How to make Loaded Shrimp Baked Potatoes! | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] all right we are back back it's back back back in daddy's kitchen hello daddy how are you great wonderful i'm so glad that you're great and you're wonderful you look awesome and you're orange thank you hi people hello hello to our 302 plus counting thousand subscribers we are really really over 300k daddy what you have over 300 000 family members around the world how do you feel about that thank you my loved ones thank you god bless you all i could not do it without you there's no way we could do this without them my love to you oh like there's no way that we can even express to you guys how much we love and appreciate you like we promised we will be doing a giveaway just hold on hold on hold on hold on don't worry i promise we're getting a whole bunch of things ready for you guys and i believe that in the months of month of may uh next month we will start handing them all out because we need to celebrate this like over 300 000 subscribers and you guys have literally made it worth every moment we love you guys so much so if you have always been here we love you if you're new here welcome to the family you might as well subscribe now because i'm subscribed you already know what it is it's a family thing in here okay but we're not gonna waste any more time daddy it's about one minute and 45 seconds into this video daddy without further ado tell the people then where will i make today loaded shrimp baked potatoes loaded shrimp made potato first of all i thought you were going to forget what it was daddy but you didn't period okay i love that for you all right eddie so i'm just gonna you just leave me right in there what are we what are we where do we start we gotta wash the potatoes okay so you guys already know you have to wash your big potatoes yes wash your potatoes so you can't just throw them into the oven no no do you recommend washing them yes these are coming from the hair you have dirt underneath it okay so you got to make sure that you wash your potatoes wash them wash them clean daddy already washed these but i was like daddy don't watch them before before and he says okay i'll show them so i just want you guys to remember you gotta wash these things okay yes so daddy what made you want to make uh loaded baked potatoes today well it's a nice thing to do it's a nice thing to do and it's tasty yes and it's yummy and you can make it in different ways yes you can put ground beef in it you can put bacon and cheese yeah you can do it veggie if you want yes you can put vegetables in it i've seen people do that that's kind of cool too right as long as you're okay with cheese because we're about to cheese this bad boy up all right daddy so wag one in here we're gonna put some oil on it what kind of oil is that this is vegetable oil vegetable [Music] and like is that record are you doing that to be fancy or do you recommend no no it's it's good it's and it's better for for the potato okay and you could make the potato cook quicker okay you can put a little salt on it if you want okay also give more flavor yes that's what it's all about okay because i've always seen people like put a little bit of oil on the outside and i wondered if it fits or if it changed anything but i guess it really does quicker okay you can what you can do you can wrap it in foil mm-hmm are you wrapping it in foil no i'm not putting it no okay right here one i put it right on my tray okay make sure you get the big potatoes the big ones like this okay because i would have went i would went to the grocery store and bought those little potatoes so you have to make sure that you buy like baked potatoes these are like huge so you when these cook you're gonna cut it slice it down then yeah right down there oh okay take the belly okay all the potatoes okay okay i'm putting it in my oven so what's the other night so you've already preheated let's see what's hot in there yeah okay so i'm gonna make this at least half an hour to 45 minutes okay okay half an hour to 45 minutes to cook a potato yeah they take time man yeah okay fair fair fair 45 to an hour then maybe maybe quicker than that well we'll check it right they are good yes okay okay okay i'm gonna seize my shrimp all right let's season the shrimp then clean and even already washed cleaned and deveined okay so i have about purple seasoning all right all-purpose seasoning for all of the purposes them tablespoon a tablespoon yes okay the black pepper half tablespoon half tablespoon yeah the fish season suspicious if you try same thing fix it tell me this using fish fry which one is it let's see this is yardy fish fry seasoning from ire tablespoon a tablespoon and my garlic and my garlic tablespoon tablespoon not me being your echo huh not me echoing you okay okay i'm gonna leave it let the seasoning soak in it okay so now let it marinate for a little bit all right i love me a little bit of marination okay daddy so it's been like i want to say about an hour yeah okay all right what are we saying we don't know where i yeah put it were a little tough when you checked them at 45 right okay all right they're ready they're ready okay okay so they're coming out yeah yeah all right so how did you know that they were ready just by like squeezing it and they're soft okay so if it can like kind of squish you one as you see oh yeah nice and soft ready okay all right so what are we moving on to next shrimp we gonna do the shrimp now okay let's get into that shrimp okay so what do we have here today we have some butter grape seed oil or is that olive oil okay all right and there's some butter in the pan what's the heat on medium medium okay pot's on medium you guys shrimp is about to get cooked and i'm excited about it so yeah uh we need the shrimp to be cooked already come out i'm ready for this potato you guys like i'm ready like i know it's about to be a problem and i'm excited all right i had an ice shrimp man but i see this before okay marinade okay in dropping them in [Music] you wanna turn up about my fire nuts so now the fire is on matte [Music] guys if you could smell what just happened in the kitchen as soon as the shrimp went into the pan oh my god like i just want to eat them all like right now so my face all by myself green onions we're adding green onion okay okay looking pretty in that pot a touch of garlic a touch of garlic and this is the chopped garlic from costco right let's take a peek at it mince california garlic kirkland brand you already know what it is oh my goodness you guys it smells so good [Music] dramatic the aroma [Music] yummy i don't know if that rubbed off on me some things are about family but men i don't want the kitchen in other ways oh i got the style the stylishness that robert found me it comes from you do you hear that people stylish [Music] it smells so good oh my goodness you know i have some parsley parsley fresh fresh parsley okay and you're gonna add it to the shrimp i really think the shrimp yeah okay look at you on the spot thinking this is why this is why daddy's kitchen is daddy's kitchen though this is why this channel is incomparable to any other channel as much as we love a gazillion channels this is why daddy's kitchen is daddy's kitchen because we just do it like it is you know go on the floor real time thing some fresh parsley on them come on now [Music] one two three one true some parsley on it you gotta give them a little razzle dazzle come on you want to taste one of course [Music] look at that you guys look at that [Music] look at this one um delicious okay what i'm gonna do now is what we're gonna take this shrimp cloth okay and i'm gonna make a sauce right into the same pot okay all right so we're gonna remove the shrimp but we're not gonna remove the juices i follow let me get wyoming string bean string beans you know what i mean okay so we're taking out the shrimp putting it all aside for a bowl in a bowl guys am i the only one that wants to eat this whole bucket of shrimp to my face don't tell me you could eat all of this i could totally eat all of these shrimps guys if you're watching this right now which you definitely are um tell me in the comments if i'm crazy or if you guys are the exact same way could you not eat this whole container of shrimp i would say what is it like 30 shrimps i'd say it's about 30 shrimps i think i can handle it people eat 30 wings in one city come on i can do the shrimp especially when they taste like that okay okay what's next how they look more butter add a little more water for my sauce so that's what your pot should look like you guys still has all the flavors from the shrimp some more butter added to the pot and what do we have here father all right thirty cream percent clean okay how much are you putting in i guess three yeah not too much however much sauce you want to make right yeah i'm gonna put it in okay i don't need no more than that it's about a cup simmer for me add some seasoning okay what kind of seasoning are you adding cheese food yeah these fish sauce okay yes one all right what a teaspoon black pepper uh what a quarter teaspoon of black pepper okay and remember you don't have to re-season this too too much guys because you already have all the extras at the bottom of the pot you don't want to be too too you don't want it to be too salty right daddy no especially because we have to watch our salt intake and sugar intake garlic powder garlic powder that's it okay and what's the heat on right now too max and then turn it down turning it down now i'm gonna add my cheese okay add in some cheese to the mix okay [Music] smells good looks good i just know this is oh i'm ready i am ready it's come to a boil and it's good okay so what are you gonna do let it come to a boil and just have it sit on the side and wait yes i'm gonna fix my putty cut my potatoes okay all right okay all right one cut my potatoes open it [Applause] scoob it out [Music] so you're cutting it like so that it can still sustain its shape though right yes because it's a baked potato you guys so you want it to not be cut all the way around or you won't be able to stuff it because this is going to be a stuffed potato okay a loaded potato loaded with goodness so you got to make sure you cut it right just a slit in the middle then press on the ends okay i see the technique i see the technique so you can open it up scoop it out okay and you don't necessarily have to get every last bit right daddy no no that's like not the goal the goal is to just get like the center of it out right yes come on daddy's kitchen come on come on so you do that for all your potatoes and then we'll move on to the next step but don't burn up yourself daddy's portrait is seated hot okay so caution caution hot hot hot you guys caution caution hot hot hot and we'll meet you in the next day okay i'm gonna add my melted butter okay so you melted i melted some butter and we have unsalted butter right yes that's what we're using today yeah this porridge handed potatoes that i scooped out and this is the the the center of all those potatoes you guys yes just in case you forgot some sour cream some sour cream and what does the sour cream do daddy what just make it like nice and more whippy yes and flavor yes okay of like when you have a baked potato with sour cream and chives or cheese [Music] then you add some cheese okay you mix it all up mix it up then you're gonna use it again and stuff the potatoes [Music] i feel because well obviously because it's hot the center is still hot it's gonna like kind of melt the cheese as it goes yes okay i had a quarter teaspoon of black pepper quarter teaspoon of black pepper was added you guys quarter teaspoon of all-purpose quarter teaspoon of all-purpose one a teaspoon of garlic powder okay that's it and you mix it all up now you're gonna stuff your potato okay not too much remember you have the shrimp to go in okay that's it okay okay [Music] [Applause] that looks so yummy okay maybe the little extras in one of these no maybe that that one looks like it's lonely that one looked like it needed it's lonely it need little more yeah man no longer lonely no longer lonely alright so we are pre-stuffed pre-loaded i can't wait to see the next step next step next step bringing this sauce back put the liquor sauce assassin oh you guys wow wow i know you guys are going to be obsessed with this one because look at that this one just hoping up for me then your shrimp then my favorite part [Music] you guys come on come on now come on now you guys look at this look at this look at this look at this [Music] whoa look at that look at that one overflowing just the way i pictured them come on come on now come on oh um [Music] and last but not least wow you guys you guys come on come on all right daddy so how do we finish these off because they look they look finished to me but i have a feeling that they're gonna be topped off with a little bit of goodness yes all right now i'm going to tap it off with some cheese okay just when you thought it couldn't get any better oh my gosh [Applause] okay so what's the next step daddy just go right back in the oven right back in the oven and let this the cheese melt okay for how long and it comes up how long cuz i'm ready to eat and mommy just got home and i know she's ready to eat too [Music] isn't that true it's gonna take about eight eight to ten minutes eight to ten minutes and then we can eat yes wow you guys come on come all right all right okay that is it now the moment of truth yes okay [Music] oh my oh don't break yourself don't burn up yourself don't drop me oh my goodness you got it come on i don't know how many times i want to say this but come on come on look at how good these look not the not the chives and green onions being added okay so you know what i'm not gonna tease them any further daddy is it time to share out their meal yes all right so if you're new here it's time for you to get your plate if you're not new here i know you already have your plate [Music] peace and love always [Music] bye
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 25,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make loaded potatoes, how to make a loaded potato, how to make shrimp loaded potatoes, how to make loaded baked potatoes, how to make loaded shrimp baked potatoes, shrimp baked potato, loaded shrimp baked potato, how to cook like a jamaican, how to cook like deddys kitchen, deddys kitchen, daddys kitchen, jamaican chef, father daughter duo, family man, home cook, home cooking, potato recipes, ika and dem, mama joans house, youtube black
Id: a8Os586slFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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