Easy Homemade Baguettes ~ Bread Baking for Beginners

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well good morning you guys and welcome back to the needy homesteader channel and our second video here on making bread for uh bread baking for beginners workshop today we are going to be making baguettes all right so let's get started i have you already aimed at my bowl um i will uh put the ingredients again on the screen um and so we're gonna get started here okay all right so i'm gonna kick back when i say kick back i like my hook to the back of my bowl okay and then the first thing that we're gonna add to this is going to be our yeast all right and we are gonna add one tablespoon of yeast again this is going to be the same exact recipe as what we used last week so nothing nothing new i just want you guys to be able to experience making something else that's beautiful that will impress your friends and family because i know a lot of people their families were very excited with homemade bread for the first time ever last week all right one tablespoon of sugar to that we're gonna add two cups of warm water okay we wanna wake up that yeast i say um make it as warm as a baby bottle and then to this we are going to be adding well it's going to be four to five cups of all-purpose flour okay we are going to start with four and then we will work our way up if we need to so i'm going to bring my flour bucket over here and remember you're going to level off your flower okay so fill up your one cup and then with the back of a knife and get off the excess so that you have one level don't pack it down or anything like that okay and then you're gonna go ahead and then add that to your bowl okay so i'm gonna zoom you back over here because it's just easier for you guys to see what's going on in my bowl so you can compare it to yours when you make bread because i think this is the biggest struggle for folks making bread is what it's supposed to look like and what it should feel like and again as the more you make bread the easier this will become for you you'll just know you'll see it you'll feel it you'll know when it's ready okay okay so now this is gonna be four and then i'm gonna reserve another cup off to the side and we will add it as we need it all right and now there is a certain way i talked about last week that you want to layer your ingredients into your bowl because salt can affect your yeast okay can it can actually almost kill it if you will it can prevent your bread from rising and so people that end up with really dense dead dough sometimes it can just be something as simple as putting the salt in with it and it affected the yeast so you want your yeast first then and i'm using instant okay because it's easier for beginners um you're going to lay down your your yeast your sugar then your water then you're going to lay your flour on top and as you can see we're already waking up the yeast it's getting nice and bubbly okay now to that we're gonna add our salt and we are adding two teaspoons of salt i'm using a sea salt okay but if you have table salt table salt is fine okay so two teaspoons and you see i'm laying that right on top so it's not touching the yeast at all and then we're gonna add three tablespoons of olive oil okay [Music] like i said if you want to try different ingredients you know google it i'm keeping very simple for you guys so we are not altering from this recipe at all and i would um i mean i would just strongly suggest you don't if you're new to bread baking because um every time you alter a recipe you you you can run into problems and if you have never made bread before you're not gonna know how to fix those problems or what's causing the problems it's gonna be harder for you to figure out so that is it okay a tablespoon of yeast two cups of water a tablespoon of sugar four two five we're gonna start with four cups of all-purpose flour two teaspoons of salt three tablespoons of olive oil and that's it i've lifted up my bowl and we're ready to turn on our mixer um in a kitchenaid mixer when you have the dough hook on or the kneading tool you don't ever want to knead pasta level two but read your i know that's what it is uh for the professional or the proline series i'm not sure what that is for uh the artisans um so you know check your manual just to make sure and that is the level one and that is a level two and now we're going to watch this dough come together [Applause] now what was nice about the live on sunday is that i could show you how to how long it takes and what exactly what we were looking for um and do that with you as you were making your own bread which was really it was super exciting um i loved doing the it was almost like um like a baking class it was so much fun [Applause] okay so we're just gonna watch this come together and then i'm going to grab [Applause] a little bit more flour now i never measure how much extra flour it takes you can if you want i just add flour until i know that my dough feels right it looks right and it's ready to go so we want a a dough ball that is not sticky does not come off in our hands a little bit of tacky is okay as long as it doesn't end up on your fingers and we want a clean mixing bowl okay it's not going to come out perfectly clean but when we mean clean we mean not a bunch of poop on the sides so as you see it's coming together but it is still sticky so i'm going to go ahead and i'm just gonna tap in and i do like you know a tablespoon or two tablespoons at a time okay if you use a little poppy uh measurer you can pick this up for like a dollar at walmart um this will prevent you from adding too much flour because if you add too much flour you're gonna have a really dense and tough bread dough okay so what i would suggest is if you want to really start making bread and learn about it um get yourself a really good bread baking book i have videos on my favorite bread baking books i will leave a link up above to uh that video and um or go to the library and pull some books on bread and uh really learn about the science it's you know it's like canning there is a science behind it so we're just going to tap in a little bit of flour as i see that it's still sticky on the bottom [Applause] now my kitchen is quite cold because i think we're at like a negative 10 this morning [Applause] up here in northern lower michigan [Applause] and there it's starting to really look good now [Applause] what i'm looking for is again this dough to come off of the bottom and stop sticking but if you see i touch it and it's coming off in my hands so it's still too sticky so we're gonna need to add a bit more flour [Applause] okay [Applause] okay now i'm going to stop right here because this has happened to many of you when you're kneading it it will break apart like that and all of a sudden it'll go from a dough ball to being soft again that's okay that's just telling you that you need more flour okay so we're gonna just sprinkle in another two tablespoons remember you can take an extra cup if you need an extra cup it's going to take an extra cup if you have a warm kitchen it might need more than a cup just do little bits at a time so you don't overwhelm your dough and you don't have too much and end up with a really tough dough and i promise you the more you do this the easier it will become to just keep making those loaves of bread [Applause] give them out to your neighbors i used to send my boys friends when they would come and hang out the house i would send bread home to their to their parents for dinner a nice loaf of bread that way i could make more bread the next day and i just made bread every day you guys when i first started learning how to make bread just keep adding little bits until you start seeing that dough ball come back together [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay so now you can see how that dough has come together now the knocking that you hear from my mixer is because i have a an all metal gear mixer if you have a proline seven uh and your mixer knocks it's totally normal i tried i called kitchenaid to make sure and they're like yes that's exactly what it should do now mine's just a little bit still sticky because i can feel it sticking to my fingers so i'm just going to sprinkle in just a little bit more but you see how that's come together now the dough is starting to clean up a little bit [Applause] the ball the bowl is coming clean and i'm just going to sprinkle in another about a tablespoon of dough i'm going to shut it off and then i'm going to feel it and that feels really good so slightly tacky okay it's okay if it sticks a little bit to your hand but it's not coming off in my hand i can touch it and my hands are clean so that tells me my dough is ready to go now there is a windowpane test that you can do uh with dough i don't ever do that um but you can look into that if you want to do that and now i'm gonna set my timer okay so it's at this point that i go ahead and set my timer for five minutes you might need seven minutes to uh knead your dough um and then i'm gonna let this knead for five minutes and then i'm gonna come back and we're gonna get it out of the bowl at this point if it is no longer sticky okay it's not sticking on your hand at this point your dough ball should not break apart it should not get back so soft if it does it just means it needs a little bit more flour and it just wasn't ready okay but at this point for me my dough should be absolutely fine i shouldn't have to add anything to it at this point so i'm going to let this knead at a level two for five minutes and i'll bring you back when the system [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] all right you guys our dough is done so i'm going to scooch it back here and i'm going to show you what i do here okay so i got some flour on my counter you always want to make sure your counter uh wipe down your counter soap you know hot soapy water and all of that and then i give it a quick wipe down um you know just to get the flour off of the hot rag you don't want to use any soap at this point you just want to make sure that your counters are already clean because you don't want any soap residue that you might have forgotten or not been able to get up you can also dry your counter if you want um i do you just want to make sure that the surface that you're working on is super clean all right and then we're going to take this dough out of here i'm going to take off my wedding ring here and i'm going to take off the dough hook okay just take off that i throw that in the sink wash it and then you want a dough scraper i will leave you a link down below to my ghost scraper i love this one because it's got several different sides and shapes that i can use for my bread from cutting it to scraping it to dividing it this is from a kitchenaid it's a little kitchenaid one and i am loving it it's pretty new to me and i've been obsessed so you can just go into your bowl like that and scrape out your dough ball okay and your bowl should look relatively clean so it's not gonna be when i say clean i mean sometimes mine looks perfectly clean it all depends on the day and the dough um but this is clean okay that means no chunks it's not you know a lot of it's not stuck to the bottom it's a nice dough ball so what we're gonna do with this is we are going to take our olive oil all right there we go and we're just going to put we're just going to drizzle a little in there okay a tablespoon or so and that's going to prevent our dough from sticking to the bowl when we put it in there now here's our dough ball okay hopefully you guys can see that you see if i can't aim you down a little bit there we go okay again make sure your hands are perfectly clean and now you're just gonna hand knead this a little bit into a ball okay oh i miss hand kneading so much my hands just can't um just can't tolerate it so but the little bit that i get to knead oh the dough just feels so good okay so now on the bottom what i do is i pull and pinch the bottom okay and then i flip my ball over all right and then i just tuck and as you're tucking you're kind of pulling and stretching the top of the bread so it's nice well the dough i should say so it's nice and smooth okay and so that you have a nice beautiful dough ball okay and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and upside down we're gonna put our dough ball in all right we're gonna give it a spin in the olive oil and flip it over and now it's nice and coated in olive oil the bottom will have some olive oil on it and this won't stick as it rises okay what i do is i take a flower sack towel and i run run it under really hot water wring it out really well so it's not so you know just softly wet and then i cover my dough ball and then what i do is i put my cause i've gotten this question so my handle is in the back okay so in the front i drape okay i pull and then and then i'm going to spin it around towards my handle which is hiding right here towards my handle i take the excess and i tuck it into the handle and then this way um it's you know you don't have a lot of excess um towel you know you might have a little bit but you can tuck that under and i put this in my stove in my oven i should say in my oven uh with the light on okay the light on in your oven will give it just enough heat to help this rise okay now i have a proof setting on my oven it's one of the reasons why i got my oven so um the proof setting for me is perfect so i just set it to proof i also put my light on and i tucked this in the back of the stove next to the light and we're going to let this rise for 30 minutes mine is going to go in the oven now and i will see you guys back here in 30 minutes all right you guys so here we go so here's our bowl it's been 30 minutes now i'm gonna go ahead and change my um my oven to preheat to 425 all right and so that can heat up while we get our dough shaped so here we have it all right it's risen beautifully it's doubled in size really clean hands we're going to go ahead and deflate this like so and then we're just going to get so now you can use a rolling pin at this point if you want i never do i just use my hands and i'm going to shape this to the shape of like a nice rectangle because we are going to divide this dough now remember this is the same dough as the the italian bread we are going to shape this into three different loaves so i just stretch it out make sure it's kind of even like i said you can use a rolling pin if you prefer you can also weigh your dough if you want perfectly shaped baguettes but you know what i'm just a mom and i don't it's just not that deep for me so we're just gonna do some beautiful baguettes for dinner tonight i'm making breaded pork chops with uh some groton potatoes and some steamed vegetables and serving it with a nice baguette and some butter it's gonna be amazing um it's also good dipped in olive oil with a little salt and pepper tons of ways that you can serve these baguettes okay so here we have it let me spin you around here and show you and now we are going to cut it so this is where a bench knife comes in handy um my uh my uh scraper is in the wash but you can use your scraper your scraper will have if you buy a scraper this is a really inexpensive one that you can get on amazon i'll try to leave a link down below um i have a link for bread baking over on my amazon storefront that lists everything that i use for bread baking but you would use this flat side right here um or you can use a bench scraper whichever one you prefer we'll use the less expensive one because this is probably the one that most of you will have right if you're starting out if you don't have anything a pizza slice oh let's use that because most people have a pizza slicer right so you can use a pizza slicer all right uh you can use a knife whatever you have so what we're gonna do is now we're gonna cut this into thirds okay and like i said it doesn't have to be perfect um okay you just want to cut it in thirds all right and then what we're gonna do is we are gonna start rolling this up okay i always start with the edge okay and you're just gonna lift it and roll okay there's one okay lift and roll and then lift and roll all right and then you have three nice three nice baguettes now if you wanted to make a loaf of bread you could braid this and it could be bread you could also cut these up and shape them and they could be dinner rolls but we are going we're gonna do baguettes all right so what i do now is i'm gonna move these over and so what i do is you want uh the bottom part where the seam is gonna be okay so you're going to just pinch that seam into the dough and the seam side is going to be our bottom okay and then this is going to help us not have that bread explode out of the side okay so there's our seam we're gonna roll it down and then you're just kind of gonna press it down lightly and roll that out and so what that does is that will kind of smooth out that seam a bit okay if it needs to be pinched a little bit more just pinch it a little bit more okay and then roll it all right and then there is one okay we're gonna set that off to the side let's do our second one here we're gonna pinch the seam and then press it out if you do not have a baguette pan you can just go ahead and use a cookie sheet this however is a baguette pan um you can buy it by itself in a single pan like this with four you can buy it in two you can even buy it with two pans so i bought a double pack uh i got it on a lightning sale for 10.99 for two but they run usually about 20 for two i will leave the link down below to the one that i own i have it in black it also comes in golden and silver it doesn't matter what color you get they all work the same in my opinion um but that's what a baguette pan it looks like and what's nice about it is that it keeps the shape of the baguettes now this is a pan that i wanted for a long time i just never splurged to buy it and i now regret that i didn't buy it sooner because i have been making baguettes every week i'm gonna do now is we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put our baguette right onto the pan okay and this is where i'm gonna tuck the ends of the dough in to make them look nice and pretty okay and then you're just going to shape them out so that you know one side isn't fatter than the other just squeeze and play with your dough until you get it the way you want it to look that your baguette you know tuck the ends in so nice and pretty so we want our seam side there's our seam you see right there you want our the seam down in the center okay and then we are going to vent this bread by putting lines in it i find that for baguettes five lines is the best five cuts i'm using a bread lane but you can use um a steak knife or a serrated knife to do it so what i like to do is i like to put one cut in the center and then two in front two in back you don't want to cut all the way through the bread you just want to cut the tops i want to say probably [Music] maybe a quarter of an inch you just want to make sure that you are venting that bread so that it can bake nice and even all right let's get an egg okay so here is our egg and we're just gonna add about a teaspoon of water in there these beautiful baguettes a nice little egg wash all right so first thing i'm going to add um is i've got some pretzel salt here so on one of these i'm going to just make a salted one the kids really love the salted ones one the second one i'm gonna do is an everything bagel seasoning my family also loves this one this one i'm going to do the minced garlic this is how i get it i buy mine from my my mennonite uh bulk food store so i'm just gonna sprinkle some minced roasted garlic on here the church brunch or anything like that you know could bring the baguettes now to that one i'm gonna add just a little bit of the pretzel salt just to go with the garlic just offsets it really well and a whole lot all right so here we go so there is our pretzel salt our everything bagel and our roasted garlic and pretzel salt now this is going to go in a 425 degree oven uh for about 20-25 minutes for me it's about 25 minutes keep an eye on it you want to make sure that they're golden brown if they're still light on the edges like if they're a little golden brown on the top but white on the edges i always leave it in for an extra five minutes until the whole thing is nice and golden brown you don't want to burn it though so keep an eye on it okay so 425 for 20 to 25 minutes 30 minutes if your oven you know it doesn't bake as hot um until they come out and they will sound nice and hollow i'll i'll show you how they should sound and uh and then there they are in the oven now i'm gonna set the timer for 10 minutes and in 10 minutes i'm just gonna flip that around um just so that they bake nice and even in my oven and then i'll let them finish baking for another 15 minutes there we have it so this is the salt the everything and then the garlic with the salt i'll just pan you over there so you can see it and then i'm just gonna put it right on this rack and i'm gonna let them cool before you slice into them remember you don't want to slice into bread when it's super hot because the steam is the moisture so what will happen to your bread is if you cut into it while it's still hot it will become very dry and so we don't want that so it's okay to cut into it if it's still a little warm as long as you can touch it and it doesn't burn your hand or anything you can cut into it warm if you're gonna serve it right away but otherwise you want bread to let it completely cool that way it holds in the moisture content and then the inside of your bread will be nice and soft okay and that's what you want you want a nice hollow sound now there's the underneath of it where our seam is and as you can see uh nothing blew out and that's because we put put the seam on the bottom and we made those slits in the bread so they've been able to bake evenly and um and not implode and explode out the side so i know that's a common problem um i know it's a problem that i dealt with so i figured i would talk about it so i'm gonna space those out so they can kind of cool all right you guys so showers are done everybody's up eating breakfast now and we're ready to slice into this i'm gonna slice into the salted one because the kids are gonna want to taste it and they love it they love this one so there it is you should hear a nice hollow sound when your bread is done and now i'm going to cut into this i like to slice these on the side you can put them straight on if you want and i will show you the inside there you go look at how beautiful that is right and there is the bread now matt tell everybody what you did with these yesterday for lunch was it yesterday the day before um i can't remember oh no it's the day before that was the day before so we're gonna slice these something in here i um that's how crunchy that is it's a nice crunch crusty uh crust and inside super soft i used a five cheese italian blend and two different types of pesto a pesto with sun dried tomato and then a traditional pesto uh with just the basil and i think in olive oil and i mixed um the individual pestos with some of the italian cheese and then i spread it across the bread and then i baked them in the oven and made a pesto bread oh it was so good that's what we had for lunch right so there you have it so i'm gonna give a slice off to matt and he's gonna slap some butter on it but these are beautiful you guys are gonna love these so that is it you guys i hope that was helpful and this loaf is gonna be gone within 10 minutes alright you guys i hope you enjoyed this video as i eat my little slice of bread i hope you give it a try i'm so proud of all of you and i'm so excited to be even just a little part of your bread journey i'll be seeing you next week next week we are going to switch gears a little bit we're going to get a little more complicated and we are going to make a really really soft bread loaf all right so i'll see you then and you guys take care bye guys
Channel: The Kneady Homesteader
Views: 488,077
Rating: 4.8988838 out of 5
Id: Ed09uQhv-3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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