished biscuit and just mash it out kind of gentle don't be too rough with it and that will give you some layers and make it a little bit flakier you can see the layers at least one of them in there after i cut it there's kind of one over here and the more you fold that over like that the more layers you're going to have and you could probably put oh six or seven layers in it without making your biscuits tough but what you'd want to do is you would want to mash it all the way out and then fold it over but because i already cut these three i don't have a ton of biscuit dough here that i can put six or seven layers in it i'm gonna do this one more time real careful and because we're doing this layered anyway it will be all right and then you can just take what you have left and kind of form one last biscuit out of it there are a lot of people who don't use the last little bit of dough but i do and as long as you haven't mixed it a lot and you haven't mashed it out four five six times this is fine but like i said you do want to be careful you don't want to overwork it you don't want to overfold it you don't want to over mix it that's the biggest thing that you can do wrong to your biscuits it's just over mixing them if you mix them too much it'll make them really hard really dry and really tough if you don't get enough cream in this recipe or enough milk in a regular biscuit recipe they'll be dry and crumbly and fall apart so you want to get that dough stuck together you want all the flour and everything stuck together but you still want it kind of soft and that soft dough will give you a light biscuit now we're going to make these in a little bit hotter oven than what i normally do biscuits here and i normally do my biscuits in about a 415 degree oven you want to preheat your oven to about 450 degrees far these biscuits a little bit hotter and they're going to bake 10 to 12 and 10 to 12 minutes it depends on your oven my oven it'll probably take us about 10 minutes to bake them and you'll see the difference in the ones that are in the pan with the sides touching and the ones that are on the cookie sheet when our nation was founded our lord was god we were founded on christian principles the country was settled by christians who were escaping persecution um you know a lot of people including me feel like this country was ordained by god into existence and when we were based on what our founding fathers said we were ordained to be one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all i feel like our nation is at a turning point and there are christians everywhere who are praying for our country and the bible says that god is faithful to he will be faithful to heal our land if we humble ourselves and we pray so if you are not already praying for our nation i want to encourage you to please join me and pray that god restores us to be the nation that we were ordained to be and that we once again can see peace and unity like maybe like we've never seen it before so please take this next week and really pray for our nation and really seek god's guidance as we head up to that november deadline well our biscuits have been in the oven about 10 minutes and they are definitely done okay i usually make my biscuits with the sides touching our flaky biscuits that we made over here or our biscuits that we made our layer biscuits were a little bit too high not to have their sides touching that's why they fell over but if when you bake your biscuits if you put them besides touching like this they can get pretty high and they won't fall over like this so that's something else to keep in mind before you put them in the oven you can brush the top of them with a little bit of the cream or not you can kind of play with that and see if you like that or not what i like to do is when i take mine out of the oven before i serve them is i just take a stick of butter and you'll have to hold it there for just a second until it starts melting and i coat the top of all of them with just a little bit of butter and what that does is it keeps them soft and it keeps them moist while you're serving them it does take just a minute if your butter's cold for it to start melting you really don't want to do this with super soft butter you can do it use room temperature butter if your room is not too hot or you could melt it and brush it on but heaven sakes that just makes a big old huge mess all right and the butter on top of them is entirely optional um it adds a little bit to the flavor but mostly it just keeps them moist while you're serving them i left this on here to show you when you're using parchment paper in the oven you really do want to tear your parchment paper the size of your pan this was actually against the back of my oven it was against the wall of the oven and that's why it's all scorched like this but you can see even touching the wall of the oven the parchment paper does not catch on fire now if that had been wax paper i'd have been getting a fire extinguisher blasted my oven with a fire extinguisher so you want to make sure you don't get the wax paper and the parchment paper confused when you're baking but these biscuits that we did in layers you can see they open up in layers and these over here they still have layers but they're not gonna open or well they'll still open but they don't really have layers and you can see how soft that biscuit is inside so these are going to be a little bit softer because they weren't worked as much but these are still soft i mean they're definitely not a tough or hard biscuit and you can see how much they rose up i said this is a really easy recipe for you to experiment with and for you to get good at making biscuits i can give you tips all day long but the best way to get really really good at making biscuits is just to make biscuits and because this is so easy and it takes just a minute to mix them up and then 12 minutes to bake them 10 to 12 minutes to bake them i only bake these 10 minutes in my oven it might take 12 minutes in your oven at 450 you know you can practice every day i mean it's literally something you can do on a weekday but if you really want to surprise everybody with sunday breakfast this week make some fresh biscuits especially if they're not used to getting them you would be amazed at the difference between fresh biscuits and something that you would get out of a can or a frozen or refrigerator biscuit whatever they are just so much better the flavors better the way they look is better they're more filling do keep that in mind they are more filling but you could fry up some sausage or even just do jelly biscuits and this was our last one if you do drop biscuits they're going to look a lot like this and you know it just depends on what kind of look you're going for um if you want the really smooth biscuits like this you want that to put them in your pan with the edges touching and you want to mash them out and cut them out if you don't care if you if it's okay if it looks a little bit more uneven then you can do the drop biscuits you just scoop them out and drop them in there if you want layers press them out and fold it over and sprinkle a little bit of flour in between your layers and that'll separate the layers as they cool they release from the skillet too like if i was serving these i would leave them in the skillet until i was ready to serve them because the skillet will actually help keep them warm but you can also put them in a basket to sit them on the table and cover them up with a um a napkin and that kind of helps keep them warm and it's a little bit prettier use or you can use a dish towel to cover them up with you know something seasonal but that gives you a few different ways to make them hopefully some tips to help your next batch biscuits to come out the way that you want them and people like different tastes so experiment with them and get them where you can make them the way that you like them and whether you're doing traditional buttermilk biscuits or you're doing a butter biscuit or whatever you're doing the basic techniques are the same so i appreciate y'all joining us in the hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put god [Music] first [Music] you
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 1,278,238
Rating: 4.889071 out of 5
Keywords: The Hillbilly Kitchen, Country Cooking, Southern Cooking, 2 ingredient Biscuit Recipe, Biscuit Tutorial, Comfort Food, Struggle Food, Easiest biscuit Recipe, No Fail biscuit Recipe, Quarantine Cooking, Baking, Sunday Breakfast, homemade buttermilk biscuits, how to make biscuits, cooking, baking, Cream biscuit recipe, biscuits made with cream and flour, cat head biscuits, southern biscuits, flaky biscuits, fluffy biscuits, honey biscuits, butter biscuits, granny's biscuits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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