Homemade Biscuits Recipe

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make buttermilk biscuits this recipe is so simple and so tasty these biscuits are gonna turn out so light and fluffy what you will need you need two cups of self-rising flour 1 stick of butter one cup of buttermilk all right now the key to very fluffy tasty buttermilk biscuits you want to have all of your ingredients very cold so what I did I'm just now right now I'm getting ready to take my stick of butter out of the refrigerator I just took it out of the refrigerator just now everything must remain very cold while you're doing this recipe now the first thing that we're going to want to do is measure out your 2 cups of flour we have 2 cups of flour here ok I'm going to take half of it and put it right there in the bowl I'm going to take the other half and I'm gonna put it in my food processor just like so ok what I'm gonna do is take this butter alright let me show you I'm going to cut this butter into cubes let's make sure my cameras down on it cut this butter just like this nothing hard about this recipe alright so I'll cut it like that cut it that way all right and then cut you some cubes just like this see that put those cubes in there all right this is the best way that I like to do my butter and my flour if you want it to you're more than welcome to use two forks or two knives to get your butter well incorporate it into the flour all right or you can use the dough blender and what it looks like it has a handle on it and you just kind of go in this way and you blend your flour in all right but today we're going to use the food processor this is very simple very quickly technique check this out everyone we're going to pulse it just a few times right make sure you're this container here is dry you don't want it to be wet all right and what what this is doing this is breaking up that butter and it's kind of binding it into that flour so we can have a nice fluffy dough all right just like this now I'm gonna fill it and see if I got the texture that I'm looking for oh that's it beautiful okay so now I'm gonna combined it back into the rest of the flour all right just like that now what I've done I've cleaned off my counter very very very well and you want to make sure your hands are impeccably clean okay because we're going to what we're gonna do right now let me measure out my buttermilk and this one cup of buttermilk all right make sure your measurements are spot-on okay let me check out my measurement they're beautiful first I'm gonna set this aside now I don't have my jewelry on today I want to go in and kind of push the butter see see how that works see what that did all right that's what you want to do just for a few seconds okay make you a whale a nice whale down in the middle just like so all right put that buttermilk in there get it all out now gently everything is gently with when you're making biscuits be very gentle you want to not handle it as much as possible with your hands because what your hands will do is melt the butter and we don't want the butter to melt okay not at all we want it to stay nice and cool so we can have a nice beautiful fluffy soft dough all right so I'm gonna turn this a good 15 times you don't want to under how do I want to say this you don't want to not stir it enough but you want to stir it only about 15 times then that dough is well incorporated okay check this out so we've started once here's two times all right here's about three just like this everyone this is about TN okay and you're gonna have some loose flour in the bottom and that's fine okay don't worry about that because we're going to use them all right this is about the last turn one more and that's it all right I'm just gonna scrape it with my fingers my hands are impeccably clean all right let's get all of that off I'm gonna flour my counter okay and then I'm gonna show you how to make beautiful buttermilk biscuits so I'm going to take the same flour just like this and toss it onto the counter just like so don't worry about how much you use okay cuz you're gonna need a nice amount because right now this dough is sticky right now all right watch this put that right there all right I want to get the rest of that goodness out we don't want to waste anything okay and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take some other flour put that flour right on top just like this so that I can handle the dough all right so my hands won't stick to it okay I'm not gonna use a rolling pin I prefer not to all right we're gonna do this just push it down a few times okay let me get my spatula I'm so excited for these biscuits I don't know when the last time I made homemade biscuits but I'm gonna enjoy every bit of them you hear me all right they're a little sticky at the bottom I can feel that so we go in a little bit more flour don't worry about how much just put a nice amount in not too much but you know all right and try to do it kind of quickly try not to handle it too too much now here's a trick this is so you can have layers of have you ever seen a biscuit where you open it up and you have several layers this is how you do that this okay see that push you back down all right let's do it again but we're gonna go in the other direction just like so all right I've got a little bit of stickiness so we're gonna put flour on just like so beautiful this should make about between eight and ten biscuits for you now let's go this way let's pull this side up and go that way alright that's how you get those layers those beautiful layers that everyone's used to and I like to use a cup to cut mine out I'm gonna put a little bit more flour just like this this will be the last time we'll the flip we're gonna flip it like this one more time alright see that if you can actually see you see three layers one two three and that's something okay so do this this is our last time now I'm going to flatten it out so we can cut our biscuits out alright and it see it stretches oh it stretches for you and that's thick enough don't don't push it down to where it's flat all right you know what I'm gonna do let me get my cup here's my cup here I'm gonna use the rim of this to make our biscuits but the first thing that I like to do is take some flour dip your cup into the flour see how the edge of the the rim of the cup has the flour all right let me zoom in also so you can get a very good picture on this all right now right here dip my cup in and don't put your cup one and twist it just put your cup down in there all right that's it don't twist it pull your biscuit out that's what it should look like all right now over here I have my pan all right I want to take a little bit of butter well I'll take a little bit of oil I'm just gonna use a tiny bit let me show you okay that's about it okay and I'm gonna rub oil down in here that's what I'm doing right now so that my biscuits won't stick and they'll have a nice beautiful color to the bottom I just literally took my fingers and rub the oil on no problem there nothing hard okay so again you take your biscuit and you put it in your pan I'm going to preheat my oven right now to 450 you hear my everything it's preheating to 450 all right let's keep on cutting our biscuits just this way remember don't go in and twist your cup okay or if you have a dough cutter don't don't twist it a little bit of flour keep going and that beautiful okay so put them close it's okay to put these clothes because they will all help rise together and that's just fine they don't have to be separate all right this here now if you wanted to make this savory you're more than welcome to put a cheddar cheese in here a shredded cheddar cheese you could put garlic powder and chives and parsley in here and it would be beautiful nice and savory see that's your not beautiful put it right on in there okay and also if you want it to you could put a little bit of brown sugar in here I've done that also and it turns out very well turns out a little bit darker but it has such a great taste all right let's see if I can get a biscuit out of here and I can you beautiful see that now watch what I'm gonna do everyone I'm gonna take the dough I'm gonna pull it back together okay some very simple all right so that we can get the rest of our biscuits stick into me a little so I'm gonna take a little bit of the flour all right looks like I can get a few more out I have seven right now let's get our other ones eight remember I told you you would get about eight to ten looks like I maybe can get two more see that beautiful and here's what everything's looking like in our pinyin just like this one more and we're gonna wait until our oven is preheated looks like another four or five minutes our oven will be preheated to 450 these are going to go into the oven until they're nice and golden brown don't cook them until they're dark brown you want them to be a light brown all right just like this now there are some people that like to brush theirs with butter I don't like to brush mine with leather until they come out okay I'm gonna make one more well I just took one out of there that was kind of thin I put it back in here so I can cut it again I don't want it to be thin I want them all to be the same size here we go beautiful okay now once our oven preheats let me show you this once our oven preheats up we'll put these in the oven and I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back as you can see I have the biscuits in the middle wreck don't put them on the top rack or the very bottom rack they're in the middle on 450 now what I did while I was waiting on my oven to preheat fully I went ahead and put that pan of biscuits in the freezer so that it can stay nice and cool as soon as my oven beep to let me know that it was preheated to 450 I took him out put him in the middle rack once these are done I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back here's our beautiful biscuits these biscuits cooked for eight minutes and this is just how I like I'm not too dark just like this let me show you oh that's hot look at that in that beautiful and look at the height on that bad boy see that and then look at the bottom in that beautiful okay now now is what I like to put my butter on so that's what we're gonna do I like to use my rubber spatula and this is just two teaspoons of butter that I've mailed it and I like to do just like this just paint it on not too much okay Oh see see we are really cooking in here you guys asked for buttermilk biscuits and I'm giving them to you I just had someone ask me the other day to make homemade biscuits here you go buddy all yours alright I cannot wait till I open this biscuit up for you guys so your mouth can just water like mine's is watering right now I am so excited for this and I tell you what I'm doing a green stuffed bell pepper video tonight for dinner and I'm gonna have me a biscuit on the side with that check this out okay there's our butter yeah here's what I like to do just move this out the way I have a bowl here with just a tea towel on it okay all right and I just have another tea towel underneath it I'm gonna arrange these just like so just like this so make them nice and beautiful always like to present everything beautifully as much as I can because we eat with our eyes I truly believe that we eat with our eyes first look at this oh wait look at these biscuits mm-hmm and I can see right away I can see the layers without even pulling it apart yeah I see the beautiful layers all right let's put that beautiful one right smack there on the top okay let's go ahead and plate this up I'm gonna taste it and I'm gonna let you guys know what this tastes like let me get my plate two plates because I'm going to use strawberry preserves on one and I'm gonna use honey on the other all right we have a good view beautiful all right let's go ahead and take this one right off the top I'm gonna open it up for you look at this you don't need a butter knife you don't need anything ooh you don't need anything but your stomach and your mouths look at this everyone ain't that beautiful nice and soft steamy in the middle all right let's put that right there okay beautiful let's take this one and do the same oh man look at that beautiful alright here's what we're gonna do I gotta taste this guys I'm so sorry come on take strawberry preserves put a smack down in the middle of there can you guys see that I'm gonna zoom in a little bit for you put a nice amount don't be stingy with the strawberries there you go look at this you could put you a piece of cheddar cheese in the middle you could put some apple butter on here you could just do butter you could put you a piece of fried chicken smack-dab in the middle of it whatever you want to do it's all yours alright look at this there's this one look at that that right there is a buttermilk biscuit 101 seriously guys we are really cooking in this kitchen if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe yes make sure you subscribe so you don't have to miss anything look at this one guys oh you know what that is that's honey oh i'ma put honey on the top in the bottom one more drizzle perfect oh man that right there that's love 101 mm I'm gonna go in I'm gonna try this one first oh right I am so excited I am just so excited right now hmm all right here we go guys my goodness my goodness mmm look how fluffy look how fluffy and you got that oh my is so good I'm speechless the honey on there is so beautiful so tasty so delicious so flaky and fluffy and you know what it's Beth's when it's right out of the oven mm thank you for acts of me to make these biscuits because they are so good I wish you all were here with me to taste these but if you make the recipe you all can taste it too look at that take that bite right there right there right there take that bite mmm beautiful look and as always god bless have a great night and thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 291,672
Rating: 4.9049115 out of 5
Keywords: Homemade Biscuits Recipe, Homemade Biscuits, Gina young HomeMade Biscuits, How to make Biscuits, Homemade Biscuits Recipes, How to make Biscuits From Scratch
Id: 2z4hhyUEB-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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