How to make Jamaican Sweet Potato Pudding! | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] [Music] we have got a sweet honey in the kitchen today hello hello mother how are you you look so beautiful look at that smile look at your hair thank you and these two are decked out in their jamaican attire like tell me you're a jamaican without telling me you're jamaican okay look at them look at them look at them dressed up and nice but we're in the kitchen today because you guys already know what it is you know when mommy's in the kitchen that means that there is something that has to be made that daddy may not be the top notch at but she has a down pat look at look at it look at it look at this so you know without further ado mommy and daddy please tell the people then where we are make today sweet potato pudding jamaican style yes mercy yes so we are making sweet potato pudding jamaican sweet potato pudding this is something that you guys have been asking for for a very long time it's actually one of my favorite jamaican desserts and would you consider it a dessert i think so we eat it anytime any time right so you know it's there's a particular you know sometimes you have a put in and it's just not it but mommy is going to help you get to the one that is the authentic amazing kind all right so let's get into it it's already a minute and 40 seconds into this video mommy where do we start we're gonna start over here over here so daddy is gonna show you what he has grated he's grated the potato the sweet potato the yam and he's going to show you how he grates it and the type of potato that we use we use the we use the purplish the purplish looking kind of potato like this okay okay and when you peel it off it's like white okay under there and the type of yum i don't think the yam matters but this yam was what what kind of yum you said this was it was awful yeah this was awful yam white afu yeah okay yeah so he's gonna grater the rest of the potato and show that to you all right that is sure swag one you love ram pro [Laughter] okay so and some people some people would have blend would blend it but when you grade grate the potato and the yam you get a better texture in the pudding okay so hence why we're going way back to use the grater not that we don't have a blender we do but um it's it comes out nicer when you grate it okay from scratch so remind me again what's inside this container so daddy you're grating fruit sweet potato jamaican sweet potatoes jamaican sweet potato and so what is in here and we're using the yam for the consistency so that it holds better together okay okay because there will be flour in this pudding but there won't be a lot of flour okay okay so we we have put the yam they've combined the yam and the and the sweet potato so that it holds together okay less flour people you got to be strong great at this thing there he's an expert i'm the greater yeah yes i used to this old fashioned way old-fashioned really good way [Music] okay finished okay so this is like your container of yam and sweet potato shredded yeah okay well it's not shredded it's great green grated grated rated grated grater no sorry sorry sorry i'm going to honey wait what was the little white stuff in there this is the yum that's the yeah that's the yam see the um come on watery than the potato okay all right okay so i'm gonna hand this over i think we i think we need one of those big graters from back home you know that really great this this stuff properly okay so okay what's next all right so the next thing that i will be combining here i have half cup of flour okay so this is i'm gonna be pouring the flour i'm gonna be sifting it a bit there sifting it yeah so i'll put that in into this mix okay then i'll put in a quarter pound of raisins and i have the golden raisins okay okay so i'll put that in there i'll now put a teaspoon of baking powder baking powder just a teaspoon egg yeah one teaspoon of baking powder i would never think that yeah like that would make such a difference so now i'm gonna stir this up just combine all the this little dry ingredients together just mix it up the yam the raisins the potato and the baking powder yam raisins potatoes and baking powder and flour all combined that's all that's in that's all that's in here right now okay okay so we're now over here we have the coconut and daddy is gonna blend all the coconut okay so hopefully we'll get at least five cups of coconut um juice from this okay so we're blending yeah all right so for you to blend the coconut you have to cut it up small all right put it in add some water to it just to write them on just to cover the coconut video blind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay blend out now and you're gonna strain it so how do you know it's finished blending small very fine okay yeah we're gonna squeeze all the juice out so look at that we almost have a full bowl of coconut milk okay when you finish strain out this you're gonna leave some of this coconut trash for the for the mixture okay okay all right so you just keep a little ball on the side this is what they call coconut trash you guys they're gonna use some for the mixture just like daddy said all right so mommy what's going on here on this side so now we're coming over here and we're gonna put all the other ingredients that i have here okay so i have the brown sugar okay so i'm gonna add that to this container here okay okay i have some half teaspoon of nutmeg there i have a half teaspoon of mixed spice mix mix spice this right here yeah another half a teaspoon of cinnamon ground cinnamon i have the vanilla which is two teaspoon of vanilla benjamin's vanilla i have a quarter cup of sherry [Music] a quarter cup of white ray and nephew white rum random nephew half teaspoon of salt and this is all going in one mixture right yes and here we go some butter and i say about an ounce of butter i'll just mix that out in there okay i got the baking powder already in in the other yeah and then i'm gonna put a half tin a half tin of evaporated milk in this and then i'm just gonna mix it mix it in all together so i'll just pour it in i'm sorry estimating when i get to half here okay guesstimating a good jamaican guess [Music] and then we're just gonna start everything just stir it all stir it all blend it all together okay i think that should be half okay okay and then i'm just gonna stir that in stir it around just to start the sugar and everything all the spices together the rum the sherry all of that here we are we're gonna be adding the coconut milk see your beauty look how good it looks it looks so rich okay so i'll be adding like five cups of coconut milk so this is four cups and there's one more cup over here and this is uh just based off of the amount that we're making yeah yeah so that's four cups one more cup and one more cup i'm gonna add there okay so that's all the coconut milk okay in this mixture here and then i'm just just going to stir it around i'm also going to put a little bit of the coconut trash into this mix here okay okay just estimate to how much you would like maybe say two to three tablespoon of it yeah i love coconuts so yeah okay so now i will be pouring this mixture into that mixture now okay okay do you want to stir with me yeah so i'll pour the liquid into this that is so funny you know okay i keep mixing mixing [Music] keep mixing lot if you guys i don't know if you're someone who already knows what pudding tastes like then you know what we're waiting for you're not nervous you're in for something man you just stir that around make sure it's all mixed in properly thank you yeah mommy said let me do this yeah [Music] you notice we did we didn't have to use a lot of flour so so yeah so if you're someone who doesn't want to eat too much flour or can't eat too much flour this is definitely the type of recipe that could work for you right and mommy you're you're you're one of those people yeah okay i'm just gonna tip a little just just a little little drop on my hand to see if we need to add anything else no maybe a little bit more vanilla maybe a little bit more sherry and rome oh you know you can't go wrong with a little bit more sherry and round with a little bit more sherry in it and a little bit of rum a little bit more room in there yeah there kick it up a notch [Music] and the vanilla vanilla there okay and i'll put a little bit more nut making it you know our oh i mix them you know how we steer yeah and somebody says we pour until the ancestors say yes that is the land yeah i'm here and over and over again yeah that smells so good it's not good before but i know like once you start and that's the great thing about these things is like you kind of have to like taste just like how mommy did just taste it and see where you want to add a little bit more you know whoa it's a one it's a one it's a one [Music] smell this and taste [Music] they're in their house [Laughter] i tell you i feel weird okay so i have the tin here i already buttered and floured the tin i think this tin is a little bit bigger but i checked all my other tins and it's like there were little holes in it so i didn't yeah you know this is a borrow this is a borrowed one um i think this is 10 inch but i really wanted nine inch but we're just going to use what we have okay the jamaican way yeah yeah use what you have okay so i'm just gonna pour it in here it's the teamwork for me [Music] utensils [Music] we love to see it this is gonna be so good i just ah okay and i'm just shaking it to make sure get rid of any air bubbles or anything like that and just you know even it out properly oh the pan looks like it's it fits the amount i feel like yeah perfect chance and if we're gonna do the custard on the top then we'll have the space for it okay yeah let's not even start talking about missing this missing if we don't need to try this [Music] okay so we have um heated the oven to 350 degrees okay okay and this pudding is gonna go in for at least an hour to an hour and a half okay okay so when the middle is firm and the when you poke it with a knife and it comes out dry it should be done okay and then afterwards then we'll do the custard and show you how to do the custard because there is a glaze there is a glaze that goes yeah probably when i was growing up they have they called the pudding hella top hella bottom and hallelujah in a demigod okay all right so we will see if we can try to do the custard and put it on top yeah in my opinion that's the only way you have it all right into the oven yes okay and now it's 501 so give it by six o'clock we can't probably check it and then say um 6 30 hopefully it will be done by then all right okay all right do it okay people so the pudding has been in the oven i think because it's a little bit bigger yeah so it's been in the oven for about two hours and maybe quarter okay so i'm just gonna stick my knife in it to see what's up with it i think that's good okay i think that's good yes yeah mommy maybe you should go into that a part that doesn't have a hole okay there there yeah it's good good good so no people we are gonna make the custard we put bun topper eat whoa okay we can't weird fit yes you know we can't wait to eat it so we're gonna show you all the custard funny okay so i'm going to leave that there for now okay so here we are these are the ingredients for the custard okay so i have the vanilla which is two teaspoon of vanilla okay i have half a teaspoon of cinnamon one teaspoon of mixed spice i have two teaspoon of brown sugar quarter teaspoon of ginger ginger powder half teaspoon of melted butter so see the butter is melted and a quarter teaspoon of salt okay so i'll put that in there and now for our coconut milk okay half cup of thickish ours is a bit thinner than fish but it's okay so we're gonna mix it all in here it's half cup of coconut milk and this is a real coconut milk okay see all right let's rest that there and now i'm just gonna stir that in stir it all up make sure i think i'll try to use one of the little whisk yeah a little whisk here and just whisk it out make sure it comes right all the cinnamon and everything is all blended and the sugar grains are all out so now what we're going to be doing what i did i turned the oven it was on 350 to bake it so i've turned the oven now to 375 and then what i'm gonna do i'm gonna pour this liquid on top of the pudding okay and that's what they call the custard okay so i'm gonna pour that on top of the pudding and we're gonna give it up maybe about say 15 minutes and and just watch it okay and make sure it just um gets i guess crystallized upon your caramelized on top okay this is my favorite part because any time i have uh you know put in i like the ones that have the glaze on top so mommy was gonna do it without the glaze but pull it out here okay and i am gonna just pour it up on top all over the pudding [Music] hmm okay right and then we're gonna put it back into the oven just gonna try to spread it a little bit make sure it's spread all over all over [Music] okay and then put it back 15-20 minutes get that nice caramelized color okay and then we're gonna share your plate when it cools a bit okay all right a lot of mercy people look of yeah whoa okay look on the coast and look on the collar oh it can be sick wait for this finish i'm taking it out now whoa i'm just gonna rest it here and let it oh what do you think [Music] it looks gorgeous oh my goodness okay so what do we have to do now okay so now we're gonna let it cool for a bit like really some people says to at least cool it for 24 hours or you know however you know and some people may even rest it in the fridge and let it cool properly but we don't have all of that time because we want to shear your plate so we're going to let it cool for a bit and then we're going to cut out peace and show you the thing lot of mercy okay i can't i can't i'm done with you guys [Music] um [Music] [Music] peace and love always [Music] you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 230,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make sweet potato pudding, how to make jamaican sweet potato pudding, jamaican sweet potato pudding, how to bake sweet potatoe pudding, jamaican pudding, pudding, sweet potato pie, how to make sweet potato pie, deddy's kitchen, father daughter duo, husband and wife cooking, family cooking, at home chef, home cooking, flaws of couture dad, jamaican youtuber, oyutube black, how to cook like a jamaican
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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