HOW TO MAKE JAMAICAN BEEF PATTIES | Meat Pie | Street Food | Jamaican Beef Patty Recipe | Hawt Chef

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[Music] if that is something that sounds interesting to you ensure to just watch the intro forward and let me show you off be with the party leave me this way they know about sardines [Music] chicken food chicken chicken so in order to get the perfect patty all the time the most crucial step is within the dough a lot of people underestimate the patio and that is the flaky or puff pastry that's the picture that you want to use beer in mind the fake pastry has layers of butter and to give it those nice crusts i don't know now enjoy party unless crumbs about replace eye on ourselves you know that for fun so i'm gonna be showing you how to get that pastry done be really sweet to achieve perfect layers of flakes all the time so far i'm going to show you what i want so i have here some all-purpose flour baking powder we have himalayan pink salt yes i gotta say pink salt you know man so you can use a regular table salt if you choose to over here we have some granulated sugar right here we have curry powder and some turmeric we also have butter shortening and butter milk it's a fat based species so it's a little bit fun to achieve those flakes now i chose to use the buttermilk instead of water in this recipe to achieve the maximum flakiness that i'm looking for and not just butter alone but i'm also using the shortening so putting that extra fat into the dough [Music] half the amount of this butter and half the amount of that vegetable shortening [Music] all right so just get that butter into cubes just so it breaks down easier within the flour for the remainder of the butter we're going to put this back in the fridge because we want to keep this as cold as possible you know what i say i'm not going to be using my fingers because this yellow the kitchen is very hot it's summertime and once i touch the butter it starts to melt we don't want that right i'm going to use a fork to mix everything in [Music] so what you want to do now you want to use a fork to break up this butter within the flour what you're trying to achieve is like a bread crumb consistency straight tuber but me personally i don't like the taste of just a turmeric alone the curry powder gives it more flavor you know where i come from and a lot of people may use just the food coloring so with that you just want to have that flavor in the meat and not the pastry i gave my friend the other day if you watch that video where my asian friend reacted to um the jamaican party he loved it the one that tasted in the superstars is like regular pastry on the outside and then the taste is just in the meat but this one is both like it's just mixture you know yeah so that's a result of adding a little bit of sugar you know mess it just like a fried onion and a little bit of sugar and add a crust not too much you know anything sweetest you're trying to stick to savory me so that's the thing right there look at that beautiful golden color i'm gonna add that buttermilk extra butter and this is very cold milk i'll just mix that in so this also helps to keep the water cold which in that's what we want [Music] i want you guys to pay attention to each tip that i'm giving you because this is going to ensure that you have the perfect patience all the time so if you realize here my dough is a bit sticky that's what i want that's going to go in my hand just remove the excess from the bowl quick and easy look at that though wrap this up in plastic wrap store it in your refrigerator for half an hour or an hour is very ideal and what that will do now is to rest that dough solidify the butter making it because you need the dough to be a bit firm when you're working with it right so half an hour at one hour in the refrigerator we're gonna work on the filling and of course the filling consists of lean ground beef all right it's gonna go right ahead [Music] we're using the lean brown beef because one we do not want to get that filling oil so use green ground beef what a lot of people don't know they'll season the ground beef while they have it in a pot i'm going to season the ground beef before i add it to the pot bring that ground beef [Music] we're going to add some onion powder garlic powder a dash of black pepper half the amount because we're gonna put half the amount when we're doing our saute i don't have any fresh ginger so i'm using ground ginger going it a little bit in there my homemade upper for seasoning in that's good set this aside for now right here we have some green onions also known as scallion we have some diced white onion and i'm gonna say the starting show scotch bunny pepper and some carrots diced right [Music] you don't want that just a little bit of seed for a kick and that's it for a frying pan it's nice and heated i'm gonna heat that with about a tablespoon and a half of oil nothing too much i'm gonna go in now with the first thing here my onions [Applause] yeah that's sizzle we're going to saute this off for about a minute until translucent you know i said bring all the flavor by another thing on medium high right now non-stick is the best fun to use because although the beef stick into the pan you know i'm gonna add my carrots when i'm making anything with beef i like to use carrots you know what i say these are nice like a flavor gonna hit that now with some minced garlic we have garlic in the beef or we need some fresh garlic you know what i say we put the garlic in at this stage because you know garlic will burn easily let's see so we don't want to burn that pepper so season the beef and we season our vegetables because we're developing flavor so put the remainder of that pepper in hit that with some dry thyme i don't have any um fresh time so i'm using a dry time and a touch offside nothing much about a quarter teaspoon just to bring out that flavor in the onions you know let's see my green onions and pepper gonna hit that with some soya sauce oyster sauce and of course some tomato ketchup whatever you see in the food last week that's the first thing you're gonna taste the first thing you see do it is the last thing you're gonna taste i know it sounds confusing but that's cooking so you want to season with the stuff that you want to actually taste so that the spice is the pepper in the beginning so when you eat that food and the last thing you taste is that beautiful taste at the back of your top example so that's basically a step up for the flavor food this smells great already that's how i like to do it all right so that looks like a nice jerk marinade all right flavor is there this has its own flavor i'm gonna go in now with our beef i work with so many people over the years and for some reason they always think that they have to cook um ground beef for two hours no you don't have to if you're making shepherds from which i have a video all trying to make meatballs which i have up with the old time 20 to 20 knots even minutes and it's cooked for this party trust me once i get all that pink out and this meat is broken down 15 to 20 minutes and this beef is ready don't be fooled my people i don't have stealing of course would you not think i could call the beef so listen look at this one so break that to ensure even cooking up the beef [Music] not only do i use a ketchup but i also use a little bit of tomato paste you know i say more acidic and it's not that sweet right in my tomato face so put that soya sauce in give us a bit of color but mostly flavor right there's nothing more frustrating than a white looking filling in a party come here give your thing some grease be graceful isn't it nothing too much without this one you don't want the team to become bitter so boom measure the thing if we need to add more wait until this gets all the liquids so mix that in thoroughly like that and then gonna cover this on medium low and allow it to cook for about 10 minutes then we get back to it all right so what we're going to add to that has a little bit of juice so we're going to add breadcrumbs but not just any regular breadcrumbs we're using the punk of japanese style breadcrumbs and that is breadcrumbs without the crust and it's not flavored we don't want any more flavor in this right and what the breadcrumbs does is to absorb any excess oil that is there and make the beef nice and moist so use about quarter cup of that breakfast and we'll mix that in all right so i have here two ounces of water and add about quarter teaspoon more of that brownie the beef looks a bit white i don't want that i need to have that nice brown color so we'll just add that in with the water breadcrumbs already in you hear that it's a bit moist turn on the stove blow you don't want to burn this i'm just going to give this a taste right now there's a liquid with yourself all right one teaspoon of my all-purpose seasoning allow that to cook for five more minutes [Music] so yeah that is practically finished we just see it's just relaxing right there and we have a little bit of liquid going on a little bit that much not too much we're going to leave that turn the stove off boom put that on the back burner because i want that to cool down here we have our dough nicely chilled see firm to the touch very firm that's what you want on your clean surface you're going to add a bit of flour sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkles if you like known me about anything normally in our real life i saw this still we just start somebody the only poor that we're sprinkling our floor what are the people and when i sprinkle flower and i sprinkle some different type of i mean that i will be before then i just keep it puppy i understand stop pulling you with them anyway pretty click on flower and not no dirty powder on the dough right both sides that's why we make this thing nice and soft because we know we're going to add flour we don't want to dry it out i have a liquid with the flour as well on the rolling pin i'm just going to roll that out nice and even [Music] see roll this out about one centimeter thick and trust me you know if the match teacher series you'll be very proud here's me measurements all right people you see that you see that thickness beautiful right across that's what you want we don't want to break up the duet so guys use the water and i'm going to be using a piranha yes appear and i will peel the water like you see me because the last thing i want you know but the water have to be frozen i have to work your hands because this will melt on you and i'm peeling the butter here just so and let me explain to them why i'm feeling the butter because i don't want to cut it and then have chunks so when i roll out the dough it starts to break through the dough no i don't want that so i'm just going to use my peeler and peel the butter we're going to spread that all over sharpening is very soft so you don't have to worry about that part what the whole freezer will be itself all right we're going to fold this now boom flip it over get a bit on here floor the surface boom rolling pin already have a bit of flour and then you're going to roll that butter now within the dough yes that's so coming out to get the flakes people [Music] more water all right so at this point this is the final rolling process because i already got all my butter and shortening in the dough fold this put flour in between because you don't want to stick [Music] a little bit of flour to that pan add that in mermaid we've been working the dough so the butter is melting a little bit so i wanted to put this back in the fridge now to rest for 30 more minutes and then we're going to roll that out cut it at the feeling and b so stay with you [Music] all right i have here my beef still covered in everything right get all that juice in you hear that you see that nice and moist beautiful color the element of surprise that i like to do with my beef i got this looks a bit chunky so guess what this is what i like to do personally i like to give it a slight little blend you know what i say bring those flavors together and get that ground beef nice and smooth we're gonna add a bit of water just like that because we're just going to pulse this [Music] so you see now because i post like three quarters of it all the way and then have a little bit so you still have definition dough is nice and firm but guess what just unfold it like this [Music] so i'm just going to be using half the amount of this dough because i'm not trying to make all the patties tonight [Music] so right now i'm not going to be using this i'm going to leave it in my fridge right if you're not going to use it for a while you can leave it in the freezer take it out the night before to allow the dough to towel but this i'm going to probably use it before the week ends you know the surface again get that dough on there add a bit on the floor and we're gonna roll so i'm gonna be making four patties from this right so i like to fold my dough like this in half first so it gives me an idea where to start the filling and where to end it i'm just using my finger and just do a little thing like this so that's basically where the meat will go so now i'm gonna go in with about three to four ounce of that meat right on that shape that i made just use a spoon spread that to the lines where i made all right so dip in your egg mixture get the excess off gonna brush the edges off the dough [Music] fold that over boom [Music] touch it to the sides tap it slightly like that use your finger to conceal everything before fork into our flower and then you're gonna press and sure not to pierce where the filling is you're just gonna press to create a design and also for extra luck beautiful and then now just get your pizza cutter and you just slice the excess off bring that around and there you have a beautiful enclosed patty see still have those layers of fat going on i'm gonna put this now onto a tree so the tray that you want to use i'm using a pizza tray here it's the best one because it has those holes at the bottom which will ensure that dry heat will rise and make the bottom as crispy as the top you don't want the button to be soggy so don't put this on any grease paper or anything that has no hole in it the party has a lot of butter across so it should be fine without grease paper and we're gonna repeat i have here one tray just put it down on top like that then i'm gonna go in with some egg wash just so we get a beautiful golden cross the cross is already yellow we just need a little bit of help and into our preheated oven of 425 degrees fahrenheit [Music] if you want to see a mukbang or a reaction of what these parties actually are i have a video that i put out before this one you can check that one out as i said before the recipe for this will be on my instagram so follow me on instagram if you want a full recipe to making these delicious jamaican beef what is now for the moment of truth let's break into one first let us show you what the crust looks like see that see that flaky and nice cut all of this soil get that beautiful beef within [Music] all right so there you have it how to prepare jamaican beef party here on mars time cooking it if for any reason you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up you don't miss it that will make the thing reach on top of the suggestion board so other people can know how to achieve the perfect crust with flavor as well as a perfect filling you know what i say with flavor remember to subscribe to the tea hit the notification bill because my tiller have some heat that's coming your way but we need the gas which is the viewers fuel little you know message so once again from us thank you very much for watching thank you for the love thank you for the support thank you for the suggestions on making this over you can be party assuming if you don't like this video it's okay not everybody like peaches you know man for farm so if you have a different method of how you make your party leave it in the comment section smash the like button as always say should it require facebook phd your family and friends make them know my style cooking there is but if you want to see the real mukbang check out the other video at the end of the screen [Music] look at how flaky that is if you don't have cross you're not say party until next time see you chubby bunny driver um [Music] yeah yeah
Channel: Morris Time Cooking
Views: 2,388,765
Rating: 4.9299517 out of 5
Keywords: Morris time cooking ed, morris time, cooking, caribbean foods, jamaica, canada, west indies, how to cook, how to, jamaican dishes, easy and quick, chef ricardo, cook like a jamaican, latoyas life, latoya forever, toronto, chef ricardo cooking, laura in the kitchen, gordon Ramsey, laura vitale, jamaican beef patties meat pie, meat pie, street foods, beef patty
Id: J3OU8L-s7IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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