Lunchroom Lady cinnamon rolls

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[Music] that's why I'm cooking today I think it's probably something that I don't need to eat or that you're doing they date well I'm ready for some sweets held out I know I've had a lot of requests for the lunch lady Simon Rose you used to make a what 400 oh my god each of them anyways I'm gonna be using my lunch lady hot rod recipe that's what paper wanted me to use or so and you have several recipes for them okay I have lots of recipes for cinnamon rolls but this is the lunch lady Simon Rose and that's what people have been wanting so lunch lady yeah brings back memories yeah well Figaro's what do you fix someday I'm fixin to go out and get some wood on the porch and I'm gonna work on our new project or maybe get an idea about our new project we're gonna do a hurting garden we're not go telling about yet though cuz it might not work but we're gonna do it hillbilly MacGyver say it again that's right well make it work anyways I'm gonna get all my stuff together so you can get busy I'm gonna get busy no I'll come out and help in a little bit maybe okay okay guys the first step is gonna be our wet ingredients with scum barrel water which is going to proof our yeast so I've got my mixer set up here and I'm just gonna start and end with my my dough hook last things I had to wash the header I've got one and a half cups of warm water it was about a hundred and ten you don't want real hot water cuz it'll kill your yeast for sure and I've got one package of active dry yeast which is 2 and a 4 taste things and I'm just gonna take them I'm just going to sprinkle on top of the water it's like that and then we'll take about a half a teaspoon of sugar and what this does is just gonna help it that used to proof so we're going to leave that long we'll have it long it takes I like for my use when I come over here and check it I like it for it to be really bubbly and you know really poofed up that's why I like it before I start baking so just like something you can kind of stir it and mix it so I've had my wooden spoon just mix it around help it out get mixed up that sugar and then just leave it so we'll be back just a little bit and we'll get started on these really good lunch lady ximenos hi our yeast is good and bubbly guys looking good so I think it's time to get these semi rows together our yeast is good and bubbly we're going to start putting in our other ingredients and I've got two tablespoons of melted butter I'm going to put it in here with the yeast mixture [Music] and I've got one beaten egg one large egg yeah I can remember making so many when they send me rose of course we made bigger batches in this this is just the the the little version of it but we had a big floor stand mixer and you know 20 pounds of flour would going at a time and but I enjoyed it when I was on the baking we switched off you know every month each one of us cooks and I loved it when I was on doing baking cuz I just loved making bread and hot rows and or simin rolls we made homemade cakes and cookies and it was just great I loved it ok we got our eggs and our better in there and I'm a I'm gonna turn this on just a little bit and just kind of start that up just a little [Applause] now that we got that in there this is what I've got in this bowl is I've got five cups of all-purpose flour or you can use bread flour whichever one you want to use and I've got a third of a cup of sugar I've got an eighth of a cup of powdered milk and I want to show y'all and I'll have a lot of people that ask me what time I've use and this is from here who's your heel farm it's premium whole milk powder and out of all that I've ever tried this is my favorite because it doesn't have a bad aftertaste to it man it tastes like milk so and so that's a good one for me but I'll leave it in a link in my description box but it's from Amazon and that's the only place I know where to get it there may be another place I don't know for sure let's see I need a half epic let me look milk powder half a teaspoon of salt salt and now I've got two tablespoons of shortening actually this is large you can use shortening or milk without milk shortening or lard whichever one and I'm gonna put this in with my my flour mixture I know you're thinking well why don't you put it in there with your eggs mixture this is just the way we always done it so I'm sticking to the rest and I can tell you at school we always use Crisco so that's that so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to lift them up make sure I'm gonna take this off I'm gonna stir this just a little bit just to get some of them dry ingredients mixed up good yeah I'm starting to get a sore throat so if you hear me talking or anything okay okay so that's all my dry ingredients make sure I've got it all I got my five cups of flour I got a cup of milk powder a half a teaspoon of salt and a third cup of sugar so now we're gonna put it in here and now I'm just gonna turn my mixer on and hey guys at this point we've got a real sticky dough what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn this up just a little bit and then I'm gonna let it need for about five minutes and if you're doing this by hand just put it out I even do it in my bowl and just knead it for about five minutes you know by hand just whatever you have to do but I'll turn this up and I will did it they did real good and like I said it's a it's a loose dough knead it for about five minutes so we're gonna turn that off we're gonna lift that up and I'm just gonna take my fingers and then the dog was very very sticky well Monday is I'm gonna take my my striper here and I've got my bow and I've got it old real good inside so we'll just take our beautiful dough here make sure we get it all striped out I'm gonna turn this over one time I know mr. Brown he just he's looking forward to these since it is his cheat weekend yo y'all be so proud of him because he's lost he's lost quite a bit of weight I mean not a whole lot but he wasn't a whole lot overweight but he didn't need to lose a little bit and so do I so anyways I'm going to probably sit I'm gonna put a towel over it and I'm gonna sit this over by the wood cook stove it's good and warm over there I'll probably put a chair up the other side of it and I'm gonna let this sit for about an hour and when we come back it'll be ready to punch down and make into swimming roles so y'all come back now not everybody has a wood cook stove I know I know I'm doing summer time I will turn the light on in my oven my regular oven and just cover it up put it in there it always does good so can you do that okay guys it's been just a little over an hour I've been outside helping Dini but I want to show you the dough looks really good it's proofed up good and I'm just gonna take my fist and I'm just gonna gently punch it down it's a real soft tender dough especially if you use some bread flour so I want to do is someone take my scraper and those that have been with me so long know that I use a towel whenever I'm doing my breads or biscuits or anything even like pie crusts and I put me some flour down on top of my tea towel that's where my grandma done it so that's just all I've ever done so it looks a little strange to that's what it is so I put my dog out here on my teeth town away mmm no it's a it's a good loose dough so tender and soft and that's what you want and I'm just gonna kind of turn it over a few times get some flour on it don't want too much fun I got me a little bit of flour right here in about two just in case I need extra I don't want to work this dog too much I can tell y'all I'll tell you all this all the time I love working with dough I really do now when we made these at school we had so much dough that working with it like this we didn't do much we would take because we had big old bowls up on top of the big ovens of dough and we take them down and you fought them out on that that big baking table and it'd just be mounted up a dough and we'd have to cut in sections and just work so much of time but there were times where I was making similar roads and my cinnamon roll log was as long as that table and then I would tighten my scraper and just win-win-win-win just coming down through there and putting on that big old sheet pan there was so much fun but anyways that's been a long time ago but I loved it I'm glad I had that experience for so many years especially for cooking for so many kids I'm still around kids everyday and I slow oh we have our bad time sometimes but as throwing that so we do too so we have to remember that okay I'm not going to work with this anymore I'm gonna put just a little bit more flour down here I don't want it sticking now of course there's always what to do on the homestead so if you hear a chainsaw running background that's of course that's name I did help them go a little bit though I knew I had to come in here get these cinnamon rolls now so what I do is I just take it and kind of stretch it into a rectangle just kind of help myself out a little bit you don't have to do this I just do it stretch it and work it this way now forget for some reason your dough acts like it's not gonna it doesn't want stretching doesn't want to work with you just put it down on your table and walk away let rest just a little bit and come back to it put a little bit of flour right here on my rolling pin and you're gonna see how well this dough it's very forgiving them it really it's easy to roll out the necks like it's gonna be a little bit sticky just a little bit more flour now there's so many things different cimmyt you don't have to make some rice you can make a apple butter if you got pittsburgh apple butter pear butter mm-hmm what to do that sometimes - if you've got sliced apples any kind of fruit raisins nuts you can put on here just like you wouldn't make any sooner oh and maybe we'll do that sometime it'd be so it's just so good okay if you have a place that tears like this just kind of pinch it back together not for sure while it done that but it did it's real tender now I like to get it neither a rectangle and I like to get it as long as I can okay hey guys I forgot to put my mic on I'm sorry so I do not stop for me I'm not going okay now that we got our dough rolled out and it looks really good I get this out of the way now at this point you can have melted butter or you can just use softened butter I tell you why I like to use just softened butter if you put melted butter and I have lots of times when you go roll it up that melted butter wants to ooze right out the scenes of cinnamon roll excuse me I still got to scratch you up so I just take a stick of butter and I just let it soften up really good then I'm just gonna take it and flop some down like that and just take it back up a spoon you don't have to have any crazy instrument to spread your butter out with you know I do this every year I don't have a coat or anything I think it's something in the air and it'll start really aggravating my throat and any time I try to talk it does this and it's so aggravating so just spread that butter better better better make stuff so good this is really a good forgiving dough and what do y'all have made the rolls with it so you don't know how good it is and you could also make a local bread with this too so I've got the butter spread pretty much over the whole surface now the next step all you want to do is make sure some cinnamon and sugar and that's what I've done in this little container and you just want to now I like putting that pretty thick because I want to taste that cinnamon now you can you could use your instead of sugar if you're using some kind of a sweetener because you're on a diet or something I mean if you're making some inroads you might you might as well just do the whole thing you know because it ain't gonna matter really that's just like eating a bowl of ice cream you might so get the good stuff because but anyways so just to gild the lily on our cinnamon rolls we're going to take some brown sugar and I like to take it and sprinkle it over top and what this does is it kind of gives you that criminalization you know just a little bit of stickiness in your your cinnamon rolls just kind of takes it over the top if you had some apple pie filling that you want to put on top of this or just dried apples or anything like that be great I'm gonna get me one more drink because I feel like I'm fixing the call okay now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna work towards myself hoping that this didn't stick to my and I'm just gonna roll it towards me just like this whoops got a little hole don't worry about it y'all this is really fun because I've not made semi rows in a while just paint to the ends and stretch it a little bit if you want to now I want to take my scraper if you don't have a scraper you can take a bread knife or something I'm just gonna go down through here about an inch thick if you like big old thick cinnamon rolls you can do them thicker but you have to remember that we're going to let these rise some one more time so there we go we got them cut now we're just gonna take them and I buttered my sheet pan and I'm gonna try to get for you no no no I'm gonna put three because they're gonna rise one and two cuz they won't cook up right so at this point you're going to let these rise about thirty minutes depends on how warm your house is to 45 minutes let them rise a little bit and I'm going to need probably a little cake pan to put the rest of these in because I really don't want them too close so I'll get something little to put the rest of these again probably should have used a bigger cookie sheet but that's okay and I'm a mess as usual but my ovens at 350 we're going to put these in up on the wood stove covered up let my oven be preheating because it does take it a little while and once they rise quite a bit will come up and it won't take them bird long cook so let me put this over there I'm not gonna put nothing on top of them because it's gonna stick you put you a little bit of plastic wrap or something but I think I'm just going to leave my like this and then rise so we'll be back in just a little bit simmer rows have rose really good been about 30 minutes and you see why I just put 301 there for would have really crowded them some ovens preheated 350 so let's get them in the oven I'm not sure how long it's gonna take for them to cook it depends so once I get them baked and get them out we'll know for sure how long it took so let's give them an oven okay let's make a little bit of glaze for the cinnamon rolls now you can make you know if you want to make a frosting or a cream cheese frosting would be great I do that a lot you can put any kind of extract in your frosting or your glaze to give it any kind of a different taste you can put orange extract lemon almond extract just there's all different kinds that I'm just going to make a glaze today I don't want to hold a lot of frosting on it but I want to show y'all I have put pure coffee extract just a little bit with my vanilla extract in my glaze and it gives it a pretty good taste I'm not going to because my grandkids are going to be eating these tomorrow and so I'm just going to put some vanilla extract in it a lot of times I don't make a big old thick frosting to put on my cinnamon rolls a lot of people like a thick frosting I just like a a simple glaze and it depends on what the filling is to you know if you had maybe a lemon filling you could put a little bit of lemon extract and your guys or you know just anything like that I'm gonna type me some powdered sugar probably two cups if I can get two cups out of here cup and a half two cups I never measure this I just make it so I can phone ringing Danny's not in those answer it so so I probably don't have but cup and a half right there I'm gonna put me a couple type of spoons of butter in it put me some vanilla extract good taste bang cool and then I've got me a little bit of milk don't know for sure how much it's gone tight so I'm just gonna pour a little bit in and I just mix it up still a little bit thick so I'm going to pour just a little bit more now I have my can I have my a glaze for cinnamon rolls especially if we were up like for Christmas morning or something like that I would use orange juice instead of milk that's really good give it kind of a orange glaze there okay that's about right right there so the glaze is done all we got to do is wife when we get out of oven okay guys they're doing I'm gonna take them out of the oven and they are so ready it looks so good and y'all seen how easy it was and there they are 20 minutes 350 and they're done but we need to let them cool just a little bit for put the icing on because if I just drizzle that icing aren't right now it just completely dissolve but uh I'm cool for about five minutes then we'll put some that lovely icing on it and then we'll taste [Music] [Music] mr. Brown sitting outside I guess [Music] [Music] so tender and one thing [Music] another person like the started [Music] [Music] [Applause] salary and they're not to swayed [Music] hope y'all try this recipe and I'm so sorry about my scratchy throat there the whole video I just just one of the things it's real life you're really gonna enjoy these cinnamon rolls make them for your family make them for your friends but they're well worth it the lunch lady semmen rose they were good back then and they're still good now thank y'all for coming by and I hope y'all enjoyed this video if you did give me a thumbs up and share it if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and come back and see me and if you have any more suggestions on something maybe you want me to to cook sometime down the road just let me know because I try hard it might take me a while but I try hard to to help y'all out so anyways I hope you'll have a y'all have had a good weekend and tomorrow Sunday it's the Lord's Day my kids and grandkids will be here so I want to enjoy the day with them and then of course there's a Monday and a whole new work week but whatever y'all do stay safe enjoy yourself and just have a good life be happy and God bless everybody mr. rounding better hurry up
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 743,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QDCBbe290ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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