How to make FALL OFF THE BONE BBQ Ribs! *Oven Style* | Deddy's Kitchen

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all right we are back back back back back in daddy's kitchen hello how are you i'm good i'm glad that you're grace it is a beautiful sunny well it's a now it's a sunny day it was cloudy before but now it's a sunny day you're about to make your wonderful youtube family some dinner so we don't have much to complain about right and i'm back back back i know you guys were used to mark in the in the kitchen for the last couple videos but i am back for a little bit until mark does the next one okay so guys without further ado we're just going to get straight into it daddy tell the people them where we are cooked today bbq ribs barbecue ribs is officially on the menu guys you guys have been asking for a minute now oh daddy can you do ribs daddy can you do ribs daddy can you do ribs well all right daddy so let's just get straight into it so where are we starting so first of all where is this from like how do they buy it this is from cusco it's from costco okay and i guess you just get it in that same slab i guess this is a side my mom is whispering in the background saying that it's a side ring ribs side ribs not back ribs what's the difference between back ribs and side ribs teddy that's about great oh my gosh i can't your ribs are more shorter yes but daddy like isn't there like a tenderness difference or no not really one has more meat one hand more meat on the side ribs right here that's what i was always shocked about whenever you go to a restaurant you're like oh like they're like oh no get the side ribs apparently they're more meaty or whatever i always thought that the back room would be more meaty but i guess the side ones are yes all right so let's just get into it i didn't say my chat too much one two three i'm gonna cut off somebody's face okay i want under here volume up daddy i'm gonna cut off some of this pot okay and there is right here you don't want them okay okay yeah don't cut don't cut out too much because you want when the ribs is cooking you have some fat in it okay the fat is a good thing but just not excessive yeah yeah not too much okay so this is good okay all right it's all fine nice so this side is good okay and these are pork ribs correct yes not beef ribs guys pork ribs you can buy your beef ribs if you want and it's like the same concept yes but the beavers are more thicker okay skimming all that extra fat off y'all think more meat is on the beef ribs so basically if you can pinch it and pull it pull it off right because i feel like that's what you're doing i feel like you're um anything that's like hanging you yeah you can pull it up but my knife is sharp get it off easier so sharpen your knives guys because if you have a dull knife this is not going to be as easy looking no okay all right see some people pull this is like a piece of skin off okay right there but i'm gonna leave it because the way i'm gonna cook it i need it okay okay all right so we're leaving that layer of skin on right here there's a lot of fat right here let me get some off okay see see what that is that's all fat yeah that's our fat you don't need that okay so fat right there take a little out this is good okay so i'm gonna wash my ribs okay i'm gonna put it in a pot i have a pot of water going i'm going to boil my ribs okay i'm going to season it okay all right so let's get it we're going to wash my roots first okay let's do that wash my residue so vinegar and water you guys already know what it is in daddy's kitchen you gotta wash your meat if you don't have vinegar use lime or lemon okay or you can use all of that if you want make sure your sink is clean while you're washing your meat okay so you can't walk in a dirty sink what i mean no you're watching eating cleansing only only in this stuff all right somebody i'll follow you over okay i have a pot of water in here okay so this is a pot of boiling water yes all right so it's on high obviously right yes is there anything inside the water daddy not yet i'm gonna season it okay so i'm gonna cook my ribs for 45 to an hour 45 minutes to an hour in the water okay bare water yes with seasoning all right all of these my seasoning i'm gonna put in the water right now salt seasoned salt all purpose seasoning black pepper garlic powder tomato seeds and bay leaf okay so all of these are going in the water right now yeah i'm going to season it interesting bay leaves just gone in yeah i put about five dailies in it okay make it six okay manta seed quite amount maybe uh 12 12 15. garlic powder black pepper i didn't know these went inside the pot you know before young interesting thank you notice girl come on notice when it's time to eat a spoon for each of our season okay a jamaican spoonful jamaican spoon for my in other words whatever you feel fit yeah whatever what kind of seasoning you like to put in it it's all good okay oh it makes my nose tickle [Applause] tablespoon of salt just a tablespoon mmm this is my nuts a jamaican one of course i smell it seasoning cover my so you cover it but you don't but you leave a little peep yes and you don't want it boiled over why do you do that oh because you don't want it to boil over sorry it's like not listening it's like but not even i listen so i can't learn it give me trouble but people just watch it just watch it and leave a peep in it um so that it doesn't boil over okay all right what's next these i'm gonna use these to make my my barbecue sauce for the ribs okay i have soya sauce some barbecue sauce here everybody i have chipotle sauce i have some beer i have apple cider vinegar vinegar i have ketchup i have some chicken broth and i use for my liquid instead of water i have some sugar here this is organic sugar okay i have some onions here that i grated some ginger and some garlic okay this will make my sauce okay so this is what the sauce is going to be you guys get your things ready get your things ready on the season rub wow ribs there's levels to this huh okay so for the rub flavor rice ginger powder ginger powder cooler lemons cool runnings meat seasoning cream spices and spice smoked chip smoked chocolate um yes garlic powder black pepper seasoning salt and purple seasoning okay i'm gonna combine all of these and make a rub okay to put on my wrist when it's finished oh so that's what's gonna go on the ribs first after it's half cooked after it's half cooked okay all right let's let's put it in the oven okay let it cook for at least 20 minutes 25 minutes then i take it out and i put my sauce that i'm gonna make all right well we're here with you daddy we're here with you so take your time see that people start to wind up having to take the camera off okay okay they're like it's cooked smells amazing daddy smell nice okay okay i'm gonna make the rub okay for my ribs so a spoonful each of everything i have here a spoonful each a tablespoon for each jamaican so that was the seasoning salt [Music] next is the black pepper next is the garlic powder next is the paprika caribbean spices and herbs from cool runnings in the house in the house daddy i think you're on your fifth one for this episode all the time all the time he's the one who's protecting us and guide us he's the one who wake us up this morning you could wake up by yourself this morning you better think about it oh yeah you're right you're not you're right you're right everybody take a moment and think about it all right and last but not least flavor so daddy you put us you you put a tablespoon of ginger powder also yes i feel like you always hold off on ginger powder yes something depends on what you're making okay but this time you can get the full tablespoon ginger giving you barbecue ginger and garlic is the key okay you want to taste that flavor okay and then you mix up your seasoning then because this is going to be good yes it's going to be my rub and you know what i'm going to put in it oil oh no sugar 2 spoonful of sugar wow i was honest you can you can put brown sugar whatever sugar you have but we're using organic i'm using organic that's why it's like that that's why it's like a little beige brown sugar really dark brown sugar is good okay i thought you're gonna put this virgin olive oil in or something you wouldn't go in it if i put virgin olive oil you're gonna be a wet rob this is a dry road okay you feel me and i feel my feelings so i let it sit here put in my ribs done okay i'm gonna make my barbecue sauce okay i'm using some olive oil olive oil and this is hot extra virgin yeah that's a spoonful okay that's a spoon for you guys see that right there i'm just leave you alone now okay i'll do that next that's wonderful okay okay fair okay okay all right you have to prove it you have to prove it i'm going to put in my onions my ginger and my garlic okay what's going on all right [Music] so why are you doing that all the flavors remember i have ginger garlic onions you always put this in no this is something a little new yeah just have a tiny taste to it yes so when it's tangy and the sugar and your beer goes to there it gives you a nice flavor okay so i'm gonna get about four two four four spoonfuls four spoonfuls [Music] tablespoon okay okay tablespoons four tablespoons add my sugar only for sure this smells amazing it is done take the spoon in half tablespoon and a half of soya sauce see what's up in here [Music] my beer you can use any kind of beer you want of the bottle smells so good guys honestly if you could smell it right now oh my gosh we'll probably just drink the water barbecue sauce barbecue sauce let's see what barbecue sauce you're using using this guy's barbecue sauce guy oh yeah guy that's his name your friend who is this yeah the guy from the cooking channel your bread i put about four tablespoons four tablespoons you say okay this barbecue sauce is actually really good chipotle barbecue sauce chipotle this is a lot of flavor chipotle smells good oh yeah it smells really good the same one four tablespoons tablespoon okay and people remember when you're hoping yourself and you don't finish it go straight into the fridge okay not back into the cupboard back into the fridge once it's open all right ketchup yes did you make things there this is good this is a bad boy we're gonna put at least six tablespoon in it okay all right and then i put some chicken broth chicken broth if i need more i can add a little water to it okay and then if i have to thicken it i use a little cornstarch okay but the ketchup that's in here now and the other sauce i don't think i really really really need it but these sides have to become thick okay and how does it come because if you just keep stirring it when it winds up gonna all the stuff that i put in it comes thick if it's not thick enough i'm gonna put some cornstarch in it or you can have some get some flour and make a roux okay and add it to it [Music] mix it in and then i'm gonna taste it so now i'm gonna taste it okay see what i need you are great [Music] bless you honey you never failed me father you never okay [Music] oh my gosh god your wisdom is great all right guys i'm going to do the tasting right now yeah the sweet tiny taste oh my gosh wow this is flavor wow mommy where are you i'm over here wow it's actually delicious wow are you guys here i'm in the head pull up i'm gonna bringing a turn to taste people let me tell you god is good this recipe does come from my head from my head i work with the spirit the spirit when you work with the spirit you can feel true very true because i tasted this i'm very very very big on barbecue i think that's what you guys need to know i don't think you guys know that about me i love barbecue food i love barbecue sauce this sauce i turn it down to medium right now let it cook slowly if you guys follow the instructions and the ingredients whoa you're about to be blown away show them again half bottle corona some ketchup apple cider vinegar chipotle barbecue regular barbecue and uh sugar we use organic sugar this time um and then inside was the [Music] okay okay okay okay okay geez teddy jeez jeez i can't deal with this i can't oh you guys know where i get my weirdness from uh-huh okay my sauce is boiling it's not thick enough so i'm gonna put some corn starch in it okay i'm taking it okay i have two spoons full of cornstarch yeah okay i'm gonna put cold water not add water cold water and mix it then i pour it in and mix at the same time pour and mix at the same time on your sauce whatever you're making or you've got to thicken it start at the same time you become thick so you literally just pour mix it first pour it in there and then just stir stir stir yes he said that's usually when this when it's ready right so to let this boil a little bit more the more you get thick and you want it nice and thick on the ribs right yes no run no problem ribs it won't stick to the ribs no running all right okay the right ribs is done okay i'm gonna throw the water off okay careful careful now careful okay okay but now my tree so some parchment paper on a tray our ribs are cooking for a whole one whole one hour so i put it on the back of the back so i want to season the belly first okay and then i turn it over so you're seasoning the belly of this first what does it come from the side how could there be a belly i said if it comes from the side how could it be a belly i need ribs so now i'm going to season it let it stay there i'm gonna rub it in but it's kind of hot right now so gotta let it cool off so be careful guys don't go rubbing it right away because you don't want to burn up yourself you don't want to burn up yourself yeah chamblian that is kitchen for it okay rub it in lightly you want it seasoning to stick to the meat stick to the ribs okay then you turn it over and the same thing right careful daddy now get back up repeat the same steps [Music] so i'm going to put this in the oven for 15 minutes just so that this season is soaking it and then i take it out and i put my sauce okay okay so people don't marinate theirs overnight teddy but you decided you want to do it this way pressing that bad boy in it looks like like you don't go anywhere again daddy or unicorn [Music] [Music] my oven is 450 450 it's been on okay the reason why i put 450 because i have something else in the oven i have potatoes roasted my potatoes here that's what we're having on our side daddy makes the best potatoes put it down in the comments if you want daddy to show you guys how he does his his roasted potatoes other than roasted potatoes that is let us know because lots of people have been wanting to learn and we haven't done one yet i think it's time day yes i think it's time i'm gonna cook this right for 45 minutes okay all right so but it's not going in for 45 minutes right now it's only going in for 50. i'm going to take it out in 15 minutes and i cook it for another half an hour okay but that's when the sauce is on it right yes oh i can't wait for that part all right so them just come out 15 minutes in that's all that it was no [Music] that's what we like oh okay okay [Music] okay let me get the angles for the paper then you know what i should do before i should turn it over first and do the belly and do the belly so do that with this one then you can show them how you would prefer to do it guys if you could smell this oh my goodness there is nothing like bbq b b q okay so you think it's better to start on the inside [Music] okay i'm the semi-ready ready like fred yeah wow hey you see that falling off of the bone then you have to be careful man you have to be careful you think they're too soft for the jeffy number you have to wash your hands same time and he's back back in daddy's kitchen funny i love how you guys love the intro so much so that you guys are showing mark how he's supposed to do it in the comments for the last couple videos you guys are hilarious i love you guys so much if anything was confirmed it was the intro in in those comments now i know we can't ever steer left or right look how good these looks guys look how good this looks my thing is i love ribs that are like ooey gooey lots of barbecue sauce on them you ever have barbecue ribs and they're like just so dry i know some people like the dry kinds but i'm definitely a saucy rib kind of gal what about you daddy yeah mine you must juicy juicy outside not true okay i'm gonna put this in the oven for at least just ten minutes and then i'm gonna take it out again and give it another coat a double coke yeah my my my my all right for another how long betty 10 minutes 10 minutes let's check those potatoes you're right daddy let's check let's check on these potatoes potato potato don't matter it's going in my belly you guys want to learn how to make this let us know that he's famous for these lots of people love them he can show you how okay one more chord second round you don't have to turn it over the top layer yeah hmm i might slap that that one right yes [Music] oh that thing i mean i could totally help you oh my gosh okay [Music] um [Music] wow daddy you really put your foot in it this time everything how come europe's so big that's exactly what i said a lot of mercy i'll try to eat the bun [Music] yum oh my gosh five more minutes in the oven okay one more time guys one more time and the last time still need more timing okay but the ribs look like the ribs almost ready ready letter freddy [Music] ready to share their plate that is yes all right come on could go share out there please special plea for them [Music] so [Music] peace and love always [Music] you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 318,155
Rating: 4.8511858 out of 5
Keywords: how to make bbq ribs, how to make the best bbq ribs, how to make barbeque ribs, fall of the bone ribs, pork ribs, delicious bbq ribs, easy bbq ribs, how to make oven style ribs, bbq ribs in the oven, how to cook like a jamaican, jamaican youtuber, jamaican chef, toronto lifestyle, toronto chef, deddys kitchen, bbq rib recipe, bbq rib tutorial, toronto youtuber, daddys kitchen, pork bbq ribs, pork rinds
Id: 2OBNcSLpg0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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