Flaky Biscuits for Two using Whole Milk

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hey everybody I hope you're having a great day well I'm making biscuits for two today and the neat thing about this is I'm using regular all-purpose flour in fact I went and specifically found the least expensive know name-brand flour to use and this is the way they turned out not bad huh pretty flaky well let me show you how to do it it's easy you start with 1 cup of all-purpose flour you can see the flour I'm using there it's just a completely no-name brand at all next we want to add some baking powder about one and a half teaspoons of baking powder make sure you sprinkle it all over the flour when you really need to get it spread out just like that after that comes sugar one heaping teaspoon of regular sugar and then we want one quarter teaspoon of salt and now we really need to whisk this together we want to get all of those ingredients incorporated so take your time and really stir it up and then after that it's time for the butter using three tablespoons of regular salted butter you want to dice it up and throw it in and then comes the fun part my favorite part you go in there with your hands and you just squeeze each of those little pieces and you make slivers and you just go around in squeeze each one just like this it's easy no problem at all now I realize there's more than one way to make good biscuits back to there's lots of ways and I'm not really making this video for anyone who already has biscuits mastered and they make great biscuit and I know there's different ways to do it but what I want to do is try and help those that have never really got the hang of it and so I really want to show you how to do it just step by step very simple very easy I also found out that in other parts of the world they call these scones so that's pretty interesting so not only can I make biscuits but I can make scones and so can you once you learn how to do this so you just work it together like this and find each of those little pieces and you squeeze them make slivers and get them all mixed up and then you want to make a well in the sitter to pour your milk into and of course that's next I'm using slightly less than 1/2 cup of regular whole milk just like that and now you need something to stir with and gently bring the ingredients together it's easy really is everyone ought to learn how to do this especially if you like biscuits I suppose this is the most critical part learning how to not overwork the dough that's really the secret to good fluffy flaky biscuits baby very gentle so I'm just stirring it as little as possible is trying to get all the moisture to pick up the dry flour see I'm not really even stirring it I'm just kind of moving it around and turning it over and then once it reaches this stage it's time to use your hands of course my hands are very clean and you begin to reach down underneath and try and scoop up the dry flour and lift it to the top and gently incorporate it all into the the dough ball didn't even pick it up and kind of pour it on top like that but the main thing is not to overwork the dough just to be very very careful with it very gentle with it I know I'm using that word a lot but it's because it's so important that's about right next we're going to go ahead and get a piece of wax paper you don't have to have wax paper I just like doing it makes it easier to clean up after you're done it also is a good indicator of how sticky the dough is it sticks to the wax paper it's a little too sticky so you pour out a little more flour it's that same all-purpose flour I'm using spread it out a little bit and now you need to really pay attention to this part as well because this is how you make it nice and flaky and you don't you don't want to overwork it but you have to press it out and begin to make folds and to fold it over and I'm not sure exactly how many times I fold is here but just several times over and over folding it in pressing it down folding it in pressing it down but lightly pressing it down over and over that's how you get flaky biscuits that's how you get those layers if I felt it trying to stick to my hand I'll put a little flour on it you want it right at that at that spot where it's almost sticking you don't want it to dry you don't want it too wet you fold it and you fold it I think you can you can see the the way it's making layers and and then just press it out they don't like that all right now we'll get this cast-iron skillet that I have put a little butter in and you want to press straight down with your biscuit cutter oh and if there's a little extra flour on the bottom just kind of dust that off and in the skillet it goes and refold the the dough I'm gonna speed this up because it's pretty straight forward you can see I'm just folding it over and and getting it so I can make another biscuit cut that out got 3/4 and then I'll just bring this together and cook this little bit in the middle irregular there we have it four and a half biscuits and into the oven it goes 425 degrees and we'll just watch them rise up look at that isn't that amazing that ordinary all-purpose flour biscuit what do you think not bad at all nice and flaky they really rose up yeah I'm pretty happy with these how about the bottoms oh yeah that's fine well what do you think just about right I would say they pull right apart well you know it's time to put a little butter on those hot biscuits just like that oh yeah anyway you don't really need wait look at this oh you don't really need any special type of flour you can use self-rising just to make it easier but you can use regular flour they turn out great now I need to do is put a little of that good molasses syrup on there and I'm ready to eat hey thanks for watching I hope you give these a try they're really not hard once you get the hang of it anybody can do it anyway take care we'll see you next time bye now [Music] you
Channel: Ken Click
Views: 1,610,625
Rating: 4.9143934 out of 5
Keywords: biscuits, flaky biscuits, home made biscuits, tender, scratch, scones, baking, food, cooking
Id: wy_dqphsakU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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