How To Make Authentic Jerk Chicken! Oven Style

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but I'm pretty sure that he will continue to sharpen chicken claws you guys have been asking for dirt chicken for so long and I'm just really happy that we can finally come and show you how you can make your homemade jerk marinade so that you can make your open version of jerk chicken I know a lot of you guys know jerk chicken to be like on a drum or whatever ap but you know most of us don't live in Jamaica where there's drums just at your disposal so if you have an oven this is a tutorial for you all right Danny what do we have going on here semental seeds okay alright so and remember guys we're cooking for a family of six kind of a small army so uh you know time ok these are gonna be blended by the way guys as you can see it's going into the blender ginger ginger I mean you can separate them that is kind of put them all together to blend them but you can separate them and blend them like you know blend the onions first blender like you can do that layer by layer but this is how we're doing it ok scallions go in funny pepper scotch bonnet pepper onions onions so like actual onions garlic I'm gonna blend okay so that's it so you can blend so blend the first and then add on top if you have to that's vinegar right then it's sweet four tablespoons of vinegar [Music] all right so he actually blended it all up in stages cuz our blender was smaller and then we're gonna mix that all around right so I don't know if it's finished yet cuz that's I'm learning right now I'm learning but daddy is mixing this all around okay so everything that you saw that was inside that bowl originally is all in this bowl right now right so this is what your jerk marinade comes from I mean you put use the bottle you click go and buy a bottle that's already pre-made but I know a lot of you guys are CNC and a lot of you guys want to make your own homemade version so we are just showing you how it's done this is the driver so this is all to ISIL which I show them so this is a jerk seasoning is it allspice penetrate allspice okay let's let's show them what it looks like on the inside look at all that this is what seasoning is about okay that's the dry rub part they're just a lot oh that ain't no little shout out to mark Wiens my dad's favorite one of my dad's favorites my eyes are burning I guess cuz the onions I'm so sensitive to onion like well it's just doesn't that is no problem because I like when my church is spicy alright so here we are we have the chicken so you know what idea someone had asked last time why we didn't take the skin off of certain chicken and why we leave the skin on I guess that's just because traditionally some of our meals have a skin on still right and jerk is one of them really what is jerk okay especially when you're drinking chicken you don't take it off interesting okay this is my chicken already wash okay so you guys need to make sure that your chicken is washed I can you say all the time so this is already prepared sprinkle some allspice on there whenever seasoning goes on chicken I'm just like [Music] cuz you already know it's about to beat it give all the all season their chicken I feel so sorry for them why don't they just use back with brand saw like my heart goes out to you man then you're gonna add the jerk so usually you guys know like we always have like onions at it and everything out of it remember it's blended now so all of those seasonings all of those spices all of the things that we usually put inside these meals are still in this meal so on this meat it's just blended with you know the accompaniment of a few other things then you gotta get your hands in there - don't be afraid mmm clean thank you daddy thank you for the reminder especially in today's day clean hands you guys clean hands you gotta wash yo hands and well can be marinating people's chicken first of all I'm filming right now with one eye closed okay I just want you guys to know like I'm two seconds away from these two eyes closed Oh onion so I just realized I don't think we told you guys that we added a little piece of nutmeg to this blend okay so if you're wondering it's good sitting here you're like where's the nutmeg the nutmeg is actually in there and if you're sitting here and you're shocked that we said not a Meg yeah Mathematica is added and what's the remainders you guys you can put it in a little container and put it in the fridge before your next jerk meal so you guys I was telling daddy that maybe he should tell you give you some other options cuz not everybody likes to make their own original home mein jerk sauce so these are the other options that we have in our house that we would use if we didn't have the time to make our at home recipe so this is my dad's favorite so this is actually a super super popular brand he believes that this is like the best jerk seasoning if it's not made from home and this one is Walker's wood okay Walker's wood jerk seasoning and then there's also President's Choice Montego Bay jerk sauce so like you can use these on your chicken instead if you don't have the time to make it on your own and then there's some people who really you know they like the jerk seasoning but a lot of you guys love like a barbecuey version of it so this is the great jerk barbecue sauce and like I don't you recommend that too right it's very good - okay and then shuttle to trip Nick okay we're just gonna put your nick right in front here this is um a jerk marinade and this is a family brand like this is extended family so shout out to trick Nick because you know if you've ever had anything trick Nick catering you know it's off the charts so will will drop their app below so that you can find them all right so the marinating process is complete okay but then you would recommend that it go overnight right okay okay okay perfect and that's how you get like a real good soak in right okay all right so what is the next step so that you laid parchment paper on a tray just laying them out so it's okay if they're like touching each other but you don't want to over pack it right all right okay so you don't want to over pack them as what you said then so I guess the best thing to do for us since we're cooking for more than just two or three people is to get another train right okay so what are you doing right now listen you guys remember seasoning seasoning seasoning seasoning seasoning right so I don't think that but you can have too much that a thing I don't [Music] [Music] [Music] as my favorite piece of chicken is a leg people always look at me like sorry okay all right put it in here some people would cook it on top there's some things and soil right daddy okay 375 is what we're doing for the biggest trade books for the father the smallest one goes that's it for approximately how long okay okay [Music] okay we'll meet you dad's back in about an hour [Music] all right so we're doing our first chat [Music] hey guys if you could smell this right now okay so this is the point in time though where we have to make it get brown and all that stuff right okay okay okay cuz we don't want it really what we want it to be more of like a dry Jerkins more of like a dry thing um you can have it some people do have it like yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who would have fun it was that simple so there's butter already in the pot right okay so what else do you put in here chicken broth oh you're gonna add something oh yeah the jerk BBQ that we had mentioned before it is and I think he's gonna add a little bit of Walker's with jerk season the hot and spicy okay so how hot how high does the heat have to be in order to make this great maximum right now right now max slowly can get it get it to a boil up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay are you gonna thicken your okay so there's a little bit of you know Susan creeks in this so don't watch that but that water and Quan search cold water cold water corn sticks added to this ball and this is a way he's gonna use to thicken up the gravy am I correct father okay so you have to do it we're having our jerk chicken today if you guys want a tutorial on how to make this type of rice and please please put it down in the comments and Browner drier but not on the inside just drier on the outside [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right guys I've been told to move these bad boys all into here so that's what we're gonna do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 719,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make jerk chicken, jerk chicken, how to make jamaican jerk, how to make authentic jerk, best jerk chicken, jerk from scratch, oven style jerk, jamaican food, jamaican jerk, jerk marinade, how to make jerk marinade, homemade jerk
Id: M5rSwwY5gWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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