Dinner Rolls - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making dinner rolls [Music] now these are not just any dinner rolls these are the best dinner rolls you're ever going to eat real quick let's go over the ingredients i've got about three cups of all-purpose flour here you either want all-purpose flour or bread flour bread flour really works a little bit better because it has a little more gluten in it and it just is better for bread because of that i do like unbleached flour and then i have about another quarter cup maybe a little bit more for when i get ready to knead this so i can put it out on the counter and it won't get sticky i've got two eggs a teaspoon of salt about a third of a cup of sugar here and you can vary the sugar in these rolls anywhere from two tablespoons all the way up to a half a cup alex and brett both requested a sweet dinner roll this year so i'm going with a little more sugar but you can cut this all the way back to about two tablespoons and if you want a sweet dinner roll you could substitute honey also in this instead of sugar you could substitute no calorie sweetener something like splenda but you do have to have at least that two tablespoons of sugar to feed your yeast and i've got about two and a quarter teaspoons of yeast here this is one packet of yeast if you're using the packets i have four tablespoons of melted butter and a cup of warm milk now yeast is alive so you have to get it warm when you get it moist but you can't get it too hot and that's where a lot of people mess up their yeast recipes either what they're adding they're used to is not warm enough or it's too warm and if it's too warm it will kill your yeast and your yeast breads won't rise you can use a thermometer you want it somewhere between 100 and 110 degrees i use my pinky finger and it should feel warm but not hot and this is warm but not hot and if you do that or you can drop a little on your wrist like you check a baby bottle as long as it's warm but not hot you're good so i'm going to go ahead and add some stuff in here and we're going to get our yeast started i put my sugar in my milk and i'm going to go ahead and add my butter in my milk and i want to add a little bit of flour to this too and i'm just going to scoop a little out here i have no idea how that much that is you want around a quarter of a cup or so in here and i'm going to add my yeast to it now it does work best if your eggs are at room temperature and you want to beat those up a little bit and you can add them now or you can add them right before you dump your yeast mixture in your flour okay i'm going to go ahead and add my salt into my flour and salt really is necessary when you're doing any kind of yeast spread if you don't put salt in it it's not going to have a very good flavor and what i'm doing here is i'm making a sponge with my yeast and this is going to let it bloom it's going to get active and it's going to really develop the flavor of the yeast you actually want to let this sit for about five minutes before you add it to the flour and what that's going to give you is a different flavor if you use instant yeast you're not you can do the instant yeast in this and make the rolls and they'll come out just fine but if you do this step here and you let this sit for about five minutes even longer i mean if you've got other stuff to do mix this up and just let it sit and go about your business it will develop the flavor of the yeast and it will give your rolls a richer taste but they won't have that bite i know you've had yeast breads before and you can almost taste that bite of the yeast denim well this will give it a really rich deep flavor without the bite this will also let you know that your yeast is good you can see it dissolve and foam up and mix in the other ingredients in the sponge okay our yeast is really starting to foam up there and it's a good idea not to skip this step um because if you get it too hot you're not going to know it until you've spent two hours making yeast rolls that didn't come out and then dinner's going to be ready and you're not going to have any bread or if um maybe your yeast wasn't good things can happen to yeast uh it can expire maybe you didn't notice it's a good idea to always check that day if you buy it in bulk you might even be storing it in something other than the original container and this will let you know if it's good or not before you spend two hours and dinner gets ready and then you don't have any bread but it like i said it also really improves the flavor it just makes it smoother and deeper and richer i'm just mixing my salt up in my flour and it also puts a little air in the flour i'm going to go ahead and add my eggs into my yeast and we've given that enough time now just kind of dump it down in your bowl in the middle of the flour and you can see it's all foamy that's what you want it should almost look like a soda or something that you just poured you can mix this with a stand mixer if you have one you just want to use the dough hook [Music] and it'll mix right up it takes about so anywhere from three to five minutes if you're using a stand mixer you just mix it on medium low until it forms a ball and it starts to pull off the edge of the bowl and you might have to add another quarter of a cup of flour like i have here so that the dough is the right consistency but you don't want it to get too dry so be careful in a stand mixer you also don't want to over knead it in a stand mixer because you can now when i'm making this i don't go crazy mixing it that's all the mixing i do i just stir it up a little bit until it's all stuck together and you can see it's not exactly mixed smooth but i'm getting ready to knead it so the rest of the mixing is about to happen dump a little flour out on your counter or i like to use these little vinyl mats you can get them anywhere they're pretty cheap and it keeps you from having to scrape the dough off the top of your counter it really makes cleanup a whole lot easier you can stick these in the dishwasher or in the sink and soak them and just turn your dough out on your counter or your little mat or whatever you're using you do want to get most of it out because you're going to put it back in the bowl to let it rise before you make it into rolls and i always clean my spoon or my spatula or whatever i'm using off because it usually has quite a bit of dough stuck to it and now you just want to knead it for five to seven minutes now once your dough is pretty smooth and it'll form a nice ball like this without being too sticky now it's still sticky but it's it'll roll around on this board and i can knead it and it's not too sticky i can handle it and pull my hands off without it sticking to them and stretching out once you get it to that point you want to cover it with either oil or butter doesn't matter and any kind of oil will work but you just pour a little over it and it really doesn't take much and you do want to cover it all the way around i would say maybe a teaspoon i usually just pour a little out in my hand and then rub it all over the dough or i just take a little soft butter if i've got some sitting out on the counter top and i'll rub a little butter on it but it makes it kind of shiny and it'll keep it from getting sticky while it rises and then just drop it back down into the bowl and cover it up and you want to let it sit and rise in a pretty warm place because like i said yeast is alive it is warm and it likes to stay warm if it gets too cold it stops growing so just cover this up and let it sit for about an hour once your dough has been sitting for about an hour it should have at least doubled in size so you can uncover it at this point and you're going to need it just a little bit more not too much just a little bit and it shouldn't be too sticky but you're at least going to want to have a little bit of flour on your hands and it is a good idea um to measure out a little extra flour for your kneading and put it in either a measuring cup or scoop or something like this little dish that i have here because if you're just scooping it out of the bag or out of your canister you're going to tend to use too much flour when you're kneading and that's going to make your dough dry and that's another thing that you can do that you know yeast bread doesn't like very much but we just want to get this out of the bowl and you can see with that little bit of oil it comes right out and it's not sticky at all really you want to get all that air out of it well most of it you're not going to get it all out this is a really good all-purpose dough this dough will make hamburger buns or hot dog buns it's a good dough to use in cinnamon rolls and in fact mark this recipe and before christmas i will try to take this dough and make cinnamon rolls but i'm going to start at this point right here with the dough instead of starting at the beginning so hang on to this one maybe practice rolls a few times i mean there is absolutely nothing better with a bowl of soup in the winter and we are in the winter now we're close to it then fresh rolls so practice it a few times having with some soup or just a sunday night dinner just something special i mean these days we need something special occasionally even if we got to make it ourselves you can also do different flavors of herb rolls with this you can add garlic to them you can brush the top with some garlic butter before you bake them or after you bake them you can add all kinds of italian spices to them and really do an italian roll and have with spaghetti you can use this for bread twists or bread sticks it'll work for both of those but this makes about a dozen average sized dinner rolls you can do it'll make six eight hamburger buns if you're doing hot dog buns it'll do about a dozen hot dog bun well ten hot dog buns probably would do this in but there's a lot of ways that you can divide it up to make your rolls if you are absolutely ocd about having them all the exact same size you're going to want to get out a kitchen scale and weigh them if you're not absolutely ocd about it you can just cut the dough up in pieces cut it in half and then in half again and to make a dozen rolls you're going to want to cut each one of these into three pieces if you were doing hamburger buns when you had it in half there you would cut each one of those in three pieces okay and we're gonna bake these in a greased baking sheet and you can use a no-stick spray you can wipe a little oil in them or you can wipe a little butter in them and i did butter um you can do them in a 9x13 pan but all my casserole dishes most of my baking pans are all 11 9 by 11 i think or 8 by 8 by 11. so they're a little smaller than a 9x13 but it still works just fine and to shape them there's a lot of different ways to do it but the way that works best for me is to hold it in my hand and just kind of pinch it up like so until i get it pretty smooth on the bottom and that's the bottom and you can see it makes the top smooth when you do that and then just place them in your dish i just take the cut edges and start pinching them up i know a lot of you are going to ask if you can make these ahead of time or how to make these ahead of time if you want to make them ahead of time just a day or two before thanksgiving or christmas dinner or easter dinner um you can make them up to 48 hours ahead of time and once you get them in your baking dish then cover them tight with some saran wrap and put them in the refrigerator and then take them out about two maybe three hours before you want to bake them and just let them sit on your countertop and they'll warm up and they'll start rising if you want to make them a while ahead of time you know a few weeks you're gonna want to freeze them and the same thing you're gonna take them to this point right here where you make them into rolls and put them in your bacon dish put them in the freezer in the bacon dish or on a cookie sheet you could do them on a cookie sheet too but just so you've got them laid out you might want to do them on a cookie sheet if you're going to freeze them and don't let the sides touch that way you can separate them in a bag or something once you get them frozen but just stick them on a cookie sheet line it with uh some parchment paper freeze them and once they are frozen solid put them in a bag and you can keep them in the freezer for a few months you can also freeze them once they're baked and then just thaw them out and warm them up a little bit before dinner but if you freeze the raw dough you're gonna have to take it out three or four hours before you want to cook them and let it sit on the counter top and warm up and thaw out and rise just when they've risen to about double their size they're ready to go in the oven and then you bake them you know just like we're gonna do today you can really make these any size or shape that you want you could twist them into little knots you could make six great big dinner rolls especially if you're just doing them like with soup if you're just doing soup and rolls just do six big ones and the big ones would actually be big enough to do small soup bowls out of if you just divided it into six rolls you could do small soup bowls you could divide it into four and do big soup roll or soup bowls out of this but this dough i said it's good for just about anything like that you want to do and you don't have to change it very much the only thing you would really want to change is maybe the amount of sugar in it if you didn't want it sweet cut it back to two tablespoons of sugar but this would make excellent soup bowls and that's all there is to kneading them mixing them and shaping them now once you get it to this point you're either going to let it sit on your counter for another hour covered or you're going to put it in the refrigerator cover tight for up to two days um or you can freeze it and keep them in your freezer for a couple of months just cover them up and sit them somewhere out of the way now after they've been sitting about an hour they will rise up and they'll be ready to go in the oven now you want to put them in a preheated oven if you're only cooking the rolls cook them at 350 for anywhere 20-25 minutes around there it might take a little bit longer they're going to rise a little bit more in the oven and the top's going to get nice and golden brown and you should pretty much be able to tell they're done if you're in doubt just pull one of the middle ones out and check it to make sure it's done but be careful because they will be very very very soft you can brush stuff on the top of them now or you can just put them in the oven and bake them now if you have your turkey in the oven or ham in the oven or something else that you're baking at 325 these will bake fine at 3.25 if you've got pies or something in there that you're baking at 375 they'll bake at 375 you can even bake them up to 400 degrees and they will bake just fine but if you're just doing the rolls about 350 20 to 25 minutes kind of keep an eye on them after 20 minutes and make sure they don't burn if you're cooking them at 400 you definitely want to keep an eye on them and you probably want to check them at 15 to 18 minutes but let's stick these in a preheated oven if you want something special to go on your rolls mix up a little honey butter you can brush a little bit of this on them like i said before you put them in the oven you can brush a little bit on them when you take them out and you can also sit some on the table put it in a cute little dish and serve it with dinner and let people add as much as they want but all i have here is four tablespoons of butter that's at room temperature so i can mix it and two tablespoons of honey and there are other recipes for this to add a lot of stuff in it and i'm not crazy about those i like this and i like this mostly because when i was growing up and i would have breakfast at my grannies i would always have honey and butter on my biscuits and she would mix it up for me just honey and butter and i would actually dip my biscuits in it but this is not hard to make and you know it's not super expensive and it's something that really adds a special touch to your dinner not just your rolls but to the whole dinner and if you're not doing something that a sweet roll would go with you know if you're doing um just using the two tablespoons of sugar in it and you're having the dinner rolls with something else mix up a garlic butter or an herb butter and serve that with your dinner but flavored butters are wonderful and they just add so much to your meal you can also whip this if you wanted to if you wanted to make like especially now for the holidays you could mix up a pound of butter and honey and whip it up and store it in an airtight container in your refrigerator and it would stay good until well after christmas if you make it now for thanksgiving and you would have it to serve with dinners and breakfast and you know just anytime you want to dress up a meal a little bit and if it's whipped and you put it in the refrigerator it will still spread really easy even though it's cold and that is just all there is to that you just mix it up now i didn't really use any special tools to make these rolls with and you don't have to have any special tools to make any kind of bread i know they sell tons and tons of stuff and some of it is outrageously expensive i did have the little vinyl mat you can get those at the dollar tree in a two pack for a dollar and i use this doe blade that also came from the dollar tree and they sell these in fancy kitchen supply stores for quite a bit of money but this is the exact same thing that they sell and you don't have to have a dough blade you can just use a sharp parent knife you can even use a butter knife it's just something to push through the dough and cut it into pieces and it does make it a little bit easier to cut the dough up and if you happen to roll it out on your countertop you can also scrape your counter with it and clean the counter off so these do come in handy and i mean for a buck and they don't take up much room you can store it standing up in the edge of the drawer it's definitely something that's worth buying now i'm filming this video in november of 2020 right before thanksgiving and just when you thought this year couldn't get any crazier it's getting crazier and i know a lot of people have a lot of anxiety about what's going on people are depressed over it people are really really having a hard time with all the stuff that's going on right now and i want to say two things to you first turn the news off my goodness we did way back in the summer it seems like they are literally they are preaching fear and hate and just really driving it into your head and everything they try to terrify us with it um even playing dramatic music on the news i don't remember news having mood music with it when i was a child so that's something that they're doing to really build this this fear that's growing and fear is it is not of god it is it is one of the tools that satan uses to destroy our faith so turn that garbage off and ignore it they're not telling us anything that's true anymore anyway i mean if you have to add mood music to the news it's not news and i want to tell you not to worry about it keep praying worry just isn't something that is biblical god did not lead the israelites into the desert to starve him to death and he's not led us this far to abandon us there are more people right now praying for our nation for our rulers for our freedom for our constitution to be preserved for the truth to be revealed for the evil to be exposed then there have been people praying in this country since it was formed since its very foundation and god's not going to ignore all of his children he just is not the bible teaches us that he is faithful that he hears us that he will heal our land that he will answer our prayers and i want to tell you about a prayer of yours and mine that he has answered um back when i did the pumpkin roll we started doing prayer requests on that video and people are still leaving prayer requests on that video and one of the ones that i posted was for pamela's her doctors now report that she is her free now she's still recovering and of course that definitely improved peggy's mood so that's two of your prayers answered and there have been many many more if you're feeling discouraged go read all those comments on that pumpkin roll video because there are comments on there where people requested prayer and then they reported back that god was answering those prayers and if you're one of those people and your prayers have been answered please report back that god is answering those prayers because that encourages everybody who reads it and if you still need prayers go to that pumpkin roll video because there are still people going through there who are reading those comments and they will pray for you and i will pray for you and everybody in our family will pray for you um you know prayer changes it and god tells us that it will the bible tells us that it will even though this year has been hard there's some really good things that are happening this year and i talked about some of them back in the spring i mean families have had more time to spend together this year than they have in a long time and this thanksgiving that crazy mad shopping springs frenzy that started on thanksgiving day at like they pushed it back until the sale started at like noon so nobody was having thanksgiving dinner with their family anymore people were either eating pizza and running out shopping or they were doing thanksgiving breakfast and then running out shopping they weren't having thanksgiving anymore they weren't celebrating with their families anymore they weren't even taking that one day a year to be thankful to god for all their blessings so on this video because this will probably be the thanksgiving video i'm gonna try and get up another video before thanksgiving but i'm not sure i'm gonna make it and i'm sorry i haven't done more videos this month but i gotta tell y'all the weather here has just been gorgeous and it's like being in a cage staying inside when it's as pretty outside as it's been here this month and i'm sorry i have just been drawn out to the sunshine and after this year i mean a day with pleasant tolerable temperatures and the sunshine is just a blessing that i can't pass up so i'll try to do one more before thanksgiving but this will probably be our thanksgiving video so in this video in the comments leave a blessing tell us something you're thankful for and i want to leave you with colossians 3 15 on that subject it says let the peace of god rule in your hearts and to thee which also you're called in one body and be ye thankful and if nothing else this year if you are part of the body of christ you have that to be thankful for that you are part of that one body that you are part of that family that you are forgiven that you will inherit the kingdom of heaven and that god is with you and he will never leave you not even in 2020. so in this video in the comments let's leave our blessings let's leave something good that happened this year and this year we got thanksgiving back there's no more mad sales on thanksgiving day they're either all online or they start later so we can take this day to celebrate with our family to love each other and to thank god for all that we have and in this country even in these crazy times we are more blessed than people anywhere else in the world so if you are part of the body of christ and if you are living in the united states of america in 2020 you certainly have plenty to be thankful for this thanksgiving and from our family to yours i want to wish you the most blessed thanksgiving you have ever had filled with the presence of god and the peace the hope the love and the joy that knowing him brings oh my goodness did you ever see anything so pretty in all your life now you can put regular butter on the top of them you can put nothing on the top of them if you're going to freeze them just let them cool down don't put anything on them and once they're completely cool then divide them up put them in a good heavy bag and put them in the freezer to serve them uh you want to serve them hot and you brushing something a little something on the top i like to but like i said you don't have to you can leave them just like this and let people add butter honey butter herb butter whatever they want to them but i like putting a little something on top and since i have the honey butter i'm going to brush them with a little bit of honey butter and you want to be careful putting this on here because they are very soft and they are best served hot but you don't want to serve them for at least five minutes you want to let them kind of set up just a little bit and let the pan start to cool if you made two pans because you're having a big dinner you can leave the oven on warm wrap one of them up and leave one pan in the oven so that it stays warm while people start eating and then as they go back for seconds and thirds and fourths they can still have a hot roll and you can see mine are not all perfectly even i always have one or two really big ones um that one's bigger than any of them and if you want them exact like i said you can get out of scale and you can weigh them exact it doesn't make them taste any better and they cook about the same uh just give them a few minutes to release from the pan at least five minutes before you start digging them out and they'll be absolutely perfect they're gonna be soft and fluffy and moist inside and i said just be the best dinner roll you ever ate um before i close i want to say hi to wade i ran into him in the grocery store in town here i don't know a little over a week ago and i absolutely love running into you guys and talking to you um especially people locally who watch this i still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that people are watching the videos but you are definitely watching the videos um and i love talking to you but it always kind of shocks me when i run into somebody and they don't give you a course on how to react when you meet somebody who watches your videos so i'm just a person like you if you see me out definitely say hi and it turns out not only is it a small world but this is a really small town my daughter alex worked with wade and she saw your picture when i was telling her the story about running into you and she said oh my gosh do you know how to get hold of him and i said no i don't so wade uh when you see this video if you leave a comment or some way to get ahold of you alex would love to get a hold of you if you're on facebook she's on facebook you can find her on there her last name is still walker on facebook so you can find her but um it was really fun meeting wade and like i said it's fun to meet all y'all i mean anytime you're out and you see me i'm not like a celebrity or somebody i'm just a person like you please say hi because it's so much fun it seems like especially now when our contact is so limited with other people because so many things have been canceled and shut down and stuff i really enjoy talking to you guys but don't say hi unless you got a minute to talk because i am going to talk thank you all so much for joining us in the hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put god [Music] first [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 212,584
Rating: 4.9325089 out of 5
Keywords: The Hillbilly Kitchen, Country Cooking, Southern Cooking, Recipe, Cooking Tutorial, Cooking, Foodie, How To Cook, How To Make Yeast Rolls, Granny’s Recipes, Comfort Food, Struggle Food, Best Recipe, Delicious Recipe, Budget Recipe, No Fail Recipe, Quarantine Cooking, Heirloom Recipe, 100 Year Old Recipe, Baking, Sunday Dinner, Potluck, Depression Cooking, Dinner Rolls, Yeast Rolls, Hot Milk Rolls, Sweet Rolls, Thanksgiving Dinner Rolls, Dinner Roll Recipe, Jesus, God, church
Id: TQaBzefNk8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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