How to make THE BEST Jamaican Black RUM CAKE (WEDDING CAKE)!

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all right all right we are back back back back back in daddy's kitchen with the beautiful sweet thing my mommy in the kitchen you guys are always always always ranting and raving about how much you enjoy mommy being on the channel so we decided that we were going to bring her a little more often because she is great at quite a few things that daddy might not actually be all that great at look at it look um so today daddy is mommy's assistant and we are making well you guys tell the people that we are make today black cake you guys are never on the same black cake or rum cake uh as many other people call it so you guys have been asking for rum cake black cake in the comments for months and it is the perfect season to do it this is the holiday season approaching and i know that there's so many of you guys who want to take part in that so we have mummy who has the best rum cake black cake recipe here for you guys to learn i can tell you guys my mom made it the other day and i have literally been waiting until we filmed this so that i could cut the next one that she made you guys i've been waiting it's all because of you why i had to wait so let's get into it and make another rum cake all right mommy so where are we starting we will be starting over the kitchenaid mixer over here okay okay so i'll be doing three pounds of cake fancy so each butter here is considered one pound okay so i have one two and three of this okay and that's because you're making three pounds three pounds a three pound cake a three pound cake you can make one pound you can make half pound okay so you just have to have to organize the recipe on how how much you want to make okay okay so i am gonna be putting this butter here these butters into the mixer here i had them i had them overnight i took them out of the fridge so that they could be like soft and room temperature okay okay so i'll pour one that's the first one we'll leave this to butter the can the pans when we're we're ready oh okay so you're gonna use this to butter the pans after yeah smart okay so this is the second one and put it in okay now i'm just dumping them into the mixer amazing and i mean not everybody has this pretty pretty fancy fancy mixer right mommy um when we grew up we really didn't have mixer so we we used we did um with our hand my sister sheila always she just had had it um in the pudding pan that they call back home pudding pan and then she would just mix it with her hand okay yeah so you use the wooden spoon and you mix it okay oh so this is what the one that we grew up with is a bit different from that it was like a yellowish kind of color yeah interesting but um so if you don't have a mixer you can definitely still use your hand and your elbow grease okay yeah okay so seeing that i'm gonna be using um it's a pound three pounds three pounds i will be putting in three pounds of sugar okay that's brown sugar yeah this is brown sugar okay and four cups four cups four cups of sugar is equal to a pound okay okay so i'm gonna be putting that in here a world of baking i tell you not sure if this this container is going to hold everything um yeah yeah it looks yeah well because the other one you made the other day was not three pounds oh yeah so guys you may be seeing our little mishap here but either way you're gonna get yeah what we gotta do just get a knife to open this sugar if that happens so be it then we'll have to pour it into the pudding into the pudding pan and then we'll have to do it with our hand okay so you guys are gonna get the real tea today so this is the second pound i'm pouring into this cup here now i'm gonna know if that doesn't fit mommy i know they send us with this machine it came with just like a small smaller i guess i need a bigger one okay like a small mixing bin yeah mix mixing um but i'm just gonna put it in there put the second one in there so this is we put it down in that side let me um okay okay okay yeah it might be too much but that's okay we're gonna have to mix it with our good old hands yeah but i mean not all of you guys will be making a three pound cake because the one that she made the other day was a great size and what was that mommy one just one pound just one pound okay so so so this is this this is the second pound of sugar i still need another powder but what i'm going to be doing i'm just going to try to mix it with the mixer for a bit and then i added another another set of um what a brilliant yeah yeah so i'll just put that in yeah slowly that's closed um you know yeah i love that we get to experiment with you guys sometimes on here but yeah i agree daddy once it's mixed in it should go down come right down [Applause] all right you guys this is what it's looking like in there okay you better get whipped okay okay okay okay okay okay it's coming down coming down yeah we need one more pound of sugar in it i feel like you might be able to still do the the the last sugar yeah yeah yeah i think so yes we'll just let it um yeah let's let it whip and then we will add another sugar okay all right so i think it's we've okay look at it yeah i'm gonna um put the other pound of sugar into this uh mixer here okay okay all right so i'll just pour that in all right let's look at that being done okay okay all right and just make sure just get it in there get it in there and guys remember this is only like pretty much overflowing because mommy's making a three pound cake this time your size cake is probably a one pounder no let me wouldn't one pound one pound which would you know that would be only one brick of the um one butter one butter one butter one pound of the sugar which is for um four cups okay one yeah so one pound one of one of this and one of these of flour and bread crumbs okay we'll get there we'll get them yeah all right so let's mix this one through and once that's done we'll be on to the next step hi guys i'm back again yes as you um as i told you we put three pounds of butter and three pound of sugar into the mixer but this is too much of a small small bowl so it wasn't able to mix properly so i had to pour it out i poured it out into my pudding pan that i have here okay so what i'm going to be doing i'm going to be actually make beating my eggs for a bit and then put them in put it in with the sugar and the butter so that we can mix that out but if you guys are making a small cake you could do all of that inside this your mixer yeah you can add your you can add your eggs in it and mix it after your sugar is blended for maybe about 45 minutes with your butter you can actually yeah you can actually add your sugar um your eggs to that same mixture before you put it into your pan that you have to finish the mixing in all right okay so let's let's move on to the next step then so what do we have going on here with the eggs so because i'm doing uh three pounds of cake i'm doing three dozen eggs wow three dozen eggs okay so i already had broken most of them already all right i took out the eyes the eggs each egg has an eye in it and that sometimes make the cakes um have a raw scent so we try to take out the eyes of the egg as best as we can okay yeah so i um i left two so that i could show you how to do that so what i do i just use a knife and i crack the egg like that okay and then i open it open the egg okay you see that white thing there that's an eye okay so i get rid of that okay yeah and then i turn it and i pour it again to see if i there's any more eyes in there and there's another one on the side here there should always be two right yeah on the side here and i just get rid of that and then the rest is fine without any eyes left and then i pour it into my bowel okay okay i'm gonna show you a second one you can't you have to be kind of quick with it okay all right as soon as you open it you'll get the eggs all pouring out but then you just look for the eyes on the side they're always on the side somewhere there there you go eyes gone whoops some people keep their eyes in their their eggs for their breakfast and stuff like that but a lot of people remove them yeah okay and um what i generally do i put some lemon zest lemon zest into it just to get rid of any rawness that we have okay so you know jamaicans don't like nothing raw yeah i think we need the other grater a finer yeah yeah find a grater yeah just to get the um the lemon rind yeah you know drinks yeah and the lemon rind for the raw smell okay so i just grate a bit of this i don't know if you guys can see that coming down just the lemon zest [Music] [Laughter] listen jamaican black cake rum cake is such a staple so if you are not jamaican yourself or not western being yourself or not from the caribbean yourself you might not be familiar with it but during this season everybody is running around for their rum cake okay i think that's that's enough maybe a a teaspoon of it or so okay okay just a little bit more daddy you're not a baker are you no all of you mommy oh okay all right so that's done there okay so what i'm gonna be doing with the eggs now um generally if i had enough space in the mixer i would have combined the eggs and and the um the butter and the sugar in the into the bowl the mixture bowl but we're gonna have to do it manually okay so what i'm gonna do is just um blend a blend maybe mix um blend up some of the eggs and then we're gonna be pouring it into this mix okay okay all right all right so i'm just going to pour some in here i think the whole thing can go in like this definitely wouldn't have fit with the mix you did before and then i'm just gonna put this here close that look at that you guys looks like a great glass of oj i'm just gonna mix that for a little bit just mix up the egg and then i'm gonna pour it into the the mix over over yonder here okay perfect [Music] okay let's turn it off and see again okay all right okay okay daddy daddy where you gone okay all right so yeah so now we're gonna be pouring the egg and he's going to be mixing yeah so i'm going to pour the egg it's going to have to mix with some elbow grease here because the mixer would have done that for us but it's not [Music] yeah okay so oh yeah we'll put it on this side this you can use maybe this one first loosen up this up yeah so like mommy said you guys your mixer could have done this for you but because they're making quite the cake we gotta use some elbow grease today instead look look who them i use yep you got the strongest elbows mm-hmm is that right yeah it's true mixing it out mixing it out with the egg [Music] gotta get as much of those lumps out as possible before you put your whisk in it right okay all right you go and you go and you go until you are smothered i will be back with this the smooth version yeah it's okay if even if it looks a little bit curly it's the egg that is being combined with the sugar and the butter so don't worry because we're going to be putting the flour in and it will it will look okay all right yeah so no we just need to mix it as much as possible so that we can get the sugar grains out yeah so now that he's using a whisk with that elbow grease and again i don't know how many times i'm going to tell you guys because what they just looked at you guys should have saw how they both just looked at me now i'm saying again i don't know how many times i'm going to tell you but i want to continue to tell you that when you're seeing this you don't necessarily have to go through this because you're we're making a big cake you guys might be making a one pounder cake most times you're making a one pounder cake so if you have a mixer you will not have to do this part but you know jamaicans you know they always got to put the elbow grease into it you know look a liaba show love all right are you taking a breather right now daddy yes he's working me out you want me to help you i don't have no muscle anymore don't worry we're working them back up look you're already here at a start oh my god [Music] you guys are so cute you guys see that that was a full taxi moment okay so this is egg butter and sugar yeah if you guys if any of you guys are like me and you're like really squirmish when it comes to eggs this is pretty scary thought that so many eggs are in a cake i think we have mixed this enough now to blend the sugar the butter and the egg once you have put the egg in it um helps to um dissolve the um the grains of the sugar okay yeah it dissolves it faster yeah it dissolves it faster yeah okay yeah and so our next our next thing is that we're gonna be measuring the flour okay in this cake in the cake that i have i will be using half bread crumbs and half flour okay um plain plain breadcrumbs okay whatever brand you have in your city you just use um half bread crumbs and half flour okay okay so another another brand okay yeah so i will be doing two cups two cups of flour and two cups of breadcrumbs making up to a pound okay and for each cup of flour i'll be putting in a teaspoon of baking powder okay okay so for e for for this four cups i will be putting four teaspoons of baking powder okay let's do okay all right all right so i'll put the flour in first or with the light yes mommy you better enunciate yeah yeah uh yeah i'll put it i'll change that and i'll put the big um the breadcrumbs in first so i'll put it up to two cups of breadcrumbs and plain breadcrumbs okay so that's two cups of plain bread crumbs okay all right two cups you see it right there you start here first okay and then now i'm gonna be putting in two cups of flour okay and we bought this flour from costco it's the um organic flour that we're using real premium premium organic flour from costco i bought okay all right i find it it's really smooth okay okay so mark i'm just gonna press it down so that we have the right amount so that's four cups so that's equal to one pound okay okay and now i am gonna put in the baking powder okay my i don't have the one teaspoon so i have the two teaspoons okay so i'll be putting two of this so each cup we we put in one teaspoon of flour okay so for this because it's two teaspoons here i'm just going to be doing two rolls four oh okay not so good with the maths but i think you're being very clear about me i get it i get it okay so one add another two okay so that's four okay all right all right four four teaspoons yes so and we are going to be doing this three times because remember it's three pounds of cake we're making if you were only making one pound you would only use one of this that okay yeah so we are we're making three pounds so i've been doing that three times three times okay so i'll pour and then he will mix while i pour okay let me get in between you two [Music] cuties so it keeps mixing and i measure the mommy's gonna get us another one and add it holy pakistan i'm not interested in it because you gotta be doing this all the time well i guess bakers now they have all the appliances and the sizes of the appliances that they need all the equipment yeah to make their life easier yeah and that's why we're reiterating guys if you have the equipment it's so much easier for you we're doing it the old-school way okay back home this is daddy's kitchen mommy's kitchen too and obviously you know the jamaican roots are slipping through in this in this episode yeah okay so this is number cup num number two so this is the second pound okay so two cups of bread crumbs and two cups of flour one pound okay then i'll i'm doing the um the baking powder the four pieces yeah so so two of these okay one two two okay and repeat one more time after this for a three pounder cake that is all right daddy you thought it was hard before give me the strength is so cool though so because this is three pounds of batter okay um it looks a little bit thick for us now but we're gonna be adding the fruits and wine and you know all the spices and stuff like that and it will come to the the the consistency that we want okay okay all right all right so i'm going to bring you over here i have these fruits here that i was soaking since september okay sober she said september okay so this is wine it has wine in it rum and um it has um raisins and it has prunes in it okay some people um uses use the mixed peel some people put nuts in it um some people use currants in it some people put cherries in it and all of that i kind of we kind of don't like too much of the of those fruits so we just stick to prunes and um raisins okay okay so what i will be doing now okay um some people if they don't have the time they just buy it like yesterday if you just buy your raisins and your prunes yesterday you can actually just wash them put them into a pot and put some wine into it and then put it on the stove and steam it a little bit so that the the alcohol will get into the um the the prunes into the fruits okay before you actually put it in the into the batter yeah okay so i'm gonna show you how i would steam um some of it i'm kind of going to steam a little bit of mine also also i had a little bit that's left over here from the last time i used some i think this is this was already blended so i won't bother to steam that one but this one here i'm gonna be putting some into this pot sorry guys that's the kettle in the background boiling a pot here put it in smells really really really good because it's been soaking for a bit okay i feel like with a lot of jamaican meals whether it be cake whether it be food whatever it's all in the soaking overnight or soaking for a week yeah so that you get the real the real good taste and for the fruits for this generally if you're doing a pound i would say you stick to a pound of fruits okay okay um for me i'm gonna be using a lot of what's in this bottle okay okay i might not put three pounds because yeah but i'll put a lot in okay because we have a big amount okay so even though you you made these soaked you're still gonna steam that um the last time i did it i the last time i did it and i i steamed it just for a little bit still okay you know it just was a little bit more effective okay i think yeah so so at least they get to see you don't necessarily have to steam it again but um i felt like doing that and good for the sake of the video also yeah just to show you guys too yeah for those of you who are gonna like say get your raisins probably today and want to make it tomorrow at least you now know well you're about to know how to steam it to prepare guys this video is going to be a little longer than normal but if you want a real rum cake if you want to know to actually watch and learn that's what it's going to have to be it's a lot of people who are like oh you know well not a lot of people some people who are like oh can we get like a more concise but nah because you're not gonna know how it's cooked then your stuff's gonna taste gross yeah so i'm gonna just put this on to the fire for a little bit okay okay all right coming over there okay and i'm gonna turn it on on a low heat for a bit low heat yeah and i'll cover it i have the cover here and it's just like a steaming for a little bit okay and that's with all the wine wine that's in there okay there's wine in it what kind of wine okay so we're going to show you i'll just wash my hands and we'll show you the wines okay i see them lined up yo i see them lined up let's see which wines mommy is talking about i can see some morgan david let's do this okay okay you can you can leave that oh poor daddy over there still mixing here you can drink because that was blended from the last time okay yeah um so [Music] the wines that i use i use morgan david um most of the wines that you use for cake are called pork wines okay so they are the sweeter wines okay so mog and david there are other brands that are there okay maybe a little bit cheaper but these are jewish wines so mog and david i use and i use manish rani sheva's okay many chevys and morgan david okay gives it a very good flavor i also put a little bit of wink harness wine in it okay and that's what one from back home that we're used to there's also red label wine okay all depends on what you want to use and what your preference is we also have some jay ray and never that nephew rum okay so his brother his friend and everybody all combined okay all right and we have some um just fortified um um wine here okay all right classic all right so um whatever wine that you prefer but it has to be port wine to put into the cake okay all right can't be no savage yeah okay um we have turned on the oven we have turned on the oven and i'm gonna be keeping the oven at 275 because i will be steaming the cake okay okay so i will be putting like my roaster roasting pan in the bottom and i'll be pouring hot water into it fill it with hot water okay and leave it in the bottom of the oven okay so when i put when i put the the cake mixture into the pans the cake pans i'll be also covering it up with a piece of foil okay okay so then these these cakes will be slowly steamed okay okay and so when it comes out it will be so soft and rich you will love it okay all right all right okay so all right what do we have here so we're going to be adding some cinnamon to the batter okay okay cinnamon um to taste okay okay we're going to be adding some mix essence okay okay and mix essence has a all different kind of essence in it i guess yeah okay so that's that makes it really taste good um there's ven uh benjamin vanilla okay as we're used to and then we have the um the burnt sugar irie brand here i think they have other brands but we have iri brand at our home um here okay and that gives the the cake that color that you really want the dark color and then we have some extra browning okay also in the grace brand okay i will also be putting in my favorite nutmeg okay okay [Music] and that will be it for the spices and then we're to be putting in all our uh our wine and rum and everything into the mix i cannot wait yeah it's gonna come up yeah on fire on fire yes steaming the fruits to put in the cake okay so what are we waiting for next oh okay it looks like this is ready the next thing that we need to do we need to butter some pans okay that was daddy's job yeah we need we have the um the bacon tastes over here i've had these ones for a long time okay okay so that's a bacon tin baking tin i just bought this one at canadian tire that's in um canada this was about 29 30 and this is a paderna brand so this is a really good brand okay now yeah all right so he's gonna butter and flour no mercy on daddy no mercy on that [Music] okay obviously we're not too busy to be using the inside of this wrapping um okay technique i tell you technique so yeah there's no wasting you guys just take the inside of this and butter your pan that is buttering all of them so wait we're cooking in all of these pans yeah this this is ready for me now i steamed it for maybe about say 15 minutes or so okay yeah so if you were starting from scratch um you put the wine and the the um the raisins and the prunes together pour your wine in um maybe just watch it maybe for 20 minutes or or so you know so that it can just absorb in it okay you don't want it to burn or dry out and stuff because you need the liquid okay perfect so what are we doing with it now yeah so i'll be moving over to the blender okay so we have another little blender a little guy over here yeah um we kind of don't like the fruits whole in the in the cake so i will be just pulsing it for a little bit and pour it into the batter okay okay so i'm probably gonna be doing half and half it's hot so be careful okay i will be going to for my wine okay also one more one i'll just put some more in here okay some wink harness [Music] okay just to cover that all right and then i'll put the top on all right and i just want to blend blend okay so i'm pressing blend [Music] and that's about it really because i i really don't want it to be like totally mushed out okay and that's good enough yeah it's done fast okay and i'll pour that in here oops all right wait some time yep we pour it in that into the batter and then it will come and start mixing again so i will put the put the second set in and repeat yeah so all of it is gonna go in there right yeah well hopefully it will hold um so you don't wanna over fold the blender there's a reason why you guys love daddy's kitchen but step by step for watching okay some more wine we love you guys too yeah right some more of that i love your people yep we love you okay so i'm gonna blend again that's about it okay okay ready so you probably have to move this pan from here you can mix it with your wooden spoon okay so he has to come here you come and start mixing it all in mix it all in we're probably gonna have to shear this in into the smaller pudding pan because it's lots three pounds wow see like you see as we're mixing it it's getting thinner and thinner okay see if you can find another spot rest it over look at that so cute okay so here we go the next to the remainder the remainder of this [Music] all right let's just put a little bit more wing cornice we like when corn is hey when carlos when carnis is from jamaica we like that wine okay so i'll blend again just a little bit you guys obviously yeah just a little bit and then we're gonna pour it in okay yeah what we're gonna do we're gonna share it into a shirt in one of these puddings okay we're gonna have to split it up a little bit yeah for the sake of mixing it mixing it um how is it working okay yeah she called me she called you your nickname on camera yup that's what my mom calls my dad [Music] you guys are all gonna rewind in three seconds tell me in the comments if you heard what my mom just called my dad i'm not going to repeat it's nothing crazy but i'm not going to repeat it but i want to know if you guys ears clean whoa eater come so you see guys we had to share it between the small pudding pan and the big pudding pan because this butter is really lots o for about a three pound your pizza people are already saying that yeah they're buying cake i don't know if mommy has time to be making bacon or cakes you can't come inside [Music] yeah wow teamwork makes the dream work you prefer the wooden spoon ready yeah [Music] whiskey's got something soft [Music] afterwards well i feel like there's a technique to because i see a lot of them going like this you see the whisk you have some everyone it's strong heavy well this one isn't as strong okay but it's gonna mix okay we're coming we're coming to come oh my gosh so amazing the cakes are coming together oh my gosh beautifully done yes yes they look like they're beautifully done already so our next move we are going to be putting in some nutmeg okay okay nutmeg i'll put some nutmeg into mine over here too smells so messy just reading some nutmeg from my little pan over here there you go oh nutmeg do you guys know what right smells like smells so delicious and we're putting in some cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon you know jamaican amount all right okay and some mix x essence next essence what is mixed essence um it's different different um i guess flavors different flavors of i'm trying to read it here but it um yeah oops spill it yeah they put um different um ingredients oh it says um glycol natural artist facial flair or whatever so what we've been using yeah all right put that one in there all right whatever and there's another brand another brand here culinary strength it says it has i'll put some what it's called mixed essence oh and this is this is the vanilla this is vanilla on its way so that's two teaspoon uh four teaspoons or four teaspoons i love vanilla [Music] so keep on mixing keep on coming but you can come in [Music] mix it up mix it up mix it up mix it up mix it dough elbow okay so let me just tip a little bit [Music] okay so this here is the burnt sugar all right this is the one that's gonna give it that nice color okay okay when we we used to you can still burn your own sugar okay i tried it the other day never really came out that well so i didn't wanted to try it again but my sister always burned the sugar she just put the brown sugar on the stove on a low fire and then it just stays there and almost like the sugar melts caramelized yeah and caramelized and gets dark and then they pour it into the cake okay okay but this one they already made it for us so here we go with it okay all right i already learned i remember yeah i rebrand okay so i'm gonna pour so you pour this to the color that you like yes yeah some people like the cake light some people like it dark okay we like it dark okay so here we go that cake is supposed to be black but yeah some people's black cake looks like a light brown so you pour some see what color you have and then you can just gauge it to how much more you need like guys how are you supposed to know what's black cake no fudge cake a black kick from kx [Music] coming it's coming [Music] even blacker um you know what they say the black of the berry the sweeter the juice there you go okay all right last add and then it should be the dark color that we want it to be okay and then mommy you're gonna add your i'm gonna add some raw good stuff i'm going to add some rum so this is the ray and nephew j ray nephew rum white room white rum a little like that i didn't let this sound a little like that okay put okay um the fortified wine i'm gonna put some there obviously you're using jamaican splashes yeah and some wing harness what you want green kindness yeah okay okay see what's happening here you guys [Music] stilling out a bit and then we just stir it all in together [Music] [Applause] why are you guys this is cute right now i can just stir it up man stir it up [Music] oh i wish you guys could see i wish you guys to smell this butter oh my god it's like you could actually eat the raw batter it smells so good you still might be sweating look at that yeah so good come on so so cool i'ma just put that back [Music] yeah you just need you need more more of the color um the burnt sugar i have more than you okay that's enough it's good we want the cakes to match you guys of course oh yeah maybe some browning would help it does that browning say caramel yeah though yeah they say caramel the the um the brown sugar says caramel okay all right we missed so we mix and i think the colors are matching more still mommy's is a little bit actually it's gummy i still still think mommy's is a little bit richer in darkness just a little bit legendary but it's pretty close mix it in four years four engineer four years and i mix it yeah yeah it's enough then you're gonna get the color you want yeah everything yeah you're sure yeah make sure you're sure that it because you don't want to see me i want to spill our overflow look at that uh dispatcher that's what you're gonna do look at that you guys really holy mommy you tasted it a little bit yeah [Music] good well that's it okay i'm okay so i'm thinking [Music] [Music] yeah i don't know if i said this at the beginning of the video but that's all that's how you know it's true i tried my mom my mom made another one like should be like a test or one oh man i've never had rum cake that i love so so good and i'm not boosting at all because i've never really been a huge huge not really i don't want to say i'm not a huge fan of rum cake but it's not something that i might ever crave or it's not anything that i'm like oh i really you know because people's rum cakes are so hit and miss but yo i am telling you if you guys follow this recipe that's all i must say all right so now for the moment of truth so now we're going to start panning these right so you're preparing the oven so what are you doing is now at 275 what is it 275 um two seven five that's what i want yeah wait it still went to three twenty yeah but i guess it will decrease oh it's decreasing okay yeah it will decrease because that's what i want 275. okay so you got your kettle yeah so i bought some water in the kettle and i have the flat bacon roasting pan in in here and i'm gonna fill it with hot water be very careful when doing this guys fill it with hot water okay that's where the steaming that's how you get the cake to be moist right yeah so i fill it with hot water so when occasionally if you go in to check always check to make sure your pan the water there's water in it okay so okay it runs out of water that's the glass add some more and just be careful okay okay so i'm gonna push they push it into the in here okay all right i probably gonna put a little bit more because i don't want it to run out of water okay i wanna fill it up as much as possible so you're just going to boil some water yeah okay okay catch more water put it out to boil daddy's still perfecting this stir because it's time to put these bad boys into some pans uh-huh into the oven so how come you never got into baking daddy that's fair okay straight to it is what he said but mommy has a knack for it and because i grew up with my my sister sheila and she she bakes a lot ever since we were little children um my niece and i yeah she would bake and make sure everybody would come by sheila to get cake yes is amazing yeah mama sheila bakes makes the best cakes okay and this is actually her recipe and she passed it down she passed it down yeah and now you guys get to be a part of that recipe also yep all right so mommy next step next step next step we're gonna be doing we're gonna be pouring the cakes into the pans okay okay all right um as well how many nails is mommy gonna call him today where's the country in it i had a small one oh yeah okay all right so this is the when you um flour the pan make sure all the excess flour comes out of it wait did we show them how you floured the pan oh we missed that part okay so what you do you put some put your butter some yes line the butter the pan with some butter and then you put a little bit of maybe a teaspoon of flour in it and that prevents your cake from sticking okay okay and then any excess flour that is in the pan you just knock it out okay okay cool so now i'm gonna be putting the batter into the pan okay okay and then i'm going to give it to daddy and he's going to be putting um a piece of foil to cover it okay so this is this is the first time i'm using this powder in a pan so hopefully they said it's um very good so hopefully it will come out really nice um with it okay okay all right so now you guys get to see yeah so i'm pouring in the batter and you got to make be careful because you don't want to mess up the whole pan right yeah yeah and if you do miss it then you just wipe it before you you put it in the oven okay so there mm-hmm and only what like halfway up um so that's what she was talking about when she says mess yeah she's so clean so like an inch i think i can put a little bit a little bit more a little bit more into this okay okay all right and then i have the um so i'll just clean off that little mess that i have there you want your cake to look beautiful when it's ready right all right and then you're going to fill the rest of your pans with all that all that batter that is left and i'm going to be putting a piece of foil on top of this a little bit of the flower came in there this should be okay okay so i'm gonna cover it with with foil we're gonna cover all these cakes with the foil okay this is what it looks like you guys so cover um cover the pans with the oil okay the side of that one needs to wipe off a little bit yeah here but that's how it should look in your pan you guys whoo i'm ready i am so ready for these cakes to be finished [Music] okay all right so you cover cover um each of them with a piece of foil okay yeah and that's gonna um cause them to really steam properly seal it just seal it with the foil that is obviously having a fun time over here with recoil just give it a little bit of seal you know okay i'm gonna see how much i can so maybe there's one here one's gone in you guys second two it has gone in okay maybe a small one can put the uranus in there all right okay so let's daddy yeah and then proceed to do the same with the rest yeah for you guys it might just be one [Music] but for us obviously and clearly it's a whole lead [Music] okay guys now that we have completed the harder part of making this cake they are now in the oven um they will be in the oven for about two hours or so so the cakes will be steamed all right and um i have poured the hot water in as you saw all right so how do you know when your cake is already done so maybe about an hour and a half to two hours if you open when you open it you can put your knife a knife like a dinner knife into the middle of the cake and pull it out you put it right down in the middle and pull it out if the knife comes out clean then the cake is done if it's not clean then you have to continue baking for a little bit more time okay and generally maybe about even say 15-20 minutes more but you keep watching it okay when you open the oven during that time be careful don't slam the oven because they said when you slam the oven the air goes in it then sometimes make the cake fall okay and don't open the oven before at least an hour hour and a half okay okay all right and that should be good um make sure you always check to make sure the water tray is not empty that you have water in it okay and i generally pour boiling water in it okay okay all right all right let's see what this cake is supposed to okay so this we had one that was previously done okay so this is the finished product okay all right okay yeah and we're gonna be placing it up on here so that you can see it all right so that's the finished product that's our black cake okay black all right and i'll be taking out a slice of it just to let you see what it looks like it's really really really moist okay and that's what our black cake looks like and oh my goodness it is so tasty like super tasty okay and i just hope that yours comes out you know just keep trying and yours will come out really good too and um you will enjoy it so enjoy um this our black cake from our family to your family okay thank you so much [Music] peace and love always we appreciate you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 264,160
Rating: 4.8236008 out of 5
Keywords: how to make jamaican rum cake, how to make jamaican black cake, how to make jamaican christmas black cake, how to make jamaican fruit cake, the best jamaican rum cake, jamaican rum cake, jamaican black cake, rum cake, black cake, jamaican christmas cake, how to cook like a jamaican, sorrel, deddys kitchen, daddys kitchen, rum cake recipee, best black cake recipe, best christmas black cake, moist rum cake, jamaican chef, quarantine meals, baking quarantine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 26sec (3866 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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