Amazing Sweet Yeast Rolls!(steakhouse rolls)

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[Music] hey guys welcome to lower these classic life thank you so much for being here you guys and I want to thank all of you guys for sticking around with me if you guys have been to my role recipe my yeast rolls it's one of my first videos that I did and it's kind of my older video so today I want to put together a new revised version of my dad's yeast rolls my dad is no longer here with me anymore but I still think of him every single day and when I make dishes like this it also brings me closer to him and I just know he's here with me always so I wanted to share this recipe that's special to our family and I hope it's special to yours so you guys come on in so I can show you what you're gonna be needing today okay guys the first thing you're gonna need is warm water 1/2 a cup of warm water 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of instant yeast now that's just for one portion of your bread just to get it to rise I like to do this process because it doesn't matter if it's instant or active or just regular playing yeast I always like to proof my niece because before I proof my yeast if it's good then I want to use the rest of my ingredients instead of wasting wasting them especially during this precious time right now you're gonna need 1 large egg and I beat that egg not literally but beat it 1 in 1/4 teaspoons of salt 1/2 a cup of sugar and I have 3/4 cup of evaporated milk or 6 ounces of evaporated milk as well as 1/4 cup of melted or softened butter about 5 cups of flour and that's all going to depend on your weather where you live how much you're gonna need but I'll show you the consistency your you are gonna need for this recipe and for these rolls to be delicious so the first thing you're gonna want to do guys is with the water and the sugar I take this and I just dump it all in the cup with the warm water and this is because I add the sugar some sugar to the yeast because what the yeast does is it feeds off of it so when your yeast is nice and grown and bubbly that's when we're gonna want to do the rest of the ingredients so right now we'll just wait into that yeast activates and gets that going [Music] look guys see how much it rose and foamed up that's how you're gonna want your yeast if it's not like this then I would advise for you to just start over at this point but make sure your water is not too cold or too hot because that won't activate the yeast either a little trick you can do is test it on your wrist kind of like a baby bottle and if it's not too hot for your wrist then it should be just perfect for this so now I'm just gonna place this into my bowl and I'm gonna put all the liquid ingredients the evaporated can milk as well as the egg and I'm also going to place 1/4 cup of melted butter you're also going to want to place it in at this point as well as well as your sugar now I don't place my salt in till the very last when I add my flour that's because sometimes the salt can deactivate your yeast so I always just take that extra precaution so I'm gonna take it 1/2 a cup at a time I'm gonna have 5 cups of flour in here but right now I'm going to put about 3 cups first and then just test it out that's two cups because these are half a cup and that's three cups now I'm going to place my salt above the flour and make sure you guys if you don't have a stand mixer like this I do have another video of French bread and I show you how to knead on that one so I'll link the video down below in the description on this video if you guys want to learn how to do it by hand because you can also do this process by hand I have a hand mixer and today I'm going to use my KitchenAid because that's what I used in my very first video and I'm just gonna kind of mix everything together and see how it goes from there okay you guys see how how after three cups you see how sticky and wet it is down there you don't want that so what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to add a half a cup at a time don't add a full cup especially if this is your first time doing it make sure you add it's loaded that way I'll show you exactly the consistency you're going to want it once it's half a cup because it's going to all depend on your weather or the climate where you live and that's gonna make a big difference in the flour that's why I don't like to give precise cups because everywhere each one of us lives in a different environment but I am going to show you how you're going to want your dough so after my half a cup see how it's still a little too sticky a little bit too sticky still so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add it's not a full half a cup I'm adding 1/4 so right now we have almost 4 cups of flour put in there and you just want to incorporate your flour I'm going to want to incorporate your flowers slowly just so I'll show you exactly how you're gonna want it [Music] [Music] so now see how that is still a little bit sticky I think I'm gonna do the whole half a cup so we're at four cups now this is something that my dad used to make every Thanksgiving and he used to have a make it he used to do everything by hand but I started doing it when he got sick so this is something that is really close to our heart and our family so I hope you appreciate and enjoy this recipe now I think I like the consistency on how this is going to be so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to knead it on the machine probably out of four for about maybe like all right guys this is how you're gonna want your dough to look see how it's it's tacky still but it's not sticking to your hand that's how you're gonna want your dough and now I'm going to take it out now look when I took the dough out of the bowl see how nice it is you can work with it it's pliable this is how you're gonna want to do your dough now don't get discouraged if you're doing perfect because us as being in the kitchen and bakers we've all made mistakes I've made mistakes so just do the best that you can so now I'm just gonna kind of form it into like a little log and I have this cutter but you can use a knife if you don't have one of these and I'm just gonna try to take even pieces out of there because you want to make sure your rolls cook evenly but if you have a scale or something to weigh these you can also do that I don't have one so I just utilize what I have if you roll it up and you feel like oh it's bigger than the other one just pinch a little bit off and reroll it I'm going to show you how to roll these right now let me cut these into pieces kind of heaven see how I feel this is little in the rest and I'm gonna take a piece that I feel is bigger I can just fill it with my hand and I'm gonna pinch a little piece off of there just to kind of make things even so now what I do is I take it in my hand and you're gonna want to pinch and pull pinch and pull pinch and then pull it in the center pinch and pull and the reason why I'm pinching and pulling to the center is because it's going to make your roll round and it's going to flatten out see this part the top of your bread so it won't be so lumpy and bumpy and you just kind of continue to pinch and pull into the center and then bring it all in and pinch it and what I do after that is I take it and I roll it in the circular motion in between your hand and there is your roll and you just want to do that with the rest of these like I said just make sure they feel even to you you know some feel bigger than the other just pinch it off make them even size just work with it how you think is best because these are gonna be your rolls and they're gonna be so delicious my family loves them I know everybody who's eating them have loved my rolls so just do your best you can because especially with these times you're gonna want to focus on what's important which is the people around you so just do the best you can pinch and pull pinch and pull and then pinch at the end and roll now I'm gonna continue to roll all the rest of these out and if you want to put butter in your pan I'm going to just spray some spray oil in there but if you want to taste like the butter paper and put butter in there you're more than welcome to do that and then you just place them in your pan like that you're gonna want to give room because they are going to rise that's what's gonna give you the fluff now this is the easy recipe because I revised it from my other one I used to have it sitting for two hours and then roll them out and form them but we're just gonna do one rise on these they're gonna come out just as delicious so I hope you enjoy let me finish these up we're all done guys we got 16 rolls out of this but depending on the size of your rolls you're gonna get anywhere between 12 and 16 rolls so another thing I'm gonna do is you want to make sure you place it in a warm area so it can rise and get doubled in size and get that fluffy air in it so I'm just gonna cover it and cover it with a little blanket of a tea towel I'm just gonna cover it with a cloth and you're just gonna let it sit for an hour so once an hour comes or it doubles in size then I'll show you how they're gonna look it's been over a little over an hour and see how they double from what they were that's how you're gonna want them before you stick them into the oven because they're gonna rise more when they're in the oven so you want to make sure your oven is preheated to 350 degrees that's where I have my oven and I'm gonna place the delicate babies inside there they go all righty guys look it I took these out earlier because they were getting darker and I brush them with a little bit of butter but these ones died these ones were a little bit bigger so I left them a little longer so they took about 20 minutes to cook depends on how dark you want them guys see how shiny they look if you want I gave you two options you can brush butter on the top of them or you can leave them plain guys look at that so don't burn myself look at all that that good news if you guys could just smell it this guy's so soft I'm gonna wait till it cools off of a minute cuz my hands are burning I want you to first appreciate look at that fluff and that crumb and I want to show you when I pull it apart look at that nice and fluffy and you're gonna love these I'm telling you so good you know what guys this would be so good with honey butter my honey butter recipe I'm gonna give that to you guys soon put this row down before you go if you love a sweet roll you're definitely gonna love these this is from our family recipe something that I took and made it my own so please try it out but most importantly love on one another appreciate each other and don't forget guys to support my channel but most importantly you don't forget to take care of yourself until next time I'll be seeing you guys soon bye [Music]
Channel: Lauralee's Classic Life!!
Views: 39,443
Rating: 4.9495797 out of 5
Keywords: rolls, easy, delicious, yeast rolls, homemade, steakhouse rolls, roadhouse rolls, sweet
Id: Yt1GG76WyEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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